Circle of Life Magazine: Fall/Winter 2020

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Fall / Winter 2020


HONORING DONORS Organ and Tissue

Volume 12 Issue 2

And the heroes who make the gift of life possible.

Joe’s Corner

This has been a time of great stress and uncertainty for all of us. In many instances, there have been no instruction manuals to tell us how to act and feel during this critical time. Now more than ever, I appreciate the courageous work of our clinical and laboratory team members and our healthcare partners who put their own lives at risk on the frontlines of care during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am not alone in my gratitude for their bravery, passion and commitment. I’ve received calls and emails from donor families and transplant recipients who are thankful for their support, including several families that are highlighted inside this issue. We have always stayed connected with our donor families both in person and through virtual N J Sharing Network was a platforms to provide comfort and support. lifeline for me. The support, Our dedicated volunteers and partners are also to be commended for their unwavering support in spreading our life-saving mission. We cannot afford to the communication and the take attention away from education and awareness, and our outreach efforts opportunity to feel like I was continue to flourish online and in local news media thanks to those who share by my husband’s side. I don’t their uplifting stories and messages. All of the efforts of staff, partners and volunteers are contributing to our know what I would have successes. Despite the many challenges faced in 2020, we are on pace to end done without them.” this year with more donors and donor families saying “yes” to giving the gift of —Wife of an organ donor during life. I can’t thank our entire community enough for banding together during COVID-19 visitor restrictions this time. In the months ahead, please be sure to stay connected though our website and social media channels for upcoming events and activities. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones. I know that we’re going to get through this together.

Joseph S. Roth President and CEO, NJ Sharing Network

OUR RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS • Award recognition from Community Tissue Services (CTS) for providing skin donations to help care for volcano burn victims in New Zealand.


• Fierce Innovation Award for our Transplant Laboratory’s IgG subtype assay, an innovative breakthrough that will potentially save thousands of additional lives each year.

• NJBIZ’s top 100 Best Places to Work in New Jersey for the third year in a row.


Seeking Critical Care Nurses to fill Clinical Donation Specialist (CDS) full-time positions needed to successfully facilitate the organ and tissue donation process, occuring around-the-clock in hospitals throughout the Garden State. CDS professionals support the donor process through assessment, authorization, donor management, organ allocation and surgical recovery. There’s never been a better time to join our team! Visit

• Eversight’s 2020 Shared Vision Award presented to volunteer, advocate and proud donor mom Alice Gorczycki Walsh for her dedication to promoting eye donation awareness.


Proposed new federal rules aim to decertify organizations based on arbitrary benchmarks determined by faulty data from a single report. This has the potential to disrupt the vital work of our community-based OPOs, the linchpin of our worldclass transplant system. Visit to learn more and communicate your concerns to your local legislators. It’s quick and easy, and it will help ensure that we will continue the vital work we do to save lives and support donor families. We thank those who have already taken immediate action to draw attention to this important issue. To date, 2,075 New Jerseyans have already sent 6,089 emails to 391 legislators, and many more have shared on social media. Let’s keep it going!


We are grateful for the many supportive families and friends, including Roman Rodriguez, who generously dropped off treats and goodies for our team members working around the clock at our headquarters.


Christine Tenore, Manager, Clinical Administration, expresses appreciation to Lori Roth, Tom Hugaboom and Marie Foley who collectively hand made over 75 fabric masks to help protect our team members.


With the great loss that we have experienced in recent months has come an even greater appreciation of life. Registering to be an organ donor and discussing your decision with family and friends is a simple, positive action that everyone should consider taking at this time. Nearly 4,000 people in New Jersey are waiting for a life-saving transplant and registering to become a donor couldn’t be easier —simply visit our website at Read more on the back cover.


Thank you to Riley’s Dance, a family fund of our Foundation, for working with our hospitals to provide hundreds of meals to frontline staff caring for those battling COVID-19. Riley’s Dance was created to honor five-year-old donor Riley Kogen and to improve the quality of life for recipients and those in need of organ transplants.

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A LIFE-SAVING BREAKTHROUGH Transplant Lab Team Recognized

NJ Sharing Network has earned national accolades for its IgG subtype assay, an innovative breakthrough conceived and invented by Prakash Rao, PhD, MBA, FACHE, HCLD, vice president and chief laboratory officer and his team, that significantly enhances precise crossmatching between donors and transplant recipients to ultimately save more lives. “We are honored to be recognized with the prestigious, national Fierce Innovation Award,” said Joe Roth, president and chief executive officer. “Our Transplant Laboratory professionals, under the leadership of Dr. Prakash Rao, are committed to transforming transplantology by focusing on solutions that enable more people to receive life-saving transplants faster, increase the quality of life for transplant recipients, and maximize the use of donated organs. The IgG subtype assay is our team’s latest breakthrough that will potentially save thousands of additional lives each year with widespread adoption.” The Transplant Laboratory performs histocompatibility testing for deceased and living organ donors and recipients. The Transplant Laboratory also plays a critical role in the pre and post-transplant evaluation, and successful transplantation of highly sensitized individuals who would be difficult to treat under general conditions. “Being able to make a precise crossmatch between donors and recipients is a critical test,” said Dr. Rao. “We invented a

cocktail reagent that we can now use in the crossmatch that enables an accurate and specific interpretation of donor-recipient compatibility. The assay was confirmed in a study of 20 kidneys, eight hearts and one lung of patients that would not have been considered suitable for a transplant under standard testing. All of the patients are now doing well and a U.S. patent has already been issued with international patents currently in process.” The Fierce Innovation Award – Life Sciences Edition 2020 is a peer reviewed awards program from the publisher of Fierce Biotech and Fierce Pharma, produced by Questex. The competition highlights companies that demonstrated innovative solutions, technologies and services that have the potential to make the greatest impact for biotech and pharma companies.

According to Dr. Rao, the IgG subtype assay is the “eHarmony of transplants.”

More Breakthroughs Are on the Horizon Members of the Transplant Laboratory team are also involved in state-of-the-art research in regenerative medicine. Using a 3-D bioprinter, the group proposes to use stem cells to create human cell patches and mini-organs that could be used as bridges to transplantation, furthering efforts to save and enhance lives. The results of these studies have achieved national and international acclaim, and have been published in prestigious peer-reviewed publications.

Pictured above: Our Transplant Laboratory team developed what could be a true game changer in transplantation.

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Fall / Winter 2020

Let’s Get Social

Activity and interactions on our robust social media channels has skyrocketed! This year alone, nearly 1,000 new followers have joined our wide circle of supporters. Here are some of this year’s most popular posts.

WE ASKED... YOU ANSWERED Thank you for sharing your creative and touching comments.


Linda's Story

Your personal stories of courage helped us all celebrate the gift of life.

Kristina's Story

VIRTUAL CONNECTIONS Our live online activities united thousands – making our events some of the largest in NJ.


Thank you Kimairys for supporting our transplant patients

We appreciate our hospital partners for their tireless support, sharing and engagement!

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Cover Story

HEROES HELPING HEROES W h en I se e th e nam e s o f o u r d o n o rs e tch e d o n th e g lass w alls o u tsid e m y o ffi ce an d th ro u g h o u t o u r h ead q u arters, I am rem in d e d that each nam e rep re sents a tru e h ero . A n d I also th in k o f th eir fam ilie s an d h o w d o natio n p ro vid e s co m fo rt an d h ealin g after th e lo ss o f a lo ve d o n e. That’s w hy it is so im p o rtant to talk to yo u r fam ily an d share yo u r d e cisio n ab o u t o rg an an d tissu e d o natio n so yo u r g ift is h o n o re d .” ­—C a ro lyn M . Welsh ­ Vice Presid en t a n d C h ief C lin ica l O ffi cer ­ N J Sh a rin g N etw o rk

4 Circle of Life

Fall / Winter 2020

The following pages highlight just a few examples of the amazing stories that we have experienced in recent months. Our selfless donors give the precious gift of life to others. Our donor families exemplify resiliency and compassion. Our healthcare professionals are always brave and caring. Together – these heroes remind us all that there is good in the world.

“Without the organ donor, there is no story, no hope, no transplant. But when there is an organ donor, life springs from death, sorrow turns to hope and a terrible loss becomes a gift.” — UNOS


Jessica and Jonathan Young have been coping with unimaginable pain since their 9-month-old son Damien tragically passed away on April 30. Their personal strength has been stretched to the limits as they continue to provide loving care and support to their seven children. “The pain of losing a child is “The flag raising was a beautiful experience that we something that no parent should ever got to share with our family and friends, and with have to feel,” said Jessica. “However, we are fortunate to be surrounded by NJ Sharing Network who stood by us every step of the way.” ­ family and loved ones who are always — Jessica Harrell Young here to love and support us. We are also blessed to have connected with Family Services Coordinator Sara Patterson and the caring group at University Medical Center comforted us showed up, stayed safe and gave honor to NJ Sharing Network.” and provided the best possible support. They their hero. They held his pictures and toys Jessica and Jonathan, are grateful that they helped us understand that Damien was speand made shirts in his favorite color – red. made the decision to donate Damien’s organs cial and had a universal blood type that could They even live streamed the ceremony for and tissue for transplant. Damien’s heart help save just about anyone who needed an those who were unable to attend. helped save the life of a 9-month-old girl and organ transplant. That is when we decided Jessica is grateful that Sara and other his liver saved a 1-year-old boy. However, Damien would become an organ donor.” NJ Sharing Network team members Jessica recalls that it was not an easy decision The NJ Sharing Network flag was raised continue to provide much-needed support. to make during a traumatic time. at Jersey Shore University Medical Center as “It has been many months since we lost “It was very difficult to hear that Damien a fitting tribute to Damien. During a time our little boy and NJ Sharing Network still was not going to come back to us,” said when many people were scared to be around keeps in close touch. They have become a Jessica. “Sara and the staff at Jersey Shore hospitals, Damien’s family and friends huge part of our family,” said Jessica.

D u rin g th e m o st d iffi cu lt d ays o f th eir live s an d d u rin g th e h eig ht o f th e C O VID -19 p an d em ic , Je ssic a an d Jo nathan w ere ab le to th in k o f o th ers, kn o w in g that th ey w o u ld n ever w ant an o th er fam ily to e xp erien ce w hat th ey w ere g o in g th ro u g h . Th ey kn ew that th ey d id n’t w ant D am ien’s sto ry to en d that d ay. D am ien w as m eant to b e a h ero .” —Sa ra Pa tterso n C C LS, G C -C , G C C A-C , Fa m ily Services C o o rd in a to r, N J Sh a rin g N etw o rk

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Melissa Daza was well-known and loved in her community as the owner and operator of Daza’s Subs and Deli in Keyport. “Melissa was our entire world,” said her husband James. “She was always strong, caring and loyal, and the best mom a child could ever have. Even though she suffered with extremely severe migraines and other health issues, she always amazed us at how she

A ll o rg an d o n o rs are sp e cial, b u t a d o natio n like G ery’s d u rin g th e C O VID -19 su rg e w as sim p ly rem arkab le. Th e chao s an d crisis o u r co m m u nity w as e xp erien cin g w as u np re ce d ente d , b u t to b ear w itn ess to th e m o st b eau tifu l ac t o f selflessn ess w as in cre d ib le. I have to b elieve that o u t o f this fam ily’s g rief an d lo ss th ere is a b eaco n o f lig ht fo r th em to h o ld o nto . A lig ht that w ill shin e fo rever as th eir lo ve d o n e save d thre e lives thro u g h his g ifts.” —C h a rlen e Ru g g iero, BSN , RN D irec to r o f C ritica l C a re Services, N eu ro scien ce,­ Resp ira to ry Th era py a n d C ritica l C a re Flo a t Po o l, O verlo o k M ed ica l C en ter


Melissa’s husband James, and their six children, Justina, Nicolina, Haliemarie, William, Alexia and Angelina, remember her as a beautiful person inside and out who was tirelessly devoted to her family.

somehow had the energy and strength to get up every morning and live life as happily as she could with us.” James, and Melissa’s mother, Anna Dockery, were both able to find some comfort after her untimely passing on May 24 when they supported her wish to give the gift of life to others. Melissa’s liver, kidneys and lungs saved four people who were awaiting life-saving transplants. “Melissa had mentioned to us several times that if anything were to ever happen to her, she would like to help save a life by being an organ donor,” said James. “My mother-in-law and I proudly said ‘yes’ when we spoke with the caring team at NJ Sharing Network in the hospital. They were and continue to be an incredible support system for our family at a time when we need all the help that we can get.” 6 Circle of Life

Joseph Gery François (Gery) epitomized what is means to devote his entire life to caring for family and friends. Born and raised in Jean Rabel, Haiti, Gery was a talented CPA and Administrator at Quisqueya University. He sacrificed his professional career in Haiti to bring his wife and children to the United States in 2006 for safety and a better life. “My husband spoiled us so much. I never had to do anything. He was my lover, protector and my best friend,” said RoseDanielle François, Gery’s beloved wife of 22 years. In the midst of her grief, she thought deeply about Gery’s giving nature and realized it was the right thing

to do. “Gery was a very practical man, and I know if he was able to talk that day he would say ‘yes, let’s save those people’s lives,’” said Rose-Danielle. Thanks to Gery’s gifts, the lives of three others were saved through successful liver and kidney transplants. Gery’s tissue donation of bone, skin and cornea also enhanced the lives of countless others. “Losing a loved one is hard, but saving others is so incredible. Giving the gift of life is truly a blessing, and I am thankful to NJ Sharing Network for their support during this difficult time for our family,” said Rose-Danielle.

Rose-Danielle and their children, Corali, Giovanni and Daryl, were thankful that Gery’s gifts helped save the lives of others.

Quilts of Love One of NJ Sharing Network’s most heartwarming donor tributes is the Quilts of Love program. Since 1997, donor families have created more than 700 quilt squares to honor the legacy of their loved ones. Each quilt square tells its own unique and touching story of life and love. Some include photos, others have symbols of favorite hobbies, careers, heritage and faith. The individual quilt squares are woven together to create larger quilts to serve as visual reminders of the many lives touched by donation and transplantation. When not on Fall / Winter 2020


Mary Beaulieu’s life was turned upside down when her daughter Rebecca (Becky) passed away in January 2019. Becky always required constant care and special attention from her mother as she was deaf, disabled and autistic. Becky’s smile, laughter, and sense of humor filled and brightened every room she entered. Her sisters Amy and Mandie, her brother Paul Jr., and her many family members are

“We were not just mother and daughter. She was the baby of my four kids. We were best friends and she was my life,” said Mary.

also deeply saddened as they remember Becky for always living each day to its fullest. “Losing Becky has been like a nightmare for all of us, but we are hanging in there one day at a time,” said Mary. “Our family has felt a sense of comfort knowing that Becky’s donations have improved the lives of others, including a man in Illinois who received the gift of sight. And our strong connection with the wonderful staff at NJ Sharing Network has helped us cope with the loss of our angel.” During the past two years, Mary and her oldest daughter, Amy Marker, have gone above and beyond in supporting NJ Sharing Network. They began by bringing together their family and friends to participate in the 5K Celebration of Life events. Mary and Amy have also crocheted and knitted more than 50 blankets and contributed more than 100 yards of yarn for the Wrapped in Love program to support other donor families. “Staying involved with NJ Sharing Network has helped us honor Becky while providing me with a healthy way to deal with stress and sadness,” said Mary. “I enjoy taking my daily walks and sitting in the park and crocheting the blankets to support others.” Thanks to volunteers like Mary and Amy, more than 700 shawls and lap blankets have been safely dropped off at the NJ Sharing Network headquarters during the pandemic. For information about our next drop-off / yarn pick-up event and Wrapped in Love Program, visit Wrapped-In-Love.

h en w e re ceive d th e b eau tifu l W han d m ad e b lan ke t it w as so h eart felt an d ap p re ciate d . We rem em b er that o u r so n live s o n in o th ers an d that h elp s u s g e t th ro u g h th e d ays.” —A g ra teful d o n o r m o m

display in our communities, the quilts are housed in our headquarters for staff and guests to admire. During the Celebration of Life online program in May, the 37th quilt (pictured left) was unveiled to honor recent donors and their loved ones. For more information about participation in the Quilts of Love program, visit

Coping with Grief During the Holidays By Jacqueline Salvatore, MSW, LSW, Family Support Coordinator The holidays can provide meaning to the life and love you shared with the person and allow you to find ways to continue to honor and remember your loved one for the rest of your lives. Tips for coping: • Accept that the holidays will never be the same. This is a difficult truth, but it will help you to move on to finding other ways to cope and honor your loved one. • Give yourself permission to say NO. Everything has changed and that includes how you will feel about each tradition/celebration/aspect of the holidays. It’s okay to take a break in order to take care of yourself. • Have Plan A and Plan B. It can be hard to know what will trigger your grief. Plan A is what you think you want to do and Plan B is your backup in case you don’t feel up to it. • Communicate. Let people know if you need to change plans and how you are feeling. This will allow them to support you and avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. • Honor your loved one through tradition and ritual. They build meaning and purpose in families and provide comfort, security, identity, and allow loved ones to play a continuous role in holidays going forward. Examples include candle lightings, memory boxes, storytelling, having a seat for your loved one, donations in your loved one’s honor, and prayers in your faith community. For information on programs available to support donor families, please visit family-services-programs. Circle of Life 7

In the Community

Community outreach and education has always played a critical role in NJ Sharing Network’s life-saving mission. In a typical year, our team members, advocates, volunteers and partners organize and participate in hundreds of local in-person events and activities. We all know that 2020 has been anything but a typical year. However, the global pandemic could not stop our dedicated team from creating new and virtual ways to connect with our community.

Did You Know? 66% of those currently waiting for a life-saving transplant in New Jersey are people of color. Almost 35% of the 110,000 people on the national waiting list for a kidney transplant are African-American. African-Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics/ Latinos are three times more likely than Caucasians to suffer from end-stage renal (kidney) disease.

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Celebrated in August, National Minority Donor Awareness Month honors the generosity of multicultural donors and their families, while also underscoring the critical need for people from diverse communities to register as organ and tissue donors. This year, NJ Sharing Network’s #DonationNeedsDiversity efforts were powered by virtual events and activities through our social media, website and targeted e-mails. Hundreds of supporters actively engaged in daily online activities, including sharing inspirational stories, and favorite songs and old photos to celebrate life. An interactive live panel discussion with transplant professionals and donor families also served as the perfect opportunity for everyone to come together online to share unique perspectives, answer questions, and dispel common myths and misconceptions about donation. Joe Roth, president and chief executive officer, and E. Denise Peoples, hospital and community services coordinator, were also featured in dozens of TV, radio and online news

L to R: Ruqaiyyah Lucas-Caldwell and Kaiel Maynor were awarded our Foundation's Newark-focused scholarships during private ceremonies.

Our #DonationNeedsDiversity campaign was featured on NJNN-TV and in many other local news media outlets.

media interviews, to stress the importance of donation in our diverse communities of New Jersey. Our Foundation kicked off the month by awarding nine scholarships to high school graduates for their passion and dedication to raising awareness of organ and tissue donation. This year a new scholarship was launched focusing on Newark students in an effort to bring attention to the over 160 Newark residents waiting for a life-saving organ transplant – the highest in the state. Ruqaiyyah LucasCaldwell, a 2020 graduate of Newark Academy, is pursuing a career in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She was inspired by her Uncle David, who passed away in 2016 and gave the gift of life to others. Kaiel Maynor, a 2020 graduate of Science Park High School, is following her dream to become a surgeon and is currently attending Rutgers University – Newark College of Arts and Sciences. Kaiel’s uncle received a life-saving kidney transplant and her family is forever grateful.


NJ Sharing Network works with leaders from local churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship to educate their faith-based communities about the critical need for organ and tissue donation and the vital role that faith plays in making the decision to register as a donor. In November, viewers tuned in for a virtual panel discussion on these important topics featuring panelists Rev. Dr. Vanessa M. Brown, Rivers of Living Water Ministries UCC of Newark; Rev. Dr. Marilyn M. Harris, First Baptist Church of Teaneck; Rajesh Karnani, son of a tissue donor and member of the Hindu community; Rabbi Ari Lucas, Congregation Agudath Israel (CAI) of Caldwell; Fr. Edmund Luciano, Parish of the Visitation of New Brunswick; and E. Denise Peoples, Agape Family Worship Center of Rahway, who served as NJ Sharing Network’s moderator. Fall / Winter 2020

Raising Funds & Awareness


We continue to be inspired by the passion and commitment of those supporting our life-saving mission. We have missed seeing

Relive the magic of our 5K Celebration of Life LIVE Broadcast. Visit

everyone in person to share the laughter and hugs that remind us of our connection to the gift of life. We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we continue to see each day. Remarkable friends like you have stepped up at a time when it was needed most to honor those we have lost and help care for our donor families. We appreciate the many kind messages and generous contributions that continue to drive our efforts. Now, we are counting on our entire community to consider supporting our efforts through year-end giving. The powerful energy of thousands of supporters helped make our 5K Celebration of Life LIVE Broadcasts among NJ’s largest online community events during ​the pandemic – attracting viewers from 18 different countries, 38 states, and all across

(At Center) Donna Albanese-DeMair and Chris Bautista, this year’s 5K Celebration of Life Committee Co-Chairs, accept awards of appreciation from incoming 2021 5K Celebration of Life Committee Co-Chairs Victor DiSanto (Left), and Paul Jova (Right).

New Jersey! As we look ahead, let's join together and all tune in to the Rose Parade on January 1 at 11am to see the Donate Life segment to promote organ and tissue donation. Thank you for being unstoppable! Together, we will get through this and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Golf Classic & Tennis Tournament

Elisse E. Glennon Executive Director NJ Sharing Network Foundation


The Geffner Family

NJ Advance Media

A&A Benefit Consultants

Global Transplant Solutions

NJM Insurance Group

Allergan Aesthetics, An AbbVie Company

Graphic Marketing Group

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

altered image

Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP

Ocean Place Resort & Spa

Aquino Family Foundation

Hackensack Meridian Health

Bogota Savings Bank

Hello Cleveland Teleprompting

Bridge to Life, Ltd.

Herr Foods Inc.

Capital Health

Hoffman’s Ice Cream & Yogurt

CentraState HealthCare Foundation

IMS Technology Services, Inc.

Choice LIVE

International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine

City of Long Branch County of Union Dignity Memorial Providers of New Jersey The DiSanto Family Document Solutions Eastwick College Evention, Inc. Eversight

Little Man Parking Malouf Auto Group Meadowlands Regional Chamber Metrographics Printing & Computer Services Morristown Medical Center MTF Biologics NB Productions LLC New Providence Business Association

Ogilvy Health

Special thanks to Foundation Board Members Jane Buckiewicz, Committee Chair, and Ron Oswick, for sharing their stories of how their lives have been impacted by donation and transplantation.


Peapack Private Pfizer, Inc. Joseph and Lori Roth RWJBarnabas Health Second Wind Timing Team Buck University Hospital Village Supermarket Inc. and Subsidiaries Alice Gorczycki Walsh Wells Fargo William H. Connolly & Co. Wiss & Company Withum



691 Central Avenue New Providence, NJ 07974 800-742-7365 • 908-516-5400


PAID Union, NJ

Permit No. 931

NJ Sharing Network is a non-profit, federally designated organ procurement organization (OPO) responsible for the recovery of organs and tissue for the nearly 4,000 New Jersey residents currently awaiting transplantation, and is part of the national recovery system, which is in place for the 110,000 people on waiting lists. NJ Sharing Network is a designated OPO by UNOS; accredited by AOPO, ASHI, AATB and CAP; and registered with the FDA and NJ and NY State DOH. NJ Sharing Network is a member of Community Health Charities.

Make your next minute matter. Be a Hero! Register as an organ and tissue donor ​and help save lives.

3 easy ways to register—it takes less than one minute.

CONNECT WITH US ON /NJSharing @NJSharingNetwork @NJSharingNetwork @NJSharing

8-year-old Jayla loves to dance, play outside and hug and kiss her family. The clock is ticking towards the time when Jayla will need a kidney transplant.

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