Village of Pinecrest Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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INTRODUCTION Pinecrest, located in Miami-Dade County within the Miami metropolitan area, is known for providing residents and visitors with plen ful opportuni es to explore the beauty and recrea on Southern Florida has to offer. 2021 marks the Village’s 25th anniversary of incorpora on and respects a con nua on by civic leaders and residents to plan for the future. The purpose of this Parks and Recrea on Master Plan (PRMP) is to provide appropriate recommenda ons by evalua ng exis ng facili es and ameni es, in addi on to analyzing current and projected needs in Pinecrest. Recommenda ons are provided as achievable and ac onable strategies that will serve as a roadmap for the Village over the next five (5) or more years. This is Pinecrest’s first village-wide Parks and Recrea on

Master Plan and signals a high mark for the community in planning. In order to project future parks and recrea on needs of residents and visitors, this Master Plan analyzed previous reports, plans, and relevant documents, current and projected demographics, exis ng parks, facili es and programs, benchmark analysis of peer communi es, opera ons and maintenance analysis, and presents an ac onable implementa on plan to guide the Village forward as it relates to community needs. Throughout the Plan, the theme of family-friendly recrea on balanced with celebra on and access to natural resources, as well as opportuni es for health and wellness are emphasized.

Image: Village Green, Pinecrest, Florida


December 2021

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