NL Chamber Magazine Winter 2022

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Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce 1000 Skopje Republic of North Macedonia e: w:

NL Chamber was established in J­ anuary 2012 as official Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce, according to the Macedo­nian Law on Chambers of Commerce. Objective of NL Chamber is to promote and support successful business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies.


events 10 years NL Chamber! Calendar 2022: Dutch sceneries from Instagram Univin again on tour with Dutch wine professionals corona Creativity in employee satisfaction The Macedonian labour market under the pandemic network New Macedonian ambassador started in The Hague Dutch prime minister visited Skopje innovation Investment for Dutch NFC identity verifier ReadID Plastic-free brushing with Smyle toothpaste tablets members CSR Circle Feydom sofa sets at Dutch showroom EU Ambassador visits Zinkunie Iribov expanded lab capacity to 10,000 sqm HSO Global Services also moved downtown Rebranding in Macedonian natural stone New interior projects Dutch hospitality for DIK Fagus Vitaminka continues to expand the portfolio Minister of Economy visits European Plants Range of Dutch cheese at Tinex KIVO now Authorized Economic Operator short Short news / Calendar of Trade Fairs patron members:

cover: NL Chamber

magazine WINTER 2022

magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


10 years NL Chamber! With the pandemic still raging over the continent, the celebration of the tenth anniversary was moved to 8 June 2022. NL Chamber was established on 18 January 2012 in Skopje. With the experience of 2021, it seemed wise to move the Dies Natalis celebration to 8 June. indonesian Different from previously announced, the Dies Natalis will serve our members and distinguished guests a full Indonesian rice table. For the first

time, the celebration will take place outdoors. unforgettable NL Chamber’s Chef Paul Houthuijzen: “For this tenth anniversary we may expect a record number of guests and the Indonesian cuisine allows for scalability, while maintaining excellent quality for an unforgettable celebration!”

10th Dies Natalis: 8 June 2022 events

Calendar 2022: Dutch sceneries from Instagram Contributors from four member companies provided the illustrations for the calendar. This year’s illustrations were again chosen from ­ Instagram posts. These contri­ butors work at our member companies DEPT ­Agency, Frontwise Group, HSO ­ Global Services

and Symphony ­Solutions. Kosovo edition Since the combination with Kosovo holidays proved to be confusing and NL Chamber expanded with two new members in Kosovo, the calendar now comes in separate editions for both countries. delivery by bike

Calendars at the coffee corner of FMS

And as it befits a Dutch organization: in Skopje the calen­dars were delivered by bike...

Delivery to Pakomak by bike

No.18: No.17: No.16: No.15: No.14: No.13: No.12: No.11:

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online reading

photos: NL Chamber

click to read earlier editions!


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


Univin again on tour with Dutch wine professionals Seven Dutch wine professionals accepted the invitation of Univin to join yet another journey along eight Macedonian wineries. In his continuous efforts to promote Macedonian wines, Evzal Demiri of the Dutch wine importer Univin brought again a group of wine professionals for an extensive journey along eight Macedonian wineries. Wines of Macedonia This time, branch organization Wines of Macedonia (WoM) had organized the entire programme for Univin. On Monday 25 October, the dele­gation moved straight from the airport to Chateau Kamnik in Skopje for an extensive ­ visit. WoM had also arranged for a

Wines at Popov Winery, Sopot

Masterclass “Untamed Temper of the South” at the same location. The masterclass was held by Zvonko Herceg. Popov and Tikves On the second day the dele­ gation visited NL Chamber members Popov Winery in Sopot and Domaine Lepovo ­ by Tikves Winery in Negotino.

Next Univin Wine Journey

May 2022

Univin e: w:

Popov Winery Dinner at Tikves Winery, Kavadarci

The day finished with a tour through Tikves Winery in Kavadarci and a splendid dinner in the cosy cellars. Wines of Macedonia - WoM w: instagram/wines.of.macedonia

Tour at Tikves Winery, Kavadarci

w: photos: Leo Ponse, Sofija Filipovska, NL Chamber


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022

The delegation at Lazar Winery, Negotino

Wednesday started with a guided tour at the archeological site Stobi, followed by a ­visit to Lazar Winery, where

Tikves Winery w: instagram/tikveswinery

White dessert wine “-8 icewine”

The wine selection at Stobi Winery

the guests were most surprised by the “-8 icewine”, a white dessert wine. archives of Stobi Winery

Wine production at Stobi Winery

At NL Chamber member Stobi Winery in Gradsko, winemaker Andon Krstevski awaited the Dutch wine professionals with a five-course menu of wonderful dishes, perfectly paired to eight wines from the rich portfolio. This inclu­ ded two care-

fully kept examples from 2011, for this occasion especially retrieved from the archives of Stobi Winery. sparkling rooftop terrace

Stobi Winery w: Sarma in grape leaves at Stobi Winery

Kachamak with porc at Stobi Winery

photos: Leo Ponse, Wessel Houben, NL Chamber

The last day of the wine journey was reserved for the Mace­


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


branch of Puklavec Family Wines and Venec Wi­ nery, both in Dolni Disan. Puklavec is a Dutch family company of Slovenian origin with white wines coming from Slovenia and the red ones coming from North Macedonia. Mana­

Vertical tasting of vranec Orle at Venec Winery, Dolni Disan

at the rooftop terrace of the winery. vertical tasting

Sparkling wine with a view

ging director - and seasoned wine­maker - Dane Jovanov welcomed the delegation with a glass of white sparkling wine

At Venec Winery, manager Kire Ristov prepared a vertical tasting of Orle, a premium red wine of the Vranec grape variety, of the years 2016 to 2020. Evzal Demiri is already planning the next Univin Wine Journey for May 2022!

Tasting from the tank at Venec Winery


Creativity in employee satisfaction With a turbulant labour market, employee satisfaction is now more important than ever. In an ever tightening labour market with rising emigration figures (see also the interview from page 8), employers increasingly see themselves confronted with the need to improve wor­ king conditions, stimulate employees and express appreciation. Company celebrations and presents are a way to do so, but new pre­ mises, work anniversaries and award ceremonies also contribute to maintaining and improving employee loyalty.

makeover of its offices into a welcoming community space. Also IT system integrator IWConnect is about to finalize the indoor landscaping of its

new headquarters in Bitola. hybrid model Additional to these contemporary premises and inspired by

Various member companies have recently moved into new, spacious premises with coffee corners, comfy relaxation zones and lots of plants like DEPT Agency, wereas Pivara Skopje executed a complete

Future premises of IWConnect with a splendid view over Bitola

photos: NL Chamber

comfy relaxation zones


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022

the pandemic many companies now offer extended possibilities to work from home in a permanent hybrid model, like for example executive recrui­ ter The Big Search. However, this increases the challenges to keep ties with and amongst employees. stay connected

Oktoberfest at

Back in July software develo­ per finally had the grand opening of its rooftop terrace with the long awaited barbecue party. In autumn the company gathered its staff again on the roof for an Oktoberfest. Although the winter holidays are again under pandemic circumstances, companies in

Secret Santa party at Frontwise Group

Christmas presents at The Big Search

North Macedonia were able to organize end-of-year gathe­ rings or Secret Santa events, like recruiter Frontwise Group and brand agency STEETS did. The team members at STEETS also found a company present under the tree, as did the employees of executive recruiter The Big Search. Software developer Symphony Solutions took “stay connec­ ted” to the next level by organi­ zing an alumni party where former employees gathered at the Skopje office to catch up. pub quiz The pandemic ­ circumstances in the Netherlands made companies look for alternatives to physi­ cal parties, such as the drive-thru christmas cele­ bration of Holmak or the home-­ delivered cocktail packa­ges by Anthura to be used at an online pub quiz. Boekestijn Transport

Alumni party at Symphony Solutions

MacBook Pro under the STEETS tree

Christmas Drive-Thru at Holmak

Santa presenting pub quiz for Anthura

photos:, Frontwise Group, The Big Search, Symphony Solutions, STEETS, Holmak, Anthura

Working from home means being online, but “stay con­ nected” in the sense of buil­ding interpersonal relationships and in a connecting company culture requires continuous attention.


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022

Services sent “Team Santa” to the bases in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland to hand out christmas packages to the drivers. work anniversaries Next to end-of-year gifts, companies also pay attention to work anniversaries.

“Team Santa” of Boekestijn Transport Services

their best staff members with an annual award cere­ mony. IWConnect had its sixth award ceremony - for the ­ second time online - in December with awards in multiple categories.

The Dutch IT company Symphony Solutions is known for its golden cows, handed out at the traditional gala evening. This time they choose for live broadcasting and some staff members followed the ceremony from their sunny ­wor­­kation location in Egypt.

Awards at IWConnect

Workation in Egypt

5-year work anniversary at IWConnect

IWConnect had multiple work anniversaries to celebrate and did so by gifting those colleagues a watch for 5, 10 or 15 years of joint success. Frontwise Group even marked 1-year work anniversaries with a treat. awards Additional to these work anni­ versaries, the larger companies show their appreciation for

Awards at Symphony Solutions

Live broadcasting of the online award ceremony at Symphony Solutions

photos: Anita Gichevska, IWConnect, Boekestijn Transport Services, Symphony Solutions

10-year club watch at IWConnect


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


The Macedonian labour market under the pandemic An insight in the dynamics over the past two years, compared to “pre-pandemic”. As the first and most visited vacancy portal in North Mace­ donia, our member Vrabotu­ has exten­ sive in­ sights in the deve­ lopment of the labour market during the pandemic. An interview with owner Darko Velkov.

drastic measures The Macedonian government took drastic measures in an ­early stage of the Corona crisis. Schools were closed on 10 March 2020, a day before the WHO declared the global pandemic. Five days la­ ter, with only 19 infections, the entire ­hospitality sector and the shopping malls were closed. Within a week the airports closed and a curfew was introdu­ ced. By the end of May the curfew was lifted and bars and restaurants opened their terraces. Darko Velkov: “In this period of roughly three months we witnessed labour market fluctuations we had never seen before. The number of vacancies instantly dropped to zero for the hospitality sector and most other sectors would follow. But we also saw a strong increase of the number of visitors to the platform (See Graph 1): much more people were ­ watching a minimum of vacan­cies. We lost 80% of our business, while the number of people ­ looking for a job sky-rocketed to 126,000 unique visitors per day!” automotive and fashion “The automotive sector was hit very hard, partly due to its complex global supply chains. That left local suppliers without orders which led to layoffs for 30% of the workforce. With the global f­ ashion retail collapsing, also the local textile industry

Graph 1: Number of monthly visitors (x1,000) per year on

was hit very hard: 50% of the employees lost their jobs.” crowd control The need to reduce crowds in public spaces created a totally new job. “The Redar, or Crowd Control Assistant keeps track of the number of customers inside and enforces measures. Initially regarded dangerous in times of a pandemic, it later became a much desired job with up to 250 applications per vacancy. Obviously this job does not require specific skills, but 30% of the applicants had a background in hospitality, whereas 17% was previously ­unemployed.” big demand in IT “After a sharp decrease in April 2020 the number of vacancies in the IT sector quickly recove­ red, but only to some 70% of the level of 2019 as illustrated

by Graph 2 on the next page. Only in summer 2021 the number of vacancies rose higher than in 2019. However, the demand is now 3 times bigger than the availa­ bility of candidates. Initially strongly related to e-­ commerce, the demand has now increased over the entire IT-sector.” inhouse recruitment Velkov also saw the recruiting habits of the sector change:

Vrabotuvanje Online w:


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022

“IT companies are em­ ploying HR managers and recruiters to do the recruiting inhouse. An increase to 270 vacancies in HR and recruitment since the start of the pandemic suggests that the demand in IT is even higher than our data shows.” working from home Of course this has led to an increase of sala­ ries, whereas companies also acti­ vely work on impro­ ving other conditions, like ­ modern premi­ ses, excellent coffee and regular events. As a result of the pandemic the possibi­ lity to partly work from home is quickly beco­ ming an essential secon­ dary employ­ ment condition. Velkov: “Where working from home was key to the popula­ rity of jobs in online marketing and content writing, also the sectors IT, business services and in fact any sector that can afford to do so, embrace “wor­ king from home” as a secon­ dary employment condition.” increased salaries Not only in IT, but also in hospitality salaries have seriously increased. Velkov: “The hospitality sector was closed ­ for a long time and now waiter has become the least desired job: even at a net salary of 35,000 MKD there was zero interest. Apparently, previously employed people in this sector have either found an alternative profession, or have left for a job abroad.” emigration Accor­ ding to Worldbank data 600.000 Macedonians current­ ly live abroad. Velkov states: “Everyone has examples of people that took a job abroad. We saw Croatian and Slovenian companies increa­singly recruiting Macedonians for production jobs. But it is gene­rally

Graph 2: Number of monthly vacancies in IT per year on

known that especial­ly the German economy is screaming for all kinds of e ­ mployees.” stable workforce in textiles “In general, the labour ­market got tight for basically ­ every sector, although there are diffe­ rences between levels of education in combination with years of experience. Sectors with a long tradition, such as the textile industry, are charac­ terized by a workforce with an average experience of a decade or two. These emplo­ yees may choose a different employer within the same region for a higher sala­ry or better conditions, but are unlikely to emigrate. With the enormous amount of layoffs in the first year of the ­pandemic, we now see no problems in fin­ ding qualified employees in the textile industry. On the other hand: attracting young employees without experience was already difficult, but now seems almost impossible.” “The construction sector remained stable during the en-

tire pandemic and to some extend so has the retail sector. Yes, curfew and weekendlockdowns also hit the retail, but only the malls were fully closed for several months and not the other shops.” undeveloped online retail Whereas online retail was - and still is - pretty undeve­loped in North Macedonia, lockdowns did not mean losing a lot of sales to webshops. “In autumn the daily number of vacancies in retail was up to 300, due to the upcoming opening of the East Gate Mall in Skopje.” near future Darko Velkov: “In the near future acquiring employees will remain more difficult for most sectors and this will inevitably lead to further ri­sing salaries. The government recently announced to increase the legal minimum net wage with 18% to 18,000 MKD, but even without that intervention, the labour market dynamics would probably result in the same.” 9

magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


New Macedonian ambassador started in The Hague Ambassador Beti Jaceva handed over the credentials to King Willem-Alexander at a cere­mony in The Hague.

King Willem-Alexander with ambassador Beti Jaceva at Palace Noordeinde

Since the end of the mandate of ambassador Igor Popov early 2018, the Macedonian embassy in The Hague remained without an ambassador for a longer period of time, also due to the pandemic. In spring last year his successor, Beti Jaceva arrived in The Hague. On 2 June 2021 Jaceva was received by King WillemAlexandar at Palace Noordeinde in The Hague at a ceremony

to present the credentials. Jaceva has been working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1996 and served twice at the Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels, from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2013 to 2016 as deputy head of mission.

Embassy of North Macedonia Laan van Meerdervoort 50c 2517 AM The Hague - NL t: +31 70 4274464 e: w:


Dutch prime minister visited Skopje Premier Mark Rutte made his first visit to North Macedonia in a two-day trip that started in Greece and also included Albania. On Wednesday 10 November Mark Rutte, prime minister of the Netherlands, visited North Macedonia as the ­final part of a tour that started the day before in ­Athens. On Wednesday Rutte first visited ­Tirana before finalizing the tour in ­Skopje. Rutte spent some five

hours in the Macedonian capital and was welcomed by Nikola Dimitrov, at that time deputy prime minster for Euro­pean Affairs. He met the then prime minister Zoran Zaev, a group of youth representatives of civil society organizations and president Stevo Pendarovski.

Mark Rutte and Nikola Dimitrov

photos: Embassy of North Macedonia to the Netherlands, Nikola Dimitrov

Ambassador Beti Jaceva arriving at Palace Noordeinde


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


Investment for Dutch NFC identity verifier ReadID The company aims to secure its position as market leader in mobile identity verification. Started in 2013 as a spin-off of a Dutch research institute, InnoValor launched an NFCbased mobile identity veri­ fication tool in the Play Store in 2014. By 2016 the tool had developed into the product ReadID, software to confirm someone’s identity by reading the NFC-chips in modern passports, ID cards and driving licences with a smartphone. online identity verification One year later Dutch Rabobank was the first bank worldwide to implement online identity verification with ReadID and the UK government has been ­using ReadID for remote iden-

tity verification of more than 6 million EU-citizens in the immigration programme as a result of the Brexit. market leader Dutch investor Main Capital Partners acquired a majority share in the software company and will invest in further pro­ duct development and global expansion in order to secure the position as market leader in mobile identity verification.

Main Capital Partners has 45 employees at offices in The Hague, Stockholm and Düsseldorf with a total portfolio of 2.2 billion EUR in 120 software companies with about 4,000 employees. Main has extensive experience in the identity and access management market through participations in Swedish Pointsharp, German Sivis and Dutch Oribi.

2.2 billion EUR ReadID employs 44 people in Enschede and is managed by CEO and co-founder Maarten Wegdam.


Plastic-free brushing with Smyle toothpaste tablets Dutch startup bans plastic packaging for toothpaste and microplastics in the paste itself. In 2019 Almar Fernhout, Ro­ ger Nefkens and ­Dennis Kamst launched sustaina­ ble toothpaste brand Smyle: tablets without microplastics, packed in paper bags to reduce the number of 20 billion unrecycla­ ble tubes that end up annually in incinerators and landfills.


illustrations: InnoValor, Smyle

patron member


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


CSR Circle News about member initiatives in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. NL Chamber members increa­ singly initiate activities for the greater good of the local ­society, for example in educa­ tion, sports and environmen­ tal care. Below is an overview of the current initiatives.

Third Edition

For the third time software developer ­organized their Cycle4Charity event on 19 October. Participants donated a minimum of 200 MKD to local NGO Ljubeznost. ­Under police escort, the group of employees and their kids cycled through Skopje to end in the city park. This time, NL ­ Chamber director Bob Smit also joined.

Part of the participants in the third Cycle4Charity by

thermal network and currently the laboratory in Kocani is being equipped with solar panels.

Anthura roof in Bleiswijk, Netherlands Police escort through Skopje at the third Cycle4Charity by

1.75 million kWh

e: w:

Anthura w:

photos: / Vlatko Dimov, Anthura

In 2021 Dutch anthurium and phalae­nopsis breeder A ­ nthura produced 1.75 million kWh of electricity, which corresponds to the annual consumption of 500 Dutch households. The electricity is generated with the 5,100 solar panels that were installed on the roofs of the Anthura buil­ dings in Bleiswijk in autumn 2020. In April that year Anthura got already connected to the geo-


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022

is done with cross laminated timber (CLT) and the total vo­ lume of wood used for the new buil­ ding is 1,670 m3. Most of the materials used will have a material passport, enabling efficient reuse after the lifetime of the building and of course, the premises will be fully ­powered by solar panels. For further details see the project page at contractor Hurks.

7.700 seedlings

Halkbank provided 7.700 seedlings for afforestation of the hills near Sveti Nikole. The trees were planted with the help of 30 scholars from local secondary school Koco Racin. The donation of seedlings was based on both the participation fees in the Mavrovo cycling tour Halk Velo Green and the number of kilometers that users of the HalkEco app regis­ ter with their physical activity - walking, running and cycling.

Halk Velo Green w:

New office in wood

Royal Van Puijenbroek ­Textiel, the 155 year old family company behind the HAVEP workwear brand, is preparing to move into new, sustainable pre­mises. The new headquarters measures a 3,000 sqm office with experience centre and a 6,000 sqm warehouse, all with a wooden construction of laminated spruce. Flooring

Royal Van Puijenbroek T ­ extiel w:

Halkbank AD w: The atrium that will host the HAVEP Experience Centre

photos: Halkbank / Natasa Stojanoska, Hurks


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


Feydom sofa sets at Dutch showroom Furniture shop LuxSofas in Amstelveen has several Feydom models in the showroom. In the middle of the interior retail district Bovenkerk in Amstel­veen is furniture showroom LuxSofas located. Since November 2021, the most popular models of Feydom are being displayed to touch and test: Maalderij 28, Amstel­ veen.



EU Ambassador visits Zinkunie Valon Hoti showed Tomáš Szunyog the results of the EU grant programme On Wednesday 9 February EU ambassador to Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog, visited Zinkunie in Prizren. The company in metal processing and powder coa­ting was beneficiary of an EU grant to increase the export com-

petitiveness. “Zinkunie has grown with 22 new ­emplo­yees and has increased production by 50% and exports by 70%,” says CEO Valon Hoti. The main export markets are the Nether­ lands, France and Germany.

e: w: Tomáš Szunyog and Valon Hoti in front of the powder coating department

photos: Feydom, Zinkunie



magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


Iribov expanded lab capacity to 10,000 sqm Dutch tissue culture laboratory moved into new premises. The Dutch company for in-­ vitro multiplication of plants and vegetables Iribov from Heerhugowaard expan­ ded its Mace­ donian laboratory SBW with a new state-of-the-art facility in Vinica. Follo­ wing a lengthy procedure to acquire the state-owned agricultural land, change the urban plan and obtain all permits, construction started around the beginning of the pandemic.

or culture rooms as well as all the climate-related installations. 20 million plants With five large processing ­areas or transfer rooms and twenty five culture rooms, ­Iribov SBW now has a capacity of 20 million plants per year.

aseptic conditions The process of in-vitro cultivation of plants requires aseptic conditions and strictly controlled temperatures, ­humidity, air circulation and illumination. Dutch-owned Geerlofs Frigo­ tehnika - whose history goes back to the very beginning of SBW in 2001 - signed for installing the growth chambers

corridor to the transfer rooms finished product in the culture room

Iribov SBW

Geerlofs Frigotehnika w:

the new building in Vinica

patron member

photos: NL Chamber

e: w:


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


HSO Global Services also moved downtown HSO is the second Dutch tenant in a new office building downtown Skopje. The Skopje­ -based global services department of the Dutch ERP and CRM solutions provider HSO moved into the same modern downtown premises as Dutch DEPT Agency.

branch is to expand with a wider role within the group.

sophisticated At the official opening cele­ bration on 15 December ­Olgica Naumovska, managing director of the Skopje branch and also current president of NL Chamber, stated that the recent developments required to exchange the cosy but somewhat unpractical office for a more sophisticated alter­native. HSO group director Jan Koe­ dijk unfolded the plans for the near future where the Skopje

HSO Global Services e: e: w: Bob Smit and Olgica Naumovska at the official opening of the new office


Rebranding in Macedonian natural stone Natuurgevelsteen now presents itself as NG | Bouwen met Natuursteen.

villa or columbarium

sereen style to public places such as the recently comple­ted columbarium at the general cemetery in Nieuwe Niedorp. But Natuurgevelsteen - literally natural facade stone - increa­ singly provides stone for any type of construction, which led

to rebranding into constructing with natural stone - bouwen met natuursteen. Inspiration book at:

The diversing shades and raw or even sturdy look of natural stone provide a luxurious fini­ shing touch to modern villas or e: w: instagram/bouwenmet... Modern villa in Haaltert, Belgium

Columbarium in Nieuwe Niedorp

photos: HSO Global Services, NG | Bouwen met Natuursteen

Since the initial ideas in 2008 to conquer the Dutch construction market with natural stone from Macedonian quarries, the passionist entrepreneurs behind Natuurgevelsteen built up a wonderful portfolio.


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


New interior projects Dutch hospitality for DIK Fagus The chair manufacturer from Pehcevo supplies the re-opened hospitality sector. Now the hospitality sector in the Netherlands finally opened, also the chairs and couches of DIK Fagus find their way again to the Dutch bars and restaurants. The factory in Pehcevo regularly shows the latest triumphs at their facebook page.



Vitaminka continues to expand the portfolio The Sriracha sauce by Vitaminka is a welcome addition to spice up your meal. As a regional leader in the food industry, Vitaminka is continuously scouring the market for new products to add to its portfolio. A recent enrichment for the Macedonian super­ market shelves is Sriracha, a mildly hot sauce of chili peppers, distilled vinegar and garlic. Common in Thailand as dipping for seafood and in Vietnam as a topping for spring rolls, Sriracha is globally used to ­ spice up burgers, while ­chicken fingers and gyros also benefit from a shot of this sauce.

Vitaminka w:

Sriracha sauce goes well with gyros


Minister of Economy visits European Plants In November Kreshnik Bekteshi visited the conifer tree nursery in Preljubishte. 500 full trucks per year.

European Plants w:

photos: DIK Fagus, NL Chamber, A1on

Kreshnik Bekteshi and Willeke Roes

On a sunny day early November the Macedonian minister of economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, visited the Dutch conifer tree nursery European Plants in Preljubishte, near Tetovo. He was accompanied by Dutch ambassador Dirk Jan Kop and the crews of all major TV stations. Owner and general manager of European Plants, Willeke Roes, stated that the company currently employs 160 people and exports over


magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


Range of Dutch cheese at Tinex A variety of Beemster cheese is now available at the Tinex supermarkets. Supermarket chain Tinex ­added a wide range of Beemster cheese to its assortment. The premium brand of cheese is produced by the 121-year old cooperative CONO Kaasmakers. The cooperative is owned by 462 dairy farmers and is located in the Beemster polder since 1901. World Heritage Beemster is the world’s ­oldest polder: draining of the Beem-

Tinex w: CONO Kaasmakers - Beemster w:

ster lake ­finished in 1612. With the original structures largely intact, the polder got added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1999 as a “masterpiece of creative planning”.


KIVO now Authorized Economic Operator Kosovo customs authority awarded KIVO the AEO-status for customs procedures. In December Dutch plastic bag and foil producer KIVO in Koso­ vo became the country’s fifth Authorized Economic Ope­rator (AEO). The director gene­ral of the Kosovo customs autho­rity, Agron ­ Llugaliu, handed the

certificate to the CEO of KIVO, Robert Kwakman. “The AEOstatus allows us quick and efficient import/export procedures with for example on-site customs clearance,” said director Driton Ramajli.

KIVO Plastic Verpakkingen Robert Kwakman, Agron Llugaliu and Driton Ramajli

photos: Beemster, Tinex, KIVO



magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022

Visualization of the transformation of the Pyramid of Tirana by the architects of MVRDV, Rotterdam

Pyramid by MVRDV The structure in centre of Tirana opened in 1988 as the Enver Hoxha Museum. From 1991 the building served as conference and exhibition centre. The decay started from 2001 and in 2018 architectural firm MVRDV from Rotterdam got commissioned to redeve­ lop the Pyramid of Tirana into an open public space dedicated to youth technology education with cafés, studios, workshops and classrooms.

holm, Dubai, New York, Los Angeles and Singapore. The TOP250 of fastest growing companies is composed by the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, part of Erasmus Uni-

versity Rotterdam. Like in the previous edition, NL Chamber members DEPT and The Big Search are also on the list.

Delivery vehicle of Picnic

Largest grower (2)

Viktor Knaap of Media.Monks

Largest grower (1)

Winner of the annual TOP250 of fastest growing Dutch companies is Media.Monks. “Although we were founded more than 20 years ago, an investment and an IPO really made us grow the past three years to over 6,000 employees in 31 countries,” said CEO Viktor Knaap at the award ceremony on 6 October in Rotterdam. The company from Hilversum has offices in Londen, Stock-

Number two in the list is online supermarket Picnic, that expanded last year to Germany. Picnic does not have brickand-mortar supermarkets, but everything they have is deve­ loped by themselves: from the highly automated fulfillment centres to the typical electrical vehicles.

Coolblue core values

Largest grower (3)

The third place is for online retailer Coolblue that shows in every commercial expression the total focus on customer service: “Anything for a smile.”

Payments +70%

The Dutch online payment service provider Adyen in 2021 processed 500 billion EUR of transactions, which is an increase of 70% compared to the previous year. Adyen, established in 2006, offers 250 payment methods in 150 currencies and therewith serves the largest globally operating companies. Since the company has its own banking licence and is directly connected with for example Mastercard and Visa, Adyen can process transactions as efficient as possible. With its own countertop and mobile payment terminals, Adyen also offers single-platform solutions for both offline and online sales of small and medium sized retailers.

illustrations/photos: MVRDV, Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, Picnic, Coolblue, Adyen



magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


Trade Fairs Selection of upcoming trade fairs in the Netherlands. This list of upcoming trade fairs in the Netherlands and Belgium is a selection of larger fairs as well as smaller fairs in particular niches. NB: All blue text is clickable! Major trade fairs take place at: Jaarbeurs, Utrecht 99,000 sqm, 13 halls

RAI, Amsterdam 87,000 sqm, 11 halls

Ahoy, Rotterdam 30,000 sqm, 6 halls

Regional locations are: Brabanthallen, ‘s-Hertogenb.

29,500 sqm, 6 halls IJsselhallen, Zwolle 17,000 sqm, 4 halls MECC, Maastricht 29,500 sqm, 4 halls Other locations:

Autotron, Rosmalen Evenementenhal, Gorinchem Evenementenhal, Hardenberg Expo Houten, Houten Kromhouthal, Amsterdam

Most fairs have entrance fees and offer discounts for early registration online. Please do not hesitate to contact NL Chamber when you plan to visit a fair in the Nether­ lands or Belgium. This overview of trade fairs is also published separately:

Overview of Trade Fairs

08-10.03.2022 De Groene Sector, Evenementenhal - Hardenberg 320 exhibitors in public landscaping 08-10.03.2022 StocExpo, Ahoy - Rotterdam exhibition in tank terminal industry 15-17.03.2022 Aqua Nederland, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 370 exhibitors in water technology 16-17.03.2022 Independent Hotel Show, RAI - Amsterdam 150 leading suppliers to luxury and boutique hotels 16-17.03.2022 Test Automation Days, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht conference on software testing 17.03.2022 FutureTech, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht Microsoft and .NET conference 18-20.03.2022 Second Home, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht consumer fair for weekend and holiday houses 22-24.03.2022 Sign & Print Expo, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 100 exhibitors in visual communication 23-24.03.2022 Maintenance, Expo - Antwerp 190 exhibitors in industrial maintenance 23-24.03.2022 Pumps & Valves, Expo - Antwerp 150 exhibitors in industrial fluids and gas technologies 23-24.03.2022 M+R, Expo - Antwerp 50 exhibitors in process measurement and control 25-27.03.2022 Beurs Eigen Huis, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht consumer fair for (re)construction of private homes 27-29.03.2022 ProWein, Messe - Düsseldorf Macedonian pavilion at 15G21, with our members, and 29-31.03.2022 Amsterdam Drone Week, RAI - Amsterdam Commercial UAV Expo Europe, RAI - Amsterdam conference and exhibition 29-31.03.2022 Infra Relatiedagen, Evenementenhal - Hardenberg 300 exhibitors in infrastructure 29.03.2022Intertraffic, RAI - Amsterdam 01.04.2022 900 exhibitors in traffic and parking management 05-07.04.2022 Material District UTR, Werkspoorkathedraal-Utrecht 150 exhibitors in innovative material development 05-07.04.2022 Empack, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 220 exhibitors in packaging printing, labelling and converting, automation and logistics 12-14.04.2022 Maintenance, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem industrial maintenance and asset management 12-14.04.2022 Worksafe, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 50 exhibitors in health & safety at work 13-14.04.2022 Food Technology, Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch exhibition/conf. high tech innovations in food industry 14.04.2022 Event Summit, Ahoy - Rotterdam 350 exhibitors and 15 speakers in event organization 20-21.04.2022 Elektro Vakbeurs, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 100 exhibitors in solar, lighting and smart building 23-24.04.2022 Second Home, MECC - Maastricht consumer fair for weekend and holiday houses 09-0909-11.05.2022 CUE, Ahoy - Rotterdam 200 exhibitors in event- and entertainment technology 10-13.05.2022 Interclean, RAI - Amsterdam 900 exhibitors in professional cleaning industry 11-12.05.2022 Advanced Engineering, Expo - Antwerp 110 exhibitors in advanced industrial engineering 12.05.2022, Autotron - Rosmalen 100 exhibitors in sales & marketing tools 17-19.05.2022 Maritime Industry, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 350 exhibitors in maritime industry 20

Overview of Trade Fairs

17-20.05.2022 VSK, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht heating, plumbing, climate control and refrigeration 31.05.2022 World Private Label / PLMA, RAI - Amsterdam 01.06.2022 european private label producers in food and non-food 2,000 exhibitors, 50 regional pavilions brochure MK pavilion, see: 31.05.2022Labtechnology, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 01.06.2022 conference and exhibition on laboratory technology 31.05.2022Gevel, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 02.06.2022 products and technology for facade construction 31.05.2022VIV Europe, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 02.06.2022 animal husbandry and food processing exhibition 07-09.06.2022 Money20/20, RAI - Amsterdam European edition of the global FinTech conference 08-09.06.2022 Robotics&Motion, Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch futureproof industrial integrated systems 08-09.06.2022 European Women in Tech, RAI - Amsterdam conference with 70 speakers 08-10.06.2022 Vakbeurs Facilitair, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 250 exhibitors; products/services facility management i.e. maintenance, cleaning, catering, ict, reception etc. 14-16.06.2022 Provada, RAI - Amsterdam 270 exhibitors, 250 speakers: real estate development 14-16.06.2022 GreenTech, RAI - Amsterdam live & online event in horticulture/floriculture industry 14-16.06.2022 Transport Compleet, Evenementenhal - Hardenberg 170 exhibitors in the transport sector 14-16.06.2022 Zorg & ICT, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht healthcare and ict 15-18.06.2022 Support, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht tools, mobility, leasure, sport and domotica for people with restricted mobility 22-23.06.2022 Home Delivery World, RAI - Amsterdam conference/exhibition last-mile retail logistics: white glove services, grocery e-commerce, urban logistics 22-23.06.2022 Plastic Recycling Show, RAI - Amsterdam exhibition and conference 28-30.06.2022 European Robotics Forum, Ahoy - Rotterdam congress, workshop and exhibition 29-30.06.2022 WebWinkel Vakdagen, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 250 exhibitors and top speakers digital commerce 29.06.2022Vabotech, RAI - Amsterdam 01.07.2022 construction technology trade fair 10-11.07.2022 Modefabriek, RAI - Amsterdam sales exhibition of the major fashion brands 30.08.2022ESEF and Technishow, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 02.09.2022 biennial trade fair in engineering and subcontracting 31.08.2022HISWA te Water, Batavia Haven - Lelystad 04.09.2022 300 exhibitors at Amsterdam Boat Show 09-12.09.2022 IBC, RAI - Amsterdam media, entertainment and technology show with 1,700 exhibitors and 55,000 visitors (170 countries) including conference and topics OTT, 4K, HDR, VR, Streaming VOD, Cloud Hosting, Ultra HD and IPTV 11-13.09.2022 Interieur Collectie, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 100 exhibitors in flooring, window and wall covering 13-17.09.2022 50plusbeurs, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 600 exhibitors in travel, living, comfort for elderly 14-15.09.2022 Big Data Expo, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 85 exhibitors and 100 lectures

photos: Jaarbeurs, RAI

magazine no. 19 / Winter 2022


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