NLCS’ ANIMAL WELFARE AND SUSTAINABILITY CONFERENCE Hi everyone, The animal welfare society at North London Collegiate School has been hard at work organising NLCS’ first-ever Animal Welfare and Sustainability Conference with the theme: Why do we need to transform our food systems?
Our conference featured a panel of four excellent speakers who discussed why we need to change our food systems to: 1) Save our environment ⇒ A plant-based diet cuts your carbon footprint by 50% ⇒ Waste from a farm of 2500 dairy cows = waste from a city of 411,000 people. ⇒ Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation. ⇒ A plant-based diet cuts your carbon footprint by 50% ⇒ Animal agriculture is responsible for 65% of nitrous oxides emissions (nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas that is 296x more destructive than CO2). ⇒ Waste from a farm of 2500 dairy cows = waste from a city of 411,000 people. 2) Prevent future pandemics ⇒ If there's something no one wants to hear about again, it's another pandemic. But, if we don't change the way that we live, it is highly likely that COVID-19 won’t be the last or most severe pandemic that we face. 3) Save animals lives ⇒ In the UK alone we slaughter ONE BILLION land animals and BILLIONS of marine animals every year. Leading scientists have predicted we could see FISHLESS oceans by 2048.