ILGA ASIA Conference book program

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Dear Participants, ILGA Regional Conferences offer not only the opportunity to meet with many Member organisations and activists of one’s own region, and thus to strengthen and broaden your network of contacts, but also the possibility of engaging in the most relevant experience sharing and effective strategizing with partners all over the region. As Asia is the biggest, the most populated and most diverse region in the world, the preciousness of this opportunity becomes even more evident. As the Asian LGBTI movement grows stronger every day, many are the challenges on the ground, not only in terms of advancing our rights, but also in finding ways of working all together effectively in an enormous region. There is no doubt in our mind that the ILGA Members of Asia will rise to the occasion – as many indeed already have – and face these challenges in most creative, new ways, finding solutions which will be beneficial also to the other regions of ILGA, in the North and in the South. Let’s celebrate then the new rising sun of ILGA-Asia and its sweet promise of a better world for all! Welcome to Bangkok and to the 3rd ILGA-Asia Conference! Gloria Careaga & Renato Sabbadini Co-Secretaries General, ILGA

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


This is my great pleasure to welcome you all to Bangkok for the 5th ILGA Regional Conference. This is an important opportunity for all LGBT activists and related stakeholders across the region to share their experience and learn from one another. We are sharing the same goal, which is to have all of us, LGBT, be treated as equal as any other people on this earth. I hope that you will find this conference inspirational and fruitful. I wish you all have a pleasant stay in Bangkok.

Mr. Kittinun Dharamadhaj President Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

Welcome all participants to Asia ILGA Conference in Bangkok in 2013! It is a great pleasure to have you all here in Thailand. We are very glad to be hosting the ILGA Asia Conference and to have the chance to share with you the hopes, aspirations and challenges of the LGBTI communities of Thailand. As we spend the next few days together discussing issues that affect our lives and discuss strategies to address these issues, the ILGA Asia conference will provide the space to build a foundation for stronger and closer collaboration among us. A strong ILGA Asia will keep us all connected and serve as a platform to bring positive changes to our movements and societies through the coming years. As for our movement here in Thailand, the conference provides a unique opportunity for us, not only to meet you and to learn from each other but also to tell Thai society and the world of our stories and of our ongoing struggle to build our lives in a more supportive and accepting environment. The energy that such a gathering can and will generate is a testimony of the very diverse movements of LGBTI in Asia. Last but not least, we do hope that while you are in Bangkok, you would feel at home and enjoy your time as well as achieving your objectives in attending this meeting!

Anjana Tang Suvarnananda Anjaree Group and the Sexual Diversity Network of Thailand March 2013

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


About ILGA - The only worldwide federation campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights. Since 1978. in WORLD ,16/12/2009 ILGA’s aim is to work for the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people and their liberation from all forms of discrimination. We seek to achieve this aim through the world-wide cooperation and mutual support of our members. We focus public and government attention on cases of discrimination against LGBTI people by supporting programs and protest actions, asserting diplomatic pressure, providing information and working with international organisations and the international media. ILGA is committed to the fight against paedophilia. ILGA’s success lies in the achievements and progress of our many member groups, working together. Any organisation, business or individual interested in working for equal rights for LGBTI persons may apply to become a member of ILGA. Every one or two years, members of ILGA gather in a world conference to give guidance to its work. ILGA’s work is determined by the rules set forth in its Constitution and Standing Orders. Conference & Board The ILGA World Conference is the highest decision-making body of ILGA regarding legislation, approval of new members and internal and external organisation. Each member organisation expresses its opinions and concerns and has the right to vote on conference matters. The current Board of ILGA was elected in Vienna during the previous ILGA World Conference in 2008, except for the African representatives elected at the ILGA Africa conference in Johannesburg in May 2007, the Latin American representatives elected in Lima at the latest ILGA Latin America and Caribbean Conference in September 2007, the Asian representatives, elected at the last ILGA Asian Conference in Chiang Mai (Thailand) in January 2008, and the European representatives elected in Vienna during ILGA Europe annual conference in October 2008. Gloria Careaga and Renato Sabbadini are the Co-Secretaries General of ILGA. 4

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

Welcome to the 5th ILGA ASIA Conference, the Phoenix Rising. In the last few years we have seen great change in attitude towards LGBTI people in ASIA. Whilst some countries have taken great steps towards decriminalization of homosexuality and some nations even working intently on introducing same sex marriage, other Nations have strengthened their resolve against homosexuality to the extent of specifically targeting LGBTI activists and their work. After the events that unfolded in Surabaya at the Last ILGA ASIA conference activists across Asia and indeed the world were forced to take stock of the reality in the countries they work in and support. Surabaya showed us that even when you think you are achieving a more equitable status as human beings, there are always those who are threatened by us and will stop at nothing until they see our movement eradicated. What most people who oppose us do not realize is that we are every where, for together united under our rainbow flag we stand as the largest global movement transcending race, religion, social standing we are in every sphere of life, (they cannot get rid of us) we have strength in numbers; united in our belief that all people in all nations have the right to live freely, openly and legally as who we are! We hope that this conference brings our fight for equality a few more steps closer to being our reality. We hope that you take this opportunity to network, form alliances, exchange strategies and experiences, learning from each other so that we are more equipped to fight for our rights as human beings. This conference proves that even though governments and fundamentalist groups think they may have been able to burn us down, that from the ashes, rises the most beautiful and even more powerful Phoenix. In Solidarity, Poedjiati Tan & Sahran Abeysundara

5th th h IILGA LG GA AS A ASIA SIA AR Regional egiona al Conference


ILGA ASIA BOARD MEMBERS West Asia : Frank/Gina (Jian gang Zhao) is the founder and director for “Trans China (Alliance of Chinese Transgenders)” which dedicates to advocate transgender rights in China. He is a consultant on HIV/AIDS and trans issues for Beijing Zhiaixing Infomation & Counseling Center and Aibai LGBT Information Center (www. He especially pays attention to issues which unintentionally render invisible and marginalize the struggles, issues, and concerns of other transgender people who have gender identity and gender expression issues such as the cross-dressers & transgender/transsexual men in Asia and around the globe. He’s also been unique in drawing attention to the issue in relation to the needs of transgender people in China in various occasions

Central Asia : Sukhragchaa Mijidsuren

Suki was elected as a Representative of ILGA-Asia in January, 2008 when he worked as a programme coordinator of “Youth For Health” –First MSM based NGO in Mongolia. His aim is to make his contribution to create a LGBT friendly world without any stigma and discrimination in Asia through ILGA-Asia. He made an official speech for the 10th Korean Queer Cultural Festival in Seoul, South Korea in June 2009.

East Asia : Ashley Hsu-liang Wu is Director

of International Affairs, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association. PhD Student in Human Rights and Peace Study of Mahidol University, Thailand and Board member of Persons with HIV/AIDS Advocacy Association of Taiwan. “There shouldn’t be any boundary in your life. LGBT movement is a personal life exercising not just a movement. We live in everyday, we fight in every moment, and we share laughs and tears in every second.” ~ Ashley


5th ILGA ASI ASIA SIA A Regi Regional ion ona al C Conference on o nffe ere ence

South East Asia : Poedjiati Tan has been working on homosexual issue and gender. She also actively give counseling to lesbian teenager in her home town and becomes a keynote speaker in lesbian topic area in Several School and University. She also a Secretary General of GAYa Nusantara (LGBTIQ NGO). She has a Master Psychology and publish a book base on her research about lesbian parents.

King Oey is one of the founders of Arus Pelangi, an LGBT organization based in Jakarta, which was established in 2006 to advocate LGBT rights in Indonesia. He sits in the Supervisory Board to provide guidance to this new organization. As a consultant in capacity building he provides advices in the field of management and organisational development to many Indonesian NGOs, especially human rights NGOs. He also serves as the international relations officer for Arus Pelangi.

South Asia : SAHRAN ABEYSUNDARA is an interior designer by profession but his passion of Equal Rights led him to be one of the co founders of EQUAL GROUND in Sri Lanka, A human rights based organization working towards equal rights for the LGBTIQ community of Sri Lanka. He now currently lives in the UK and is even more vocal on issues of equality and decriminalization than ever before. His international activism on LGBT Rights issues in Asia have led to him holding posts as regional director for ASIA on the World Board of INTERPRIDE, special advisor to the board of PRIDE LONDON for World Pride, Grand Marshal for Vancouver Pride and currently sits on the World Board of ILGA. 5th th h IILGA LG GA AS A ASIA SIA AR Regional egiona al Conference


Conference at a glance

The conference is composed of the following sessions and activities: • Plenary sessions: there are three plenaries: opening ceremony, first and closing plenary. These sessions will be enlivened with cultural performances. • Members only workshops to discuss internal ILGA matters such as the constitution and a strategic plan. On the third day the election of the new board members, the co-representatives and the next host city will take place. • Open workshops covering a wide range of themes and topics. They reflect the diversity of LGBTI interests and concerns in Asia. • Training workshops; these sessions will provide the participants with more practical knowledge and skills in advocacy work. The duration of one training will last two or more sessions. The maximum numbers are 15 persons per session. But the participants are expected to remain in all the sessions. • Self-organised activities: many participants will come up with activities for which there will be space in third day. Interested persons are required to coordinate with organizing team. Announcements will be made during the conference. • For groups which want to display and sell their publications and merchandises during the conference can be provided with a table stand upon request to the organizing team. • Closing party; find out yourself where it is.


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

Friday 29

Saturday 30

Sunday 31

09.00 – 10.30 Opening ceremony

09.00 – 10.30 Workshop ILGA: draft Strategic Plan 2013 – 2017

09.00-10.30 Workshop 15 RIghts Advocacy and Education

10.45 - 13.00 Plenary session 1: ILGA in global and regional

09.00-10.30 Workshop 6 Strategizing for subregional LGBT Advocacy; the case of ASEAN

09.00-10.30 Workshop 16 HIV/AIDS

14.00 - 15.30 Workshop: draft constitution

09.00-1030 Workshop 7 Experiences in Disaster and Disaster Preparedness of Sexual Minority Communities

09.00-10.30 Training UN Mechanisms part 3

14.00 - 15.30 Workshop 1 Youth on the Move

09.00-1030 Training UN Mechanisms part 1

09.00-10.30 Workshop 17 IDAHO-T in Asia

14.00 - 15.30 Workshop 2 Discrimination and Homophobia

11.00 - 13.00 Workshop ILGA: draft Strategic Plan 2013 – 2017

11.00 - 13.00 Workshop ILGA: approval constitution, strategic plan etc

14.00 - 15.30 Training UN mechanisms part 1

11.00 - 13.00 Workshop 6 Strategizing for subregional LGBT Advocacy; the case of ASEAN

16.00 -17.30 Workshop 3 Women

11.00 - 13.00 Workshop 8 Domestic Violence

16.00 -17.30 Workshop 4 Mental Health

11.00 - 13.00 Training UN Mechanisms part 2

16.00 -17.30 Workshop 5 on Religion and Fundementalism

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


16.00 -17.30 Workshop 5 Training on UN mechanisms part 1

14.00-15.30 Workshop 9 Fighting Transphobia in Asia

14.00-15.30 Workshop ILGA: elections [board members, corepresentatives, next host city]

14.00 - 15.30 Training : Cross Country Dialogue onLGBT Advocacy and Security; part 1


14.00 - 15.30 Workshop 10 Sexuality, Cyber Space & Security 14.00 - 15.30 Workshop 11 SOGI issues at the international level: Debrief and follow up to the Nepal regional seminar 16.00 -17.30 Workshop 12 Same-sex Marriage dawning in Asia

Self-organized activity

14.00-15.30 Self-organized activity 14.00-15.30 Self-organized activity

Plenary 2: reporting back and closing ceremonies

16.00 -17.30 Training : Cross Country Dialogue onLGBT Advocacy and Security; part 2 16.00 -17.30 Workshop 12 LGBT in national education systems 16.00 -17.30 Workshop 12 Life Storytelling


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


Day 1 - Friday, 29 March 2013 08.00 - 08.30 Registration 09.00 Opening of the conference Welcome Speech Opening with keynote speeches • Gloria Carega from ILGA World • Ms Anjana Suvarnananda from Anjaree, • Mr. Kittinun Dharamadhaj - president of RSAT. • The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand • Dr. Vithit Muntraporn.(tbc) 10.30



Plenary session 1: ILGA in global and regional ILGA: Gloria Careaga and Renato Sabaddini ILGA-Asia: country reports from members




Workshop ILGA : (Member Only) Draft constitution

Workshop 1 : Youth on the Move (Open)

A study of alienation, coping strategy, defense style and expression of aggression of young transgender women in India Agniva Lahiri / India Youth and current scenario of LGBT in Lucknow Arif Jafar / Maan Aids Foundation / India 5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference



Young Queer Faith and Sexuality Camp Vica Krisilia Larasati / Indonesia Role of the Sexual and Gender Minorities Student Forum, Nepal in enabling LGBTI youth to better access educational opportunities Roshan Mahato / Nepal

Workshop 2 : Discrimination and Homophbia (Open) Impact of Homophobia and Transphobia on LGBTQ individuals in Singapore Bryan Choong / Singapore Legal Recognition and Social Acceptance of Homosexuality in Asia: And What’s Next? Jingshu Zhu Chin / China LBT Discrimination in China--A Legal Research Yu Gong / China

Training : UN mechanisms part 1 (A).

Facilitated by ARC International Engaging with UN human rights mechanisms on sexual orientation and gender identity Sheherezade Kara / ARC / Switzerland 15.30



5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference



Workshop 3 : Women (Open)

The Infringement of Rights Cases of Beijing LBT Women by Discrimination Ash Wang / China Building up the network of LBT groups in Chinese speaking society Zhang, Dana / China Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans (LBT) Women’s Struggles as Urban Marginals and Women with Alternative SOGI Jennifer Josef / Philippine Lesbian and bisexual women safe sex project in Taiwan Jennifer Hsin-Chieh, Lu / Taiwan The instruction between health providers and lesbian clients in japanese medical setting Hiromi Fujii / Japan Lesbian Sex Workshop Ms. Sonthaya Huaihong thong& Rapeepun Jommaroeng/ Thailand

Workshop 4 : Mental Health (Open)

From Dying to Thriving: The relationship between Human RIghts and Mental Health/Suicide in LGBTI people Barry Taylor / Australia Crossing Professional Lines: NGO Outreach to the Mental Health Community--Challenges and Opportunities in Increasing Standards for LGBT Mental Health Care 5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference



in China Stephen Leonelli / China The Mental Health Sector: Adversary or Ally of LGBTIQ People in Asia? Timo Ojanen & Anjana Suvarnananda /Thailand

Workshop 5 : on Religion and Fundementalism (Open) Faith and LGBT especially Islam Arif Jafar / India

A case study of Persekutuan Doa Waria (Waria’s community of worship) Andreas Mahardika / Indonesia

Training : UN mechanisms part 1 (B);

Sharing on writing shadow reports for UPR


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference






Plenary session 1: ILGA in global and regional



Workshop ILGA : (Member Only) Draft constitution

Palermo 1

Workshop 1 : Youth on the Move (Open)


Workshop 2 : Discrimination and Homophbia (Open)

Palermo 2

Training : UN mechanisms part 1 (A).



Workshop 3 : Women (Open) Ballroom Workshop 4 : Mental Health Palermo 1 (Open) Training : UN mechanisms Palermo 2 part 1 (B) Workshop 5 : on Religion and Roma Fundementalism (Open) 5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference



Day 2 - Saturday, 30 March 2013 09.00

Workshop ILGA : (Members Only) Part 1

Draft Strategic Plan 2013 – 2017, including setting up a secretariat and role of communications officer

Workshop 6 : Strategizing for sub-regional LGBT Advocacy; the case of ASEAN - Asia part 1

Facilitator : Ging Cristobal IGLHRC Malaysia – Thilaga Sulathireh, Singapore – Jean Chong, Indonesia – Vien Tanjung & Anna Arifin, Cambodia – Srorn Srun, Thailand – Dao & Panisara, Vietnam – Loan Vu, Philippines –Ron de Vera, Myanmar – Hla Myatt Ton

Workshop 7 : Experiences in Disaster and Disaster Preparedness of Sexual Minority Communities Azusa Yamashita /Japan Toni Almuna Ariga/ Indonesia Sunil Pant/ Nepal

Training : UN Mechanisms part 2 (A)

ICCPR mechanism and Individual complaints 10.30



Workshop ILGA: (Members Only)

Draft Strategic Plan 2013 – 2017, including setting up a secretariat and role of communications officer (Part 2)

Workshop 6 : Strategizing for sub-regional LGBT Advocacy; the case of ASEAN - Asia part 2 16

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


Facilitator : Ging CristobalIGLHRC Malaysia – Thilaga Sulathireh, Singapore – Jean Chong, Indonesia – Vien Tanjung & Anna Arifin, Cambodia – Srorn Srun, Thailand – Dao & Panisara, Vietnam – Loan Vu, Philippines –Ron de Vera, Myanmar– Hla Myatt Ton

Workshop 8 : Domestic Violence

Same sex domestic violence, from legal protection advocacy to policy monitor Man Wai Chan/ Hong Kong From a closet to another- LGBT domestic violence project in Taiwan Jennifer Hsin-Chieh, Lu / Taiwan

Training : UN Mechanisms part 2 (B) 13.00



Workshop 9 : Fighting Transphobia in Asia Transrespect Versus Transphobia-Global Study Agniva Lahiri / India

Sexuality and Gender Research Knowledge among Young Transgender Human Rights-Based Case Study of Makassar Suleman Abu/Indonesia Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Transgender people in Asia pacific region Manisha / Nepal

Training : Cross Country Dialogue on LGBT 5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference



Advocacy and Security; part 1

LGBT Advocacy in Hostile Environments Faclitate : Grace Poore / ILGHRC/USA

Workshop 10 : Sexuality, Cyber Space & Security

Internet rights and security to information and freedom of expression Kamilia Manaf / Indonesia

Indonesian Internet Users Characteristics: A potential means of online-based and youth-driven awareness rising for LGBT & Human Rights movements in Indonesia Andi Pangeran / Indonesia A Creative Way to Speak --China Queer Digital Storytelling Workshop Fan Popo / China Going All Out: Case studies in global online organising, and opportunities for Asia Hayley Conway / USA

Workshop 11 : SOGI issues at the international level: Debrief and follow up to the Nepal regional seminar Facilitated by ARC International Sheherazade Kara / Switzerland Sunil Pant / Nepal


Coffee break


Workshop 12 : Same-sex Marriage dawning in Asia


Advocacy for Law on Marriage Equality Sattarah Hattirat & Anjana Suvarnananda / Thailand 5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


Same-Sex Marriage: An Old and New Issue in Asia Douglas Sanders / Thailand Protecting rights of Vietnamese LGBT: Experiences from the rising law revision process Loan Vu & Tran Khac Tung / Vietnam Not only Marriage: marriage rights, couple rights, and family rights legalisation in Taiwan Chihche Chien / Taiwan

Training : Cross Country Dialogue onLGBT Advocacy and Security; part 2 Workshop 13 : LGBT in national education systems Title (Peter Dankmeijer/ Netherlands) tbc

Preliminary attempt to mainstream sexual orientation and gender identity into the education system in Indonesia Anna Arifin / Indonesia The Implementation and Development of the LGBT Education of Junior High School and Elementary School in Taiwan Hsiao-Ching Huang / Taiwan

Workshop 14 : Life Storytelling My journey to intersex movement Hiker Chiu / Taiwan

Asian Transmen Issues Ratchanichon Chailangka / Thailand

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference






Workshop ILGA : (Members Only) Part 1 Draft Strategic Plan 2013 – 2017, including setting up a secretariat and role of communications officer

Palermo 1

Workshop 6 : Strategizing for subregional LGBT Advocacy; the case of ASEAN - Asia part 1 Workshop 7 : Experiences in Disaster and disaster Preparedness of Sexual Minority Communities Training : UN Mechanisms part 2 (A) ICCPR mechanism and Individual complaints


Palermo 2


Workshop ILGA: (Members Only) Palermo 1 Draft Strategic Plan 2013 – 2017, including setting up a secretariat and role of communications officer (Part 2) Workshop 6 : Strategizing for subregional LGBT Advocacy; the case of ASEAN - Asia part 2 Workshop 8 : Domestic Violence


Training : UN Mechanisms part 2 (B)


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

Palermo 2



Workshop 9 : Fighting Transphobia in Asia


book corner

Workshop 10 : Sexuality, Cyber Space Palermo 2 & Security


Training : Cross Country Dialogue onLGBT Advocacy and Security; part 1 Workshop 11 : SOGI issues at the international level: Debrief and follow up to the Nepal regional seminar

Palermo 1

Workshop 12 : Same-sex Marriage dawning in Asia


Workshop 13 : LGBT in national education systems

Palermo 2

Training : Cross Country Dialogue onLGBT Advocacy and Security; part 2

Palermo 1

Workshop 14 : Life Storytelling


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference




Day 3 - Sunday, 31 March 2013 09.00

Workshop 15 : RIghts Advocacy and Education Effective advocacy with policy makers! Gina Zhao / China

Impact of Section 377 of the Myanmar Peno Code On Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity In Burma Hla Myat Tun / Myanmar LGBT Rights Education� : Methodologies and Challenges in Educating LGBT Rights Activists Ron de Vera / Philippines UN Advocacy & LGBT Rights in Mongolia Otgonbaatar Tsedendemberel / Mongolia

Workshop 16 : HIV/AIDS

Self stigma : LGBT youth and HIV & AIDS Andreas Mahardika / Indonesia Influencing Factors of Subjective Quality of Life of Youth Affected by HIV/AIDS in Rural Areas in Inner Mongolia, China Li Hua / China The Social Construction of Reality: The Impact of Stigma on Gay Sexuality Based on a Qualitative Sample in Penang, Malaysia. Mark Stephan Felix / Malaysia 22

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


Care and Support, and Training for MSMs who are HIV positive in Klang Valley Nazarius Celsus Dorus / Malaysia

Training : UN Mechanisms part 3

CEDAW mechanism (Grace Poore / IGLHRC / USA); Including sharing of experiences in shadow reporting

Workshop 17 : IDAHO-T in Asia

facilitated by Joel Bedos / IDAHO Committee/France 11.00



Workshop ILGA : approval constitution, strategic plan etc Workshop 18 : Self-organized activity




Workshop ILGA : elections [board members, co-representatives, next host city]


Plenary session 2: reporting back and closing ceremonies

EVENING EVENT: Closing Party at the Telephone Pub & Resto 19.00 pm

Gather in the hotel lobby

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference








Workshop 15 : RIghts Advocacy and Education


Workshop 16 : HIV/AIDS

Palermo 1

Training : UN Mechanisms part 3

Palermo 2

Workshop 17 : IDAHO-T in Asia


Workshop ILGA : approval constitution, strategic plan etc


Self-organized activity

Palermo 1 & 2 Roma

Workshop ILGA : elections [board members, co-representatives, next host city Self-organized activity


Plenary session 2: reporting back and closing ceremonies


Palermo 1 & 2 Roma

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference




5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

STANDING ORDERS (Incorporating changes made in August 2007 by the executive board conform the decision by the 2006 World Conference in Geneva) SO1 Standing Order 1: GENERAL SO1.1 These Standing Orders shall apply to all meetings of the World Conference and the Extraordinary World Conference. SO1.2 The World Conference shall meet at least every second year. SO1.3 The choice of the site of a conference will take account of the wide geographic spread of members, and the location of previous conferences. SO1.4 All sessions of the conference will be non-smoking. SO1.5 The conference organisers will take into account the needs of differently abled members in location, access, facilities and duration of sessions, to the best of their ability. SO1.6 All speakers will take into account the needs of participants with different languages and for translation/interpretation and should speak slowly and clearly. SO2 Standing Order 2: PRE-CONFERENCE PROCEDURE SO2.1 The Executive Board will decide and circulate to all members a detailed timetable to enable the following steps to be taken not later than the time stated. Timetable before the first day of a conference: - Submission of proposals (to the office) 12 weeks; - Publication of preliminary agenda with proposals (by the office) 10 weeks; -Submission of amendments (to the office) 6 weeks; - Publication of final agenda (by the office) 3 weeks. SO2.2 Proposals, amendments, and other appropriate business may be proposed for the Conference in accordance with Section C 7 of the Constitution. The date and time by which these shall be received by the office shall be stated in the timetable to be published under SO 2.1. SO2.3 The Executive Board shall be responsible for drawing up the preliminary and final agenda of business, to be circulated in accordance with the timetable published under SO 2.1. SO2.4 If an extraordinary World Conference is convened, the notice to members shall specify the issues to be discussed, in accordance with article C 7.14 of the Constitution, and this shall constitute the preliminary agenda. The timetable shall otherwise be in accordance with SO 2.1. SO3 Standing Order 3: CHAIRING POOL SO3.1 A chairing pool will manage the conference and will ensure the smooth running of the conference to preserve order and to ensure that the business of the conference is completed. SO3.2 The chairing pool will consist of a minimum of 6 people, and at least 50% of its members shall be women. All members of the chairing pool shall be from full member organisations. The chairing pool will include one person from the host organisation.

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


SO3.3 A meeting will be held prior to the first plenary session of the conference at which a chairing pool will be elected by simple majority of delegates of full member organisations. This meeting will be coordinated by the Executive Board and the host organisation. SO3.4 The membership of the chairing pool should reflect the diversity of the membership, including diverse identities, and will include persons experienced in chairing or familiar with the constitution and Standing Orders. SO3.5 The chairing pool will be approved by conference at the first plenary session. Until this time, the conference will be managed by the Executive Board and the host organisation. SO3.6 If a member resigns, the chairing pool may propose a replacement to the conference. If a member fails to attend two or more meetings without reasonable excuse, that person shall be deemed to have resigned. SO3.7 The chairing pool will select from within their number at least two persons, of which at least one shall be a woman, to chair each of the plenary sessions. SO3.8 The chairing pool will select at least one minute taker for each plenary session. SO3.9 The chairing pool will decide the order in which proposals, workshop recommendations and other agenda items shall be dealt with at each of the plenary sessions, and present this to the plenary as an ‘Order of Business’. The chair will take into account the feelings of the meeting and alter the order of business as they see fit SO4 Standing Order 4: WORKSHOPS AND CAUCUSES SO4.1 The main discussion body of an ILGA Conference is the general workshop. Only general workshops may produce recommendations to the Conference. SO4.2 Apart from the general workshop there are two other types of workshop: the experiential workshop and the information workshop. All these workshops may produce a report to be entered into the conference report. There are also caucuses. SO4.3 All workshops and caucuses will be chaired by a person acceptable to those present at the workshop or caucus. If no chair is agreed the workshop/caucus may not proceed. The chair of the workshop/caucus will ensure the smooth running of the meeting. SO4.4 No workshop or caucus may change its status to a general workshop without giving prior notice of this to the Conference in a plenary session. SO4.5 General Workshops: SO4.5.1 General workshops will appoint a minute-taker for the workshop. If no minute-taker is appointed, the workshop may not report or make recommendations to the Conference. SO4.5.2 General workshops may make recommendations to plenary sessions. Usually recommendations will be agreed upon by consensus; but if this is not possible, then any recommendations must be approved by a simple majority of votes cast for and against by members in the workshop, entitled to vote. Voting totals will be noted in the minutes for the workshop.


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

SO4.5.3 The main discussion on the proposals and amendments that are on the agenda shall take place in general workshops designated for that purpose. The main functions of these workshops will be to consider the relevant proposals and related amendments (as published in the agenda or otherwise referred to the workshop for consideration) and to make recommendations on them to a plenary session. SO4.5.4 Such workshops may recommend the approval or rejection of a proposal and/or amendment, or may recommend adoption subject to specified changes. SO4.5.5 The minute-taker primarily and the Chair are responsible for reporting back to the plenary session the proceedings of the workshop. SO4.5.6 The minute-taker must ensure that the minutes of the meeting are available for circulation within 24 hours of the workshop. SO4.6 Experiential and Information Workshops: SO4.6.1 An experiential workshop is a workshop where people share experiences rather than formulate policy. These workshops are intended as discussion and sharing sessions. SO4.6.2 Experiential workshops may appoint a minute-taker only if every member attending the workshop agrees. SO4.6.3 An information workshop will consist of one or more people making presentations to those attending and an ensuing discussion. SO4.6.4 Both types of workshop may make recommendations only to general workshops. SO4.7. Caucus Meetings: SO4.7.1 Any collective body may meet together to discuss any subject of mutual interest. Such a meeting shall be a caucus. SO4.7.2 A caucus may decide who shall and shall not be allowed to participate. it shall give advance notice of any restrictions on participation. SO4.7.3 The running of these meetings will be wholly determined by those attending the caucus. SO4.7.4 A caucus may make recommendations to a general workshop, but not to a plenary session. Standing Order 5: PROXY VOTES SO5.1 A full member not present at the conference who would otherwise be entitled to vote may nominate an individual participant or the Women’s Secretariat or the Trans Secretariat to exercise by proxy the vote or votes to which the organisation is entitled. SO5.2 A letter of authority provided by the full member organisation to the nominated representative must be presented before proxy voting cards will be issued.

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


SO5.3 Any individual may exercise up to four (4) proxy votes. SO5.4 The Women’s and Trans Secretariats may exercise up to ten (10) proxy votes. SO5.5 The Women’s and Trans Secretariats may nominate other individuals to exercise those proxy votes nominated to it, provided the absent member has agreed to this in advance in writing. SO6 Standing Order 6: VOTING SO6.1 Decisions of the conference are made only by the conference in plenary session. SO6.2 Wherever possible the conference will seek to reach consensus on issues. When this is not possible voting will be in accordance with the provisions in the Constitution and Standing Order 8. SO6.3 Member organisations will have two (2) votes each. In accordance with the Constitution, delegations with female and male members will have two votes. Delegations of women’s organisations with two female delegates will have two votes. Delegations with only male members will have one vote. SO6.4 The Administrative Office will be responsible for the issue of voting cards. SO6.5 Four (4) counters will be nominated by the Chairing Pool from amongst delegates of full members and agreed by the plenary. Counters will not be members of the Executive Board or the Chairing Pool. SO6.6 Voting will be by show of voting card, and members must remain seated during the vote. SO6.7 Member organisations who vote against a decision made at a conference may have their opposition noted in the minutes. SO7 Standing Order 7: ELECTIONS SO7.1 The Chairing Pool will be responsible for coordinating the election of the Secretaries General, and the Women’s and Trans Secretariats. SO7.2 The Chairing Pool will appoint two (2) Election Officers to organise the elections. This includes a timetable for nomination and presentation of candidates, issuing one ballot paper per voting card, collecting and counting votes. SO7.3 If there is more than one candidate, the appointment shall be voted upon using the following procedure: SO7.3.1 If there are two candidates, the election will be decided by a simple majority of those voting for one or the other. SO7.3.2 If there are more than two candidates, there will be two rounds of voting. At the close of the first round the two candidates with the highest number of votes will stand in a second round in which the election will be decided by a simple majority of those voting for one or the other.


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

SO8 Standing Order 8: CONFERENCE PROCEDURE SO8.1 The conference will only consider proposals and amendments which are not shown in the final agenda under the following rules: SO8.1.1 Full members, the Women’s and Trans Secretariats, Regional Executive Boards and the Board may submit proposals or amendments on matters which have arisen since the relevant deadline for the receipt of proposals or amendments in the timetable published under SO 2.1. SO8.1.2 Such “emergency” proposals/amendments may only be admitted to the agenda with the consent of Conference, and will be considered by general workshops in the same way as proposals/amendments on the final agenda. SO8.2 Reports of workshops will not be discussed at a plenary session except in the event of a disagreement amongst workshop participants over the report, in which case the report of the chair and minute-taker of that workshop will be accepted as the correct version. SO8.3 A time limit may be imposed by the chair on each speaker SO8.4 The chair may determine not to call speakers who have spoken previously or often and will attempt to include all interested members in discussions. SO8.5 The chair will attempt to call all speakers in order, but will take into account the flow of debate. SO8.6 The chair will use their judgement as to when to terminate a debate - taking into account the weight of the matter, the number of people wishing to speak, the general feeling of the meeting, and the conference time-table SO8.7 The ruling of the chair on an issue will be final unless challenged by a ‘challenge to the chair’s ruling’ by a delegate of a full member. If this occurs it shall be put to the vote without any discussion SO8.8 If a vote of ‘no confidence in the chair’ is requested by a delegate of a full member, this also will be put to the vote without discussion. If carried, the chairing pool will appoint others of their body to chair the rest of that plenary session SO8.9 The chair may call for a vote to expel from the plenary any person who, in their opinion, is disrupting the running of the meeting.


Standing Order 9: MISCELLANEOUS

SO9.1 One or more of these Standing Orders may be suspended by resolution of the Conference in relation to a specific item of business, provided that such suspension would not be in contradiction with the provisions in the Constitution. SO9.2 Amendments to these Standing Orders may only be made by Conference approving, by simple majority, a proposal which has appeared on both the preliminary and final conference agendas. Such a proposal may have been amended in the normal way by simple majority. Standing Orders may not be changed in any other way, but they may be temporarily suspended under SO 9.1.

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


Bangkok Get around Skytrain

The BTS Skytrain has two main lines the first the runs from Mo Chit to Bearing and the second that runs from the National Stadium to Thalat Phlu, these two lines intersect at Siam. There are many stations where you can exchange for the MRT. Buy Tickets before you start your journey, you must have 5 or 10 baht coins to purchase Skytrain tickets from vending machines, so hold on to your coins! Fares range from 15 to 40 baht depending upon how many zones you are traveling. Consult the map (in English) near each ticket machine. If you do not have coins, queue for change from the staff at the booth.

Tuk-tuk What would Bangkok be without the much-loathed, much-loved tuk-tuks? You’ll know them when you hear them! — these three-wheeled contraptions blaze around Bangkok leaving a black cloud of smog in their wake. For anything more than a 5-10 min jaunt or just the experience, they are expensive and are not worth the price but it can still be enjoyable for people that come to Thailand.


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

MRT - Metro The nearest public transport system to the hotel is the MRT, Bangkok’s new underground rail system. There is only one line that is in operation at the moment, the blue Line. This is probably the easiest and fastest way to get into downtown Bangkok or Chatuchak Weekend Market. Metro tickets are not interchangeable with Skytrain tickets. Rides start from 16 baht and are based on distance; For single ride fares, a round plastic token is used. It is electronic: simply wave it by the scanner to enter; deposit it in a slot by the exit gate before you leave. Note that bag-checks take place at the entrance of each station. It is usually nothing more than a quick peek inside, unless you are looking particularly suspicious.

Metered taxi Metered taxis are a quick and comfortable way to get around town, at least if the traffic is flowing your way, but be warned that Bangkok taxi drivers are notorious for finding ways to run up the fare for foreiners; insist that the meter is used, and if the driver claims that your destination is closed, that he doesn’t know where it is, or if he tries to take you elsewhere, just get out of the taxi. All taxis are now metered and air-conditioned: the hailing fee is 35 baht and most trips within downtown cost less than 100 baht. There are no surcharges (except from the airport), even at night; don’t believe drivers who try to tell you otherwise. A red sign on the front window, if lit, means that the taxi is available. TIP- get the name and address of the hotel written down in Thai before you go out just in case your taxi driver does not know where our hotel is. Motorbike taxi

When traffic slows to a crawl and there are no mass-transit alternatives for your destination, by far the fastest mode of transport is a motorbike taxi. No, those guys in the pink smocks aren’t GAY motor Bike Gangs!!; they’re motosai cabbies. They typically wear colourful fluorescent vests and wait for passengers at busy places. Prices are negotiable so agree a price before you ride but is the best way when the traffic is not flowing. BE WARNED this is the most dangerous way of traveling around Bangkok, under NO circumstances ride without a helmet

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


Gay and Lesbian Bar Soi 4 is the place to see and be seen. Confidently strut your stuff along the street, choose a bar and find a table with the best viewing position. Unless you are eating, the best entrances are made around 10pm. All the bars offer an ‘at seat’ waiter service. Pay when you are ready to leave. Nearest BTS station is Sala Daeng (Silom Line – S2). Nearest MRT Station is Si Lom. • • • • • •

Telephone Pub and Restaurant The Balcony Bearbie Bas Boutique Bar The Stranger Bar & Lounge One Night Only

Soi 2 has a surprisingly narrow entrance that is easy to miss. Minimum age for entry is 21. If you are lucky enough to look younger than 30, then we recommend bringing photo ID – particularly if you are Asian. The bars in Soi 2 get busy from around 11pm onwards. Tank tops and shorts are fine, but flip flops are not allowed. • DJ Station • Disco Disco • JJ Park Ratchada Soi 8 The upper age limit at this bar, popular with gay Thais, seems to be 25, and everyone knows the moves to the K-Pop (Korean pop) soundtrack – and sometimes the words. There’s the usual show with ‘coyote boys’ (skinny young guys in Speedos and boots). Address : 76/4 Soi 8, Th Ratchadaphisek. Transport : Phra Ram 9 exit 3. Website : Price : admission free. Hours : 8pm-1am


Ramkhamhaeng is Bangkok’s largest university, which means a lot of young gay guys. Dozens of gay pubs, karaoke bars and saunas have opened around the Lamsalee intersection, equivalent to Soi 89/2, Th Ramkhamhaeng, and ICK’s scrawny coyote boys and cabaret shows are a cultural experience unto themselves. Address : Soi 89/2, Th Ramkhamhaeng . Transport : Phra Ram 9 exit 3 & taxi Website : Hours : 8pm-1am

Th Sarasin Gay Clubs

This quiet little street across from Lumphini Park has a tight cluster of intimate bars, ranging from non-orientational to gay-festive. There’s disco fever at 70s Bar and karaoke at I-Chub, a bar dedicated to bear and their admirers. Bangkok has just started to develop a lesbian-only nightclub scene with two newcomers: Shela (Soi Lang Suan, Th Ploenchit) and Zeta. You’ll find the clubs located between


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

Th Ratchadamri & Soi Lang Suan. Address : Th Sarasin Lumphini .Transport : Ratchadamri. Hours :18:00-01:00


G-Star appears fairly similar to Ratchada Soi 8, but the fact that it doesn’t have a sign and sits behind an empty lot suggests it has something to hide. Inside, you’ll find not one but three rather large men’s rooms. All the urinals are in cubicles with locking doors and one of the men’s rooms has particularly bad lighting. We’ll let you figure out what goes on in there. Address : Soi 8, Th Ratchadaphisek. Transport : Phra Ram 9 exit 3 . Website : Hours : 8pm-1am

Soi Twilight

Soi Twilight is Patpong’s queer little brother, which offers shows ranging in scope from muscle boy to ladyboy. Address : Soi Pratuchai, Th Surawong Silom Transport : Si Lom exit 2 ; Sala Daeng exit 3

Shopping Mall Siam Paragon Location: At Siam BTS Station, BTS: Siam CENTRALWORLD BANGKOK Location: Ratchaprasong Intersection, opposite Gaysorn and Erawan BTS: Chidlom, Siam Mahboonkrong (Mbk)

Address : cnr Th Phra Ram I & Th Phayathai Siam Sq. Transport : National Stadium exit 4.Hours : 10am-10pm

TERMINAL 21 BANGKOK Location: Sukhumvit Road (between Soi 19 and 21) MRT: Sukhumvit ; BTS: Asok (direct access via Skywalk) CENTRAL CHIDLOM DEPARTMENT STORE Location: Corner of Ploenchit and Lang Suan Roads BTS: Chidlom THE EMPORIUM DEPARTMENT STORE Location: Sukhumvit Soi 24/26 BTS: Phrom Phong GAYSORN SHOPPING MALL BANGKOK Address: 999 Ploenchit Road, Ratchaprasong Junction Tel: +66 (0) 2656 1149 BTS: Chidlom SIAM CENTER BANGKOK 5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


Location: Siam BTS: Siam THE ESPLANADE IN BANGKOK Location: Ratchada Road ; MRT: Thailand Cultural Center ROBINSON DEPARTMENT STORE BANGKOK Location: Corner of Silom and Rama IV Roads BTS: Saladaeng Central Plaza Grand Rama9

Central Plaza Grand Rama 9, Rama 9 Road Rd., Huai Khwang, Huai Khwang 10310 Thailand. MRT : Stop at Rama 9 station and enter CentralPlaza Grand Rama 9 via exit 2,

Contact By phone • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• Police 191 • Crime 195 • Fire 199 Traffic Control Center 197 Highway Police 1193 Tourist Police 1699 Tourist Service Center 1155 Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Hotline 1555 Missing Persons Bureau 282 1815 Ambulance and Rescue 1669 Medical Emergency Call 1554 Ambulance Service Centre 0 2255 1134–6 Food and Drug Administration 1556 Mental Health 1667 Health Line 1675 Bangkok directory inquiries: 13 Provincial directory inquiries: 183 Alternative directory inquiries’ numbers: 237-4436 or 237-7947 Immigration Office : Soi Suanphlu, Sathorn Tai Road, Bangkok 10120 Tel. +66 2 287 3101 Tourist Information Counter : 372 Bamrung Muang Road, Bangkok 10100 Tel. +66 2 226 0060, 226 0072 Tourist Assistance Center :4 Ratchadamnoen Nok Road, BangkokTel. +66 2 281 5051 Tourism Authority of Thailand Head Office :Le Concorde Building 202 Ratchadapisek Road, Tel. +66 2 694 1222 Fax +66 2 694 1220 Tourist Police : Unico House, Soi Lang Suan, Ploenchit Road, Bangkok Tel. 1699 or +66 2 652 1721 BNH Hospital Tel: 02 632 1000 Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital Tel: 02 711 8191

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

• • • • • • • • • •

Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital Tel: 02 378 9090 Samitivej Srinakarin Children’s Hospital Tel: 02 378 9090 Bumrungrad Hospital Tel: 02 667 1175 Bangkok Hospital Tel: 02 310 3001 Saint Louis Hospital Tel: 02 675 5000 Bangkok Christian Hospital Tel: 02 233 6981-9 Chulalongkorn University HospitalTel: 02 652 4600-9 Rajavithi HospitalTel: 02 354 8108-9 Siriraj Hospital Tel: 02 419 7000 Ramathibodi HospitalTel: 02 354 7308-9

Embassy • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bangladesh, 727 Sukhumvit Soi 55, +66 2 381-1144. Belgium, 17F, Sathorn City Tower, 175 Sathorn Tai Rd, +66 2 679-5454, [41]. • Bhutan, Rm 107, 19F, JTC Bldg, 919 Silom Rd, +66 2 237-3315(-27). Brunei, 154 Ekkamai Soi 14, Sukhumvit Soi 63, +66 2 381-5914(-6). Cambodia, 518 Pratcha Uthit Rd, +66 2 957-5851, [43]. China, 57 Ratchadaphisek Rd, +66 2 245-7043, [45]. India, 46 Sukhumvit Soi 23, +66 2 258-0300(-5), [50]. (Visa applications: Sukhumvit soi 25, Glashaus Building, 15F; Indonesia, 600-602 Phetchaburi Rd, +66 2 252-3135(-40). Iran, 602 Sukhumvit Rd, +66 2 261-9790(-3). Iraq, 47 Pradiphat Rd, +66 2 278-5335(-8). Japan, 177 Witthayu Rd, +66 2 207-8500, [52]. Laos, 502/1-3 Soi Saha Karn Pramoon, +66 2 539-6667(-8), [56]. Lebanon, 15F, CTI Tower, 191/67 Ratchadaphisek Rd, +66 2 261-1013. Malaysia, 35 Sathorn Tai Rd, +66 2 629-6800, [57]. Mexico, 20F, Thai Wah Tower, 21/60-62 Sathorn Tai Rd, +66 2 285-0995, [58]. Mongolia, 100/3 Ekkamai Soi 22, +66 2 381-1400. edit Myanmar, 132 Sathorn Nuea Rd, +66 2 233-2237. Nepal, 189 Sukhumvit Soi 71, +66 2 391-7240, [59]. Philippines, 760 Sukhumvit Rd, +66 2 259-0139(-40), [63]. Singapore, 129 Sathorn Tai Rd, +66 2 286-2111. South Korea, 23 Thiam Ruam Mit Rd, +66 2 247-7537(-41). Sri Lanka, 13F, Ocean Tower 2, 75/6-7 Sukhumvit Soi 19, +66 2 261-1934(-5). Taiwan, 10F, Kian Gwan Bldg, Witthayu Rd, +66 2 251-9274(-6). Vietnam, 83/1 Witthayu Rd, +66 2 251-5836(-8), [71].

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference




We recommend that you do not drink the tap water in your room. There are two bottles of drinking water provided in your room each day. It is better to only drink bottled water when you are out and about in Bangkok. Bangkok is extremely hot and we strongly recommend that you drink plenty of water!

Please use the safe provided in your room to protect your valuables (passports/money) There are a lot of organised pick pockets that operate through out the city, please be careful and hold on to your belongings.



Money changers are frequent through out the city but exchange rates do vary, so please check the exchange rate before you change money. Some ATM machines do charge for cash withdrawals so please check before you make a transaction. The closet ATM machine is located outside Seven Eleven directly opposite the conference Hotel.


Bangkok has a tropical monsoon Bangkok has a tropical monsoon climate and holds claim to being one of the hottest cities in the world. It may not be the warmest city in the world every day but, overall, it is unrelenting simply because it doesn’t cool significantly at night. So light airy clothes are recommended, use sun protection when you are out and about and

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

Transport Information from airport From SUVARNABHUMI AIRPORT by Taxi From the Arrival Hall on the second floor, you will need to take an elevator down to the first floor to find the designated taxi stands at Entry Gate 4. Simply queue up and tell your final destination to the booth officer, then a taxi driver will escort you to his vehicle. Please note that you need to pay the driver an extra 50 baht courtesy fee, on top of all toll way fees and the final taxi fare. Taken all these fees into account, it should cost you a total of 350-400 baht for a 40-minute ride to downtown Bangkok. Service is available 24 hours. TIP- Writte down the name and address of the hotel

From Don Muang to Town by Taxi The Airport is around 24km from the centre of town and currently the easiest way to travel to and from Don Muang Airport is via taxi. This usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour depending on traffic. The approximate fare to the airport will be around 350 baht. Leaving the airport via the taxi rank will incur a 50-baht surcharge and there is sometimes a long queue for taxis. TIP- Writte down the name and address of the hotel Buy a SIM Card at airport As in other countries the easiest way to make a call or coneect to internet is to buy a pre-paid SIM card which saves you paying for roaming charges and means your local friends or customers do not have to call long distance to reach you on your mobile. Choose a network. All of them are pretty much the same, with True, Dtac/Happy and AIS having the widest coverage. A prepaid SIM card will cost 50-100 baht and come with a small amount of credit on the card and can be purchased at the airport. (Attention Americans, Japanese, and Koreans: check to see if your phones are compatible with the GSM mobile networks — most aren’t.)

5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference


ILGA ASIA Conference Team : Local Volunteers from Anjaree group and Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand International team : Anjana Suvarnananda, Alessia Valensa, Ashley Wu, Frank/Gina (Jian gang Zhao), Jennifer Josef, King Oey, Poedjiati Tan, Sahran Abeysundara, Sukhragchaa Mijidsuren, Rapeepun Jommaroeng, Sattara Hattirat, Sebastian Rocca. Desain cover : Poedjiati Tan Layout : Poedjiati Tan ILGA ASIA Conference Sponsored by • ILGA • OSF • ARCUS Foundation • Finnish MFA • Dutch MFA • SIDA (Swedish Development Agency) • HIVOS


5th ILGA ASIA Regional Conference

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