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Upcoming Events
12 Member Services 20 NM MLS Annual Meeting 21 Executive Committee 22 Strategic Planning 28-29 Growth & Involvement Session VI Santa Fe
3 Forms Committee 10-15 NAR Conference and Expo, San Diego 17 NM MLS Board Meeting 17 Finance Committee 19 Legislative Committee & RPAC Trustees 25-26 Thanksgiving Holidays, NMAR Closed
8 Executive Committee 9-10 Team Building Summit 15 NM MLS Board Meeting 23-24 Christmas Holidays, NMAR Closed 31 Core Standards Certification Forms Due
The Benevolent Committee has NEW MERCHANDISE!
It’s not too late to purchase; contact Mellanie Trujillo at Mellanie@nmrealtor.com to purchase. A quick update on the Pre-orders from the Fall Conference. We are working patiently with the vendor to get the merchandise replenished. The Benevolent Committee liaison Mellanie Trujillo will be contacting you once your item is ready. Also, a BIG Thank you from the Benevolent Committee for all of the unconditional support from our REALTOR® community on the beautiful new merchandise. All proceeds go towards REALTORS® helping REALTORS® – Providing assistance for the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® family when they encounter financial hardships beyond their control.