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From Your CEO
Redistricting on the Horizon
As many of us try to find a new normal, we have to get ready for more changes, in the form of redistricting the state’s future representation. Senate Bill 304 established the seven-member Citizen Redistricting Committee (CRC) that has conducted public hearings throughout the state, received public testimony (including the submission of maps) and developed redistricting plans for the state’s legislative, congressional and public education commission districts. This CRC will submit its findings in December to the legislature. Redistricting occurs after a Decennial Census; many states redraw their state and congressional district lines. Since the committee has been meeting, approximately 1,200 members of the public have attended committee meetings in-person, submitting 72 proposed district maps for the House, Senate, the Public Education Commission and three congressional seats.
Some communities may be on the edge of a new district with different representation at the state and national level. The deadline for comment or submissions for maps is October 15 with the committee reaching a consensus and submitting a final recommentation to state lawmakers by October 30. Of course, this committee’s recommendation is just that and lawmakers could alter any of the maps. The Citizens Redistricting Committee plans 12 more meetings, all of which are accessible online at www.nmredestricting.org. New Mexican’s can also submit public comment and proposed maps under the “Public Comment Current District Map Portal” link on that website. These recommendations to determine the new maps for the 112 legislative, and 3 congressional districts will go to the Legislature for a special redistricting session expected to start December 6, 2021. Keep an eye out for further updates as we follow the upcoming special session.

M. Steven Anaya, Chief Executive Officer New Mexico Association of REALTORS®