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Joining Forces for a Great Cause

For over ten years the Benevolent Fund and the Stanley H. Mathis Foundation have worked together through a silent and live auction during the yearly annual conference. Last year, as there were no in-person meetings, this year’s auction was extra special and it showed with both groups collecting over $10,000, so far. This year offered an auctioneer to preside over the event with committee members from both groups assisting, and sometimes helping participants raise their bids. The Stanley H. Mathis was created in 1976 to foster high-quality educational opportunities for REALTORS® and member affiliates. This is done through grants to institutions of higher learning to offer additional courses in real estate and allied fields for the benefit of all students, and providing scholarships for those interested in pursuing careers in the real estate profession.
The Benevolent Fund, REALTORS® helping REALTORS®, was created to provide assistance for the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® family when they encounter financial hardsips beyond their control. This fund operates as an exempt charitable organization that is primarily dedicated to assisting individuals who have encountered severe financial harships for reasons beyond their control to obtain basic necessities through the provision of grants in the form of funds, goods, and/or services. Recipients can receive up to $2,500 per 12-month period. To volunteer, donate or just learn more, visit www.nmrealtor.com and click on Professional Development for the Stanley H. Mathis and Membership for the Benevolent Fund.

Kent Cravens, Chief Executive Officer for the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS holds up a Nambe Vase as Sandy Lee Pasquale, President of the Benevolent Fund watches for bidders and Leroy Swart, Auctioneer with My Auction Addiction works to call out the highest bids.