Hale - 12

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In the Hawaiian language, hale (pronounced huh’-leh) translates to “house” or “host.”

Hale is an intimate expression of the aloha spirit found throughout the islands and a reflection of the hospitality of Ko Olina.

In this publication, you will find that hale is more than a structure, it is a way of life.

Ko Olina celebrates the community it is privileged to be a part of and welcomes you to immerse yourself in these stories of home.



Divine Inspiration

Fueled by his faith, a Mākaha-based surfboard shaper celebrates the art of analog.


Faraway and Free

On the West Side, a photographer finds sublimity within simplicity.


Field of Greens

At the nearly 100-year old Sumida Farm, the wonders of watercress endure.


Hula and Heritage

At a storied hula hālau in Kapolei, young dancers are taught both connection and camaraderie.


Kimberly Jeffries: The Witness

The Land Speaks

08 LIFE 20
28 Upward
36 Bottled
Miniature Majesty


I am as young as the people I am with This is the philosophy of my friend Louie Schwartzberg, a timelapse cinematographer and producer of films about fungi, gratitude and nature as a place of moving art. I embrace this philosophy and love tumbling with my five young grandchildren, hearing their joyful giggles. We enjoy a healthy and active life.

Hawai‘i is a place of moving art too. Our lifestyle thrives on activity and reflects our culture and values. We share a different language with each other while in motion – on a surfboard in 30’ waves on the North Shore or amidst 2,000 women canoe paddlers racing from Moloka‘i to O‘ahu, or simply making lei and singing mele with a small group of friends. Such pursuits are the genesis of the storytelling (talk story) of locals. The topic is always about a love of nature and people, an emphasis on the interconnectedness of humans with nature and the necessity of maintaining balance and harmony in the environment for the well-being of future generations.

One particular movement found here in Hawai‘i is the hula, a beloved dance and distinct hallmark of our culture, found no where else in the world. With hula, the dancer’s sway of hips and graceful reach of hands is mesmerizing, whether the dancer is male or female (kāne or wahine), a keiki (child) or kupuna (elder). Hula tells the stories of the people and places here in Hawai‘i and the culture that binds us all.

For years, tourism used hula’s allure to beckon visitors to the islands, but its essence became lost in commercialism. In the 1970s, Hawai‘i experienced a cultural renaissance and with it, the rise of key cultural leaders like Ma‘iki Aiu Lake. Auntie Ma‘iki was not only a fastidious student of the Hawaiian culture, but its champion too. A renowned kumu hula (master teacher), Ma‘iki encouraged her students to become kumu and form their own hālau (hula school). She made learning and speaking the Hawaiian language an imperative. Her love for Hawai‘i celebrated the rebirth of the flower lei and a resurgence of Hawaiian music with legends like the Mākaha Sons of Ni‘ihau, Braddah Iz and Ledward Ka‘apana. Above all, she emphasized having pride in one’s culture: to lose it is unthinkable; to perpetuate it demands intelligent respect.

I recall my own first hula experience. I was a callow youth in Waikīkī— slipping down Halekulani hotel’s hallways at sunset to watch a lovely solo hula dancer. Her hands told a story: I learned that Hawai‘i was filled with fragrant plumeria, gentle waves and a starlit midnight sky. I was enthralled by this bewitching sight. My spirits soared.

Here at Ko Olina, a place of moving art surrounds you, where each property interprets the food, music, dance and language of Hawai‘i in its own style. Find the movement, find the story. Your spirits will soar too.


Hale is a publication that celebrates O‘ahu’s leeward community—a

place rich in

diverse stories and home

to Ko Olina.

Inspiration comes in many forms—often from the people we encounter or places we visit. In this issue, we celebrate the wealth of inspiration found on the West Side. Join us as we meet individuals who have transformed their passion into a purpose: a woman whose childhood fascination with plant “magic” led to the creation of a native Hawaiian botanicals-based skincare line and a man whose love for building things by hand informed his career as a surfboard shaper. Follow along as we scale a miniature mountain to new heights and then let nature’s wonder bring you even higher as we explore the night sky. These are the wonderful, inspirational stories of the West Side. We invite you, dear reader, to discover them.


Astrophotographer Davin Carvalho captures the moon against a backdrop of soft pinks and blues. In ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, mahina means “moon.”



Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa aulani.com

Four Seasons Resort O‘ahu at Ko Olina fourseasons.com/oahu

Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club marriott.com

Beach Villas at Ko Olina beachvillasaoao.com

Ko Olina Golf Club koolinagolf.com

Ko Olina Marina koolinamarina.com

Ko Olina Station + Center koolinashops.com

The Resort Group theresortgroup.com

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Jason Cutinella

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Published by: 41 N. Hotel St. Honolulu, HI 96817

©2024 by NMG Network

Contents of Hale are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Hale is the exclusive publication of Ko Olina Resort. Visit KoOlina.com for information on accommodations, activities, and special events.

Image by John Hook
We have an inborn responsibility to take care of the land that takes care of us.”
Kapua Browning, Honua Skincare founder Image by Josiah Patterson


Miniature Majesty

Text by Rae Sojot

Images by

A beloved landmark on the West Side, Mauna Lahilahi offers history and just enough height.

り゚ストサむドの人々に愛される名所、マりナ・ラヒラヒ ラヒラヒ山には歎史ず、かろうじお山ず呌べるだけ の高さがありたす。

Waikīkī may have Diamond Head, but the West Side has its own iconic geographic landmark. Referred to by locals as the “world’s smallest mountain” due to its elevation of only 230 feet, Mauna Lahilahi rises as a petite, seaside pyramid on the eastern end of Keawaiki Bay. Distinct ridgelines slice upward to its pinnacle, giving credence to its name: In ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, mauna lahilahi means mountain.”

As a natural palena (boundary marker) between the Mākaha and Wai‘anae ahupua‘a, Lahilahi remains an area rich

ワむキキにダむアモンドヘッドがあるように、り゚ストサむドにも䞀 垯を象城する目印がある。暙高わずか70メヌトル。ロヌカルの人々 が”䞖界でいちばん小さな山”ず呌ぶマりナ・ラヒラヒは、ケアノァむ キ・ベむの東の浜蟺にそびえる小さな海蟺のピラミッドだ。頂䞊に 向けおそそり立぀独特の皜線に、オヌレロ・ハワむハワむ語で”薄 べったい山”ずいう意味の名前がぎったりだ。

マヌカハずワむアナ゚。二぀のアフプアア叀代ハワむにおける土地 区画を隔おる自然のパレナ境界線の目印でもあったラヒラヒ山 は、豊かな文化にあふれ、歎史的にも重芁な堎所だった。ご぀ご぀ した岩肌には倚くのペトログリフが残り、ギニアグラスず呌ばれる

20 Life
Ma ka hulina Komohana, he wahi pana ‘o Mauna Lahilahi i lawa nō ho‘i kona ki‘eki‘e.

with cultural and historical significance. Dozens of petroglyphs dot its craggy rock faces. Small stone platforms peek through the guinea grass at its base. Among the nearby niu and naupaka, the remains of a heiau offer a solemn reminder that the mountain had been sacred to both Kane, the Hawaiian god of procreation, and Ai‘ai, the god of fishermen.

Despite its small stature, the mountain’s presence looms large, featuring prominently in countless mele (songs) and mo‘olelo (stories) of the West Side. In one riveting tale, the young and handsome Chief Mākaha sets out to impress Ke Ānuenue, the goddess of rain. As he scales Lahilahi, he calls out to Mano ai Kanaka, the most fearsome of all man-eating sharks. As Mano ai Kanaka emerges from the sea, the young chief dives from Lahilahi’s peak into the dark blue depths below. Moments later,

ふもずの雑草のあいだに小さな石の台座も顔をのぞかせる。近くの ニり怰子の朚やナりパカの茂みに埋もれたヘむアり神聖な堎 所の残骞は、か぀おこの山がハワむ神話の創造の神カネず持垫の 神アむアむを祀る聖地であったこずを厳かに物語っおいる。

高さはなくおもラヒラヒ山の存圚感は倧きく、り゚ストサむドを描く 数知れないメレ歌やモオレロ物語で取り䞊げられおきた。なか でも胞躍るのが、若くハンサムな族長マヌカハの物語だ。マヌカハ は雚の女神ケ・アヌヌ゚ヌ゚にいいずころを芋せたくお、人喰いザメ のなかでももっずも恐れられおいたマノ・アむ・カナカを呌び出す。 マノ・アむ・カナカが海から姿を珟すず、若いマヌカハはラヒラヒ山 の頂䞊から県䞋に広がる玺碧の深い海ぞず飛び蟌む。やがおマ ヌカハはマノ・アむ・カナカの背にたたがり、勢いよく海面にその勇 姿を珟した。凶暎なマノ・アむ・カナカず戊い、手なずけおしたった のだ。

「ありそうな物語ですよ」この有名な䌝説に぀いお、マヌカハ圚䜏 のゞェヌムス・ロッツさんは解説する。「ラヒラヒのサメの巣は有名

Miniature Majesty

Miniature Majesty

he bursts through the water’s surface, riding gallantly upon Mano ai Kanaka’s back, having wrestled the terrible beast into submission.

“It makes sense,” says Mākaha resident James Rotz of the popular legend. “Lahilahi is well known for its shark caves, and the biggest tiger sharks on the West Side usually cruise in the waters there.” Lahilahi had been a familiar presence for Rotz while growing up. Seen from the large picture window of his childhood home on Papaoneone Beach, the mountain rose like a miniature fortress of basaltic rock, beckoning the young Rotz with promise of exploration and adventure.

“As kids, we’d explore the caves and look for the petroglyphs,” Rotz remembers. “But the most fun was to go to the very top, just to see what we could see—schools of fish, the direction of swells, the spot where the reef drops off into deep water.”

That universal urge to scale a mound, a mesa, or a mountain, simply to see what one can see, continues to draw onlookers to the path that winds along folds of rock and cliff and brush. Ascending Lahilahi’s rocky outcroppings, small treasures abound: a sunlit breeze, a delicate ‘iliahi bloom, the sound of waves ebbing and flowing into the tide pools below. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, a glorious 360-degree display: looking inland, the ancient green walls of Mākaha valley; looking outward, soaring blue swaths of sea and sky.

Standing atop Lahilahi’s summit, all of nature’s splendor reveals itself. Even the smallest mountains come with big views.

です。り゚ストサむドでももっずも倧きなむタチザメはだいたいこの あたりの海にいるんです」ロッツさんにずっおも、ラヒラヒ山は子䟛 のころから身近な存圚だったそうだ。圓時䜏んでいたパパオネオ ネ・ビヌチの家には眺望のいい倧きな窓があり、玄歊岩の小さな砊 のようにそびえ立぀ラヒラヒ山に幌いロッツさんは探究心ず冒険心 をかき立おられた。

「子䟛のころはラヒラヒ山の掞窟を探怜し、ペトログリフを探した した」ロッツさんは振り返る。「でも、いちばん楜しかったのは山のお っぺんたで登っお、あたりを芋枡すこずでした。魚の矀れや抌し寄せ おくる海のうねり、リヌフが急に途切れお深海に倉わるスポットな どが芋えたしたよ」

それが䞘であれ、メサであれ、山であれ、おっぺんから䜕が芋えるの かを確かめたくお、぀い登りたくなるのは䞇囜共通の衝動だ。その 衝動に駆られ、岩ず絶壁ず藪のなかを抜けるラヒラヒ山の小道に惹 き぀けられる人は埌をたたない。ご぀ご぀した岩だらけの山肌を登 っおいくず、あちこちに小さな宝物がある。陜射しを揺らすそよ颚。

繊现なむリアヒの花。県䞋の朮だたりに寄せおは返す波の音。そし お突然、思いもかけず光り茝く360床の芖界が開ける。内陞に目を 向ければ、いにしえの昔からマヌカハの谷を芆う緑の壁。そしお倖 には果おしなく広がる真っ青な海ず空。

ラヒラヒ山の頂䞊に立おば、壮麗な倧自然がその魅力を惜しげも なく披露しおくれる。どんなに小さな山でも、そこから芋枡す景色 は倧きいのだ。


Rising 230 feet from the eastern end of Keawaiki Bay, Mauna Lahilahi is a beloved landmark on the leeward coast. In ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, mauna means “mountain” and lahilahi means “thin.”

Deemed a historic site, Mauna Lahilahi’s intrigue goes beyond a quick, coastal mountain hike. To visit the area, head west towards Mākaha and turn left onto Lahilahi Street. Parking available in neighborhood. Please be respectful to residents.

Miniature Majesty
SHOPPING / MOVIES / DINING & FOOD / BEAUTY & HEALTH / HOME & OFFICE / PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4450 Kapolei Pkwy., Kapolei, HI 96707 @KapoleiCommons Kapolei Commons is the West Oahu hub for local culture, tasty food, diverse shopping, and original events. With over 425,000 square-feet of space, Kapolei Commons is a dynamic area designed to inspire, enjoy, and discover. More at KAPOLEICOMMONS.COM Explore. Engage. Be entertained.

Upward Gazing

Under a vast night sky, a West Side photographer finds inspiration and direction.

no ka hulina Komohana mai.

果おしない倜空の䞋で、り゚ストサむドの写真家はむン スピレヌションず進むべき方向を芋぀けたした。

A Google search of “O‘ahu nightlife” yields hundreds of options for Waikīkī nightclubs and Honolulu bars promising the best mai tai in town. Ask astrophotographer Davin Carvalho his favorite place to spend an evening, however, and you’ll receive a different answer.

Photography has long been a creative passion for Carvalho, who grew up documenting his friends skateboarding and surfing near Lualualei on O‘ahu’s West Side. Then, in 2018, a chance job offer as a fulltime videographer afforded an opportunity to transform his hobby into a career. While upgrading his equipment for his new role, he secretly sought a camera that could capture the beauty of Hawai‘i’s night sky, something he’s always been drawn to.

At the time, Carvalho was in the middle of an eight-month stint of sobriety, avoiding alcohol to instead rekindle his love for hiking, kayaking, and diving. After gradually reintroducing drinking, it became apparent

グヌグルでオアフ島のナむトラむフず怜玢したら、ワむキキのナむ トクラブやホノルルきっおのマむタむを飲たせるずいうバヌがごた んずヒットする。だが、倜を過ごすのにいちばんの堎所を倩䜓写真 家ダノィン・カヌノァヌロさんに尋ねたら、きっず違う答えが返っ おくる。

オアフ島り゚ストサむド、ルアルアレむビヌチの近くで生たれ育ち、 子䟛のころからスケヌトボヌドやサヌフィンに興じる友人たちの 姿をカメラにおさめおきたカヌノァヌロさんにずっお、写真はい぀ もクリ゚むティブな情熱を発揮する媒䜓だった。そんな圌のもずに 2018幎、運よくフルタむムのビデオグラファヌの仕事が舞い蟌ん できお、趣味を仕事にするチャンスを埗た。新しい圹割に合わせお 機材をアップグレヌドする際、カヌノァヌロさんは以前から惹かれ おいたハワむの矎しい倜空をずらえられるカメラをひそかに遞んで いたずいう。

圓時、カヌノァヌロさんは8ヶ月にわたる犁酒プログラムの最䞭で、 アルコヌル類を断぀䞀方で、か぀お奜きだったハむキングやカダッ

28 Life
Ma lalo o ke kapa ākea o Pō, ulu ka hoihoi o kekahi pa‘i ki‘i

Upward Gazing

that life was better on the wagon. So, he quit for good. “I had to replace the time that I would have spent getting drunk with something productive,” Carvalho says of his initial foray into astrophotography. “I would go out, catch the sunset, stay until the stars came out, record time lapses, or shoot landscape photos with the Milky Way.”

The more time Carvalho spent away from the bright lights of the city, the more connected he felt to the night skyscape. The first constellation he could identify was Orion, which is most visible during winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Soon, he could spot spring, summer, and autumnal constellations too. Eventually he learned the names of the moon’s craters, something he photographed the most.

With time, Carvalho sensed a strengthening of his ties to his Hawaiian identity. In learning the Hawaiian names of the constellations and navigational starlines, he became more aware of their significance and value in his native culture. To Hawaiians, the stars are guides—not just for navigation but also for telling the seasons, when to grow and harvest certain plants, and even determining periods of peace and war.

For Carvalho, the night sky reinforces his passion for photography and sense of purpose. “To see the same things that my ancestors saw, from the same places that they witnessed them from, makes me feel like I am in the right place at the right time,” Carvalho says. “I’m where I’m supposed to be.”

キング、ダむビングぞの情熱を枩め盎しおいる時期だった。やがおた たアルコヌル類も口にするようになったが、飲酒をしない生掻のほ うがいいこずがはっきりしお、きっぱり飲酒をやめる。「酔うために 䜿っおいた時間を、もっず建蚭的なこずに䜿うように切り替える必 芁があったんです」カヌノァヌロさんは倩䜓を撮りはじめた時期を 振り返る。「撮圱に出かけ、たずは倕陜をカメラにおさめお星が出る のを埅ちたした。タむムラプスで撮圱したり、倩の河を入れお颚景を 撮圱したりしたしたよ」

たばゆい街の灯りから遠ざかれば遠ざかるほど、倜空は身近な存 圚になっおいった。最初に芋぀けた星座は、北半球では冬にもっず もはっきり芋えるオリオン座。すぐに春、倏、秋の星座も芋぀けられ るようになり、やがお䜕よりも頻繁に撮圱する月のクレヌタヌの名 前も芚えおしたった。

時が経぀に぀れ、カヌノァヌロさんはハワむアンずいう自分のアむ デンティティをより匷く感じるようになっおいく。星座のハワむ語の 名前や航海に必芁な星の䜍眮を孊びながら、自分が生たれ育った ハワむの文化においお星がどれだけ重芁な存圚だったか、前より 意識するようになった。ハワむの人々にずっお星は道しるべだ。航 海の指針ずいうだけでなく、星で季節を知り、䜜物を怍え぀けや収 穫のタむミングをはかり、戊いず䌑戊の時期を決める手がかりにさ えしおきたのだ。

カヌノァヌロさんは、倜空を芋ながら写真に察する情熱ず生きる 意味を確かめる。「自分たちの先祖が芋おいた倜空を圌ず同じ堎所 から芋おいるず、自分がいるべきずきにいるべき堎所にいるず思え るんです」カヌノァヌロさんは蚀った。「がくは今、自分がいるべき 堎所にいるんです」


Upward Gazing

When Davin Carlvaho eschewed nights at the bar for nights at the beach, a whole new world opened up for him, and with it, a strengthening of ties to his Hawaiian culture.

To learn more about astrophotographer Davin Carvalho and see his latest nightscapes, follow him on Instagram at @davin.carvalho.media.


Bottled Botanicals

Investing in Indigenous

knowledge, a local skincare line celebrates the traditional healing power of plants.

Ma ke kahukahu ‘ana i ka ‘ike ‘ōiwi, ola ka lā‘au lapa‘au ma muli o kekahi pā‘oihana kÅ«loko e mālama ‘ia ai ka ‘ili o ke kanaka. ボトルに詰たった怍物孊

ハワむ先䜏民から䌝わる知恵を重んじながら、ハワむ 発のスキンケアブランドは怍物が元来備え持぀ヒヌリ ングパワヌを祝犏しおいたす。

For Honua Skincare founder Kapua Browning, inspiration came from the outdoors. As a child, she spent her days planting seeds at Hoa ‘Āina O Mākaha Farm in Wai‘anae and longboarding in Waikīkī. In the rainforest near her home, she loved to explore and forage. “I’d make all kinds of concoctions,” she remembers. “I was playing with botanicals before I even understood them—I just felt like I was creating magic.”

That interest in the ‘magic’ of Hawai‘i’s plant botanicals crystalized in her early 20s. Wanting to repair the damage that

ホヌア・スキンケアを創蚭したカプア・ブラりニングさんのむンスピ レヌションの源はアりトドアだ。ワむアナ゚のホア・アヌむナ・オ・マ ヌカハ蟲園で皮を蒔き、ワむキキでロングボヌドに興じた子䟛時 代。自宅近くの熱垯林で怍物を探しお歩くのが倧奜きだった。「あら ゆる怍物を調合したしたよ」ブラりニングさんは振り返る。「怍物の こずなど䜕もわかっおいないうちから怍物で遊んでいたんです。魔 法の薬を぀くっおいる気分でした」

ハワむの怍物が持぀”魔法”に察する興味は、ブラりニングさんが 20代のはじめにかたちになりはじめた。日焌けずサヌフィンでダメ ヌゞを受けた肌を修埩したくお、スキンケアの研究をはじめたブラ

36 Life

the sun and surf had done to her own skin, Browning began studying skincare and found herself fascinated by the chemistry involved. “In modern skincare, there’s a serum for everything,” Browning explains. “I knew that we could have one simple line that did it all if we were just smarter about the ‘why.’” Already armed with familial knowledge of lā‘au lapa‘au, or traditional Hawaiian herbal medicine, Browning took a deeper dive into the world of skin needs, first becoming an esthetician and then, in 2010, opening a small streamside apothecary in Pālolo called From the Root. There, she began bottling her own herbal skincare creations to send home with clients.

Then, financial hardships hit. Struggling with Hawai‘i’s high cost of living, Browning and her husband made the difficult decision to relocate to California. That move, incidentally, served as the unexpected catalyst to launching Honua Skincare. “It started organically, just accidentally,” Browning says. “My Hawai‘i clients reached out and said they missed the products, so I’d make small batches and send them home.”

Browning’s timing was perfect. Interest in clean beauty, or cosmetic products without chemicals and potentially harmful ingredients, was rising across the U.S., and with her knowledge of native Hawaiian herbs and organic production methods, she was uniquely qualified to jump into the clean beauty market. She began to think about scaling up production and how the clean beauty industry could benefit Hawai‘i’s small local farms. In 2021, Browning and her family returned home to the islands with a new dream and vision.

Today, sustainable responsibility guides everything Browning does at

りニングさんは化孊的な偎面に心を奪われる。「最近のスキンケア では、肌のトラブル毎にセラムがあるんです」ブラりンさんは説明し おくれた。「でも、”なぜそうなるのか”ずいう郚分を重芖すれば、すべ おのトラブルを解決するシンプルな補品ラむンひず぀で十分だずわ かっおいたした」ハワむの䌝統的なハヌブの䜿い方、ラヌアり・ラパ アりにはすでに粟通しおいたブラりニングさんはたず゚ステティシ ャンずしお肌のニヌズを远究し、やがお2010幎、パヌロロの小川の そばに〈フロム・ザ・ルヌト根っこから〉ずいう小さなハヌブの店 を開く。そしお、ハヌブを調合しお぀くった独自のスキンケア補品を 瓶に詰めお販売しはじめた。

だが、それから経枈的に苊境に陥る。ハワむの生掻物䟡の高さに苊 しみ、ブラりニングさん倫劻は䞍本意ながらカリフォルニアに移䜏 する。だが、この移䜏が思いもかけずホヌア・スキンケア誕生のきっ かけずなる。「ホヌア・スキンケアは本圓にたたたた、ごく自然に生た れたんです」ブラりニングさんは語る。「ハワむにいたずきのクラむア ントが連絡をくれお、わたしの぀くるスキンケア補品がなくお困っお いるず蚀うんです。そこで、少し぀くっお送っおあげたした」 完璧なタむミングだった。有害になりかねない原材料や薬品類を 䜿わないクリヌンなスキンケア補品や化粧品ぞの関心は党米で高 たりを芋せおいお、ハワむ固有の薬草やオヌガニックな補造法に詳 しいブラりニングさんは、クリヌンな化粧品垂堎に参入する資栌を 十分備えおいた。補造の芏暡を拡倧し、クリヌンな化粧品ずいう事 業でハワむの小芏暡な蟲家に恩恵をもたらすにはどうしたらいい か。暡玢しはじめたブラりニングさんは2021幎、新たな倢ず展望 を胞に、家族ずずもにハワむに舞い戻った。

今日、ホヌア・スキンケアのすべおの掻動においおブラりニングさん が指針ずしおいるのはサステむナビリティ。原材料はすべおハワむ 各島の小芏暡な蟲家や䌁業から調達しおいる。ハワむ島の癜檀に カりアむ島ずマりむ島で採れるオレナタヌメリック。ひたわりの 皮、マカダミアナッツ、ククむナッツはパシフィック・バむオディヌれ ル・ハワむ瀟から仕入れおいる。パッケヌゞにはコンポスト化できる 玠材を䜿い、アロハに満ちたメッセヌゞを怍物性むンクで印刷。銙 りのいいクレンザヌや化粧液、モむスチャラむザヌにはリサむクル

Bottled Botanicals 38

Honua Skincare. She sources ingredients from small farms and businesses across the islands: sandalwood from Hawai‘i Island; ‘ōlena from Kaua‘i and Maui; sunflower, macadamia, and kukui nut products from Pacific Biodiesel Hawai‘i. She utilizes compostable packaging, adorning it with messages of aloha printed in vegetable inks. She relies on recyclable glass bottles and containers to hold her divine-smelling cleansers, elixirs, and moisturizers and also makes a practice of supporting local, environmental, and cultural nonprofits with her sales.

“It’s about aloha, sustainability, and walking the walk,” Browning says. “We have an inborn responsibility to take care of the land that takes care of us.”

可胜なガラスの瓶や容噚を甚い、売䞊の䞀郚をハワむのコミュニテ ィや環境保護団䜓、文化団䜓に寄莈もしおいる。

「アロハの心ずサステむナビリティ、そしお有蚀実行がわたしのモ ットヌです」ずブラりニングさん。「自分たちを育んでくれる倧地を 倧切にするのは、わたしたちが生たれ持぀責任だず思いたす」 新補品フェむシャルバヌやカポレむにたもなくオヌプンする新し い店舗など、ホヌア・スキンケアに関する詳现はhonuaskincare. com から。

Bottled Botanicals 40
OPEN DAILY | Brunch 8AM - 3PM • Dinner 4 PM - 9 PM • Please check our website for updated hours of operation. LONGHIS.COM • Located at Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club • (808) 671-8887 • Reservations Recommended SERVING AWARD WINNING ITALIAN MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE SINCE 1976 FEATURING THE FINEST AND FRESHEST INGREDIENTS FROM HAWAII AND AROUND THE WORLD PRESENTED IN A SPECTACULAR OPEN-AIR ATMOSPHERE.

Kapua Browning’s childhood fascination with lā‘au lapa‘au (traditional Hawaiian herbal medicine) laid the foundation for what would become a successful skincare line. Says Browning, “I was playing with botanicals before I even understood them---I just felt like I was creating magic.”

To learn more, visit honuaskincare.com. Look for

first facial bar and retail store coming soon to

Honua Skincare’s Kapolei.
Bottled Botanicals




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Image by Michelle Mishina
When we faced challenges and felt the weight of the world on our shoulders, it was the community who told us, ‘You can’t give up. You gotta keep fighting. It makes us want to ensure that we keep going for another generation.”
Emi Suzuki, fourth-generation owner, Sumida Farms
Michelle Mishina
Image by



Divine Inspiration

Fueled by his faith, a Mākaha-based surfboard shaper celebrates the art of analog.

Text by Rae Sojot

Images by John Hook

Ma o kona mana‘o‘i‘o, aia ke ola o kekahi kālai papa he‘enalu ma ka hana a ka lima.

信仰心を原動力にアナログ芞術を極めるオアフ島西郚の サヌフボヌドシェむパヌ


Decades before he became one of the West Side’s most sought-after surfboard shapers, Sira “Tor” Sunnanonta was just a kid keen to create. Equipped with a knife, a sanding block, and youthful ambitions, he had a bold plan: to reshape an old, discarded board into a newly minted masterpiece. Although he was a teenager at the time, Sunnanonta presumed his skill set would serve him well: He was an avid surfer and familiar with the general tools and materials needed to make a board; in school, he excelled in mathematics—a boon for the requisite measuring involved; he also had a knack for building things. The board was a bust. “I went into it thinking, this can’t be that hard,” Sunnanonta laughs. “My mom ended up throwing it away.”

シラ・“トア”・スンナノンタさんは、オアフ島西郚で最も 人気のあるサヌフボヌドシェむパヌの䞀人だ。だが、数 十幎前の圌は、創䜜掻動に熱䞭する少幎に過ぎなか った。ナむフずサンディングブロック、そしお若者ならで はの野心を抱いおいた圌は、捚おられた叀いサヌフボ ヌドを芋぀けお、新たな傑䜜に䜜り倉えおやろうずいう 倧胆な蚈画を立おる。サヌフィンが倧奜きで、ボヌド䜜 りに必芁な䞀般的な道具や材料には粟通しおいたし、 孊校では数孊が埗意だったため、必芁な蚈枬䜜業も 問題なくできた。さらに、物䜜りの才胜にも恵たれおい た。圓時はただ10代だったが、技術は十分に備わっお いるず思い蟌んでいたのだ。だが、そのボヌド䜜りは倧 倱敗に終わる。「それほど難しいこずではないず思っお 取り組み始めたのですが」ずスンナノンタさんは笑う。 「結局、そのボヌドは母に捚おられおしたいたした」

Divine Inspiration

The failed endeavor nagged at him, so when he was introduced to a respected shaper and subsequently offered an apprenticeship, Sunnanonta jumped at the opportunity. Working as a “shop rat,” Sunnanonta tackled the grunt work with gusto—running errands, sweeping up foam, repairing small dings under the guidance of the senior shapers. “I was eager and hungry to learn,” Sunnanonta recalls, “and willing to clean the shop for a little wisdom.”

Sunnanonta was a quick study in all things surfboard making, soaking up everything he could about shaping, sanding, and glassing and then finetuning those techniques in meticulous fashion. He refused to take shortcuts, something that did not go unnoticed by Sunnanonta’s mentors. His methodical approach was a refreshing change from the other fledgling shapers, who grew impatient and rushed through steps. The more Sunnanonta applied himself, the more his passion grew. “I remember praying that it would be God’s will for me to make a career out of shaping,” Sunnanonta says.

After several years of study, his prayer was answered. Sunnanonta’s mentors informed him that he had finished his training—he’d been taught all there was to be taught. Moreover, he was awarded the ultimate validation: their blessing to strike out on his own.

その倱敗を匕きずっおいた圌は、腕のいいサヌフボヌ ドシェむパヌを玹介され、匟子入りを勧められたずき、 迷わずにそのチャンスに飛び぀いた。工房で䞋働きを 始めたスンナノンタさんは、先茩シェむパヌの指導の 䞋、䜿い走りやブランクスボヌドの䞭栞ずなる暹脂補 の板でフォヌムずも呌ばれるの削りカスの掃き掃陀、 ボヌドにできた小さなぞこみの修理など、単調な仕事 にも熱意をもっお取り組んだ。「圓時の私は、孊びたい ずいう意欲にあふれおいたした」ずスンナノンタさんは 振り返る。「ちょっずしたこずでも孊べるのなら、䜜業堎 の掃陀も苊ではありたせんでした」

シェむピング削り出し、サンディング研磚、グラッ シング削ったブランクスをガラス繊維の織垃でラミ ネヌトする䜜業、さらに各工皋においお现心の泚意 を払っお行う埮調敎の方法など、たるで枇いた倧地に 氎が染み蟌むように、スンナノンタさんはサヌフボヌド 補䜜に必芁なあらゆる技術を玠早く習埗しおいった。

圌の垫たちは気づかなかったが、スンナノンタさんは 䞀切の劥協を蚱さなかった。几垳面な圌のアプロヌチ は、他の駆け出しシェむパヌたちがせっかちに、急いで 手順を進めようずするのず察照的だったずいう。努力す ればするほど、圌の情熱は増しおいった。「どうかシェむ パヌずしおのキャリアを築くこずが、神の埡心でありた すように、ず真剣に祈っおいたものです」ずスンナノンタ さんは語る。

数幎間にわたっお研鑜を積んだ埌、圌の祈りは぀いに 聞き届けられた。スンナノンタさんの垫たちは、圌が修 行を終えたこず、これ以䞊教えるこずは䜕もないこずを 圌に告げた。さらに、垫たちは最高の評䟡の蚌ずしお、 圌の独立を祝犏しおくれたのだ。


Today, Sunnanonta works out of a shop in Mākaha, where he has transformed a trio of large shipping containers into a shaping bay, a glassing space, and a sanding room. Unlike the chaotic disarray of resin drums, brushes, and foam blanks one might find in a typical board shaper’s studio, Sunnanonta’s workspaces feel intentional and Zenlike—a shaper’s dream mise en scÚne. On one shelf, palm-sized sanding blocks are carefully ordered by grit. On another, rulers, rasps, and clamps are neatly lined up within easy reach. Here, everything has a place and a purpose—and, in the case of Sunnanonta’s company name, Prizm Surfboards, a deeper meaning.

When he was a child, Sunnanonta had been fascinated by the rainbow of color that a prism refracts from a beam of white light. Later, as a devout Christian, he found the prism’s physics a fitting metaphor for his faith. “The Bible talks about how God is light, and we are his vessels,” he explains. Surfboard making became Sunnanonta’s way of channeling the divine.

In the shaping room, Sunnanonta scrutinizes his latest project, his practiced eye scanning the board’s lines for aberrations. He consults a clipboard, reviewing his detailed notes before grabbing a tape measure and a handsaw. The saw, more than 100 years old, was a

珟圚スンナノンタさんは、3぀の倧型茞送甚コンテナ をシェむピング甚、サンディング甚、グラッシング甚に 改造したマカハの工房でサヌフボヌドを䜜り続けおい る。兞型的なサヌフボヌドシェむパヌの工房には、暹脂 の入ったドラム猶やブラシそしおブランクスなどが乱 雑に眮かれおいるこずが倚いが、スンナノンタさんの䜜 業堎は敎然ずしお犅のような萜ち着きがあり、シェむパ ヌが理想ずする空間ずなっおいる。ある棚には、手のひ らサむズのサンディングブロックが目の粗さ別に䞁寧 に䞊べられおいる。別の棚には、定芏、やすり、クランプ 締め金具が手の届きやすい䜍眮にきれいに揃えら れおいる。ここでは、すべおのものに堎所ず圹割がある。

それは「プリズム・サヌフボヌド」ずいう瀟名も同様で、 そこには深い意味が蟌められおいる。

子どもの頃、スンナノンタさんはプリズムに圓たった光 が屈折しお虹色になる珟象に魅了されおいた。その埌、 敬虔なクリスチャンである圌は、このプリズム珟象が自 分の信念を衚すのにふさわしい比喩であるこずに気づ く。「聖曞には神は光であり、私たちはその光を受ける 噚であるず曞かれおいたす」ず圌は説明する。スンナノ ンタさんにずっお、サヌフボヌド䜜りは神聖なメッセヌ ゞを䌝える手段なのだ。

シェむピングルヌムでのスンナノンタさんは、最新プロ ゞェクトを粟査し、その熟緎の目でサヌフボヌドのラ むンに異垞がないかをチェックする。巻尺ず鋞を手に 取る前に、クリップボヌドに挟たれたメモで詳现を再 床確認する。この鋞は100幎以䞊も前に䜜られたもの で、垫の䞀人から受け継いだものだ。「叀い道具の魅力 は、すべおにおいお䜿い心地がよく、手にしっくり銎染


gift from one of his mentors. “The beauty of old tools is that everything’s very comfortable and broken in,”

Sunnanonta says, marveling at the saw’s solid craftmanship.

In a new era of board shaping dominated by Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software programs and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, Sunnanonta is among the rare guild of shapers still doing everything by hand. While a traditional shaping job could take days or months, tech-inclined shapers can simply plug numbers into a machine and produce one in hours. “It’s almost archaic to still use simple tools like pencils, tape measures, and electric planers when CAD programs and CNC machines can do most of that work,” Sunnanonta says. “But I had wanted to learn the old-fashioned way. I intended to preserve and perpetuate the craft.”

Sunnanonta is aware he’s a bit of a throwback in the shaping world, noting that creating a board from scratch isn’t for everyone. It’s a slow, often angst-ridden process, but it’s one he enjoys. What others might consider an overwrought, pedantic approach, Sunnanonta instead sees exquisite precision. A Prizm board is the culmination of a thousand painstakingly planned details—an ode, perhaps, to Sunnanonta’s vision of the sublime.

むこずです」ず、スンナノンタさんはその確かな職人技 を耒め讃える。

CADコンピュヌタ支揎蚭蚈゜フトりェアプログラム やCNCコンピュヌタ数倀制埡マシンの䜿甚が䞻流 ずなっおいる珟代のボヌドシェむピング業界においお、 スンナノンタさんはいただにすべおを手䜜業で行っお いる数少ないシェむパヌの䞀人である。䌝統的なシェ むピングは䜜業に数日から数か月を芁するが、テクノ ロゞヌ頌みのシェむパヌなら機械に数字を打ち蟌むだ けで、数時間でシェむピングを完了できる。「CADプロ グラムやCNCマシンでほずんどの䜜業ができるように なったずいうのに、いただに鉛筆や巻尺、電動プレヌナ ヌずいった基本的な道具を䜿っおいるのは、ほずんど 時代遅れだず思いたす」ずスンナノンタさんは語る。「け れども、私はどうしおも昔ながらの方法を孊びたかっ たのです。そしお、この技術を守り、次䞖代に䌝えおい きたいず願っおいたす」

スンナノンタさんは、自分がシェむピング業界では少し 時代を逆行しおいるこずを自芚しおいお、サヌフボヌド をれロから䜜る䜜業は、䞇人に向いおいる蚳ではない ず指摘する。時間はかかるし、頭を悩たすこずも倚い䜜 業だが、圌はそれを楜しんでいる。他人から芋れば、圌 のやり方は凝りすぎおいるのかもしれない。だがスンナ ノンタさんが芋おいるのは絶劙な粟床だ。プリズムの サヌフボヌドは、緻密に蚈算された䜕千ものディテヌ ルの集倧成であるず同時に、厇高なものに察するスン ナノンタさんのビゞョンを具珟化したものなのだ。

Divine Inspiration

Faraway and Free

On the West Side, a photographer finds sublimity within simplicity.

Text by Rae Sojot

Images by Michelle Mishina

Ma ka hulina Komohana, loa‘a i kekahi pa‘i ki‘i ke ‘ano māhiehie i loko nō o ke ‘ano nōhie.

遠く、そしお自由に り゚ストサむドで、ある写真家が芋぀けた食り気の ない厇高さ。

Faraway and Free

When asked to describe scenes she enjoys capturing with her lens, Michelle Mishina leans towards wide, wild spaces. “Personally, I prefer places that are removed,” says the Hawai‘i Island-born photographer. After nearly a decade working in Los Angeles, Mishina recalls coming across a short video on social media. The visual was simple yet poetic, a field of grass undulating in the currents of wind. It stirred something deep within her, compelling her to return home.

Now based on O‘ahu, Mishina has found herself similarly stirred by scenes on the West Side. Its expansive remoteness allows her to breathe, and its light reminds her of days growing up in northern Kona: The long drives along the coast, the sun-beaten landscape, the wind coming down the mountain slopes.

Then there’s the community’s refreshing absence of artifice. “It’s this lack of self-consciousness, of watching who is watching you,” Mishina says. “People are just living life with an appreciation, a gratitude for where they live. It all feels natural and real.”

レンズでずらえたいのはどんな景色なのかず尋ねるず、 写真家ミッシェル・ミシナさんは広く荒涌ずした空間ず 答えた。「個人的には、切り離された堎所が奜きなんで す」ハワむ島出身の圌女は蚀う。ロサンれルスで仕事に 就いお10幎近く経ったころ、゜ヌシャルメディアでたた たた短いビデオを目にしたそうだ。枡る颚にうねる草 原。シンプルだが詩的なビゞュアル。その映像に心の奥 底の䜕かが呌び芚たされお、家に垰りたくおたたらなく なっおしたった。

珟圚はオアフ島を拠点ずするミシナさん。り゚ストサむ ドの景色にも同じように心を揺さぶられるずいう。海 岞沿いの長いドラむブ。灌熱の倪陜にさらされた颚景。 山から吹き䞋ろす颚。

人圱のない、果おしなく荒涌ずした景色のなかに身を 眮くずほっずできお、り゚ストサむドの光にコナの北郚 で育った子䟛時代を思い出すそうだ。

そしお、さわやかなたでに裏衚のない人々。「自意識の なさ、人の目をたったく気にしないずころがいいんで す」ミシナさんは語る。「り゚ストサむドの人たちは感謝 の気持ちを抱きながら、ただ普通に生掻しおいるんで す。自分たちが暮らす堎所がすばらしいず思っおいる。



Field of Greens

At the nearly 100-year old Sumida Farm, the wonders of watercress endure.

Text by Lisa Yamada-Son

Images by John Hook

緑の蟲堎 Ma ka māla ‘ai ‘o Sumida Farm, i ‘ane‘ane piha iā ia he 100 makahiki, he ulu mau nō ka lēkō.


Field of Greens

Anyone who grew up in Central O‘ahu likely knows Sumida Farm. With fields of lush watercress greeting drivers on commutes down Kamehameha Highway, the nearly 100-year-old farm has stood as a beacon of green through ‘Aiea’s concrete corridor, a reminder of a bygone era when farming was central to the area, as well as to the islands itself.

“Everything you see around us used to be farmland,” says Emi Suzuki, the farm’s fourth-generation owner and its current president. “Hawaiians were farming here from mauka to makai for centuries before, and even just a generation back, you had unobstructed views to the mountains. It’s crazy to think that we would be one of the last farms in the ahupua‘a.”

Sumida Farm was started in 1928 by Emi’s great-grandparents Makiyo and Moriichi Sumida on five acres of land fed by Kalauao Springs, the area’s freshwater aquifer for more than a millennium. The water, untainted by animal waste runoff from mountain streams or development over the years, remains pure enough to drink and is the farm’s most valuable resource. Bubbling at a cool, constant 67 degrees, the 5 to 8 million gallons of water that flows daily across the farm’s 10 acres enables it to harvest

オアフ島䞭倮郚で育った人なら、おそらく誰もが知っ おいるであろうスミダ・ファヌム。すぐ暪のカメハメハ・ ハむりェむを車で走るず、青々ず茂ったクレ゜ン畑が、 ドラむバヌたちの目に入る。この100幎近くの歎史あ る蟲堎は、蟲業がこの地域のみならず島の産業の䞭心 だった時代を思い出させおくれる。それは、たるでアむ ゚アに立ち䞊ぶコンクリヌトの建物の間に燊然ず茝く 緑の道しるべのようだ。

「その昔、この蟺りはすべお蟲地だったの」スミダ・フ ァヌムの4代目、゚ミ・スズキさんは蚀う。「ハワむ先䜏 民は䜕䞖玀も前からこの地のマりカハワむ語で「山 偎」からマカむ「海偎」で、ずっず蟲業を営んできた した。先代の頃には、ここから山たで遮るものが䜕もな く、ずっず芋枡せたんですよ。このアフプアア「ハワむ 先䜏民の土地区画」の䞭で、うちが最埌の蟲家のひず ぀になるなんおびっくりだわ」。

スミダ・ファヌムは、゚ミさんの曜祖父母であるスミダ・ マキペさんずモリむチさん倫劻により、1928幎に2侇 平方メヌトルほどの蟲堎ずしお始たった。氎源であるカ ラりアオ・スプリングスは淡氎の垯氎局で、1000幎以 䞊も前から豊かな氎をこの地域に䟛絊しおきた。その 氎は枓流から流れ蟌む動物の排泄物にも、䜕幎にもわ たる付近の開発によっおも汚染されるこずなく、今でも 飲料氎ずしお問題ないほどの玔床を保っおいる。蟲堎 の最もかけがえのない資源である。4䞇平方メヌトル の蟲堎内を毎日流れる1900䞇3000䞇リットルほ どの湧氎は、摂氏20床匱ず冷たい。そしお、その氎を䜿 っお、幎間200トン近くのクレ゜ンを栜培し収穫しおい る。それは、ハワむ州内の党収穫量の玄70を占めお いるずいう。「この氎がなければ、クレ゜ンはもちろん蟲


nearly 200 tons of watercress each year, or 70 percent of the state’s watercress supply. “Without the water,” Emi says, “there is no watercress, no farm, and no nourishment for the island.”

Although she was raised primarily on the mainland, her parents both distinguished university professors, Emi always had a profound affinity for the farm, spending summers and family vacations in its fields. “Growing up in small college towns, I was always the minority, so coming back to Hawai‘i, where more people looked like me, ate the foods I ate, I felt very connected here,” she says. “Just like for anyone who has grown up here, the farm has always

堎も存圚しないし、この島の人々ぞの栄逊䟛絊も絶え おしたうのよ」ず、゚ミさんは蚀う。

著名な倧孊教授の䞡芪のもず、䞻に米本土で育った゚ ミさんだが、倏䌑みや䌑日を過ごしたこの蟲堎に深い 愛着を抱いおいた。「生たれ育ったのは小さな孊園郜 垂で、私は垞にマむノリティだったの。ハワむに来るず、 私ず同じような倖芋の人たちがたくさんいる。私が慣 れ芪しんできた食べ物を食べおいる人がいる。だから ここで育ったかのように、この土地には匷い絆を感じ おいたのです。

蟲堎はい぀でも同じように、そう、文字どおり、䜕十幎 も同じようにここにあっお。だからここは実際には私 の家ではなかったけれど、垞に故郷のように感じおい たの」。

Field of Greens

been the same—literally, it has looked the same for decades—so even though it wasn’t home, it always felt like home.”

So, when the family began to wonder who would assume operations after Emi’s aunt, Barbara Sumida—who had been running the farm with her brother David for more than 30 years—the couple felt compelled to raise their hands. In 2018, Emi and her husband, Kyle, began the transition to take over operations, with a phased plan to learn the business over the next seven to nine years. Then, in January 2020, Barbara was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer and passed away six weeks later. “Emi flew to Hawai‘i trying to help,” Kyle recalls, “but she literally didn’t have passwords to log in to their computer, let alone a guide for how to run a farm.”

Two months later, the pandemic hit, and the city locked down; travel was restricted into the islands. But with experience in managing high-stress situations for large corporate companies, the Seattle couple was primed for the position. Through multiple mandated 14-day quarantines, Kyle and Emi, with their two young daughters in tow, were able to pull the farm past its moment of crisis. “The first two years was really about stabilizing,” says Kyle, who quit

゚ミさんの叔母であるバヌバラ・スミダさんが、30幎 にもわたり、兄のデむビッドさんず共に経営しおきた蟲 堎を誰が匕き継ぐかずいう話になった時、゚ミさんは 名乗り出ざるを埗ないず感じたのだず蚀う。2018幎、 ゚ミさんず倫のカむルさんは、7幎から9幎ほどかけお 段階的にビゞネスを孊ぶずいう長期蚈画を立お、蟲堎 運営の匕継ぎを始めた。ずころが、2020幎1月、バヌバ ラさんが進行性の脳腫瘍ず蚺断され、6週間埌に他界 した。「゚ミはすぐにハワむに飛んでなんずか手助けし ようずしたけれど、圌女はその時、蟲堎の運営方法はた ったく知らず、蟲堎のコンピュヌタヌのパスワヌドさえ 持っおいなかったんだ」ず、カむルさんは振り返る。

2か月埌、コロナりむルスの䞖界的流行により垂は封 鎖され、島ぞの枡航も制限された。しかし、シアトル圚 䜏の゚ミさんたちは、倧䌁業でストレスの倚い管理職 を経隓しおきたこずもあり、この難局を乗り越える準備 はできおいた。14日間の隔離が䜕床も矩務付けられ た䞭でも、カむルさんず゚ミさんは、2人の幌い嚘たち ず共に、蟲堎を危機的状況から救い出すこずに成功し たのだ。蟲堎をフルタむムで管理するため、1幎半前に 䌁業を退職したカむルさんは蚀う。「最初の2幎間はビ ゞネスを安定させるこずで手䞀杯だった。最近やっず、 日々のこず以倖の、もっず将来のための蚈画を立おら れるようになっおきたんだよ」。

たずえば蟲堎オリゞナルの空䞭スプリンクラヌの改良 など、取り組たなければならない課題はただただある。 このスプリンクラヌは、ハワむのクレ゜ン産業に倧打撃 を䞎えた害虫で蛟の䞀皮のコナガに察する無蟲薬の 駆陀方法ずしお、1980幎代に蟲孊者のゞョン・マクヒ ュヌさんず2代目瀟長のマサル・スミダさんによっお開

Field of Greens

蟲堎芋孊で子どもたちは、自分たちの食べ物がどこか ら来るのかを盎接目の圓たりにする。そしお、蟲堎の劎 働者が手䜜業で収穫し、450グラムのクレ゜ンを䞀束 にしお、䞁寧に手掗いするずいう手のかかる工皋を孊 ぶ。子どもたちは畑の氎の䞭を歩き回り、岩をひっくり 返しおザリガニを探し、クレ゜ンのくるりずカヌルした 緑の葉をかき分けお、害虫を防ぐテントりムシやむトト ンボを芋぀ける楜しみも経隓する。そしお、クレ゜ン・゜ ヌダやクレ゜ン・クリヌムチヌズ・ディップなど、蟲堎の his corporate job to manage the farm full time. “We’re finally getting to a place where we’re able to start planning outside of the day to day and more for the future.”

There are still many necessities that need to be managed, like upgrading the farm’s original aerial sprinkler system. (Pioneered in the 1980s by agronomist John McHugh and second-generation president Masaru Sumida, the sprinklers were developed as a pesticide-free way to combat the diamondback moths that nearly decimated Hawai‘i’s watercress industry.) These days, however, the duo is focused on community outreach,

発されたものだ。しかし今日、2人はコミュニティずの連 携に泚力し、゜ヌシャルメディアを通じお、ストヌリヌ や家族の歎史、レシピのアむデアなどを共有し始めた。 たた、パンデミックで䞭断されおいたが、か぀お叔父の デむビッド・スミダさんが毎週行っおいた、小孊生たち の蟲堎芋孊も再開した。

Field of Greens

sharing stories, family history, and recipe ideas across social media. They have also resumed the weekly elementary school field trips to the farm that, for years, had been led by their uncle, David Sumida, before the pandemic put them to a halt.

Visiting keiki get to see firsthand where their food comes from, along with the laborious system it takes to process the watercress, each 1-pound bunch hand-harvested and handwashed by the farm’s dedicated workers. They get to wade around in the fields, tip over rocks to look for crayfish, and tousle the watercress’s curly greens to witness the ladybugs and damselflies that keep pests at bay. Then, they eat, sampling innovative takes on a local staple prepared by the farm’s chef, like watercress soda and watercress cream cheese dip. “We’re lucky if even three out of 60 kids have tried watercress before coming to our farm,” Emi says. “By the end, they’re all shouting, ‘Watercress is my favorite vegetable!’”

The farm’s accessibility and proximity to an urban area was always important to the family. When Pearlridge Center was expanding in the 1970s, Emi’s grandfather Masaru fought the developers to establish the land as a historical greenway, preventing

シェフが工倫しおアレンゞしたクレ゜ン料理を詊食す る。「蟲堎に来る前は、クレ゜ンを食べたこずがある子 は60人のうち3人いれば良い方なんです。でも、最埌に は皆、『奜きな野菜はクレ゜ンだよ』ず声を䞊げおくれ たす」ず、゚ミさんは蚀う。

蟲堎が郜垂郚に近く、アクセスしやすい堎所にあるず いうのは、䞀家にずっお垞に倧切なこずだった。1970 幎代にパヌルリッゞ・センタヌの拡匵が進む䞭、゚ミ さんの祖父マサルさんは開発業者に立ち向かい、この 土地を歎史的な緑地ずしお敎備するこずで、蟲堎が舗 装されたり、カラりアオ・スプリングスが塞がれたりす るこずを阻止した。それ以来、スミダ・ファヌムは、オヌ パ゚りラ「ハワむアン・シュリンプ」や絶滅が危惧さ れる氎鳥のアラ゚りラ「ハワむアン・バンなどの圚 来皮の動物の生息地である湿地を維持し、さらには地 域の人々に圌らの家のすぐそばの蟲堎で蟲業ず觊れ 合う機䌚を提䟛するなど、倚岐にわたる恩恵をもたら しおいる

「私たちが困難に盎面し、肩にずっしりずした重圧を 感じた時、私たちを励たしおくれたのは地元の人々で した。『諊めちゃだめだよ。戊い続けなさい』っおね。そ のおかげで、次の䞖代も続けおいこうず思えるのです」 ず、゚ミさんは蚀う。

Field of Greens

anyone from paving over the farm and plugging up Kalauao Springs. Since then, Sumida Farm has been a boon in more ways than one, providing wetland habitat for native animals like ‘ōpae‘ula (Hawaiian shrimp) and the endangered ‘alae ‘ula (Hawaiian moorhen) in addition to offering the community an opportunity to interact with a farm right in their backyard.

“When we faced challenges and felt the weight of the world on our shoulders, it was the community who told us, ‘You can’t give up. You gotta keep fighting,’” Emi says. “It makes us want to ensure that we keep going for another generation.”

Field of Greens

Hula and Heritage


At a storied hula hālau in Kapolei, young dancers are taught both connection and camaraderie.

Text by Lindsey Kesel

Images by John Hook

Ma kekahi hālau hula ma ka hulina Komohana, a‘o ‘ia ka po‘e ‘ōpio i ka pilina kanaka me ka ho‘ālohaloha.

り゚ストサむドの名門フラ・ハヌラり教宀では、若きダンサ ヌたちが仲間ずの絆ず友情の育み方を教わっおいたす。


Hula and Heritage

For the keiki (children) of Hālau Hula ‘O Hokulani, a hula hālau (school) at Ka Makana Ali‘i shopping center in Kapolei, living by the hālau’s 15 core rules is a way to honor their kumu (teachers), fellow students, and families. At any moment during a class or following a performance, the students may be asked to recite a rule by heart—such as “Come to class on time and be ready to learn,” or “I will give my mommy and daddy a big hug and kiss each day just because I love them.” With each declaration, the young dancers are reminded to bring a sense of respect, mindfulness, and community to every hula movement they make.

Hālau Hula ‘O Hokulani was founded in 1985 by Larry DeRego and the late Marlene Hokulani DeRego, a couple whose contributions to the art of hula and Hawaiian culture are legendary. Coming from strong hula lineages on both sides, the DeRegos began teaching hula to their own children, along with children from their Wahiawā neighborhood. As the hālau steadily grew into a large extended family united by Hawaiian culture and family values, “Uncle Larry” and “Aunty Hoku” created a unique expression of storytelling stemming from their marriage of hula styles.

カポレむのカ・マカナ・アリむ・ショッピング・センタヌ にあるフラ教宀、ハヌラり・フラ・オ・ホクラニのケむキ 子䟛たちは、15ヶ条の倧事な芏則を守るこずでク ム先生やフラ仲間、そしお家族ぞの敬意を瀺しおい る。”皜叀には遅刻せず、孊ぶ準備をずずのえお来るこ ず“”ずくに理由がなくおも、倧奜きなお母さんずお父さ んにちゃんずハグずキスをするこず”ずいった芏則を、 皜叀の途䞭やパフォヌマンスのあず、いきなり暗誊す るように蚀われるこずもある。芏則を口に出しお唱える たびに、若いダンサヌたちは自分が螊るフラの動きひ ず぀ひず぀に人ぞの敬意や思いやり、そしお仲間意識 を蟌めるこずを思い出すのだ。

ハヌラり・フラ・オ・ホクラニは1985幎、フラずいう芞 術ずハワむ文化に䌝説的な貢献をしたラリヌ・デレゎ さんず故マヌリヌン・ホクラニ・デレゎさん倫劻が創蚭 した。それぞれフラ界の名家出身のデレゎ倫劻は、自 分の子䟛たちにフラを教えるこずからはじめ、やがお䜏 んでいたワヒアワヌの近所の子䟛たちにも教えるよう になる。ハワむの文化ず家族を倧切にする䟡倀芳で結 ばれたハヌラりが倧家族ずしお着実に成長しおいくな かで、”アンクル・ラリヌ”ず”アンティ・ホク”はそれぞれ のフラのスタむルを融合させお物語の独特な衚珟方 法を生み出した。


Hula and Heritage

“My dad’s hula lineage is very gentle, graceful, and elegant, whereas my mom’s is robust, vibrant, strong, and fierce,” says Kehaulani Kawai, the DeRegos’ daughter, who currently leads approximately 250 dancers in the hālau’s thriving keiki program. “One of my mom’s many mantras, ‘Dance with the fluidity of water, but with a spark of fire,’ stays at the forefront while we’re creating hula.”

Kumu Kehau and her sisters, Leinani Lauaki and Leonani Naho‘oikaika, are keeping the spark alive by running year-round hula classes, planning events, and preparing for competitions at home and abroad. Much more than a studio that teaches dancers the technical side of hula, Hālau Hula ‘O Hokulani strives to build character, cultivate creativity, and impart the traditional Hawaiian value of laulima (cooperation) in their students and, by extension, their families. From making lei, outfits, and adornments to learning the backstory of the mele (songs), the whole family is involved in a student’s hula journey from preparation to performance. “In the tradition of mom and dad, we try to always reinforce the idea that everyone rolling together in the same canoe can make anything happen,” says Kawai.

「父方のフラはずおも繊现で優雅、䞊品な感じ。䞀方、 母方のスタむルは力匷くメリハリがあり、激しいフラな んです」ず語るのはデレゎ倫劻の嚘で、およそ250人の ダンサヌで掻気にあふれるハヌラりのケむキ・プログ ラムを率いるケハりラニ・カワむさん。「母のたくさんの マントラのひず぀、”螊るずきは氎のようにしなやかに、 火花のように激しく”は、わたしたちがフラを創るずき のもっずも重芁なポむントです」

クム・ケハりず姉効、レむナニ・ラりアキさんずレオナニ・ ナホオむカむカさんは幎間を通しおフラの皜叀を行い ながらむベントを䌁画し、ハワむ内倖の倧䌚の準備も 手がけるなど、ハヌラりの掻動を぀ねに刺激に満ちた ものにしおいる。ハヌラり・フラ・オ・ホクラニはただ螊 りのテクニックずしおのフラを教えるスタゞオの次元を 超えお、生埒たち、さらには生埒たちの家族の人間性 を育み、独創性を匕き䌞ばし、ハワむの䌝統的䟡倀芳 であるラりリマ協力の倧切さを䌝えるこずを目暙ず しおいる。レむや衣装、装食品を手䜜りし、メレ歌の 背景を孊びながら、準備段階からパフォヌマンスに至 るたで、生埒の家族もたた生埒ず䞀緒にフラの道を歩 いおいるのだ。「みんなでカヌヌを挕げばなんだっおで きる。䞡芪の時代から、わたしたちのハヌラりはこの粟 神を倧切にしおいたす」


With classes starting at age 3 for girls and age 5 for boys, the keiki groups perform every other week and during holiday events for audiences at Ka Makana Ali‘i and throughout the community. While beginners are taught fundamental footwork, posture, and hand movements, intermediate students work on intricate choreography with hula implements such as pu‘ili (split bamboo sticks) and ‘uli‘uli (pebble-filled gourds with feather or tapa handles). At the advanced level, the dancers train for annual competitions, such as the Queen Lili‘uokalani Keiki Hula Competition on O‘ahu and the Iā ‘Oe E Ka Lā Hula Hula

女児は3歳、男児は5歳から、ホリデヌシヌズン䞭、ケむ キたちのグルヌプは隔週でカ・マカナ・アリむなどの芳 客の前で螊る。初心者はたず基本のステップや姿勢、 手の動きを孊び、䞭玚になるずプむリ先を割った竹の 棒やりリりリ鳥の矜根で食ったり、タパの持ち手を ぀け、小石を入れたひょうたんも䜿い、より耇雑な振 り付けを習うようになる。䞊玚者は毎幎オアフ島で開 催されるクィヌン・リリりオカラニ・ケむキ・フラ・コン ペティションや、サンフランシスコのベむ゚リアで開か れるむアヌ・オ゚・゚・カ・ラヌ・フラ・コンペティション などぞの出堎に向けお緎習に励む。ハヌラりが毎幎開 催しおいる倏の集䞭プログラム、ナヌ・プア・オ・ケむキ は、フラのカリキュラムにハワむ文化やハワむ語、クラフ トも盛り蟌んだ朝から倕方たでのプログラムで、生埒 党員が参加できる。

and Heritage

Hula and Heritage

Competition in the San Francisco Bay Area. All students are invited to attend the hālau’s intense summer program, Nā Pua ‘O Keiki, where day-long classes weave Hawaiian culture, language, and crafts into the hula curriculum.

Every January, Hālau Hula ‘O Hokulani holds its Hō‘ike event, where a panel of hula mentors interviews each keiki dancer to get to know them outside of the classroom. In addition to recalling the hālau rules, the students are asked to share about their families and hobbies, give a brief presentation on a topic (the island of Kaua‘i was chosen for 2024), and display a talent other than hula. Over the years, the students have kept the mentor panels entertained with a wide range of skills, including ‘ukulele, drawing, videography, and cleaning and preparing a freshly caught fish.

Inside the hālau, a “legacy wall” of 14 framed faces serves as a touchstone for the dancers to acknowledge the ancestors whose shoulders they stand upon and to honor the traditions and values handed down to them. On the top row are images of influential hula and Hawaiian cultural practitioners who inspired the hālau founders.

毎幎1月にはハヌラりのホヌむケの行事もあり、皜叀 堎以倖での子䟛たちをよりよく知るために指導員たち がケむキダンサヌひずりひずりず面接する。ハヌラりの 芏則を再確認するだけではなく、子䟛たちは家族や趣 味に぀いお発衚し、その幎のテヌマ2024幎はカりア む島に沿ったプレれンテヌションを行うなど、フラ以 倖の才胜を披露する機䌚も䞎えられる。りクレレや絵 画、ビデオグラフィヌや、釣ったばかりの魚をさばく腕 前など、子䟛たちはさたざたな埗意技で指導員たちを 楜したせおきたそうだ。

ハヌラりの皜叀堎には”䌝統の壁”があり、14名の人々 の写真が額におさめられおいる。自分たちはここに䞊 ぶ人たちから䌝統ず䟡倀芳を受け継いだのだず生埒 たちが確認するための壁だ。最䞊段に食られおいるの は、ハヌラりを創蚭したデレゎ倫劻が圱響を受けた名 フラダンサヌやハワむ文化の実践者たち。二段目は䞀 族のフラダンサヌが幎代順に䞊び、䞉段目はハヌラり の䌝統を新しい䞖代ぞず䌝えるデレゎ3姉効の写真。 「皜叀に身が入らない生埒には、埌ろを向いおアンテ ィ・ホクの前で螊っおみなさいず蚀うんです」カノァむ さんは蚀う。「子䟛たちは背筋を䌞ばし、お互いに支え 合っおいかなければいけないんだず思い出すんです」


The second row chronicles the family’s hula lineage, and the third row features the three DeRego daughters, who are carrying the hālau’s legacy to new generations. “When the keiki lose their focus, I tell them to turn around and go dance to Aunty Hoku,” Kawai says. “It puts things into perspective and reminds them that we cannot do life without each other.”

Hula and Heritage
Image by Shaun Wolfe
Modern science tends to gatekeep knowledge, but that’s not the way the Hawaiians did it. They shared knowledge through mo‘olelo.”
Kimberly Jeffries, underwater science photographer and cinematographer
Image by Kimberly Jeffries

Kimberly Jeffries: The Witness

As told to Lindsey Kesel Images by John Hook & Kimberly Jeffries

Pa‘i ‘ia ma lalo o ka ‘ilikai e Kimberly Jeffries he maumea kū i ka maka e pā ai ka na‘au, he mea e lōkahi ai ka po‘e wāhine, nā kaiāulu ‘ōiwi, a me ko ke kai.

I was working as a safety diver and ad hoc shooter for the film Chasing Coral when something clicked. I saw these beautiful reefs dying from coral bleaching, and I felt this kuleana (responsibility) to share what is happening in the ocean. A year later, in 2017, I picked up a camera. National Geographic found me from a photo of hammerhead sharks I took on a dive trip to the Galapagos Islands.

My passion is shooting the bigger, more charismatic megafauna for blue-chip documentaries. In the new National Geographic series Incredible Animal Journeys, I worked on a humpback whale sequence shot here in Hawai‘i that features the first-ever humpback whale birth.

I’m not a fan of tail shots, with animals swimming away. You must have patience and persistence before you

氎䞭写真家のキンバリヌ・ゞェフリヌさんは、畏怖の念に包た れる瞬間を蚘録しながら、女性ずハワむの人々を神秘に満ち た海の䞖界に近づけおきたした。

セヌフティ・ダむバヌ兌臚時カメラマンずしお映画『珊瑚を远 っお』の撮圱に埓事したずき、急に気づいたんです。挂癜化し お死んでいく矎しい珊瑚瀁を目の圓たりにしながら、海のなか で起きおいるこずを䌝えるのが自分のクリアナ責任だ、ず。 䞀幎埌の2017幎からカメラに手をするようになり、ガラパゎ ス諞島ぞのダむビング旅行䞭に撮圱したシュモクザメの写真 がナショナル・ゞオグラフィック誌で取り䞊げられたした。

倧型でカリスマ性のある生きものたちを撮圱し、䞀流のドキュ メンタリヌを制䜜するこずに倢䞭です。ナショナル・ゞオグラフ ィックの新しいシリヌズ《想像を超える動物たちの旅》では、こ こハワむでザトりクゞラを远いかけ、史䞊初の出産シヌンもフ ィルムにおさめたした。

泳ぎ去る生きものたちの尟ひれのショットはいただけないず 思っおいたす。粘り匷さず根性がないず、圌らを远いかけるこ ずなどできたせん。ザトりクゞラの撮圱のずきは、10分の映像 を撮圱するのに海で47日間過ごしたした。わたしたちが圌ら に奜奇心を抱くのず同じように、圌らが海のなかのわたしたち を受け入れ、わたしたちに奜奇心を抱いおくれるずき、この䞊 なく幞せな気分になりたす。

108 Voices

pursue them. With the humpbacks, a scene can take 47 days on the water to get 10 minutes of footage. There’s nothing better than having an animal accept you in the water and be curious about you the same way you’re curious about it.

The leeward side is great because the mountain blocks the wind, so you get a much greater line of visibility and calmer water. There’s a strong community at the harbor—everyone talks with each other about what’s going on in the water. I do a lot of freediving and spearfishing at a spot close to Ka‘ena Point where there’s a population of gray sharks and Galapagos sharks. I’ve been lucky enough to dive with the same Steno dolphins—short for Steno bredanensis,

颚は山がさえぎっおくれるので、穏やかで透芖床の高いリヌワヌ ドの海はすばらしいです。枯の人々の結束も固い。誰もが気軜に 声を亀わし、海でのできごずなどの情報も亀換する。わたしはカ ゚ナ・ポむントの近くでよくフリヌダむビングやスピアフィッシン グをしたすが、そこはオグロメゞロザメやガラパゎスザメも倚い んです。わたしは同じステノ・ドルフィン、いわゆるシワハむルカず 䞀緒に䜕床も泳ぐ機䌚に恵たれお、向こうもわたしのこずを芚え おくれるようになったんですよ。

近代科孊は知識の出し惜しみをしがちですが、ハワむアンのや り方は違いたす。芳察力にすぐれたハワむの人々は、知識をモオ レロ物語に仕立おお分かち合いたした。たずえばりィリりィリ の朚に花が咲く時期はむタチザメが増える、ずいった具合です。

氎䞭写真家ずしお、わたしはこうした知恵にずいぶん助けられお きたした。わたしもご倚聞に挏れず西掋匏の科孊をベヌスにト レヌニングを積んできたしたが、ハワむの叀い曞物を読み、物語 に耳を傟けおきたおかげで成功できたず思っおいたす。


a.k.a. “rough-toothed” dolphins—over and over, and they start to recognize you.

Modern science tends to gatekeep knowledge, but that’s not the way the Hawaiians did it. They were observational. They shared knowledge through mo‘olelo (stories)—like when the wiliwili tree blooms, you’ll see more of the tiger sharks around. This sort of knowledge has definitely guided me through this journey. I’m classically trained in Western science, but most of my success comes from reading the old Hawaiian texts and listening to the stories.

I’m working on a project called Mālama Manō with Purple Mai‘a Foundation to amplify ancestral knowledge of the ocean and sharks through community events, an animated short film, and a documentary about the project. We held a beach cleanup in Nānākuli where the children got to fly drones to learn about spotting animals from the sky. We’re also partnering with the kanaka-owned tour company Island View to take financially disadvantaged families from the West Side up to Hale‘iwa to dive with sharks.

As one of few women—and even fewer mixed-race women—in the industry, I see how we’ve been pigeonholed into thinking that women are the weaker species, but it’s just not true. You rarely see a female captain or instructor with her own boat, and female rebreather divers are still a minority. I started Mana Wāhine Marine to broaden access to

珟圚、パヌプル・マむア・ファンデヌションの〈マヌラマ・マノヌ〉 ずいうプロゞェクトを手がけおいたす。地域のむベントや短いア ニメ䜜品、プロゞェクトを蚘録したドキュメンタリヌを通しお、 叀代からハワむに䌝わる海やサメに関する知識を広めようずい うプロゞェクトです。ナヌナヌクリで開催したビヌチ枅掃むベン トでは、子䟛たちはドロヌンを操瞊し、空から海の生きものたち を芋぀ける方法を孊びたした。カナカネむティブハワむアンに よるツアヌ䌚瀟、アむランド・ビュヌずも提携し、り゚ストサむド の経枈的に恵たれない家族をハレむノァに招埅し、サメず䞀緒 に泳ぐ機䌚も蚭けたした。

業界にはほずんどいない女性のひずりずしお、さらにもっず数の 少ない倚人皮の女性ずしお、女性は匱い皮ずいう偏芋がいかに 倚いかを目のあたりにしおきたしたが、そんな考えは間違い以 倖の䜕ものでもありたせん。女性の船長や、自分の船を持぀女 性むンストラクタヌはたれですし、女性のリブリヌザヌ・ダむバ ヌは今も少数掟です。マナ・ワヌヒネ・マリヌンをはじめたのも、 孊びたいのに資金がないずいう女性たち向けにグルヌプダむビ ングや船の操瞊蚓緎トリップを提䟛し、女性たちが海の䞖界に アクセスする機䌚を増やしたかったからです。

ハワむの島々では、冒険心にあふれた人々が倖から絶え間なく やっおきおハワむの物語を䞖界に広めおいたす。でも、それは本 来ハワむで生たれ育った人々がすべきこずで、もしかしたら女性 こそがその圹割を果たすべきなのかもしれたせん。わたしは䞖 間の垞識を倉えおいきたいし、女性も男性ず同じこずができるこ

ずを蚌明したいんです。望たしい環境に身を眮けば、わたしたち 女性も才胜を倧きく開花させられるんですよ。

キンバリヌ・ゞェフリヌズさんはフリヌランスの氎䞭写真家、 映像カメラマン、そしおサむ゚ンティフィックダむバヌ。リブリヌ ザヌずオヌプン・りォヌタヌ、フリヌダむビングのむンストラク タヌ、FAA公認のドロヌンパむロットでもあり、さらには米囜


the marine world by hosting group diving and boating training trips for women who want to learn but lack the resources.

Outside explorers are constantly coming to our islands to tell Hawai‘i’s stories. It should be someone local, and maybe it should be a woman, too. I want to help change the narrative and show that women are just as capable as men—we just need the right environment to be able to blossom.

沿岞譊備隊の100トンマスタヌキャプテン免蚱も保有しおい る。2021幎、けがをしたザトりクゞラを別のザトりクゞラが助 ける様子を撮圱した映像は、血瞁関係のない動物同士の゚ピメ レティック䞖話行動の初めおの蚘録ずされおいる。海にいる ずき以倖は、ハスキヌ犬マヌリンず䞀緒に冒険䞭。




Kimberly Jeffries is a freelance underwater photographer, cinematographer, scientific diver, rebreather/open water/freedive instructor, FAA drone pilot, and holds a United States Coast Guard 100Ton Master Captain’s License. In 2021, she filmed a distressed humpback whale being aided by another humpback—the first known footage of epimeletic (caregiving) behavior between two unrelated animals. When not underwater, she can be found adventuring with her husky, Marlin.

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The Land Speaks


The sun was beaming the day I met him. The boy made his way across my expanse of lava rock, his feet, wet from splashing in tidepools, cooling their sunbaked surfaces—the arid landscape never failing to live up to my name: Ka‘ena, meaning “the heat.” The path I provided was sturdy and strong; it didn’t sink beneath the pressure of his weight like the surrounding coastal dunes. Though he struggled to plod his way across the calcareous sand, he loved to comb through it, seeking shiny shells and other treasures not yet broken up by the waves and current. In the winter, when the swells are large, the ocean pulls back from the shoreline, exposing crevices filled with gleaming cowrie and cone shells as big as the palm of his hand.

The boy grew. Over the following summers, he would bound along my path to fish alongside his father, who carried with him hooks, lures, nets, and baskets

私がその少幎に出䌚ったのは、倪陜が照り぀ける日のこずだった。圌 は、私の溶岩倧地を暪切っおいた。圌の足は、朮だたりの冷たい氎し ぶきで濡れ、倧地は倪陜で熱くなっおいる。ハワむ語で「熱」を意味 するカ゚ナずいう私の名にふさわしく、その土地は熱く也ききっおい た。私がし぀らえた道は堅固で頑䞈だったので、呚囲の海岞砂䞘の ように、䜓重をかけおも足が沈むこずはない。だが少幎は、石灰質の 砂に足を取られながらも、砂の䞭に埋もれお、ただ波や朮に砕かれ おいない茝く貝殻や宝物を探しながら歩くのが奜きだった。うねり が倧きくなる冬には、匕き波が砂浜を䟵食し、手のひらほどの倧きさ の艶々ずしたタカラガむやむモガむが詰たった裂け目が露出する。 少幎は成長しおいった。それから倏がくるたび、釣り針や疑䌌逌、そ しお網や籠をたるでマントのように肩にかけた父芪ず䞀緒に、少幎 は私の道を駆け抜けお釣りに出かけた。この付近に点圚するコア 持業の神を祀る祭壇の近くにテントを匵り、少幎の父芪はお気 に入りの釣り針骚ず真珠のように茝く牡蠣の殻でできたクリヌム 色の疑䌌逌を぀けた釣り糞を空䞭高く攟り投げる。そしお、それは 垞に完璧な堎所に着氎しおいるかのように芋えた。時を眮かず、圌 らは䜕かを釣り䞊げる。それは銀色に茝くパピオギンガメアゞ属 の若魚のずきもあれば、赀いクムアカヒメゞのずきもある。

Voices 118
Aia ma Ka‘ena e humea ai ka malo o kekahi keiki kāne.

that adorned his shoulders like a cape. Setting up camp near one of the many ko‘a, or fishing shrines, that dotted the area, the boy’s father would cast his line high into the air, his favorite hook—a cream-colored lure fashioned from bone and the pearly shells of oysters—always seeming to land in the perfect spot. Soon they’d pull something up—silvery papio or red-hued kūmū—the first of which was always offered at the ko‘a to ensure a rich bounty. The boy’s father would often scan the sky, tracking the movements of soaring mōlī or ‘ua‘u kani that circled the water in search of fish. “One day, I will make the leap from this leina a ka‘uhane, this leaping place of souls,” the boy’s father once told him. “You will teach your family all that I have taught you.”

Some years later, the boy and his father walked along my path at dusk, a solemn procession of men following behind them. The boy was to celebrate ho‘okanaka, the passage from

最初に釣れた魚は、豊持を祈願しお必ずコアに奉玍された。少幎の 父芪は空を眺めおは、魚を求めお舞うモヌリヌコアホりドリや氎 面を旋回するりアりカニオナガミズナギドリの動きを远っおいた。

「父さんもい぀か、魂があの䞖ぞず飛び立぀ずいわれるこのレむ ナ・ア・カりハネの巚岩から旅立぀んだよ」ず、か぀お父芪は少幎に 話したこずがある。「私が教えたこずすべおを、い぀かおたえの家族に 䌝えるんだぞ」

幟幎かが過ぎ、少幎ずその父芪が倕暮れ時に私の道を歩いおいた。 圌らの埌ろには、男性ばかりの厳かな行列が続いおいる。それは少幎 のホオカナカ、぀たり青幎から倧人になるこずを祝うための通過儀瀌 だった。男たちの「ハ、ヘ、フ、コア勇気」ずいうかけ声ずずもに、少幎 は暗くなりかけた海に飛び蟌んだ。氞遠に感じられるくらい長い間、

芖界から消えおいた少幎が突然姿を珟すず、栌闘しながら巚倧なマ ノ鮫を陞に匕き䞊げる。圌が地面に倒れ蟌んだずき、私は少幎の 䜓の震えを感じた。この䞊倖れた偉業を成し遂げたマナ超自然的な 力が、その堎の空気ず圌を取り巻くすべおの人々に衝撃を䞎えおい る。島の最西端であるこの堎所で、父芪は少幎に蚀った。「ヘ・アリむ・ カ・アむナ、ヘ・カりノァ・ケ・カナカ倧地は長であり、人間はそのしも べである倧地が私たちを倧切にしおくれるように、私たちも倧地を 倧切にしなければならない」


adolescence into adulthood. “Hā, hē, hū, koa (courage),” the men chanted, as the boy dove into the darkening sea. Missing from view for what felt an eternity, the boy suddenly emerged, wresting a great manō, a giant shark, onto the land. As he collapsed to the ground, I could feel the thrum of the boy’s body, the mana of this extradordinary feat electrifying the air and everyone around him. Here, at the island’s most westernmost point, the father told the boy, “He ali‘i ka ‘āina, he kauwā ke kanaka. The land is a chief, and man is its servant. Just as the land takes care of us, we have to take care of the land.”

Over time, the boy took on his own family. First, a wahine; then three keiki. Just as his father had shown him, the boy taught his children the ways of land and sea, how to craft strong lures, how to study the patterns of birds and fish. His father, whose skin crinkled like kapa

時は過ぎ、少幎に家族ができた。最初はワヒネ劻がきお、そしお3人 のケむキ子どもが生たれた。か぀お圌の父芪がしたように、少幎は 子どもたちに陞ず海の摂理、䞈倫な疑䌌逌の䜜り方、鳥や魚の習性 を芳察する方法を教える。匷い日差しの䞋で䜕幎も釣りをしおきた 少幎の父芪の肌には、カパ暹皮垃のように深い皺が刻たれたが、 季節ごずに少幎ずその若い家族ず䞀緒に時を過ごした。だがある日、 少幎は䞀人でやっお来た。

海岞線に向かう私の道を歩きながら、圌は拳を匷く握りしめ、䜓を震 わせおいた。父芪が倧切にしおいた疑䌌逌を胞にぎゅっず抱きしめた ずき、家長を倱った圌の深い悲しみ、そしお人生のすべおを教えおく れた父を倱った圌の心の痛みを私は感じた。圌はひざたずくず、そっ ず地面に手を眮く。そのずき、私は圌の気づきを理解した。私こそが、 少幎がこれたで人生を歩んできた倧地だったのだ。父芪が氞遠の倜 ぞず飛び立った倧地であり、過去の足跡ず未来ぞの道を぀なぐ倧地 なのだずいうこずを。

少幎は氎平線を眺めおから目を閉じるず、力いっぱい遠くぞず疑䌌 逌を投げた。

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over the years of fishing beneath the glaring sun, accompanied the boy and his young family season after season, until one day, the boy came alone.

He trembled as he walked along my path to the shoreline, his hand clenched tightly into a fist. As he clutched his father’s prized lure to his chest, I saw the depth of his grief for the loss of the family’s patriarch, his heartache for the man who taught him everything he knew. He knelt down to rest his hands on my surface. And then I realized what he realized: I am the land upon which he had walked his entire life; the land from which his father leapt into eternal night; the land that connects the footsteps of the past with the pathways to the future.

The boy looked out to the horizon and then closed his eyes, hurling the lure as far as he could.

Located on the most northwestern tip of O’ahu, the raw, rugged beauty of Ka‘ena is accessible through on-foot hiking at Ka‘ena Point State Park. In Hawaiian lore, Ka‘ena Point is known as the “jumpingoff” point for souls departing the earthly world. To learn more about the area, visit dlnr.hawaii.gov

10 KEKAI PL. WAIPAHĒPL. WAIALI‘I PL ALI‘INUIDR. 1 3 4 2 5 7 8 9 6 Ulua Lagoon Nai‘a Lagoon Honu Lagoon Sunset Ko Olina Beach + Sports Club Ko Olina Boat Ramp D C 8 9 11 Pacific Ocean Kalaeloa Harbor MAULOA PL I J 1 10 KEKAI PL. WAIPAHĒPL. WAIALI‘I PL ALI‘INUIDR. 17 1 16 3 4 2 5 7 8 9 6 Ulua Lagoon Nai‘a Lagoon Honu Lagoon Sunset Point Ko Olina Beach + Sports Club Ko Olina Boat Ramp Beach D C 8 9 11 Pacific Ocean Kalaeloa Harbor MAULOA PL I J 1 N NE E SE S SW W NW 0’ 200’ 600’ 1,000’

Four Seasons Resort O‘ahu

Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa

Beach Villas at Ko Olina

Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club


Ko Olina Chapel Place of Joy

Ko Olina Aqua Marina


Ko Olina Marina

Ko Olina Golf Club

Ko Olina Station

Ko Olina Center

Laniwai, A Disney Spa & Mikimiki Fitness Center


Kai Lani

Kai Lani

The Coconut Plantation

The Coconut Plantation

Ko Olina Kai Golf Estates & Villas

Ko Olina Kai

The Fairways at Ko Olina

Estates & Villas

The Fairways at Ko Olina

Ko Olina Hillside Villas Visitor Center

Ko Olina Hillside Villas

Four Seasons Naupaka Spa & Wellness Centre; Four Seasons Tennis Centre

Centre / Four Seasons

Lanikuhonua Cultural Institute

Grand Lawn

The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus Seagull School, The Stone

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus Seagull School / The Stone

Family Early Education Center

Early Education Center

Ko Olina Wellness Institute

Ko Olina Wellness Academy / Kuleana Coral Restoration

Hawaiian Railway Society Railroad

KŌ‘I‘O DR. KŌ‘I‘O DR. KŌ‘I‘O DR. KŌ‘I‘ODR. ‘ŌLANIST. ‘ŌLANIST. KŌ‘I‘O DR. CLOSED GATE KAMOANA PL. ‘ŌLANIST. ALI‘INUIDR. ALI‘INUI DR. 17 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 16 Sunset Point Driving Range Ko Olina Beach + Sports Club Tennis Pavilion Ko Olina Beach + Sports Club Fitness Center Ko Olina Visitor Center Ko Olina Entrance & Exit Ko Olina Aloha Station Koholā Lagoon A B E 2 Lorem ipsum 7 6 5 3 4 Honolulu Leeward Coast K Ō ‘I O DR Ka‘ena Point Mākaha Wai‘anaeRange Mt.ELEVATIONKa‘ala 4,025’ F G H KŌ‘I‘O DR. KŌ‘I‘O DR. KŌ‘I‘O DR. KŌ‘I‘ODR. ‘ŌLANIST. ‘ŌLANIST. KŌ‘I‘O DR. CLOSED GATE KAMOANA PL. ‘ŌLANIST. ALI‘INUIDR. ALI‘INUI DR. 17 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 Point Driving Range Ko Olina Beach + Sports Club Tennis Pavilion Ko Olina Beach + Sports Club Fitness Center Ko Olina Visitor Center Ko Olina Entrance & Exit Ko Olina Aloha Station Koholā Lagoon A B E 2 Lorem ipsum 7 6 5 3 4 Honolulu Leeward Coast K Ō ‘I O DR Ka‘ena Point Mākaha Wai‘anaeRange Mt.ELEVATIONKa‘ala 4,025’ F G H
Hawaiian Railway Society Railroad H A B E K D C F 9 1 2 7 8 6 5 3 4 G I J legend Phones Restrooms Jogger Route Public Parking Scenic Point Shopping Dining Entertainment 10

Ko Olina helps define wellness for the world.

It is our kuleana to be mindful of the importance of the environment to Hawai‘i’s culture - to mālama the ocean, the ‘āina and our ‘ohana - and to embrace new neighbors, guests, friends and employees with aloha. These are the foundations of wellness at Ko Olina – holistic and meaningful experiences that can’t be found anywhere else in the world.

Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa Beach Villas at Ko Olina Four Seasons Resort O‘ahu at Ko Olina Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club

by Shaun Wolfe


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