Girl’s Ministries Director
Marcus McClain
David Vistine
Ruben Guajardo Jr
David Iglesias
Earlier this year, as we came together for Network Conference, our theme was “For Such a Time as This.” As we were together, God challenged us all in a variety of ways to embrace the fact that, even as God called Esther in the Bible, He is calling us today “For Such a Time as This!”
As I sit down to write this article, I can look back over my shoulder and see so much to celebrate about this summer and I can’t wait to step into the opportunities in the coming weeks and months!
Our summer camps were amazing with hundreds of campers encountering God in life-changing ways at Cook Canyon Camp. In spite of the fact that our camp had to be closed for 2 weeks because of the forest fires in the area, this year was incredible! And, we’re already gearing up for our Called Camp coming up on November 7-9 at Cook Canyon Camp. Promo and registration info are included in this Link, so be sure to get your students registered HERE.
Then, just a few days ago, in partnership with AGUS Missions Director, Choco de Jesus and our national leadership, churches across the Albuquerque area partnered with the national initiative “Seek & Save” to share Jesus in so many ways with Albuquerque. I just received the report from this event that 129 people accepted Christ, 34 were baptized in water, 661 participated in outreach block parties, a significant church revitalization project was done with one of our inner-city churches, and over 7,000 students were impacted through school assemblies! What a day it is to be a part of all God is doing!
And, as we look ahead, there are more amazing opportunities to be a part of across our Network. As you know, September 8th has been designated as “feedONE Day” in New Mexico in partnership with Convoy of Hope…check it out HERE. I really hope that you’re planning to get your church involved on this day by receiving a feedONE offering and challenging your people to become a feedONE partner by sponsoring one or more children for only $10 per month. Every church and every person can do something as we partner to make this ministry go further than ever before!
One final thing: I want to invite every pastor and every leader from every church in New Mexico to join us at Vision City Church in Rio Rancho on Thursday, October 3rd for the one day School of the Spirit we’re hosting with Assistant General Superintendent Rick Dubose and team.
If there has ever been a day in the history of the church where we need to lean in to the Holy Spirit and make room for the supernatural power of God, it is today! I know we’re surrounded by darkness and sin everywhere, but it’s time for a Holy Ghost outpouring in New Mexico, and I’m believing that this School of the Spirit will ignite a fire in each of our lives and churches!
Pastors, I encourage you to make this a high priority to attend and to bring a group from your church for this event that can have unbelievable impact in our churches across New Mexico. Hope to see you there!
So, as we wrap up summer and look to the fall, let’s lean in to all God has planned as we continue to serve Him, wherever He has assigned us. Time is running out! Let’s advance the Kingdom…until He comes!
Pastor Mike Dickenson
Bethel Assembly, Hobbs
Pastors Brandon & Dee Williams
“Jimmy” M. Carter
Ordained Minister of the Assemblies of God
Member of the New Mexico Ministry Network
Evangelist & Pastor
July 1, 1946 - June 3, 2024 Our Sympathy to
At different stages of my life, the start of a school year has had many meanings. When I was young, it meant no more hanging out all day at the city pool. As I got older, it meant early morning football practice to kick off the season and the school year. Now I’m at the stage where it means moving my kids to college. Whatever the effect of a new school year has on you, it can be a good reminder to never stop learning.
With technology and time, the resources to keep learning are endless. But today, I want to encourage you to consider learning from some of my favorite sources.
1. Learn from your mistakes. The best way to redeem a mistake is to learn from it.
I’ll never forget when I was a young pastor, sitting in the stands of a high school gym yelling with the crowd. Then the room went silent as I yelled, “Come on ref!” All eyes were on me and it was not my finest moment. I learned that night that, at any moment my voice might rise above the crowd so, I should always choose my words carefully.
2. Learn from peers, mentors and family. Get close. Ask questions. Watch what others do.
I have learned so much by watching others. Over two decades in ministry to youth and kids has given me a view to watch hundreds of people parent their kids. I’ve learned strategies to implement and lots to avoid. These lessons have made me a better parent and made me appear wiser than I am.
3. Learn from the Holy Spirit. He knows the end from the beginning. Invite Him in every situation and you’ll be amazed at how smart you look.
“Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.” Psalm 25:8 NIV
Pastor Dereck Owen
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Scott Roley (O) Las Cruces
Jeremy Lance (L) Silver City
Darrell Kelley (O) North Carolina
Jane Kelley (O) North Carolina
David Rel - Las Cruces Life Community
Kris Gonzales - Raton Family Worship