Kent Barnard
Brad Coates
Jeral Dickenson
Ruben Guajardo Jr
David Iglesias
Rudy Martinez
Marcus McClain
David Vistine
TED SCHMIDT ROYAL RANGERS DIRECTOR AUSTIN POPER NEXT GENERATION PASTOR MIRIAM GRIER GIRL’S MINISTRIES DIRECTOR DERECK OWEN ASSISTANT NETWORK PASTOR & MEN’S DIRECTOROne of the things that I became aware of years ago in ministry is the simple fact that ministry and life happens in seasons! Not everything happens in a single season and, at times, we struggle to see the value of some of the seasons God brings our way. But one thing I know is that, as surely as God brings new seasons our way, He has incredible purpose and plans and we can’t afford to miss the opportunities of every new season.
I know that the last day of summer isn’t until September 23rd, but with schools starting back in session, the weather starting to cool just a bit, and in some areas, leaves on the trees are starting to change color, creation is declaring, a new season is coming!
As we move towards the months ahead in our Network, I just wanted to quickly spotlight some of the things that are happening that give cause for excitement, celebration, and involvement that will bear fruit, not only in this season, but in the seasons to come for New Mexico.
• Chi Alpha: I am so thrilled that, even as I’m writing this, we have 3 brand new Chi Alpha ministries that are kicking off in Portales at Eastern New Mexico University, in Las Vegas at Highlands University, and in Albuquerque at UNM. At each of these sites, we have an outstanding team of young leaders, most of whom are Missionary Associates, who have been training and preparing and, today, they are launching these new ministries! I’m already hearing stories of life change in students and I can’t wait to hear more and more as these new ministries move forward. Please pray for Chi Alpha in New Mexico this fall!
• feedONE: Did you know that one of the incredible ministries of Convoy of Hope is their feedONE program that is now feeding over 500,000 children each day in impoverished nations of the world? And with every meal served, God’s love and message of hope is shared with these children. Sunday, September 10th has been declared as Feed One Day in New Mexico, and we’re asking every church to get involved by receiving an offering for this ministry. Every dollar that we raise on this day will be matched dollar for dollar up to $75,000 which makes this even better. And, why not give the people of your church the opportunity to sponsor one or more children for only $10 monthly? Everyone and every church can make a difference! Send your offerings to the Network Office for “Feed One” and let’s be a part of this together!
• Called Camp: This is absolutely one of the most important things we do each year to help our students explore God’s plans and calling for their lives. Called Camp is happening on November 9-11 at Cook Canyon for students age 12-18; the cost is only $60. Pastors, will you help us raise up the next generation of ministers as you send your students to Called Camp? CLICK HERE for all of the details and to register today!
• Executive Presbyter Election: Monday, October 16th, at 2:00 pm, we will be having a virtual Network Conference election for the purpose of selecting the individual to serve in the role of Executive Presbyter at Large, the position that was vacated when Pastor Dereck Owen moved into our Network Office as the Assistant Network Pastor. You already have received and are returning the Nomination Ballots by mail; the deadline is September 17th. Would you join us in prayerful consideration as this important leadership decision will impact our Network for the future? Watch for registration and specific details via email in the weeks to come.
Thank you for being “The Church” across New Mexico, from the smallest village to the largest city! I’m praying for you and with you as we enter the season before us! Let’s commit ourselves, our churches, and our resources to advance the Kingdom as never before!
Pastor Micheal DickensonJarod Compton, (C) Silver City
Justin Vistine, (L) Portales
TRANSFERRED IN: Donald Williams, (O) Albuquerque
David Baldwin, (O) N.Texas
Lee Hicks, (O) Indiana
Robin Hicks, (C) Indiana
Floyd Lee, (L) Arizona
Roswell Cross Roads - Michael Borror
Many of our NMMN pastors are already taking advantage of an incredible resource called MVP. You can check it out here, but MVP hosts a weekly, one-hour Zoom meeting for pastors across the nation with the desire to bless and connect pastors as we serve our ministries. Their mission is to tangibly honor and connect faith centered leaders together in fellowship, becoming a strong voice of encouragement and a champion for spiritual, emotional and physical self-health. The Zoom Call happens every Thursday morning at 7:30 and 10:00 am and this resource is provided to you FREE! Thanks to Terry Allen, Host, for making this available to every pastor in New Mexico. Check it out on Thursday HERE and take advantage of this incredible gift to us all. See you there next Thursday!
This last weekend, I had the chance to play in a golf tournament. Upon arriving, I learned I could purchase unlimited mulligans for a small fee. For those not up to speed on golf terminology, a mulligan is a chance to hit an additional shot that will not count on the scorecard. It’s a do-over! This got me thinking about how often, in ministry roles, we help others walk through do-over moments. It’s a privilege to walk alongside people who, for one reason or another, need to take another shot. It's interesting how we extend that grace to others but it’s hard for us to give ourselves another chance.
I understand mulligans in a golf tournament can be cheap but in life they are much more costly. Remember that price has been paid. So today, give yourself the grace that you preach about. Don’t live in the regret of what you wish you had handled differently. Make a decision to start today, from where you are and move forward.
Do you need a do-over? Have the conversation. Pivot the strategy. Make the necessary adjustments while giving yourself grace because after all,
The Lord’s acts of mercy indeed do not end, For His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I wait for Him.”
The Lord is good to those who await Him, To the person who seeks Him. It is good that he waits silently
For the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:22-26 NASB
The NMMN LINK is fully digital!
Beginning with the next issue of LINK, it will be viewed or downloaded from our website. Instead of mailing the LINK to your mailbox, we will send you an email letting you know that the new issue of LINK is available to view. You’ll still get the same great content and information; it will just be in a new delivery system!
Sign Up for LINK HERE
For Minister’s Wives & Credentialed Women
Many ladies, with great expectation & anticipation, gathered from across New Mexico to attend Refresh! This event is designed especially for our Minister’s Wives & Credentialed Women of NMMN who want to make new friends, to reconnect with old friends, to be encouraged, to learn from the each other & to enjoy a little laughter along the way! THANKS, ladies, for sacri to become better equipped to continue to serve Jesus where He’s placed you!
We had a great time together but the highlight this year was our dynamic duo speakers!
Arizona Director for the Network of Women Ministers for the Assemblies of God Executive Ministries Pastor at Passion Church, Casa Grande, AZ as well as NWM team member. Denise & Brandi brought so much wisdom, insight & joy in such a short, impactful time! We were challenged to recognize that we are women of in & a team; to empower women by training & discipling; to be the leader God has us becoming; to daily spend quality time with God because we can’t do this all by ourselves!
THANKS to “Partnership for the Next Generation” for making Refresh possible through the faithful giving of our New Mexico churches!!!
Yes, we are playing cards…CARDS CHRISTIANS LIKE! We needed this time of laughter; the ladies at the back table were almost uncontrollable!
Love, BeckyDickenson RefreshHostess
Sunday, September 9
Run For The Light is a one-day multi-event run including a one mile color run, 5k run, and more!
Thanks to Harvest in Albuquerque for partnering with NM Student Ministries by hosting Run For The Light and helping us raise missions dollars for Speed the Light, feedONE and WorldServe International!
This year, Run for the Light is supporting feedONE and WorldServe International. It’s estimated that nearly one-third of the worlds population are moderately or severely food insecure. Currently serving more than 500,000 children in 33 countries, feedONE believes a nutritious meal shares hope — opening the door for a child to be healthy and well-nourished. Through partnering with feedONE, we have the opportunity to provide meals throughout the world, one child at a time.
WorldServe International is tackling the crisis of clean water and sanitation throughout Africa and other areas of the world. There is an estimated 319 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa living without access to clean water and even more people living without sanitation. Through partnering with WorldServe, we have the opportunity to make clean water accessible to all.