NML Issue 10
NMLTT DONATES PPE TO ANAKA HEALTH CENTRE IV, NWOYA DISTRICT Like many parts of the country, Nwoya district had shortages in PPE. This contributed to covid 19 infections among staff while on duty. Unfortunately, one of our midwives succumbed to Covid 19. At such a critical time, the Nursing and Midwifery leaders across the country contributed, procured, and supplied PPEs to Anaka hospital. This was a stitch in time.
L- R: RDC Nwoya (Agnes A. Ebong), ADHO MCHN Nwoya, Ag. PNO Anaka Hospital, In-charges of Maternity and casualty units receiving PPEs procured.
As the leadership of Nwoya district, we are immensely grateful for the support from the Nursing and Midwifery Leaders Think Tank to Anaka Hospital. Our nurses and midwives can now work comfortably with the appropriate PPE and less fear of getting infected. We still urge the government to supply us with more PPE.
Shoulders to the Wheel: We continue to fundraise We n e e d m o r e P P E for PPE so that we can respond to emerging “The fear of possible hotspots and send some exposure to the disease while caring for the ill supplies where they are h as changed a lot of our urgently needed. We workplace dynamics…” encourage nurses and Andrew Kamau, Critical Care Nurse midwives and all wellwishers to partner with the NMLTT in this undertaking. We have demonstrated credibility, transparency, and accountability with the resources we have thus far raised. To contribute, please send MM to the secretary of the NMLTT, Mrs. Emily Bako, MoH at +256 772-692-777. Please let us know (uganursemidwife.leaders@gmail.com ) about your contribution so that we can celebrate every win. More than ever, we need to protect every nurse, midwife and other health workers on the frontline.