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NML Issue 10







NMLTT ON GOING ACTIVITIES NMLTT continues to work in collaboration with the National Task Force in the Management of COVID- 19. The Think Tank Newsletter editing team accepts articles on a rolling basis under the sub themes below. • • • • •

Research and Innovation Continuing Professional development (CPD) Policy Leadership/Governance Clinical Practice Covid-19 Response.

The Think Tank will resume the regular meetings soon to check on progress and formulate strategies to support and advocate for Nurses and Midwives. We would like to thank Seed Global Health for the continued support for hosting our zoom meetings and webinars. We urge all nurse leaders to attend the meetings. Please send us your current email address in order to be included in a timely manner. Our faith in you is steadfast. May you continue to rise up to the challenge in this International Year of the Health Care Worker by WHO - 2021. More than ever, this nation needs you. We thank you and May God bless you. Please feel free to contact us with your concerns. If you find this Nurse & Midwife Letter useful, we would really like to hear from you. We continually evaluate and assess the progress of our communication channels with you. Please email us at the address above. Copy to:

The Hon Minister for Health The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health Ministry of Education and Sports The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education and Sports Department of Health Education and Training The Chairperson, NATIONAL TASK FORCE COVID 19 The President of Uganda Medical Association Commissioner Nursing Services, Ministry of Health Commissioner Health Education and Training All Nurses and Midwives

Compiled and edited by Think Tank Debrief Team on behalf of NMLTT: Dr Rose Clarke Nanyonga, Elizabeth Pearson, Irene Atuhairwe, Tracy Kobukindo, Judith Hope Kiconco, and Mr. Martin Lubega. Chairperson: Dr. Safinah Kisu Museene Informed disclaimer: - All editing team members are Nurses, and they are all volunteering their time and expertise. However, the views expressed in the articles are of the authors or writers solely. Although the editing team does the very best and is responsible for vetting the information, the authors’ opinions remain. It is, therefore, upon the authors to make sure that what they submit is referenced appropriately and accurately. 20

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