MS Leadership Class of 2012 The National MS Society is a collective of passionate individuals who want to do something about MS now – to move together toward a world free of multiple sclerosis. William R. Barney, III Play It Again SportsBuckhead
Audra Dial Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton
A. Grant Bell William Gallagher Associates
Andreka M. Eberhart Chronic Health Management
Tara Brashear Freeman
Tennille Edwards PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Chuck Burleson Sustainable Project Management, LLC
Rosalind R. Fletcher CarePoint Home Care
Jonathan Carter PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Darren Gaynor Parker, Hudson, Rainer, & Dobbs, LLP
Connie Catalano 31- a training and development company
Doug Hale AcuityCFO
Jonathan R. Chally King & Spalding, LLP
Keith Hallman Hallman Walters Wealth Management Group
Andrew Cooper PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
April Hawkinson Cassidy Turley
Crystal N. Crews Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Jon Howell Georgia Health Care Association
Shana DeLuca Liaison Technologies
Shannon Johnston ShopVisible
Jennifer Demons PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Natalie Lawrence McKesson Provider Technologies
MS stops people from moving. We exist to make sure it doesn’t. We help each person address the challenges of living with MS through our 50-state network of chapters. The Society helps people affected by MS by funding cutting-edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, and providing programs and services that help people with MS and their families move their lives forward. • We are moving research forward by relentlessly pursuing prevention, treatment and cure.
Carson Matthews Atlanta Fine Homes, Sotheby’s International Realty
Zach McEntyre King & Spalding, LLP
Linda Wise McNay, PhD Alexander-Haas
Sue Newman Beacham & Company REALTORS®
Heather O’Toole PM Realty Group
Jennifer Pritchard Alvarez & Marsal
Mahogany Rhodes Keller Williams Realty First Atlanta (The Rawls Group)
David Sirna Krevolin & Horst, LLC
Alan Smith Smith, Smith, Smith and Smith Company
Renee Spivy Medical Doctor Associates, LLC
Max Staples Allstate Insurance
Congratulations to the MS Leadership Class of 2012
Bryan Stillwagon Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
Joe Surber AGL Resources
Sara Terry Crescent Resources
Michael Wendt Wendt Corporate Realty Services, Inc.
Karrie Westphal CREW Atlanta
Nicole Fabre Yesbik PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Georgia Chapter salutes these business leaders who have demonstrated the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. These leaders were nominated by their peers to partner with the National MS Society to create a world free of MS.
• We are moving to reach out and respond to individuals, families and communities living with multiple sclerosis. • We are moving politicians and legislation to champion the needs of people with MS through activism, advocacy and influence.
Tom Bell Honorary Chair, Chairman of Mesa Capital Partners
• We are moving to mobilize the millions of people who want to do something about MS now.
Special thanks to our sponsors: Elaine and John Carlos, Shirley and Edwin Schiffer, and Robert C. O’Leary
For information on nominations for the 2013 National MS Leadership Class, contact Roy Rangel: Roy.Rangel@nmss.org 678-501-6612