2012 Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Participant Manual

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Don’t just ride, Bike MS. 2012 Rider Manual

Table of Contents Welcome to Bike MS................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About MS & the National MS Societ y..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Where Does the Money G o?.. ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 G et ting Star te d: 3 Simple Steps to Success.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Online To ols Make Fundraising Fast & Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fundraising T ips & I deas , Matching Gif t s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 S ocial Me dia ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Top 25 Club . ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 J oin the Movement 速 & Team Up! . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 O f ficial Bike Stores ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 G eneral Information . ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Packet Pickup ....... ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Safet y Star t s with You . ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Preparing for Bike MS.............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Event Dates & Deadlines ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 For more information & team resources, please go to: bikeMSgeorgia.org

Thank You to our Sponsors PRESENTING SPONSOR




WELCOME TO THE BIKE Ms: DELOITTE. ATLANTA TO ATHENS RIDE You’ve accepted the challenge, and now you are ready for the ride of your life! This Participant Manual is designed to assist you in moving forward and staying motivated, as well as provide you with some great tips for having fun while fundraising.

Ride w ith us Bi ke MS: D elo itt e . At l an ta to At hens r id e Dat e : m ay 5 - 6 , 2 012 2- Day Ro ut e Opti on lo c ati on : (s tar t ) tu r ner field, At l an ta

(over nig h t ) h oliday inn , At hens

Dat e : M ay 5, 2 012 1 - Day Ro ut e Opti on Loc ati on : Star t/ FInish H oliday Inn At hens bi ke ms: cox at l an ta r id e dat e : sept ember 15 -16 , 2 012 loc ati on : c all away g ar d ens

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We are people who want To do something about ms now Abo ut MS Multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system, interrupts the flow of information from the brain to the body and stops people from moving. Symptoms range from numbness and tingling to blindness and paralysis. The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted, but advances in research and treatment are moving us closer to a world free of MS. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, with more than twice as many women as men being diagnosed with the disease. MS affects more than 400,000 people in the U.S., and 2.5 million worldwide.

Abo ut t he National MS Socie ty The National MS Society helps people affected by MS by funding cuttingedge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, and providing programs and services designed to help people with MS and their families move their lives forward. Learn more by contacting the National MS Society at nationalMSsociety.org or 1-800-3444867.

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Where does the money go? Chapter Program & Research Highlights For over 50 years, the Georgia Chapter has been providing hope to nearly 8,500 individuals and families affected by multiple sclerosis in Georgia. The Georgia Chapter provides outstanding, comprehensive programs and support services designed to help people with MS and their families better address the challenges of living with this unpredictable disease. We strive to provide knowledge and assistance to help people with MS maintain the highest possible quality of life. Offering much needed services and funding top-rated research, our staff and volunteers are dedicated to achieving a world free of MS.

Chapter Financial Information 78 cents of every dollar raised in the Georgia Chapter is spent towards addressing the challenges of multiple sclerosis. The Georgia Chapter depends on community support to fund local programs and accelerate national research projects to identify the cause of and cure for MS. We are thankful to our members and their friends, event participants, corporate partners and the general public who help us raise the money to help create a world free of MS.

78% Programs/Education Research

22% Fundraising/Administration

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Getting Started: 3 Simple Steps to Success As a part of the MS movement, you are committed to a world free of MS. We’re committed to you and your Bike MS experience.


Raising Money (Pages 5-12)

Fundraising comes more naturally when you make it personal. Share your story, or ask to share the story of someone riding with you. Don’t forget to ask everyone who sponsors you if their employer offers matching gifts! Remember, you are raising important dollars through Bike MS for vital research and client programs. Ask Boldly!



(Pages 13-18)

With a little preparation, this event will be an experience you can be proud of. Prepare yourself with general knowledge about the National MS Society and MS, details about the event, and how to prepare for the event.

3. Really Having Fun! Bike MS can be more than a fundraising event — it can be a joyous celebration of how far we’ve come together! This is an opportunity to share a great experience with friends and family members, or co-workers— a community coming together for a common goal and the accomplishment of a unique personal challenge! Experiencing the Bike MS ride as part of a team can make your experience that much more fun. Continue reading for more information on joining or forming a team.

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Online Tools make Fundraising Fast & Simple How it works Everyone who registers for Bike MS gets a “Participant Center”, the online hub for managing online fundraising efforts. From the Participant Center, you can edit your Personal Page, e-mail donors, manage your campaign and, for team captains, follow your team’s progress. To get to your your Participant Center account, log in to your Bike MS event and click on “My Participant Center” where you will be prompted to: 1.

Update your Personal Page — It’s easy to change the layout, colors and story and upload pictures to your Personal Page. Make it about you and your friends and family will make generous donations! You can even keep a blog on your Personal Page.


Send e-mails to friends and family asking for their support — You can easily import contacts into your Address Book from other e-mail applications such as Microsoft Outlook, AOL or Yahoo! Or add them manually. In just a few clicks select and send an appeal for support or a thank-you. Use a pre-written e-mail or write your own.

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3. Fundraise online —


Track your fundraising progress.


Update your fundraising goal.


View reports on your team members’ contributions.

n Send

follow-up messages and thank-you e-mails to your supporters.

4. Boundless Fundraising & Social Networking — Fundraise with Facebook through the new Boundless Fundraising tool available on your personal page. Create a Facebook fanpage for your team. You can also post tweets on Twitter for your group and videos on YouTube.

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Fundraising Tips & Ideas Be creative! Be fun! Be enthusiastic! You are making a difference! Here are a few ideas to get you started, but remember, there are hundreds of ways to raise money — n



Set up your personal web page and fundraise online. It is free, easy and pays off. Online fundraisers raise double the money. Set a goal. Make it lofty but attainable and contribute yourself. This will help motivate your teammates and people who donate to you. Host a “free” doughnuts and bagels breakfast at your office or place of worship. Set up the goodies in high traffic areas and ask for donations. Sometimes local bakeries will donate the goods.

Having a birthday or anniversary soon? Ask people to contribute in lieu of gifts.



Have fun with it — interested in scrap-booking? Hold a scrapbooking fundraiser. Like wine? Host a wine auction. Have a mow-a- . thon, snow-a-thon, whatever-a-thon in your neighborhood. Offer to mow, remove snow, etc., for a donation. This is a great way to involve the entire family or team.

Visit www.bikeMSgeorgia.org for sample contribution letters and more fundraising tips.


Double Your Pledges with Matching Gifts! Many companies sponsor matching gift programs to encourage employees to support numerous charities and non-profit organizations. By informing your donors of this opportunity, you could greatly increase your fundraising total with little effort. n


Spread the Word! Encourage your event donors to see if their company participates in a matching gift program. Remind donors to include information on whose event campaign they are supporting so the gift will be credited correctly. Have Matching Gift Forms When You Approach Co-Workers: If your company participates in a matching gift program, have the forms available when you approach your co-workers to donate.

The Earlier the Better: Providing the matching gift forms on the weekend of the event or even before will ensure that your matching gift will be included with your current year’s total.


Remember: No one can say yes unless you ask!

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Social Media Use Social Media to fundraise, grow a team and to increase awareness. Facebook


Facebook is the most popular social network in the world, helping people connect and communicate with people they know, and encouraging easy sharing of important news, events and pictures. Share the word about your upcoming Bike MS ride faster and easier than ever before! You can now fundraise with Facebook through your Participant Center. Log into your Participant Center to get started using this fantastic tool today!


www.LinkedIn.com Geared towards professionals, LinkedIn has the potential to expose your team to folks who are capable of making donations. LinkedIn Groups can help you to connect with others of similar passions and interests who could potentially create or join a team.



Twitter is one of the fastest growing social networks. It is a microblogging platform that allows you to send a 140-character message (or less) about anything you want to anyone “following� you. Tweet about the Bike MS ride and your team often! 9 | 2012: Bike MS



YouTube brings your cause to life by giving friends, family and fans a place to view footage of events, inspirational videos and slideshows. Share your Bike MS experiences and invite others to join you or support you with a donation.

Your Personal Fundraising Web Page url varies

Create and customize your personal fundraising webpage after you register for a Bike MS event. You can accept donations online, send “thank you� emails, share your progress, and invite your friends to join your cause. The Society makes it quick and easy to get started with a simple login.

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Top 25 Club The Top 25 Club is an exclusive club available to fundraisers who achieve the highest fundraising pledges among all participants of the Bike MS: Delolitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride. Ranking for the 2013 Top 25 Club will be based on participants’ 2012 fundraising and will be tabulated as of the deadline of July 2, 2012. There is no fixed dollar amount that guarantees club membership. To find out more about this special club, and the exclusive benefits available to club members, visit the website at www.bikeMSgeorgia.org. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society would not be able to fund cutting-edge research, provide services, host programs, or educate healthcare professionals and the public if it were not for the extraordinary fundraising efforts of those who support the Bike MS rides in Georgia. Once again, we’d like to show our appreciation to the 2012 Top 25 Club:

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2012 Top 25 Club Ranking


1 Cynthia Cook 2 Matthew Reihl 3 Kevin Thomas 4 Tim Kalafut 5 Dan Hogan 6 Jeff Paske 7 Carl Warner 8 David Anderson 9 Lawrence Lee 10 Alan Voss 11 Butch Wade 12 Jeffrey Tidrick 13 Melissa Williamson 14 Matthew Goff 15 Daniel Owen 16 John Gorman 17 Cliff Hagan 18 Chris Gentner 19 Laura Beer 20 Austin Childs 21 Austin Assavavallop 22 Jeff Leggett 23 Scott Oakley 24 Patrick Whechel 25 Gary Etheredge

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Join the Movement® & Team up! Forming a team makes training and fundraising easier and more fun as you work together toward your goals. Participating as a team is fun, encourages team building, enhances moral and employee retention and increases company/organization recognition.

What makes a team? It only takes four or more people to join together and form a team. Teams come in all shapes and sizes, anywhere from four to 600 people.

Why form a team? Because joining the movement is more fun with others around!

Forming a team is easy Designate a team captain, make up a fun team name, and when you register online for Bike MS, choose the option to “create a new team.” Already registered, but want to start a team? Contact us at 800-FIGHTMS option #2.

Congratulations to our Top Teams in 2011 n

Team Mike Smith - $20,975


Team Deloitte.- $6,185


Road Hard- $17,840


Team AkzoNobel- $6,126


‘Cause of Carol - $8,215


Team Georgia Power - $5,455


MS Team FedEx - $7,310


Swiss Re Bike Team- $4,650


Team Allison- $6,703


Unis Libris - $4,210

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official bike stores Free Bike Inspections: Official Bike Stores provide free, professional inspections to event participants. Inspections run March 16-April 21. We recommend all participants take advantage of this offer to ensure your bike’s safety prior to each Bike MS event. An inspection sticker will be provided for passed inspections and will entitle you to free labor while on the ride.

Official Bike Store Training Rides: All of the Official Bike Stores host regular training rides from their store locations. Easy, moderate, and fast paced rides are available. Contact your closest location for a list of available training rides.

Bike Maintenance: Bike store mechanics will be available at break points and the start and overnight locations. For a list of Official Bike Stores, visit bikeMSgeorgia.org. bikeMSgeorgia.org | 14

General Information More detailed information on the following topics can be found at www.bikeMSgeorgia.org. Saturday Start & Sunday Finish Location: The start & finish lines for the Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride will be located at Turner Field. Visit bikeMSgeorgia.org for detailed parking and traffic map. Saturday Overnight Location in Athens: Day one of the Ride will end in downtown Athens, GA. Overnight festivities, including the Team Village, will be located at the Host Hotel, the Holiday Inn, at the intersection of Broad and Lumpkin Streets. Minimum Pledge: Cyclists riding in the Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens 2- day ride optioncommit to raising a minimum of $350 to be reached by the Packet Pickup prior to the Ride. Cyclists riding in the 1-Day ride option will be required to raise $200 by packet pick-up. Donations support client programs, services & research supported by the NMSS. Ride Schedule: The 2-Day ride will start on Saturday, May 5th at 8:00am and will end at 6:00 pm. Day two begins on Sunday, May 6th at 8:00am and officially closes at 5:00pm. The 1-Day ride will begin at 10:00am. Riders are encouraged not to leave the start line early as there is no support on the route prior to start times.

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Minimum Age Requirement: The minimum age to participate is 12 years old at the time of the ride. For the Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride, riders must be 12 years old by May 5, 2012. Packet Pickup and Rider Packets: All riders must pick up a Rider Packet at the Packet Pickup prior to the ride. The minimum pledge commitment of $350 (2-Day route cyclists) or $200 (1-Day route cyclists) is due prior to or at the Pickup. Safety Restrictions: Equipment and accessories attached to bicycles for transporting children and/ or pets are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, bicycle trailers, TagAlong or Trail-a-Bike products, and child carrier seats. Rider Services Centers: For any questions that you may have, the Rider Services Center will be available at the Packet Pickup as well as at the Start, Overnight and Finish. Accommodations: Riders are responsible for arranging hotel accommodations during the ride. Several area hotels have been secured with special rates for the weekend. Photography: Photographers will be located at different points along the route. In addition, team photos may be taken at the start line.

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Food And Beverage: Food and beverages are provided throughout the ride to all participants. Lunch will be provided on the route both days. Breakfast will be provided on Sunday morning at the overnight location. The overnight celebration at the Team Village will include live music and entertainment. However, dinner will NOT be provided on Saturday night - Cyclists and their friends/family are encouraged to enjoy the tastes of Athens. Bike Compound: You have the option to store your bike in the Bike Compound on Saturday night of the Ride. The Compound will be a secured facility located in the Team Village at the Holiday Inn. NOTE: For security reasons, your Rider Number must be clearly displayed on the bike and you must have the matching number on you in order to retrieve your bike. Bike Maintenance: The Official Bike Stores have mechanics at break points and at the start and overnight locations. Official Bike Stores offer free inspections for all registered riders from April 1-May 6. An inspection sticker will be provided for passed inspections and will entitle you to free labor while on the ride. Non-Denominational Service: A non-denominational fellowship service will be offered on Sunday, May 22nd at 7:00am at the overnight location.

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Friends And Family: The Start/Overnight/Finish areas for the Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride are open to all friends and family of riders wishing to show support. For the safety of the cyclists, supporters should not make plans to meet cyclists on the route. There will also be no parking allowed at any break point or lunch stop.

general information - On-Route support Bike MS Routes Signs: Route signs are placed along day 1 and day 2 routes as directional signage. Please adhere to all road signs in addition to following directional signage. Medical: First-Aid volunteers will be available at break points, start, finish, and overnight designated areas. An ambulance will also be on route both days of the ride. If you have any medical conditions requiring prescription drugs, please be sure to carry those medications with you. Support And Gear (SAG) Vehicles: Support And Gear (SAG) vehicles patrol the route to provide help to riders who might need assistance. SAGs are operated by dedicated volunteers who patrol the route for safety. Should you need a SAG to transport you to the next break point, first move off the road and out of the path of other riders; next, dismount your bike and stand nearby; then wave your helmet to let the drivers know that you are not just taking a break. Be aware that some of the official vehicles on the route are medical, staff or communications vehicles and are not equipped to carry riders. Also, at peak hours SAG vehicles may be full. Please have patience, another will be by soon. Motorcycle Marshals: Motorcycle Marshals are volunteers who patrol the route, respond quickly to emergencies and traffic situations, and check the well-being of riders. Please follow the instructions of these volunteers.

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packet pickup Do I have to attend the Packet Pickup? Yes and No! Every rider must have the proper credentials to participate in the Ride. In order to collect a rider packet of credentials, every rider must turn in their signed Waiver & Pledge Agreement form. However, the rider does not need to be present to pick up a rider packet; a designated representative can turn in the rider’s signed form and pick up a packet in their stead. NOTE: There will be no Packet Pickup or registration on the day of the bike event. What is included in the rider packet? The rider packet contains the credentials needed to participate in the event: bib, bike frame, and helmet numbers, luggage tag and a wristband for meals. Do I have to reach the minimum by a certain date? Yes. In order to obtain your rider packet, your minimum fundraising commitment must be turned in prior to or at the packet pickup. Are there special requirements for riders under 18? Riders between the eligible participant ages of 12 and 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent/guardian AND have the waiver notarized. Visit www.bikeMSgeorgia.org for Packet Pickup dates and locations. NOTE: There will be no packet pickup or registration the day of the event.

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safety starts with you The safety of Bike MS participants is the number one priority for the National MS Society. However, it is also the responsibility of each individual cyclist to be knowledgeable of and adhere to safe practices.

Official Bike MS Safety Initiatives For your safety, the following initiatives are enforced for all Bike MS events. ∫ Minimum Participation Age: The minimum age to participate is 12 years old at the time of the ride. ∫ Equipment and Accessories attached to bicycles for transporting children and/or pets are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, bicycle trailers, Tag-Along or Trail-a-Bike products, and child carrier seats.

Rules Of the Road: When you cycle on the road, you are a driver; therefore, you have the same road responsibilities as the driver of an automobile. Be sure to follow these rules: ∫ Wear a helmet. ∫ Obey all traffic signs and signals. ∫ Never wear headphones. ∫ Ride on the right side of the lane, a few feet from the edge. ∫ Ride in single file to allow traffic to pass, never ride more than two abreast. ∫ Pass on the left only, and allow riders to pass. ∫ Give hand signals when stopping or turning.

Safety Tips: Riders must follow the rules of the road, but it is just as important to follow these cycling etiquette tips: ∫ Ride in a straight line; do not weave. ∫ Cross railroad tracks at a right angle. ∫ Try to make eye contact with drivers before turning. ∫ Glance back often, always before moving right or left. ∫ Talk to your fellow cyclists letting them know “On your left”, etc.

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preparing for the ride Download the Bike MS Guide to Training & Nutrition at bikeMSgeorgia.org for more tips on preparing for the Bike MS event. Training Tips Preparing yourself is just as important as having the right equipment. The Bike MS Ride is an accessible ride for nearly every skill level, but less experienced riders should develop a training schedule to fit their needs. The Official Bike Stores can assist in helping you prepare a training program. Download the Bike MS Guide To Training And Nutrition to get started. Cycling Tips ∫ When cycling, try to maintain 90-100 rpm. That may seem fast, but it is the most effective method of increasing blood flow to your muscles. More blood means more oxygen and that means less burning in your legs as well as more endurance. Adjust the bike to whatever resistance allows you to maintain that high rpm for the duration of your ride. ∫ It is more effective to train with 5-6 shorter rides each week rather than one or two long rides. Your body adjusts to daily cycling better and therefore more conditioning, even if you ride the same distance. ∫ Carbohydrates the day before a long ride give you more energy for the ride the next day. Pasta, potatoes, and bread are good examples. ∫ Drink one bottle per hour, with every second bottle being a sports drink. ∫ Snack while riding. Energy bars & power gels are some examples of very effective bike nutrition. Bananas are also good, and they are easy to eat.

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∫ Train with other people. It’s more fun, it’s safer, you can practice riding in a group, and you have someone to motivate you when things get tough. ∫ Get your bike inspected at one of the Official Bike Stores prior to the event. Not only does this entitle you to free labor during the event, but they can provide you with additional information on training and equipment. ∫ Head injuries are of special concern for cyclists. Even falling at a slow rate of speed can cause a serious head injury. Helmets must be on your head and strapped while riding in Bike MS — no exceptions. What to Wear: All Bike MS riders must wear an approved bicycling helmet at all times while riding the route. It is also suggested that riders wear cycling clothing for their own comfort. In picking items to wear look for clothing that lacks buckles or ties that might catch in bike tires or chains, is close-fitting to reduce chafing and wind interference, and wicks perspiration away from the body. Most important are the places where the rider’s body meets the bike: gloves, shorts, and shoes. Cycling gloves are designed to keep hands dry and protect palms from handlebar vibration and the occasional spill. Cycling shorts are padded in the seat and are generally close-fitting to eliminate wind resistance and chafing. Cycling shoes have stiff soles to reduce foot fatigue and lock into pedals to increase pedaling efficiency.

What to Pack

With You On The Ride:

In Your Overnight Bag:

∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫

∫ ∫ ∫ ∫

Helmet — THIS IS REQUIRED! Padded bike shorts, jersey Cycling gloves, good athletic shoes Sunglasses, lip balm, sunscreen Patch, spare tubes, tire pump Identification (driver’s license) Emergency cash, credit card Water bottles, hydration pack Rider numbers & wristband Route maps & cue sheets Medications, hand sanitizer Rain poncho (just in case)

Travel alarm clock Towel /toiletries Medications Change of clothes for Saturday night and Sunday

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2012 CALENDAR OF EVENTS November 1

Registration Opens ($50 Fee)

February 1-10

$10 for 10 Day registration

March 16-April 21 Bike Inspections at Official Bike Stores April 29

$50 Registration Fee Deadline

April 30

Registration Fee Increases to $400 ($50 Reg Fee + $350 Minimum Pledge)


Packet Pick-up #1 (will be posted on website)

may 4 Final pakcet Pick-up for 1-day and 2-day Location TBD 5pm-10pm May 5-6

Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride

July 2

Pledge Deadline (must be postmarked by this date) Top 100 Club Qualifying Deadline Team Ranking Deadline

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Notes: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

National MS Society Georgia Chapter 1117 Perimeter Center West Suite E101 Atlanta, GA 30338

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