2010 Volunteer Handbook 1
TAKE A STAND IN YOUR AREA!! Join us for a summer fundraising event! It’s easy and Fun!
Take your Stand Against MS! Host a lemonade stand in your own community to raise awareness and funds for MS. Get your neighborhood, school, business, church, friends and family involved. Start your stand today! THE STAND AGAINST MS Who: National MS Society key volunteers, group leaders, schools, churches and kids in the community who want to create a world free of MS. What: Families and groups hosting lemonade stands with The Stand Against MS messaging to raise awareness and funds for the National MS Society Georgia Chapter. (Pause to enjoy childhood memories…) When: Summer 2010. You pick the day. Where: Across Georgia. Hold your stand wherever you think you’ll see the most people. (neighborhood pool, local grocery store, park, ball games…) Why: Raise awareness and fundraise to create a world free of MS. (By the way this is an opportunity to increase your Walk fundraising total.) How: Call 678-501-6623 or email amanda.moran@nmssga.org to sign up. www.nationalmssociety.org/stand Ask about the Stand Against MS Starter Kit to help you get a jumpstart on launching your stand. *Limited quantities available
Facts about Multiple Sclerosis
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What is MS? Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic and devastating disease of the central nervous system. More than 8,500 Georgians are affected MS. It is often referred to as a “prime of life” disease because it strikes most people between the ages of 20-50 years. MS is unpredictable; symptoms can be mild, such as numbness, or severe such as loss of vision or even paralysis. Symptoms of MS can come and go without warning, making the disease unpredictable. Twice as many women as men contract the disease. About the National MS Society: We mobilize people and resources to drive research for a cure and to address the challenges of everyone affected by MS. Since its founding in 1946, the Society has invested $600 million in research. The National MS Society is the largest private funder of MS research in the world. The National MS Society currently funds over 375 research projects in the U.S. and abroad and over $125 million is spent each year on programs and services across the country. The Georgia Chapter serves approximately 8,500 people living with MS and the spouses, children and other family members that support them
INSTRUCTION SHEET Thank you again for your participation in The Stand Against MS! Below are some quick reminders: 1.
You may request a Stand Starter Kit from the Georgia Chapter by emailing Amanda.moran@nmssga.org or calling Amanda at 678-501-6623
Choose your location. Be sure to obtain approval if you would like to hold your stand outside of a business. You can also choose your community pool, a park, etc.
Be sure to complete and distribute the Neighborhood Flyers 1-2 weeks before your Stand date.
We encourage you to write the specific time and date your Stand will be open on your banners and signs.
Make sure to tape your “shoebox� sign to the front of any shoebox to collect funds at your table. (cut a slit in the top of the shoebox)
Make sure that your lemonade is cool and iced down!
Be sure to give each person a Thank you flyer along with their lemonade and cookies and say Thank You.
Should you need to supplement the starter kit with additional lemonade or cookies, please subtract that cost from the money raised prior to sending in the proceeds.
After holding your stand, please count the money and complete the deposit slip. You may either turn in the cash collected from your stand at the chapter office OR you may write a personal check/money order for the total amount raised and mail it in. (We prefer that you do not mail cash!)
Please turn in the money/personal check to the National MS Society office within a week of holding your Stand. Proceeds should be turned in no later than September 13th 2010.
HAVE FUN!!! Thanks again and have a great time! Contact Information: Amanda Moran, Community Development Manager: (678)501-6623
Tips for a Successful Stand Before the event 9 Request the Stand Starter Kit from the Georgia Chapter. 9 Choose a location that is highly visible and easily accessible. 9 Identify the volunteers (adults and kids) to help run the Stand with you. The more the merrier! 9 Distribute volunteer assignments and emphasize the importance of safety. 9 Make sure to sign the Volunteer Agreement form, located on the Stand Against MS, Georgia chapter website. www.nationalmssociety.org/stand 9 Make decorations for your Stand by downloading and printing all signs and flyers from The Stand Against MS website 9 Spread the word! “Talk it up� with neighbors, friends, family and coworkers. Send emails out through the "My Participant Center," include the times and location. 9 Call your local community newspaper and ask to be interviewed to promote your Stand.
During the event 9 Set up a table and chairs and decorate your Stand with signs and flyers from the Stand Against MS, Georgia Chapter website 9 Ice your lemonade so it will be cool and refreshing to drink. 9 Put out signs on surrounding streets to advertise your Stand. 9 Take a picture of your Stand to give to the Chapter for the Photo contest. 9 Be sure to give each person a Thank you flyer from the Stand Against MS, Georgia Chapter Website and say THANK YOU 9 Collect and count the money from your Stand and put it in a safe place. 9 Tear down your Stand by removing all trash and supplies. 9 Congratulate yourself on such a great job!
After the event 9 Continue to raise money both online and offline by sending out emails and letters. 9 You may either deliver the cash that you have collected OR you may write a personal check
for the total amount raised. Mail the check along with the deposit slip (can be found at the end of this packet) to: 1117 Perimeter Center West, Suite E101, Atlanta, GA 30338
Funds should be delivered to the office or post-marked no later than September 13th 2010.
Say Cheese! 2010 Stand Against MS Photo Contest!
Team Carter Lemonade Raised: $231.50
Team Lucas Lemons Raised $169.00
The Georgia Chapter needs photos of your Stand! Please take pictures of your stand throughout the week and send them in with the money that you raise! Winning photographs will be used in various publications for next year’s Stand Against MS as well as on the Georgia Chapter website!
SAMPLE EMAILS These emails can be used prior to holding your stand to inform people about the stand. You may also use the emails as a way to promote your “Virtual Stand” set up through the my participant center when you register at nationalmssociety.org/stand 1. {INSERT DATE} NAME ADDRESS CITY, ST ZIP Dear {INSERT NAME}, Multiple sclerosis affects families throughout the state of Georgia. This is why we are taking The Stand Against MS. Beginning Memorial Day Weekend, families and friends all over Georgia will host lemonade stands to help raise awareness and funds toward a world free of multiple sclerosis. I have joined the movement to create a world free of MS and will host my lemonade stand in {date} and at {location}. Join me at my Stand to join the movement! The Georgia Chapter of the National MS Society is committed to assisting the thousands of Georgians impacted by MS continue moving their lives forward. The chapter raises funds locally to support the Society’s critical research initiatives and to provide many comprehensive support services and educational programs to people living with MS, their family and friends. I am asking for your support so we can raise funds for even more programs, services and research projects in the coming year. Thank you in advance for joining me at my lemonade stand and joining me in the movement to create a world free of MS! Sincerely, {INSERT YOUR NAME HERE} 2. {INSERT DATE} NAME ADDRESS CITY, ST ZIP Dear {INSERT NAME}, Multiple sclerosis affects children and adults throughout the state of Georgia. This is why we are taking The Stand Against MS. Beginning Memorial Day Weekend, families and friends all over Georgia will host lemonade stands to help raise awareness and funds toward a world free of multiple sclerosis. The Georgia Chapter of the National MS Society is committed to assisting the thousands of Georgians impacted by MS continue moving their lives forward. The chapter raises funds locally to support the Society’s critical research initiatives and to provide many comprehensive support services and educational programs to people living with MS, their family and friends. I am asking for your support so we can fund even more programs, services and research projects in the coming year. Join me in our movement today by making a taxdeductible donation to my stand to help raise much needed funds for people with multiple sclerosis. Thank you in advance for sponsoring my lemonade stand and joining me in the movement to create a world free of MS! Sincerely, {INSERT YOUR NAME HERE}
Thank you to our sponsors:
Frequently Asked Questions 1. Where should I set up my lemonade Stand and when should I run it? You are encouraged to set up a stand in a high traffic area (neighborhood pool, park, baseball fields during games, local businesses, shopping centers, etc.). Just make sure children are not left unattended and that you have permission from business owners to set up. You can run your Stand throughout the week or on one particular day. You are encouraged to designate a time(s) and publish the time on the posters provided. 2. How much should I encourage people to donate? Encourage a minimum $3-$5 donation. Larger Donations are always welcome! Be sure to give each “customer” an MS Fact sheet and a thank you flyer. 3. How should I advertise for the Stand? Send out emails or letters to friends (samples provided on Stand website)! Also take advantage of the posters and signs provided in the Stand Handbook. Hang them throughout your community! 4. How do I collect donations? Use the “shoebox sign” provided! Tape or glue it to a regular shoebox, cut a hole in the lid, and keep it at your Stand! Make sure that the box is never left unattended and that you keep a running tally of funds collected at the end of each day. 5. How should I decorate my Stand? Be creative! Use the “MS: Join the Movement” Banner, as well as other signs provided by the chapter. Feel free to add a personal touch to your stand any way you like. This is a great way for children to get involved and make the stand their own! Don’t forget to take pictures! 6. What if I have further questions prior to, during, or after The Stand? Feel free to contact the MS Society Ga. Chapter at any point during the Stand Against MS! You can also email Amanda Moran at Amanda.Moran@nmssga.org. The chapter phone number is (678)672-1000 Opt 2. 7. What should I do with the money that I raise? We recommend that you deposit the cash and write the chapter a check for the amount that you raise. You can also drop off cash at the chapter office. Please do not send cash through the mail. 8. Can the money count towards my walk/bike fundraising totals? Absolutely. When you submit the donations please include a note indicating that the proceeds are from a Stand and you would like the proceeds to be credited towards you or your team. (Include your full name or team name)
9. What is included in a STARTER KIT? The kit includes: an “I joined the movement” poster, flyers to put up advertising the stand, receipt/thank you slips, 2 cases of lemonade, 1 box of cookies, volunteer handbook, posters and more. 10. Can I set up a virtual stand? Yes. As with walk and bike participants, we will have online sign up for the stand with the online fundraising and email tools and “my participant center”. 11. When should I hold my stand? Can I hold more than one? We encourage you to hold your stand anytime from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day Weekend. If you would like to hold more than one, fantastic! 12. What if I need additional supplies? We encourage you to purchase powdered lemonade (as it is cheaper) and take the cost out of the proceeds prior to mailing your check for the total funds raised to the chapter office (or you may choose to donate the additional supplies). 13. Can or cup of lemonade? We encourage you to poor the lemonade cans into cups so that it will last longer. Use your discretion based on donation. If the donor asks for the whole can, feel free to give them the can. 14. How do I pick up my supplies? You will schedule a pick up time at the GA Chapter Warehouse in Norcross or the GA Chapter Office in Dunwoody by contact Amanda Moran Amanda.moran@nmssga.org or 678-501-6623. Please schedule a pick up time as the supplies are stored at the warehouse and will need to be brought to the office or Amanda will need to go to the warehouse to meet you since we do not have a staff person there during business hours. Starter Kits are on a first come first serve basis.
2010 Stand Against MS VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT FORM Please Return to the National MS Society Georgia Chapter along with your proceeds from The Stand.
MEDIA RELEASE: I hereby grant permission to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates to use my name, picture, and/or likeness in any manner and in any media, either alone or accompanied by other material. I agree that I will not hold the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates singularly or collectively responsible for any liability resulting from the use of my name, picture, and/or likeness in the manner described herein. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT: To the degree that I may be given access to the identity and details of persons with multiple sclerosis and their families, I will safeguard such information in strict confidence. I have read and understand the Media Release and Confidentiality Agreement.
Print Name
Parent/Guardian Name (if under age 18)
Telephone Number
Emergency Contact
Emergency Number
E-Mail Address
2010 Stand Against MS VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT FORM Please Return to the National MS Society Georgia Chapter along with your proceeds from The Stand.
MEDIA RELEASE: I hereby grant permission to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates to use my name, picture, and/or likeness in any manner and in any media, either alone or accompanied by other material. I agree that I will not hold the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates singularly or collectively responsible for any liability resulting from the use of my name, picture, and/or likeness in the manner described herein. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT: To the degree that I may be given access to the identity and details of persons with multiple sclerosis and their families, I will safeguard such information in strict confidence. I have read and understand the Media Release and Confidentiality Agreement.
Print Name
Parent/Guardian Name (if under age 18)
Telephone Number
Emergency Contact
Emergency Number
E-Mail Address
2010 Stand Against MS VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT FORM Please Return to the National MS Society Georgia Chapter along with your proceeds from The Stand.
MEDIA RELEASE: I hereby grant permission to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates to use my name, picture, and/or likeness in any manner and in any media, either alone or accompanied by other material. I agree that I will not hold the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates singularly or collectively responsible for any liability resulting from the use of my name, picture, and/or likeness in the manner described herein. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT: To the degree that I may be given access to the identity and details of persons with multiple sclerosis and their families, I will safeguard such information in strict confidence. I have read and understand the Media Release and Confidentiality Agreement.
Print Name
Parent/Guardian Name (if under age 18)
Telephone Number
Emergency Contact
Emergency Number
E-Mail Address
2010 Stand Against MS VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT FORM Please Return to the National MS Society Georgia Chapter along with your proceeds from The Stand.
MEDIA RELEASE: I hereby grant permission to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates to use my name, picture, and/or likeness in any manner and in any media, either alone or accompanied by other material. I agree that I will not hold the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and/or its affiliates singularly or collectively responsible for any liability resulting from the use of my name, picture, and/or likeness in the manner described herein. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT: To the degree that I may be given access to the identity and details of persons with multiple sclerosis and their families, I will safeguard such information in strict confidence. I have read and understand the Media Release and Confidentiality Agreement.
Print Name
Parent/Guardian Name (if under age 18)
Telephone Number
Emergency Contact
Emergency Number
E-Mail Address
To help us serve you better, include this deposit ticket with any money you turn in. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
Stand Host Name_________________________________________ Stand Name_____________________________________________ Phone Used for Registration (___)__________ Amount Enclosed $______ Credit to Bike or Walk? Yes NO Please make checks payable to the National MS Society Mail Checks To: National MS Society • Attn: Stand MS• 1117 Perimeter Center West • Ste. E101 • Atlanta, GA 30338 For questions, please call 678-672-1000 Opt. 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To help us serve you better, include this deposit ticket with any money you turn in. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
Stand Host Name_________________________________________ Stand Name_____________________________________________ Phone Used for Registration (___)__________ Amount Enclosed $______ Credit to Bike or Walk? Yes NO Please make checks payable to the National MS Society Mail Checks To: National MS Society • Attn: Stand MS• 1117 Perimeter Center West • Ste. E101 • Atlanta, GA 30338 For questions, please call 678-672-1000 Opt. 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To help us serve you better, include this deposit ticket with any money you turn in. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
Stand Host Name_________________________________________ Stand Name_____________________________________________ Phone Used for Registration (___)__________ Amount Enclosed $______ Credit to Bike or Walk? Yes NO Please make checks payable to the National MS Society Mail Checks To: National MS Society • Attn: Stand MS• 1117 Perimeter Center West • Ste. E101 • Atlanta, GA 30338 For questions, please call 678-672-1000 Opt. 2