Bike MS Team Captains Guide 2011

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bike ms : 2011

Team captain


Brian Bass & Micheal Klein (Left & Center) Team Captains, Team Deloitte.

Celebrate success at your team tent

You had a long day. You rode so many miles and helpe d make incre dible advances toward a world fre e of MS . Now celebrate with your team . Join them at your ver y own tent at the Bike MS Team Village. FOR MOR E INFOR MAT I ON , DOWNLOAD T HE “ T EAM VI LL AGE GUIDE” AT W W W. BIKEMSGEORGIA .ORG

Table of Contents Welcome to bi ke MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 We ar e people who wan t to d o some thing abo u t MS N OW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Wher e Doe s the Mone y Go? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Movi ng To g e ther : T hr ee Simple St eps to Start ing a T e am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 R aisi ng Mone y Ha s Ne ver Been E a sier! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 6 T e a m C ap tain T imeli ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 8 Goal Se tt i ng : Who Ha s the Mos t T e am Spir i t? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -10 Top Bi ke MS 2 010 T e a ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 T e a m Awar ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 r ecr u i tmen t id e a s n ot epad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 t e a m fu nd r aisi ng t ips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fu nd r aisi ng Id e a s Not epad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 m atchi ng g ift s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Safe ty Start s Wi th Yo u! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 fr eq u en tly a sked q u e s t i ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 -2 0 importan t dat e s for t e am c ap tains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Team Georgia Power Captain Andy Foster (2nd from left)

For mor e in format i on and t e am r e so u rce s , go to : bike MSge orgia .org

Welcome to bike ms: 2011 You’re up for the challenge as a Bike MS Team Captain — and ready for the ride of your life! Moving forward, this Team Captain Guide will help you get your team organized and motivated, as well as provide some great tips for having fun while fundraising.

Ri de w ith us Bi ke MS: D elo i tt e . Atl an ta to Athens r id e Dat e : m ay 21-2 2, 2 011 lo c at i on : (s tart ) t u r ner fi eld, Atl an ta

(over ni g ht ) holiday inn , Athens

bi ke ms: cox atl an ta r id e dat e : sep t ember 17-18 , 2 011 lo c at i on : c all away g ar d ens For more information, visit or call 678.672.1000 press #2.

1 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

Team NetApp

We are people who want to do something about ms now Abo u t MS Multiple sclerosis interrupts the flow of information from the brain to the body and stops people from moving. Every hour in the United States, someone is newly diagnosed with MS, an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system. Symptoms range from numbness and tingling to blindness and paralysis. The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted, but advances in research and treatment are moving us closer to a world free of MS. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, with more than twice as many women as men being diagnosed with the disease. MS affects more than 400,000 people in the U.S., and 2.5 million worldwide.

Abo u t the Nat ional MS Socie ty The National MS Society helps people affected by MS by funding cutting-edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, and providing programs and services designed to help people with MS and their families move their lives forward. Early and ongoing treatment with an FDA-approved therapy can make a difference for people with multiple sclerosis. Learn about your options by talking to your health care professional and contacting the National MS Society at or 1-800-344-4867. | 2

Where does the money go? Chap t er prog r am & r e se arch hi g hli g ht s For over 50 years, the Georgia Chapter has been providing hope to nearly 8,500 individuals and families affected by multiple sclerosis in Georgia. The Georgia Chapter provides outstanding, comprehensive programs and support services designed to help people with MS and their families better address the challenges of living with this unpredictable disease. We strive to provide knowledge and assistance to help people with MS to maintain the highest possible quality of life. Offering much needed services and funding top-rated research, our staff and volunteers are dedicated to achieving a world free of MS.

Chap t er financial informat i on 78 cents of every dollar raised in the Georgia Chapter is spent towards addressing the challenges of multiple sclerosis. The Georgia Chapter depends on community support to fund local programs and accelerate national research projects to identify the cause and cure of MS. We are thankful to our members and their friends, event participants, corporate partners and the general public who help us raise the money to help create a world free of MS.

78% Programs/Education Research

22% Fundraising/Administration

3 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

Moving Together: three simple steps to starting a team As a part of the MS movement, you and your team are committed to a world free of MS. We’re committed to you and the success of your team.

R ecr u i t ing Team members can be anybody — friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors — and they can all easily register as cyclists online at Whether you’re a corporate team or a team of family and friends, just be sure to ask everyone you know.

R aising mone y Fundraising comes more naturally when you make it personal. If your team is cycling for someone with MS, ask them if they would be willing to tell their story. Be sure to follow that with a statement about how much progress we’ve made in treating the disease. Don’t forget to ask everyone who sponsors you if their employer offers matching gifts!

R e ally having fu n Being a team captain is an opportunity to share a great experience with friends and family members, or coworkers — a community coming together for a common goal and the accomplishment of a unique personal challenge! As a leader, it’s up to you to remind your teammates of why they registered. Bike MS can be more than a fundraising event — it can be a joyous celebration of how far we’ve come together!

Benefits to Moving Together 1. Teamwork and Team Building 2. Corporate Pride and Employee Retention 3. Fantastic Marketing Opportunity 4. Strong Community Relationships Built Through Community Involvement 5. Creates Health Conscious Employees and Community 6. Team Fundraising Makes Asking for Donations Easier 7. It’s More Fun at the Event! | 4

Raising money Has Never Been Easier! Simple St eps to online su cce ss 1. Se t u p yo u r t e a m pag e Your team page is your invitation to the world to become involved in the movement. We’re here to help you reach your goals. Please let us know how we can help! By setting up a team page, you are setting up your team for success. Here are a few hints to help make your page one to remember: ∫ M a k e i t per s o n a l

Put in a picture of you or your team. Write the story of your team and how you are moving together toward a world free of MS. While there is sample text available, nothing is more compelling than your own words. ∫ Ch a n g e i t oft en

Keep your page current to generate interest. Provide updates on how your training is going or how close you are to your goal. ∫ Cr e at e yo u r t e a m pag e U R L s hortc u t

By doing this you will be able to easily direct people directly to your team page. Put a link to your fundraising page in the signature of your e-mail.

2 . R ecr u i t member s onli ne No need to collect paper or spend hours on the phone. Your team members can quickly and easily register themselves online. Have people join your team from your team page, or use the participant center tools to send a team registration link via e-mail. You can also download your Outlook contact list into the too. (This tool also can help you to track when e-mails have been opened by a recipient.) 3 . Fu nd r aise onli ne Now for the fun part! After you send your personalized e-mail to all your friends, family and colleagues, you can watch your up-to-the-minute fundraising tracker. Our online tools make it simple for your supporters to donate online to keep you moving toward your fundraising goals and a world free of MS.

5 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

4 . En co u r ag e t e am member s to use their online per sonal pag e s Once you see what the tools can do for you, encourage your team members to see what the tools can do for them. Make it fun by giving incentives to your team members to fundraise online — a pair of movie tickets to the team member that raises the most in a week, or a gift card to every team member who gets at least five gifts online. Be creative and ensure that your team not only reaches their goals, but has fun along the way. 5 . Social Ne twor ki ng Create a Facebook fanpage for your team. You can also post tweets on Twitter for your group and videos on YouTube. Fundraise with Facebook - this new tool allows you to raise funds through your Facebook account. Available through your Participant Center.

T en g r e at things abo u t o u r online t e am tool s 1. Post your team pictures online 2. Include your company’s logo 3. Set up a simple URL for your Team page 4. Set a fundraising goal that everyone can see and support 5. Download your team roster 6. E-mail your entire team at once 7. Track your team members’ fundraising progress 8. See your real time team fundraising total 9. Track and thank your team gifts 10. Easily update your page and photo

ad d i t i onal r e so u rce s avail able online The Bike MS website has a plethora of helpful information to assist you in your team efforts. The following items are available for download at Sample Team Recruitment Letter/Email, Team Newsletter Article, Executive Memo, Goal Setting Form, Team Village Overview and Order Form, Bike MS Guide to Training & Nutrition, Participant Center How-To Guide, Route Maps & Cue Sheets. | 6

GETTING STARTED TEAM CAPTAIN TIMELINE fi r s t s t ep s: ∫ Register yourself as team captain. ∫ Share the work. Form a team committee or recruit a co-captain. ∫ Set goals for the number of riders and total dollars to be raised by your team. ∫ Announce that you are forming a team at the next staff, club or faculty meeting. ∫ Send an email with the Team Website to colleagues and friends announcing the formation of the team. ∫ Secure support from top executives of your company or leaders in your community. ∫ Inquire with the HR department of your company regarding a matching gifts program. Have forms available when you approach co-workers. ∫ If ordering team jerseys, begin work on jersey design immediately (average production time once design is approved is 8 weeks) thr ee mon ths befor e the r i d e : ∫ Request Posters/Flyers from the National MS Society, Georgia Chapter. Display everywhere. ∫ Get the word out! Place articles in your company/organizational newsletter, local paper, and website. Send emails to potential team members inviting them to join. ∫ Dress in style — Ask your company or local neighborhood business to provide t-shirts, hats, or jerseys for your team to wear. ∫ Plan a pre-ride event to promote team involvement, including training ideas and social gatherings. Have a meeting, party or prize giveaway. Invite the National MS Society staff to host a “lunch & learn”. ∫ Enlist those who prefer not to ride to volunteer for team support or for the Ride itself. ∫ Check your roster. By this month you should have at least half of the riders needed to reach your team goal. ∫ Keep track of team donations, current team totals and top fundraisers. ∫ Schedule a series of team training rides. ∫ Plan a team fundraising event. two mon ths befor e the r id e : ∫ Contact the National MS Society – Georgia Chapter to reserve your space for the Team Village at the event overnight. Tents must be rented from the official tent sponsor. ∫ Start sending a weekly email to team members counting down the days until the event. Provide updates on the current number of team members and how much has been raised so far. Include fundraising ideas from members, a listing of top members and their accomplishments for the team, and any challenges the members have for one another. 7 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

∫ Begin to reward your top team members. Get prizes for your top fundraisers from your company or local

places of business (day off, good parking spot, ticket to local sporting or cultural event, gift card to retail store or restaurant). ∫ Continue team training rides. ∫ Hold team fundraising event. ONE MON T H BEFOR E T HE E VEN T: ∫ Provide details to team members regarding Packet Pickups. THERE WILL BE NO REGISTRATION OR PACKET PICKUP THE DAY OF THE RIDE. ∫ Recognize and reward your top team members. ∫ Encourage those team members who have not yet reached their fundraising minimum. Remind team members that the minimum fundraising commitment must be reached prior to or at the Packet Pickup in order to obtain their rider credentials. ONE WEEK BEFOR E T HE E VEN T: ∫ Send a reminder e-mail with the Bike MS start time, team meeting place, time for team photo, directions to the location, and items to bring for the weekend.

d u r ing the e ven t weekend 1. Set a meeting time and place for your team for both mornings of the Ride. Have breafast, warm up, and then get ready to ride! 2. Organize a time for your team to have a team photo taken by a ride photographer. 3. Enjoy each other’s company in yoru team tent at overnight - provide board games, refreshments and good conversation. Reserve your team tent space prior to the event.

AF T ER the e ven t weekend 1. Send a thank you note, memo, e-mail or phone call to all team participants. 2. Remind team members that fundraising does not have to stop just because the Ride is over. | 8

Goal Setting: who has the most team spirit? Establishing a goal is an easy way to maintain motivation as well as give you and your team a benchmark for success. We encourage team captains to set goals for themselves their teams, while keeping these tips in mind. ∫ Goa l s s ho u l d b e r e a l i s t i c , b u t s i g n i fi c a n t

If it requires hard work to attain, it will be a source of more pride for your team. ∫ Do n ’ t a r b i tr a r i ly s e t a g oa l w i tho u t i n p u t fro m th e t e a m

Having them believe in the goal from the word “go” will make your job as team captain that much easier.

∫ Do n ’ t forg e t to s e t b oth per s o n a l & t e a m f u n d r a i s i n g g oa l s

Lead by example. Share your fundraising goal with your team.

∫ S e t a g oa l for t e a m s ize a s w ell a s coll ec t i v e f u n d r a i s i n g

Recruiting more team members can mean more substantial fundraising!

∫ Do n ’ t k eep yo u r g oa l a s ec r e t

Use e-mail, team pages, and even internal company intranets and newsletters to communicate goals — and how close your team is to attaining them. ∫

If you are part of a large corporate team, have departments set their own goals to create some fun internal competition.

If you would like more suggestions and guidelines for goal setting, or would like to request goal setting worksheets, please contact the National MS Society - Georgiat Chapter at 1-800-FIGHT MS press #2.

9 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

Team Intelsat

goal worksheet OVERALL GOALS #of Riders: _______________ Dollars Raised: $________________ STRATEGIC PLAN 1. Set up team web page through the National MS Society website. Due Date ________ 2. Announcement through e-mail, company newsletter, or intranet. Due Date ________ 3. Form team committee/appoint co-captain(s) from separate departments. Due Date ________ Suggested people to ask: ____________________________ 4. Check with company’s HR dept. to learn if a matching gifts program is provided. If so, obtain copy of form to provide to all team members. Due Date ________ 5. Obtain flyers/posters to pass out/display. Post a progress chart with your fundraising & recruitment goals in a visible area. Due Date ________ 6. Recruitment activities Activity Date Goal __________________ o ________________________ _________ __________________ o ________________________ _________ __________________ o ________________________ _________ 7. Team Fundraising activities Activity Date Goal __________________ o ________________________ _________ __________________ o ________________________ _________ __________________ o ________________________ _________ 8. Send memo to all team members with team goals and activities. Due Date _________ 9. Use online tools through National MS Society Website to communicate with team members weekly or bi-weekly. Due Date ________ 10. Send a thank you to all team members. Date Due ________ | 10

Team Shepherd/HDS Vans Captain Colleen McCrory (right)

Top Bike MS: 2010 Teams The National Multiple Sclerosis Society would not be able to fund cutting-edge research, provide services, host programs, or educate health care professionals and the public if it were not for the extraordinary fundraising efforts of those who support Bike MS. Once again, we’d like to show our appreciation to the Bike MS 2010 teams who made a difference — together.

Bike MS 2 010 TOP T e ams 1. Team Cox, Team Captain Dave Small


2. Team Drummond, Team Captain Kevin Drummond


3. Team Coca-Cola, Team Captain Mark Neville


4. Shepherd/HDS Vans, Team Captain Colleen McCrory


5. Team Marj@Large, Team Captain Matthew Tallman


6. KPMG-Home Depot - Dunwoody Cycling, Captain Chris Mottram


7. Team Deloitte., Team Captain Michael Klein


8. Team Noodle, Team Captain Steve Webb


9. Team UPS, Team Captain Steve Agnello


10. Team Erin’s Fight, Team Captain Jack Hawkins


11 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

2011 Team Awards A little friendly competition among teams can build camaraderie and increase results. In fact, teams are the fastest growing group of fundraisers in the MS movement. The difference they are making in the lives of people with MS is nothing short of amazing. So who has the most team spirit? Who has the biggest team? And, most importantly, who will make the biggest impact to create a world free of MS? Here are the top team titles up for grabs.

T EAM H onor s 1. Top 3 fu nd r aisi ng t e a ms Qualifications: Top three teams whose pledge amounts rank the highest as of the Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride pledge deadline of July 1, 2011 or the Bike MS: Cox Atlanta Ride pledge dead line of October 31, 2011. 2. l arg e s t t e am Qualifications: The number of team members will be considered as the number of registered team members who actually ride in the Bike MS ride. Team member registration cannot be changed past the close of the final Bike MS Packet Pickup, held the night before the event. 3 . be s t d r e ssed t e a m Qualifications: The team with the most creative/colorful/event specific attire or jersey. 4 . mos t spi r i t ed t e a m Qualifications: The team that best exemplifies the traits of good sportsmanship, rider safety and etiquette, and team camaraderie. | 12

recruitment ideas notepad The recruitment tips listed below are tried and true initiatives from other team captains. Brainstorm and see what creative ideas you can come up with! ∫ g e t th e wor d o u t:

Email the team webpage to everyone you know. Drop a flyer on everyone’s desk and hang a poster in the break rooms. ∫ c r e at e t e a m b u s i n e ss c a r ds:

Pass out when someone shows interest in the team. You never know when you might meet someone that wants to participate! Be sure to include your contact information and the team webpage. ∫ g e t co m pa n y s u pp ort:

Ask the highest ranking person in your company or group to send out an endorsement memo announcing support ans asking others to join the team. Include a matching gift form if your company has a matching gift policy. Talk with HR or Wellness & Community Relations for assistance as well. ∫ p u b l i c ize th e t e a m ’ s e ffort s:

Display Bike MS posters and flyers in high-traffic areas at work. Include the team captain’s contact info if anyone has questions. Create a large display in a high-traffic area at work. Display a “sign-up list” to create positive peer pressure and encourage others to join. ∫ N e w s l e tt er s:

If your company or organization sends out newsletters, ask them to include an article about the team. Send your own regular newsletters through the National MS Society’s online tools. ∫ hos t s i g n - u p pa rt i e s:

Host a party during breakfast, lunch or an ice cream social. Hold a new team member registration party and encourage team members to recruit one more person and bring them to the party.

∫ a s k th e N at i o n a l MS So c i e ty:

Schedule a visit for a staff member to give a presentation to potential team members, HR, management or officers at your office, classroom or meeting place. ∫ m a k e i t per s o n a l :

Use your own “this is why I ride” story with potential team members. If other members have a particulary powerful story, ask them if you can share their story as you recruit. ∫ m a k e i t f u n :

Don’t underestimate the effect of team camaraderie! 13 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

Team Unis Libris Captain Cliff Hagan (center)

Fundraising TIPS Listed below are some ideas from other team captains, but you should feel free to add your own. Share them with other team captains.

T HE BASICS ∫ h av e en th u s i a sm :

Excitment is highly contagious! Your team members should feel how enthusiatic you are about fundraising.

∫ m a k e th e fi r s t pl ed g e yo u r s elf :

when your team members and potential donors see your contribution, they will know how serious you are.

∫ s h a r e w i th th e g ro u p :

Share your personal fundraising methods with yoru team members. By sharing your mail, email campaigns and personal fundraising events, members will become more comfortable with fundraising for themselves. ∫ s e t g oa l s:

Set a team fundraising goal and regularly announce the team’s progress. ∫ a s k yo u r co m pa n y/o g r a n iz at i o n :

Ask for financial help to pay fore team jerseys, host a lunch and learn or make a team financial contribution. ∫ a s k for h el p :

Identify a team member to serve as co-captain, or a group of members to serve as a team committee. Ask for help in putting together one or more fundraising events. Delegate responsibilities! | 14

Team Bank of America Captain Mark Moran (center)

Fundraising ideas notepad Listed below are some ideas from other team captains, but you should feel free to add your own. Share them with other team captains. ∫

O ffer to d o s o m e th i n g u n u s ua l

Shave your head or sing karaoke if your team reaches or exceeds its fundraising goal. ∫ S e t u p a d r aw i n g for th e t e a m

With each $50 raised netting you another chance to win a prize (For friends: A special home-cooked meal for the winner and their family; For employees: A day off.)

∫ lu n c h w i th th e pr e s i d en t or r e s erv ed pa r k i n g s p ot s

Reward the top fundraiser with lunch with the president or give the person who recruits the most additional team members a reserved parking spot for a month.

∫ Pi n - u p S a l e s

If you work somewhere with lots of foot traffic, ask about Bike MS pin-up sales! ∫ S i l en t Au c t i o n

Hold your own silent auction — with food and entertainment.

∫ G a r ag e S a l e

Clean out the attic and basement with a garage sale — donate the proceeds. ∫ R e s tau r a n t Do n at i o n s

Ask your favorite restaurant or bar to donate a percentage of one evening’s income to your team. ∫ F u n d r a i s e thro u g h fac eb oo k

Fundraise through the Boundless Fundraising tool available on your personal page.


15 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

Team Jude, Bike MS: 2010

double your pledges with matching gifts Many companies sponsor matching gift programs to encourage employees to support charities numerous charities. Most companies match dollar for dollar. By informing your team members of this opportunity, you could greatly increase your team’s fundraising with little effort. hel pfu l t i p s for matching g ift s ∫ s pr e a d th e wor d : Encourage all of your team members and event donors to see if their company participates in a matching gift

program. Please remind your donors to include information on whose event campaign they are supporting so the gift will be credited to the correct event participant’s account.

∫ h av e m atc h i n g g i ft s for ms wh en yo u a pproac h cowor k er s:

If your company participates in a matching gift program, have the forms available when you approach your coworkers to ride or donate. When a coworker makes a contribution, you can hand them a form to complete. ∫ th e e a rl i er th e b e tt er : Providing the matching gift forms on the weekend of the event or even before will ensure that your matching gift

will be included with your current year’s total. To assist us in the process, please include a copy of your pledge form for the National MS Society to reference. | 16

Team Microsoft

Safety Starts with you! As Team Captain, you will want to encourage team members to spend some time on their bikes, regardless of what their motivation is for doing the ride. Develop a training program that will take into consideration the various skill levels of your cyclists. For beginners, encourage them to participate in as many training rides as possible and to team up with a more experienced cyclist for tips. You may also encourage members to inquire about indoor cycling/spinning classes at Health Clubs around town.

17 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

safe pr ac t ices To ensure a successful and safe Bike MS ride, team captains should address several areas of focus prior to the Ride: ∫ pa rt i c i pat e i n tr a i n i n g r i d e s

organized by you, or by one of the Official Bike Stores. Practice makes perfect, and seasoned riders are less likely to be a safety concern to themselves or others.

∫ a rr a n g e for a b i k e c l i n i c

or your new or “rusty” riders. The League of American Bicyclists can provide this at a cost. However, many local fire departments and rescue units are happy to provide this clinic as a community service. The National MS Society can help you set this up. ∫ d e s i g n at e a t e a m r i d e m a r s h a l

that will help to enforce safety and rider etiquette within the team. Team members that are not properly managed will be asked to excuse themselves from that portion of the ride until such time that they are not compromising the safety and comfort of other riders.

offi cial bike ms safe ty g u id eline s The safety of all ride participants is a priority for the National MS Society. For your safety, the following initiatives are enforced for all Bike MS events. Please make your team members aware of these requirements. Should you have questions, please contact the National MS Society at 678.672.1000/800-FIGHTMS. ∫ m i n i m u m pa rt i c i pat i o n ag e :

The minimum age to participate is 12 years old at the time of the ride.

∫ eq u i pm en t a n d acc e ss or i e s:

Equipment and accessories attached to bicycles for transporting children and/or pets are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, bicycle trailers, Tag-Along or Trail-a-Bike products, and child carrier seats. | 18

Team Ernst & Young


You may register your team online (, fax in registrations (678-672-1015) or mail your registration forms to our office (1117 Perimeter Center West, Suite E101, Atlanta, GA 30338). Make sure that the team name is included on the registration.


The National MS Society – Georgia Chapter requires a registration fee, due at the time of registration, plus a minimum pledge ($350 for the Bike MS: Atlanta to Athens Ride - $250 for the Bike MS: Cox Atlanta Ride). Accommodations are the responsibility of the participant/team. Check the website for information on event host hotels and camping options.


The minimum pledge must be reached prior to or at the Packet Pickup in order to obtain rider credentials.


All participants receive regular Bike MS E-Newsletters. However, it is important that you reiterate any information given to your team on the Bike MS ride or any additional information you may receive as a team captain, such as procedures for registering and turning in money, and what to expect during the event weekend. As a team captain, you are the liaison between your team and the National MS Society.


Yes. Official event photographers will be availalbe to take team photos.

∫ w i ll w e r i d e i f i t r a i n s?

Yes. We ride even if it rains. In the event of serious weather (tornado, hurricane, etc.) please check the website or call 1-800-FIGHTMS for announcements relating to the cancellation of the ride. 19 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ∫ wh er e c a n i g e t b i k e ms fly er s a n d p os t er s?

Contact the National MS Society – Georgia Chapter Office for requests.

∫ w i ll th er e b e s u pp ort a lo n g th e ro u t e?

Yes. Break points are provided along the route with food, hydration and medical support. Support and Gear (SAG) vehicles patrol the route to provide safety and to help riders who might need assistance along the way. Motorcycle Marshals and police presence are also common along the route.

∫ wh at m e a l s w i ll b e prov i d ed at th e r i d e?

Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride Breakfast will be served on Sunday morning at the overnight location. Lunch will be served on the route both Days 1 & 2. The Overnight Celebration will feature live music in the Team Village. However, dinner will NOT be served - Cyclists and their friends/family are encouraged to experience the tastes of Athens. Bike MS: Cox Atlanta Ride Breakfast and lunch will be served both Day 1 & 2 of the Ride. The Bike MS: Cox Atlanta Ride Overnight Celebration (Saturday night) will feature entertainment and dinner. Food and beverages are provided throughout the bike ride to all participants. Family, friends, and team support are welcome to join us at a cost of $5.00 per meal. Food tickets can be purchased at a point of sale located near the food station. Once available, meal times will be posted online. ∫ c a n a n mss s ta ff m em b er co m e a n d ta l k to m y t e a m?

Yes. We are always happy to visit with our teams and assist them with fundraising, team building and answer any questions team members may have. Staff members can even host a “lunch & learn” for your co-workers. Contact us at 678.672.1000 for more information.

∫ w i ll i r ec e i v e u pdat e s a b o u t th e s tat u s of m y t e a m?

Yes. Our new and improved online tools allow you to maintain an up-to-date team roster and track each team member’s fundraising efforts. Detailed information on using the online tools can be downloaded from the website. For additional team status information, you may contact the National MS Society – Georgia Chapter office at 678.672.1000. | 20

2011 b ike ms e ve n t dat e s bike ms: d eloi tt e . atl an ta to athens r id e

November 1 April 1-May6 May TBD May 15 May 16 May 20 May 21-22 July 1

Registration Opens ($50 Fee) Bike Inspections at Official Bike Stores Packet Pickup #1 (will be posted on website) $50 Registration Fee Deadline Registration Fee Increases to $400 ($50 Reg Fee + $350 Minimum Pledge) Final Packet Pickup - Location TBD, 5pm - 10pm Bike MS: Deloitte. Atlanta to Athens Ride Pledge Deadline Top 25 Club Qualifying Deadline

bike ms: cox atl an ta r id e r id e February 1 March 1 August 1-Sept 2 September 7 September 8 September 10 September 13 September 11 September 12 September16 September 17-18 October 31

Registration Opens for 25th Annviersary! Reg Fee $1-$25 Registration Increases to $50 Bike Inspections at Official Bike Stores Packet Pick-up #1 6:00 – 9:00pm Packet Pick-up #2 6:00 – 9:00pm Packet Pick-up #3 10:00am - 1:00pm Packet Pick-up #4 11:00am - 6:00pm $50 Registration Deadline Registration Fee Increases to $300 ($50 Reg Fee + $250 Minimum Pledge) Final Packet Pickup 4:00-9:00pm Bike MS: Cox Atlanta Ride Pledge Deadline Top 100 Club Qualifying & Top Team Deadline

21 | Bike MS: 2011 Team Captain Guide

Team Erin’s Fight Captains Jack (#85) & Erin (#29) Hawkins

Notes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

1 800 344 4867 |

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