President-Elect Legislative Report
by Loren Patterson NMCGA President-Elect
Randell Major President Magdalena Loren Patterson, President-Elect Corona Dustin Johnson NW Vice President Farmington Cliff Copeland NE Vice President Nara Visa Jeff Decker SE Vice President Lovington Ty Bays SW Vice President Silver City Roy Farr Vice President at Large Datil Shacey Sullivan Secretary/Treasurer Peralta Tom Sidwell Immediate Past President Quay Pat Boone Past President Elida Caren Cowan Executive Director Albuquerque
uplicative” was the word of the month in the Roundhouse. New Mexico has so many laws, trusts and funds on the books that even the law makers cannot remember what they created just one or two years ago. Representative Rebecca Dow (District 38) showed me a two-page list of funds created in 2019 and a three-page list ones proposed for 2020. Many of the funds proposed were “duplicative” to existing ones. House Bill 223 and its Senate mirror (SB 102/273) The Agriculture & Natural Resources Trust Act were perfect examples of this. The Fiscal Impact Report of HB 223 listed no less than nine existing acts, funds and programs that accomplished the same goals. What was of greatest concern, besides the $150 million dollar price tag, was that it put control of the money under the umbrella of new administrative department answering to the Executive Branch. Every citizen should be aware of the draining of local over-site of programs and funds to Santa Fe bureaucracies. Speaking about Fiscal Impact, nothing would have had a greater impact to our rural communities than the proposed “Gas Tax” (HB 173). The Bill would have imposed a thirty-cent per gallon tax on gasoline and diesel fuels. One third of the tax would go to the Road Fund, one third to the Clean Infrastructure Fund and one third to a Low-Income Rebate Fund. Many of the members would agree that a little money headed to the Road Fund would benefit everyone in the state, but the creation of a low income rebate and paying for clean infrastructure would just create yet another reoccurring burden for taxpayers. I have never been more proud to see the line of our members stand before the House Appropriations & Finance Committee and testify in opposition. Everyone in the room witnessed the difference between the teaching of civics and social indoctrination occurring in many of our schools. Seeing Red? The contentious Red Flag Bills (SB 5, HB 7) were a beast of their own. The implication of, “guilty until proven innocent”, and “fight the accusation on your own dime”, is a direct violation of constitutional rights. The Sheriffs showed up in force, as well as the National Rifle Association. The political maneuvering of these bills through the committees guaranteed that these laws will be litigated in the courts for years to come. I want to say what a blessing it was to have Joe Culbertson take ownership of these bills. The long hours of debates and hearings would have hindered the rest of our legislative team from addressing membership concerns. Be sure and thank Joe for his continued dedication and service to Cattle Growers. Caren, Michelle, Crystal, and Dawn are true assets to the association and me. Thank You! A special thanks to Kayce, Kelsie Kaye and Joe Foster for giving me the support, love and dedication to be gone a month. Kayce and Kelsie came up to visit one weekend and Kelsie has decided she wants to grow up to work in the Roundhouse, She’s got her eye on an office on the fourth floor. Aim high Baby Girl! Senator Pat Woods gave me some great insight on the leadership aspect of being President-Elect, just minutes later I was able to witness an example of that as four of our past President-Elects stepped up to speak to the House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee. What a relief to have a seasoned crew show up! I’m very thankful for the moisture and hope everyone has had a taste. See you at the Bull Sales! Loren Patterson
President Elect
MARCH 2020