O nCalleus forA. g. . e n t f o r L i f e
quality. I was astonished that the most communist candidate won the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire. Isn’t it sad that people are so willing to give up their hard won freedom so easily. Freedom that so many fought and died for. “I unironically embrace the bashing of rural Americans. They, as a group, are bad people who have made bad life decisions…. and we should shame people who aren’t pro-city.” This is a quote from UC Berkeley instructor Jackson Kernion. Mr. Kernion has taught at least 11 philosophy courses at the California University. Isn’t it hard to believe that this man is paid by rural tax dollars? (The views expressed in this column are Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. not necessarily the views of the New Mr. Kernion also went on to say that rural Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association or this Americans should be paying higher health publication.) care costs and more in taxes, and be forced ere we are once again in an election to live an “uncomfortable” life for rejecting, year. The Democrat Party seems to be “efficient” city life. Together, we'll develop a going to the far left in a big way. The I tried to find out if we are still paying LARRY G. funny thing is though, thatright most of for America MARSHALL customized plan that's you.this nutty professor, but I have gotten is pretty centrist, however the far left is several different answers, so at this point in 120 E. 2nd Street Dexter, NM 88230 being steered by the big media. time, I do not know what is true. 575-734-5415 It's your future. Let's it. One thing about it, if protect you listen to any One thing that is quite obvious to me is 1 Grand Ave. Plaza broadcasts by NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and that the far left will use any cause or excuse Roswell, NM many times FOX, you will notice they are all to seize power. They are not really con575-734-5415 402 W. Main St. promoting the far left agenda. If television cerned about the environment, your health, Artesia, NM 88210 and newspapers are the only place that you or coal miners that do not get paid enough. Dexter (575) 734-5415 575-746-6544 get your news then you may wind up All these causes are just ways to empower Roswell (575) believing623-1020 them, if you are not intelligent themselves, so they can force people to live enough to think for yourself. as they tell them. They are truly out to Artesia (575) 746-6544 The far left zealots tell you straight up destroy your freedom and rural way of life. that they want to take your guns away and Something else that is a threat to our www.agentlarrymarshall.com Insurance & investments double your taxes, but people are stupid way of life according to “Law Enforcement for everyone. Call today enough to vote for them anyway. I guess Today”: Prepare For Iran Sleeper Cells To they think the whole world will be holding Attack Rural America. Mr. Art Del Cueto, the hands and singing Kumbaya when President of the Arizona Border Patrol that happens. Union said, “We need to take securing our I notice the leading presidential candiborders very serious. With the huge rise in Securities & services offered through FBL Marketing Services, LLC+, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877/860-2904, date advocates free health care, education, Member SIPC. Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company,+* Farm Bureau Property & Casualty Insurance Company,+* Westernindividuals Agricultural claiming asylum, we truthfully Insurance Company+*/West Des Moines, IA. +Affiliates of Farm Bureau Financial Services and*Company housingproviders for all. Just who is going to pay don’t know enough about those individuals for those platitudes? Probably, anyone that past, much less their true intentions. Drug works for a living and earns a wage. cartels are the ones that control our southThe funny thing is that we already do ern borders and they do not care about www.fbfs.com that for way too many people in this country. human lives, it’s all about the money.” He What would be the point of living in went on to point out, “They would have no America? If every service is free then it will problem making deals with terrorist orgacontain no quality. nizations to ensure safe passage into Look at health care in the United our country.” Kingdom where they wait three years to get What does this say about Congressional a knee repaired and you can get one Democrats that refuse to fund the wall? repaired in the US next week. Have you What does this say about the New Mexico noticed how many Canadians there are in Governor that pulled the National Guard the Southwest in the winter time? Yes, many away from the southern border as soon as are here for the sunshine, but just as many she was elected? Are these people conare here to take advantage of our health trolled by drug cartels or just too stupid to care which they have to pay for. see an imminent danger? Anyone that lives One thing that we Americans should all down on the border knows just how real know is that “free” diminishes value and the threat is. I know that Arizona border
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