PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Randell Major NMCGA President
Randell Major President Magdalena Loren Patterson, President-Elect Corona Dustin Johnson NW Vice President Farmington Cliff Copeland NE Vice President Nara Visa Jeff Decker SE Vice President Lovington Roy Farr SW Vice President Datil Joe Culbertson Vice President at Large Amistad Shacey Sullivan Secretary/Treasurer Peralta Tom Sidwell Immediate Past President Quay Pat Boone Past President Elida
Dear Cattle Producers, and All,
s I write this letter, the 2021 Legislature still has several weeks to go. There are plenty of aggressive bills that are damaging to agriculture. The remote process has limited the ability to communicate to say the least. There is a black out from the normal process, and legislation passes along party lines without proper debate. Before COVID, we were able to knock on doors, talk to people and have that face-to-face communication. This is so important in educating legislators on our issues. A big shout out to New Mexico’s Ag Group. They have been working hard and coming together to push or oppose legislation that advances and protects our farmers and ranchers under difficult circumstances. New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association (NMCGA) has been working overtime in getting information to legislative committee members. Just in one day, NMCGA made comments for 13 bills. I want to thank Loren, Michelle, and Taylor for all their hard work. NMCGA has sent letters to the Governor and held meetings with State officials concerning subject bills. Climate change, water, taxes, trapping, and property rights remain key issues for us in this year’s Legislative session. Our President Elect, Loren Patterson will have a full rundown on everything next month. We would like to thank Tom Sidwell, Tamara Hurt, Alisa Ogden, Bill King, Bill Humphries, Bill Sauble, Joe Culbertson, Phil Bidegain, Bruce Davis, and all those who have helped in drafting comments, attending meetings and have been instrumental in furthering our cause. Always a shout out to our bill readers. Their dedication helps ease the workload of our legislative team. I apologize if I have left anyone out, but the list is large on all who have helped and you are appreciated. Our Wildlife Subcommittee, being led by Chairman Dave Kenneke, and Co-Vice Chair Tom Patterson, have been a pillar of strength. I would also like to thank Gerald Chacon and Wesley Eaton who have been instrumental in their work on the committee. As we move forward, one of our plans of action is to contact specific members of our association who personally know and can contact their legislative committee members concerning specific legislation and help support us. Our Mid-Year meeting is scheduled on June 6th, 7th, and 8th and we have Dr. Frank Mitloehner who will be speaking during that meeting in Ruidoso. He is a professor at the University of California, Davis, and has commented extensively on climate issues in favor of the animal agriculture sector. Please plan on joining us for that interesting presentation. NMCGA Board of Directors now have private access to their own page on the Association’s website. The new portal offers the ability to read the Association’s resolutions, minutes from past meetings, and all the bills that our association is following. If you need help logging in, just contact the NMCGA office. I’m pleased to announce that our association’s financials finished 2020 in the black and our membership is continuing to grow. Let us continue to let our friends and neighbors know just how big the issues ranchers are facing and how important NMCGA membership is. Praying for spring moisture and best to you all,
My best to all of you,
Randell Major
MARCH 2021