10 minute read
Three Finalists Selected for New Mexico Leopold Conservation Award
from NMS Sept 22
Given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, the prestigious award recognizes farmers, ranchers, forestland owners, and other landowners who inspire others with their dedication to land, water, and wildlife resources in their care.
Sand County Foundation and national sponsor American Farmland Trust present the Leopold Conservation Award to private landowners in 24 states for extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation. In
New Mexico, the award is presented with New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts, Quivira Coalition and New Mexico Coalition to Enhance Working Lands. The New Mexico Leopold Conservation Award will be presented this fall. The award recipient will receive $10,000 and a crystal award. The finalists are:
Sid Goodloe of Capitan in Lincoln
County: Six decades of ecosystem improvement at Sid Goodloe’s Carrizo Valley Ranch have benefitted the water resources, livestock pastures, and wildlife habitat. Sid initiated a short duration grazing method after witnessing a similar system in Africa in the 1960s. Riparian areas are fenced off from cattle, but are home to abundant herds of elk, deer and antelope. Cowboys for Cancer Research Golf Tournament
JX Ranch of Tucumcari in Quay
County: Tom and Mimi Sidwell have adopted grazing practices that create a resilient landscape and mitigate drought. Friday, October 21st, 2022 NMSU Golf Course These efforts have increased ground cover, which means more forage for livestock and wildlife, and less sediment in the air and water. It also pulls carbon out of the atmosphere, and increases soil’s ability to infiltrate and store water.Morning Flight: Check in starts @ 7:15 am -Shotgun Start: 8:00 am
Philmont Scout Ranch of Cimarron in
Afternoon Flight: Colfax County: Since its inception in 1938 Check in starts @ 12:00 pm- Shotgun Start: 1:30 pm the Philmont Scout Ranch has hosted 20,000 youth and championed wise use of water, timber, wildlife and fisheries. The ranch works to eliminate noxious weeds in pastureland and riparian zones. Since 2018 more than 1,000 acres of forest land have been hand-thinned and cleared to allow regrowth of native forbs and grasses. “We at Quivira and New Mexico Coalition to Enhance Working Lands aim to celebrate the work of ranchers and farmers who really steward the land. In partnership with NMACD, American Farmland Trust, and Sand County Foundation, we are thrilled to highlight the work of producers across New Mexico who work hard to foster health for communities, watersheds, and ecosystems,” said Sarah Wentzel-Fisher, Quivira Coalition Executive Director. “The New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts (NMACD) is proud to work through our local Soil and Water Conservation Districts along with the Quivira Coalition to recognize the hard work that our New Mexico farmers and ranchers do every day to improve our natural resources,” said Willard Hall, NMACD President.Credit Card # ______________________________________________ Exp. _______/_______ “These award finalists are examples of CVV: ______________ Zip: _______________ how Aldo Leopold’s land ethic is alive and well today. Their dedication to conservation OR Check _______ Cash _______ Each Player Will Pay Separately ________ (Checks Payable to C4CR)
Cowboys for Cancer Research Golf Tournament 40 Years Friday, October 21st, 2022 NMSU Golf Course 60 Teams - Am & PM Flights 1st- come, 1st -served 40 Years : Check in starts @ 7:15 am -Shotgun Start: 8:00 am Afternoon Flight: ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CONTINUED CANCER RESEARCH at UNMCCC & N Check in starts @ 12:00 pm- Shotgun Start: 1:30 pm MSU Hole in one Sponsored by: Las Cruces Motorsports $200 Hole Sponsor $600 Per Team Hole Sponsorship Business Name:_____________________ Contact Name & #: _________________ Golf Team Entry Team Name: ___________________________ Player 1: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Player 2: _______________________________ OR Player 3: _______________________________ In Memory of: Player 4: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Contact Name & #: ____________________ In Honor of: __________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______ AM or _______ PM bREAKFAST Provided by Dickerson'S catering & lUNCH pROVIDED andeles Credit Card # ______________________________________________ Exp. _______/_______ CVV: ______________ Zip: _______________
Cowboys for Cancer Research Golf Tournament
Friday, October 21st, 2022
NMSU Golf Course Morning Flight: Check in starts @ 7:15 am -Shotgun Start: 8:00 am 60 Teams - Am & PM Flights 40 Afternoon Flight: Check in starts @ 12:00 pm- Shotgun Start: 1:30 pm 1st- come, 1st -served Years ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CONTINUED CANCER RESEARCH at UNMCCC & NMSU Hole in one Sponsored by: Las Cruces Motorsports $200 Hole Sponsor $600 Per Team Hole Sponsorship Name:_____________________ Contact Name & #: _________________ Golf Team Entry Team Name: ___________________________ Player 1: _______________________________ Credit Card # ______________________________________________ Exp. _______/_______ CVV: ______________ Zip: _______________ OR Check _______ Cash _______ Each Player Will Pay Separately ________ (Checks Payable to C4CR) ______________________________________ Player 2: _______________________________ Player 3: _______________________________ Player 4: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Contact Name & #: ____________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______ AM or _______ PM bREAKFAST Provided by Dickerson'S catering & lUNCH pROVIDED andeles
Cowboys for Cancer Research Golf Tournament
Friday, October 21st, 2022
40 Years 60 Teams - Am & PM Flights 1st- come, 1st -served NMSU Golf Course 40 Years ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CONTINUED CANCER RESEARCH at UNMCCC & NMSUMorning Flight: Check in starts @ 7:15 am -Shotgun Start: 8:00 am Afternoon Flight: Check in starts @ 12:00 pm- Shotgun Start: 1:30 pmHole in one Sponsored by: Las Cruces Motorsports $200 Hole Sponsor $600 Per Team Hole Sponsorship Business Name:_____________________ Contact Name & #: _________________ Golf Team Entry Team Name: ___________________________ Player 1: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Player 2: _______________________________ OR Player 3: _______________________________ In Memory of: Player 4: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Contact Name & #: ____________________ In Honor of: __________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______ AM or _______ PM bREAKFAST Provided by Dickerson'S catering & lUNCH pROVIDED andeles
Please mail completed entry form/sponsorship form back in included envelope or to PO Box 202, Dona Ana, NM 88032 or email to andiejohnson2323@gmail.com If it is a hole sponsorship please email logo or what you would like on your sign to above email.
PLEASE RETURN BY OCTOBER 7TH If you have any questions please call Andie @ (575) 491-1771 or Dylan @ (575) 309-4838Credit Card # ______________________________________________ Exp. _______/_______ CVV: ______________ Zip: _______________ OR Check _______ Cash _______ Each Player Will Pay Separately ________ (Checks Payable to C4CR)
Cowboys for Cancer Research Golf Tournament
Friday, October 21st, 2022
40 60 Teams - Am & PM Flights NMSU Golf Course 40 Years 1st- come, 1st -served Years Morning Flight: Check in starts @ 7:15 am -Shotgun Start: 8:00 am Afternoon Flight: Check in starts @ 12:00 pm- Shotgun Start: 1:30 pm ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CONTINUED CANCER RESEARCH at UNMCCC & NMSU Hole in one Sponsored by: Las Cruces Motorsports $200 Hole Sponsor $600 Per Team
Hole Sponsorship Business Name:_____________________ Contact Name & #: _________________ Golf Team Entry Team Name: ___________________________ Player 1: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Player 2: _______________________________ OR Player 3: _______________________________
In Memory of: Player 4: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Contact Name & #: ____________________
In Honor of: __________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______ AM or _______ PM bREAKFAST Provided by Dickerson'S catering & lUNCH pROVIDED andeles Credit Card # ______________________________________________ Exp. _______/_______ CVV: ______________ Zip: _______________ OR Check _______ Cash _______ Each Player Will Pay Separately ________ (Checks Payable to C4CR)
Please mail completed entry form/sponsorship form back in included envelope or to PO Box 202, Dona Ana, NM 88032 or email to andiejohnson2323@gmail.com If it is a hole sponsorship please email logo or what you would like on your sign to above email.
If you have any questions please call Andie @ (575) 491-1771 or Dylan @ (575) 309-4838
Cowboys for Cancer Research Golf Tournament 40 Years 60 Teams - Am & PM Flights 1st- come, 1st -served Friday, October 21st, 2022 NMSU Golf Course 40 Years Morning Flight: Check in starts @ 7:15 am -Shotgun Start: 8:00 am ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CONTINUED CANCER RESEARCH at UNMCCC & NMSU Afternoon Flight: Check in starts @ 12:00 pm- Shotgun Start: 1:30 pm Hole in one Sponsored by: Las Cruces Motorsports $200 Hole Sponsor $600 Per Team
Hole Sponsorship Business Name:_____________________ Contact Name & #: _________________ Golf Team Entry Team Name: ___________________________ Player 1: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Player 2: _______________________________ OR Player 3: _______________________________
In Memory of: Player 4: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Contact Name & #: ____________________
In Honor of: __________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______ AM or _______ PM bREAKFAST Provided by Dickerson'S catering & lUNCH pROVIDED andeles Credit Card # ______________________________________________ Exp. _______/_______ CVV: ______________ Zip: _______________ OR Please mail completed entry form/sponsorship form back in included envelope or to Check _______ Cash _______ Each Player Will Pay Separately ________ PO Box 202, Dona Ana, NM 88032 (Checks Payable to C4CR)
or email to andiejohnson2323@gmail.com If it is a hole sponsorship please email logo or what you would like on your sign to above email.
If you have any questions please call Andie @ (575) 491-1771 or Dylan @ (575) 309-4838
40 60 Teams - Am & PM Flights 40
Years 1st- come, 1st -served Years ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CONTINUED CANCER RESEARCH at UNMCCC & NMSU Hole in one Sponsored by: Las Cruces Motorsports $200 Hole Sponsor $600 Per Team Hole Sponsorship Business Name:_____________________ Contact Name & #: _________________ Golf Team Entry Team Name: ___________________________ Player 1: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Player 2: _______________________________ OR Player 3: _______________________________ In Memory of: Player 4: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Contact Name & #: ____________________ In Honor of: __________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______ AM or _______ PM bREAKFAST Provided by Dickerson'S catering & lUNCH pROVIDED andeles
Please mail completed entry form/sponsorship form back in included envelope or to PO Box 202, Dona Ana, NM 88032 or email to andiejohnson2323@gmail.com If it is a hole sponsorship please email logo or what you would like on your sign to above email.
If you have any questions please call Andie @ (575) 491-1771 or Dylan @ (575) 309-4838

shows how individuals can improve the health of the land while producing food and fiber,” said Kevin McAleese, Sand County Foundation President and CEO.
“As the national sponsor for Sand County Foundation’s Leopold Conservation Award, American Farmland Trust celebrates the hard work and dedication of the New Mexico award finalists,” said John Piotti, AFT President and Chief Executive Officer. “At AFT we believe that conservation in agriculture requires a focus on the land, the practices and the people and this award recognizes the integral role of all three.”
Earlier this year, New Mexico landowners were encouraged to apply (or be nominated) for the award. Applications were reviewed by an independent panel of agricultural and conservation leaders. The first recipient of the New Mexico Leopold Conservation Award was Ute Creek Cattle Company of Bueyeros in Harding County.
The New Mexico Leopold Conservation Award is made possible through the generous support of American Farmland Trust, Sand County Foundation, New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts, Quivira Coalition, New Mexico Coalition to Enhance Working Lands, Dixon Water Foundation, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services of New Mexico, TriState Generation & Transmission Association, John Duncan and Anita Sarafa, Farm Credit of New Mexico, and Holistic Management International.
In his influential 1949 book, A Sand County Almanac, Leopold called for an ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage, which he called “an evolutionary possibility and an ecological necessity.”
Sand County Foundation presents the Leopold Conservation Award to private landowners in 24 states for extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation. For more information, visit www.leopoldconservationaward.org. ▫

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