3 minute read
View From the Backside
from NMS Sept 22
by Barry Denton
Where Is America?
(The views expressed in this column are not necessarily those of the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association or this publication.)
Ihave noticed that those in power no longer want you to think for yourself. They just want you to buy into their narrative because they are arrogant enough to think that they know better than you do about running your life.
For instance, stop and think of the amount of propaganda it took to convince people that cattle are a threat to our world. Yes, cow gas is just terrible according to scientists paid by leftists.
That is the first thing that came to my mind when I was walking on the back streets of a city in Malaysia where they still dump human excrement out the second story window into an open trough below.
At the time my mind immediately went to my alleged “evil cattle” grazing peacefully in our pasture back home. I knew right then and there that if I went home and slaughtered all my cattle, then people in Malaysia would magically have improved sanitation. The sad part is that there are a number of people in this world that are brain dead enough to actually believe what I just told you.
What seems to be missing are the non-partisan politicians that voted in favor of the common good. This used to be an America where most of our elected officials were for the people, not against them.
It was an America that promoted good ideas, but we didn’t force those ideas on you. It was your choice which ideas you wanted to use and which ones you did not.
We did not make very many laws as we didn’t need them. I’ll never say that we did not have our troubles, but more people were in agreement on how to fix them.
Remember God, Family, Country? This is still an allegedly Christian nation with 76 percent claiming to be Christian. Just a few short years ago that figure was at 86 percent and we seem to be declining fast into a secular nation.
I think there are many factors including the decline in the integrity of many churches, no strong leaders in clergy, no more consistency in churches, a Communist style Catholic Pope, churches that bow down to popular opinion instead of being steadfast in their tenets.
Let’s re-examine the lack of prayer in schools, the lack of discipline in schools, and the lack of the “Pledge Of Allegiance” in schools. Couple that with the teacher’s union and the advancement of “woke” education.
Common sense will tell you that there is nothing more damaging to a young child than having to learn about the oddities of sex before they are ready for it. They should be learning how to read and write in school. I can see no reason for anyone in America to send any child to a public school.
This degradation continues with another of our great institutions, professional sports. What a laughingstock they have become since they became activists instead of athletes.
Let’s talk about men competing in women’s sports at the collegiate level. How sick is that? This country used to stand for fairness. There is nothing fair about any of this.
Last, but not least the Federal Bureau of Investigations used to protect the public from America’s worst criminals. Now it seems that the criminals are using the FBI and the Justice Department to control the outcome of the next election, by raiding the home of their future opponent.
In our 246-year existence this has never happened, but since it has, this may be the end of our great Republic. If they can do this to a former President of The United States, then they can do it to you. Beware, as this is becoming a very dangerous and unagricultural America that we are living in. ▫
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