2 minute read
Rodeo in California Remains Under Attack
from NMS Sept 22
Sources: Western Justice, Pacific Coast Journal
Rodeo has been a proud part of California’s history and culture for over 100 years.
California’s Alameda County Board of Supervisors has before it an ordinance that aims to change that. The proposed changes to County Ordinance 5.08, if expanded, would prohibit the use of spurs, ropes, and soft cotton flank straps in all PRCA sanctioned events. Many of these items are the tools of ranchers every day.
As written, the proposed changes would destroy the sport of rodeo and negatively impact agriculture and the ability to support families in the rural portions of unincorporated Alameda County.
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The belief that the devices being considered for elimination cause consistent animal injury is ludicrous and is a one-sided argument developed by vegans who have relentlessly brought the issue to the Board of Supervisors despite being denied in the past.
According to the Livermore Stockmen’s Rodeo Association, the California Penal Code already has laws governing rodeo (PC 596.7) and animal cruelty and abuse (PC 597). Existing California Law ensures animal welfare and contestant safety.
The Board of Supervisors already approved a more restrictive county ordinance, eliminating a large portion of youth rodeo sports in the unincorporated area. The previous ordinance amendment has negatively impacted youth agricultural sports and sent dozens of sheep to slaughter, and likely dozens more from being born, the Stockmen’s Rodeo Association wrote.
There was an attempt to get the ordinance passed in August that failed due to procedural rules. The next attempt for passage will take place in late September.
To aid in combating this ordinance, Western Justice has created a petition for rodeo and ranching supporters to sign at: https://www.change.org/p/ no-on-expanding-alameda-county-ordinance-5-08
Western Justice Legislative Fund is a membership-based, 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that engages in political action to preserve and protect the western lifestyle, livelihoods and industry events. ▫