2. A note from your
2014-2015 president 3. April’s events 4. April’s Events 5. Upcoming events 6. Contacts Page
A Note From Your Incoming President Hello Issaquah Key Clubbers! As you know, this school year is coming to a close and regular Key Club meetings will be ending soon. However, this doesn’t mean that community service has to stop! There is always more work to do and people to help, and you can spend some of your summer days doing just that. Feel free to visit your local Kiwanis and help them with their service projects, or even volunteer independently. Go to local gathering places, food banks, homeless shelters, and so on to ask if you can help, and in doing so you can still help make our society a better place. And not only are these great things to do to aid others, but they’re a great place to also have fun. By volunteering at Relay for Life or at an event hosted for children, you can still have a great time by being a part of the group. Good luck! -Adam Newton Page 2
Key Clubbers Eric Shin and Amber Lee pick up trash along the trail
By Greg Farrar/April 26, 2014/Used with permission of The Issaquah Press
Trail Project The Issaquah High Key Club members also participated in the trail project, in which they restored an old trail that was impacting the forest wetland in the area.
IHS at Keep Issy Beautiful Day The members of the IHS key club gave back to the community once again, this time in the downtown Issaquah trail area. They stayed there for a whole 5 hours, gathering a multitude of random objects along with common trash, which included bike, some tires, and even a shopping cart! Upon finishing their assigned roles at the trail,
In fact, their work there was even praised by the
Mayor of Issaquah, Fred Butler, who described the Key Clubbers as “willing, able, and prepared workers”.
they were also able to clean up the other local schools such as the areas around Issaquah High School, Tiger Mountain High School, and Clark Elementary where they apparently acquired a local chapter artifact– The Holy Ball of Key Club. Page 3
Boots and Brats Auction This Month also witnessed the Boot and Brats auction, where the IHS Key Clubbers volunteered to help throughout the night, setting up tables, decorations, and collecting donations. The IHS Key Club proudly had the most members who volunteered at the event out of all the other schools that participated, and were complimented for their work ethic by many of the attendees of the auction and Kiwanis members.
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As evident of the logo, ICON begins on July 2-6 at the Anaheim Marriott! You can find more information about it here: http://www.keyclub.org/events/
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Contact Info District Officers
Our Lieutenant Governor of Division 28– Jenna Liang: liangjenna.ltg28@gmail.com Area Administrators Stephanie and Becky Wilder – Area administrators for Division 28 John Lux - Area administrator for Division 27 (sister division) Club Officers President - Adam Newton: aenewton1@gmail.com Vice President - Rachel Asistin: asistinrachel@gmail.com Secretary - Megan Huang: megan.huang@gmail.com Treasurer - Christine Park: chrspark@gmail.com Bulletin Editor - Nathan Nishi: nnhusky8@gmail.com Community Service Coordinator - Lucy Huffman: lucy.huffman@hotmail.com Kiwanis Advisors Becky Wilder - bvwilder@gmail.com Stephanie Wilder - stephw21@gmail.com John Lux - johnlux@outlook.com Faculty Advisor
Emily Young - younge@issaquah.wednet.edu Page 6