2. Note from President Adam Newton 3. January’s Events: January DCM and Swingin’ in Vienna 4. January’s Events: Dance to Eliminate
5. Upcoming events: February DCM and DCON!!! 6. Contacts Page
Note from President Adam Newton Hello Key Clubbers, I hope that you've all had a great winter break! Now that we're
back at school and Key Club has resumed, there will be plenty of service opportunities to be had. There will be another middle school dance on January 23rd, Swinging in Vienna on February 7th, and if you need sponsored hours, be sure to help us create trauma dolls in the near future. Also, don't forget to attend the Lieutenant-Governor election rally on January 10th or the January DCM on the 24th. Going to these gatherings is a great way to experience the Key Club
on a greater scale and join in on the spirited side of the club. Happy 2015, Adam Newton
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Swingin’ in Vienna With the coming of the new year came the annual Swingin’ in Vienna
that took place at Issaquah High School. There, Key Clubbers volunteered throughout the
January DCM On January 24th, Key Clubbers from all around Division 28 gathered at Liberty High School to attend an awards ceremony to celebrate dedicated members and clubs who had presented ex-
night by serving food, pouring drinks and much more to help the event run smooth-
emplary qualities throughout the year.
Some of the awards distributed included, but
were not limited to outstanding president, out-
IHS Key Club on
standing vice-president, and outstanding mem-
another successful
bership growth.
year with Swinin’
A highlight for Issaquah High came when IHS Key
in Vienna!
Club’s Nathan Nishi won outstanding bulletin editor. Congratulations to all who won awards!
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Dance To Eliminate On January 30th, Key Clubbers and nonmembers of Key Club converged at Harambee in Renton to celebrate the end of semester finals by letting loose and saving lives. After dancing the night away, Key Clubbers raised over $1,500 for the eliminate project, saving 800 babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus.
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February DCM The monthly divi-
The annual District Convention for the
sional council
entirety of the Pacific Northwest will oc-
meeting will occur
cur on March 13-15!
on February 21st
at Gibson Hall.
The yearly event will include fun, inter-
This DCM is prepa-
active workshops, guest speakers, and
ration for the up-
much more! If you plan on attending DCON 2015, it is mandatory that you buy a t-shirt. You can purchase one buy giving 10$ to Ad-
coming DCON and is mandatory for all attendees! Make sure to show up so you don’t
miss out on learn-
am Newton or directly by giving 10$ to
ing important
Jenna Liang at a DCM.
chants that will be used often at the convention!
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Contact Info District Officers
Our Lieutenant Governor of Division 28– Jenna Liang: liangjenna.ltg28@gmail.com Club Officers President - Adam Newton: aenewton1@gmail.com Vice President - Rachel Asistin: asistinrachel@gmail.com Secretary - Megan Huang: megan.huang@gmail.com Treasurer - Christine Park: chrspark@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor - Nathan Nishi: nnhusky8@gmail.com Community Service Coordinator - Lucy Huffman: lucy.huffman@hotmail.com Kiwanis Advisors Becky Wilder - bvwilder@gmail.com Stephanie Wilder - stephw21@gmail.com John Lux - johnlux@outlook.com
Faculty Advisor
Kelly Crickmore - crickmorek@issaquah.wednet.edu
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