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Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

School and Meeting Reports

Muon & Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation News

Research Infrastructures

ISSN 1592-7822 - Vol. 17 n. 1 December 2011 - Aut. Trib. Roma n. 124/96 del 22-03-96 - Sped. Abb. Post. 70% Filiale di Roma - C.N.R. p.le A. Moro 7, 00185 Roma

ScientiďŹ c Reviews

Volume 17 n. 1 www.cnr.it/neutronielucedisincrotrone

International Neutron Scattering Instrumentation School (INSIS) INSIS is a new international school aimed at providing a comprehensive training in the fundamental concepts of instrumentation for neutron scattering experiments.

2012 School: 15-27 of July 2012, Rome

Frascati National Laboratory, Italy

The INSIS school is aimed at PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and early career scientists who wish to be involved in the design and development of novel instrumentation and components at present and future neutron sources. The course will provide basic and advanced lectures, simulation activities and tutorials about neutron scattering instrumentation. The school is intended as a ‘pipeline’ initiative, to promote increased activities in instrument design and develop the next generation of instrument designers with a target audience of about 25 students. The school is composed of two distinct parts: the first week (15th – 20th July) will introduce basic instrumentation and components used in neutron scattering research; and the second week (22nd – 27th July) will provide a more in depth insight into neutron detector technologies. Students may participate in the first week, the second week, or both. Applications for the 2012 School will open on the 1st of February 2012. The deadline for applications will be the 1st of March 2012. Applicants will be informed of their acceptance or otherwise by the 15th of April 2012 2XWOLQH RI WKH ½UVW ZHHN – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Introduction to neutron instrumentation Comparison with other techniques Neutron sources Optical components Instrumental Resolution and background Polarized neutrons Larmor labeling and beam modulation Coherence and Focusing Neutron detectors Monte Carlo simulation methods Data acquisition and treatment Interfacing with sample environments Materials and constructability Cost evaluation

Information at web site http://neutrons.ornl.gov/conf/insis2012 Members of the organizing group: Ian Anderson, Carla Andreani, Masa Arai, Andrew Harrison, Robert McGreevy and Roger Pynn (School Chair) Carla Andreani, Local organization (segreteria@centronast.it)

Vol. 17 n. 1 www.cnr.it/neutronielucedisincrotrone


Published by CNR (Publishing and Promotion of Scientific Information) in collaboration with the Nast Centre, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Vol. 17 n. 1 Gennaio 2012 Aut. Trib. Roma n. 124/96 del 22-03-96

Editorial News 2 Phase Two instruments at the ISIS Second Target Station M. Bull

EDITOR C. Andreani CNR - PROMOTION AND COLLABORATIONS M. Arata CORRESPONDENTS L. Bove, C. Blasetti, G. Cicognani, A. Ekkebus, M. Forster, T. Guidi, B. Palatini, V. Rossi Albertini

Scientific Reviews 10 Illuminating the Magnetism of Multiferroics by Polarized X-rays F. de Bergevin, A. Boothroyd, F. Fabrizi, D. McMorrow, L. Paolasini, D. Prabhakaran and H. Walker

20 Neutrons measure phase behavior in pores at Angstrom size


A. A. Bardoel and Y. B. Melnichenko

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE A. A. Bardoel, F. de Bergevin, S. Boag, A. Boothroyd, M. Bull, J. G. Donaldson, A. E. Ekkebus, F. Fabrizi, H. Kaiser, C. K. Loong, M. L. McCorkle, P. Manuel, D. McMorrow, Y. B. Melnichenko, L. Paolasini, D. Prabhakaran, J. Savin, J. R. Stewart, J. W. Taylor, H. Walker

Research Infrastructures


24 Wide angle neutron polarization analysis on the WISH diffractometer at ISIS S. Boag, J. G. Donaldson, P. Manuel, J. R. Stewart and J. W. Taylor

26 High-performance simulation, neutrons uncover three classes of protein motion


M. L. McCorkle

PRINT Stampa Sud SPA Via P. Borsellino 7/9 74017 Mottola (TA) – Italy e-mail: info@stampa-sud.it www.stampa-sud.it

Muon & Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation News 28 Instrument development continues in Oak Ridge A. Ekkebus

30 NMI3 – 10 years of support for the neutron and muon communities J. Savin

Finito di stampare nel mese di Dicembre 2011

School and Meeting Reports 32 UCANS Meeting Held at LENS H. Kaiser and C. K. Loong

Call for proposal 34 Neutron Sources 35 Synchrotron Radiation Sources Cover photo Artistic representation of the femtoscale (i.e. 10-15 m) atomic displacements measured by Walker et al. reported in Science on 2 September 2011. Multiferroic materials combine specific crystallographic and magnetic symmetries to produce oriented displacements of atomic, as represented in the image, leading to the possibility of controlling electric polarisation by a magnetic field and vice-versa (Image courtesy of Gio’ Ghiandoni and Luigi Paolasini).


Calendar Facilities

40 Neutron Scattering 43 Synchrotron Radiation Sources

Editorial News

Phase Two instruments at the ISIS Second Target Station M. Bull


ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

ISIS is a world-leading centre for research in the physical and life sciences at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford in the United Kingdom. The suite of 27 neutron and 6 muon instruments allow the properties of materials to be understood on the scale of atoms. Research on subjects as varied as clean energy and the environment, pharmaceuticals and health care, through to nanotechnology, materials engineering and IT are carried out every year by an international community of over 2000 scientists. During 2009, the £145 million ISIS second target station project was completed adding new scientific capability and doubling capacity for experiments at ISIS. The new target station produces extremely bright beams of low-energy neutrons enabling the ISIS science programme to expand in the key research areas of soft matter, advanced materials and bio-science. Seven neutron instruments are operational and all are producing research papers. Recent highlights have included studies of surfactant additives for supercritical carbon dioxide, fundamental physics of neutron reflection, research into hydrogels for surgical applications and providing the first data to determine the orientation and bonding of benzene rings in adjacent molecules. In March 2011, a £21 million investment was announced by UK Universities and Science Minister David Willetts to build four new instruments together with the necessary advanced detectors, electronics, software, and changes to the target reflector system. This funding will be supplemented by contributions from ISIS partner countries. The four new instruments being constructed are: – Chipir: A strategic facility for aerospace and computing industries for fast neutron testing of electronics – Zoom: Small-angle scattering instrument with polarisation for advanced materials, magnetism, environmental science, pharmacy and healthcare – Larmor: Advanced techniques instrument for polymer science, bio-materials and food science – Imat: Neutron imaging and materials testing for power generation, civil engineering, transportation and aerospace Chipir and Imat will give ISIS scientific capability that is in short supply worldwide and currently unavailable at ISIS. Chipir will give the UK and Europe a strategic facility for fast neutron testing of electronics. Imat will offer unique neutron imaging capability. Larmor and Zoom will extend the range of techniques available from the ISIS instrument suite. The instruments will be built and brought into operation over the four years from 2011 to 2015.

The success of the seven neutron instruments operating at the ISIS Second Target Station has attracted a further £21 million from the UK government to add four more instruments to the suite. The instruments will add distinctive new capability for neutron scattering in Europe and open up new areas of science.


Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Editorial News

Chipir The interaction of cosmic rays with the earth’s atmosphere generates showers of particles including high energy neutrons. Cosmic neutron radiation can disrupt the normal operation of electronic systems, particularly in aircraft and road vehicles with problems ranging from wiping a device’s memory to damaging the electronics. At normal aircraft flying altitudes of 30,000 to 35,000 feet, these neutron showers are intense enough to disrupt aircraft electronics through ‘single event effects’ (SEE) and good design and testing of the electronics is necessary to compensate for SEE disruption. As the dimensions of electronic chip components have shrunk below 100nm, neutron SEE testing is moving outside the traditional aerospace sector into other areas such as transport, communications, medicine, and computing systems. Chipir will be the first dedicated facility outside of the US to look at how silicon microchips respond to cosmic neutron radiation. The new neutron beam line at ISIS will dramatically speed up electronics testing with a measurement of just one hour being equivalent to exposing microchips to high-energy neutrons over hundreds of years of flying time in an aircraft. The instrument will be the world’s best facility for screening microchips with neutrons, leading to safer, more reliable electronic systems. The instrument has been designed in consultation with academic

and industry leaders in their field such as the UK SEEDER collaboration of leading aerospace manufacturers funded by the Technology Strategy Board. A consortium of Italian experts led by Giuseppe Gorini including the University of Milan, University of Milan-Bicocca, INFN and the CNR is developing fast neutron detector systems and equipment for the sample positions inside the beamline. Two modes of operation will be possible. A collimated ‘pencil’ neutron beam for individual devices and an isotropic ‘flood’ neutron beam which will allow very large systems to be tested. The instrument will view a channel cut out of the beryllium reflector of the second target station to provide a neutron beam with energies up to 800 MeV. The profile of the differential energy spectrum of the beam will match that of the atmospheric spectrum with a high neutron flux of >1x106 n/cm2/s. Attenuators will be used above 10MeV to allow variable intensity of the fast neutron flux and to allow the thermal and epithermal neutron regimes (0eV-1keV) to be independently selected. There will be easy cable access between the sample area and data logging area to allow user specific cabling to be installed, and ‘clean’ power will be provided. Construction of the beamline is underway and first experiments are anticipated around March 2014.

Aerial view of ISIS and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, with ISIS and the second target station in the foreground

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Editorial News Phase Two instruments at the ISIS Second Target Station

Schematic overview of the Chipir instrument.

Schematic overview of the Imat instrument.

Imat Imat is a neutron imaging and diffraction instrument for materials science, materials processing and engineering. The special features of the instrument will be energy-selective neutron imaging and the combination of neutron imaging and neutron diffraction. It is expected that Imat will start operating in March 2015. Imat will offer a combination of imaging and spatially resolved diffraction modes such as neutron radiography, neutron tomography, energy-selective imaging, neutron strain scanning, crystallographic structure and phase analysis, texture analysis, and non-destructive testing. A broad range of imaging and diffraction applications will be possible for aerospace and transportation, civil engineering, power generation, earth sciences, cultural heritage and agriculture. Many projects will require only one analysis technique, but having diffraction and imaging options on the same beamline will enable new types of experiments to be performed, especially considering the ease with which energy-selective measurements can be carried out on a pulsed source. An important feature of Imat will be ‘tomography-driven diffraction’. Residual stresses inside engineering-sized samples can be more effectively analysed if the diffraction scans are guided by radiographic data. Diffraction analysis may be indispensable for a quantitative analysis and physical interpretation of the attenuation features observed in energy-dependent radiography data. The instrument will be built in several stages. In the first instance, there will be two imaging cameras available: a gated CCD camera and a time-of-flight capable high-resolution pixel detector. The CCD camera system is being developed in collaboration with the Italian CNR research council by the group of F. Aliotta,


Messina. A time-of-flight imaging system taking full advantage of the pulsed source will use a detector based on microchannel plates developed by a group led by A. Tremsin at the Space Science Department, Berkeley, USA. Two large pixellated diffraction detectors at 90 degree scattering angles will be installed for diffraction analysis. Further diffraction detectors at forward and backscattering angles will be installed in subsequent upgrade stages enabling in-situ texture studies in combination with phase, strain, and imaging analyses at non-ambient sample conditions. The instrument will view the cold, coupled liquid hydrogen/ methane moderator of the ISIS second target station. Two double-disk choppers will prevent frame overlap and a T0 chopper will remove fast neutrons and gamma radiation A supermirror guide will transport neutrons to an aperture selector at 46m from the moderator, offering a choice of apertures including one open position for the beam to pass through for diffraction experiments. The distance from pinhole selector to the sample position is 10 m. The resolution Δλ/λ for energy-selective imaging will be better than 0.8%. A single-frame mode with a wavelength bandwidth of 6 Å, and a double-frame mode with a bandwidth of 12 Å, will benefit both imaging and diffraction experiments.

Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Editorial News

Schematic overview of the Larmor instrument.

Schematic overview of the Zoom instrument.

Larmor The Larmor instrument will implement a number of sophisticated and recently developed techniques based on the application and extension of the neutron spin-echo concept in a single instrument. This multi-purpose instrument for SANS, diffraction and spectroscopy relies on the Larmor precession of polarised neutrons and will be able to measure changes in materials ranging from 0.1 femtometres up to 20mm. Five techniques will eventually be available on the instrument. In the first stage of development SESANS (Spin-Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering) and Larmor diffraction will be available. In a later stage of development, MIEZE (Modulated Intensity Experiment with Zero Effort) spectroscopy, MISANS (a hybrid instrument combining the MIEZE technique and conventional SANS) and NRSE (Neutron Resonant Spin-Echo) spectroscopy will be implemented. All of these techniques, which rely on the precession of the neutron spin in a magnetic field, have sound theoretical groundings, have been experimentally demonstrated, and are applicable to pulsed neutron sources. Larmor will find use in exploring the science of soft matter and complex fluids, food science, bio-materials and pharmacy, advanced materials engineering, environment and earth science. Spin-echo small-angle scattering uses the neutron spin as a method of precisely encoding the path of neutrons through the instrument while retaining a large and divergent beam. The spin manipulation allows the usual resolution of the instrument to be decoupled from the physical collimation extending the Q range towards that accessible using ultra-SANS techniques. The measured signal produces a real space density autocorrelation function allowing direct comparison with complementary results from conventional microscopy and imaging. Length scales from about 5 nm to over 20 Îźm

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can be probed. In comparison, conventional SANS measures in reciprocal space and becomes flux-limited at very low Q values due to long flight paths. Many of the soft matter themes relevant to science today will be extended to significantly longer length scales by SESANS, retaining good count rates and the advantages of neutron contrast variation. For larger particles the shape of the structure factor and long range correlations are decoupled from the particle shape, allowing the nature of interactions and the local packing to be easily revealed. This technique allows detailed studies of long-range structure and inter-particle interactions in colloidal dispersions, foams and lamellar fragments with potential applications in areas such as photonics, drug delivery, gene therapy, catalysis, separation science, and next-generation materials. Larmor diffraction applies precession encoding to wide angle diffraction allowing precise measurement of lattice parameters or measurement of mosaic spread. In conventional neutron diffraction, the resolution of the lattice parameters is strongly determined by the angular spread of various parts of the beam. Using Larmor precession of a polarised beam, lattice constant changes can can be measured with very high accuracy. The Larmor instrument will offer polarised beams with analysis over a wavelength range from 0.5-13Ă…. A detector comprising 600x600mm 3He tube array with 8x8mm pixel size will be mounted at the end of a rotating detector bench on the secondary flight path. The spin-echo system will be developed as part of the very successful collaboration between ISIS and TU Delft. Glass polarising mirrors and 3He polarised gas wide-bandwidth filters are being developed. Construction of the instrument has started and is expected to be completed in September 2014.


Editorial News Phase Two instruments at the ISIS Second Target Station

Zoom Zoom is a flexible, high count rate small-angle scattering instrument for advanced materials, magnetism, environmental science, pharmacy and healthcare to study length scales 2-2000 nm. For the first time at ISIS, it will offer polarised small angle neutron scattering and will use novel focusing devices and high-resolution detectors to reach smaller Q, to complement the Sans2d instrument, without building a very long beam line. Zoom will start commissioning experiments in February 2015. Polarising SANS enables the separation of weak magnetic scattering from the dominant nuclear scattering by polarising the incident neutrons in a supermirror cavity with the ability to flip the spin direction. In addition, any significant incoherent background can be separated allowing more precise determination of form factors which may be an advantage in, for example, the study of proteins in an aqueous environment. By focussing, the instrument will be capable of very small angle scattering (VSANS) with Qmin around 0.0003 Ă…-1 and will record two

dimensional scattering patterns from anisotropic systems with a wide simultaneous Q range out to at least 0.15 Ă…-1 which will be well-suited to kinetic and dynamic experiments. The longer length scales and the polarisation of the incident beam accessed by Zoom will expand the range of studies in void formation, precipitation or magnetic domains in magnetic materials, metals, alloys and around welds; material processing and polymerisation using super-critical fluids will benefit from both the Q-range and sample space; studies of templated and mesoporous materials or directed assembly using DNA sequences, particularly the early stages of formation or where oriented anisotropic materials result. The longer range hierarchical structure of synthetic and natural fibres, bones, or scaffold materials will make widespread use of the two-dimensional scattering capability of the instrument. SANS has already helped greatly in the understanding of model drug and gene delivery systems such as vesicles. Smaller Q on

Installing the ďŹ rst components of the Larmor instrument.


Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Editorial News

Zoom will enable better characterisation of vesicles simultaneously with higher-Q data looking at their wall thickness and local flexibility. In this way, the complex interactions may be probed between embedded membrane proteins and say drugs or other vectors which are either free in solution or are attached to other vesicles. The soft matter research themes already in progress using SANS2d at ISIS will be extended to longer length scales by Zoom, for example in areas such as colloidal particles, emulsions, foams, lamellar fragments, block copolymers, and their interactions with each other and other macro-molecules or particles. As the degree of control over polymer architecture by advanced synthesis methods improves and industrial polymers continue to become more sophisticated, this area of study will continue to expand. An array of 8 mm diameter, 1 m long, 3He gas tubes, with electronics in an air box, will move inside a 10m long vacuum tank.

The vacuum tank itself will move on rails to accommodate large sample environment equipment. A large high precision sample stage will allow grazing incidence techniques to study surface structures (GISANS). In a later stage of development, Zoom will use novel focussing devices and high resolution detectors to reach very small Q (VSANS). One goal is to use a neutron lens to focus a 50 mm beam to a 2 mm spot. For large samples this gains over conventional pinhole collimation without the need for a very long beam line.

Performance of the ISIS second target station Instrument

TS2 measurement time

TS1 equivalent time



Kinetic experiments with 30 second resolution

5 minutes

Will decrease to 15s from continuing optimisation


5-15 minutes

2.5 hours

More detectors to be added early 2012


5-15 minutes

2 hours


Kinetic experiments with 15 second resolution, using only one detector


Refinable patterns in 2 seconds

The target and moderator design of the ISIS second target station is optimised to produce a bright source of long wavelength neutrons. The brightness of this novel target-moderator design can be best appreciated by comparing measurement times of datasets collected in similar conditions from target station 1 (TS1) and target station 2 (TS2).

One-in-five proton bunches from the ISIS synchrotron are directed at the compact tungsten target giving a repetition rate of 10Hz and delivering an average power of 48kW onto the target. Surface cooling of the target allows the moderators to be close to the target and the low power delivered to the target enables the use of solid methane as a moderator material.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Will decrease to 5s or lower from continuing optimisation 30 seconds

Two moderators are in use. A coupled hydrogen/solid-methane moderator generates an intense, long-wavelength flux with broad pulse shapes from two distinct faces. A solid methane face with a deep, narrow groove gives high brightness and a cold spectrum designed for small angle scattering and reflectometer instruments that view only a small area of the moderator

Only 50% of detectors installed surface. A flat hydrogen face has a slightly warmer spectrum and a much larger flux integrated over the whole face. A decoupled moderator using either liquid or solid methane has a narrow pulse shape and wide wavelength range and is well-suited to powder diffraction instruments.


Editorial News Phase Two instruments at the ISIS Second Target Station

About ISIS The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source is located at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, near Oxford in the United Kingdom. It has been operating for over 25 years and has produced more than 9000 research papers in this time. ISIS is owned and operated by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council. http://www.isis.stfc.ac.uk


Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Editorial News

Interior of the ISIS second target station

Editor’s Note Notiziario acknowledges and thanks ORNL science writer Agatha Bardoel for her work on the story in our June issue: “Supercooled water researcher finds Sequoia’s power amazing.”

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Scientific Reviews

Illuminating the Magnetism of Multiferroics by Polarized X-rays F. de Bergevin, L. Paolasini, H. Walker


European Synchrotron Radition Facility, France

The study of multiferroic materials is a rapidly expanding field today thanks to the discovery of a strong coupling between spontaneous long-range magnetic order and ferroelectric order. The grand challenge is to find multifunctional materials where multiple physical properties like magnetism, ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity, could be simultaneously exploited in electronic devices. This article describes how magnetic elastic diffraction by circularly polarized X-rays can be used to investigate spin-lattice coupling in a new class of multiferroic materials, where the development of an incommensurate magnetic cycloid modulation is responsible for the macroscopic ferroelectric polarization. We used an electric field to control the evolution of magnetic domains and X-rays to determine the magnetic structure with great accuracy, through the encoding of the amplitude and phase of the ordered magnetic moments. The application of a magnetic field in the ferroelectric phase allows us to study the oriented displacements of atomic sites at the femtoscale, by exploiting the magnetostriction mechanism. A theoretical analysis of the observed displacements allows us to shed light on the basic mechanisms responsible for the magneto-electric coupling in these compounds.

A. Boothroyd, F. Fabrizi and D. Prabhakaran Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, UK

D. McMorrow University College London, UK


Figure 1









1b eij Sj


1c eij Sj




1d M

1b In a helicoidal magnetic structure (in most cases) the polarization is absent, because the spin current js=Si x Sj and the direction of propagation of the helix eij are parallel. 1c In multiferroics of type-II the cycloidal modulation produces a net electric polarization P (blue arrow) perpendicular both to the direction of propagation eij and to js.



O eij

In an incommensurate modulate magnetic structure the magnetic moment modulation (red arrows) don’t coincide with the crystallographic periodicity (black dots). 1a A sinusoidal modulated magnetic structure is centrosymmetric and doesn’t produce any electric polarization.




M Si




Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Scientific Reviews

Magnetism and ferroelectricity: two exclusive phenomena? The Maxwell equations are a rare example of the combination of two disciplines: electricity and magnetism, in a precise mathematical framework, constituting the basic postulates of electromagnetism. But in condensed matter physics the magnetic order and the electric polarization are frequently considered as two separate phenomena: magnetism arises from long-range order of spin and orbital magnetic moments of unpaired electrons, whereas the electric polarization is produced by electronic charges and ions displacements. However, one of the “grand challenges” in the domain of spintronics is to find a way to mutually control the charge and spin transport effects of conduction electrons in solids, an example of strong coupling between these two degrees of freedom. Pierre Curie was the first to evoke the correlation between the magnetic and electric degrees of freedom in some classes of insulator materials: piezoelectrics and piezomagnetics [1]. But the real beginning of this field should be traced back to the theoretical phenomenological analysis of Landau and Lifshitz for the existence condition of magneto-electric coupling in certain classes of magneto-crystalline symmetry, which consists of spatial inversion (non-centrosymmetric systems) and time reversal (reversal of the magnetic moment direction) broken symmetries. We then have to wait for the theoretical prediction

1d The spin-lattice coupling mechanism in a magnetic cycloid is described by the « inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya effect », based on the anti-symmetric exchange, where the oxygen ion displacements produce a net electric polarization (blue arrows). Notice that two magnetic domains exist with opposite polarization directions, defined by the spin rotation (or by the direction of the spin current js).

of Dzyaloshinskii [2], and the experimental proof of Astrov [3] to show that a magnetization proportional to an applied electric field exists in the antiferromagnetic compound Cr2O3, opening the door to the study of the magneto-electric effect and its relationship with magnetic point group symmetries. We have to remark that magneto-electricity is a « response » effect of a system under the action of an external magnetic field, inducing a net macroscopic electric polarization, or vice-versa. In contrast, the definition of multiferroicity designates a small class of compounds in which the spontaneous long range ordering of magnetic moments coexists with ferroelectricity (the spontaneous ordering of the electric dipoles), in the absence of an external magnetic or electric field [4]. For a long time these two phenomena have been considered to be mutually exclusive, because the magnetism is produced by the presence of unpaired electrons in the outer electronic shells (for example in the 3dn transition metals, with n≠0), whereas generally ferroelectricity is dominated by the charge displacement of a 3d0 ion [5]. One way to circumvent this problem was to synthesize new materials with two different d0 and dn atomic sites, but the magnetic and ferroelectric coupling in these systems is revealed to be fairly weak, apart from in some favourable cases, such as BiFeO3 [6]. The “multiferroics renaissance” began in 2003, with the discovery by the group of Tokura and Kimura of a magnetic phase in

1e In some commensurate and collinear magnetic phases (in this case a square modulation of type … …), another ferroic coupling may exists, which is due to a symmetric exchange mechanism, based on super-exchange striction, which produces a correlated distortion of magnetic atoms which in turn induces an orthogonal displacement of oxygens, by changing their bond angles.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Scientific Reviews Illuminating the Magnetism of Multiferroics by Polarized X-rays

TbMnO3 coexisting with a spontaneous ferroelectric polarization [7]. This compound can be considered to be the progenitor of a class of multiferroics of type-II, in which it is the magnetism itself that produces the ferroelectricity by a particular magnetic mechanism. The intrinsic effect is due to the spin frustration, which produces an incommensurate and non-collinear magnetic order, responsible for the breaking of the magnetic inversion symmetry. This kind of magnetic order is accompanied by non-centrosymmetric lattice distortions, generated by a symmetric or an anti-symmetric exchange interaction mechanism, responsible for the induced net electric polarization (see Fig.1). Different theories based on microscopic [8] or phenomenological [9] approaches have been proposed to explain the origin of the multiferroicity in these compounds, but any direct measurement of the relationship between the magnetic exchange coupling and the ionic displacements hadn’t been possible until now. We will show how X-Ray (XR) magnetic diffraction can answer specific and unique questions about the role of these types of interaction, elusive to most direct techniques like neutron diffraction.

radiation with the dipole magnetic moments, one of the weakest interactions detectable by XR. The magnetic scattering amplitude of a photon has been well known for a long time, the first theoretical and experimental works dating back to the 1950s, with the observation of important modifications of the Compton scattering due to the magnetic interaction of polarized photons with the electron spins. But the first experiment done in the field of solid state physics was the observation by de Bergevin and Brunel of a magnetic Bragg reflection in NiO, measured by a XR tube after days of counting [10]. The weakness of the magnetic scattering amplitude is related to the relativistic nature of this interaction, which is reduced by a


The synchrotron light source, a fundamental tool for magnetism studies. The advent of third-generation synchrotron radiation sources has opened up the exploitation of XR as a probe to study magnetic systems. In the last fifteen years the number of beam-lines dedicated to magnetism has been growing at an amazing rate, and today every major synchrotron light source has a large variety of scientific activities both in the soft (below ~3keV) and hard (above ~3keV) XR regimes, increasing the possibility to investigate the electronic properties of materials considerably. Hard XR magnetic diffraction is a restricted portion of these activities, however it remains an active research domain in the field of condensed matter physics, representing a unique source of information to understand the basic electronic and magnetic ground state properties of magnetic materials. In general two types of photon-electron interactions are considered: the resonant and non-resonant regimes. The first type of interaction uses the virtual excitation properties of a core electron towards the states close to the Fermi energy level, and allows the orbital character of electronic valence band to be probed by exploiting the chemical and shell selectivity in combination with site selectivity in the case of diffraction. The non-resonant regime includes both the well known Thomson scattering due to the electric charge distribution, and the “true” magnetic scattering, due to the coupling of the electromagnetic



Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Scientific Reviews

factor ε/mc2, where ε ~10keV is the incident photon energy and mc2= 511 keV is the electron rest mass. This interaction concerns only the “magnetic” electrons, i.e. those that are unpaired in the outer unfilled shells, and this cause a further reduction of the diffracted intensities with respect to Thomson scattering, which instead involves all of the atomic electrons. Today the brilliance of synchrotron XR permits the use of this diffraction technique, thanks to the optimisation of the experimental method and developments in sample environment such as the combination of low temperatures and in situ applied magnetic and electric fields [11].

A unique characteristic of non-resonant XR magnetic diffraction, with respect to other diffraction techniques like neutrons, is that the diffraction amplitude includes terms in both the spin and orbital moment with two specific and distinct expressions for the light polarization. This enables the different spin and orbital magnetic moment contributions to be disentangled directly into the ordered phases [11]. These expressions are also different to those representing Thomson diffraction. Through the control and analysis of the XR polarization, weak intensities can be distinguished from the background noise and the diffracted magnetic components characterised.


Figure 2 2a Schematic of the experimental setup used to measure the polarization dependent x-ray magnetic scattering. The incident XR polarization is converted into circular left LCP (red) and right RCP (green) by a diamond quarter wave plate. The scattered intensity polarizations of the magnetic satellite reflections are analysed by a crystal, set with a Bragg angle close to 90°, and which can be rotated around the scattered wavevector k’.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

2b Picture of the sample within the electric stick. 2c Picture of the superconducting 10T magnet placed on the horizontal normal beam diffractometer, which accommodates the polarization analyser setup on the detector arm.


ScientiďŹ c Reviews Illuminating the Magnetism of Multiferroics by Polarized X-rays

Integrated Int. (arb units)





(4,- ,-1)

c E<0

(4,- ,-1)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


(deg) Domain






Magnetic structure determination: The complexity of multiferroics. The determination of a magnetic structure consists of finding the size of the magnetic moments and their orientations on the atomic sites within the crystallographic unit cell. Commensurate magnetic systems are those in which the periodicity of the magnetic structure is a rational ratio of the crystallographic periodicity. In collinear systems the magnetic moments are parallel. Everybody knows that in a ferromagnet the moments are all parallel with the same orientation, while in a simple antiferromagnet the moments are still parallel but in opposite directions. When one considers complex magnetic systems, such as in the case of multiferroics, these simple models are no longer respected, due to the competition between several interactions, and the magnetic moments are forced to take non-collinear (canted magnetic moments) and incommensurate (modulation period of magnetic moments doesn’t coincide with the crystallographic periodicity) configurations, as shown in Fig.1. These systems are described as spin density waves, where we can define a  spin current  js=Si x Sj, in analogy with the superfluid current. The electric polarization P is related to js by the relation P| γ eij x js, where eij is the vector connecting the magnetic sites Si and Sj, and γ is a constant which depends on the spin-orbit coupling and the super-exchange [8]. To further complicate the situation, a magnetic material may contain different magnetic domains in which the magnetic



structure is identical albeit in different orientations. The control of these magnetic domains is key to the understanding and development of “multifunctional� multiferroics materials. The magnetic diffraction method “par excellence� is elastic neutron diffraction, which in general consists of the collection of a large number of magnetic Bragg reflection intensities, using either powders of single crystals, from which the magnetic structure is refined, including also the refinement of the magnetic domain populations. The great advantage of neutrons is their penetrative power and the fact that the magnetic and nuclear diffraction amplitudes are comparable. Determining a magnetic structure using XR is much more complex, since the photon penetration depth into matter is limited to a few tens of micrometers (for XR between 3-15 keV), which renders experiments in transmission practically impossible. As a consequence, the number of accessible magnetic reflections is limited. To overcome this limitation, one aims to extract the maximum information contained in each single magnetic Bragg reflection, by exploiting the specific strengths of synchrotron radiation, namely polarization control and analysis, extreme brilliance, easy focusing, and high spatial resolution. In our XR experiments, the crystal is oriented according to the specific diffraction geometry required, and two electrodes are glued to the two sample surfaces perpendicular to the electric polarization direction, as shown in Fig. 2-(a-b). The sample is

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Scientific Reviews

Figure 3 3a Polarisation analysis of the diffracted intensities of the (4,-τ,-1) magnetic reflection in TbMnO3 as a function of the electric field annealing (E±700 V/mm). The dotted lines correspond to the model deduced from neutron scattering results [11], where only the sinusoidal transverse component of Tb magnetic moment is taken into account. The continuous lines are obtained by considering also the longitudinal sinusoidal contribution of Tb moments.

3b Magnetic structure of TbMnO3 determined by the polarization analysis of just four magnetic satellite reflections (4,±τ,±1), with the detailed phase relations between the magnetic moments of the two ordered sublattices, in which the Mn cycloidal magnetic structure has the same incommensurate magnetic periodicity 1/τ as the sinusoidal transverse and longitudinal modulation of the Tb magnetic moments [12].

cooled down to the ferroelectric phase in a superconducting cryomagnet, which could apply a magnetic field H up to 10T (see Fig. 2-c). The XR beam is diffracted from the sample and the resulting Bragg reflections are measured. Based on the diffraction angles it is possible to determine the distances between both the crystallographic planes (Thomson diffraction) and the ordered magnetic planes (magnetic diffraction). By analysing the XR polarization, the interference terms arising from the individual atomic scattering amplitudes, and contained in the so called “magnetic structure factor”, are precisely determined for each measured magnetic reflection. The XR incident polarization, normally linear and parallel to the scattering plane (polarization π), can be modified in right circular polarization (RCP) or left circular polarization (LCP) by a diamond quarter wave plate, with a resultant XR beam 99% circularly polarized. For example, the four magnetic satellite intensities (4,±τ,±1) corresponding to the incommensurate magnetic modulation (τ=0.28 rlu) of TbMnO3 are detected as a function of the crystal polarisation analyzer angle η, discriminating the scattered XR polarization, as shown in Fig. 2-a. Because of the coupling between the handedness of the magnetic cycloid and the circular XR polarizations, it is possible to distinguish the population of the magnetic domains, associated with the sense of rotation of the magnetic cycloid. Notice that the magnetic satellite intensities in Fig. 2-a associated with the RCP (green dots) and LCP (red dots) change also with the sign of the magnetic

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propagation vector τ, whereas it doesn’t for the incident linear polarization π (black dots). Finally, by rotating the crystal polarization analyser around the scattered wavevector k’, the PoincaréStokes components of the diffracted XR could be determined, and the detailed information encoded in the magnetic satellites could be disentangled [12]. The choice of the incident circular polarization is particularly suitable when studying cycloidal, helicoidal or chiral magnetic structures, because in certain symmetry conditions it would be reconverted into linear polarization by the scattering process, where this change is directly related to the helicity and phase of the magnetic moments. Cooling down the sample under an electric field of different sign allows the reversal of the sign of the electric polarization P. As a result, the magnetic intensities change as a function of the circular polarisation (LCP and RCP), as shown in Fig. 3-a in the ferroelectric phase of the multiferroic compound TbMnO3. The polarization analysis of the magnetic reflections permits us to determine the effect of the changing magnetic domain populations under the action of an applied electric field, and to compare the determined magnetic structure with that previously deduced from neutron diffraction, as shown in Fig. 3-b [13]. This analysis also allows us to determine the phases between the magnetic moments of the Mn and Tb magnetic sublattices with better precision, and to discover a hereto neglected longitudinal sinusoidal modulation of the Tb magnetic moment [12].


Scientific Reviews Illuminating the Magnetism of Multiferroics by Polarized X-rays

The effect of a static magnetic field on a system of magnetically ordered atoms is, in general, to induce a uniform ferromagnetic component parallel to the applied magnetic field. In collinear antiferromagnetic systems, for example, a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the magnetic moment direction results in the canting of the magnetic moments. If the field is applied parallel to the moments, and is sufficiently strong relative to the magnetic anisotropy, they will flop into the perpendicular plane. In non-collinear magnetic systems, such as TbMnO3, the application of a sufficiently strong magnetic field can rotate the plane of the cycloid [14] and hence rotate the direction of the measured electric polarization defined by the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling (see Fig. 1 (d)). Here we are particularly interested in the symmetry breaking effect of a magnetic field applied in the ferroic phase, in order to study the spin-lattice coupling. Fig. 4-a shows that, on analysing the XR polarization of the magnetic scattered intensities as a function of the applied magnetic field, the signal produced by the atomic displacements interferes with the magnetic scattering amplitude. Indeed, the polarisation analysis of the magnetic reflection (4,τ,-1) as a function of the magnetic field H applied along the b direction shows an extra XR intensity which increase with H, and superposed to the magnetic signal. This contribution is attributed to the charge displacement wave, due to a physical mechanism associated with the symmetric exchange striction that is produced on creating an imbalance in the magnetization density between nearest neighbours giving rise to atomic displacements. This interference method is very sensitive to displacements on the femtometer scale: in effect the Thomson amplitude interferes with the magnetic amplitude, known by its structure factor, and therefore it is determined in absolute units with its correct phase. The analysis of this interference phenomenon for several magnetic reflections, taking the group symmetry compatible with the applied magnetic field into account, lets us extract a detailed model for the induced ionic displacements. One of the physical mechanisms responsible for these displacements is associated with the symmetric exchange striction that is produced on creating an imbalance in the magnetization density between nearest neighbours as described in Fig. 4-(b, c). The “absolute measurement” of the ionic displacements as a function of the magnetic field leads us to draw conclusions concerning the microscopic coupling mechanism in the ferroic


phase in zero magnetic field, such as the necessity to include certain symmetric exchange contributions to the bulk electric polarization, and to estimate the magnitude of the induced polarization [15]. This new XR experimental technique uses the magnetic field to control and tune the effects of magnetostriction in complex non-ferromagnetic systems, and permits the study of spin-lattice coupling terms with unprecedented precision.


(4, ,-1) 0.0001





Integrated intensities (arb. units)

Magnetic field as a probe of magnetic interaction symmetries.

k (4,+ ,-1)


5T 4T 3T










LCP 5T 4T 3T 2T 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


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Scientific Reviews

Figure 4 4a Polarisation analysis of the magnetic reflection (4,τ,-1) as a function of the magnetic field H applied along the b direction in TbMnO3. The continuous lines are calculated with an interference model, which takes into account the magnetic and Thomson scattering amplitudes.

4b The application of the magnetic field along the b axis of the crystal induces a uniform ferromagnetic component ΔmbMn (yellow arrows) which sums with the Mn magnetic moment mbMn (pink arrows) to produce a variation in magnetisation density between nearest neighbours. This establishes atomic displacements δbMn with the same periodicity as the magnetic cycloid.

4c (left panel) Due to the symmetric exchange striction interaction between magnetic field induced ΔmbTb and mbMn, an antiphase displacement δcTb is established along the c axis, resulting in zero change in the P. (right panel) Knowing how the displacement vary as a function of field, it is possible to estimate the displacement in zero field, and therefore to determine the contribution of this symmetric exchange effect to the electric polarization [15].

4b mMn b mMn b


b Mn b






Tb O1


mMn b mTb b mTb b

Tb c







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Scientific Reviews Illuminating the Magnetism of Multiferroics by Polarized X-rays

Figure 5 5a Picture of the Ni3V2O8 single crystal placed between two electrodes.

5a a)

5b Topographic intensity maps obtained by circularly polarized XR diffraction on a magnetic satellite reflection (5+τ,1,0) in Ni3V2O8 as a function of the applied electric field. The intensity profile P2 is defined as the Poincaré-Stokes parameter associated with the diffracted oblique linear polarization and it is proportional to the cycloidal domain population [16]. The colours represent the percentage of the clockwise and anti-clockwise magnetic domain population.


5c Comparison between the magnetic domain population hysteresis loop (red dots), averaged over the central sample area (white square), and the bulk measurements of the electric polarization (blue dotted curve).

5b b)

1 mm

P2=(I =45°-I =135°)/(I =45°+I =135°) E=0V/mm 0.6





E=+100V/mm E=+200V/mm E=+270V/mm


Domain volume fraction

c) 5c














&$ -eld E (V/mm)



Electric polarisation (μC/m2)


translation z (mm)

0 -0.3 -0.6 0.6



E=-270V/mm E=-370V/mm

0.3 0 -0.3 -0.6 -0.3


0.3 -0.3


0.3 -0.3


0.3 -0.3



translation y (mm)

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Scientific Reviews

Imaging cycloidal domains by circularly polarised X-rays. Numerous methods for imaging magnetic domains exist: for example magneto-optical Kerr microscopy, photoemission electron microscopy, x-ray circular dichroism and coherent x-ray spectroscopy. The majority of these techniques are very powerful and can analyse the evolution of ferromagnetic domains with a very good spatial or temporal resolution. However most of these techniques are inappropriate in the case of antiferromagnetic domains, except indirectly through the possibility to visualize domain boundaries. The problem is timely and of vital importance, because the control of the orientation of the domains, their stability, their size and their evolution under applied magnetic and electric field is of strategic interest for the design of electronic devices using cycloidal multiferroics, since the electric polarization control is tied directly to the reversal of the direction of rotation of the magnetic moments. The example described in Fig. 5 shows the possibility of using circularly polarised x-ray diffraction to obtain images of the cycloidal domains in the multiferroic compound Ni3V2O8 directly, which possesses a cycloidal magnetic phase similar to that of TbMnO3 [16]. This example marks the departure point for the potential application of this technique to study the evolution of magnetoelectric domains under the effect of applied or electric field in great detail, memory effects within hysteresis loops, and on optimising the x-ray focusing on a micrometer scale, the analysis of mesoscopic structure of the domain boundaries. The examples here described represent specific cases, but they indicate the potential of the technique of polarized non-resonant x-ray diffraction for the study of multiferroic materials, and more generally, will enable future scientists to face the fundamental and technological challenges in the field of multifunctional materials research.

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References [1] Pierre Curie, ‘Sur la symétrie dans les phénomènes physiques, symétrie d’un champ électrique et d’un champ magnétique’, Journal de Physique, tome III (1894). [2] I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, Sov. Phys. JETP 10, 628 (1959). [3] D. N. Astrov, Sov. Phys. JETP 11, 708 (1960). [4] R. Ramesh and N.A. Spaldin, Nature Mat. 6, 21 (2007). [5] N.A. Hill, J. Phys. Chem. B 104 (2000) 6694. [6] J. Wang et al., Science 299, 1719 (2003). [7] T. Kimura et al., Nature 426, 55 (2003). [8] H. Katsura et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 067601 (2005). [9] M. Mostovoy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 067601 (2006). [10] F. de Bergevin and M. Brunel, Phys. Letters A 39, (1972) 141-142. [11] L. Paolasini and F. de Bergevin, C. R. Physique 9, 550-569 (2008). [12] F. Fabrizi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 237205 (2009). [13] M. Kenzelmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 087206, (2005). [14] N. Aliouane et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 102, 207205 (2009). [15] H. Walker et al., Science 333, 1273 (2011). [16] F. Fabrizi et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 024434 (2010).


Scientific Reviews

Neutrons measure phase behavior in pores at Angstrom size Compelling new methods for assessing carbon pores for hydrogen storage A. A. Bardoel and Y. B. Melnichenko Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Researchers have measured the phase behavior of green house gases in pores at the Angstrom-level, using small angle neutron scattering (SANS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor. Yuri Melnichenko, an instrument scientist on the General Purpose Small Angle Neutron Scattering (GP SANS) Diffractometer at ORNL’s High Flux Isotope Reactor, his postdoctoral associate Lilin He and collaborators Nidia Gallego and Cristian Contescu from the Material Sciences Division (ORNL) were engaged in the work. They were studying nanoporous carbons to assess their attractiveness as storage media for hydrogen, with a view to potential use for on-board hydrogen storage for transportation applications. Nanoporous carbons can also serve as electrode material for supercapacitors and batteries. The researchers successfully determined that the most efficiently condensing pore size in a carbon nanoporous material for hydrogen storage is less than one nanometer. In a paper recently published by the Journal of the American Chemical Society, the collaborators used small angle neutron scattering to study how hydrogen condenses in small pores at ambient temperature. They discovered that the surface-molecule interactions create internal pressures in pores that may exceed the external gas pressure by a factor of up to 50. “This is an exciting result,” Melnichenko said, “as you achieve extreme densification in pores ‘for free’, i.e.

GP-SANS instrument scientist Yuri Melnichenko (left) and postdoctoral associate Lilin He in front of the GP-SANS detector tank.


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Scientific Reviews

without spending any energy. These results can be used to guide the development of new carbon adsorbents tailored to maximize hydrogen storage capacities.” Another important factor that defines the adsorption capacity of sub-nanometer pores is their shape. In order to get accurate structural information and maximize sorption capacity, it is important that pores are small and of approximately uniform size. In collaboration with Drexel University’s Yury Gogotsi who supplied the samples, Melnichenko and his collaborators used the GP SANS instrument to study how the size and shape of pores in sub-nanometer porous carbons varies, depending on the manufacturing conditions. While small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) can do the job too, Melnichenko says, the SANS method broke new ground in analyzing the shape and behavior of pores at subnanometer size, when subjected to varying synthesis temperature. “We found that these very small pores are in fact spherical, and that when we change the synthesis conditions, they become elongated, even ‘slit-like’, and all of this on a subnanometer scale,” Melnichenko said. “People normally use SANS to study relatively big objects of the order of hundreds of nanometers. But where is the limit at the other end? How small is the object, such that we can still resolve and determine the structural parameters?

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“For SANS, this is achieving a remarkable new limit where we can measure at this very low, subnanometer scale making use of the extended range of scattering angles available at GP SANS (i.e., Angstroms = tenths of billionths of a meter).” The paper describing this study has been published recently in Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (“Small-angle neutron scattering characterization of the structure of nanoporous carbons for energy-related applications”). Melnichenko and his many collaborators are developing compelling new neutron science strategies trying to supply the geologists with information that may help them to store environmentally harmful greenhouse gases in coal pores underground, and to safely extract methane as a clean energy source from impenetrable shales. These new methods may also help chemists to develop monodisperse, tailored porous media for hydrogen storage for use in cars, and for supercapacitors and batteries. The energy and environmentally significant research at ORNL is proceeding on several fronts, in multiple collaborations. In a recent paper published in FUEL and cited as an Editor’s Choice in a recent issue of the prestigious journal SCIENCE, the researchers laid out a methodological approach for resolving questions of liquid-liquid and liquid-gas coexistence in coal pores of varying size and fluid accessibility (“The Accessibility of Pores in Coal to Methane and Carbon Dioxide.”)


Scientific Reviews Neutrons measure phase behavior in pores at Angstrom size Compelling new methods for assessing carbon pores for hydrogen storage

“This is a huge problem. There is a big matrix of a great number of different parameters that may influence the behavior of a fluid in small pores,” said Melnichenko. The phenomenon of liquid-gas coexistence, called supercriticality, can be readily understood by considering water boiling in a sealed kettle. When you heat water in a regular kettle, you can make tea or coffee. But what happens if the vessel is sealed, as liquids or gases are sealed in underground coal pores? In your kettle ultimately, at a temperature called the liquid-gas critical point, the density of liquid water and water vapor become identical: There is no more water, there is no more gas. What you have is a supercritical fluid. “When we understood this very specific behavior of bulk fluids near their critical points, we asked how this behavior would change if the whole system was confined in a very small space, such as a small pore in coal or activated carbon,” Melnichenko said. ”Here is a very beautiful, fundamental problem about how confinement in small pores affects the phase behavior of fluids. And we have very good potential applications, such as to sequester unwanted CO2 in coal seams so deep underground, that they are inaccessible to mining. The temperature and pressure down there are so high that CO2 becomes supercritical.” Another important application of this work is for methane extraction, to find ways to extract methane by displacing it with CO2. On the U.S. east coast, there are literally giga-tonnes of methane that is valuable for energy, trapped in what are called “tight gas shales” – impenetrably hard shale beds such as the Marcellus Shale, a massive marine sedimentary rock formation. To understand more about methane, the researchers looked at model systems of nanoporous carbon aerogels. Chemists tailor aerorgels so researchers have several known parameters in their study. “To understand the behavior of supercritical fluids in very complex structural systems like coal or shale, you want to fix as many parameters as you can and vary only one or two,” Melnichenko said. “You want to work with structurally simplified model systems that capture the major features of coal or shale, and yet are chemically clean. The work recently appeared in the Journal of Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. (“Effect of carbon dioxide and nitrogen on the diffusivity of methane confined in nano-porous carbon aerogel.”)


The researchers proceed by both small angle (SANS) and quasi-elastic (QENS). SANS is a diffraction method that allows researchers to study the porous structure of coals. “You put your material in the beam, shine neutrons through it and register the scattering pattern,” Melnichenko explains. “You make certain model assumptions, and draw some conclusions about the structure. Then you compare your calculations with what you actually measured. If you see a discrepancy, then your model is not right. Your understanding of the structure is not right. So you do a next iteration, until you understand the structure of your material.” SANS is elastic scattering, i.e., there is no energy exchange between the neutron and the pore structure. “If you saturate the pores with a fluid under pressure, evidently you will see differences in the scattering pattern,” Melnichenko explained, “between your structure with no fluid and your structure with fluid, at a given temperature and pressure. Then you can make some judgments about what those changes mean; you can interpret them in terms of the phase behavior of the fluid.” “And you can extract very important information, such as the density of confined fluid, the volume fraction of confined fluid in the pores, and also the number of pores that are empty, where no fluid is confined.” QENS scattering is called quasielastic, as there is an energy exchange between the neutrons and the molecules or atoms in a sample. “You put the sample in the neutron beam and monitor the energy exchange, at different scattering angles. Depending on how fast the atoms or molecules move, there will be very specific energy exchange. The neutron’s energy before and after the scattering is quantified and gives data on the mobility of the atoms and molecules in your system.” QENS gives them a chance to calculate the diffusion coefficient of fluids in pores, the shift in energy from the neutrons to the confined fluid, that allows researchers to make calculations about the molecular mobility of such an underground system. In recent methane studies published with Suresh Chathoth and Eugene Mamontov in “Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,” Melnichenko’s group combined SANS and QENS. They used the GP SANS at HFIR to study pore structure and methane adsorption, and the Backscattering Spectrometer (BASIS) at the Spallation Neutron Source at ORNLto study fluid dynamics

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Scientific Reviews

inside the pores. The methane is valuable as energy; the CO2 can take its place in the pores, where it may be permanently stored. “These are two very different ways of approaching the problem: phase behavior and mobility. In the one, no energy exchange, a completely frozen situation; in the other, a dynamic situation where there is energy exchange. And you can change the temperature and pressure of your fluid inside the pores, and see the mobility change. Then you use your models and make your findings about whether the applications are possible.” In another approach to their work on the behavior of CO2 confined in nanopores, the researchers recently turned to a silica aerogel model system. Silica aerogel is a good matrix material because it is a chemically clean substance. “There is only silica dioxide on the surface, so you can fix the surface chemistry and vary the concentrations of the silica dioxide; you can vary the surface area and the porosity and see how that influences the phase behavior of the molecules of CO2 or methane.” The paper, with Salvino Ciccariello, and Lilin He, was recently accepted by the Journal of Physical Chemistry (.”Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide Confined in Silica Aerogel in the Vicintiy of the Bulk Critical Point.”) This paper describes a new methodology for SANS data analysis, entailing how to extract density and volume data from confined fluids in pores of shale and coal. The researchers are continually looking for more accurate methods to provide unique information that can be used in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and CO2 sequestration in underground geological formations. On his desk, Melnichenko rests his elbows on a stack of papers, in process of acceptance or in press. “We have great collaborations with several groups of geologists from all around the world. The interest for these studies is high and currently we have more experimental data than we can handle. Looks like this stack won’t get any slimmer in the near future,” he said.

References Yuri B. Melnichenko, Lilin He, Richard Sakurovs, Arkady L. Kholodenko, Tomasz Blach, Maria Mastalerz, Andrzej P. Radlinski, Gang Cheng, David F.R. Mildner. “Accessibility of pores in coal to methane and carbon dioxide.” FUEL. 91, 200-208 (2012) doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2011.06.026 Nidia C. Gallego, Lilin He, Dipendu Saha, Cristian I. Contescu, and Yuri B. Melnichenko, “Hydrogen Confinement in Carbon Nanopores: Extreme Densification at Ambient Temperature.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133 (35), pp 13794–13797 doi: 10.1021/ja202432x. Lilin He, Suresh M. Chathoth, Yuri B. Melnichenko, Volker Presser, John McDonough, and Yury Gogotsi. “Small-angle neutron scattering characterization of the structure of nanoporous carbons for energy-related applications.” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 149(1), 1 February 2012, 46-54. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2011.08.035 S. M. Chathoth, L. He, E. Mamontov, Y. B. Melnichenko. “Effect of carbon dioxide and nitrogen on the diffusivity of methane confined in nano-porous carbon aerogel.” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 148, 2012, 101-106. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2011.07.019 Salvino Ciccariello, Yuri B. Melnichenko, and Lilin He. “Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide Confined in Silica Aerogel in the Vicinity of the Bulk Critical Point.” J. Phys. Chem. C, Publication Date (Web): October 4, 2011 doi: 10.1021/jp205189g

Research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor and Spallation Neutron Source was sponsored by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program and the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy.

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Research Infrastructures

Wide angle neutron polarization analysis on the WISH diffractometer at ISIS S. Boag, J. G. Donaldson, P. Manuel, J. R. Stewart and J. W. Taylor

August 2011 saw the initial tests of a wide-angle neutron polarization analysis setup installed on the new WISH time-of-flight diffractometer on the ISIS second target station. The polarized neutron insert, ZOOLANDER (Z-On-Off Large Angle Neutron Diffraction Experimental Rig) designed to provide a compact device enabling uniaxial polarization analysis measurements was used to measure flipping ratios of powdered Si, in order to characterise the beam polarization achieved as a function of time. ZOOLANDER (shown in fig. 1) is a homogeneous field environment (|¢B| / B < 1 × 10-3 cm-1) housing a neutron polarizer and analyser, both of which are polarized 3He neutron-spin-filters (sealed SEOP cells [1]). The polarizer cell is positioned within an AFP (adiabatic fast passage) flipper coil, to enable reversal of the incident beam polarization state [2]. Figure 2 shows the experimental setup within ZOOLANDER. The polarizer on the right is housed inside a double-walled Al box to shield the stray fields from the AFP flipper. The analyser cell is placed around a scattering angle of 90° and covers a ± 10° angle both horizontally and vertically. The efficiency of the AFP system was high, with around 0.1% loss of 3He polarization per spin-flip. The total diameter of the ZOOLANDER insert is 600 mm.

Figure 1 Stephen Boag (ISIS) inserting the ZOOLANDER polarization device into the WISH sample pit.


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Research Infrastructures

Figure 2 The interior of ZOOLANDER in the WISH sample area. The neutron beam enters from the right of the picture. The polarizer is contained within the AFP flipper box on the right. The analyser cell is positioned at ~90° scattering angle. The field coils, and WISH oscillating collimator are also shown.

Figure 3 shows a measurement of Si powder for non-spin-flipped neutrons (incident and scattered neutrons in the same spin-state) and spin-flipped neutrons (incident and scattered neutrons in opposite spin-states). Pure Si does not reverse the neutron spin on scattering, and therefore provides a measurement of the polarization of the beam, which is the product of the polarizing and analysing powers of the 3He cells. Over time, this measurement indicates the exponential decay lifetime of the 3He polarization. We found average lifetimes of around 90 hours for the 2 sealed 3He polarizer cells used in the test - showing that ZOOLANDER provides an excellent level of field homogeneity in which to perform polarized neutron measurements. The ZOOLANDER insert on WISH, using MEOP cells (with much wider scattering angle coverage) will be available to users in 2012.

References [1] T.R. Gentile, et. al., J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 110 299-304 (2005). [2] T.J. McKetterick, et. al., Physica B 406 2429-2432 (2011).

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Figure 3 The non-spin-flip (black) and spin-flip (red) diffraction patterns from powdered Si. At long d-spacings where the polarization of the beam is near perfect, the flipping ratio from the Si (111) Bragg peak is ~ 20.


Research Infrastructures

High-performance simulation, neutrons uncover three classes of protein motion M. L. McCorkle Oak Ridge National Laboratory


OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Sep. 30, 2011 — Molecular motion in proteins comes in three distinct classes, according to a collaboration by researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee, in research reported in Physical Review Letters. The research team, directed by ORNL-UT Governor’s Chairs Jeremy Smith and Alexei Sokolov, combined high-performance computer simulation with neutron scattering experiments to understand atomic-level motions that underpin the operations of proteins. “The analysis and interpretation of neutron scattering spectra are always difficult for complex molecules such as proteins,” said Smith, who directs ORNL’s Center for Molecular Biophysics. “We’ve performed experiments and then shown that simulation can provide a clear view of them. It allows us to see through the complexity and find out what motions are going on.” Defining the motions present -- localized diffusion, methyl group rotations and jumps -- is important as it allows scientists to think about how the motions determine the functions of proteins that are critical to all life. “First, we found that experiment and simulation agreed perfectly with each other, which is remarkable,” Smith said. “Second, the simulations told us that this type of neutron scattering can be interpreted in a very simple way.” Although the team performed its research on a particular protein called lysozyme, a natural antibacterial enzyme found in tears, saliva and egg whites, the researchers anticipate the technique will have a much broader impact in the neutron scattering community, aiding research in areas such as biofuel design or environmental remediation. The combined simulation and neutron scattering approach should also be of use in the characterization of non-biological materials such as polymers. Smith notes that approximately half the neutron scattering experiments at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source involve the study of motions in materials. “These methods are of general applicability,” Smith said. “Many experimentalists can now come to the ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source, measure a spectrum of whatever sample they have, and then apply this analysis in terms of three classes of motion to interpret their results.” The research was primarily conducted by ORNL’s Liang Hong, with the support of Benjamin Lindner and Nikolai Smolin from ORNL. They performed neutron scattering experiments at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source on the BASIS instrument and at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Research Infrastructures

Center for Neutron Research. The work was published as “Three classes of motion in the dynamic neutron scattering susceptibility of a globular protein.” The simulation component of the work was supported by ORNL’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development program, while the neutron scattering component was supported by an Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCOR) grant to the University of Tennessee from the DOE Office of Science. ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. Lysozyme (shown in blue) – a natural enzyme found in tears, saliva and egg whites – can break down bacterial cell walls (shown in pink). ORNL researchers have combined computational simulation and neutron experiments to clarify the complicated motions of proteins such as lysozyme into three distinct classes.

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Muon & Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation News

Instrument development continues in Oak Ridge A. E. Ekkebus Oak Ridge National Laboratory

CORELLI detector tank is installed at SNS. (Photo credit: Genevieve Martin, ORNL)

Kelly Beierschmitt, Associate Laboratory Director for Neutron Sciences


Peer review panels composed of 80 external scientists recently visited Oak Ridge National Laboratory to review almost 700 proposals for experiments on 23 instruments at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). These were proposed for the time period from January-June 2012. About 40% of the proposals were approved for beam time and 20% were placed on an alternate list if time becomes available.

The Hybrid Spectrometer HYSPEC at SNS began its commissioning in September 2011. HYSPEC is optimized for studying low energy dynamics in single-crystal samples using a broad variety of sample environments, and is equipped with a polarization analysis capability. It is expected to be available for users on a limited basis in the second half of 2012.

Robert McGreevy, Deputy Associate Laboratory and Acting Director, Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division

Stephen Nagler, Director, Quantum Condensed Matter Division

The detector tank of CORELLI has been installed on beamline 9 at SNS. Now that the tank is in place, banks of neutron detectors and boron carbide shielding will be installed around the interior. CORELLI is optimized to probe complex disorder in crystalline materials through diffuse scattering from single-crystal samples. It will begin commissioning in 2014. CORELLI is one of four instruments being developed under the SING II (SNS Instruments Next Generation II) project. The others are the Macromolecular Neutron Diffractometer (MANDI), the Vibrational Spectrometer (VISION, scheduled to begin commissioning in 2012), and the Time-of-Flight Ultra-Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument (TOF-USANS).

Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Muon & Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation News

The single crystal neutron diffractometer, IMAGINE, was delivered to HFIR in October 2011. Preliminary testing has been carried out. IMAGINE will provide atomic resolution information on chemical, organic, metallo-organic and protein single crystals that will enable their chemical, physical and biological structure and function to be understood. This instrument will benefit scientists with interests in pharmaceuticals, minerals and other inorganic crystals, small molecules, molecular organo-metallic crystals and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) molecular crystal structures. The quasi-Laue geometry, combined with a large solid angle detector, will enable rapid data collection from crystals with volume < 1mm3 and unit cell < 100 Ă…. Construction and installation of the optical system is in progress. Commissioning is expected to start in April 2012.

been reorganized. Kelly Beierschmitt is the new Associate Laboratory Director for Neutron Science, succeeding Ian Anderson. There are four new science divisions. Stephen Nagler is leading the Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Mike Simonson is leading the Chemical and Engineering Materials Division, and Paul Langan is leading the Biology and Soft Matter Division. The Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division is being led by Deputy Associate Laboratory Director Robert McGreevy on an acting basis. Laura Edwards has been appointed as head of the User Office that serves both HFIR and SNS. The next proposal deadline for SNS and HFIR will be February 22, 2012, for the experimental period of July-December 2012. See http://neutrons.ornl.gov for details.

To increase the focus on science delivery and the user program, the Neutron Sciences Directorate (the organization at ORNL that manages SNS and HFIR) has

J. Michael Simonson, Director, Chemical and Engineering Materials Division

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Paul Langan, Director, Biology and Soft Matter Division

Laura Edwards, Manager, Neutron Sciences User OďŹƒce


Muon & Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation News

NMI3 – 10 years of support for the neutron and muon communities J. Savin NMI3 Information manager

The integration of European neutron facilities has a long history. Its hour of birth can be associated with the first Neutron Round Table under the European Union 3rd Framework Programme (FP3) in the early 1990’s. Under FP6, around ten years later, in 2002, the integration effort took on a different dimension, with the launch of NMI3 (Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron scattering and Muon spectroscopy). Ever since, NMI3 has contributed to nurturing excellence in European neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy. After a bumpy road at the beginning of FP7, NMI3 is now about to embark on a new voyage. With new funding from the EU, new partners on board, and new projects ahead, the next four years are looking bright!

The first years The European Union supports research through ´Framework Programmes´, each normally lasting for five years. The Framework Programmes started in the 1980´s and have supported neutron and muon research across Europe ever since. Coordinated by Kurt Clausen, the first EU funded Neutron Transnational Access Programme ran at Risø in Denmark from 1991, with funding from FP3. By 1993, five other neutron and muon facilities were also offering EU funded access. ´Round tables´ were then created to bring together the major European facilities and integrate them through ´Networking activities´ such as meetings, conferences, workshops and schools. The Neutron round tables were coordinated by Charles de Novion in FP3 and Kurt Clausen in FP4 and FP5. They were particularly successful and inspired other similar integrating actions in other areas.

NMI3 under FP6

The NMI3 Coordination Team at the last ECNS: Miriam Förster, Helmut Schober and Juliette Savin.


The I3s, or Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives, only appeared under FP6. Their aim was to combine, within a single contract, several activities essential to reinforce research infrastructures and to provide an integrated service at the European level. The I3s´ programme introduced a number of activities required of each consortium: networking activities (including consortium management); provision of access to transnational users; and joint research activities. The aim of the latter being to raise the level of performance of the concerned infrastructures. NMI3, the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy was created under FP6 in 2002. Coordinated by Robert McGreevy,

Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Muon & Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation News

from ISIS, it was the second largest I3, with 21 million Euros funding. Transnational Access was NMI3´s main focus, allowing access to all of the European neutron and muon facilities except the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL). The first Access programme was extremely successful, funding 1348 experiments and 1719 unique visitors, 43% of whom were first time users. Under FP6, there were 8 Joint Research Activities, which provided a much-needed funding, framework and timescale for successful collaborations in critical areas of neutron and muon research, such as instrument development, sample environment, detector development. Helmut Schober (ILL) coordinated the networking activities, which amounted to 36 workshops and supported the attendance of 409 participants to different neutron and muon schools. NMI3 also played a leading role in forming the I3 network, which brought together all the I3 projects. During FP6, the overall feeling was that they were beneficial to the scientific community, despite the hard work needed to set them up and maintain them.

Difficult years: FP7 The introduction of a funding ceiling of 10 million Euros applied to all I3s, during the FP7 call in 2009, was a real stress test for NMI3. In the new project, coordinated by Helmut Schober with the help of project manager Miriam Förster and Networking manager Philip King (ISIS), the Access Programme had to be reduced considerably in scope. It was decided that the funds would be used over a period of two years only. Nevertheless, at the beginning of 2010, 2635 beam days had already been funded through the programme. All Networking and Joint Research Activities were downsized and many

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partners increased their own contributions to make the project viable despite the severe budget reductions. This clearly demonstrated the determination of the consortium to stand together to brave bad weather.

Brighter skies ahead Fortunately for neutron and muon users the EU opened a second call within FP7. In recognition of the vast number and great diversity of its users, the neutron and muon community was entitled to bid for 15 million Euros, just like the synchrotron community. The submitted NMI3 follow-up proposal was successful and with these new funds NMI3 hopes to restore its activities to their original level, with some innovative changes. In the upcoming project, which will run from February 2012 to 2016, NMI3 will concentrate on improving service to its users and stimulating the advancement of neutron and muon science. It will comprise 18 partner organisations, including 8 facilities and 12 countries. NMI3’s Joint Research Activities focus on areas of strategic importance, with a large potential for innovation and immediate impact on the services provided to the users. Hence, the projects starting in 2012 will concentrate on advanced methods and techniques for new instrumental set-ups, structural and magnetic imaging at the micro and nano-scale, advanced neutron tools for soft and biomaterials, as well as neutron detectors and muon technologies. Ensuring the training of new users has always been one of the consortium’s objectives. In the upcoming project renowned neutron schools will be supported under a common umbrella.

The newly established European Neutron and Muon school (ENMS) will become a label of excellence in teaching as it will be seconded by e-learning modules on the NMI3 website’s education corner. Based on modern e-learning tools, the NMI3 education corner should in the long run become the number one support for teaching in neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy. NMI3 has also decided to boost its communication activity. The newsletter Inside NMI3, launched in July 2011 and published bi-annually, provides the community with updates on NMI3 projects, as well as scientific highlights and information about schools and events. The NMI3 website has recently been re-launched – visit it now at www.nmi3.eu. With lots of exciting features and functionalities, the new website is the online hub for the neutron and muon community. It also provides clear information about neutrons and muons for scientists new to these fields, and its News and Media pages are the place to go for the latest neutron and muon news and highlights.


School and Meeting Reports

UCANS Meeting Held at LENS Second Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS-II) held at Bloomington, Indiana, USA H. Kaiser and C. K. Loong Indiana University

UCANS-II 2011 Meeting participants.

The Low Energy Neutron Source (LENS) group hosted UCANS-II at CEEM (Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter) at Indiana University July 5 - 8, 2011. Fifty participants from six countries attended the meeting, and the program included 25 speakers and 25 posters. UCANS was formed in 2009 to support the ongoing development of small accelerator-based neutron sources around the world, and to promote the exchange of information on emerging science and novel applications relevant to compact, medium-flux neutron sources. Participants came from a wide variety of institutions, including Indiana University, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (all USA), Tsinghua University (China), Peking University (China), Sun Yat-sen University (China), RIKEN (Japan),


KEK (Japan), Hokkaido University (Japan), KAERI (Korea), INFN (Italy), ESS-Bilbao (Spain), and HelmholtzZentrum (Germany). The inaugural meeting of the Union was held in Tsinghua University in Beijing in August 2010 (see Neutron News 22(1) 7, 2011). Since then, the interest in these topics and the number of member institutions participating has increased steadily. Participants were welcomed to the meeting by Dr. Paul Sokol, Chair of the Organizing Committee and Director of LENS, and Dr. Sarita Soni (Vice Provost for Research – Indiana University Bloomington, Associate Vice President – Indiana University) gave the Opening Remarks. Dr. Jack Carpenter chaired the Program Committee, and also led many of the discussions after each presentation. The two-and-a-half day program began

Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

School and Meeting Reports

Conference Banquet: shown are members of the Program Committee and spouses (from left to right, Carla Andreani, Chun Loong, Rhonda Carpenter, Jack Carpenter, Paul Sokol and Kathy Sokol).

with facility status reports on neutron sources in Tsinghua University, Indiana University, and INFN. The sessions on Moderator Neutronics and Innovative Instrumentation included developments in pulsed neutron imaging, neutronantineutron oscillations, boron neutron capture therapy, and focusing neutron beams, as well as reports on experiments such as the LENOS and SPES projects at INFN, and FLEX at the Helmholtz Zentrum. The Poster Session on Thursday afternoon featured technical matters such as target and instrument design and operational experience, as well as presentations on SANS studies of nanostructured materials. The final Emerging Science session focused on future directions and possibilities in industrial applications, 3D tomography, and small angle neutron scattering. Guest speakers from the Air Force Institute of Technology,

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Crane Naval Base, and Varian Medical Systems also provided valuable insights on practical applications of long-pulsed/ medium-flux neutron sources from the perspective of users interested in neutron radiation effects.

The joint proceedings of UCANS-I and UCANS-II will be published early in 2012 in the Physics Procedia series of Elsevier. More details about UCANS are available at http://www.indiana.edu/~lens/UCANS/

The next meeting, UCANS-III, is planned for 2012 at Bilbao, Spain.


Call for proposal

Call for proposal [Deadlines for proposal submission]

Neutron Sources http://pathfinder.neutron-eu.net/idb/access March 15, 2012



May 15, 2012 (for August-December cycle)

March 1 and September 1, annually

BNC – Budapest Research Centre HTTP://



January 27, 2012


FRM-II – Research Reactor München II HTTP://


February 22, 2012

HFIR – Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Neutron Sync Ra HTTP://


February 15, 2012

ILL - Institut Laue-Langevin HTTP://


To be announced

ISIS – Rutherford Appleton Laboratory HTTP://


January 27, 2012

JCNS - Jülich Centre for Neutron Science HTTP://


Twice a year, to be announced

LANSCE – Los Alamos National Laboratory HTTP://


May 1 and November 1, annually

LLB - Laboratoire Léon Brillouin HTTP://


Any time

NRC-Canadian Neutron Beam Centre HTTP://


Any time

NPL – Neutron Physics Laboratory HTTP://


To be announced

RID - Reactor Institute Delft HTTP://


To be announced

SINQ - Swiss Spallation Neutron Source HTTP://


February 22, 2012

SNS – Oak Ridge National Laboratory HTTP://



Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Call for proposal

Synchrotron Radiation Sources www.lightsources.org January 15, 2012 (Structural Biology Beamlines for the period between March-April 2012)

ALS - Advanced Light Source HTTP://


January 15, 2012 (All other Beamlines for the period between July-December 2012)

July 15, 2012 (All other Beamlines for the period between January and June 2013)

To be announced

ANKA - Institute for Synchrotron Radiation HTTP://


Sources chrotron adiation March 9, 2012

(2012-2: For the period between June and August 2012)

APS - Advanced Photon Source HTTP://


July 13, 2012

(2012-3: For the period between October and December 2012)

February 15, 2012

(For the period between May and August 2012)

AS - Australian Synchrotron HTTP://


June 6, 2012

(For the period between September and December 2012)

March 1 and September 1, annually



Proposals are evaluated twice a year

BSRF - Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility HTTP://


January 31, 2012

(For the period between May and August 2012)

CFN - Center for Functional Nanomaterials HTTP://


May 30, 2012

(For the period between September and December 2012)

Proposals are accepted at any time

CHESS - Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source HTTP://


February 29, 2012

(For the period between July and December 2012)

March 9, 2012

CLS - Canadian Light Source HTTP://


CNM - Center for Nanoscale Materials HTTP://


April 1, 2012

Diamond - Diamond Light Source HTTP://


March 15, 2012

(For the period between July and December 2012)

January 15, 2012

(for Long-Term Project (LTP) applications)

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche



ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility HTTP://



Call for proposal Synchrotron Radiation Sources

December 1, 2011 (for the period between March and August 2012)

January 15, 2012

FELIX - Free Electron Laser for Infrared experiments HTTP://


FOUNDRY - The Molecular Foundry HTTPS://


Synchro Radiatio C To be announced

HASYLAB – Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor at DESY HTTP://


December 31, 2011

(for the period between March 2012 and February 2013)

February 14, 2012

(LCLS proposals for beam time winter 2012-2013)

To be announced

ISA - Institute for Storage Ring Facilities HTTP://


LCLS - Linac Coherent Light Source HTTP://


LNLS - Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron HTTP://


To be announced

MAX-lab HTTP://


January 31, 2012

(for the period between May and August 2012)

To be announced

NSLS - National Synchrotron Light Source HTTPS://


NSRRC - National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center HTTP://


To be announced




To be announced

PF - Photon Factory HTTP://


February 15, 2012

(PX Beamlines for the period between May and August 2012)

SLS - Swiss Light Source HTTP://


Non PX Beamlines to be announced To be announced



Twice a year

SPring-8 HTTP://


Twice a year in January/February and August 2012 December 1, 2011

(Xray/VUV proposals for beam time February-May scheduling)

SRC - Synchrotron Radiation Center HTTP://


SSRL - Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource HTTP://


January 22, 2012 (Crystallography proposals for beam time March-May scheduling)

March 1, 2012 (Xray/VUV proposals for beam time May-July scheduling)

April 20, 2012 (Crystallography proposals for beam time June-July scheduling)


Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

Calendar January 7 – 8, 2012

Chengdu, China

ICAMR 2012: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Material Research HTTP://

January 8 – 10, 2012


Los Alamos, NV, USA

otron on Sourc alendar 2012 LANSCE Topical User Workshop HTTP://

January 8 – 13, 2012


Kandersteg, Switzerland

10th NCCR Practical Course and 3rd Winter School: Introduction to Biomolecular Modelling HTTP://

January 9 – 10, 2012


Brussels, Belgium

Workshop on off-specular neutron scattering HTTP://

January 16 – 17, 2012


CEA l’Orme des Merisiers, France

HP SOLEIL 2012: High Pressure Studies using Synchrotron Radiation: Present and Future HTTP://

January 18 – 19, 2012


Gif sur Yvette, France

7th SOLEIL Users’ Meeting HTTP://

January 22 – 27, 2012


Stoos, Switzerland

6th International Symposium Hydrogen and Energy HTTP://

January 23 – 27, 2012


Grenoble, France

5th Annual School on Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite HTTP://

January 23 – 28, 2012


Dakar, Senegal

Third African School and Workshop on X-rays in Materials: Some Established Techniques and Practical Applications HTTP://

January 25 – 27, 2012


Hamburg, Germany

European XFEL Users’ Meeting 2012 HTTP://

January 29 - February 1, 2012


Delft, The Netherlands

Neutrons and Food 2012 HTTP://

January 29 – February 3, 2012


Monte Verita, Switzerland

ESMF 2012: 5th European School on Multiferroics HTTP://

February 7 – 9, 2012


Mildura, Australia

ACMS 22: Fiftieth year of the Australian Clay Minerals Society HTTP://

February 7 – 9, 2012


Masjed-Soleyman, Iran

Nanotech2012: 1st International Conference on Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Science and Applications HTTP://

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche




February 28 – 29, 2012

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Polymorphism and Crystallisation 2012 HTTP://

March 4 – 9, 2012


Bariloche, Argentina

ICANS-XX: The 20th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources HTTP://

March 4 – April 4, 2012


Grenoble, France

HERCULES 2012 school HTTP://

March 5 – 16, 2012


Jülich, Germany

C Calendar Calen 43rd IFF Spring School 2012 - “Scattering Methods for Condensed Matter Research: Towards Novel Applications at Future Sources” Deadline for application is December 09, 2011 HTTP:// www.iff-springschool.de/

March 8 – 16, 2012

Berlin, Germany

32nd Berlin School on Neutron Scattering HTTP://

March 12- 13, 2012


Grenoble, France

NMI3 – kick-off meeting HTTP://

March 12 – 15, 2012


Munich, Germany

100 Years of X-Ray Diffraction HTTP://

March 23, 2012


Munich, Germany

4th User Meeting at the FRM II HTTP://

April 19 – 20, 2012


Berlin, Germany

Science and Scientists at ESS HTTP://

April 29 – May 3, 2012


Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (USA)

Operando IV – 4th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy HTTP://

April 29 – May 4, 2012


Vancouver, Canada

ARRS 2012: Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society HTTP://

www.clocate.com/Conference/The-American-Roentgen-Ray-Society-ARRS-112th -Annual-Meeting-2012/3655

May 10-11, 2012

London, UK

The Renaissance Workshop: The Materials and Techniques of Renaissance Art HTTP://

www.charismaproject.eu/news--events/charisma/2012/2-semestre/the-materials-and -techniques-of-renaissance-art.aspx

May 7 – 10, 2012

Rigi Kulm, Switzerland

4th MaMaSELF Status Meeting HTTP://

May 31 – June 10, 2012


Erice, Italy

Present and Future Methods for Biomolecular Crystallography HTTP://



Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1


June 4 – 6, 2012

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

ICCS 2012: International Conference on Computational Science HTTP://

June 5 – 8, 2012


New York, USA

The 5th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology (SR2A2012) HTTP://www.charismaproject.eu/news--events/others/2012/1-semestre/the-5th-workshop-onsynchrotron-radiation-in-art-and-archaeology,-sr2a.aspx

June 20 – 22, 2012

Zurich, Switzerland

SGK/SSCr Annual Meeting 2012 HTTP://


Calenda r ndar June 26 – 29, 2012

Luzern, Switzerland

10th European Solid Oxygen Fuel Cells Forum HTTP://

July 9 – 13, 2012


Lyon, France

11th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation HTTP://

July 15 – 18, 2012


Hamburg, Germany

Satellite meeting to the 11th International SRI Conference “Science at FELs” HTTP://

July 22 – 28, 2012


Beijing, China

15th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure HTTP://

July 29 – Aug 1, 2012


Boston, USA

2012 Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association HTTP://

August 7 – 11, 2012


Bergen, Norway

ECM 27: The 27th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association HTTP://

August 11 – 19, 2012


Villingen, Switzerland

PSI summer school HTTP://

August 12 – 16, 2012


San Diego, California, USA

Optical Engineering + Applications 2012 - Part of SPIE Optics + Photonics HTTP://

September 2 – 6, 2012


Frankfurt, Germany

First European Mineralogical Conference (EMC2012) HTTP://

September 17 – 20, 2012


Sydney, Australia

7th international workshop Sample Environment at Neutron Scattering Facilities HTTP://

November 18 – 23, 2012


Sydney, Australia

International Small-Angle Scattering Conference (SAS2012) HTTP://

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche




Neutron Scattering WWW SERVERS IN THE WORLD http://idb.neutron-eu.net/facilities.php ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization

GEMS German Engineering Materials Science Centre Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht

PHONE: + 61 2 9717 3111

PHONE: +49 4152 871254

FAX: + 61 2 9543 5097

FAX: +49 4152 871338


EMAIL: klaus.pranzas@hzg.de




BNC - Budapest Research Reactor

EMAIL: tozser@sunserv.kfki.hu

HANARO Center for Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute


PHONE: +82 42 868-8120

TYPE: Swimming pool reactor, 10MW PHONE: +36 1 392 2222 FAX: +36 1 395 9162


Neutron Neut Scatteri FAX: +82 42 868-8448

CAB - Centro Atómico Bariloche



PHONE: +54 2944 44 5100, FAX: +54 2944 44 5299

Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin - BER II

EMAIL: info@cab.cnea.gov.ar

TYPE: Swimming pool reactor. 10 MW


PHONE: +49 30 80 62 – 42778


FAX: +49 30 80 62 – 42523


EMAIL: neutrons@helmholtz-berlin.de

PHONE: 86 10 68597289



FAX: 86 10 68512458

EMAIL: cas_en@stimes.cn HTTP://


HFIR ORNL, Oak Ridge, USA PHONE: 865-576-0214

ESS - European Spallation Source

FAX: 865-574-096

EMAIL: info@esss.se

EMAIL: burnettese@ornl.gov



FLNP - Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics


PHONE: (7-49621) 65-657

TYPE: 58MW High Flux Reactor.

FAX: (7-49621) 65-085

PHONE: +33 (0)4 76 20 71 11

EMAIL: belushk@nf.jinr.ru

FAX: +33 (0)4 76 48 39 06


PHONE: +33 4 7620 7179




FAX: +33 4 76483906

FRM II Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Meier-Leibnitz

EMAIL: cico@ill.fr and sco@ill.fr

TYPE: Compact 20 MW reactor

IPEN – Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Research

PHONE: +49 (0) 89 289 10794

PHONE: 226-0030, 226-0033226

FAX: +49 (0) 89 289 10799

EMAIL: ceid@ipen.gob.pe

EMAIL: userinfo@frm2.tum.de








Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1


IPNS - Intense Pulsed Neutron at Argonne PHONE: 630/252-7820 FAX: 630/252-7722 EMAIL: cpeters@anl.govor mail (for proposal submission) HTTP://


KENS Institute of Materials Structure ScienceHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken,?305-0801, Japan EMAIL: kens-pac@nml.kek.jp HTTP://neutron-www.kek.jp/index_e.html

ISIS Didcot TYPE: Pulsed Spallation Source.

KUR - Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute

PHONE: +44 (0) 1235 445592

Kumatori-cho Sennan-gun, Osaka 590-0494, Japan PHONE: +81 72 451 2300 FAX: +81 72 451 2600 HTTP://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/

FAX: +44 (0) 1235 445103 EMAIL: uls@isis.rl.ac.uk HTTP://


n Scatter ron ng JCNS Juelich Centre for Neutron Science Forschungszentrum Jülich


PHONE: +49 2461 614750

EMAIL: lansce_users@lanl.gov

FAX: +49 2461 612610

EMAIL: tichavez@lanl.gov

EMAIL: neutrons@fz-juelich.de


d.richter@fz-juelich.de (for JCNS-1) t.brueckel@fz-juelich.de (for JCNS-2) HTTP://www.fz-juelich.de/jcns/EN/Home/home_node.html

LENS Low Energy Neutron Source

PHONE: 505-665-1010 FAX: 505-667-8830


PHONE: +1 (812) 8561458

J-PARC Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex

EMAIL: pesokol@indiana.edu HTTP://


PHONE: +81 29 284 3398 FAX: +81 29 284 3286


EMAIL: j-uo@ml.j-parc.jp

TYPE: Reactor


FLUX: 3.0 x 1014 n/cm2/s



FAX: +81 292 82 59227


EMAIL: www-admin@www.jaea.go.jp

Secrétariat Europe: PHONE: 0169085417 FAX: 0169088261 EMAIL: experience@llb.cea.fr HTTP://www-llb.cea.fr




JEEP-II Reactor

PHONE: 905-525-9140

TYPE: D2O moderated 3.5% enriched UO2 fuel.



PHONE: +47 63 806000, 806275 FAX: +47 63 816356

MIT Nuclear reactor Laboratory

EMAIL: kjell.bendiksen@ife.no

EMAIL: nrl-rrs@mit.edu




Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche



Facilities Neutron Scattering

Synchro Ra MURR

PHONE: 1.573.882.4211

RID Reactor Institute Delft (NL)

EMAIL: MURRCustomerService@missouri.edu

TYPE: 2MW light water swimming pool.


PHONE: +31 (0)15 278 5052


FAX: +31 (0)15 278 6422

NIST Center for Neutron Research

EMAIL: secretary-rid@tudelft.nl

PHONE: (301) 975-6210

HTTP://www.rid.tudelft.nl/en/cooperation/facilities /reactor-instituut-delft/

FAX: (301) 869-4770

EMAIL: Robert.dimeo@nist.gov HTTP://



PHONE: +45 4677 4677


FAX: +45 4677 5688

TYPE: 10 MW research reactor

EMAIL: risoe@risoe.dtu.dk

PHONE: +420 2 20941177 / 66173428



FAX: +420 2 20941155

EMAIL: krz@ujv.cz and brv@nri.cz



TYPE: Steady spallation source


PHONE: +41 56 310 4666


FAX: +41 56 3103294

PHONE: 217/333-2295

EMAIL: sinq@psi.ch

FAX: 217/333-2906





SNS NRU - Chalk River Laboratories PHONE: 613-584-8293 FAX: 613-584-4040 HTTP://


Spallation Neutron Source PHONE: 865.241.5644 FAX: (865) 241-5177 EMAIL: ekkebusae@ornl.gov HTTP://neutrons.ornl.gov

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute PHONE: +7(813-71) 46025, +7(813-71) 46047 FAX: +7(813-71) 36025, +7(813-71) 31347 HTTP://


RIC Reactor Infrasctructure Centre PHONE: +386 1 588 5450 FAX: +386 1 561 2335 HTTP://



Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1


otron diation Sources Synchrotron Radiation Sources WWW SERVERS IN THE WORLD www.lightsources.org/cms/?pid=1000098

ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility

CAMD Center for Advanced Microstructures & Devices

PHONE: +34 93 592 43 00

PHONE: +1 (225) 578-8887

FAX: +34 93 592 43 01

FAX: +1 (225) 578-6954


EMAIL: leeann@lsu.edu




ALS Advanced Light Source FAX: 510.486.4773

CANDLE Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission

EMAIL: alsuser@lbl.gov

PHONE/FAX: +(37 4-10) 629806


EMAIL: baghiryan@asls.candle.am

PHONE: 510.486.7745





FAX: +49 (0) 7247 / 82-8677

CESLAB Central European Synchrotron Laboratory

EMAIL: info@fzk.de

PHONE: +420-541517500


EMAIL: kozubek@ibp.cz

PHONE: +49 (0) 7247 / 82-6188




APS Advanced Photon Source PHONE: (630) 252-9090

CFN Center for Functional Nanomaterials


PHONE: +1 (631) 344-6266

fenner@aps.anl.gov apsuser@aps.anl.gov HTTP://www.aps.anl.gov/

FAX: +1 (631) 344-3093

EMAIL: cfnuser@bnl.gov HTTP://


AS Australian Synchrotron PHONE: +61 3 8540 4100

CHESS Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source

FAX: +61 3 8540 4200

PHONE: 607-255-7163

EMAIL: info@synchrotron.org.au

FAX: 607-255-9001



BSRF Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility

CLIO Centre Laser Infrarouge d’Orsay

PHONE: +86 10 68235125

EMAIL: accueil-clio@lcp.u-psud.fr

FAX: +86 10 68186229





EMAIL: houbz@mail.ihep.ac.cn HTTP://


CLS Canadian Light Source PHONE: (306) 657-3500 FAX: (306) 657-3535 EMAIL: clsuo@lightsource.ca HTTP://


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Facilities Synchrotron Radiation Sources

CNM Center for Nanoscale Materials

Diamond Light Source

PHONE: 630.252.6952

FAX: +44 (0)1235 778499

FAX: 630.252.5739

EMAIL: useroffice@diamond.ac.uk

EMAIL: carrieclark@anl.gov


PHONE: +44 (0)1235 778000




CTST UCSB Center for Terahertz Science and Technology University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA EMAIL: ramian@sbFEL3.ucsb.edu HTTP://sbfel3.ucsb.edu/

ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Laboratory PHONE: +39 040 37581 FAX: +39 040 938-0902 HTTP://


ELSA Electron Stretcher Accelerator

Sync Radiatio S DAFNE Light INFN-LNF

PHONE: +49 (0) 228-735926

Tel: +39 06 94031 FAX: +39 06 9403 2582 HTTP://www.lnf.infn.it/acceleratori/btf/

EMAIL: roy@physik.uni-bonn.de

DELSY Dubna ELectron SYnchrotron

FAX: +49 (0) 228-733620 HTTP://


ESRF European Synchrotron Radiation Lab. PHONE: +33 (0) 4 7688 2000

PHONE: +7 09621 65 059

FAX: +33 (0) 4 7688 2020

FAX: +7 09621 65 891

EMAIL: useroff@esrf.fr

EMAIL: post@jinr.ru





DELTA Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator FELICITA I (FEL)

FELBE Free-Electron Lasers at the ELBE Radiation Source at the HZDR Dresden-Rossendorf PHONE: +49 (0) 351 260 - 0

FAX: +49 (0) 231-755-5383

FAX: +49 (0) 351 269 - 0461


EMAIL: m.helm@hzdr.de




DFELL Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory PHONE: 919-660-2681

FELIX Free Electron Laser for Infrared experiments

FAX: 919-660-2671

PHONE: +31 30-6096999

EMAIL: beamtime@fel.duke.edu

FAX: +31 30-6031204


EMAIL: B.Redlich@rijnh.nl





Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1


FOUNDRY The Molecular Foundry

IR FEL Research Center FEL-SUT

1 Cyclotron RoadBerkeley, CA 94720, USA HTTP://foundry.lbl.gov/index.html

PHONE: +81 4-7121-4290 FAX: +81 4-7121-4298 EMAIL: felsut@rs.noda.sut.ac.jp

HASYLAB Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor


DORIS III, PETRA II / III, FLASH PHONE: +49 (0) 40 8998-2304 FAX: +49 (0) 40 8998-2020 EMAIL: HASYLAB@DESY.de HTTP://hasylab.desy.de/

ISA Institute for Storage Ring Facilities ASTRID-1


PHONE: +45 8942 3778 FAX: +45 8612 0740 EMAIL: fyssp@phys.au.dk

HSRC Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center HiSOR


PHONE: +81 82 424 6293 FAX: +81 82 424 6294

ISI-800 Institute of Metal Physics - Ukraine


PHONE: +38 (044) 424-1005


chrotron on Sources www.hsrc.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/english/index-e.htm

FAX: +38 (044) 424-2561

HZB Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin BESSY II, BER II

EMAIL: metall@imp.kiev.ua

PHONE: +49 (0) 30 80620

FAX: +49 (0) 30 8062 - 42181

Jlab Jeerson Lab FEL

EMAIL: info@helmholtz-berlin.de

PHONE: (757) 269-7100


FAX: (757) 269-7848



www.imp.kiev.ua/ (Russian)




PHONE: +81 (0)72-897-6410 HTTP://

www.fel.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/english/index_e.html HTTP://www.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/index.html

Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology Pulse Stretcher/Synchrotron Radiation PHONE: +38 (057) 335-35-30 FAX: +38 (057) 335-16-88




PHONE: +91 731-248-8003


KSR Nuclear Science Research Facility Accelerator Laboratory


FAX: +81 774-38-3289

FAX: +91 731-248-8000 EMAIL: rvn@cat.ernet.in

www.cat.ernet.in/technology/accel/indus/index.htm www.cat.ernet.in/technology/accel/atdhome.htm



Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Facilities Synchrotron Radiation Sources

Synchro Ra Sources KSRS Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source Siberia-1 / Siberia-2

NSLS National Synchrotron Light Source

PHONE: 8-499-196-96-45

FAX: +1 (631) 344-7206


EMAIL: nslsuser@bnl.gov



LCLS Linac Coherent Light Source PHONE: +1 (650) 926-3191

NSRL National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

FAX: +1 (650) 926-3600

PHONE: +86 551-3601989

EMAIL: knotts@ssrl.slac.stanford.edu

FAX: +86 551-5141078


EMAIL: zdh@ustc.edu.cn

www.lightsources.org/cms/?pid=1000152 www.kiae.ru/ (Russian)


PHONE: +1 (631) 344-7976




LNLS Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron PHONE: +55 (0) 19 3512-1010

NSRRC National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center

FAX: +55 (0) 19 3512-1004

PHONE: +886-3-578-0281

EMAIL: sau@lnls.br

FAX: +886-3-578-9816


EMAIL: user@nsrrc.org.tw





PHONE: +46 222 9872 FAX: +46 222 4710 HTTP://


NSSR Nagoya University Small Synchrotron Radiation Facility PHONE: +81 (0) 43-251-2111

Medical Synchrotron Radiation Facility



PHONE: +81 (0)43-251-2111 HTTP://

PAL Pohang Accelerator Laboratory

MLS Metrology Light Source Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

San-31 Hyoja-dong Pohang Kyungbuk 790-784, Korea EMAIL: ilguya@postech.ac.kr HTTP://pal.postech.ac.kr/eng/index.html


PHONE: +49 (0) 30 3481 7312

EMAIL: Gerhard.Ulm@ptb.deHTTP://www.ptb.de/mls/

PF Photon Factory


PHONE: +81 (0) 29-879-6009

FAX: +49 (0) 30 3481 7550


FAX: +81 (0) 29-864-4402 EMAIL: users.oďŹƒce2@post.kek.jp HTTP://



Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1


otron adiation s PSLS Polish Synchrotron Light Source


PHONE: +48 (12) 663 58 20

FAX: +81 (0) 791-58-0965

EMAIL: mail@synchrotron.pl

EMAIL: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp



RitS Ritsumeikan University SR Center

SRC Synchrotron Radiation Center

PHONE: +81 (0) 77 561-2806

PHONE: +1 (608) 877-2000

FAX: +81 (0) 77 561-2859

FAX: +1 (608) 877-2001

EMAIL: d11-www-adm@se.ritsumei.ac.jp



PHONE: +81 (0) 791-58-0961





SAGA-LS - Saga Light Source

SSLS Singapore Synchrotron Light Source - Helios II

PHONE: +81 942-83-5017

PHONE: (65) 6874-6568

FAX: +81 942-83-5196

FAX: (65) 6773-6734



SESAME Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East

SSRC Siberian Synchrotron Research Centre


EMAIL: hhelal@mailer.eun.eg HTTP://


SLS Swiss Light Source


VEPP3/VEPP4 PHONE: +7 (3832) 39-44-98 FAX: +7 (3832) 34-21-63 EMAIL: G.N.Kulipanov@inp.nsk.su HTTP://ssrc.inp.nsk.su/english/load.pl?right=general.html

FAX: +41 56 310 3294

SSRF Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility

EMAIL: slsuo@psi.ch


PHONE: +41 56 310 4666




PHONE: +33 1 6935 9652

SSRL Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

FAX: +33 1 6935 9456

PHONE: +1 650 926-3191

EMAIL: frederique.fraissard@synchrotron-soleil.fr

FAX: +1 650 926-3600


EMAIL: knotts@ssrl.slac.stanford.edu





SPL Siam Photon Laboratory PHONE: +66 44-21-7040

SuperSOR SuperSOR Synchrotron Radiation Facility

FAX: +66 44-21-7047, +66-44-21-7040 ext 211

PHONE: +81 (0471) 36-3405


FAX: +81 (0471) 34-6041


EMAIL: kakizaki@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp HTTP://


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Facilities Synchrotron Radiation Sources

SURF Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility PHONE: +1 (301) 975-4200

chrotron Radiatio urces HTTP://


TNK - F.V. Lukin Institute

PHONE: +7(095) 531-1306 / +7(095) 531-1603 FAX: +7(095) 531-4656 EMAIL: admin@niifp.ru HTTP://


TSRF Tohoku Synchrotron Radiation Facility Laboratory of Nuclear Science PHONE: +81 (022)-743-3400 FAX: +81 (022)-743-3401

EMAIL: koho@LNS.tohoku.ac.jp HTTP://


UVSOR Ultraviolet Synchrotron Orbital Radiation Facility PHONE: +81 564-55-7418 (Receptionist’s office) FAX: +81 564-54-2254

EMAIL: webmaster@ims.ac.jp HTTP://


Information on Conference Announcements and Advertising for Europe and US, rates and inserts can be found at:

www.cnr.it/neutronielucedisincrotrone Anna Minella Email: nnls@roma2infn.it


Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Vol. 17 n. 1

n n

Editorial News Phase Two instruments at the ISIS Second Target Station M. Bull

Scientific Reviews Illuminating the Magnetism of Multiferroics by Polarized X-rays F. de Bergevin, A. Boothroyd, F. Fabrizi, D. McMorrow, L. Paolasini, D. Prabhakaran and H. Walker

Neutrons measure phase behavior in pores at Angstrom size A. A. Bardoel and Y. B. Melnichenko

Research Infrastructures Wide angle neutron polarization analysis on the WISH diffractometer at ISIS S. Boag, J. G. Donaldson, P. Manuel, J. R. Stewart and J. W. Taylor

High-performance simulation, neutrons uncover three classes of protein motion M. L. McCorkle

Muon & Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation News Instrument development continues in Oak Ridge A. Ekkebus

NMI3 – 10 years of support for the neutron and muon communities J. Savin

School and Meeting Reports UCANS Meeting Held at LENS H. Kaiser and C. K. Loong

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

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