February 2020
N o w o n l i n e a t : w w w. i s s u u . c o m / n n r t h a n i t a l k
Serving the Nonthaburi community and supporting local charities since 1994
Charity News: NNR Grants & Volunteering Pages 8-12
Cover Story: Bucket List Travel Destinations Pages 14-20
PEOPLE: Slider Shack Owner Mark J. Grygiel Pages 28-29
Culture Corner: Mount Meru Symbolism Pages 42-43 Thani Talk is generously sponsored by: September 2019
T h a n i Ta l k
NNR (Nonthaburi Neighborhood Reach) is a not-for-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to serving the Nonthaburi community and supporting local charities since 1994. We achieve this by publishing Thani Talk, a free monthly magazine that has a distribution of 1,400 copies, as well as by hosting the NNR Annual Charity Bazaar. Additionally, NNR hosts socials and organizes monthly tours. There are no membership dues, and anyone living in Nonthaburi is already a member.
Connect with NNR
Thani Talk Ad Rates 1 page
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3600 baht
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19x14 cm.
2160 baht
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1200 baht
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Rates per issue; discount for 8 and 4 month contracts Based on space availability Deadline for all ads is the 10th of each month Contact nnradverts@gmail.com for more information
DISCLAIMER: The placement of advertisements and articles in this newsletter does not constitute or imply endorsement by the NNR of any product or service. The NNR accepts no responsibility for any claims made in any advertisement and the opinions expressed in any articles are not necessarily the views of the NNR committee.
NNR BOARD 2018-2019 Chairperson
Sally Elliott
Vice Chairperson
Liz Garrigan
Francesca Whitehead
Activity/Tour Coordinators
Pascale Kervyn Maida Muslic-Kovar
NNR Socials
Chantal Bremner
Charity & Volunteer Coordinator
Jenna Deacon-Potter
Advertising Director
Ginny Condra
Thani Talk News Team
Liz Lu (Editor) See below for Thani Talk Team
Distribution Coordinators
Birgit Sund
Communications Director
Kiki O’Connor
nnrcommunications@gmail. com
095-247-5692 nnradverts@gmail.com
Thani Talk Team: Advertising Director and Proofreader (Ginny Condra), Graphics Consultant (Bill Fear, Rose Marie Academy), Graphic Designer (Shea Barnett) Restaurant Reviewers (John Marinos, Vara Sumetanon), Grapevine Tips and Community News Coordinators (Positions Open), ( Birgit Sund).F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 2 T h aDistribution n i T a Coordinator lk
Letter from NNR’s Chairperson
Join Hands to Protect the Planet Welcome back! If you are new to Nichada and Thailand, we hope this is a wonderful move for you and your family, and look forward to sharing some of the great things that living here offers! The most significant things that we cannot fail to be aware of just now are the horrendous air quality that surrounds us again here, the most awful devastation that has been happening in Australia, the shaking and constant fear of earthquakes and explosions in the Philippines -- and so it goes on. The evidence is clear that our planet, our home, is in trouble, so I urge each of you to do what you can to help it. Thailand has been making bold steps in trying to reduce plastic waste; we all know the impact of this in our oceans and landfill. So, in this new year, let us join together in Hope, and “do our bit” to try to combat this pollution, this waste and heal our natural world. Our own little Nichada bubble is the perfect place to start 2020 with these commitments in mind. I look forward to joining together as we do what we can to influence change :). Sally Elliott, NNR Chairperson
Inside This Issue
1994 - Present
A volunteer group serving the Nonthaburi community and supporting local charities
Calendar of Events Feb. 7: NNR Tour (Felicia Design, temple). p. 4 Feb. 8: International Family Fair at ISB, p. 26 Feb. 9: Makha Bucha Day Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day Feb. 26-27: Recycling & Recover Expo, p. 23
** Full calendar listing on p. 23 **
NNR Social
Letter from NNR’s Chairperson NNR Tour Thani Talk News NNR Charity News Cover Story: Travel Community Fitness & Activities Nonthaburi & Beyond PEOPLE Heard It Through the Grapevine Community News Feature: Thai Culture Restaurant Review
3 4 5 8 14 22 23 28 32 36 42 49
Nonthaburi Neighborhood Reach February 2020
Nonthaburi Neighborhood Reach
Cover Photo by Cassandra Waters Angkor Wat Siem Reap, Cambodia
T h a n i Ta l k
NNR Tour
Back By Popular Demand!!
Jewelry Factory, Hindu Temple, & Indian Restaurant When: Friday, February 7, at 7.45 a.m. Where: ISB, in front of Chevron Theater Cost: 300 baht What to bring: Water, some money for shopping and good mood! To sign up: Please email: nnrtour@gmail.com The tour is limited to 13 participants.
Just a few days ahead of Valentine’s Day, visit a jewelry making factory, shop for a good cause, visit the beautiful Hindu Mariamman temple and finish the visit at an Indian vegetarian restaurant. On Friday February 7, please join us for an amazing tour to the Sathorn area of Bangkok. You will visit the jewelry factory Felicia Design, a high-end silver and gold jewelry manufacturing company. You will be welcomed at Felicia Design by Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag, Managing Director and Norwegian national. After the tour, you will be able to shop to your heart’s content. Felicia Design will donate profits of the sale to Kids Action for Kids, a non-profit charity organization providing surgeries for children born with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities. All donations to Kids Actions for Kids are matched by sponsors. After the factory visit, we will visit the beautiful Mariamman temple, the oldest Hindu temple in Bangkok where an oil lamp ritual is held on Fridays. We will finish the visit at the vegetarian Sugam South Indian restaurant for a (self-pay) lunch.
felicia e
Greetings from your travel team. Pascale and Maida 4
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February 2020
Thani Talk News
Thank you, John!
Restaurant Reviewer John Marinos Bids Thani Talk Farewell In 2014, Thani Talk reader John Marinos contacted me and offered to write reviews for the magazine’s Restaurant section, found on page 49 of each issue. I was delighted to have John join as a contributing writer, and during the past six years, he treated readers to his informative reviews of restaurants both here in Nonthaburi as well as in downtown Bangkok. This month’s review of Teppen, a Japanese restaurant in Bangkok’s Sathorn area, marks John’s final review for the magazine, and I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincerest thanks to John for all of his contributions to Thani Talk. He had actually tried to gracefully bow out a year ago after years of writing for Thani Talk, but I wouldn’t let him go and managed to negotiate so that we could all enjoy a few more restaurant reviews from him. We are all so fortunate to benefit from John’s writing. Whenever he discovers a great dining spot, John wants to share his find with others in the community.
John, a New Yorker who works for the United Nations supporting humanitarian response throughout Asia, shared the restaurant beat with two other reviewers. His disaster relief work often called him away overseas with little notice, sometimes for weeks at a time. But even when he was away dealing with the aftermath of earthquakes or floods, John always touched base to make sure he didn’t miss a deadline. It has been a pleasure to have had John as a contributing writer for Thani Talk magazine. As John embarks on new adventures, I wish him all the best! Liz Lu Editor, Thani Talk
Join the Thani Talk Team!
Restaurant Reviewer, Feature & Travel Writers, Photographers
Got a flair for writing? Awesome with a camera? Terrific at meeting deadlines? Contact Liz at: nnrnews@gmail.com February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
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T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
February 2020
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NNR Charity News
NNR Grants December 2019 Home for the Destitute Nonthaburi Neighborhood Reach (NNR)
Supporting Local Charities Since 1994 NNR has continued to work in partnership this year with our 10 charity partners to identify areas where NNR grants can make a real difference. Each charity’s needs are different, so we talk regularly with each to understand their challenges and to ask how we can best support them through volunteer opportunities or funding important items. At 1 Step 2 Step, a home for severely disabled children, the need was for an autoclave steriliser to ensure surgical sterilisation of medical equipment. This machine ensures that infection is prevented when tools are used for wound care and insertion of tubes for feeding and stoma care. At Home for the Destitute, an electric pump was requested to support their garden irrigation system. This will ensure that fruit trees and vegetable saplings, generously donated and planted by ISB, will continue to thrive and can create a sustainable source of fruit and vegetables for their residents. At Baan Kredtarkarn, the government home for trafficked girls, a request was made to improve their library infrastructure through the addition of more shelving for books and tables and chairs where the girls can read and study. NNR also funded a New Years party for the girls which gave them a rare opportunity to play games, participate in sports and enjoy some different foods. This included pizza which was generously donated by Pizza Co - a rare treat for the girls at the home and one which they loved! All of the grants that NNR makes to our charity partners are made possible by your personal donations, our annual NNR Charity Bazaar and through advertising in Thani Talk magazine. We all greatly appreciate your ongoing support. It really makes a big difference to those in need around our Nonthaburi community. Jenna Deacon-Potter NNR Charity & Volunteer Coordinator nnrcharity@gmail.com 8
Adult diapers, electric water pump
Autoclave steriliser
Home for Hope
Water cooler, purifier and dispenser, stainless steel dispenser
Christian Care Foundation Tilt table, electric treadmill
iCare Girls
Library shelves, 3 sets of tables and chairs
iCare Boys
Wall fans, sports shorts
SaiLom Project
Laptop computer, clothes dryer
Bumble Bee Free Library
Storage shelf, storage cabinet
Sparrow Home School bus costs
Thanksgiving Home Computer, printer
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
NNR Charity News
NNR-Supported Charities * Home for the Destitute * Thanksgiving Home * 1 Step 2 Step * Home for Hope * Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities * iCare Foundation (Kredtrakan Home for Girls) *iCare Foundation (Poomwaet Home for Boys) * Bumble Bee Free Library * SaiLom Project * Sparrow Home
February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Charity News:
Where to Volunteer & Donate Goods Contact nnrcharity@gmail.com
When: Various days and times Where: A 20-minute drive from Nichada.
Home for Hope Home for Hope houses up to 90 children who have no parents or whose parents are unable to care for them. The Home is managed by Father Paolo of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church. Volunteer Opportunity: Supporting activities such as games, sports, crafts, music, and English classes. Assisting with home improvements/yard work. When: Various times (including weekends) Where: 20-minute drive from Nichada.
Home for the Destitute
Home for the Destitute is a government-run facility in Pakkred housing up to 400 homeless adults and kids. The shelter also has a detention centre for Cambodian women and children awaiting court proceedings. Volunteer Opportunity: Help with fruit donation, play with Cambodian children, interact with residents. When: Every Thursday - 10 am to 12 pm Where: A 15-minute drive from Nichada.
Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities (CCD) CCD is a Thai NGO that began in 1997 and runs multiple programs for disabled children from government homes as well as from the community. Goals include teaching social and life skills, working with families of disabled children, preparing older youths for employment opportunities. Volunteer Opportunity: Supporting activities such as games, sports, crafts, music, etc. 10
1 Step, 2 Step The 1 Step, 2 Step program works with BanFeungFa, a residential facility for boys and girls with physical and/ or intellectual disabilities. The program offers excursions and visits with the children. Volunteer Opportunity: Help with excursions and visits. When: Monthly excursions. Various times for visits. Where: 10-minute drive from Nichada.
I-Care Foundation (Ban Poomwaet Boys Home) (Ban Kredtrakarn Girls Home) I-Care Foundation supports Ban Poomwaet (government home for boys rescued from human trafficking) and Ban Kredtrakan (government home for girls rescued from human trafficking). Residents receive educational and/or vocational training to support their re-integration back into society. Volunteer Opportunity: Support I-Care with English classes. Help with monthly Sports/Fun Day. When: Thursdays (9 am – 11 am) for English classes. Last Sunday of each month for Sports Day. Where: Ban Poomwaet is a 10-minute drive from Nichada. Ban Kredtrakkarn is located on Koh Kret Island (From Nichada, it’s a 15-minute drive to the river, followed by a 10-minute boat ride.)
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February 2020
Charity News: SaiLom Project
Bumble Bee Free Library (BBFL)
SaiLom Project works with physically and intellectually disabled boys and young men living in a government facility (Rachawadee Home) to assist in developing life skills and provide job training so the young men can integrate into the workforce. Volunteer Opportunity: Help with monthly excursions. Offers of transportation for excursions are appreciated. Assist with day programs. When: Last Saturday of each month for excursions (9 am to 2 pm). Assist at SaiLom Centre (various times). Where: 15-minute drive from Nichada.
BBFL provides free library services to everyone. In addition to offering Story Time for toddlers, free English classes for children and adults of all nationalities, Birthday Book Club and school scholarships to Thai children, the libray also operates a satellite “Reading Corner” at the Home for the Destitute (a government homeless shelter) Volunteer opportunity: Staff the libray, teach children and adults at Sunday English classes, chaperone field trips. When: Tues./Thurs. for Story Time. Sunday afternoons for English classes. Various times for library duties. Where: 3 minutes from Nichada, at 28/3 Soi Prasert Issaram (Blue house opposite Que Pasa restaurant)
Thanksgiving Home
Sparrow Home Sparrow Home houses children whose parents are in prison. Caretakers look after the children as well as take them to visit their parents so that the parent-child bond can be maintained. Volunteer opportunity: Assist staff, play with and teach the children. When: Various times, at volunteers’ convenience.
White Elephant
Thanksgiving Home, a home for about 25 children and youth with various forms of disabilities, provides rehabilitation and development of life skills. Volunteer Opportunity: Assist English learning activities, crafts, music and other programs. When: Various times (including weekends) Where: 10-minute drive from Nichada. February 2020
In additon to the NNR-supported groups listed above, another local organization that welcomes donations of inkind goods is the White Elephant, a volunteer-run thrift store. Proceeds are donated to charity. Volunteer opportunity: Sort and inventory donations, staff shop hours. Where: 2nd floor, Oasis center, Samakkee Road. If you would like to volunteer or donate in-kind goods to any of these groups, please contact NNR Charity Coordinator Jenna Deacon-Potter at: nnrcharity@gmail.com
T h a n i Ta l k
Charity News:
Artist Teaches Girls at Local Rescue Shelter NNR Matches Volunteer with Kredtrakan Center
You are an artist! One of the things I love as a professional artist is to show there is an artist in everyone. For many, their talent may be just laying dormant due to self-limiting beliefs (one I hear often is ‘I’m not artistic’). It is always inspiring to see faces light up to simple techniques which when replicated, give budding artists a lot of fun creating. So when I was approached to teach a class at Kredtrakan (a government rescue centre for trafficked girls), I jumped at the opportunity. In fact this was the main reason for moving to Thailand with my wife and four children. I wanted to start Arts4Changes and work with charities that help prevent the trafficking of children, rescue them and support their rehabilitation. Jenna Deacon-Potter, Charity Coordinator for NNR, introduced me to Kredtrakan, located on Kokkred Island about 20 minutes from Nichada. Together with volunteers Don and Ann Hartman, we arranged my first visit. After a short boat ride, we were introduced to the girls. Originally I had expected only a dozen students, but 48 had signed up! Their positive, joyful attitude and willingness to learn was quite overwhelming, especially knowing the trauma of the last few years. I was also taken aback by the progress of their art in just one session. It was a simple drawing masterclass, but they all went from very basic to moderate skill in just a few hours and created some beautiful flower drawings. Afterwards, it was great to be shown around the facility where I saw a lot of the baking equipment funded by NNR grants being put to good use. The treats that were made there tasted amazing! 12
I’m really excited about Arts4Changes as it goes beyond the classes to initiate lasting changes in the lives of these girls and others. Through training and micro-financing, Arts4Changes hope to fully support their journey as artists, right through to exhibiting alongside other professional artists.This opportunity will be extended to other charities. For those wanting to support these girls’ journeys, there are many ways to get involved: donating art supplies,volunteering, using the platform for other charities etc. Anyone can contact me for further details at martin@martinreidart.com. Sponsors/micro financers will also get great pieces of art which will add great meaning and purpose to homes and/or offices!
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Martin Reid February 2020
February 2020
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Cover Story: Travel
Annual Travel Edition: Bucket List Trips! Each February, Thani Talk treats readers to its annual travel edition by featuring amazing trips taken by neighbors. We’ve highlighted adventures such as safaris in Africa, bungee jumping in Australia, skiing in Japan, camping in Iceland, to name just a few. In our cover story this month, the unforgettable vacations shared by each of the first three writers happen to be on their personal bucket list. You hear of a destination. You make a mental note. You chase your dream and one day it becomes reality. So it is that in the 2020 travel edition, we take you to Angkor Wat in Cambodia for a half marathon, Norway to
chase the northern lights (aurora borealis), and Europe to trek across France and Spain along the pilgramage trail of the El Camino Frances. Elsewhere in this issue, you find out about NNR grants and volunteer opportunities in Charity News, get tips about good local services in our Grapevine section, read about the owner of The Slider Shack in PEOPLE, and learn about the significance of Mt. Meru in Culture Corner. This February edition is packed with good reads. Sit back and enjoy!
Liz Lu, Editor
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Angkor Wat International Half-Marathon Adventure
Within days of my arrival in Nichada, a friend shared their experience of running the International Angkor Wat Half-Marathon. I instantly put it on my bucket list. I joined the Moms Run This Town (MRTT) Facebook group and slowly started getting into running shape in Thailand humidity. At the annual MRTT holiday party Dianna Gibson encouraged sharing one running goal for 2019. The Angkor Wat Half! At the December 5-8 event, my husband and I ran the Half (21k), and two of our children did the 5k and 3k. The entry fees are a bit steep, $85 USD for the half marathon, but the money raised benefits victims of anti-personnel mines in Cambodia. More than 12,000 runners from 80 countries participated on the various courses inside the World Heritage Site, meandering through 13 of the temples. The race is set to celebrate its 25th year in 2020. We stayed 3 nights and 4 days in Siem Reap. Flights were cheaper out of Don Mueang airport (DMK) versus 14
Suvarnabhumi airport (BKK), though Don Mueang did not offer as many choices for airlines or flights. The four of us flew AirAsia for a total of 20,000 THB. It was an easy 65-minute flight. We applied for our 30day visa upon landing, and the only trouble we had was the agent did not want to charge us ($30USD) because we
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Cassie Waters February 2020
Cover Story: Travel had diplomatic passports. Diplomats traveling for leisure must use personal passports and pay for visas. Eventually he took our money. We popped our pre-purchased 6GB True Asia Travel Sim cards (200 baht bought at a True shop before departing Bangkok) into our phones and grabbed a taxi to the hotel. We stayed at The Courtyard Marriott Resort, which hosted the run. It was a very nice property, but there are many closer and less expensive options on the strip closer to the Angkor Wat grounds or the downtown Pub Street. We went everywhere by tuk tuk, which was about $3 USD (Cambodia uses U.S. dollars) wherever we went. Our first night in we did the Siem Reap Sunset ATV tour (quad-adventure-cambodia.com, $35USD). I highly recommend this jaunt into the rural countryside. We each had our own ATV and were orange with dust in the end.
Run day! We went by hotel shuttle to the start of the race. It was unseasonably cool for our entire visit, averaging about 24 degrees Celsius (16 Celsius at run time). I know the unusual weather made running a 21K even more enjoyable. The 21K started at 5:30am. It was dark and chilly, but I was warmed up and happily shuffling along quickly. They offer water and energy drink points every 2K. There were 5 toilet stops but the first wasn’t for 7K. The line there held me up 6 minutes. Oh, to be a boy. Groups of Cambodian villagers and street dogs lined the roads ready to cheer us on. I especially loved the children waiting to slap runners’ hands as they passed. They certainly helped me run faster.
Our second day was spent touring Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm Temples with a tuk tuk guide. I made sure to try Fish Amok and Beef Lok Lak that night on Pub Street. Saturday was spent shopping in the Art Market and downtown. I picked up a new larger singing bowl and my very own “foo dog”. I fell in love with the guard lions in Siem Reap.
We ran around the moat away from Angor Wat, by Kravan, Sras Srang, Banteay through Victory Gate passing Takeo, Ta Prohm, Taney, Thao Manon, Taveda and Angkor Thom to the center, Bayon. I stopped for some photos to capture this mesmerizing inspirational scenery, but I wish I had more. I very strongly encourage all levels of runners to consider this race. 21K seemed to just fly by out on this forested, friendly, temple laden run. Cassie Waters February 2020
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Cover Story: Travel
Experience the Northern Lights in The Lyngen Alps, Norway
In November, I received the gift of a lifetime when my husband surprised our family with a vacation to (hopefully!) experience the northern lights, or aurora borealis, in Norway—a dream I had vocalized many times over the years. We began our journey in Tromsø, a city in northern Norway located within the Arctic Circle. Tromsø is a hub for travelers hoping to set off on winter adventures. There are many agencies through which to schedule day tours for dog-sledding, exploring reindeer farms and even “chasing” the northern lights. Our family chose to spend a day snowshoeing through a beautiful landscape of mountains and fjords. These trips can be set up online before you begin your trip, but there are also many walk-in locations throughout the town where
reservations can be made. In addition to outings, Tromsø is a charming town with many shops and restaurants that are worth exploring. After two nights in Tromsø, we were picked up from our hotel and driven three hours to Lyngen Lodge, where we were met at the door by co-owner, Veronica, thus
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
Cover Story: Travel beginning three days and nights of subdued luxury and arctic adventure. The lodge, which accommodates a maximum of 16 guests in 8 rooms, is situated away from the bright lights and bustle of any big city or town, making it the perfect place, away from ambient light, to see the northern lights when they make an appearance. The owners and staff set up and manage each day with the needs of every guest in mind. Coming in from the frigid weather, guests remove wet boots to have their toes warmed by the heated floor. Continuing into the main lodge, we were invited into a spacious yet cozy living space, warmed by a beautiful fireplace. Adjacent to the living room is a large table where all guests share meals prepared by Chef Alex Kudrjavtsev. Throughout our stay, Chef Alex served delicious local fish and reindeer, but he was very open to accommodating any food-related needs.
keep a staff member “on watch” so that they will not be missed if they are occurring. On the third night, we were starting on our main dinner course when Veronica ran into the dining room and announced that the northern lights were making an appearance. All of the guests scrambled to throw on boots and jackets, and we were greeted with the most breath-taking display of green lights streaking across the sky. The lodge provided tripods and helped each guest get the best pictures possible. The display went on for over an hour, and my wish had officially been granted. We returned to Tromsø for our final night in Norway, and, again, saw northern lights after taking the Fjellheisen Cable Car to the top of a mountain, but with the ambient light of the city, they were very difficult to see. If experiencing the northern lights is a dream, our family could not recommend the Lyngen Lodge more. We all agree that it is one of the best vacations we have ever taken. Tara Osterstock
The schedule of the following day was presented each evening so that guests could prepare and make the most of the four hours of daylight. Each day, we were suited up in extra warm clothing and boots (provided by the lodge) and driven with a guide to our activity. Over two days, we experienced dog-sledding, snow-mobiling, snow-shoeing, ice fishing and sled rides along with a warm lunch and hot drinks. Returning to the lodge by 2pm (and almost dark skies) each day, guests could warm up in the hot tub or sauna. But let’s get down to the real reason for our visit. The Lyngen Lodge, obviously, cannot promise that guests will experience the unpredictable northern lights, but they February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Cover Story: Travel
Walking the Camino Frances of El Camino de Santiago Retracing the Steps of Pilgrims Through France & Spain
The “Camino Frances” is an ancient Catholic pilgrimage route that began in the 8th century and has witnessed millions of pilgrims cross its rocky, dusty and muddy paths. It is a popular route which continues to grow more so. Last October, my wife Ellie and I embarked on a bucket-list journey, walking this famous 800-km pilgrimage route. It was an unforgettable trip!
We planned the trip by ourselves. We did have a book by John Brierley. We flew Thai Airways to Paris and then Jet Air from Paris to Bayonne. We then took a train from Bayonne to Saint Jean Pied de Pont in France. The Camino Frances begins in Saint Jean Pied de Pont, on the eastern flank of the Pyrenees Mountains. The journey takes approximately 30-35 days of walking to complete. It took us 35 days to cross 18
northern Spain and finish in Santiago de Compostela— the sacred city in northwestern Spain where the body of Saint James is buried. Throw in a couple of rest and tourist days and it is easy for your trip to take well over a month. All travelers trekked westward, because the pilgrimage is about the journey to the resting place of St. James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The “Camino” or “the Way” is considered one of the epic walks of the world. For those with less time, it can be broken down into sections. Some pilgrims spend years, walking the “Camino” section by section until they have completed the entire route. The walking is not difficult and the terrain is highly varied with mountains, forests, plains, prairies and vineyards. Local culture changes with the terrain, beginning in the Basque country on the east and culminating in the Celtic Galician culture on the west. A newer twist: mountain bikers are also riding the track now, significantly reducing the time required. Perhaps we’ll ride a few sections on our next Camino! Accommodation along the Camino was easy to find
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F e bFreubarruya r2y0 22 00 2 0
Cover Story: Travel in the autumn season. However, during the busy summer months, it can be challenging. Housing is quite varied with the basic albergue (hostel) being the standard (5-10 Euro/night). Typically these types of hostels have one large or several smaller rooms with many bunk beds. Budget hotels with private rooms were our most common choice and there are more expensive options as well. We brought lightweight sleeping bags for our bedding. We liked the autumn shoulder season with cooler days and nights, which by the end of the trip culminated in brilliant yellow and orange hillsides in Galicia (western Spain). We were also treated to snow one day in the Europa Mountains, leaving a light dusting on elevations above us. Most hotels had Wi-fi and we also bought “Orange” SIM cards which worked well. During our journey, we used some French and Spanish (we’re very rusty), but two of our Camino friends we walked with every day were native Spanish speakers from Uruguay and Chile.
Chilean/Uruguayan couple that live in Washington DC, an Australian brother and his two sisters, a lovely Kiwi couple and a 92-year old American woman, who is perhaps the oldest person to complete the “Camino”. We walked triumphantly into Santiago with her the final day and were greeted by a cheering squad of people whom she had met, touched, along the way. Such a beautiful display of love from the Camino family. There were many other highlights, natural as well as man-made: beautiful sunrises and sunsets, clean air, blue skies, foggy days, misty days, wet soaking days, soaring medieval cathedrals—masterpieces in their own right, gilded in gold and containing amazing liturgical artwork and masonry. A personal highlight was a mass conducted by a Spanish and Korean priest, in two languages, which ended when the entire parish was brought forward and each group sang a song in their native tongue; Spanish, Korean, French, German and English speakers all took their turns. We sang “Amazing Grace”, a fitting end to a graceful day on the “El Camino”. Chris Oglesby
Food and beverages are relatively inexpensive, and we opted to treat ourselves to a few amazing meals along the way. Not to be missed are the excellent wines from Rioja and Navarette provinces. Spanish food is very meat/fish/ bread/cheese intensive, and if you are a vegetarian, meals can be a bit more challenging. The trip makes the effort worthwhile. Relationships formed with your “Camino family” are truly a highlight of the trip. After a few days, you find you are walking, sleeping and eating with the same groups of people. Casual talk becomes less so and friendships are made. We’ve made new lifelong friendships with a February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Cover Story: Travel
Day Trip: Free Skate Park Near Nichada
Not too far from Nichada is a fun place for skaters and those who just like to watch. The DIY skate shop and skatepark is located in Nonthaburi, just on the other side of the Maha Chesadabodindranusorn bridge. The place is commonly known as the Dreg skatepark. The place is an outdoor skatepark with rails, ramps, steps, and a bowl. It is one of the biggest and best maintained skateparks in Bangkok. There is no entrance fee. There is also a skate shop selling decks, trucks, wheels, and other skateboard paraphernalia. The staff is friendly and speaks English well. There are also a number of food trucks that are open in the evening. There is Burger Boy selling handmade burgers, which are quite good. There is a shop called Season selling a variety of kebabs. These are similar to big grilled shish kebabs that westerners would recognize, rather than the ‘moo-ping’ (Thai grilled pork) that is more common around Bangkok. There is also another shop 20 Than
selling Thai favorites like fried rice, pad thai, and various stir fries. Drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic are also available. If you or your kid is into skateboarding, you will love this place. If you want to spend an evening close to home in a place which reminds you of 1990’s Los Angeles, complete with alternative music, graffiti, and cheap tasty snacks, then give this place a try. Thanks to my son, I spend a lot of time at this place. What I like most is the friendly atmosphere. A similar place back home would not necessarily be a familyfriendly place. But this place is typical Thailand. Everyone is really friendly and supportive. There are many tattooed young guys (and gals) who are more than happy to watch out for and give tips to even the youngest skaters. It feels like a safe and supportive place for kids to be kids. John Marinos
i Ta l k
February 2020
Cover Story: Travel
Day Trip #2
February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Community Fitness & Activities Yoga & Fitness Classes Nichada Neighborhood Kundalini Yoga - Baan Shakti Yoga with Napisa Community Fitness & Activities Listings Kerstin Wild, 086-372-9750 Napisa Pant, 086-975-7187
Ashtanga Yoga with PanZen PanZen, 097-227-6999 panzenyoga@hotmail.com http://panzenyoga.wix.com/panzen
napisapant.yoga@gmail.com FB: yogawithnapisa
Ashtanga & Yin Yoga with Marie Marie Massard, 098-882-8990 marie.massard@gmail.com Class fees donated to BBFL.
Underdog Wellness Fitness Classes (UW) Yoga, Booty Barre, Mat & Reformer Pilates Stacy Klob, scklobhome@icloud.com FB: Underdog Wellness
Iyengar Yoga Juan Bodan, 081-285-3050
Nice to See U Yoga - For kids & family Kay-Rosukon, Certified Kids Yoga Instructor www.budharasyoga.com, 087-929-9641
Monday Iyengar Yoga 7:50-9:20 Napisa Restorative Yoga 8:45-10:15 All levels Meditation Mon with Marie 8:00-9:30 Kids & Teens Gong 3:30-4:15 (Kerstin)
Tuesday Hatha Yoga w/Katja 7:45-8:30 (Baan Shakti) Iyengar Yoga 7:50-9:20 Gong Bath & Meditation 9:45-10:30 (Kerstin) Underdog Wellness 9:30 Booty Barre 10:30 Yoga Ashtanga Yoga PanZen 3:45-4:45
Weekly Schedule Wednesday Kundalini Yoga 7:45-9:15 (Kerstin) Iyengar Yoga 7:50-9:20 Underdog Wellness 9:30 Yin Yoga Ashtanga Yoga PanZen 3:45-4:45
kerstin.bangkok@gmail.com www.yoga-of-awareness.com Private classes available
Das PowerHaus Pilates + TRX Reformer, Mat with props, TRX Joanna Brittingham, 089-846-6610 joanna.brittingham@gmail.com FB: @daspowerhausnichada Charity Vinyasa Flow Kelly Poret - yogaporet@yahoo.com
Hatha Yoga w/Katja Kundalini Yoga 7:45-8:30 (Baan Shakti) 7:45-9:15 (Kerstin) Iyengar Yoga Iyengar Yoga 7:50-9:15 7:50-9:20 Underdog Wellness Gong Bath & Meditation 9:30 Mat Pilate 10:15-11:00 (Kerstin) Ashtanga Yoga PanZen 3:45-4:45 Napisa Teen & Tween Yoga **Saturday** 5:00-6:00 pm Charity Vinyasa Flow 8:30-9:30 Das Powerhaus
Meditation Meditation - Dynamic & Vipassana Meditation Monday 9:00-10:30, Terrace Residence/Nichada Thani Teaching, meditation and Q&A Marie Massard, 098-882-8990 (What’s App & Line) marie.massard@gmail.com
Learn TM (Transcendental Meditation) Expert instruction by a 35-year teacher of meditation. Â Contact Ellie: eedelhoff@hotmail.com www.TM.org www.DavidLynchFoundation.org
Sport Masters Swimming - Nichada Pool, Tues & Thurs 7:30-8:30; Contact: Kerstin Wild, kerstin.bangkok@gmail.com Biking - Meet at Sichaitong gate! Weekday rides - Mon & Wed at 7:30 am - Contact: Henrietta Bullinger, hbullinger@gmail.com. Weekend rides - Sat & Sun at 7:00 am - Contact: Chris Oglesby, caoglesby@hotmail.com Tennis with Coach Sagi - Nichada tennis courts; Contact: Sagi Luft, 092-271-2110 or sagiluft@hotmail.com Bollywood Dance Colorful, expressive, exciting & sexy! Morning Class: Friday 11:00am-12:00pm Afternoon Class: Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm Contact Irit: 086-004-4840 or iritmike@gmail.com
Zumba - Chaengwattana Community Church Mon, Wed & Friday FB: Zumba Nichada Thani - Class fee donated to charity!
SpiritDance Learn to move your feet & body to a variety of fun styles of dance and music! Morning Class: Wednesday 11:00am-12:00pm Afternoon Class: Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm Contact Irit: 086-004-4840 or iritmike@gmail.com
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
Nonthaburi & Beyond
Exhibitions and Events
Event: Recycling & Recovery Expo 2020, and APOC Expo 2020 (Air Pollution & Odor Control Expo) Date: Feb. 26-27 Location: BITEC (Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre) Time: 8am-6pm Hall: Grand Hall 202-203 Event: Bangkok Expo (Furniture, electronics, fashion, wedding, food) Date: Feb. 8 - 16 Time: 10:30am - 9pm Location: Impact, Muang Thong Thani Hall: 6-8 Event: Baan & Beyond Expo 2020 (Home care equipment and electrical appliances) Date: Feb. 21- March 1 Location: BITEC (Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre) Time: 10am-10pm Hall: EH 101-104
Calendar of Events
Feb. 7: NNR Tour (Felicia Design, temple), p. 4 Feb. 8: International Family Fair at ISB, p. 26 Feb. 8-16: Bangkok Expo, p. 23 Feb. 9: Makha Bucha Day Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day Feb. 21-March 1: Baan & Beyond Expo, p. 23 Feb. 26-27: Recycling & Recover Expo, p. 23 Feb. 27 - March 1 (Amarin Baby & Kids Fair, p. 23 Event: Amarin Baby & Kids Fair #16 Date: Feb. 27 - March 1 Location: BITEC (Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre) Time: 8am-6pm Hall: 98-99 February 2020
March 2-27: Visual Art Exhibition at ISB, p. 27 March 13-15: Families in Global Transition, p. 27 March 30: Blood Drive, p. 27 March 31: High School Jazz Night , p. 27
T h a n i Ta l k
Did you know that Thani Talk is also online? For archive editions (2012-Present) check out this link: issuu.com/nnrthanitalk
Need Your Thani Talk Magazine? For delivery information, please contact Birgit Sund at: nnrttdist@gmail.com.
Cover Stories: Editor’s Picks
Annual Travel Issue
2014 April: Meet Our Muslim Neighbors 2014 December: 10th Anniversary of the Southeast Asian Tsunami. 2014 September: 20th Anniversary of Nonthaburi Neighborhood Reach (NNR) 2015 December: Religious venues: Meet Our Diverse Community: Worshipping and Living Side by Side 2017 October: In Honor of King Rama IX 2018 April: Growing Trend: Men as Trailing Spouses 2019 March: Discovering Nonthaburi 2019 April: Bangkok Shopping District 2019 Nov.: NNR’s 25th Anniversary
2014 February: Aurora Borealis in Sweden, Bungee Jumping in New Zealand, Beaches of Thailand, Disneyland in Hong Kong. 2015 February: Skiing in Canada, Safari in Tanzania, Safari in South Africa. 2017 February: Ballooning in Myanmar; Motorcycle Roadtrip in Thailand; Hanoi to Sapa in Vietnam; Exploring Kyoto; Iceland by Mini Van. 2018 February: Nepal, Red Lotus Lake in Udon Thani Thailand, Koh Rong Samleon in Cambodia 2019 February: Maldives, Dubai, Train to Laos, Cruise to New Zealand and Australia, Day Trips: Snorkeling in Sattahip, Maeklong Railway Market
Cover Stories: News Round Ups 2015 September: International Clubs in Bangkok 2016 October : Charities and Volunteering 2015 November: Sports Roundup 2016 March: Libraries of Bangkok 2018 March & October, 2019 Oct.: Interest Groups 2018, 2019 September: Mega Edition, Grapevine tips
Annual Farewell Issue: (Each May)
PEOPLE: Profiles 2014 Sept: Alex Janney, owner of Que Pasa 2016 Apr: Rose Marie Wanchupela, Rose Marie Academy 2016 Nov: Bruno Marchal, owner, Le Bouchon. 2017 Feb: Cherry Thamthai, owner Cherry Sweet Kitchen. 2017 Sept: K Veerapong Netiwinyoo, owner, New York Diner. 2018 Apr: Delfin Solomon, founder of Comedy Den 2019 Feb: Jum Chemnasira, owner, OC Organic Shop
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
ISB International School Bangkok
Upcoming events at ISB Arts, sports, educational and cultural events open to the public.
Pathways Career Fair MPB | 6 Feb | 10:25am-12:00pm
ISB is hosting a Pathways Career Fair and we are asking current professionals or businesses in Thailand to join a panel discussion and fair for ISB High School students. It is a chance for you to share your experiences and expertise with students who are currently navigating their choices of study and career. Are you interested in being involved?
You can register your interest here.
International Family Fair (IFF) ISB | 8 Feb | 3-7:30pm
Your ISB PTA is happy to welcome you back to a fun filled new edition of the International Community Fair on February 8th. We have new and exciting games lined up + a dedicated separate section & bouncy castle for the little ones. And as always, A games section to support HS charities fundraisers as well as the IFF Raffle & well loved Country Basket auction!
Families in Global Transition ISB | 13-15 March
Registrations are open for the Families in Global Transition Conference at ISB. This conference is for anyone who has experienced transition and the challenges that can come from it and who are open to learning for personal, family community growth, success and well-being. https://www.figt.org/2020-Conference
ES Visual Art Exhibition Chevron Foyer | 2-27 March
Elementary Art welcomes you to our annual March Exhibition! Every K-5 artist is exhibiting and looking forward to sharing their wonderful work. The artwork will be displayed in the Chevron Theater Foyer, ES Office, and the Central Administration Office. We hope you can make it, as it will continue until March 27th!
Blood Drive MPB 2-3 | 30 March | 9am-3pm
Donating blood to save life is one of the greatest donations. It is a safe procedure for person aged 17-65 years who passed the blood donation criteria.
High School Jazz Night MPB | 31 March | 6:30pm
ISB’s annual Jazz Night Concert will take place in the MPB on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 beginning at 6:30 pm.
Follow us to find out more about ISB events
ISB International School Bangkok
MARCH 2020
A Fastfood Ferrari on a Go-Kart Track : An Interview with The Slider Shack Owner Mark J. Grygiel Diners describe it as serving the ‘best burgers and dogs in Bangkok.’ The owner describes it as a ‘Ferrari on a gokart track.’ ‘It’ refers to The Slider Shack, an American-style burger joint just outside Nichada Thani’s main gate, whose hole-in-the-wall feel belies the gems that it dishes out. From hamburgers, smoked meat sandwiches, custom hot dogs and ‘World Famous Tater Tots,’ The Slider Shack offers a taste of authentic Americana thousands of kilometers from the source. A reviewer on TripAdvisor describes Slider Shack’s signature BBQ sandwich as “not ‘close’ to real BBQ; not ‘reminiscent’ of BBQ. It is great BBQ exactly like you find in Texas.” Mark J. Grygiel, The Slider Shack’s owner, was born in Chicago but grew up in Dallas, Texas. He comes by his trade honestly – his father was a professional butcher, who brought home high quality meats for the family to enjoy. Later, smoking and barbequing meat became a hobby that Mark enjoyed on the weekends with friends during American football season, but he hadn’t planned on running a specialized BBQ and burger restaurant in northern Bangkok. So how did he get here? Why Bangkok, why BBQ and why burgers? Like many expatriates, who now call Thailand home, Mark was drawn to Bangkok by a sense of adventure. In college, he had taken time off to tour Thailand with some friends and liked it. He moved to Bangkok two years after graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, working first as an English teacher and gradually making his way into the corporate sector. “I didn’t plan on staying here,” Mark explains, “but I just kept getting better and better jobs - eventually spending five years as a consultant for the international law firm, Baker McKenzie.” By 2005, Mark was feeling itchy. “I got bored working in an office. I thought to myself, ‘I don’t want to work in this environment, but I like Thailand.’ So, I enlisted Baker McKenzie’s help to start my own business doing something I knew and loved. I’d worked in restaurants for 13 years in the U.S., and I was good at a specific kind of American food, so I set up a sandwich shop.” Although Mark was living near Siam Square at the time, he learned of Nichada Thani from a fellow golfer and ISB teacher and thought that Samakkee Road in Pakkred would make a good starting point from which to serve the area’s relatively concentrated American community. His first concept, BBQ Sandwich King (located near Jum’s Nails and the badminton courts on Samakkee Road), focused on Mark’s specialty of smoked meat 28
sandwiches such as smoked chicken breast and smoked pork tenderloin, served with his Texas-style BBQ sauce and pickles and onions. The restaurant received good reviews, but Mark chose another tack: “A business plan never goes according to plan, and I realized that the BBQ Sandwich King concept was not the way forward. Burgers are such an iconic food item and more people are familiar with them, so they’re more sellable. Also, I wanted to broaden the menu to appeal to the diversity of the community out here. At the same time, I noticed that a shop was vacant just outside Nichada’s main gate, so I took the opportunity to rebrand and relocate.” Ironically, Mark’s strategy not only attracted more expatriate customers, it also appealed to a growing number of local Thais. They now comprise about 20 percent of his business. These days, Mark’s menu serves everything from sliders to salads, while still staying true to his specialty, the BBQ sandwiches, which he makes in-house with his own smoker. He even has a ‘Secret Menu’ for vegetarians and others with particular food requests. “I want customers to know that we do our best to maintain good customer service. If we can do it, we’ll do it, but it’s difficult to be perfect every day.” The Slider Shack is open 7 days a week. It’s very likely that Mark will be there to greet you.
T h a n i Ta l k
Laura Dodge
Slider Shack Hours: Sun. – Thurs (11am to 8pm) Fri. - Sat. (11am to 9pm) Tel: 086-773-4140 February 2020
(Below, rt.) Mark takes pride in his barbeque smoker and the hickory and apple wood chips he uses for his signature wood-smoked barbeque sandwiches. He has two staff members but seldom takes time off. When he does take a break, it’s for a round of golf or a fishing trip. (Bottom, rt.) The giant arapaima he caught on one trip is a source of pride. (Left) Kevin Snook, his long-time loyal customer, lives downtown but stops by when possible to pick up take-out orders for his family. Mark, 53, celebrates The Slider Shack’s 10th anniversay at its current location this year. Said he, “I like this business because it’s food that makes people happy.”
(Above) Customers give thumbs up to The Slider Shack: (lt.to rt) Aaron Eggleston loves the toasted bun on his favorite -the LA Tommy Lee burger, “It’s wonderful!” Rachelle Eggleston is a big fan of the tater tots. Sarah Lifferth: “The burgers are good every time.” February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Heard It Through the Grapevine
Heard It Through the Grapevine
This column offers a chance to share all those good finds and tips that are helpful to others. If you have tips to share, please send them to Liz at nnrnews@gmail.com.
Registration Expediter If you need help navigating the labyrinth of Thai bureaucracy to register or transfer a vehicle, obtain a work or retirement visa, or take the bold move of becoming a Thai citizen, Mr. Nakul Thanirananon, aka Khun Ta, is your man. Although a local by birth, Khun Ta spent 32 years in Perth working for the Australian government and is intimately familiar with both Thai and Western cultures. In 2011, he returned to Thailand to retire with his partner, an American formerly employed at ISB, and began making friends with other Nichada Thani residents. It wasn’t long before Khun Ta started helping Nichada and other expats to process the tedious paperwork required for daily living in Thailand. Khun Ta has since expanded his business (he has clients in both Phuket and Bangkok) and now offers expatriates in Nichada and beyond a range of bureaucracy-related services at reasonable rates and with a personality that turns what might be an aggravating experience into a pleasant one. Laura Dodge
Khun Ta can be reached via phone or text at: 081 755 3125, or via email at: tapiriver @yahoo.com
Mom-and-Pop Bike Repair Shop Offers Convenience For major bicycle repairs, there’s a variety of big shops that specialize in the service. (i.e. AIM Bike, Nut’s Bike Shop, etc.) But if you just need a small neighborhood bike shop where you can pump up your tires or get minor repairs, then Khun Suwit’s little home-based shop near Sayan Vet Clinic can be a convenient option. He is open from 7am to 6:30pm, except on Friday mornings when he goes to prayers at the local mosque. Filling a tire with air costs 2 baht per tire. Changing an inner tube cost 100 baht. He also repairs bike chains and installs baskets on bikes. For motorcycles, he does only simple checks and fills tires. Although the services offered are simple and basic, customers get the satisfaction of supporting a neighborhood business. 32
T h a n i Ta l k
Liz Lu February 2020
Heard It Through the Grapevine
Prime Legal Services We have used Prime Legal Services to help us obtain our annual retirement visas. We have used their services for years as they have been the primary provider of these services for Unocal/Chevron during my employment. They provide a list of all of the paperwork required and check your paperwork to ensure it complies with the ever-changing Department of Immigration requirements prior to your visit. On the day you file your paperwork, a representative from Prime Legal will accompany you and walk you through the process. This has made this stressful day much less so. We tried to do this on our own once and we ended up going to Immigration three times without success. We highly recommend using their services. Chris Oglesby
Chanpen Laoharawee Prime Legal Services Ltd. 1213/380 Soi Ladprao 94, Bangkok Tel: 66-2559-3155-6; Fax: 66-2559-3157 email:chanpen@primelegalservices.com
Frame Shop Highly Recommended
For those looking for a quality frame company, I would fully recommend Bangkok Frame as it is the first company I have found that can do gallery and archival quality prints and frames. Their prints are limited to canvas prints, but these are really good. The quality of the frames meet the high standards I need for my art originals and limited edition prints. They have a few locations at Jas Ramintra and The Nine malls. However, their branch which makes all the February 2020
frames is by the side of The Mall Ramkhamhang 3 (Tel: 02-718-7001). If you are looking for somewhere closer, there is a place in Central Chaengwattana with some very basic frames. There’s another custom frame shop on the road to BigC/HomePro. If you keep on going straight over the bridge it’s about 1km on your left. If you find any other good spots let me know!!
T h a n i Ta l k
Martin Reid 33
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Community News
Beergasm Moves to Oasis and Thrives
(Above, lt. to rt.) Chef Ballno and one of his Beergasm partners Khun Sophas Sungthong.
Beergasm restauant and bar, formerly located on the bypass road between Nichada and HomePro, moved to the Oasis shopping center on Samakkee Road on Dec. 3. The move has meant good business for the six young partners, all of whom are engineering graduates of King Mongkut’s University of Technology. Some still hold day jobs, but others, such as civil engineer turned chef Thanaporn Nuanyong (a.k.a. Ballno), 35, is at Beergasm full time. Each partner offers expertise in a special area: Ballno is the chef, two are passionate about craft beer, one is a musician, one offers marketing skills, and the newest partner is an electrical engineer who contributes as a technician. Back in February 2017, the friends were in search of an exciting entrepreneurial venture and opened the original Beergasm on the bypass road. But when a neighboring business set up tables and chairs in front of their bar and took over the parking area as well, Beergasm saw its own business drop. They soon found the cylindrical building at the Oasis shopping center which once housed Scoozi Pizzeria Italiana restaurant. The partners, now joined by a former customer, also a King Mongkut engineering graduate, quickly moved their bar and restaurant to the Oasis. At its new location, Beergasm is seeing a spike in its business, Chef Ballno said happily. There is also plenty of parking for customers. Live music on Friday and Saturday nights is also a draw. Chef Ballno, who worked in restaurants in Australia for 36
Beergasm Oasia Center, Samakkee Road, Pakkred Open 7 days a week. 5pm - midnight
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
Community News four years, said he made the engineer-to-chef career switch after deciding to pursue his true passion. As a child, he said, “I was a kitchenhand for my grandmother, and I loved that.” At Beergasm, Chef Ballno specializes in smoked barbeque, and he said they are selling well at the Oasis location. As for the very special name for their bar and restaurant, Chef Ballno pointed to his business partner Khun Sophas. “The name is Beergasm because of his passion with craft beers.” “The best of the best beer in the world—we package for you here,” said Chef Ballno. “The highest point for the beer.” Yup, the young business partners combined the words “orgasm” with “beer” because, as a large sign on the restaurant wall reminds customers: the Beergasm bar is all about “The climatic moment when you take the first sip at the end of the day.” On a recent Saturday night, Nichada residents Kiki O’Connor visited Beergasm with her husband Niall and her mother, who was visiting Thailand. They all loved the relaxed and comfortable vibe. Kiki and Niall remember Beergasm’s old location and enjoy the bigger new venue. “ I think this is fabulous,” said Kiki.
She then shared a story of how they were pleasantly surprised by Beergasm’s special service that night. Although Beergasm didn’t have white wine on hand that evening, when Kiki’s mother asked for it, the staff went above and beyond the call of duty to find and bring in white wine for her, said Kiki. “That’s a feather in their cap,” she said. Liz Lu
Thai Retailers Start 2020 by Banning Single-Use Plastic Bags However, street hawkers are still using plastic bags, and lots of them, for everything from sticky rice, to grilled chicken and fish, to roasted corn and stir-fries. One solution may be to bring our own containers for the items we buy from street vendors. Liz Lu
The Nation
The Nation
On January 1, 2020, major retailers in Thailand stopped using single-use plastic bags. The new policy came into effect after much lobbying by activists who warned of the environmental impact of plastics pollution. In June 2018, a pilot whale died in southern Thailand after eating more than 80 plastic bags and other plastic trash. Beginning on new year’s day, 2020, stores such as supermarkets, department stores and 7-Eleven shops stopped providing single-use plastic shopping bags. As a result, shoppers began bringing an assortment of alternatives such as cloth bags, buckets, huge shoulder bags, and even push carts.
February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Community News
NNR January Tour, Chinatown: Year of the Rat Celebrations
Nonthaburi Neighbhorhood Reach (NNR) hosted a walking tour to celebrate Chinese New Year. It truly was a walking tour with us getting off the bus at the Yodpiman indoor flower market and not getting back on until we reached the amazing Wat Mangkokn (Dragon Flower Temple) around 7 kilometres later. Bangkok has a strong Chinese community which pre dates the beginning of Bangkok as the Thai capital. Interestingly, where the Grand Palace is today was originally used as a place of trade by the Chinese community. In 1782, when King Rama I decided to move the capital from Thonburi across the river to Bangkok and build the Grand Palace, he asked Chinese traders to move, and they eventually settled around Yaowarat Road where the hub of Chinatown is today. Our second stop was Wat Chakrawat which is also 38
known as the Crocodile Temple due to its permanent crocodile residents on site. We also learnt that crocodiles once inhabited both sides of the Chao Phraya River back when Ayutthaya was the nation’s capital. We sauntered through the Sampeng market which is known for selling textiles as well as various toys, gadgets and accessories. We then stopped off at Tang to Kang Gold shop which was housed in a seven story building that was built in the 1880s and is the oldest gold shop in Bangkok. We saw many other sites and interesting places before stopping for lunch at the The Seafood Cafe. Our last stop was the Dragon Flower Temple which is the main centre of Chinese New Year and is definitely worth visiting as it has a maze of colourful and interesting
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
Community News
shrines. It is said that if you pay homage to all of them you will have good luck in life, health, business and family life. During the day we noticed many stall owners burning joss paper bank notes. In Buddhism, these fake bank notes are burned in order to have an afterlife. We also smelled beautiful incense burning in these shrines. The burning and scent are not only used as offerings but also to burn away your negative qualities. Chinatown is sensory overload, we experienced many market stalls, colourful fruits, aromatic spice, medicine and tea stalls, whizzing tuk tuks, quiet temples and overcrowded temples as the day went on. It was a fantastic walking tour that enabled us to really feel part of the New Year celebrations. Thank you so much to Pascale and Maida, NNR Tour leaders, for such an informative tour. Natalie Wills February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
Community News After The Boxes Group Hosts Spring Semester Trips for Newcomers The volunteer group After The Boxes (ATB) kicked off 2020 with a series of fun activities for spring semester newcomers to the community. Orientation began with a January 14 Welcome Coffee Morning, after which ATB leaders took newcomers on a golf cart tour of the neighborhood, stopping at the White Elephant Thrift Shop for a shopping spree. A week later, ATB leaders treated newcomers to River Taxi Tour and introduced them to Chinatown to enjoy Chinese New Year festivities there. On Friday January 24, ATB hosted its monthly Birthday Celebration for neighbors at Que Pasa and handed out five 100-baht vouchers donated by Que Pasa owner Alex Janney. ATB was scheduled to wrap up its spring semester tours on January 31 with a trip to explore Bangkok’s famous Chatuchak Market. For more information about ATB activities and volunteering opportunities, contact co-leader Livonia Winkles, or any of the other ATB team members (Kelly Mott, Jen Ludlow, Stacey Byrne, Kandes Tobin, Jill Ebert) at: aftertheboxesnichada@gmail.com. Liz Lu
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
SPINE SURGERY Precise -- Minimally invasive -- Fast recovery
Bumrungrad International Hospital’s surgeon utilize robotic surgical systems to increase safety for each patient. For more information, please contact us at 02 011 5999
The Spine Institute
Bumrungrad International Hospital Bumrungrad International
February 2020
Bumrungrad Hospital
T h a n i Ta l k
Feature: Thai Culture Thai Culture Corner:
Mount Meru: A Simple Shape and the Center of the Cosmic Universe!
There is a scavenger hunt that you and your family or guests can participate in whenever you explore Thailand. It is the hunt for the spired shape of Mount Meru, sacred in both Buddhism and Hinduism. The symbolic shape of this sacred mountain can be found everywhere. Once you begin to appreciate the significance of Mount Meru, you may find its peak on the logo of your package of jasmine rice, in a royal crown or throughout a sacred wat. It is reflected in the shape of the stupa, the leaf of a Bodhi tree, and the lotus bud. It is also seen in the enlightened flame that adorns the Buddha image. It is the idealized shape of Mount Meru, and it exists throughout the kingdom as an homage to the home of the gods, the center of the cosmic universe and the single point of consciousness. Buddhist and Hindu texts refer to Mount Meru (also called Sumeru in Sanskrit or Sineru in Pali) as a sacred mountain in the center of the physical and spiritual universe. The Pali Canon records the historical Buddha speaking about it as it is the single point of consciousness that we may aspire to realize. The actual mountain, Mount Kailash, is in India and the oldest reference was written by the scholar Vasubandhu in the 4th or 5th century. In Thailand during the Sukhothai era (1238 - 1438 A.D.), Phaya Lithai, the first Thai 42
monarch to also be ordained as a Buddhist monk, created a comprehensive study that included three planes of the universe including the heavens. The “Thriphunikatha, later called “Traiphum,” also describes Mount Meru’s topography in great physical detail. A simple translation calls Mount Meru “a five-peaked golden mountain that stands like a mandala in the center of the universe as the axis of the world.” Many temple sites are designed to reflect the cosmology including Angkor Wat, Borobudur and Wat Arun in Thailand. Mount Meru is also said to be the abode of gods. A cross-section is frequently seen painted behind the main Buddha image in many Thai wats and is represented in paintings and art throughout Asia. Here in Thailand, Mount Meru is an important part of the realm and reality of Buddhism. The peak of the shape transcends the physical and represents the human potential to raise our awareness to a single point, which is why this simple shape is so powerful. With the symbol of Mount Meru in mind, you may suddenly spot its sacred shape all around you in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia. Enjoy your scavenger hunt!
T h a n i Ta l k
Kelly Kabat February 2020
Feature: Thai Culture
Echos of Mount Meru Where to look: Here are just a few of the hundreds of places and things in which you might begin to notice the symbolic shape of Mount Meru in Thailand, and once you do, you will enjoy being aware of its presence and significance. • A lotus bud, which symbolizes purity and the birth of Buddha. • A stupa or chedi, the symbol for Buddha’s enlightened mind and presence. • The royal regalia: the nine-tiered parasol • The leaf of the Bodhi tree, and sometimes the tree, where it is said Prince Siddhartha reached enlightenment. • The bai sema stones that designate the sacred boundaries of an ubosot within a wat. • A bai sri floral arrangement in front of a Buddha image • The tops of royal and sacred Thai designs • Rice bowls and ceramics • The finials on Buddha images, elephant posts, and other decorative uses • Peaked Sak Yant tattoos and designs • Thai architecture, wats, buildings, embellishments
February 2020
T h a n i Ta l k
T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
Nonthaburi Neighborhood Reach
Join the NNR Team! Positions on the NNR Board opening up in June. Interested in giving back to the community? Contact: NNRThaiChair@ gmail.com
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T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
Magic Years International School provides a challenging program that balances the body, mind and soul, understanding that they are of equal importance to nurture each individual as a lifelong learner.
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T h a n i Ta l k
February 2020
Restaurant Review
Teppen Japanese Restaurant Sathorn, Bangkok
Teppen is located close to the corner of Sathorn and Narathiwat roads. It’s a fun, lively, and delicious Japanese restaurant. As you walk up the path towards the front door, you’ll soon realize that all of the staff will stop what they are doing and shout a greeting to you in Japanese and Thai. It is equal parts unsettling and extremely welcoming to have 10-12 people waving and bowing at you for about 10 seconds as you arrive. On the menu it says “Food People Entertainment”, accurately describing the experience at Teppen. As for food, there is a large menu with a variety of Japanese specialties. The place is a warayaki izakaya which is a “cooking method by grilling the surface of ingredients by burning rice straw.” When dishes are cooked warayaki style, the staff all shout another chant as the dry grass catches fire in the center of the restaurant. It’s quite dramatic! A variety of dishes are available this way including wagyu beef, pork chops and eel. Very fresh and tasty sushi is also available. The Teppen salmon set is a favorite (750 thb – for sharing) featuring salmon sashimi, salmon warayaki, toro of salmon, etc. There are a variety of Japanese-style omelets available, including a delicious one with uni sauce (dashimaki). You can sample a variety of seafood dishes cooked robata yaki style (grilled). There are many other options including soups, salads, and desserts. Two of my all-time favorites are the Wagyu steak February 2020
kaiden (599 baht) – Wagyu steak with pickled egg in a nampla dipping sauce, and the salmon donburi w/ premium egg (299 baht). I wouldn’t have imagined that egg yolk mixed with salmon sashimi and rice would be so yummy, but it’s amazing. Even my kids love it! There is a huge selection of sake. There is also a selection of wine, beer and flavored beers. There are hundreds of Japanese restaurants in Bangkok, and this place is quite far from Nichada. However, I’d argue that it is still worth checking out. The food is fresh and fantastic. Considering the quality, the prices are very reasonable. There are many wait staff who are extremely attentive, making every customer feel like a VIP. They especially love kids and will lavish attention on them. With the constant bonfires, greetings, goodbyes, and happy birthday dances, the place is a lot of fun. It’s a great night out. The place is large, with seating for roughly 100 people. However, it gets quite crowded so it is advisable to arrive early or make a reservation. The place is actually located on Sathorn Soi 6. Parking is available nearby in the Sathorn Thani complex. https://www.facebook.com/TeppenThailand/
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John Marinos 49
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