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Press Information

GLATT&VERKEHRT Festival 2024

Krems - Spitz - Göttweig

GLATT&VERKEHRT FESTIVAL (July 12 to 28, 2024)




Ver. 23.04. (subject to changes)


Music is encounter.

Music needs a counterpart. It is about hearing and listening. Since its very beginnings, Glatt&Verkehrt, the festival for contemporary musical ideas from all around the globe, has always been a place of encounters between musicians from different regions of the world who create something new together. Encounters between artists and the audience. Encounters between the audience and previously unheard music.

For the 28th edition of Glatt&Verkehrt, festival director Albert Hosp and curator Johann Kneihs explicitly chose the title “Encounters.” Because: “Sometimes, we have to concentrate on the seemingly obvious and celebrate it. The handsome little ‘&’ sign is an intrinsic part of Glatt&Verkehrt’s DNA. In 2024, you’ll come across it more often than ever!” says Hosp. “The concert programme is even denser than in previous years. Soloists, duos, and trios share the stage for double concerts or joint projects. Austrian premieres feature unusual formations of local artists. But it doesn’t always have to be a specially developed collaborative project. The mere fact that two soloists share the stage, take turns playing their music in the same set-up, and listen to each other creates a unique atmosphere.”

Two legendary bards open the festival on July 12 in Spitz Castle: Hans Theessink, who, quite unbelievably, joins us at Glatt&Verkehrt for the first time, shares the stage in the castle courtyard with Ustad Noor Bakhsh from Pakistan (Austrian debut).

The following day, the voice of Catalan singer Magalí Sare will resonate in the Renaissance courtyard. Sare, together with double bassist Manel Fortià, will encounter the Norwegian duo with Bosnian-Serbian roots Meskovic & Lazar on the concert evening of July 13

The same weekend: Evelyn Fink-Mennel and her international team, along with some 70 participants, kick off the Music Workshop at Göttweig Abbey with a focus on folk music from the Alps to Brazil and from Sweden to the Balkans. On July 19, the outcomes will be presented at the esteemed Workshop Reprises

From July 24 to 28, the festival will then head to Sandgrube 13 in Krems for five densely programmed days, where Leyla McCalla, Beth Malcolm, and Mari Kalkun will enjoy their Austrian debuts on the atmospheric courtyard stage of Winzer Krems. After the cancellation of Oumou Sangare due to injury we are happy to welcome another iconic band from western Africa: The iconic band Orchestra Baobab from Senegal plays on july, 27 at the fesitvalBeate Wiesinger with her new project whIm has elaborated new works together with the Croatian duo Dunjaluk, while Ernst Molden composed a new song cycle on the theme of birdsong for the festival. In between, Scotland and Wales as well as Estonia and Norway meet up for friendly international face-offs.

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems an der Donau,

GLATT&VERKEHRT Festival 2024

Krems - Spitz - Göttweig

Ver. 23.04. (subject to changes)

On the topic of jazz history: John Scofield and Dave Holland meet up for a laid-back duo set. A generation younger, but already making history of his own, is Daniel Herskedal with his unrivalled tuba prowess. His instrument is part of this year’s Glatt&Verkehrt logo, which morphs together with a Nordic string instrument.

Like every year, our festival partner Ö1 will cover all our concerts at Sandgrube 13. Incidentally, Ö1 is working on a double CD with highlights from the 2022 and 2023 festivals.

Below, you will find an initial PROGRAMME OVERVIEW with the concerts at Spitz Castle and Winzer Krems.

The COMPLETE PROGRAMME, including an accompanying programme with artist talks, table music, and –this year for the first time! – two morning concerts, will be announced on May 26

On this day, there will once again be a programme presentation with live music at Vienna's Radiokulturhaus (7:00 – 8:15 pm). An invitation will follow.

GLATT&VERKEHRT FESTIVAL (July 12 to 28, 2024)


Leyla McCalla | Orchestra Baobab | Tęgie Chłopy | Ernst Molden | John Scofield & Dave Holland | Dunjaluk | whIm | Mari Kalkun | Lakha Khan | Ustad Noor Bakhsh | Hans Theessink | Ensamble B11 | VRÏ and many more

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems an der Donau,

GLATT&VERKEHRT Festival 2024

Krems - Spitz - Göttweig


Spitz Castle

Friday, 12.07., 7 pm, Spitz Castle | Open-air in all weather

Ustad Noor Bakhsh / Hans Theessink

Ver. 23.04. (subject to changes)

Legendary bards of their trade: the troubadour from Balochistan in western Pakistan, honoured with the title “Ustad” (master), and the Dutch-born Austrian “master of blues.” A solo by Theessink means guitar and voice. That’s all it takes. Ustad Noor Bakhsh plays the extraordinary benju with gripping virtuosity. Groove times two and a long overdue festival debut!

Austrian debut for Ustad Noor Bakhsh

Saturday, 13.07., 7 pm, Spitz Castle | Open-air in all weather

Almir Meskovic & Daniel Lazar / Magalí Sare & Manel Fortià

Music of the North enriches the sounds of the duo Lazar/Meskovic – the violinist from Serbia and the accordionist from Bosnia found each other in Norway, their home of choice. The encounter between the expressive voice of Magalí Sare and the double bass talent Manel Fortià is no less captivating and full of wit – traditional music from Catalonia meets songs from Latin America.

Austrian debut

Sunday, 14.07., 11:00 am, Spitz Castle | Open-air in all weather

Emmy Steiner: DACHS (Badger). A piece for children 5+

Painted in black-and-white make-up, dancer and choreographer Emmy Steiner embodies an encounter with a badger who mostly lives hidden in the night when human children are asleep. She pantomimes a portrait of our invisible companion, who – by the way – is also a good dancer. Steiner is musically backed by Anna Tsombanis on saxophone. “The spirit animal badger shows us how to conquer our fears” (Emmy Steiner).

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems an der Donau,

GLATT&VERKEHRT Festival 2024

Krems - Spitz - Göttweig

Göttweig Abbey

Friday, 19.07., 6 pm, Göttweig Abbey

Workshop Reprises

Ver. 23.04. (subject to changes)

Eight instructors from all around the world spent a week teaching beats and tunes from Belgium, Brazil, Burgenland, Croatia, Bosnia, South Tyrol, and Vorarlberg in the workshops. The intensive rehearsal phase comes to a close in a grand finale, the Workshop Reprises, in front of an audience. Weather permitting, the fabulous closing event takes place in different rooms of the monastery or outdoors.

Krems an der Donau

Wednesday, 24.07., from 7 pm, Winzer Krems

Tęgie Chłopy

“Dance fever like in the 60s!” That’s what it says, tongue-in-cheek, on the nine-piece band’s third album Dansing Their music from the rural area around the Polish city of Kielce overwhelms with its power, and their hazy blue notes are reminiscent of brass bands from New Orleans. This is what makes Tęgie Chłopy one of Poland’s musical sensations of recent years.

Austrian debut

Leyla McCalla

She sings traditional songs from the American South as if they were her own creations. Of Haitian descent, she was born in New York, raised in Ghana, among other places, and now lives in New Orleans. The music of this singer, cellist, and banjo player is centred around the theme of identity and other pressing issues of our time, a protest against racism and a critique of the capitalist spirit.

Austrian debut

Thursday, 25.07., from 7 pm, Winzer Krems

whIm / Dunjaluk: One Page Songs

A trio delegation from Beate Wiesinger’s band Echo Boomer meets our artists in residence, the duo Dunjaluk from Zagreb. After short individual sets, they set off together. Departing from succinct sound propositions that fit on a sheet of music, their combined improvisations crystallise into “One Page Songs.” Bosnian Sevdah meets Jimi Hendrix meets Space Pop meets Mantra!

World premiere, composition commissioned by Ö1, in cooperation with AIR – ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Niederösterreich

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems an der Donau,

GLATT&VERKEHRT Festival 2024

Krems - Spitz - Göttweig

John Scofield & Dave Holland

Ver. 23.04. (subject to changes)

The Englishman Dave Holland and the American John Scofield have three wonderful things in common: an unmistakable sound full of groove and swing, which confidently transcends stylistic frontiers. A soft spot for simple, even folk melodies. And years of study with Miles Davis. They have long since become grand masters themselves and mentors for others. Relaxed sounds from a duo of the absolute premium class.

Friday, 26.07., from 7 pm, Winzer Krems

Beth Malcolm / VRï

Scottish vocals meets Welsh chamber folk. VRï are “audio archaeologists from deepest, darkest Wales” who explore a time when traditional music, language, and dance were suppressed. The result, however, is wonderfully sunny music that makes your heart beat faster. And this certainly holds true for Beth Malcolm’s voice, which was honoured by the BBC as “Scots Singer of the Year 2023.”

Austrian debut

Ensamble B11

Radiant vocal polyphony and spine-tingling percussion: this young band breathes fresh air into the Afro-Venezuelan scene. The list of rhythms and genres alone encapsulates an impressive diversity: calypsos, tambora gaitas, tambor culo’e puya, parrandas, lavandera. Venezuela and the Caribbean region at its doorstep are synonymous with exciting musical syncretism.

Austrian debut

Saturday, 27.07., from 7 pm, Winzer Krems

Mari Kalkun / Daniel Herskedal

Estonia meets Norway: Dark, luminous harmonies, gently flowing rhythms, music full of warmth and expanse, deep-rooted and thoroughly groovy. When Mari Kalkun performs her austere orchestrations, old folk melodies become timeless songs. And when Daniel Herskedal feeds the deep sounds of his tuba into the loop generator, we are instantly enveloped in his chords.

Oumou Sangaré

For 35 years, she has been the voice of West African women. She combines the tradition of her self-confident home region of Wassoulou with contemporary sounds and a commitment to empowerment, responsibility, and tolerance. Because discrimination, repression, and violence are not a matter of fate – a message that has inspired millions of people, especially women, and made her a role model for stars like Beyoncé.

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems an der Donau,

GLATT&VERKEHRT Festival 2024

Krems - Spitz - Göttweig

Sunday, 28.07., from 7 pm, Winzer Krems

Ver. 23.04. (subject to changes)

Lakha Khan / Martin Leitner, Bodo Hell, Georg Vogel: Natur-Aufnahme (Nature Recordings)

Padma Shri Lakha Khan is recognised as the undisputed master of music from Rajasthan. After his early fame in the 1960s and 70s, he is now celebrating a worldwide comeback in his seventies. In the second half of the concert, texts by poet Bodo Hell, field recordings by sound designer Martin Leitner, and Georg Vogel’s self-built microtonal clavitone merge into the sound narrative Nature


Austrian debut for Lakha Khan

Ernst Molden: Fliagl

An evening for the birds! Ernst Molden, for many one of the most important and versatile songwriters in contemporary Austrian language, has composed a new song cycle about his feathered friends – for the sparrow, the pigeon, and the whole flock. Presented, sung, and performed by the “strange birds,” a musical all-star cast.

World premiere

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems an der Donau,

Press Information

GLATT&VERKEHRT Festival 2024

Krems - Spitz - Göttweig

Event Venues

Spitz Castle, Schlossgasse 3

3620 Spitz an der Donau

Winzer Krems, Sandgrube 13

3500 Krems an der Donau

Stift Göttweig

Stift Göttweig 1

3511 Furth

Tickets and Info

Festival und Kino GmbH Ticket Office

State Gallery of Lower Austria, Museumsplatz 1, 3500 Krems

Ticket and Info Hotline: +43 (0) 2732 / 90 80 33,

Press Contact

Barbara Pluch, +43 (0) 664 60499322

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH

Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems

Press Photos

Artists 2024

Ver. 23.04. (subject to changes)

Glatt&Verkehrt Festival Atmosphere and Venues

NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Minoritenplatz 5, 3500 Krems an der Donau,

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