Dates 2024
Opening Days
June 29 & 30, 10 am – 6 pm, free entrance
Grand Opening – A Space for Dreams
Artistic interventions, workshops, open labs, and talks with Aglaia Gronas, Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler, Leyla Kampeter, Andreas [LUPO] Lubich, Andrea Maurer, mischer’traxler, Regina Möller, Karolina Potębska, Jakub Szczęsny, and others.
Summer opening hours July 3–28, 2024: Wed–Sun, 10 am to 4 pm, free admission Workshops, open labs, and guided tours prior to exhibition
Summer Break
July 29 – September 12, 2024
Exhibition dream.lab by Rivane Neuenschwander
Sept. 13–15, 10 am – 6 pm, free entrance
Opening day with accompanying programme
Opening times from Sept. 17: Tue–Sun, 10 am – 5 pm
Only Children Change the World Cooperation event with Tangente St. Pölten Sept. 20, 5 pm
Can Institutions Learn (to Get Going)? Nov. 21 & 22
The Opening Days at KinderKunstLabor
The time has come: A new institution for contemporary art opens its doors – the KinderKunstLabor. And the special thing is: Everything here revolves around a young audience up to the age of 12.
On the opening days June 29 and 30 and throughout July, visitors are invited to take a first look at the new building, the permanent art installations in Altoonapark, and the artistically designed areas inside. What’s more: The work La Dolce Utopia by Maurizio Cattelan and Philippe Parreno will be on show for the first time in Austria. There’s also a variety of activities, open labs, guided tours, and workshops – first encounters that speak to all of your senses and all generations. In keeping with our motto “expect the unexpected,” guests are encouraged to paint entire rooms, build massive clay sculptures with friends and family, make their own books, and go climbing on a six-metre-high net.
We look forward to welcoming our many visitors!

Contemporary Art & Children

The KinderKunstLabor is a place of encounters between children, contemporary art, and artists. The building was designed by architects Schenker Salvi Weber. Around three exhibitions per year, open labs, workshops, performances, and guided tours invite children to experience art in new ways. With the KinderKunstLabor, we present an artistic space that does not otherwise exist in this form. Children have their say in Children’s Advisory Groups and the art ideas workshop as active users of the building at all levels. In this way, the KinderKunstLabor becomes their own place. The first major exhibition is dream.lab by Brazilian artist Rivane Neuenschwander.
Pass by and discover the new KinderKunstLabor!

Outdoor Sculptures and Art Installations Inside
The Altoonapark surrounding the KinderKunstLabor is transforming into a sensual experience of art, movement, and adventure. The KinderKunstLabor features six permanent sculptures and installations. Four of them are located in the Altoonapark. The other two artistic installations inside the building can be visited during opening hours: the Archipelago play area for toddlers, especially conceived for children up to the age of 6, and the climbing net Toshi’s Gift おくリもの for children up to the age of 12.
Archipelago by Jakub Szczęsny in collaboration with Karolina Potębska and studio-itzo (Yoko Halbwidl, Martina Schiller, Rainer Stadlbauer)
AJBuchstabentheater (Alphabet Theatre) by Andrea Maurer
Toshis Geschenk おくリもの (Toshi’s Gift) by Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam
Spiel-Skulptur (Play-Sculpture) by Regina Möller
CO:CO by Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler
Zuckerhut (Sugar Loaf) by mischer’traxler
La Dolce Utopia by Maurizio Cattelan and Philippe Parreno (on June 29 & 30 only)
The sculptures CO:CO and Buchstabentheater were developed in cooperation with Public Art Lower Austria (KOERNOE). The Spiel-Skulptur (Play-Sculpture) by Regina Müller is a loan from KOERNOE.
● Publisher: NÖ Kulturlandeshauptstadt
St. Pölten GmbH, Ludwig-Stöhr-Straße 7, 3100 St. Pölten
● Graphic Design: Manuel Radde ● Photos: Max Kropitz
● Translation: Peter Blakeney & Christine Schöffler