Range of technical features and services General Information ........................................................................................... 3 Operator – Contact ............................................................................................. 3 Season .............................................................................................................. 3 Performance areas ............................................................................................. 3 Building Specifications ................................................................................... ……..3 Großer Saal............................................................ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert. Auditorium ......................................................................................................... 4 Stage ................................................................................................................ 4 Acoustics ........................................................................................................... 4 Großer Saal: Technical Data – Stage .................................................................... 5 Großer Saal: Batten distances from central axis...................................................... 6 Großer Saal: Single Loads on hand counter-pulley Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert. Batten lengths ................................................. Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert. Batten Cross-Section ........................................................................................... 8 Transport to stage ........................................... Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert. 1. Delivery via underground car park, level - 6,25 m ............................................ 8 2. Transport via left side stage, level + / - 0,0 m ................................................ 8 3. Freight elevators for other halls from understage ............................................ 8 Großer Saal: Stage Equipment ............................................................................. 8 Platform / Podium ............................................................................................ 8 Chairs .............................................................................................................. 8 Curtains ........................................................................................................... 9 Instruments ...................................................................................................... 9 Concert-Pianos ............................................................................................... 9 Rehearsal-Pianos ............................................................................................. 9 Großer Saal: Technical Data – Sound equipment ................................................... 9 Sound control equipment .................................................................................. 9 Mobile audioequipment ....................................................................................10 PA-System ....................................................................................................11 Microphones ...................................................................................................11 Sound distribution facilities .............................................................................12 Video equipment ............................................................................................12 Mobile video equipment ...................................................................................13 Großer Saal: Technical Data – Lighting equipment .................................................13 Lighting control equipment ...............................................................................13 Dimmer circuits ..............................................................................................13
2 Spotlights ......................................................................................................13 Lighting distribution facilities ...........................................................................15 Technical Data – House Communications .............................................................15 In-House PA system ........................................................................................15 Stage monitoring system .................................................................................16 Intercomsystem ..............................................................................................16 House radio system .........................................................................................16 House video system .......................................................................................16 Kleiner Saal ...................................................................................................... 16 Sound distribution facilities .................................................................................16 Lighting distribution facilities ...............................................................................17 Probebühne 1 ................................................................................................... 17 Sound distribution facilities .................................................................................17 Lighting distribution facilities ...............................................................................18 Probebühne 2 ................................................................................................... 18 Sound distribution facilities .................................................................................18 Lighting distribution facilities ...............................................................................18
General Information Operator – Contact NÖ Kulturszene Betriebs GmbH Festspielhaus St. Pölten Kulturbezirk 2 3109 St. Pölten T: +43 (0) 2742/90 80 80-0 F: +43 (0) 2742/90 80 81 E: office@festspielhaus.at
Season From early September to June
Performance areas The Festspielhaus has four performance halls available: the Großer Saal, located at the centre of the building, takes an audience of 1.079 (1.009 chairs) while the Kleiner Saal seats 230 persons. Two smaller halls – Rehearsal stage 1 + 2 - can seat up to 100 persons each and are also used for rehearsals and performance preparations. Built in 1997 by architect Klaus Kada. The Festspielhaus was opened on March 1, 1997.
Building Specifikations The generously spaced Foyer (Entrance Hall) is accessible via the main entrance (Milleniumstraße). The Hall divides primarily into the actual entrance – and theatre bar level; further into several intermediate levels witch can be used as lounges or bar rooms during intermissions. Additionally the Foyer area offers several possibilities for exhibitions etc. The entrance hall is directly accessible from the underground car park by escalator. The hall area also houses the day & evening box offices and cloak rooms.
Mainhall Auditorium The elegant Main Hall with 1.009 comfortably upholstered seats can be accessed through four ground-level entrance doors. The stalls side galleries can be reached from the stalls area and the entrance hall. Two staircases and an upstairs lobby lead to the dress circle and side galleries. In the back stalls area standing room for approximately 70 people is available, if required.
Stage The stage is a full stage with safety curtain, grid floor, lower stage and two elevating platforms in the orchestra pit. A mobile acoustic shell is available for concerts. Two swivelling lighting telari in the auditorium and a lighting bridge in the auditorium ceiling enable quick changeover from concert to theatre operations. Sets, décors and furniture are transported to the hall via a loading area in the underground car park and on to the left side stage in the Main Hall on a two-tier transport platform. A ramp at the South side of the building at stage – level offers another transport route. In the West and South side of the building the stage tower is surrounded by a five-storey dressing room - and office wing.
Acoustics Reverberation time and sound power factor (degree of intensity) of the house are in the ideal range; so the natural liveliness of sound in the Großer Saal is emphasised when used specifically for symphonic concerts, operas and musicals. Reverberation time: TN60: 2,5 sec. At 125 Hz, dropping to 1,5 sec. At 4kHz. Power factor: G80: - stage area betw. –30 & -25 dB. - stage and hall betw. –26 & - 23 dB. As the hall incorporates a long acoustic resonance, productions with electro-acoustic support (speeches, meetings, pop- music events) have to take into account a certain amount of sound blur. Some reflections from rear wall are possible at high sound levels.
Mainhall: Technical Data - Stage Performance area, width:
max. 19,50m
Performance area, depth:
11,8 m from the iron curtain up to batten 45
Stage space, width:
33,1 m at stage level
Stage space, depth:
18,3 m from safety curtain to backstage perimeter
Stage space, surface area:
462 m² total
Proscenium width:
travelling proscenium towers, infinitely variable between 12 and 18,0 m; load capacity 1,0 kN per running metre on railing
Proscenium height:
infinitely variable between 0,5 and 10,0 m, load capacity 1,0 kN per running metre on railing
17,2 m wide, 6,0 m deep
Side stage South:
2,4 m wide, 9,7 m deep
Side stage North:
5,0 m wide, 11,5 m deep
Fly space height:
22,4 m above stage level
4 Working galleries:
1. + 10,5 m, 2. + 14,0 m, 3. + 16,7 m, 4. + 19,5 m
Traps options:
4 fields with 8 covers each (1,10 m x 1,015 m wide)
two infinitely variable travelling orchestra platforms (reselected positions: -6,15; -2,3; -1,0; +/- 0,0); cannot be used for scenery! Operating speed: a constant 0,05 m/sec
Forestage depth:
6,4 m to the iron curtain
Orchestra platform 1
(platform on auditorium side): 17,295 x 2,50 m, area 38,5 m²; load capacity 500 kg/m²
Orchestra platform 2
(platform on stage side): 16,135 x 2,50 m, area 36,0 m²; load capacity 500 kg/m²
Orchestra pit:
for approx. 70 musicians
Proscenium :
infinitely variable up and down
Prosecnium pipe:
500 kg, lifting high 9,30 m
14,5 t, approx. 18,5 x 10 m
V1 main curtain:
electric draping and parting; lifting height 15m
V2 sound damping curtain:
total load capacity max. 2,000 kg
V3 screen:
750 kg, lifting height approx. 21,8 m
2 - 11, 13- 23 and 25 - 45 decor battens; load capacity 750 kg; lifting height approx. 21,8 m.
heavy-weight pulleys:
1,12 and 24; load capacity 2500 kg; these cannot be used for guest appearances, as they are utilised to lift the acoustic damper (for orchestra).
panorama battens:
linkable: inner panorama and outer panorama, load capacity 500 kg
Backstage battens:
load capacity 750 kg
6 Stk, load capacity 800 kg
SZ1 cannot be used for guest appearances, as they are utilised to lift the acoustic damper (for orchestra).
Mainhall: Batten distances from central axis Zug
Description / Type
iron curtain (width: 23 cm)
main curtain, mech. (draping, parting Vmax=3 m/s) sound draping, mech. (hoisting speed up to 1.2 m/s) screen (gauze), manual
V2 V3 Proscenium
Distances Loads +/-000 mm
Eigengewicht 14,5 t
+177 mm
+397 mm
2000 kg
+597 mm
750 kg
+847 mm
Proscenium pipe 1
+1327 mm
500 kg
Proscenium pipe 2
+1677 mm
500 kg
heavy-weight pulley
+2427 mm
2500 kg
+2817 mm
750 kg
+3030 mm
750 kg
+3225 mm
750 kg
+3425 mm
750 kg
+3625 mm
750 kg
+3830 mm
750 kg
+4020 mm
750 kg
+4220 mm
750 kg
+4440 mm
750 kg
7 Z11
+4628 mm
750 kg
heavy-weight pulley
+4824 mm
2500 kg
+5041 mm
750 kg
+5236 mm
750 kg
+5440 mm
750 kg
+5640 mm
750 kg
+5830 mm
750 kg
+6030 mm
750 kg
+6230 mm
750 kg
+6630 mm
750 kg
+7020 mm
750 kg
+7228 mm
750 kg
+7428 mm
750 kg
heav pipe y-weight pulley
+7620 mm
2500 kg
+7833 mm
750 kg
+8033 mm
+8240 mm
750 kg
+8440 mm
750 kg
+8640 mm
750 kg
+8840 mm
750 kg
+9030 mm
750 kg
+9230 mm
750 kg
+9445 mm
750 kg
+9623 mm
750 kg
+9840 mm
750 kg
+10036 mm
750 kg
+10236 mm
750 kg
+10435 mm
750 kg
+10632 mm
750 kg
+10829 mm
750 kg
+11033 mm
750 kg
+11226 mm
750 kg
+11426 mm
750 kg
+11630 mm
750 kg
+11826 mm
750 kg
+12370 mm
750 kg
+13440 mm
750 kg
Panorama pipe stage left and right, linkable with pipe 44 Panorama pipe stage left and right, linkable with pipe 45 Panorama pipe stage left and right, linkable with pipe 44 Panorama pipe stage left and right, linkable with pipe 45
500 kg 500 kg 500 kg 500 kg
Batten lengths: Battens 2-11, 13-23 u. 25-45: 19,10 m, with extension 21,10 m Battens SZ1, SZ12, SZ24: 19,10 m, with extension 21,10 m Battens H1+H3: 12,50 m Panoramapipe distance inside: 19,50 m Panoramapipe distance outside: 21,24 m Prosceniumpipe 1+2: 11,80 m V3: 21,11 m Batten diameter: 48 mm Hoisting speed pipe: 0 – 1,20 m/s, infinitely variable Hoisting speed heavy pully pipe: 0 – 0,40 m/s, infinitely variable Hoisting speed proscenium pipe: 0 – 0,30 m/s, infinitely variable Hoisting speed by using Federleittrommel: 0 – 0,40 m/s, infinitely variable
Transport to Stage 1. Delivery via underground car park, level –6,25 m Height of loading ramp: approx. 1,2 m Lowerstage gate: width 2,2 m, height 2,95 m Transport platform: Double - storied podium on left-hand side of rear stage housing wall, broad side wood – panelled, so loading via narrow side only. Width 1,83 m, length 8,4 m, area 15,4 m² Lifting height: -6,25 m to +/- 0 m, loading level: -5,15 m Total payload: 10.000 kg static, 5.000 kg dynamic, weight distributed on both platform floors Payload per platform floor: maximum 5.000 kg Lifting speed: 0,10 m/s
2. Transport via left side stage, level +/- 0,0 m: Height of loading ramp: 1,2 m Side stage gate: width 2,1 m, height 2,95 m
3. Freight elevators for other halls from understage: Rehearsal stage 1 + 2 (El. 1) approx. 1,65 x 2,70 x 2,60 (w x d x h), maximum payload: 2500 kg Box (El. 2) approx. 1,85 x 3,00 x 2,60 (w x d x h), maximum payload: 3125 kg
Mainhall: Stage-Equipment Platform/Podium platform/rostrum
60x platform/rostrum 100 x 200 cm; 6x platform/rostrum 100 x 100 cm; stand-height: 17cm, 33.3cm, 50cm, 66.7cm, 83.3cm, 100cm.
Chairs 110 Musicians-Chairs Tpye Selmer Modell W+S 710 : h=48cm, w=45cm, d=40cm; 240 Chairs Lether, black 80 Chairs cloth, black 100 music stands: 50 lighting equiped for orchestra pit
Aushang / Curtains Backdrops / Black curtains: (Velvet)
1 Stk. 1800 x 1000 cm 2 Stk. 1200 x 1000 cm
Leg (Velvet/black):
12 Stk. 420 x 1000 cm 4 Stk. 250 x 1000 cm
Border (Velvet/black):
1 Stk. 2000 x 240 cm 1 Stk. 2000 x 350 cm 1 Stk. 2000 x 350 cm 1 Stk. 2000 x 350 cm 1 Stk. 2000 x 450 cm 1 Stk. 2000 x 350 cm
1 Stk. 1800 x 1200 cm black 1 Stk. 1800 x 1200 cm white 1 Stk. 1900 x 1000 cm (width x height)
Instruments Concert-Pianos 1 Stk. Concert-Pianos Steinway "Hamburg", Modell D 274 1 Stk. Concert-Pianos Bösendorfer "Imperial", Modell 290, black(444 Hz) 1 Stk. Concert-Pianos , Bösendorfer, Modell 225, black (443 Hz)
Rehearsal–Pianos 1 Stk. Bösendorfer Pianino, Modell 130 Classik, black 1 Stk.Young Chang-Pianino, Modell U-131, black
Mainhall: Sound Equipment Sound control equipment (control room on the balcony with acoustic curtain) Mixing console:
Digico SD10 digital Mixing-System connected to the stageracks( Digico SD-Rack) via optical-fiber Digico SD12 No.1 – Front of HouseConsole - connected via optical fibre to the system Digico SD12 No.2 – option as a Monitor-Console or On-stageSetups – connected via optical fibre to the system
10 2x Stage Racks consisting of 72 Microphone/Line-Inputs, 16 AES/EBU-inputs(used for Sennheiser 9000); 8 channels analog outputs, 8 channels AES/EBU I/O, 16 channels Dante I/O (used for d&b DS10 Dante-Bridge) 1x mobile Stagerack (D-RACK) with 32 Mic/Line Inputs, 8 analogue Outputs and $ AES/EBU Outputs
Lexicon PCM 80, Aphex Exciter AEH 250, 1x TC-Electronics Finalizer Waves Impact-Server + Superrack with Platinum-bundle
Wireless / Microport equipment
Sennheiser EM 9046 UHF digital , 16 channels, 16 pocket transmitters (10x SK 9000, 6x SK6212) , 8 hand-held transmitters (SKM 9000) incl. remote software WSM 4.4.5 Frequency range: 470 to 558 MHz
Playback / Recording
AKAI DD 1000, MO- disc player with remote editing; 1.3 GB Tascam DA 30 MK II DAT recorder, Denon C640 CD-Player, 2 x Sony MDS-E11 Minidisc-recorder, Tascam CD RW5000 CD recorder
Socket bays / Patchbays
All analogue audio connections are effected via 8 TT socket bays. Transmitting lines to commentator cabin and main amplifying control room available.
MOTU-Miditimepiece, Riedel TC (timekeeping set-up), 4–channel video monitor, TV-monitor, PC-intel core i5 (over Madi 28/96KHz channels I/O to mixing board) Software: Samplitude Pro 11, d&b R1 V3, Sennheiser Microport Remote Software WSM 4.4.5
Mobile Audioequipment Mixing consols
Digico SD8-24 + Madirack( 48 mic/line inputs, 8 Line-out, 4 AES/EBU-out) Yamaha 01V96 digital mixing console, Yamaha QL1 digital mixing console + Rio32 stagebox
4x d&b C4-TOP, 4x d&b C4-SUB, 4x d&b E9, 10x d&b M4 , 4x d&b MAX, 4x d&b Y7P, 2x V7P 2x d&b E3, 2x d&b E12, 2x d&b E8, 8x d&b V-Gsub, 2x d&b SL-Sub 2x Verse-Audio D-Sider12, 2x Verse-Audio D-Sider10, 2x Verse-Audio Sub15
Ext. soundcard
RME Madiface USB
Analog Equaliser
4x KlarkTeknik Square One (8 ch. 1/3-oktav)
2x BSS DPR 402, 2x BSS DPR 901 II, 3x BSS DPR 422, 1x DBX 160A
11 Gates
2x BSS DPR522
1x TC Reverb4000, 1x Lexicon PCM90, 1x Lexicon PCM80, 1x Yamaha SPX990, 1x TC D-Two Waves Extreme Server + Superrack with Mercury-Bundle
1x Denon C680 (CD-Player), 2x Macbook pro
Wireless equipment
Sennheiser evolutionG3 UHF, 4 Kanäle, 4x handheld SKM 300 G3, 4x Bodypack EK 2000 Shure ULX-D, 2xQuad-receiver 4 channel, 8 handheld transmitter (KSM9 or SM58 capsule), 8 bodypack transmitter
Microphone splitter
BSS MSR 602 (32 ch.) in connection with stage distributing boxes in area of side stages main hall.
3x 60m, 24-channel HAN72
PA- System Main PA system
12x d&b V8-Top Arrayprozessed ( Parkett ) 4x d&b V8 Top (Balkon) 6x d&b V-Sub (Bass) (Main PA system only when revolving towers are open)
Centre cluster
8x d&b T10
2x d&b V7P, 4x d&b E8
Backstage PA system
4x d&b C4-Top, 4x d&b C4-Sub
Bass array
8x d&b V-Gsub + 2x d&b SL-Sub in front of the stageedge (only possible when the orchestra pits are at audiencelevel)
Stage monitoring (variable)
4x d&b Y7P, 10x d&b M4, 4x d&b Max
Surround / Delay / Sound effects
10x EAW JF 80 (permanently installed), 6 channels
Microphones Condenser type
1x AKG C426 B, 2x AKG C 414-BULS 4x AKG C 418, 2x AKG C 419, 1x C 460 2x AKG C480, 4x AKG C 747 4x Neumann KM 140 6x Neumann KM 184 2x Neumann GFM 132 6x Crown PCC 160 2x Shure beta98c with drumclamp, 1x Shure Beta92
12 16x headsets und Lavalier (DPA,Sennheiser) Dynamic
2x AKG D 112, 1x Shure Beta52, 10x Shure SM 57, 8x Shure SM 58, 3x Shure Beta58 2x EV RE20, 2x MD421-II
4x BSS 116/117 DI-Boxes 6x BSS AR133 DI-Boxes 4x Pro CO DB-1 DI-Boxes passive 1x BSS 416 DI-Box 4-foldly 2x sonible ML-1 stereo-di
Sound distribution facilities (junction boxes / stage boxes) A total of six equally equipped sets are available in the stage area: one set each backstage left and right, forestage left and right, and on the left and right of the orchestra pit. The sets are equipped as follows:: 12x microphone to AD-converters from the stage-racks 12x microphone connected with the sound control room in the Großer Saal (XLR) 6x line-out from the sound control room in the Großer Saal (XLR) 4x loudspeakers from main amplifying station (Speakon 4-terminal) 1x video (TV connection) 2x light signals 1x sound network (16 A, 230V, Schuko) 1 Harting 72-terminal parallel link for 10x microphone and 2x line-out Two more junction sets are available, one on the second work gallery (backstage) and one in front of the audience bridge (above orchestra pit). These are equipped as follows:: 4x microphone connected with the sound control room in the Main Hall (XLR) 4x line-out from the sound control room in the Main Hall(XLR) 2x loudspeakers from main amplifying station (Speakon 4-terminal) 1x video (TV connection) 2x light signals 1x sound power (16 A, 240V, Schuko) 1 Harting 72-terminal parallel link for 10x microphone and 2x line-out No separate monitoring mixing console is available, any mixing required for the stage loudspeakers must be done from the main mixing console in the sound control room at row14. To connect an optional monitoring mixing desk two stage junction boxes are available, equipped as follows: 48x microphone to stage-racks 48x microphone to the sound control Main Hall (harting 72 pol) combined with mobile active splitter (32-channels). 16x connecting line to amplifier rack (harting 72 pol) 1x sound power (16 A, 240V, Schuko) If absolutely necessary, a mobile FOH mixing console can be installed in row 14 – 15 of the stalls. Also is a removal of approx. 22 seats from the stalls required. These seats have to be deleted from pre-sale schedule at an early time. In case of referring requirements notice must be given to the House at least 3 month prior to the event, in case of subscription performances prior the beginning of season. For guest appearances is an additional power supply with sound grounding (earth) in the area of side stage left (GO main amplifying station) available. (3x 16 A CEE, 3x 63 A CEE). Additional Sound power is available at Stage left, right and upstage ( 3x 16A CEE)
Video Equipment
Video switch
Kramer 2in-1out
Video Displays
1 Sony PVM-4B1E, Preview-display, 4-foldly S/W, 4x3,75"
Four permanently installed video cameras for the Großer Saal: stage full shot (remote controlled), stage full shot (blackoutinfrared), conductor, backstage area.
Mobile Video Equipment videoswitcher
Barco PDS-902II
2x Panasonic PT-RZ21KE; 1x Panasonic PT-D10000E 1x Panasonic PT-RZ970LBE; 2x Panasonic PT-D6000
2 Panasonic BT-S1050, 10"
Playback Units
Some consumer DVD-Player , MAC/PC Notebooks
Main Hall: Technical Data - Lighting Equipment Lighting control equipment (control room in the balcony area)
Lighting control boards:
Hog 4 fullsize + Playbackwing (Highend-Systems) Hoglet 4 + Playbackwing ETC Gio optional from Kleiner Saal
Dimmer circuits Stationary
Stationary: ADB Eurodimm DD2/225, digital dimmer with dual CPU 1 dimmer cabinet: 54 x 2,5 KW, 18 x 5 KW 3 dimmer cabinet: 54 x 2,5 KW each, 12 x 5 KW, 3 x 10 KW jeweils 54 x 2,5 KW, 12 x 5 KW, 3 x 10 KW
ADB Memopack /CEE 15 dimmer cases: 6 x 2 KW, DMX-capable 5 dimmer cases: 3 x 5 KW, DMX-capable 10 dimmerbar, 6x2,5kW each for booms
Spotlights Moving Lights
10 x JB Varyscan P18 LED Spots (1000 W) 1:8 Zoom (7-56°) 7000 8 x Amptown Washlight HP squarcle HPL 575W, 7-28°, dychroid colormixingsystem and autom. Barndoors FOH fixed 8 x Vari Lite VL 3500Q Spots MSR 1200W, CMY+colormixing gobos, autom. Shutter, etc. 8x Vari Lite VL 3000Q Wash MSR 1200W, CMY+colormixing 16x Mac Aura PXL RGBW Led Washlight 500W 10x Clay Paky Alpha Profile 800ST, CMY, Iris, autom. Shutter, Zoom 11°-55° 20x GLP X4 Bar 20 Striplights RGBW,
Profile lenses
29 x 1 KW, ADB DS 105, 15-31 31 x 1 KW, ADB DSN 105, 11-23 (14x fixed in FOH) 32 x 2 KW, ADB DS 205, 13-36 (12x fixed in FOH) 10 x 2 KW, ADB DVW 205, 30-54 33 x 2 KW, ADB DN 205, 10-22 (10x fixed in FOH) 20 x 750W/115V ETC Zoom (8x fixed FOH) 60x ETC S4 750W 36° (40xfix in booms) 10x ETC S4 Lustre 2 25-50°
Fresnel lenses
2x 4kW HMI Fresnel ARRI Compact + Lichttechnik shutter Dark Vader+ Rainbow 15“ PRO colorchanger 24 colors 14 x 2 KW, ADB F 201 8 x 5 KW, ADB SH 50 + PFM/400 4x 5kW Strand Pollux 24 x 1 KW, ADB C 101 + CF/185, 10-65 24 x 2 KW, ADB C 201 + CF/245, 5-65 22x Nanopix Cyc 205W RGBAW /LED asym cyc. Curve Footlight 30x cyclorama lights IRIS2 (Belma) 10x x four-colour curve footlight, Orion 4 (Belma) 16 x single footlights, Orion 1 (Belma)
10x sym. floodlight, Belma Octavia 1000W
PAR 64
PAR 56
Par 30
Low Volts / Parabol
10x Pani 1000 VA / 24 Volt 2x Pani 500 VA / 24 Volt 16x Swoboda-footlight, ADB HT 2251 20 x Single ACL 24V/250W aircraft 10 Stk. Par36 Pin-Spots 6V/30W
15 Follow spots
Scroller/Colour wheels
2 halogen follow spots, Niethammer HZU 208, 8-17° 2 local dimmers, DIM2 2 HMI follow spots 575W ETC Innofour 4digital colour scrollers, Gelbus 2, 36 colours fix FOH 2 digital colorchanger Rainbow PRO 15“ mit 24 colors for 4kW HMI Fresnel 1 x. Digiflash Strobe 2500W 2 x UV-canons 400W 1 x MDG/APS Atmosphere Hazer 1 x Hazer Look Unique 2 1 x Mirrorball 50cm 10x each equiped with 4 ETC – Source Four, 36°
Lighting distribution facilities (junction boxes) Stage left and right
dimmable: 15x 2,5 KW, 3x 5 KW, 2x 10 KW each CEE five-terminal: jeweils 10x 32 A, 4x 63 A, 1x 125 A CEE three-terminal: jeweils 5x 16 A
Tower left and right
CEE 5-Pol: 3x 32 A each
Proscenium Flypipe 1
dimmable: 23x 2,5 KW, 2x 5 KW CEE 3-Pol:, 3x 32 A
PBZ1 Proscenium Flypipe 2
dimmable: 22x 2,5 KW, 2x 5 KW
CEE 3-Pol:, 3x 32 A
First work gallery
dimmable: 50x 2,5 KW, 8x 5 KW, 5x 10 KW CEE fiveterminal: 4x 32 A, 4x 63 A, 2x 125 A CEE three-terminal: 4x 16 A
Second work gallery
CEE five-terminal: 4x 32 A CEE three-terminal: 4x 16 A
Fourth work gallery
dimmable: 12x 2,5 KW, 6x 5 KW, 5x 10 KW CEE five-terminal: 2x 32 A CEE three-terminal: 2x 16 A, 2x 32 A
Gridfloor spring cable reel
dimmable:: each reel 8x 2,5 KW, or CEE 3-Pol: 8x 16 A, + network-dmx
number 1-8 Gridfloor spring cable reel
dimmable: each reel 6x 5 KW oder CEE 3-Pol:6x32 A +
number 9-12
Grid floor
CEE five-terminal: 2x 63 A
Telari left and right
dimmable: 22x 2,5 KW, 2x 5 KW (from lighting flap) CEE 5-Pol: 1x 32 A, 2x 63 A
Lighting flap
dimmable: 22x 2,5 KW, 6x 5 KW CEE five-terminal: 32 A, 1x63 A
16 Projection booth
dimmable: 10x 2,5 KW, 6x 5 KW CEE five-terminal: 2x63 A, 1x 125 A
dimmable: 22x 2,5 KW, 2x 5 KW CEE three-terminal: 6x 16 A
dimmable: 4x 5 KW CEE three-terminal: 2x 16 A
FOH Truss spring cable reel
dimmable: 6x 2,5 KW, CEE 3-Pol: 2x 16 A, + network/dmx
Technical Data - House Communications In-House PA system A permanently installed SIEMENS VARIODYN PA system with a total of 56 individual call circuits using 100V technology is available. Fixed call stations: 1. stage manager's desk (place able stage left or right) 2. doorman Mobile call stations: Mobile call stations to be installed for Box, Rehearsal stage 1 + 2. Collective call options for dressing-rooms, preparation rooms, operational rooms and the administrative area are available.
Stage monitoring system A stage monitoring system (Großer Saal or Kleiner Saal) switch able centrally from stage manager's desk, for dressing room- and production areas, is available.
Intercomsystem A permanently installed Riedel Performer digital Partyline intercom system is available: Base station: C44 Plus Headunit Remote stations: Two-channel sub stations CR2 : in the lighting control room, sound control room and at the stage manager's desk each Belt packs: 10 mobile belt packs with headsets can be plugged in on stage and on the follow spot gallery. Wireless Beltpacks: 5 2-channel wireless beltpacks are available
House radio system A sufficient number of Motorola VISAR handsets with 7 transceiving channels is available for technical production staff and event handling. Frequency range: 433.100 MHz, 433.150 MHz, 433.200 MHz, 433.250 MHz, 433.300 MHz, 433.350 MHz, 433.400 MHz.
Haus video system Eight permanently installed video cameras feeding into the closed circuit TV network: stage full shot (including sound channel), conductor, backstage area, Box (including sound channel), Rehearsal stage 1, Rehearsal stage 2 and Kulturbezirk. 6 TV monitors are available for mobile installation to see the conductors cam or front cam
Kleiner Saal The “Kleiner Saal” is primarily used for chamber music, but may also serve for other events. A "control gallery" on the eastern end of the hall can house technical equipment. A special feature of the “Kleiner Saal” is an acoustic adaptation option using lamellashaped elements located on the southern end of the hall. The hall is 12.75 m wide and 17 m long, with a clear height of approx. 7 m. The control gallery covers the whole width of the hall and is 2.3 m in deeps. The 220 comfortable leather chairs can be arranged in a variety of ways, the ground plan is usually adapted to the needs of the event in question (suggested seating arrangements see appendings). A stage in the dimensions 8x3,5m is defined as a standard platform to 30cm in height. Stages covering is white dance floor. When needed, mobile PA and lighting systems are employed. Groundplan Small-Hall (32K) The following equipment sets are available:
Sound distribution facilities (junction boxes) Main set
12x microphone to accessory set (XLR) 4x microphone to sound control room in Main Hall (XLR) 4x line-out from sound control room in Main Hall (XLR) 4x loudspeakers from central amplifying station (Speakon four-terminal) 1x video (TV connection) 2x light signal 1x sound network (16 A, 240V) 1x sound power (16 A Schuko)
Accessory set
12x microphone to main set (XLR) 4x loudspeakers from central amplifying station (Speakon four-terminal)
Lighting distribution facilities (junction boxes) Main set
CEE five-terminal: 1x 32 A CEE three-terminal: 2x 16 A 2x DMX (XLR five-terminal)
Accessory set
CEE five-terminal: 1x 32 A 3x DMX (XLR five-terminal)
Dimmerchannels 1x 6x2,5kW ADB Memopack /CEE 1x Dimmerrack 24x2kW Strand LD90
Lightingdesks ETC Gio
Spots Profilscheinwerfer
4x 1,2kW ADB DS 105 Zoom, 15-31° 8 1,2kW ADB DSN 105 Zoom 11-23° 6x ETC S4 575W 36° 4x ETC S4 575W 25-50° junior
12x 1,2kW ADB F 101
Rehearsal stage 1 Rehearsal stage 1 is 15.5 m long, 10 m wide and 5 m high; mainly used as a rehearsal room, it is also available for other events. The hall is decorated with black wood panelling all around. The southern facade is glassed in and can be fully closed off with light-tight slatted blinds. Decorations, lighting and PA system can be installed on a grid made of 48-mm tubes suspended from the ceiling. Seating is variable, depending on the type of event. Rehearsal stage 1 is linked with the public area of the Main Hall via the staircase in the southern lobby and can also be accessed independently via the southern staircase and a passenger lift. Mobile PA and lighting systems are used as required. The following equipment sets are available:
Sound distribution facilities (junction boxes) Main set
11x microphone to accessory set (XLR) 4x microphone to sound control room Main Hall (XLR) 4x line-out from sound control room Main Hall (XLR) 4x loudspeakers from central amplifying statione (Speakon four-terminal) 1x video (TV connection) 2x light signal 1x sound network (16 A, 240V, Scuko)
Accessory set
11x microphone to main set (XLR) 4x loudspeakers from central amplifying station (Speakon
19 four-terminal)
Lighting distribution facilities (junction boxes) Main set
CEE five-terminal: 1x 32 A CEE three-terminal: 2x 16 A 2x DMX (XLR five-terminal)
Accessory set
CEE five-terminal: 1x 32 A 3x DMX (XLR five-terminal)
Rehearsal stage 2 Rehearsal stage 2 is located directly above rehearsal stage 1 and has the same dimensions: 15.5m x 10m x 5m. It was primarily designed as a ballet hall, but may also be used for other events. Part of the ceiling is a glass structure which affords a beautiful view of the night sky. The hall can be darkened by means of fabric curtains allowing for a 70 per cent blackout. Access and technical equipment are the same as for rehearsal stage 1. Rehearsal stage 1 and 2 are acoustically separated so that events can be held in either location simultaneously. Mobile PA and lighting systems are used as required. The following equipment sets are available:
Sound distribution facilities (junction boxes) Main set
4x microphone to sound control room Main Hall (XLR) 4x line-out from sound control room Main Hall (XLR) 4x loudspeakers from central amplifying station (Speakon four-terminal) 1x video (TV connection) 2x light signal 1x sound power (16 A, 240V, Schuko)
Lighting distribution facilities (junction boxes) Main set
CEE five-terminal: 1x 32 A CEE three-terminal: 2x 16 A 2x DMX (XLR five-terminal)
Accessory set
CEE five-terminal: 1x 32 A 3x DMX (XLR five-terminal)