No Fidelity Spring 2015 Issue 1

Page 11

Post Grad Playlist

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Hot 97 Summer Jam - Chumped I’m in the Fucking Band - Tomboy ii Ûi +Õii / i 7ÞÌV iÃ

II. Songs for when you’re riding your bike home from a new friend’s house but also you are lost and angry at yourself for getting lost in a small town

/ LiÌ> * « -Ì>ÀÃ « č } Top Pocket Man - Chavez 9 ÕÀ À>`Õ>Ì `iÀ >ÃiL>

III. Songs for when you are laying in bed at 1pm on a Sunday and trying to convince yourself that it’s okay you haven’t brushed your teeth all weekend

9 Õ ½Ì i - }à ° Àii Softly - Sibylle Baier ½ i /> >ÀÞ

IV. Songs for convincing yourself to go to a party with an obscure theme that you had to look up on the internet

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V. Songs for unabashedly despising someone LiV>ÕÃi >Ì wÀÃÌ Þ Õ }>Ûi Ì i > Ã Ì >Ì friendship and then they posted things on the internet about you

À Ü À i >Þ 7 ÌV čL ÀÌ Idiot the Chef - Pile 7 ii`Ã 9 Õ "L Ý

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VII. Songs for missing college friends and treelined streets but also relishing new freedom and independence

Confetti - Stomach ` - Õ `â *>Ûi i Ì Theme from Krill - Krill

VIII. Songs for when you’re trying not to make eye contact with someone you encounter , Ì >Ì Þ Õ Þ Ü vÀ Ì i ÌiÀ iÌ

Insect Eyes - Nots It’s an Epidemic - Slaves / i `ÀÕ Ã iÀi Þ

IX. Songs for seeing the same kinds of people in every place that you go but being comforted by that

č Ì>LÕÃ > Ì >ÛiÀÃ > Townie - Mitski Creep - Black Planet

X. Songs for people who read this whole article and then realized that I don’t even } Ì >À iÌ > Þ Ài ­č č Ü Ã Ì Ã person) (here are the best songs I know)

Modern Kicks - Exploding Hearts / } - V 9 ÕÌ Black Candy - Beat Happening

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