Idol was in the gripping throes of its seductive(?) showdown between David Cook and David Archuleta and this was Important Because They Were Both Named David And That Was Shocking In A Predominantly Christian Nation Where David Hasn’t Slipped Out Of The Top Twenty Boy Names For Almost A Century,..... but I digress.. The Gals were gravely discussing which David would win. Apparently liking David Archuleta was a pretty lame move because everyone was of the strong opinion that David Cook was the sure champ. After Computer Skills, a group of gals converged out- Then they turned to me: “What do you think, Urmila?” side the class to discuss hot gossip (American Idol). If I’m being honest with you, I was kind of a dweeb Oh god. What a d00zy. I didn’t watch this show!!? back then. The sexy cool girl you’re picturing from They honestly could have asked me if I thought Steve the paragraph above is an iLLusion wAKE UP. I still Buscemi was gonna win and I probably would’ve watched PBS and mostly just read all the time (so scratched my chin and said that his baritone could be much so that my parents tried to tell me that I was more robust but fuck it the crowd loved him and I was going to lose my vision if I kept reading?idk. Seems a sucker for his breathy falsetto. I wanted to be honest like a weird parenting call to me but what do I know but also I didn’t want to be a noob so I went for it: i’m just a successful working-class mother of three.) “David Cook for sure,” I said, widening my eyes and ANyway my point here is that I didn’t watch much TV nodding gravely so they really knew I watched this and definitely didn’t watch American Idol. fucking show. I remember the first time I heard about David Archuleta like it was yesterday. It was after Computer Skills class in the seventh grade. The Missouri public schooling system was treating me well. My hairdresser at Gr8 Clips had just cut my hair while it was parted the wrong way so my hair was boldly lopsided in what I liked to think of as ethnic chic. I was on the downwards trajectory after my peak in the 3rd grade but I felt good so it was fine.