Art deco page 1

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Art Art Deco Deco

a designer’s embrace of the growing industry, tied to natural aesthetics.

By Stefan nikolov

What is it ?



A rt D eco w as a deco rativ e sty le, dev elo p ed in F rance after W o rld W ar I. It w as internatio nally p o p ular until the daw n o f W W II.A rt D eco gav e birth to m o dernism , by rejecting the p ast and lo o king to the future fo r insp iratio n.

What does it look like ? This sty le is defi ned by geo m etric fo rm s, sy m m etrical p atterns, m o dern m aterials like m etal, p lastic, deco rativ e glass and steel,and its v iv id co ntrasts.A rt D eco is a designer’s em brace o f the gro w ing industry ,tied to natural aesthetics.


Why art deco ? This sty le is quite p o p ular in the m edia Ico nsum e,bo o ks and v ideo gam es.I’m a fan o fcy berp unk fi ctio n and A rt D eco is co m m o nly used there to p aintnatio ns w ith an ey e fo r the nature. It fascinates m e that A rt D eco p ersists in to day ’s architecture, thro ugh the sunburst and the shap e o f ico nic sky scrap ers in the U. S.


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A p o ster fo r N Y ’s 2010C o m ico n.The Lady o fLiberty has been sty led to lo o k like a sup erhero . A p o ster fo r B io sho ck,a v ideo gam e set in Rap ture,an underw ater dy sto p ia w here artis p raised o v er m aterial v alue. . A co llectio n o fp aintings by Lam ara de Tim p icka,a distinctiv e artisto f the A rtD eco p erio d,referred to as “the baro ness w ith the brush”. A 19 35 p o ster fo r SS N o rm ande by A . M. C assandre,a F rench artistw ho defi ned the p o ster as a “v isual telegram ”and m ade it an integral p art o.fthe co nsum eristculture.

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