Table of contents fixed pages 2 and 3

Page 1

Meett heNew Baxt er :YouWon’ t i eveYourEyes LaborFor ce Bel c heeconomi scovert Di on i omat alofaut i ent pot es ri ndust andwhati . arget lt l twi i


Eatat Eat sa!


eyedrobot ysgoogl Thi orm human ransf cant ng. uri act nmanuf ei rol


BePol i t eandYou Won’ tBeRepl aced sand l l alski Usesoci o ndt hemi heoryoft t ons. i ut ueAIsol val out

Coexi st enceand Compe oni n t heWor kf or ce

Four Wor kpl ace Tr ends



Uni ver salBasi c I ncome cal sradi and’ nl Can Fi ment areexperi f wel on i omat aut vepost sol ? oyment unempl

Economi cal l y Tr apped



ency ci i Learnaboutprof es. onalrol si andprovi


engesof l hechal Seet on i omat ngaut i at regul ons aboruni andhow l ng. arerespondi

Ar bi t er s of Beaut y


I nf ogr aphi c: Asi a,Af r i ca &Eur ope


Tabl e of Cont ent s Reader ’ s Cor ner


AFut ur eWi t h NoDr i ver s ogy echnol het oret Expl on si sVi ndBMW’ behi . Next100conceptcar

36 Emo onal Robot s


Aut hor ’ sNot

42 3

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