Coexistence and competition in the workforce pages 16 and 17 final

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Sources&Ref erences

J es ut has anR. ,Mal comT. ,&Zar kadaki sG.( 2016)“ Aut oma onWi l lMakeUs Ret hi nkWhata“ J ob”Real l var yI s dBus ” ,Har i nes sRevi ew. J es ut has anR. ,&Boudr eauJ .( 2017) .“ Thi nki ngThr oughHowAut oma on H a Wi var l lAffectYourWor dBus i nes sRevi ew. kf or ce” . r Boudr eauJ . ,&Bal l haus enH.( 2011) .“ Tr ans f or ma veHR:HowGr eat Compani esus eEvi denceBas edChanget oCr eat eSus t ai nabl e Advant age” .I HRCSpeci alEvent .

he t n i e anc son Vari t a k W r r e o W sTow i f l l l i o W y e b u h Val esearc R

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vot pi ue( eval orcreat sandbehavi ent al urt o y h e c r t e Wa wh . ) e l ws o o r h y s c h n p e ci i sgra prof Thi senough( obi ngagoodj hreebars. het e)andwheredoi alrol andsurpasst s s a p y e h t s a s e v r u cs. i c h t o b o lRobot t a i s c n o e S p d p a n a h t n o i wha omat veAut i t gni Co , A s P t R c e s f a f a s r y a l l b a e c i s t e h nkoft sdrama l l Thi ohumanski calt echni on. i rom t omat t u ngf a I A f Movi o s d d o d n a ue oyeeval empl

n ai otpassescert l Thepi . hecompany onsoft i at heoper ot alt i eessent sar ent al st ’ ot l Api . ghtcompany i l f r oanai det ovi endantpr t ghtat i l otandaf l hatapi uet heval dert Consi or f urnonper et er l t t i dsl el dsyi andar dst ngaboveandbeyondsai ormi f per , However ng. i esent epr sr hecompanyhe’ yont avel ectgr l ef scanr akeofhi st dsandonemi andar st hecurveaboveconngatt odecentsuch.Looki edt y”compar t oyal omerl e“cust ymor l cant i f gni esi at tgener ngdoesn’ i ot l ngpi andi st erms,out et at ncorpor ti oputi mance;t s ngmi houtmaki t ywi l hathe/shecanf hecompanyt ot ovest hatpr ncet ds,si andar mum st ni otpassesmi l hepi estwhent eat sgr oi i at uer val ot ormancef heper s:t hi rmst i f . ngout eni t at l hecurvef uous,hencet l f ysuper gel ar el hatbarar esbeyondt i t i akes;qual t s, hpassenger t onswi i act er nt ri hei ought hr hecompany”t aceoft he“f heybecomet ,becauset d.However andar oast orm upt f oper edt eexpect y,ar l ar l mi s,si endant t ghtat i Fl hanadecentone. y”t t oyal omerl e“cust ymor l cant i f gni essi at endantgener t ghtat i l entf l ngo,anexcel i el at ncorpor ons.I i at orm expect f per heyout sast ocket ueskyr rval hei t

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