Four worker trends pages 18 and 19 final

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zagani ,anor door s as oGl ngt di Accor encyon par rans dest ovi hatpr ont i t g ,bi s onment r k envi company wor oa nt nHR i ur lt l onwi i ect l acol dat h lbot l onwi i omat ence.Aut ci als oci s om r densf vebur i rat t s ni emoveadmi r or nf hei hem t vet sandgi ker HRwor ve. i oact obepr heyneedt ont i mat t ei evantbecaus el yr l al peci ses HRi al neand t i out xofr vesami nvol i s ypei mert or k.ef edwor bas ent ; evel vel i t ngonacogni yengagi el rar or ue( esval hatgenerat ert t at hel st ’ t i . e) ol alr vot o a pi et espeopl evat el s ker ngHRwor di ovi epr owar hs t Wi pend heycans ,t heywant at hedat t ai t ni ci egi rat t ngs mecrai i et mor med or nf eri t lbebet l hey’ vesandt i t . s cher ear es ar hanmanualdat t



1 9

Soci ety Ni kol ov




Fourwor kpl acet r endst ol ookoutf ori n2017



Sources&Ref erences


HRTech.( 2017)“ FourKeyTr endsTr ans f or mi ng Wor kpl acesi n2017” .HRi nAs i a. Har t ung,R.( 2016) .“ Howt os t opar obotf r om s t eal i ngyourj ob” .TodayOnl i ne. Os wal d,A. ,Pr ot oE. ,&Sgr oiD.( 2014) .“ Happi nes s ver s i t yofWar wi ck,UK. andPr oduc vi t y” .Uni Di s s t on,E.( 2015) .“ 6Pr edi c onsf orHRi n2016” .Gl as s door .


ne i out ed,r ur ruct RememberRPA?St ee hr lt toutofal es i heeas et ksar as t nganSi m.I or f oper oranAIt ypesf t eady r sal abor i el abl ct edi e,pr por e s i erpr ed on an ent omat ng aut bei nues i ogycont echnol .AsRPA t evel l n oni i pat ci i ove,humanpart mpr oi t odenuet i lcont l kswi as evelt l owl ne i cl es and even ,compani y l ul ankf l l ki nups ngi i t nves ei sar nment gover ng sbei ker owor st er ef ch r ng,whi i ex ecompl m mor or f o per ned t rai t hecurveonp.17 .Lookbackatt abor l val ot omancef gheryourper hehi -t hat st ti yi kel i el hemor o,t i uerat aced. epl nedandnotr rai et lber l you’




, y ngl i eas ncr ,buti oyment orempl orf vat i marymot i hepr nst emai onr i at Compens e r u t l u c d n a s e u l a v r i e h t s c mi mi t a h t t n me n o r i v n e g n i k r o w a r o f k o o l e l p o e p BECOME ght he i eoft heexampl ,ast ng.at ni lbeear l hey’ st aheadofwhatnumber o at s eal r ve.ey’ i ract t eat onmentmor r hecompanyenvi tmaket us tj sdon’ ker Happywor . emoney ngmor ni oear egyt rat t hes tbet us ,mayj oves otpr l hepi endantandt t n ngi i t nves n2014.I hedi s i oapaperpubl ngt di uneof12%,accor het ot vet i oduct epr mor es vat i ymot l onal s ewecandowhatper ewher ur ut eaf eat hatwecr et bl i s spos ’ t I ds us andar t hes ebeyondt but i r ocont ngt i l l ewi hem mor oyeesmakest ngofempl bei l hewel t ans epl ar f onarywel i ut evol ver nvol yi kel i dl swoul .i ary al veofs i pect es r r ,i e l ol alr vot .epi abor ueofl heval est s 18,rai awonp.17,aswes hat dbycompanyandt ai l hAI t 33.Wi kaboutonp.30al lt l ’ chwe ,whi ncome,orUBI ci i albas s ver keuni i s t ker erwor .Happi hecompany nt hi t ywi t i l dmobi onofupwar i s es ,anexpr y l eal ,r s curvei ngwhatwewant i uat eeval artr t ds houl ,wes obshowever vej i t ngovercogni aki . oyer heempl st n,benet ur nt ,i hat tandt mi i dl r hi het ngt i s erchanceofpas t haveabet . neshaveusbeat emachi eawher sonear oni i at on.Compens i s es of outofapr



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