Art deco page 2

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19 30s. In A m erica , A rtD eco sty le revita liz ed a na tio n in tim es o feco no m ic dep ressio n. W hen p eo p le w ere bitter a nd unem p lo y ed, A rtD eco deco ra ted their lives in the strength,bea uty o ftheir co untry . D uring tha tp erio d befo re W W II,m a ny o f the U. scra p ers w ere built.Their design m im icks A rtD eco p a tterns.Even to da y ,the sty le is evidento n the industria l la ndsca p e - ta ll, geo m etricstructures,their lo bbies ho m e to the sunburstsha p e. B utthe co nsequences o fw a r led A m erica n a rchitects do w n a ta m er, m o re to neddo w n a p p ro a ch to buildings.

rn m a teria symm ls etric p a ttern geom s etric form angu s lar d e sign craf t mo tifs orna menta l cont rast s indus trial

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