Baxter pages 10 and 11

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Mi kehasrecent l ybecomecoworkers wi t haBaxt erbot .Readhi st hought s i nourReader’ sCorneronpage40!

?For er orBaxt df ehol ur ut hef Andwhatdoest adder eerl hecar ngupt mbi i scl oboti her now,t ng.But obedoi ew wantt obsveryf ngj bydoi , or eat scr er’ hatmaychangeandnotevenBaxt t s ckuponhi lpi l rywi t ndus ,knowswhati ooks Br tknow .Idon’ snext ent al st ’ ne emachi adorabl T dMI ol ”het ogo, ngt sgoi ’ t ei ywher l exact obe ngt sgoi ’ t “ButIknowi ew. ogyRevi Technol ” on. i ut evol ar

Sources&Ref erences Mor r i s on,S.( 2017) .“ DoesAut oma onKi l lJ obs ? Nope—ButOffs hor i ngDoes ” ,Na onalEconomi csEdi t or i al .

“I fyoucandevel opar obott hat ’ scapabl eofi nt egr at i ng Sco ,R.( 2015) .“ Manuf act ur i ngJ obLos s :Tr ade, NotPr oducvi t y,I st heCul pr i t ” .Economi cPol i cyI nst ut e. i nt ot hehumanwor kf l ow,i nt ot hehumanpartoft he Kni ght ,W.( 2012) .“ Thi sRobotCoul dTr ans f or m Manuf act ur i ng” .MI TTechnol ogyRevi ew. f act ory-i fi thasj ustal i t t l ebi tofdeci si onmaki ng Or cu ,M.( 2015) .“ Ret hi nki ngt heManuf act ur i ngRobot ” .MI TTechnol ogyRevi ew. C o x w o r t h , B . ( 2 0 1 2 ) . “ B a x t e r i n d u s t r i a l r o b o t a i ms a t abi l i t y,al i t t l ebi toff l exi bi l i t y-t hatopensupa br i ngi ngaut oma ont os mal l ermanuf act ur er s ” .NewAt l as . Rabkewych,D.( 2016) .“ Her e’ showcol l abor a ver obot spr ovi de newt ypeofmanuf act uri ngpr ocess. ” cus t omaut oma on,cos tbenefit st omanuf act ur er s ” ,Packagi ngDi ges t . Hager t y,J .( 2015) .“ Meett heNewGener a onof J ul i eShi ah,MI TProf essor Robot sf orManuf act ur i ng” ,Wal lSt r eetJ our nal .

Ameri canManuf act uri ngEmpl oyment Who’ st oBl ame?

Cooperat i ngwi t hBaxt eri mprovesbot t oml i ne

hat gumentt hear ot alt t ebut ngr i est er nt desani ovi aphpr ow gr Thebel y l heear weent ng.Bet uri act nmanuf eri l l obki maryj hepri st oni i omat aut achemanuf sbecauset ’ hat oyment-t nempl sei 50sand80s,weseeari seocever her t s, eryear at nl I y. t vi i ngproduct paci putwasout ngout uri t can owedAmeri l sal adedeal r aph.Opent nggr ni i hedecl ed;hencet curr nputandi veout i henat ngt educi on,r i oduct cepr sour f oof est compani ngand i weenexport ancebet hebal ,ort t ci i adedef r hegoodst ngt easi cr ng. i mport i Peopl eEmpl oyedi nManuf acturi ng( Mi l l i ons)

avesover ts hati st eport ew r andbyScr hopSt ngs i ur act Manuf s obot err ngBaxt aboreverydaybyhavi nmanuall si 000hour 4, ed r er f rans .ecompanyt oyees arempl egul der i ongs kal wor n si eat obs sj t nesandexpandedi omachi ksovert as mundanet ong sal er ngBaxt .Havi s l l ki ves i t ghercogni ehi r equi hatr east ar ume ghervol hhi ohavebot ew t andbyScr owedSt l sal conveyor . s ker dwor pai ghehi putandmor out I magesbyMI TTech

ooaut obst ngj osi sl Soi h? y a myt mpl on si i mat he ot ve t i at Yes,compar t u o o t e u d t s o l s b o j y l e d i sw oni omat eyedaut yhegoogl ,t Today ng.TheUSCensus ci sour ng ni ght i dl l obui st oryconveyor act nf edi us es an mat i eau est Bur .Res obot herr esandevenot cl ,vehi pment equi tof ci i ade def r annualt er yBaxt l i edbyhow eas nat ci as ef sar cher ear s hat ven t on.Gi i l l $750 bi f .“I es s oces ngpr i ur act o new manuf st adapt t ci i hat def 78% of t ent eofi scapabl ’ hat obott opar youcandevel ur act om manuf r comesf he ot nt k ow,i hehumanwor ot nt ngi i grat henumbercomes ng,t i o10 est at ansl r cht on,whi i l l nat$573bi i ob oj eatt hr ealt her ,t nshort obs.I canj onAmeri i l l mi . er Technol ogy Ni kol ov securi ng,notBaxt ci sour sout ngi uri act nmanuf yi t

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