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Sources&Ref erences

Fr ey,C. ,& Os bor neM.( 2013)“ TheFut ur eofEmpl oyment :HowSus cep bl ear eJ obst oComput er i s a on?” Demi ng,D.( 2015) .“ TheGr owi ngI mpor t anceof Soci alSki l l si nt heLaborMar ket ” .Har var dUni ver s i t y. Tor r es ,N.( 2015) .“ Technol ogyI sOnl yMaki ng Soci alSki l l sMor eI mpor t ant ” .Har var dBus i nes sRevi ew.

Soci ety Ni kol ov

BePol i t e &YouWon’ t BeRe pl ac e d

Commonbehavi orbr eaches Usi ngaspeakerphoneort al ki ngl oudl yont hephone 36% Loi t eri ngort al ki ngaroundacol l eague' sdesk 23% Eat i ngf oodst hathavest rongodors 15%

onon i at ol s ni ugawayi opl et ngabl hedaysofbei t e,“ quot eas ncr ei tar ori lf dwel emandbepai obl vepr i at t i aquant ” . s l l ki ypesofs ht ohavebot .Youneedt yover ngl i eams ett esl i t i l alabi oci ,s t s r .Fi ons eas Butwhy?Twor o tt educedcos heratr weeneachot ksbet as et nat di coor osapr ’ e .er s t ul es ongerr r t eves hecompanyandachi t i hequal yandt t i l abi oci weens pbet hi ons i at el onalr i t por om 2015 r ngf chbyDemi ear es ,r act nf k;i oupwor yofgr t scanbe l l ki als oci rs hei oyeesont ngempl i t es howshowt s . onment r eam envi nat yi t vi i oduct rpr hei ctt edi opr edt us

nce “Thedaysofbei i ,s t ei omat o aut st oyer sand empl neer engi ngabl et opl ugawayi n obs i hej ,t ds herwor not .I emoney avemor ls l hey’ t s o l a t i o n o n a q u a n t i t a t i v e p r o b l e m atNOTtoask wethinkaresafefrom thehandsofrobotsarepreo- Wh awhowaut ,wes es cl i t ousar evi npr andbepai dwel lf ori tare yand t i hequal ovet mpr oncani i mat k.Sowhatcan s i er ur ut tf es eat heonesatgr yt el s ci i n c r e a s i n g l y o v e r . ” sover os snotgl ’ k.Let ueofourwor val y? t i ecur obs eourj eas ncr oi oyeest wedoasempl prof .Davi dDemi ng,Harvard WhydoIhave Bepoliteandmastersocialskills.Whatmight canemi hough;Amer ,t y t i eal cr i hebas t acedby epl ober edt ect oj epr oyeesar pl t odot hi s? soundlikeaclichéisactuallytheproductofcon- esecondreasoninvolves“theoryofthemind”,orthe ey lFr udybyCar t .A2013s ons i l l hemi t .A not s cher ear es sandr or s es of dpr var enusamongHar s erunder t scanbet dual vi ndi ci i het hatempat ont i t heDepar om t r nef bor chaelOs andMi or s ect hes ,t he80s ncet i ,s hat est cat ndi 2015paperi e b s l a o g d n a s e i g o l o e d i , s e t a t s l a n o i t mo e t n e r e ff i d d n a t d or nOxf encei ngSci i neer mentofEngi Wi l lIgeta ofjobsthatrequiregoodmannersandheavysocialcausetheycanplacethemselvesintheotherperson’ s n onsi i t i kpos hat47% ofwor edt mat i t es cal s echni et l ,whi y l l al i ant t ubs owns onhasgr i act er nt al sment ’ ker wor etacopr er nt ti necan’ .A machi hoes n hi t edwi omat rai sef ort hi s? i obeaut yt kel i el heU. t ns nei i pdecl har eenas aborhass el abl ct edi andpr al i c o s t n e l l e c x e h t i w e l p o e p t u b , r o i v a h e b r i e h t m o r f e t a t ed, cover s wo.Aswedi ot henextdecadet t hat s actt hef st hapsi ngper i l ecompel demand.Mor effit ecos at abor l ocol est i t i hequal ngt scan.Havi l l ki heeyes nt edequali eat ecr obsar lj notal edgeand ci xofSTEM knowl eami r equi chr obswhi y heor ndt nmi edi s ver l ngwel eamandbei hat t ywi l ent Howmuchdo j l l i t ss oni i s es of arpr l col et ofAIandawhi nwages ar ei eas ncr ti ghes hehi eent shaves l l ki als oci s . e l o r l a t o v i p a g n i v e i h c a f o s y a w e r mo o w t t s u j e s arone.i l col uehanabl erbett af as youmake? relativetolaborthatrequireseither,butnotboth. Mannersmatter.Ourhumanabilitytoleanonothers’ sa dou,i ng,however nki hi ne oft i l ng, .Demi dJ orDavi s es of dPr var oHar ngt di Accor he ackt fwel edi t swas eourowni but i r hsandcont engt r t s k exwor ecompl d:becaus wor edgeds ebl * A c c o r d i n g t o B e t h R u ffin g , H RS e r v i c e s ma n a g e r a t I n s p e r i t y. s veback. kandgi oas yt ar s etneces s l l ki als oci o vef i ncent geri ar sal ’ e her e,t paysmor



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