Bmw spread pages 37 and 38 final

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sout usowner i calPr i act hepr Fort powci r ect sel heNext100i e,t her t n ei pat ci i t ghtpar smi ver i ed.Dr er y nl ai t scer ’ e her on,butt i at t por ans r t he ,t hat nt .I s uel lf i s os orf ef ur ut nof onal i at er eemsamor ess i er Nexts . s tconceptcar hanmos ont i s vi s ogyi echnol st hi evet i obel et uggl r St erand hanBaxt ert azi snocr ’ t ?I eal r n yhaveahandi kel i ll l obotwi hatr t heNext100. ket i sl ngcar i ur act manuf


Economi cs Ni kol ov

TheLuxur yHi ghEnd ofSel f Dr i vi ngCar s

. eat hebacks nt uckedawayi t nacar ur ot ont i vedevot i s es sobs i esover i r oncar i at ens oas nt neyi our j ans r kt .ebodywor or i er heext ot t o ves t ygonalcur ong pol ms al or f o tcanpeelawayt row.I orai tf us adj hehead- Phot ,concealt es r i het evealt r osbyTheVerge . es vesandangl soraddcur ght i l

sa ng,there’ nesomethi magi etoi ,youareabl gner ,asadesi f "I " BMW Group ty, i d one day become real tcoul good chance i nastatement.“Soour di anvanHooydonksai efAdri gnchi desi uture opaf onNext100wastodevel si ththeBMW Vi vewi ecti obj " th. dengagewi ewoul othatpeopl scenari

MeetEl eanor ,

theAIrunni ngtheRol l sRoyce103EX.

AICar sThatLear n,Thi nk&I nter act l l swi ecar ur ut lf evesal i BMW bel s .Numberonei s al i ent s oures ef har s on.e i act er nt ve i i t ui nt AI and i s ,butBMW’ eAI Next100doesus chbei öhl ausFr chKl ear HeadofRes s t ni li l i t ss ogyi echnol het evest i l ve i t ui nt .I ) der i ns sI nes i Bus ancy( nf i s er ef herhand,r heot on,ont i act er nt i n on ur hatt est ur eat vef i ct edi opr t ng i t eques yr l t ci i sexpl er houtus t wi hem. t ve i nnovat si ali i ent s econdes es hem. oducet opr sandwayst al i er mat

owed l e,al orexampl ng,f i nt i 4D pr uctabodyr t ocons st neer BMW engi hatcan est i er heNext100s ort kf wor c. i abr kef i hapel changes he nt sconcer nt wo poi tt as el por ans r nt ei ol er ur ut sf verandhi i dr ng vi i hatdr evest i on.BMW bel i at t yemol al undament n af emai lr l wi ace of he f nt ence.I i onalexper i t , s or ect ss os onacr i omat ngaut owi gr onmaynotcom i s hatpas ,t however ome onss i ut ol kets eemar r hf t ewi pet om now. r sf 20or30year

Savov,V.( 2016) .“ BMW' sVi s i onNext100i st heconcept carofmychi l dhooddr eams ” .TheVer ge. LeBeau,P.( 2016) .“ Rol l s Roycedi t chest hechauffeuri n t hi sf ut ur i scconceptcar ” .CNBC. Zhang,B.( 2016) ” .“ BMW j us tunvei l edi t smi ndbl owi ngvi s i on f orcar s100year si nt hef ut ur e” .Bus i nes sI ns i der .

ehaveeven Royc sl hatRol alt i ssospec ari sc Thi at heAIoper henameoft st .Shebear ed“her” gender oknow what fyouwantt .I eanor edEl l al ,c ngher i edes-Royc l ndsofRol hemi nt kei i ooksl eanorl El e ar hebonnetandst ot henheadonovert ,t s gner si e. t uet at asyst st tofEc i r heSpi ylatt osel l c aasyou sonaldat esper esandupdat or eanorst El emember lr l .TheAIwi ar hec nt mei i et spendmor er ef esyoupr ac hepl ke,t i oadsyoul her owt l ol andf hes c at hatc tt hear yenough,t dl r ngand,wei i t si vi 00, heBMW Next1 ht t asewi hec st youreye.Asi s l ag?None;Rol et c i .Thepr c i r t ec yel l ul sf eanori El . s ent i l edc ust r st t oi art hec lt ysel lonl l ewi Royc

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