Economically trapped final pages 26 and 27

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TworkonamongI acti sf obsati nj nei i out.A2015UKsurveyshowedasharpdecl r orthei onf npassi therregai sei dual vi ndi nt,i e.From thatpoi f i l dngmi ersduri setdel l rski e”andthei ncrements,orthey“settl vecareeri onandrecei essi prof ghtsurveyby nsi ngtoani ty,accordi ori attertypearethemaj orates.Thel teri dwheretherequi Tfiel ntheI em i screatesaprobl rom 2015.Thi earnf l i mpl Si uti oyees.Thesol esofempl ti i l tmatchtheabi esdon’ dbycompani ai rementsl edge rknowl yupdatethei arl sneedtoregul onal essi Tprof d.One,I ol f stwooni ng dwhereanagi nafiel evanti skeepsthem rel ve.Thi ti nordertostaycompeti i recyl obal owsthem topursuegl l soal tal workerseven;i setcanbeautomatedbycol l ski sa oni uti obmarket.Thesecondsol teronthej ysoughtaf ghl charehi onswhi ficati zedcerti ogni derones, datesoverol ngyoungercandi ri zehi ti ori Tfirms;theypri cemadebyI untchoi ratherbl on. acti sf obsati ueandj aborval nl psi edi f i l donedmi menti duetotheabove-


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rmemhei ort cesf vi er ves i ect ot ldopr l i t onscans e,uni s Ofcour i paceandAgr os e,Aer l omobi edAer t heUni e,t .Forexampl s ber yof t i or hemaj ht t eementwi tagr uckacour r t ss ker eWor ur t cul me i onsaheadoft muni or nf oi heyhavet hatt st er ur act carmanuf oyees aceempl epl dr hatcoul onst i ut ol ngAIs i ement mpl abouti . l l ki oups hem t cet or orf

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khewor ort engef l onachal i omat ,whatmakesaut y el mat i t Ul y t hatnopar st si nment onsandgover ,uni es s nes i ,bus s as ngcl i or eatf hr omeandat ors yf t uni t sanoppor ’ t ;i t ”i ve ol s can“ ke i sl ant egi at por onsandcor aboruni sofl .Member s her ot ewhoemhos hatt ,t ons i us arconcl l mi i os ngt ecomi Amazonar heoneswho ageovert veadvant i s damas onhol i nnovat acei br . hods edmet i r ot ckt i t s

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hespeed ngovert orgoi edf ebust endyouwer et spr ’ Let oshowyour ngt di l nmentbui oagover ogot .Youneedt t mi i l he wayst sal essi oc egalpr .Thel ket c i het enseandpayt c i l edby lbehandl lal l twi ei hanc sgoodc e’ her ngt same,meani e. ur ut hef nt ei war t sof Sources&Ref erences Knowledge-basedoccupationslikelawyeringwillbeauto“ . . . t hei s s uei swhatpr ovi s i onswi l lai dwor ker s Si ms ,C.( 1987) .“ BUSI NESSTECHNOLOGY:Uni onsOfferLaborHel ponAut oma on” .NewYor kTi mes . ma lgo l eswi c i .Pr s hi ot dest eupsi ear .Ther ent oanext edt t Kumar ,K.( 2015) .“ WhyI Tpr of es s i onal scons t ant l yneedt oups ki l l ” .Fi nanci alExpr es s . i nadj usngt oanenvi r onmentt hati sbei ng egal orl opayf et lbeabl l ewi epeopl ngmor down,meani TheEconomi s t .( 2016) .“ Aut oma onandanxi et y” .TheEconomi s t . e suemor anpur herhand,c heot ,ont s .Lawyer es c ervi Mel t zer ,T.( 2014) .“ Robotdoct or s ,onl i nel awyer sand s r api dl yaut omat ed. ” Har l eyShai ken,UC aut omat edar chi t ect s :t hef ut ur eoft he e . eof ar akenc lbet l neoneswi i out rr hei et nc askssi ngt i t i xc pr of es s i ons ?” .TheGuar di an.

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