Emotional robots final pages 34 and 35

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Emoti onalRobots

Technol ogy Ni kol ov

Pepper,ahumanoi dmachi ne,i sthefi rstA. I .tounderstandfeel i ngs.


Sources&Ref erences


ealemongr i s es eofexpr andedascapabl obotbr tr s he r edt eveal ,r kcompany wor enet apanes oBank,aJ n ai t er handent t ewi s ce,conver evantadvi el ver ogi et ngabl edasbei s i t sadver n2015.Pepperi onsbacki i t Byf or d,S.( 2014) .“ Imetanemo onalr obot andf el tnot hi ng” .TheVer ge. . ) act r ancont apl hadat t ongwi al 600( or$1, sf ,hecanbeyour .Today es eofbabi akecar sandevent ent i cl Gl as er ,A.( 2016) .“ Pepper ,t heemo onal ul of est uggl r t hats hanAIt t eavesuswi ,l ,however y t i onal s msandper echar abl sundeni ’ ngPepper i gnor I r obot ,l ear nshowt of eell i kean Amer i can. ”Wi r ed. on. i unct sf t li l Yhweng.( 2015) .“ AnExcl us i veI nt er vi ew smay hought nghumant i s oces ngandpr i s es ng,expr i uct r t .Cons ener t s i snotanadeptl Forone,Pepperi wi t hUNandI SOexper t si nRobot sand Regul a on” .Robol awAs i a. , y edl t .Repor es as nedphr ear onandl i t ecogni nr er t yonpat el yr nescanonl ,butmachi ous alt ur eem nat s ,but ons i t onofques ksat Pepperas . es pons es ulr ngf vemeani ogi st l ai f nwhathecan ei bl n exi si ’ o,he s Al .Hehasa eengagement omot opr ogyt fhumanpsychol aysof gnpl sdesi ’ Pepper gned i sdes ,whoi er keBaxt i do;unl ce oVi ngt di Accor ons. i oport kepr i l dl aceandchi ef acut arms, kebody, i l humanng i ur act nemanuf i out er o handl t ayemspl odi smeantt ancei sappear ca,hi csAmeri i BankRobot t dentofSof esi Pr nwhat oengagei k,Pepperhast wor he ,t ,however sAI onsofhi i at t mi i hel ot ng.Duet i act er nt soni heper dt owar hyt pat . s c i obot alr i oc erdeemeds i l weear . ner ai ert eofanent nsmor emai dr oi andr ect ckupanobj opi lt ai tf ercan’ Baxt sat omer Pass.Cust er edMast l am cal ogr aunchedanewpr dl Car er n2016,Mast I ,butPepper heway orgetoutoft . obot akenbyaPepperr st der ror hei ohavet acanchooset nAsi si zzaHutspot Pi onalcueoreven i sanemot s canmi ;backant st ershopassi ust ackl sal ence,buthe’ queexperi desauni ovi Pepperpr on. i at s ntofaconver hepoi t he ert t Af m. usehi arcanconf cul i npart oguei al eddi sesandunexpect oundnoi gr hows ds oi eandr t ewhi abl sador i ds. oi yandr hecuddl et r i et or endt st eowner or ,st f sof orwear act yf t novel al oci es omat oaut st ti ti fficul howdi s ammer ogr .Pr al i ent sedpot omi spr eachhi sachancePeppercanr ei her Butt . es i t i qual

Opensour ci ngPepper

I mprovi ngA. I .Ethi cs

one-of onort essi e,expr ur konagest oposeandwor Bankcanpr t deSof si out eeven ear hahuman.Ther t onwi i act er nt ari cul i napart hatmakessensei cet ch voi es,whi i t i l veabi i t ncogni ai sohascert ,butheal obot cer saservi Pepperi or scodef ast husi etent ll l hatwi et war t oasandboxsof caccesst i orpubl ansf d pl onalabuse.The“Humanoi i caloremot m ofphysi i ct meanshecanbeavi ons. i sact ’ obot her ewt evi nessuchasPepperasa Pepperandpr emachi ofil mst n2015,ai oposedi ,pr ” yAct t i al Mor s. ght mentri eat r rt ai lhavef l hey’ smeanst aw.Thi hel stenceundert rdexi thi on. i ect r hatdi nt eansi hecompanyl ,butt ceyet sour snotopensAIi ’ Pepper ng eadi onalr i semot s,hi l l anguageski sl ’ obot her dent oncanwi i but ri ccont i Publ I magebyTheVerge andgesturing.Oneday,Peppermightreallybecomethefirstemotionalrobot.

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