Infographcs asia europe africa pages 28 29

Page 1



J apan

55. 7

St at i s t i csbyMcKi ns ey& Company

Thai l and

54. 6

nt ageofworkact i vi t i est hatcoul dbe Peaurctoema t edbyadapt i ngcurrentt echnol ogi es

Qat ar

52. 0

Sout hKor ea 51. 9


CzechRep. 52. 2


I ndonesi a

51. 8

Tur key

50. 4

I ndi a

51. 8

I t al y

50. 3

Mal aysi a

51. 4

Pol and

49. 5

Chi na

51. 2

Spai n

48. 5

Russi a

50. 3


47. 9

Phi l i ppi nes 47. 9

Gr eece

47. 8

U. A. E.

47. 3

Aust ri a

47. 4


46. 8

Swi t zer l and 46. 7


Bahr ai n

46. 1



51. 9

Mor occo

50. 5

46. 0

aand i ve.As i pect s cper aphi dergeogr i ocons antt t mpor si ’ t on,i i omat eofaut at her kaboutt al Whenwet hat owt l ol tf .I yyear caever i opeorAmer hanEur st obot alr i r t ndus ei mesmor i ound4t ear chas apur i al r t Aus han est i r ncount er t neas gheri lbehi l cewi or kf hewor om t r acedf pl s ngdi ebei awnumberofpeopl her t ? hat st .Whyi ons egi lr sal os aracr l mi i nss emai edr omat ngaut obsbei hoodofj i kel i hel ,t n.However er t wes ng opi ndevel k.I exwor ngcompl i omat easaut abl ot enearaspr snowher abori evell l owngl i omat Aut ew ngaf i omat e.Aut ens als ghtnotmake nanci obsmi otofj eal omat oaut abort ngcheapl egoi or ,f es i r count soppor es otl eal ear her e,butt abl ot epr lbemor l eswi i r opedcount ndevel obsi evelj l ng,upper payi ghhi . opment cdevel ngeconomi yi hvar t onswi i snat os aracr l mi i obes endt st henumber ,t .î ˘us t ori esf i t uni t

SaudiAr abi a46. 0

Net her l ands 45. 4

Aust r al i a

Fr ance

43. 1


48. 7

Si ngapor e 44. 2

U. K.

42. 8

Ni geri a

45. 7

Kuwai t


42. 4

Sout hAf ri ca 41. 0

44. 9 41. 1

Economi cs Ni kol ov

By2 02 0,cus t omer swi l lmanage

ft hei rr el at i ons hi ps 85 %owi t houtt al ki ngt oa

human. 2020

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