Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen

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Zeitschrift f端r Internationale Beziehungen

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www.zib.nomos.de/archiv One free article per issue available online. Pro Heft kann jeweils ein Beitrag kostenfrei abgerufen werden.

The Flagship of German IR-Journals The Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB) is the flagship journal of the German International Relations community. According to a poll amongst German political scientists across various sub-fields conducted in 2009 it is also considered the best German-language journal in Political Science at large. ZIB publishes articles that make original as well as theoretically and methodically reflected contributions to the study of international relations. The thematic spectrum includes the entire range of IR, including IR theory, foreign policy analysis, international institutions, peace and conflict resolution, security policy, European integration, North-South relations, development policy, and international economic relations. The high quality of articles that are published in ZIB is ensured through double blind peer review. ZIB was the first journal in German Political Science to introduce such a process. Since its founding in 1994 ZIB

has greatly contributed to the professionalization of the German IR-community and can be considered a key source for thematic stimuli on theoretical, methodological and empirical levels at the edge of contemporary IR research.

Subscription (print and online access): Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB) volume 20/2013 | 2 issues per year | ISSN 0946-7165 Annual subscription including 2 print issues and e-access (non-corporate): € 83.00 + postage € 12.00 For more information on pricing and subscription offers please visit www.nomos-shop.de/10928.

Flaggschiff der deutschen IB-Zeitschriften Die Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB) ist das zentrale Publikationsorgan der Sektion Internationale Politik der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW). Ihre Aufgabe ist es, aus unaufgefordert eingesandten Beiträgen in einem doppelt anonymisierten Begutachtungsverfahren die besten auszuwählen, um auf diese Weise die qualitativ avancierte, theoretisch und methodisch reflektierte IB-Forschung in Deutschland zu repräsentieren. Das thematische Spektrum der Aufsätze in der ZIB umfasst die ganze Vielfalt der Arbeitsgebiete der Internationalen Beziehungen, das heißt unter anderem die Bereiche Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen, Außenpolitikanalyse, internationale Institutionen, Friedens- und Konfliktforschung / Sicherheitspolitik, Europäische Integration, NordSüd-Beziehungen / Entwicklungspolitik, internationale Wirtschafts­ beziehungen, internationale Kulturbeziehungen und internationale Umweltpolitik etc.

Seit ihrer Gründung 1994 hat die ZIB wesentlich zur Profilbildung der deutschen IB-Community beigetragen und wichtige inhaltliche Impulse gegeben. Idealtypisch umfasst jedes Heft drei Aufsätze, die einen originären, theoretisch und methodisch reflektierten Beitrag zur Disziplin Internationale Beziehungen leisten, sowie entweder die Rubrik Forum oder die Rubrik Symposium.

Herausgeber | Editors

Schriftleitung | Editorial Staff

Carlo Masala, Universität der Bundeswehr München | Stephan Stetter, Universität der Bundeswehr München | Christopher Daase, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | Gunther Hellmann, GoetheUniversität Frankfurt am Main | Harald Müller, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | Klaus Dieter Wolf, HSFK/PRIF Frankfurt am Main | Michael Zürn, WZB Berlin

Sebastian Enskat Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen Institut für Politikwissenschaft Universität der Bundeswehr München Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39 D-85577 Neubiberg Mail: zib@unibw.de

Abonnement inklusive Online-Zugang Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB) 20. Jahrgang 2013 | 2 Ausgaben pro Jahr | ISSN 0946-7165 Jahresabo inkl. Online-Zugang (Privatbezieher): 83,– € [zzgl. Vertriebskostenanteil Inland 8,56 €, plus Direktbeorderungs­gebühr 1,61 € = Gesamtpreis: 93,17 €]

Weitere Informationen sowie Bezugsmöglichkeiten (Institutionen, Firmen) finden Sie unter: www.nomos-shop.de/10298

Excerpt Articles: 2012 | Issue 2 German Foreign Policy since Unification. Between Idealism and Realism Ulrich Roos Peaceful Change Without Democracy? Theoretical and Empirical Thoughts on the Formation of Autocratic Security Communities Simon Kuschat Ambivalences of Participation. Limits of NGO Influence at the World Summit on the Information Society Charlotte Dany

2012 | Issue 1 Global Victimhood. On the Charisma of the Victim in Transitional Justice Thorsten Bonacker The Path-Dependency of International Legalization. Comparing EU and WTO Michael Blauberger | Tilman Krüger | Susanne K. Schmidt

OSCE Yearbook 2012 Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Edited by the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg / IFSH 2013, 482 pp., hc., € 79.00 ISBN 978-3-8487-0242-8 www.nomos-shop.de/20505

Auszüge der Aufsätze: 2012 | Heft 2 Deutsche Außenpolitik nach der Vereinigung. Zwischen ernüchtertem Idealismus und realpolitischem Weltordnungsstreben Ulrich Roos Friedlicher Wandel ohne Demokratie? Theoretische und empirische Überlegungen zur Bildung einer autokratischen Sicherheitsgemeinschaft Simon Kuschat Ambivalenzen der Partizipation. Grenzen des NGO-Einflusses auf dem Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft Charlotte Dany

2012 | Heft 1 Globale Opferschaft. Zum Charisma des Opfers in Transitional Justice-Prozessen Thorsten Bonacker Die Pfadabhängigkeit internationaler Verrechtlichung. EU und WTO im Vergleich Michael Blauberger | Tilman Krüger | Susanne K. Schmidt

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat | Academic Advisory Council Mathias Albert, Universität Bielefeld | Ulrich Beck, LMU München | Tanja Börzel, FU Berlin | Tanja Brühl, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | James Davis, Universität St. Gallen | Thomas Diez, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | Andrea Liese, Universität Potsdam | Georg Nolte, Körber-Stiftung München | Jürgen Rüland, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Zlatko Šabic, Universität Ljubljana | Ole Waever, Universität Kopenhagen | Wolfgang Wagner, Universität Amsterdam

The OSCE Yearbook 2012 contains a wealth of writing by experts and practitioners alike on Europe’s most comprehensive security organization. This year’s special focus section looks at twenty years of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM). The Authors consider the HCNM’s evolving work in various regions (including Ukraine, Central Asia, and the Baltic states) and on various topics, such as quiet diplomacy and the various sets of thematic recommendations, which are his most powerful tools. Participating States in the spotlight in 2012 include Russia, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, and Germany. There are also chapters on the Chechen conflict, the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, and the relevance of the Arab Spring for the OSCE. Naturally, the Yearbook also includes a detailed review of the 2011 Lithuanian Chairmanship. Further highlights include discussions of the IDEAS and EASI Euro-Atlantic security initiatives and of whether the OSCE is on the way to becoming a “security community”. The OSCE’s Secretary General, Lamberto Zannier, discusses co-operation between international organizations. The Yearbook includes compendious appendixes with data and facts on the 57 OSCE States as well as a full bibliography of recent publications.

Bundeswehr Academy for Information and Communication Series

Maas | Bodó | Burnley | Comardicea | Roffey (eds.)


The United Nations and Global Change


Ina Wiesner (ed.)

Global Environmental Change

German Defence Politics Benjamin de Carvalho | Ole Jacob Sending [eds.]

The Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping Concept, Implementation and Practice

New Drivers for Resistance, Crime and Terrorism?

With a Foreword by Jan Egeland



Global Environmental Change

German Defence Politics

New Drivers for Resistance, Crime and Terrorism?

Edited by Ina Wiesner

By Achim Maas, Balázs Bodó, Clementine Burnley, Irina Comardicea and Roger Roffey 2013, 298 pp., pb., € 54.00 ISBN 978-3-8329-6894-6

2013, 399 pp., pb., € 69.00 ISBN 978-3-8487-0824-6 (Schriften der Akademie der Bundeswehr für Information und Kommunikation, vol. 30) www.nomos-shop.de/21648


The Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping Concept, Implementation and Practice Edited by Benjamin de Carvalho and Ole Jacob Sending 2013, 206 pp., pb., € 36.00 ISBN 978-3-8329-6531-0 (The United Nations and Global Change, vol. 7)



Order form

To order please visit www.nomos-shop.de, fax (+49) 7221/2104-43 or contact your local bookstore. ISSN 0946-7165

ZIB (2 issues) incl. online access € 83.00 + postage € 12.00

95,– €

For more information on other pricing and subscription offers (e.g. corporate rates, student rates, etc.) please visit www.nomos-shop.de/10298 I understand that my subscription to ZIB will continue for as long as I wish, without interruption, until I tell you to stop. My subscription will be renewed for the same term as I selected above, for the rate then in effect. I may cancel my subscription in writing at three month’s notice, effective at the end of the calendar year.


IFSH OSCE Yearbook 2012

€ 79.00


Maas | Bodó | Burnley | Comardicea | Roffey Global Environmental Change

€ 54.00


Wiesner German Defence Politics

€ 69.00


de Carvalho | Sending The Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping

€ 36.00

This order can be cancelled within fourteen-days without giving reasons. Simply send your written cancellation within the given period to: Verlagsauslieferung, In den Lissen 12, 76547 Sinzheim, Germany or to your book shop. A cancellation binds you to return the items. All costs and risks of return are payable by the addressee.

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