2013 Nordic Heritage Museum Annual Report

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2013 Annual Report |

February 18, 2014





OuR MISSION The Nordic Heritage Museum shares Nordic culture with people of all ages and backgrounds by exhibiting art and objects, preserving collections, providing educational and cultural experiences, and serving as a community gathering place.

From the President Irma Goertzen

Once again it is my opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year and share a few words about the continuing growth and success of the Nordic Heritage Museum. Each year we move closer to realizing our goal of a new facility, and it is through this hard work and the enduring Nordic spirit that we will succeed.

Irma Goertzen, Board President

The Museum’s achievements can only be attributed to the wonderful support of our Members, volunteers, trustees, and staff. This past year we successfully exceeded our budgetary goals, increased our membership and attendance, and enhanced the quality of our exhibitions and programs. We saw another record year for our Auktion, Yulefest, and Viking Days events. Our exhibitions received substantial press coverage and critical acclaim, including a glowing review of Ørnulf Opdahl’s exhibition in The Seattle Times, exhibition features in back-toback issues of Seattle Magazine, and television features on Nancy Guppy’s ArtZone and King5’s Evening Magazine, among much more print, broadcast, radio, and online coverage. With each success, we continue to build on the inevitability of a new home. The year saw several substantial gifts to the Museum Capital Campaign, including a $1 million grant from the Washington State Heritage Capital Fund, a $500,00 gift from Barbro Osher,


and a $250,00 contribution from Earl and Denise Ecklund. I also want to offer my sincere thanks and applaud the wonderful contributions made by Board member Floyd Jones, who retires this year after nine years of service. Floyd had already made a number of substantial contributions to the Museum and Campaign, but in 2013 — and in response to a challenge — Floyd stepped up and pledged an additional $1 million to the Museum. Thank you, Floyd, from all of us! The Capital Campaign continues to be a major focus of the Board’s efforts. We have only $16 million of $45 million left to raise toward achieving our goal of a new Museum on Market Street. I know that we are all anticipating the day that we can open those doors. Our plan for 2014 is to begin the next phase of architectural drawings, design, and permitting, while we raise the remaining funds necessary for construction. This will require that those who have not yet made a pledge to please come forward and be generous. The Nordic Heritage Museum is a major cultural organization in our community, and it is only with your continued support that we will prosper. I personally thank each and every one of you who have already made a gift to the Campaign, and look forward to sharing my gratitude with those of you will be making a gift in the coming year.

NORDIc HERITAgE MuSEuM 2013 Annual Report

From the Treasurer Hans Aarhus

The Nordic Heritage Museum continued to expand its operations in 2013, as we look forward to a new facility on Market Street. The Museum grew its operational revenue from $1.49 million in 2012 to $1.65 million in 2013, and 2013 actual net income outperformed projections by an impressive $83,000. We saw our Auktion, Yulefest, and Viking Days events generate record numbers in attendance and revenue. Grant support from both public and private foundations continued to grow. Revenue from program fees totaled $63,000, and revenue from donations, special events, and grants outperformed budget by a combined sum of $78,000. Earned revenues including program fees, facility and rental income, gift shop sales, admissions, interest, and membership fees represented approximately 42% of a total income of nearly $700,000. The Capital Campaign position was further bolstered this year by several substantial gifts, including a $1 million pledge from Floyd Jones, a $500,000 gift from the Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation, and a $250,00 commitment from Earl and Denise Ecklund. We also received a $1 million grant from the Washington State Heritage Capital Fund. These gifts helped bring the Museum’s 2013 Capital Campaign contribution total to $2.75 million.



REVENUE Contributed Revenue Earned Revenue Total Public Support and Revenue**

2,530,542 1,018,190 3,548,732

1,568,981 599,527 2,168,508

EXPENSES Program Services Management and General Capital Campaign Fundraising Total Expenses Change in Net Assets

1,061,065 279,228 367,557 153,668 1,861,518 1,687,214

968,081 253,540 332,738 134,284 1,688,643 479,865

BALANCE SHEET Total Assets Liabilities Total Net Assets Net Assets, Unrestricted Net Assets, Temporarily Restricted Net Assets, Permanently Restricted

14,143,588 91,455 9,828,082 9,335,123 2,804,164 2,004,304

12,325,535 113,571 12,211,964 9,208,600 1,219,192 1,784,172



Total Liabilities and Equity

** Revenue ďŹ gure aligns with 990 and is reported net of special event costs, cost of good sold, investment gains, in-kind gift and distributions.

responsible financial results, and the Museum closed 2013 with a very strong cash position of $1.7 million. The Museum enters 2014 in a great position that will allow for further expansion and growth in our programming and Capital Campaign efforts on our path to the new Museum on Market Street.

The hard work and fiscal diligence of our staff and volunteers continues to yield positive,


From the CEO Eric Nelson

It was a wonderful 2013 here at the Nordic Heritage Museum! Once again, our diverse exhibitions and public programs saw record attendance numbers, our institutional reach continued to expand, and our financial performance saw us exceed expectations.

Eric Nelson, CEO

We began the New Year with the critically acclaimed visiting exhibit Bad Art? 1,000 Birch Board Pictures from Sweden, which explored the boundaries between kitsch and fine art. Concurrently, the group exhibit The Impression of Amundsen: Roald Amundsen’s South Pole Expedition 1910–1912 saw several artists interpret the diary entries of the famed Norwegian explorer. In March, Danish-Norwegian artist Karen Bit Vejle introduced Museum visitors to psaligraphy — the art of paper cutting — by way of her stunning paper cut exhibit Scissors for a Brush, which set a new record in exhibition attendance. Four original paper cuts by Hans Christian Andersen were also presented as part of the exhibit, provided on loan from the Hans Christian Andersen Museum in Odense, Denmark. Our summer began with Ørnulf Opdahl: Mood Paintings of the North, showcasing works by Norway’s most distinguished landscape painter. We closed out the year with the exhibit Dressing Swedish: From Hazelius to Salander, along with Eino: 50 Years of Making Sculpture, highlights from Finnish sculptor Eino Romppanen. In 2013 we celebrated the fourth year of our annual Nordic Lights Film Festival, which featured award-winning films from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Soup & Cinema, our other popular film series, grew its following impressively for this series of afternoon screenings


at the Museum. The 28th Annual Northern Lights Auktion was a great success, as were our annual Viking Days and Yulefest weekends. All of these events exceeded projections in both revenue and attendance. We were also pleased to host a reception for the Icelandic Trade Delegation this fall, and a visit from Danish Ambassador Peter Taksøe-Jensen in November. We were proud to present the premier issue of Nordic Kultur in 2013. This magazine showcases our mission in an entirely new way and is another great benefit of Musuem membership. The Museum received tremendous financial support from our Members and patrons, and also benefited from the generosity of a number of funders, partner organizations, and foundations. Special thanks to Scan|Design Foundation by Inger & Jens Bruun, Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation, 4 Culture, ArtsFund, and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture. There were also a number of generous bequests last year, including gifts from the Estates of Nancy Thilberg, Helen Lee, and Theodora Mae Speer. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our donors, volunteers, and staff for their tremendous support of this organization. As we look ahead to 2014, an exciting variety of programs and exhibitions are in development, and as always I look forward to seeing you here at the Nordic Heritage Museum.

Eric Nelson Chief Executive Officer

Nordic Heritage Museum 2013 Annual Report

exhibitions Exhibitions in 2013

Our exhibition team continued on the phased approach to implementing upgrades to The Dream of America, with final sections to be completed in early 2014. Upgrades include editing and streamlining of text, replacement of existing signage, and the addition of photographs and artifacts from the Museum’s collection. The team is also preparing a reinterpretation of the third floor National Galleries, highlighting the fact that these exhibitions are volunteer generated. Visiting exhibitions at the Nordic Heritage Museum reflected the Museum’s mission to share the richness and diversity of Nordic history and culture. Members, visitors, and press alike have responded with enthusiasm, resulting in increased attendance and attention.

by Hans Christian Andersen, on loan from the Hans Christian Andersen Museum in Odense, Denmark. Ørnulf Opdahl: Mood Paintings of the North (06.28–09.01.13) featured new oil paintings by Norwegian painter Ørnulf Opdahl. Highlighting Opdahl’s abstracted landscapes influenced by western Norway’s dramatic coastline, the exhibit exposed American audiences to this acclaimed Norwegian artist. Dressing Swedish: From Hazelius to Salander (09.13–11.10.13) explored what it means to “dress like a Swede,” from the traditional folk costumes collected by Artur Hazelius, founder of Stockholm’s Nordiska Museet, to re-created Swedish traditional dress worn in America, to

The year began with the exhibition Bad Art? 1,000 Birch Board Pictures from Sweden, which opened in 2012 and ran through March 3, 2013. The visiting exhibition schedule continued with: The Impression of Amundsen: Roald Amundsen’s South Pole Expedition 1910-1912 (01.18–03.03.13) looked at Roald Amundsen’s personal diary from his South Pole expedition through the eyes of three Norwegian artists. Tore Hansen, Ulf Nilsen, and Håvard Vikhagen were invited by the Fram Museum in Oslo, and Norwegian publishing company Art Pro As, to read Amundsen’s diary and create artworks inspired by the experience.

Don Meyer

Scissors for a Brush (03.22–06.16.13) showcased large-scale paper cuts by Danish-Norwegian artist Karen Bit Vejle. Using scissors and paper to create her works, Vejle creates a stunning world, and the exhibition garnered considerable public attention as it made its United States premiere. The exhibition broke attendance records. A special addition to the exhibition at the Nordic Heritage Museum was four original paper cuts


the hard-edged fashions of Lisbeth Salander, anti-heroine in Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy.

The Museum’s collection of model ships has been highlighted in an ongoing exhibition, Miniature Ships, grand Stories. The rich variety of models on display includes Viking ships, the Swedish warship Vasa, and Pacific Northwest fishing boats.

Pull, Twist, Blow: Transforming the Kingdom of glass (12.13.13–04.27.14) sheds light on contemporary glass art in Sweden and how young, innovative artists address the new potential of glass in the Nordic region. Included are works by Peter Hermansson, Annika Jarring, Åsa Jungnelius, Ingalena Klenell, Simon Klenell, Helena Kågebrand, Matilda Kästel, Ludvig Löfgren, Fredrik Nielsen, and Karl-Magnus Nilsson. Specifically for this exhibition, each of the artists selected objects from the Glass Factory’s extensive collection to use as a reference to create their own original work. The pieces that served as inspiration are by Monica Backström, Kjell Engman, Hertha Hillfon, Ulrica Hydman-Vallien, Erik Höglund, Vicke Lindstrand, Bengt Lindström, and Bertil Vallien.

Fishing for the Russians: Marine Resources company 1978-1989 (05.21–08.25.13) presented a short history of the Marine Resources Company, a joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. fishing venture in waters off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska during the last decades of the Cold War. Eino: 50 Years of Making Sculptures (09.27– 12.07.13) showcased work of Finnish-American artist Eino Romppanen, celebrating his 50th year as a stone sculptor. Focusing primarily on his stone sculptures, the exhibition provided a window into the development of Eino’s formal and thematic repertoire, his preoccupation with the relationship between nature and culture, human body and landscape, as well as his exploration of sculptural form.

Marina Winther

In addition to the exhibitions in the main galleries, the second-floor hallway exhibition space featured displays throughout the year. The year began with a rosemaling exhibit featuring work from the Museum’s Craft School.


Nordic Heritage Museum 2013 Annual Report

programs Programs in 2013

A wide range of programs were held at the Museum. These included children’s and youth programs, Craft School classes and workshops, exhibition tours, film screenings, a PechaKucha event, lectures, book talks, and concerts.

Children’s and Youth Programs In 2013, more than 3,600 children participated in educational programming offered by the Museum. These offerings included a school tour program, which led groups on guided tours of The Dream of America exhibit, as well as hosting self-guided school groups. In addition, four outreach trunks (Immigrants, Nordic Folk Art, Trolls/ Norse Gods, and Vikings) were used by hundreds of children throughout greater Seattle.

Craft School and Adult Education Programs Building on the strength of the Nordic Heritage Museum’s collections of traditional arts, Craft School participation grew significantly, with more than 600 people taking part in classes and workshops on woodcarving, rosemaling, paper art, knitting/sewing/textiles, and Nordic beers/drinking songs. Viking Days featured spinning, weaving, and woodcarving demonstrators, as well.

The Nordic Stories monthly preschool reading program was a great success in its sixth year, and the local children’s Scandinavian dance group Barneleikarringen continued to practice at the Museum and performed at several Museum events.

The Nordic American Voices (NAV) Oral History Project team edited material for the one-hour film on Finnish war children’s experiences of migration based on the interview project dedicated to this subject matter.

The Nordic Heritage Teen Council saw the participation of nine local teens. During the winter session, the teens researched artifacts and mounted an exhibit which is currently on display at the Museum. In the spring session they explored the idea of food heritage, concluding with a “Nordic Cook-Off,” which family and members of the public attended.

The Nordic Heritage Museum was the recipient of the 2013 Association of King County Historical Organizations Virginia Marie Folkins Award for the book Voices of Ballard and Beyond: Stories of Immigrants and Their Descendants in the Pacific Northwest. This acclaimed recognition was followed by the 2013 Project of Excellence Award granted by the Washington Association


Solveig Refetoff

Special programs for children and families were included as part of Viking Days, Syttende Mai, and Yulefest where children’s craft projects, visits with Santa, and Nordic folk music and dancing were available. In addition, a LEGO workshop was well-attended, as was the annual Pippi Longstocking Swedish pancake breakfast, a special performance of Thumbelina by the Oregon Shadow Theatre, the Museum’s summer camp program, and kids’ workshops that directly related to visiting exhibitions at the Museum.

of Museums, for the NAV Project. 2013 brought numerous invitations for NAV Steering Committee Chair Gordon Strand (who was also awarded the honor of Norwegian of the Year by the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce), Steering Committee member Mari-Ann Kind Jackson, and Chief Curator Lizette Gradén to speak about the enduring legacy of oral history projects undertaken by Museum members. The book Voices of Ballard and Beyond was rated a top item in the gift shop. The 19th Annual Raoul Wallenberg Dinner took place at the Museum on October 24, 2013. This unique event brings the Nordic and Jewish communities together to honor the legacy of Raoul Wallenberg, who is credited with saving thousands of lives during the Nazi occupation of Hungary. Olle Wästberg, Swedish politician, diplomat, journalist, and businessman, was the keynote speaker at the event and talked about Raoul Wallenberg’s life and work.

Public Programs In 2013, more than 2,300 adults participated in public programs offered by the Museum. These programs are wide ranging and include docentled tours, both The Dream of America exhibit


and the visiting exhibits. In addition, special groups enjoyed curator-led tours, and a much appreciated artist/chief curator–led volunteer and staff tour program was introduced. Tours and lectures with visiting artists were among the successful programming accompanying exhibitions. During Scissors for a Brush the Museum hosted lectures and workshops on paper cutting. Featured artist Karen Bit Vejle offered filled-to-the-brim gallery walk-throughs. A lecture by local paper artist Nikki McClure provided insights into paper cutting with excelsior blades as opposed to scissors. Dressing Swedish generated successful tours and lectures. Participating artist and designer Laurie Jacobi’s talk on design and identity; a folk costume fashion show, organized in partnership with Skandia Folkdance Society; and an evening event focused on Nordic fashion and empowering women were among the programs. Lectures related both to the Miniature Ships, Grand Stories exhibition and the permanent display of the Nordic Spirit included “The Devil is in the Details: Recent Research on the 1628 Swedish Warship Vasa” by Seattle-born nautical

Nordic Heritage Museum 2013 Annual Report

archaeologist, Nathaniel Howe. Jay Haavik, who was the lead carver on a project to construct a copy of the Oseberg ship using Viking-age techniques and tools, gave a talk about the Oseberg ship, its finds, and the making of the replica. Expanding on the Museum’s core exhibitions, an Immigration Series with lectures and workshops took place in the fall. Highlights were the Living Voices performing their piece Island of Hope and the “America Letters” arranged with the Scandinavian Language Institute. In February, the Museum and PechaKucha Seattle, hosted its second PechaKucha event to a packed audience, this year exploring the theme “Bad Art Makes Good: Adventures in Kitsch and Beyond” in support of the exhibition Bad Art? 1000 Birch Board Pictures from Sweden. Using PechaKucha’s trademark 20 slides x 20 seconds format, the event brought together a wide array of presenters who examined the impact of kitch and contemporary folk art. Among the speakers were Marlow Harris, Kelly Lyles, sculptor Thomas Vrba, and Ida Ottesen. Moreover, the Museum hosted four book talks and signings on recent publications on Nordic culture. Highlights included Barbara Sjoholm, who presented the entrancing narrative of Emilie Demant Hatt’s nine-month stay in the tent of a Sámi family in northern Sweden in 1907–08, an early contribution to ethnographic writing.

between the Museum, domestic and international film institutes, Scandinavian film festivals across the United States, and the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF). The popular three-day festival presented contemporary, award-winning films from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. To follow up on the film theme, the Museum continued to build the popular Soup & Cinema program, which features Nordic movies along with a wholesome lunch, to ever growing crowds.

Music The 18th annual Mostly Nordic Chamber Music and Smörgåsbord Series — featuring five concerts, dedicated to one of the Nordic countries — was among several well-received music programs. This included a performance by Denmark’s Harald Haugaard and Helene Blum in June and the Novus Project who performed a concert devoted to Grieg in the fall.

Film In January, the Museum presented the fourth annual Nordic Lights Film Festival, a partnership


collections Collections in 2013

In addition to its active programmatic calendar, the Museum Collections staff continued to work with volunteers to hone the library, complete inventory, and catalog acquisitions. Staff assisted scholars, educators, and members of the public

with inquiries related to historical and contemporary Scandinavia, especially those related to the folk music and dance holdings of the Gordon Ekvall Tracie Music Library. Through the Nordic American Voices Oral History Program the Museum continued to record life histories through interviews, bringing the total to more than 300 just since 2009 — material that has become part of the Museum’s permanent collection. The collection of artifacts, photographs, and archival material continued to serve as a resource for exhibitions and further research into the Nordic identity and heritage of immigrants to the Pacific Northwest.

2013 Donors to the Permanent collection Judith H. Dern Hilda M. Krahn Laura A. Wideburg Jahn Hedberg Judith England Mina Larsen Marvin Nelson Harold A. Jr. Pebbles E. Norman Westerberg Beverly Witte Shirley Ballard Leonard Petersen Andrea Torland Elroy Christenson Steve Pettersen Ted Foss Else Odegaard James & Marilyn Bergstrom Shirley Ballard Jon Halgren


Kathi Rotunda Doug Dixon Shelby A. Gilje Donna Hegstrom Hanna Helmersen Margaret Hlastala Mary Mohler Reidun Holt Lise Orville Kirsten Qvigstad Judy Mallory John Hendrickson Carina Halgren Per & Inga Bolang Lena Powers Eva Johansson Ida Ottesen Anna Lovell Dorothy Byrne Jette Bunch

Sofia Taylor Kristine Leander Shirley Ballard Jens Eysteinsson Birgitta Glass Ruth Bye Arlene S. Empie Alan S. Hall Peter Henning Wilma C. Kamb Terje Leiren Florrie Reep Erna Williams Brenda Christenson Dagmar O’Brien Kirsten Chalfen Christine Anderson Mimmi Fulmer Kathy Brandstetter Jan Brekke

NORDIc HERITAgE MuSEuM 2013 Annual Report

Nordic Spirit The Nordic Spirit remains under its canopy on the west side of the Museum building. The Museum worked with nautical archaeologist Nathaniel Howe and implemented a second treatment to prevent pests, followed by a reapplication of pine tar to the ship’s hull for long-term preservation. The National Park Services are documenting Nordic Spirit as part of a grant project to investigate the use of digital photogrammetry as a tool to

Erling Berg Jay Haavik Ken Jacobsen Richard Lerud Elizabeth Kohl Osmund Kvithammer Dagmar O’Brien Julie Svendsen Eero Tetri Inga Blackinton Beverley Sperry Nancy Marentette-Grigsby Georgia Kravik Ruth Bye Beverly Smaby Clint Staaf Elaine Everitt Kathi Ploeger Elaine Everitt Alice Sagstad

monitor the change in a historic vessel’s shape over time. The grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Sciences was awarded to The Center for Wooden Boats and includes a group of technical experts from around the country, Howe counted in. Nordic Spirit is one of several boats being used to demonstrate the concept. A series of lines drawings and computer models will be produced of the vessel.

Lillian Young Bill Matthiesen Aune Ruble Marilyn Thompson Sally Jepson Erma Petersen Syrene Forsman Terttu Gluckmann Bruce Hevly Desiree Omdal Robert Hegstrom Birgit Amundson June Kilgore Mike & Lisa Miller Terence Cheetham James & Rainy Husband Eino Romppanen Anna Christensen Louis Christensen Theodore (Ted) Fosberg

Rolf Friele Flemming Sorensen Pam Thorstenson Kate Wahls Teresa Long Vija Rauda Lori Talcott Aase Aadland Anne-Lise Berger Norma Hanson Marilee Knudsen Liisa Mannery Edith Burkhalter Stig Anderson Dan Harrison Chris Gruber Lee Whitehill Harry Solheim Mike & Lisa Miller


development Development in 2013

In 2013 the Development team came together through hires and promotions all led by Development Director, Jan Woldseth Colbrese. The team saw unprecedented support in 2013. With tremendous gratitude, we recognize that whether you are a Member, an Annual Campaign donor, Capital Campaign supporter, or a Nordic Legacy Circle member, your generosity truly makes a difference at the Nordic Heritage Museum. Thank you! Funds to support museum day-to-day operations are raised in a variety of ways: membership dues, the Annual Campaign, bequests or planned gifts, grants/sponsorships, and special event revenue, which include the highly successful Northern Lights Auktion, Viking Days, and Yulefest. These contributions allow the Nordic Heritage Museum to allocate dollars to the areas of greatest need. In 2013, actual dollars raised for general day-to-day support exceeded 2012 actuals by almost 9%.

Jason Brooks

The Capital Campaign for the new facility on Market Street saw great success in 2013 as well

as momentum built for the completion of this project. Highlights of 2013 include $1 million allocation as a Heritage Capital Project Grant through the Washington State Legislature, longtime supporter Floyd Jones’s $1 million increased support, Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation pledge of $500,000, and Earl and Denise Eklund’s gift of $250,000.


NORDIc HERITAgE MuSEuM 2013 Annual Report

special events Special Events

A benchmark year for special events, 2013 saw record attendance, revenue, and sponsorship numbers. Highlights included a sold-out Northern Lights Auktion in the spring, a successful revamp of the Viking Days Salmon BBQ in the summer and the introduction of the Gifts-to-Go Silent Auction at Yulefest in the winter. These events not only contributed to general operations, but also broadened the Museum’s audience locally and internationally. The 28th Annual Northern Lights Auktion, held Sunday, April 29 at the Seattle Grand Hyatt, was the culmination of months of planning by the Auktion Committee, led by Co-Chairs Berit Sjong and Linda Christenson. During the champagne reception, attendees bid on a wide array of silent auction lots including hand-crafted furniture, travel packages, wine, and Nordic spirits. After the silent closings, guests were presented with a four-course dinner during the live auction, which featured a 2012 Volvo S80 generously donated by John and Berit Sjong. Highlights for the evening included a tribute to Board President Irma Goertzen and a successful Fund-A-Need effort. Finally, new and increased sponsorships not only helped the Auktion exceed its goal but also strengthened the Museum’s relationships with local and national businesses.

cess, grossing more than double 2012’s Salmon BBQ. This year’s festival also presented an exciting opportunity to partner with 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment and its hit television series Vikings, a relationship we look forward to continuing at next year’s Viking Days. During the 36th Annual Yulefest on November 23 and 24, record numbers of attendees got an early start on their holiday shopping, patronizing a variety of local and regional merchants and stopping for lunch in the Nordic Café or a snack at the Kaffestuga on their way to visit Santa. Music also filled the halls, with traditional performers on three stages. The festival’s newest aspect, the Gifts-to-Go Silent Auction, drew a large number of participants who bid on a variety of great Christmas presents. Overall the event saw increases in revenue across the board and remains a community favorite.

Nordic Heritage Museum 2014 Special Events May 10, 2014: Northern Lights Auktion – Grand Hyatt Seattle May 17, 2014: 200th Anniversary of 17th of May May–October, 2014: Nordic Dinner Series August 16, 2014: Run Like a Viking 5k August 16–17, 2014: Viking Days November 22–23, 2014: Yulefest

Thank You to Our Champion Level Sponsors:

Inspired by the great popularity and success of all events in 2013, the Museum is planning some additions to the 2014 event calendar including a Nordic Dinner Series, which begins with Norway on 17th of May, and a 5k run that will kick off Viking Days.

Jason Brooks

The 30th Annual Viking Days featured the crowd-pleasing Viking Encampment, traditional music on three stages, and record-breaking numbers for the Swedish Pancake Breakfast, Viking Grill, Valhalla Beer Garden, and Scandinavian Food Hearths. Over the course of the weekend of August 17 and 18, attendees enjoyed demonstrations of traditional craft work and handiwork presented by local merchants. Per tradition, Saturday evening featured a Salmon BBQ, but this year’s event was moved outside while local bands provided entertainment to eager salmon enthusiasts. The result was a great suc-


membership Membership

We thank all our Members whose continued support has helped make the Nordic Heritage Museum a strong and vibrant community. 2013 was a banner year for new growth with over 400 new Members joining the Museum, which currently stands at 2,507 households. Welcome to our newest Members! Through membership dues we are able to provide enlightening educational programs for adults and children, engaging exhibitions, and exciting community events. In 2013, Members enjoyed a variety of benefits including discounts in the Gift Shop, Memberonly previews, free admission to the Museum, and the new annual magazine, Nordic Kultur. As we continue to grow and increase the number of Members, new benefits are set to be introduced in 2014. The Museum website and Nordic News, your membership newsletter, have all the information on your expanded benefits and how you can share the Nordic spirit.

Museum with a minimum annual commitment of $1,000 and our Nordic Round Table Members with a minimum annual commitment of $5,000. In 2013 the President’s Club enjoyed a luncheon with a musical concert by Lisa Bergman and a Summer Party at the Museum of History and Industry with a book talk about the history of American Seafoods, Pride of the Sea. The Nordic Round Table Members were invited to a special dinner with visiting artist Ørnulf Opdahl and were able to discuss with him his inspiration and process for the exhibit Mood Paintings of the North. Thank you again for being a Member of the Nordic Heritage Museum! Please help us share the Nordic spirit by encouraging membership to those who may enjoy becoming a part of our community. For more information about membership at the Museum or to give the gift of membership, contact Katy Ahrens at 206.789.5707 ext. 33 or katya@nordicmuseum.org.

President’s Club A special thank you goes to our President’s Club Members who support the Nordic Heritage


Members of the Nordic Round Table and President’s Club are listed on page 17.

Nordic Heritage Museum 2013 Annual Report

Nordic Legacy Circle

Don Meyer

Nordic Legacy Circle Members are individuals who have made the committment to include the Nordic Heritage Museum in their estate plans. If you would like more information about planned giving or have plans to include the Museum in your estate planning, call Jan Woldseth Colbrese at 206.789.5707 ext. 39 or email janwc@nordicmuseum.org. And if you have already included the Museum in your estate plan, we thank you! Please notify us so that we may recognize you as a member of the Nordic Legacy Circle. If you prefer to make an anonymous gift, please do let us know as well. Your privacy will be respected and we will be glad to help you make sure your gift will be used exactly as you intend. 

2013 Nordic Legacy Circle Members Lars Andreasson Pirkko and Brad Borland Patricia and Robert Charlson Todd Clayton Peggy Jorgenson Cooper Nancy Debaste Paul and Ellen Duernberger Shirley Fjoslien Jon and Susan Hanson Inga Hemming Olavi Hiukka Rolf Hokansson

Curtis Jacobs Mari-Ann Kind Jackson Bill and Michelle Krippaehne Egon and Laina Molbak Karoline Morrison Eric and Yvonne Nelson Russell and Arlene Oberg Gordon Olson Eric and Ingrid Pearson Georg and Nina Pedersen Nina Pedersen Kathi Ploeger and Don Meyers

Gustav Raaum Ann Ringstad Dean Robbins JoAnne Rudo Vivian Sandaas Chris Siddons Carol and Norman Sollie Monica Stenberg Gordon Strand Frank and Jennifer Swant Pam Thorstenson Jacklyn Toman


volunteers Volunteers

For more than 30 years, volunteers have been the heart and soul of the Nordic Heritage Museum, and they continue to play a vital role in the Museum’s success. More than 330 volunteers support every area of the Museum, caring for collections, capturing stories, providing administrative assistance, and maintaining our building. They serve on advisory committees, give tours and answer questions, bake goodies and promote membership. And they drive our biggest special events and fundraisers. The contribution of thousands of hours of time and exceptional talents ensures the Museum continues operating smoothly, and their support and dedication enables us to fulfill our mission of sharing the Nordic spirit. This year we implemented on-line volunteer applications and event sign-up forms, and converted the Viking Bugle and Visitor Services Schedule to an electronic format. We also developed a “Volunteer Web Portal” for the Visitor Service volunteers to view information and schedules in real time. And we enhanced the volunteer page on the Museum’s website, adding photos as well as hyperlinks to the volunteer application, the electronic Viking Bugle, and the Volunteer Web Portal. As a result of these changes, we have

increased efficiency in recruiting and scheduling volunteers, reduced our printing and mailing costs, and continue to attract younger volunteer applicants. At the Spring Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards Ceremony, the following distinguished volunteers were honored with the Director’s Award: Mina Larsen (Norway Room), Edla Deppman (Special Events), Paul Jacobson (Admissions), Emily McDade (Collections), Ron Hornung (Thursday Crew), Mari-Ann Kind Jackson (NAV) and Dylan High (Teen Council). Margaret Lidberg was awarded Volunteer of the Year for her continuing leadership in the kitchen at special events and fundraisers throughout the year. For more information about volunteering, contact Michael Ide, Volunteer Coordinator, at 206.789.5707 ext. 12 or michaeli@nordicmuseum.org.


Nordic Heritage Museum 2013 Annual Report

donors 2013 Contributions to the Nordic Heritage Museum

Nordic Round Table Brandon Benson Francisca Erickson Irma and Don Goertzen Jeff and Linda Hendricks Allan and Inger Osberg Everett and Andrea Paup Einar and Emma Pedersen President’s Club Hans and Kristine Aarhus Birney Adams and Lotta GavelAdams Stig and Ruth Andersen Curtis and Kimberly Arnesen Catherine Arnold Bjorn Bayley Per and Inga Bolang Pirkko and Brad Borland Erik and Berit Breivik Jette Bunch Lowen Clausen Jan and Mike Colbrese Ross and Lynn Davidson Peter Davis and Kristiann Schoening Anne-Lise Deering Doug and MaryAnne Dixon Earl and Denise Ecklund John and Linda Ellingboe Raymond and JoAnne Eriksen Synnøve Fielding Anita Fjortoft Jon Halgren Jon and Susan Hanson Ruth and Preben Hoegh-Christensen Hotel Ändra Ken and Rachel Jacobsen Ernst and Linda Jensen Floyd Jones Lars Jonsson and Laurie McDonald Jonsson Sven and Marta Kalve

Lars Knudsen John Larsen and Gale Picker Georgene and Richard Lee Lockhaven Development Co Bertil and Jarene Lundh Marilyn and Rodney Madden John and Hanna Liv Mahlum Leif and Cindy Mannes Egon and Laina Molbak Lyle Morse and Valinda Morse L. Wayne and Alice Jean Moses Eric and Yvonne Nelson Kaare and Sigrunn Ness Norwegian Commercial Club Ozzie and Joan Nordheim Russell Oberg Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Inc Darryl and Jane Pedersen Georg and Nina Pedersen Rick Peterson Arthur Price and Margaret Berge Price Gustav Raaum J. Rogers and Christine Ingebritsen Börje and Aase Saxberg Mell Schoening Chris Siddons Yara Silva and Lars Matthiesen Berit and John Sjong Jacqueline Sorensen-Pinch Sonja Sorvik Maria Staaf and William Jones Birger Steen Gordon Strand Arlene Sundquist Empie Donald and Kay Thoreson Pam Thorstenson Lisa A. Toftemark Svend and Lois Toftemark Tor and Ingrid Tollessen Dorothy Trenor Debbi and Larry Vanselow Margaret and Richard Wright

Individuals Karen A. Aaltonen Myrna Aavedal and Edmund Schramko Peggy Adams Kristina Adams Waldorf Karin Ahlstrom Bean Ed Ahrens Richard and Constance Albrecht Susan and Richard Alvord Myrna B. Amberson

In Memory of Tandy and Anna Benson, parents of Myrna B. Amberson

Stig and Ruth Andersen

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

A. Gerald Anderson Paul and Beth Anderson Roger Anderson and Gene Ampon Marilyn C. Anderson Doug Anderson

In Memory of Ben Anderson

Julie Anderson Miller Lars Andreasson Brenda Andrews Carlton Appelo Evelyn Arrigoni Odd and Tove Askilsrud Randi Aulie John and Carol Avery

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Lenore Bailey Per A. Bakken Karen and Randy Barber Veronica Barnes Ken Bartanen Ellen Margrethe Beck Birgitta Beck Glen and Susan Beebe

In Memory of Norma Beebe

Arlene Bemben Velta and Andy Benson Patti Benson Nan Bentley Ross H. Berg Matt and Aslaug Berge Keith and Kathy Biever

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Alan Black Robert and Connie Blair


donors 2013 Contributions to the Nordic Heritage Museum

Eileen Blume

Yvonne A. Collins

Goran Eriksson

Allan and Trish Bodine

Alexander and Joanna Conrad

Olav Esaiassen

Laurie Boehme

Stephen Conway and Jan Kvamme

Thomas and Willy EvansHannah Eymann

Sandra Boeskov

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Fran Cook

Anna Louise Falck

Laura Cooper and Stuart Mork

Barbara and Frank Fanger

Dee Corbett

Geoff and Joan Ferguson

Rebecca Bolin

Peggy Curtis

Nancy and Donald Ferkingstad

Robert K. Born

Renée Dagseth

Joyce Ferm

Rob Born

Ragnar Dahl

Shirley Fjoslien

Karrin Daniels and Erin Schadt

Damian and Geraldine Flynn

Dan and Andrea Daniels

Paul Forseth

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Per and Inga Bolang In Memory of Edith Kilgren

In Honor of Robert K. Born

Carol Borson Audrey Bowers Melissa Bowers

Danish Brotherhood Lodge #29 In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Ellen Bowman and Gary Morse

Danish Club of Tucson

John Brazel and Quynh Nguyen

The Danish Lodge #75

Emily Bregger Marks

Gladys Davidge

Dr. Per and Berit Brevig

Thomas G. Davidson

Herb Bridge

Denae Davis

Suzanne and Barry Broback

Letitia and Don Davis

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Marlene Broemer May-Britt Brooks Pamela Brooks Judy Browning Robert and Margaret Bruland Ward and Boni Buringrud Dennis and Winifred Burton Henning and Greta Buus Kirk and Ruth Bye

Susan Day Nancy Debaste Daphne Dejanikus Jan E. Delismon Chris and Nancy Doran Joy and Bob Drovdahl Annette Eaton Earl and Denise Ecklund In Memory of Inga-Marta Ahman & John Hendricks

In Memory of Olaf Forseth

C.R. Kelly Foss James and Anna Freyberg In Memory of Dan Thompson

Asmus Freytag and Laura Wideburg Paul Friis-Mikkelsen and Rita Hackett Richard S. Frith Alan and Lisbeth Fritzberg Anni Fuller Edward and Helen Funfar In Memory of Morris Moen

Pamela Gaertner Janet Galvin In Memory of Arvo and Margaret Kallio

Eleanor and James Gamble In Memory of John Hendricks

Gary and Miriam Ganrud In Memory of Hans Mauritzen

Jean and Donald Camp

Ruby Ecklund

Andrew Gardner

Jan Carline and Carol Sue IvoryCarline

Betty Edwards

James and Marilyn Giarde

Sandra Egtvet

Grace Carlsen-Jones and Roger Jones

Kari Gilje

Joan Eisenhardt

Shelby Gilje

Lynda Carlson

Lars Aage Eldoy

Perdy Carlson In Memory of John Hendricks

Tim and Kathy Carlson

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme In Memory of Hans Mauritzan

Joyce Emilson

Jean Carlson

Gay and Dianne EngelsenJudith England

Nancy Carrs Roach

Eric Erdahl

Emily Carter Steve and Liz Cedergreen Diane Chapman Joan Christ and Tom Everill Else Christensen

In Honor of Lynn Moen In Memory of Morris Moen

Karin Gorud Scovill Sharon and Gary Greenwood Bill Greger John and Liz Groshell Karin Gustafson Karen and Don Gwilym

In Memory of Fred Erickson and O.A. “Al” Erickson

Joyce Erickson and Kenneth Brown Karen and Jim EricksonSigmund and Torborg Eriksen


Britt and John Glomset

John Erickson

Caryl Clark Beverly Coates

Kare and Aase Gjolmesli

GeorgeJean Erickson

Erika Christoffersen Sweger Marianna Clark

In Memory of Ruth Collard

Wilmot and Mary Gilland

In Memory of Hans Mauritzan

Greta Haagensen-Roseberg and Lee Roseberg In Memory of Fredrik Hedman & Mary Viken

Anne Marie Habegger Barbara and C. Haberman

Nordic Heritage Museum 2013 Annual Report

donors 2013 Contributions to the Nordic Heritage Museum

Rita Hackett

Wendy Howard

Norma Kageyama

Marion and James Hafterson

Sven and Marta Kalve

Bengt Hag

Susi Hulbert

James and Ida Hagen

Pamela Hunter

Ron Karjala

In Honor of Don and Letitia Davis

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Robert E. and Mary R. Hunter

Mari Karlstad

Karen Hall

Lois Huseby

Christina and Michael Katsaros

Leif Hansen

Maurie Inglis and Verda Mosier

Daniel Kaylor

Norman R. Hansen

Roy and Bette Inui

Rigmor Hansen

Arnold and Martha Kegel

Geraldine Hansen

Patricia Itzen and George Burmeiste

Ginny Kettunen

Richard and Marilyn Hanson

Laurie Jacobi

Jon and Susan Hanson

Gert and Lyla Jacobsen

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

In Memory of John Hendricks, Olaf Kvamme, Morris Moen, Roald Pedersen & Marvin Stone

D. Elizabeth Anderson and Lloyd Hara

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Bill Harbert

In Memory of Nancy Strand Harbert

Fred and Karin Harder Randall Hardy Sandy Haug

In Memory of John Hendricks

Peter Haug

In Memory of Leif Ovstedal

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Phil and Effie Jacobson Paul and Carole Jacobson

In Honor of Johan and Anna Jakobsson

Inger Kjosnes

Carl and Ellen Johanson

Janet F. Klemperer-Broudy

Theodore and Linda Johnson Ray F. Johnson

Anna Kristin Hauksdottir

Jerome and Susannah Johnson

Maurice and Gwena Hedlund

Bernice Johnson and Beverly Fesharaki

Lawrence Henshaw

In Memory of Arlene Oberg

Leroy and Susan Hermansen Richard Hermansen Bruce Hevly Val and Joe Hillers Julie Hillers Edie Hilliard Suzanne M. Hittman

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Ruth and Gene Hockenbery Sheila Holtgrieve Betsy Hood Charlotte Hood C. Leon and Dorothy Hopper Don and Anne Hornnes Tore Hoven Stan and Doris Hovik

In Honor of Dolly Kenney’s 101st Birthday & Gordon Strand’s Birthday In Memory of Joanne Jonsson, Olaf Kvamme, Morris Moen & Randi Reinholt Ryan

Anna Marie and Einar Johanson

Glen and Susan Johnson

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

Violet Jesberg

Renee Haugland

Lois and Doug Kimball

Richard Johnson

Mary Henry

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Neil and Debbie Kilgren

Wally and Kristin Haugan

John Heggem

Gurli Jensen In Memory of Kolbjorg Madsen

In Memory of Klaus and Selma Kettunen

Doug Kilgren

Kristen Jarvis

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Marcia Knadle Maggie Knowles Constance Knudsen Henning Knudson Jack and Ginger Knutsen Shirley and Lowell Knutson Christine Koll

David Johnson

Robert L. Johnson

Mark Kolner

Muriel Johnson

Bo and Ulla Kordel

Norma Kosche

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Kathryn Johnston

Jackie Kozdras

Bob and Oddny Johnston

Solveig Kraakmo

Susan Johnston and Jerry Hollingsworth

Paul Kromann

Paul and Lillian Johnston

Bergljot Krossen

James and Dianne Johnston

Sonja Kromann

In Memory of John Hendricks

Patricia Jolin

Clarine and Reuben Kvamme

Stan Jonasson and Linda Jangaard

Nancy J. Jones

Frances Kwapil

Valdean Jones

Helen R. Kyllo

Jacob and Ellen Jordal

Elaine Jorgensen Ellen Juhl Pat and Paul Kaald Kenneth and Helen Kack

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Nils and Lois Ladderud Gunbjorg Ladstein Einar and Elsie Langesater Eric Larson and Teresa Bigelow Jonas Larsson


donors 2013 Contributions to the Nordic Heritage Museum

Mary Lawrence

Laurie McKay

Robert and Jeanette Ostrom

Daniel and Eleanor Laxdall

Laura McMahan

Carol Oversvee Johnson

Jane Isakson Lea and James Lea

Patricia and Christian Melgard

Katherine Oxos-Sandoval

Kristine Leander

David and Anita Mellor

Solveig Lee

Bruce and Carol Meyers

Jerry and Carole Packard

In Honor of Rolf and Mary Oxos

Jennie Mildes

Johanna and Bill Padie

Helen Lee

Edith Miller

Anne and Dudley Panchot

Berit and LeRoy Lehner

Joan Miller

Karen and Jim Pauley

Shannon Levy

Jill Miller and Michael Boyd

Paul Kuniholm Pauper

Bergliot Lie

Odd and Helga Moen

In Memory of John Clifford Matterand

In Memory of John Emil Kuniholm

Marjorie Pearson

Kerstin Liland

Mary Mohler and Vincent Jolivet

Vivi-Anne Lindback and Eckhard Schipull

Egon and Laina Molbak

Kathleen Lindberg and David Skar

Diane Morgan

Kathryn Pearson

Mary Lindholm

Carmen and Fred Morris

Winnifred Pedersen

Kathleen Lindlan

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

In Memory of Roy Holmlund

Eriann Pearson and Harry Cooker Eric and Ingrid Pearson

In Memory of C.E. Pedersen

Chester Lindsey

L. Wayne and Alice Jean Moses

Dean Pedersen

Olaug C. Lindsey

Hans and Mary Mueller

Michael and Mary Pedersen

Lynette Myers

June Peifer

Connie Nelson and Robert Weaver

Ray and Ruth Pennock

Sharon L. Nelson

Jill and Eivind Perander

Robert and Blanche Nelson

Judith Peterick

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mathiesen

Linda Lingle Robert and Vicki Loe Jette Lord Robert and Joyce Lorentzen Sharon Lucas Gil and Berit Lund Stuart and Dorothy Lundahl

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Marvin and Sandra Nelson Andrew L. Nelson Joan Nelson Schuller

Zaiga Phillips

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Magne and Berit Nes

Swanhild MacPherson

Michael and Laura Ness

Sandra Madden

Mark Nesse and Janice Henning

Pam and Vince Madden

Karen and Gary Newbill

Lois and David Madsen

Donald and Melissa Nielsen

Robert and Beverly Magnusson

Carol Nilson

Mary L. and Sean Walter Mahoney In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Dave and Peggy Mainer William and Margaret Manikowski In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Adelle Manikowski In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Cindy and Leif Mannes In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Anne M. Marchand Mary Masterson Elaine Mathies Elaine McClure Norman McDonell Robert McEwen In Memory of Andrew and Sofia Freeland


In Memory of John Hendricks

Nedra Peterson

Alan Lundeen

In Memory of Harald Sigmar

Dennis and Aud Petersen

Edward Nunes Catherine Oberg Rosemary K. Odom In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Delmar and Rowena Olden In Memory of Winifred Olden

Diane and Rich Olsen Claudia and Martin Olsen Vern and Martha Olsen Kenneth Olsen Christy Olsen Field and Carl Field Shawn Olson Leanne Olson and Jim Bailey Elisabet Orville Inger and Allan Osberg In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Glenn Phillips and Ruth KlemolaPhillips Mark and Lola Pitzner In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Andrew and Marianna Price Solfrid Price Greg Pursell Mark and Janice Quam Kirsten Qvigstad In Memory of Nils Dragoy

Gary Ramstad Alan Randall Arnold and Asbjorg Rasmussen Vija Rauda Janet Rauscher In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Edie Reclusado Paul and Beatrice Reiss Christine L. Reynolds In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Kenneth Richstad Ed and Marjorie Ringness Julia Ringrose Kathleen Robel

Nordic Heritage Museum 2013 Annual Report

donors 2013 Contributions to the Nordic Heritage Museum

Darren Robertson Alison Robinson Elsie Mabel Rockness Walter Roland Oddvar and Sharleen Ronhovde

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Judi and Gordon Rowand

In Memory of Halvor and Mickey Halvorson

Sons of Norway, Edmonds Lodge 130

Thomas Thompson and Cynthia Moore

Sons of Norway, Leif Erikson Lodge 1

Solveig Thomson

Sons of Norway, Vesterdalen Lodge 2-31 Flemming and Lexie Sorensen

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

Janice Sorensen

Robert Rudine and Janet Yoder

Anker and Ruth Sorensen

Daniel Sorenson

In Memory of Volfred Fabian Rudine

Eric Thorsen and Maureen Brinck-Lund Valerie Thorson Donald and JoAnn Thuring Ron and Whitney Tjerandsen Cyndi Toms Karen and Peter Torelli Louise Torseth

JoAnne Rudo

Henrik Sortun

Janet Ruud

Halvor and Myrtle Ryan

Sonja Sorvik

Peggy and John Saari

Claude and Susan Soudah

Randi Saboe

Estate of Theodora Speer

United Finnish Kaleva Brothers & Sisters Lodge #11

Alice Sagstad

A. Dean and Edith M. Stageberg

Gary and Caryl Utigard

Joseph Saitta and Virginia Aldrich Victoria Sangrey-Hunter and Tim Hunter Ariadna Santander and Paul Norlen Terry Sateren Lisa Sawtell Paige Schadt Patty Schafer Audrey Schatz

In Memory of Doris Sortun

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Jim and Sonja Staley Kathleen Stamm

In Honor of Elvira Kenney’s 101st Birthday

In Memory of Lillian Vernhardson Fries

Ann Tuohy

Joan Valaas Ferguson Silvia Vilchos Richard and Eivor Von Hagel Raiti Waerness

Richard and Donna Stenerson

Wallace and Donna Walsh

Elaine Stevens

Jill Wasberg

David A. Storm

Eric B. Watness

Gordon Strand

Marianne Forssblad and Roland Wedenström

Rose Ann Scott

In Memory of John Hendricks & Morris Moen

Timothy and Erin Scott

Karen Strand

Susan Strawn

In Memory of Olaf Kvamme

Joan Tracy

In Honor of Gordon Strand’s Birthday In Memory of John Hendricks, Joanne Jonsson, Olaf Kvamme & Morris Moen

Esther Sellers

Frederick Bengt Strom

Norm Werner

Scott Shane

Peter and Leslie Strong

Orville Westlund

Marilyn Sheldon

Mary and John Stumph

Lea and Rick Sund

Wendel Wettland

Erik Sundholm

Theodore and Janet White

Wendy Sundquist

Don Wick

Arnfridur Sigurdardottir

Robert and Mary Jo Svendsen

Dorothy Wicklund

Shirley Jo Hanna Sigurdson

Svino Enterprises

Ann Widditsch

Robert and Mary Ann Wiley

In Memory of John Hendricks & Edith Kilgren

Chris Siddons

In Memory of Iris Malmevik Bryant

Sally Simpson John and Berit Sjong

In Memory of Hans Mauritzan

Ervin and Florita Skov

In Memory of Edith Kilgren

A.J. and Linda Skurdal Patsy and Larry Small Carol Smith and William Gilbert Dianne Snell Susanne Snortland Doris Snow Louise Solheim

In Memory of Hans Mauritzan

Amy Swanson King and Geoffrey King Hildur Swasand Carl Swenson and Jean Eastman Swenson Phyllis M. Swenson Carrie Sylvester Anna Syrjakari Arlene and Ernest Templin

In Memory of Alice Westlund

Karin and Colin Williams Archer Wirth Robert and Elsie Wishon Glorianne Wollen Jim Wood Ginny and Ed Wortman

In Memory of Don and Ellie Nygard

Blanche and Harold Yaphe

In Memory of John Hendricks

Jennifer Tenlen Aaron Thiese Estate of Nancy Thilberg



Irma and Don Goertzen

Ragnar Dahl

Egon and Laina Molbak

GranCorp Holdings

Danish Brotherhood Lodge #29

Stuart Mork and Laura Cooper

Gifts of $1,000 and greater

Marilyn and Rodney Madden

Sandra Egtvet

Susan and Russell Ness

Georgene and Richard Lee Karl Momen

John and Linda Ellingboe Arlene Sundquist Empie

$5,000,000 + Allan and Inger Osberg, Osberg Family Trust and Osberg Construction Company Einar and Emma Pedersen

Peach Foundation

$1,000,000 $4,999,999

$10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous

Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation City of Seattle Floyd and Delores Jones Foundation Jane Isakson Lea and James Lea Kaare and Sigrunn Ness Einar Sr. and Herbjorg Pedersen Family Scan|Design Foundation by Inger and Jens Bruun State of Washington

Glacier Fish Co., LLC

Karin Ahlstrom Bean

Richard and Marilyn Hanson

The Boeing Company Matching Gifts Program

Carina Halgren

$100,000 - $499,999

Albert Victor Ravenholt Fund of Seattle

Francisca Erickson

Seattle Foundation

Gunilla and Jerry Finrow

Patsy and Larry Small

Finland Room Committee

Louise Solheim

H. Weston Foss

Svend and Lois Toftemark

Asmus Freytag and Laura Wideburg

Patricia and Robert Charlson Nancy and Etienne* Debaste Gertrude Glad Jon Halgren Gary L. Johnson

James Feeley

Lisa Garbrick

John Martin Hansen Harbor Enterprises, Inc. Jeff and Linda Hendricks Woody and Ilene Hertzog Kristiina Hiukka

Marta and Sven Kalve

Ruth and Preben HoeghChristensen

Olaf Kvamme*

Roy Holmlund

Leif Erikson International Foundation

Karen Holt

Alice Ness Eldon and Shirley Nysether Andrew and Marianna Price

Gunnar Ildhuso Curtis Jacobs Ernst and Linda Jensen Isabella Backman Johnson

Jan and Priscilla Brekke

Börje and Aase Saxberg

Earl and Denise Ecklund Peter Henning

Swedish Finn Historical Society

Stan and Doris Hovik

Donald and Kay Thoreson

Jacob and Ellen Jordal

$1,000 - $9,999

Shirley and Lowell Knutson

Koon Family Trust Nesholm Family Foundation Donald and Melissa Nielsen Everett and Andrea Paup Reimert and Betty Ravenholt Dean Robbins

Hans and Kristine Aarhus Birney Adams and Lotta Gavel-Adams Rick and Marlene Akesson

Chris Siddons

Richard and Constance Albrecht

Barbara and Marvin* Stone

Chris and Terrie Rae Anderson

Carol Oversvee Johnson Steven Jones Martha Fagnastol Kegel Leadership Tomorrow Alumni Association John S. Legg C. Stephen Lewis and Donna Lewis Limback Lumber Elmer and Joan Lindseth

Judy and Norman Thordarson

Electa Anderson

Svenn and Elaine Lovlie

Leo Utter*

Stig and Ruth Andersen

Olav Lunde

Steven J. Barker

Patricia J. Lundgren

Brandon Benson

Florence Lundquist

Patti Benson

Birgit Lyshol

Keith and Kathy Biever

Jon Magnusson

$50,000 - $99,999 Pearl* and Ben* Graham Skandia Music Foundation Judith Tjosevig*

Herb Bridge

John and Hanna Liv Mahlum

$25,000 - $49,999

Jette Bunch

Per and Inga Bolang

Gloria Mae Campbell

Josephine Mahon and William Mahon

Karen Koon and Brad Edwards

Jean Carlson

Leif and Cindy Mannes

Elaine and Richard Carpenter

Ronda and Brad Miller


Kay Most Sigurd and Else Odegaard Cindy and Ron Olander Richard and Kay Olsen Pacific Nordic Council Kathryn Pearson Walter Pereya Erik Pihl Eilert and Virginia Prestegaard Evan T. Pugh Megan and Greg Pursell Gustav and Claire* Raaum Ed and Marjorie Ringness Ringstad Enterprises E. Paul and Gayle Robbins Rotary Club of Ballard ScanSelect, Inc. Ralph Schau Yara Silva and Lars Matthiesen Edward Smith Sons of Norway, Hovedstad Lodge #94 Gordon Strand Norman and Phyllis Swenson Dorothy Trenor Trident Seafoods Corporation Debbi and Larry Vanselow Raiti Waerness Colleen White

Gifts as of 12/31/13

His father Gunnar Fredrikson in Sweden by Fred Fredrikson

Ivar Reiten’s birthday

by Kirk Reiten, Steven Reiten, Alice Swinland, and Randal Wiant and Kristi Wiant

Jens and Erna Nielsen

by Donald and Melissa Nielsen

Kathleen and Keith Stamm’s 40th anniversary, and Jan Knutson and Ed Hutchinson’s marriage by Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

Marianne Forssblad’s Retirement

by Rotary Club of Ballard

Maurice Nysether

by Eldon and Shirley Nysether

Olavi Hiukka’s 50th Birthday

by Pirkko and Brad Borland, Hank Chin and Soo Kyung Chin, Pekka Jaske and Mari Jaske, Raisa Kaufman, Jari Koponen and Minna Koponen, Rolf Laderach and Minna Gronlund-Laderach, Richard and Carolyn Luark, Marvin and Sandra Nelson, Luis Salazar and Yolanda Leon, and Vesa Suomalainen

Pat Loftin’s 70th Birthday

by Tom Herche, Elsa Wise, and Richard T. Wise

Sonya Campion, 2006 Edward E. Carlson Outstanding Alumni Award by Leadership Tomorrow Alumni Association

The marriage of Collin and Deanna Madden by Richard and Elizabeth Marquardt

Karin and Colin Williams Dale Wright Margaret and Richard Wright

Honorary gifts to the Capital Campaign Daughter, Lisa Toftemark

by Svend and Lois Toftemark

Icelandic Heritage and Ballard Roots by Judy and Norman Thordarson

Aaron and Marni Kahn’s wedding by Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

Darren Brown

by Ruth and Richard Brown

Her deep Nordic roots and families by Gertrude Glad

Her grandmother, Elna Solberg Haynes by Kari Brothers

Memorial Gifts to the Capital Campaign Finn Andersen

by Margrethe Andersen

Sverre Mogens Andersen

by Josephine and William Mahon

Marie Haga Anderson

by Susan and Russell Ness

Raymond Bentson by Patricia Carey

Darold Brekke from the L.T. Raymond family and Paul Raymond, and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren of Lars Brekke by Dorothy Raymond

Bjarne Bringedahl

by Marilyn Bringedahl

Sonja and Finn Buer by Gro Buer

Her husband, Robert W. Burwell Sr. by Jennie Burwell

Sigrid and K. Einar Carlson by Barbro Carlson Ulbrickson

Eva Leier Carlstrom

Eric Håkansson

by Rolf Hokansson

Shirley Jacobs

by Richard Johnson

Bessie Haugen Johnson by Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Northfield by Evelyn K. Weaver

Norwegian ancestors

by Keith and Kathy Biever

Ron Olsen

by Hansine Frostad, and Frank Hofmeister

Yvonne Johnson

James Theodore Douglas, son of Rue Gullickson Douglas and James S. Douglas

Oscar Jorgenson

Myrtle B. Peterson

Jan Koren

Ruth K. Ramstead

Ove and Edith Kilgren

Allan Rein

Ove Kilgren

Robert G. Ringstad

Jon Knudsen

Cora Peterson Robbins

Bill Kristjanson

Margareta Rundquist

Her parents, Kristine and Hans Krogh

Anna Rylander and John Kragseth

by Marcia R. Douglas

Al Edwards

by David Savage and Laurie Medill

Philip A. Egtvet

by Sandra Egtvet

Fred Erickson

by John Erickson

Opal Erickson

by Edna Eckrem, and Amy Erickson

Her Parents, Gjøri and Ivar Fagnastøl by Martha Fagnastol Kegel

Reidar Fammestad

by Family of Reidar Fammestad

His mother, Vera C. Feeley by James Feeley

Andrew and Sofia Freelund by Robert McEwen

Svein Gilje

by Richard Johnson, Mari-Ann Kind Jackson, and Gustav Raaum

Kathi Goertzen

by Floyd Jones, and Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

Her grandmother Amanda Sundquist Green by Dorothy Owens

Margaret Joyce Northfield Gustavson by Bethany Sugawara

Christopher R. Graff

by Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

Fern Gwin

by Taku Graphics

Guttorm and Andora Halsen by Michael Bigney-Russell

Nancy Strand Harbert by Bill Harbert

Sverre Hatley

by Barbara and Frank Fanger

Ole Hendricks and Norman Carl Anderson by Electa Anderson

His wife Helen Serine Henning by Peter Henning

Anna Hodgson

by Donald Kerr, and Jon Magnusson

Henry and Ina Holma

by Rick Akesson and Marlene Akesson

Louise Modine Horand by Fritz Horand

Orthos Huseby

by Donald and JoAnn Thuring

by Richard Johnson by R. R. and Hedda Reid by Shirley and Eldon Nysether by Jolie Bergman by Edith Kilgren by Elise Knudsen by Fred Arnason

by Jennie Burwell

John Kvinge

by Malfrid Vintertun

Mabel Kyle

by Mollie M. Reeves

Ruth Lake

by Jon and Susan Hanson

Folke Landstrom

by Karoline Derse

L. C. and Sigrid Larsen

by Dorothea Larsen Adaskin

John Albert Larson

by John and Claudia Barnings

Samuel Lord

by Jette Lord

Dick Lundgren

by Mari-Ann Kind Jackson, and C. Stephen Lewis and Donna Lewis

Ellen Lundgren by Dale Wright

Her parents, Algot and Alveda Lundquist by Florence Lundquist

Dr. Ole Mathisen

by Aven and Shirley Andersen

Jake and Arleen Mattson by Jo Ann Coney

Mary Matson

by Jeffrey Payne

Marvin Meyer

by Betty Edwards

Evan Moe

by Jackie Caswell, and Murlyn Zeske

Ola and Helen Mork

by Laura Cooper and Stuart Mork

Donald E. Nelson

by Carol Oversvee Johnson, and Louise Torseth

Alice R. Ness

by E. Paul and Gayle Robbins

Thore Ness

by Barbara and Frank Fanger

Evelyn Merrium Nordquist

by Ellen Anderson, Lang Manufacturing Co., and Dr. Asmus Freytag and Dr. Laura Wideburg

by Richard and Ingri Johnson, and John Kvinge By E. Paul and Gayle Robbins By Patricia and Landis Smaaladen by Carolyn Basanich by Ringstad Enterprises by E. Paul and Gayle Robbins by Inger-Marie Hermann

by Frihet Lodge #401, Vasa Order of America

Emmenegger, John Enge, F/V Gene S. Inc., Sylvia Field, Jon Halgren, Jon and Susan Hanson, Harbor Enterprises, Inc., Sandy Haug, Charlotte Hoiosen, Horgan Associates Inc., Mari-Ann Kind Jackson, Sam Kito, Rocky and Casey Lindell, Brett and Jennifer Liskey, Pat Loftin, Lunde Marine Electronics, Inc., Olav Lunde, Leif and Cindy Mannes, Neil McReynolds, Renate McVittie, Walter Meredith, William and Bonnie Meyers, Kaare Mikkelsen, Kaare and Sigrunn Ness, Steve and Catherine Numata, Joan Oates, Rick Olafson, Shirley Olsen, Thomas Ousdale, Fred and Alyne Richard, Mabel Rosvold, John Salenjus, Roy Schonberg, Marilyn Sheldon, Jonas Simundson, Liv Stangeland, Judith Anne Stenford, Gordon Strand, James and Jenny Strock, Norma Thomasson, Daniel and Jean Tolfree, Dorothy Trenor, Trident Seafoods Corporation, Gordon Tweit, Mark Vinsel, Ed and Joyce Waight, and Richard and Judith White

Alfrid and Karolina Samuelson

Arnold L. Torget

Pearl Osborn Schau

Rolf and Elsa Ulricksen

Mrs. Sissel Slette

Grete Ulland

Alf Sorvik

Leo Utter

Vic Spino

John Robert Knox Valaas, Sr.

by Dorothy Trenor by Ralph Schau

by Margit Weingarten by Jon and Susan Hanson by Donald Thuring and JoAnn Thuring

Evelyn V. Staaf

by Gwen McGrath

Sheila Stangvik

by Camille and Alan Torget by Ray and Ruth Pennock by Geoff and Joan Ferguson by Curtis Jacobs by Geoff and Joan Ferguson

Charlene (Larsen) White by Colleen White

Jeannette Wright by Dale Wright

by Frank and Shirley Zahner

Lars Steinnes

by Leanne Olson and Jim Bailey

Kathleen Stensvig


Thomas and Julia Strand

Gifts of $1,000 and greater

Elsa Rydin Stuberg


by Kirk Gunnar Stensvig by Gordon Strand

Sisko Svaleng and Arne Svaleng

Jon and Susan Hanson Allan and Inger Osberg Estate of Helen Vogt*

Laina Taipale

$100,000 - $349,999

by Joanne Foster

by Ruth and Gene Hockenbery by James and Dianne Johnston

Robert A. Taylor

by Molly Svendsen

Terry Taylor

by Camille Kariya

Dr. H.F. Thorlakson

by Patricia Thorlakson

Robert Thorstenson

by Diane Adams, Arlene Anderson, Pirkko and Brad Borland, Robert and Margaret Boyce, David Branch, Eric and Bobbie Bremner, Gary and Henryetta Castellano, Richard and Judith Curley, Clyde Curry, Cathleen Dickey, Kathryn

Kreielsheimer Foundation Jane Isakson Lea and James Lea Dave LeClercq* Herbjorg Pedersen Foundation Skandia Music Foundation

$10,000 - $50,000 Brad and Pirkko Borland Jon Halgren Kari Lihaug Knudsen John Osberg 23

$1,000 - $9,999 Stig and Ruth Andersen Bank of America Foundation Bjorn Bayley Anders and Janet Berglund Elisabeth Bodal Per and Inga Bolang Jan and Priscilla Brekke Finnfest USA ‘99 Finnish American Heritage Committee Marianne Forssblad and Roland Wedenström Lisa Garbrick Glacier Fish Co., LLC GranCorp Holdings Emily Halvorsen and Robert Platt Joyce Hartvigson Jeff and Linda Hendricks Woody and Ilene Hertzog Ruth and Preben HoeghChristensen Ivar and Sofia Husa Family Mari-Ann Kind Jackson Curtis and Shirley* Jacobs Ernst and Linda Jensen Kari Johannessen Gary L. Johnson Karen Koon and Brad Edwards Olaf Kvamme* Knut Lindberg John and Hanna Liv Mahlum Hans* and Irina Mauritzen Pam Nelson and Tom Strotkamp Kaare and Sigrunn Ness Susan and Russell Ness Gordon Olson Einar and Emma Pedersen Richard and Judith Prout Harold Rice and Kristine Rice Ann Ringstad Ed and Katherine Robinson Chris Siddons Berit and John Sjong Patsy and Larry Small Gordon Strand Eero Tetri and Helli Tetri Pam and Bob* Thorstenson The Vemo Company West Coast Finnish American Singers Assn. Raiti Waerness Washington Women’s Foundation


3014 NW 67th Street, Seattle, WA 98117

www.nordicmuseum.org The Nordic Heritage Museum receives support from





Irma Goertzen, President

Erik D. Laursen, Denmark


Einar Pedersen, Vice President

Matti Suokko, Finland

C.E.O., Eric Nelson

Rick Peterson, Secretary

Kristiina Hiukka

Executive Assistant, Jonathan Sajda

Hans Aarhus, Treasurer

Honorary Vice Consul, Finland Jon Marvin Jonsson

Ex Officio

Consul General, Iceland

Eric Nelson, Chief Executive Officer

Geir Jonsson

Trustees Hans Aarhus

Honorary Vice Consul, Iceland Kim Nesselquist, Norway Lars Jonsson, Sweden

Curtis Arnesen Per Bakken

curatorial Chief Curator, Lizette Gradén, Ph.D. Curator of Collections, Lisa Hill-Festa Registrar, Ariane Westin-McCaw Music Archivist, Kathi Ploeger Exhibitions Coordinator, Kirsten Olsen Public Programs Coordinator, Stina Cowan

Steven J. Barker


Brandon Benson

Dr. Stig B. Andersen

Arlene Sundquist Empie

Representative Reuven Carlyle

Ann-Charlotte Gavel Adams

Leif Eie

Irma Goertzen

Synnøve Fielding

Peter Henning

Senator Mary Margaret Haugen


Tapio Holma

Senator Ken Jacobsen

Christine Ingebritsen

Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles

Development Director, Jan Woldseth Colbrese

Ken Jacobsen

Bertil Lundh

Floyd Jones

Jane Isakson Lea

Sven Kalve

Allan Osberg

Membership/Database Coordinator, Katy Ahrens

Lars Knudsen

Mark T. Schleck

Events Coordinator, Mary Bond

Thomas Malone

Representative Helen Sommers

Leif Mannes

Senator Harriet Spanel


Lars C. Matthiesen

Mayor Ray Stephanson

Finance Manager, Pamela Brooks

Valinda Morse

Donald Thoreson

Bookkeeper, Carolyn Carlstrom

Allan Osberg

E. Norman Westerberg

Volunteer Coordinator, Michael Ide

Everett Paup

Margaret Wright

Gift Shop Manager, Mary Ann Namvedt

Children Education Coordinator, Alison Church Adult Education Coordinator, Jeremy Ehrlich

Development Associate, Christy Olsen Field

Einar Pedersen

Facilities Coordinator, Dylan High

Rick Peterson

Caretaker, Donna Antonucci

Erik Pihl

Weekend Receptionist, Rebecca Bolin

Vi Jean Reno Berit Sjong Maria Staaf

communications and Marketing

Birger Steen

Marketing & Communications Manager, Erin M. Schadt

Nina Svino Svasand

Graphic Designer, Ani Rucki

Lisa Toftemark Tor Tollessen

Gwendolyn Carkeek Plestcheeff Fund for the Decoration & Design Arts Henry M. Jackson Foundation

Photo by Troy Monson

Margaret Wright

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