Viking Bugle--Summer 2014

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Viking Bugle

Summer 2014 Viking Days Edition

Eric Nelson, CEO Michael Ide, Volunteer Coordinator, (206) 789-5707 x12,

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Volunteer Coordinator


Museum News: Staff Update


Museum News: Teen Council Highlights


Museum News: Collections Highlight


Volunteer Awards


Volunteer News: Guest Article: Volunteer Spotlight


Volunteer News: In Memory


Special Thanks


Volunteer Appreciation


Volunteer Opportunities


Summer Calendar


From the Volunteer Coordinator

We capped off the month with a festive, mermaid-themed Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, and our Event Coordinator Mary Bond gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a few days later, a truly fitting way to end this crazy month! Mary’s maternity leave will be just one of several staff changes this summer. See inside for more updates. As usual, Viking Days will be our biggest event this summer. It will take place August 16 and 17, and feature 2 pancake breakfasts, a salmon dinner, vendors, the taste of Scandinavia food hearths, the Viking Grill, Valhalla Beer Garden, kids crafts, demonstrators, and of course, the Viking encampment. The whole thing will kick off with something brand new, however: the Run Like a Viking 5K Race at 9 AM on Saturday.

After 3 years working at the Nordic Heritage Museum, I can safely say—never a dull moment! We made it through the month of May, safely and profitably. Thanks to all who supported the exhibit installation, every stage of our record-breaking auction, and the historic 17th of May celebration, as well as this season’s Mostly Nordic series, and the regular day to day work of the Museum.

Welcome New Volunteers and Interns! Katherine Kidwell, Sonnet Stockmar, Anders Isaksen, Helen Beelen, Erika Almskaar, Anna Goss, Marj Graf, Ksenia Darouze, Anna Wager, Mary Olson, Alex Anderson, Jessica Town, Elizabeth Miller, Margo Hart, Barbara Gauch, Margot Posey, Emma Raible, and Vendula Jesslova

There will be time to do it all: Run the race, enjoy the festival, and volunteer as well! As you know, we need over 200 volunteers just to make the weekend happen. Sign up information and special volunteer opportunities (be a grill master, be a Pancake breakfast apprentice, run the first aid booth!) are described in detail in the Volunteer Opportunities section. I hope you have a wonderful summer, and we’ll see you at Viking Days! —Michael

MARK YOUR CALENDARS Viking Days: August 16-17 Knitting Conference: October 3-5 Yulefest: November 22-23


Museum News Staff Updates Arrivals

Departures Marketing and Communications Manager, Erin Schadt, has accepted a terrific opportunity to work for Washington Apple Seed, an advocacy and social jus ce organiza on. Erin has moved mountains for us in the last few years, and we are grateful for all of her work. We are also very excited for her as she embarks on this new adventure. Thank you, Erin! You will be missed.

We are very pleased to have Communica ons Associate, Sara Keats on board. Sara moved to SeaAle last September to work with the SeaAle Repertory Theatre. She lives in Queen Anne with her boyfriend and their dog, Dziga. She is thrilled to be part of the Museum. Welcome, Sara! As we search for a new Marke ng and Communica ons Manager, Sara has taken on many of the departmental func ons.

Development Associate, Christy Olsen Field is ge&ng ready for her big arrival at the end of July! Here’s a note from Christy: Erin (le-) with former Registrar, Sarah Bishop— Erin’s enthusiasm for the job will be hard to match!

Event Coordinator, Mary Bond, has worked very hard coordina ng our fes vals, auc ons and other events for the past few years, and has done a fantas c job. Each fundraiser has been more successful than the last! At the end of May, Mary gave birth to a daughter, Adelia Helen Bond. At the end of the summer, Mary, her husband, (volunteer extraordinaire, Karl Stutz), and baby Addy will move back to Aus n, Texas to be close to family. Congratula ons, and thank you for everything!

Neighborhood Nanny Needed! Do you or someone you know love babies? Christy in the Development office is looking for a part- me childcare provider in Ballard for her very cute baby boy, star ng in November. Please contact Christy at or 253-298-5280!


Museum News Teen Council Highlights

Amanda and Sophia in the Rosemaling workshop.

This year’s Teen program was developed and executed by intern, Lucas Sheetz. Lucas was incredibly dedicated to the project, being a full time graduate student, writing a thesis, juggling a family and a job. We thank Lucas for his great work, and wish him luck in his next adventure.

Gates, Sonja, Sophia and Amanda interacting with the exhibit.

Object handling Lesson with Amanda, Lisa Hill-Festa, Tyler, Gates, Nigel and Rose.

Building Legos with Eli, Amanda, Michael, Evan and Nigel.

Collections Highlights “Then we were driving Russians out of Finland nearly three or four years, up until 1945. I think it was then communist Russia had a big, big attack. Everything was in chaos. That was a time when, we ended up riding bicycles out of Viipuri, my mom, my sister, and I, to save our skin.” – Eero Tetri This quote from Eero Tetri’s Oral History illustrates his memory of fleeing Viipuri, Finland (currently Vyborg, Russia) as the Soviet Army advanced towards Finland’s second largest city for a second time during World War II. What is truly remarkable about his story is that a simple

Exhibit opening, with Lucas, Nigel, and Gates

bicycle was his means of escape from advanced tank and weapons technology used by the Soviet Army. It perfectly captures the resilience and resourcefulness of the human spirit in the face of war. Amazingly enough, the bicycle was saved by his family, and restored by his Aunt and daughter after a vacation to Finland years later. The bicycle was sent to Eero in the United States, and he chose to donate it to the Permanent Collection at the Nordic Heritage Museum, where it will make a wonderful addition to our collection.

Evan and Nigel working on the Scavenger Hunt.

Volunteer Carleen See was at the Admissions Desk when Eero Tetri came in to donate his bicycle, and took this picture.

O T e o u t e p t

T r s o a l o s s s


Volunteer Awards


Volunteer of the Year

Director’s Awards

This year’s Volunteer of the Year is

Each year we recognize handful of people who have made noteworthy contributions to the Museum in several major areas: Visitor Services, Special Events, Collections, Education, and Facilities. These volunteers have earned our praise and gratitude for their incredible dedication to the Museum and community. Thank you!

Ron Hornung of the Thursday Crew, for outstanding contributions in 2013. We couldn’t have made it through the year without him. Thank you, Ron! We truly appreciate all you do!

Rich Johnson

Michelle Eastman

Ashley Russell Ron Hornung his element...

Chris Hardy

Years of Service Pins

Museum Excellence Awards This year, we recognized Marianne Kolden and Anne Willott, for 5 years of dedicated service to the Museum’s collections. These women have volunteered on a weekly basis, primarily with the textile collection; they have assisted with teaching projects, mentored interns and volunteers, and have made themselves quite indispensable. Thank you, Anne and Marianne!

Years of service calculations reflect the year the individual started volunteering based on our records. Please let me know if I have overlooked someone! If you are listed below and have not received your pin, please come to the Museum to retrieve it! And thank you!

25 Years Ellen Juhl Ellen Duernberger Rita Vermala-Koski 20 Years Gerd Jones Marilyn Whitted Judith Dern 15 Years Marianne Olson Bob Olson Anna Hauksdottir

Anne Willott

Barbara Jeniker

Marianne Kolden

10 Years Rich Johnson Bud Saxberg 5 Years Maurice Inglis Hallie Stegelvik Susan Johnston Shirley Dronen Lynn Tengbom Anne Willott Marianne Kolden

Special Recogni on: 30 +Years Betty Edwards, Dagmar O’Brien, Bertil Lundh, Sig Eriksen , Unn Maleand


Volunteer News


Volunteer Spotlight: Jolie Bergman By Michelle Eastman You might have seen Jolie Bergman cashiering in the gift shop during a weekend or helping at Yulefest. If you don’t know her, you might have been familiar with her Danish American grandparents Edith and Ove Kilgren, museum members, donors, and volunteers known for contributing their æbleskiver recipe, pans, and cooking skills to museum festivals. Whether or not you’re familiar with her and her family, Jolie has been connected to the museum for about 20 years, since she was 12 or 13, when she started helping her grandparents with events like Yulefest before moving to South Dakota. Fortunately, for us Jolie came back after a few years in South Dakota where she developed a passion for archiving history at the Klein

Museum (SD). She hasn’t done any archiving with NHM yet (though she’d like to), but she has put her interest for researching history to work in her side business, Bergman Investigations, where she delves into the history of a home for new Seattle homeowners. Last year, Jolie migrated away from researching private homes to public spaces to share with the public influential buildings that shaped Seattle’s history in her book Seattle’s Music Venues. Inspired by the welldocumented history of Ballard, Seattle’s Music Venues, contains historical photos of various places where people got together to hear music and to dance. In her book, Jolie touches on the importance of music and dance spaces for local Nordic culture writing that “The Washington Hall, Swedish Club, Sons of Norway Hall, and Skandia Ballroom also brought the Nordic

countries together in dance as well as community events so that neighbors could congregate to take care of each other in times of joy or need” (7). Perhaps, some of you more seasoned volunteers might remember a few of these music places as community spaces, but whether you do or don’t there’s still much to take away about the rest of Seattle.

The Museum and Jolie’s Book Some of the images that you’ll find in her book Jolie found in the museum library with the help of Kathi Ploeger. If you haven’t visited the museum library yet she encourages you to go there,* not just to find her book, but to explore what the library has to offer. Maybe while you’re there though you can even help her to solve the mystery of the photo circa 1950 on page 43: is the space the former Aqua Barn on Lake Washington? You can learn more about Jolie and her book at her website: www.bergmaninvestigations. com/about-us.html

In Memory We fondly remember our dear friends who passed away this spring. Each was a strong supporter of the Museum and worked hard to advance its mission in different ways. We cherish their commitment, celebrate their contribu ons, and send our deepest condolences to their loved ones. If you have special stories or photographs of Elsa, Preben and Ruth, or Inga, that you would like to share, please send them to me. I will compile them and make them available at the next Volunteer Apprecia!on Dinner.

Elsa Ellefsen

Preben and Ruth Hoegh Christensen

Inga Bolang

Special Thanks!


AUKTION COMMITTEE Linda Christenson Donna Pedersen Evy Danielsen Sig Eriksen Jon Hanson Sandy Haug Paul Jacobson Judith Mallory Stephanie Maurer Krystn Nesselquist Auktion Chairs, Barbara Paquette Donna Pedersen and Ashley Russell Linda Christenson Berit Sjong Sonja Sorvik Ingrid Tollessen AUKTION VOLUNTEERS Erika Almskaar Molly Andrus Kim Bond Andrea Bonnicksen Jason Brooks Albert Brown Dan Brown Pat Charlson Ksenia Darouze Edla Deppman GeorgeJean Erickson Marj Graf Malina Hubler Anders Isaksen Rich Johnson Emily Kristjanson Karl Lapham Lorraine Lofgren Kathy Macaulay Matt McCallum Don Meyers Lisa Mothersbaugh Dagmar O’Brien Valerie O’Leary Marianne Olson Gordon Olson Josette Radfod-Lanz Joakim Ragnmark Terry Rodriguez

Markus Rook Pete Schroeder Allie Sterling Erin Sterling Kim Stout Karl Stutz Marit Thomson Louise Torseth Anna Wager Marisa Way-Rogainis Kelli Wilson Travis Wilson 17th OF MAY Andy Ashmead Janice Bogren Christine Cummings Edla Deppman Toni Eaton Sue Gregor Turid Grønning Navya Gunaje Marion Hafterson Jon Halgren Sandy Haug Dylan High Ronda Holmdahl Ron Hornung Paul Jacobson Barbara Jeniker Barbara Johnson Rich Johnson Susan Johnston Dan Kaylor Carol Kennedy Marta Kalve Sven Kalve Heather Kissinger Aaron Kitson Rachael Knudson Jeanne Kohl-Welles Mina Larsen Margaret Lidberg Mary Lindholm Lorraine Lofgren Pat Loftin Stephanie Maurer

Alexi Oliver Barbara Paquette Margot Posey Josette Radford-Lanz Hyir R’mah Maddie R’mah Carleen See Marilyn Sheldon Chris Siddons Sonnet Stockmar Marit Thomson Louise Torseth Janicke Tvedt

Volunteer Appreciation Mostly Nordic Jan Backman Nan Bentley Rebecca Bolin Chris Covert-Bowlds Debi Covert-Bowlds Christine Cummings Michelle Eastman Toni Eaton Kris Ewing Joanne Foster Chris Galvin Marj Graf Jenna Gregor Sue Gregor Malina Hubler Linda Jangaard Barbara Jeniker Rich Johnson Vince Jolivet Aaron Kitson Nathan Kruse Keenan Layton Steven Luksan Alan Lundeen Mary Mohler Lisa Mothersbaugh Terry Rodriguez Markus Rook Carleen See Arnfridur Sigurdardottir Lucas Steinmacher Nigel Thomas Emily Uhde Sandy Wakefield Soup and Cinema Barbara Jeniker Jan Backman Harriet Kemp Rebecca Bolin Linda Jangaard Lorraine Lofgren Terry Rodriguez Spring Programs and Receptions Rebecca Bolin Christina Cantillo Julie Coulter Lindsey Castle Michelle Eastman Toni Eaton

Marj Graf Kaare Haga Anders Isaksen Rich Johnson Harriet Kemp Carol Kennedy Jane Kern Mary Lindholm Margaret Lidberg Alan Lundeen Jenny Linhoff Kathy Macaulay Elizabeth Miller Mary Ann Namtvedt Barbara Paquette Carleen See Marilyn Sheldon Margret Solvadottir Hallie Stegelvik Terry Rodriguez Susan Johnston Carleen See Gordon Strand

Collections Julie Coulter Kathi Erickson Alison Goetz Steve Harvey Kerri Keil Marianne Kolden Jenny Linhoff Liisa Mannery Emily McDade Alexi Oliver Tom Ormbrek Marilyn Whitted Valerie Vega Ann Willott NAV Members Exhibits Robin Kaufman Ksenia Darouze Alexi Oliver Jenny Linhoff Marketing Kirsten Chalfen Teen Council Lucas Sheetz

Special Thanks Monday and Thursday Crew and Friends Bill Briest Sig Eriksen Jon Halgren Interns and Departmental Jon Hanson Chris Hardy Assistance Keith Harman Operations/ Ron Hornung Administration Maurie Inglis Jonathan Wintrip Henning Knudsen Astor Rask Lennart Larsson Development Karl Randolph Matt McCallum John Speake Ashely Russell Bill Weed Jean Wirch Elizabeth Rudrud Visitor Services Volunteers Ksenia Darouze Paul Jacobson Sandy Haug Andrea Bonnicksen Rich Johnson Penny Barker Margaret Lidberg Chris Siddons


Dagmar O’Brien Birgitta Beck Inger Kjosnes Inger Saltonstall Pat Charlson Barbara Paquette Marilyn Sheldon Heather Sketch-Sander Elaine Carpenter Marianne Olson Arlene Amundsen Nancy Ferkingstad Sissel Gassert Barb Johnson Kirsten Chalfen Hallie Stegelvik Shirley Fjoslien Louise Torseth Jason Rudd Malina Hubler Julie Coulter Jill Wasberg Mary Ann Namtvedt Pat Loftin Stephanie Maurer Troy Monson Nathan Kruse GeorgeJean Erickson Darby Kerr Sonja Ferkingstad Amanda Munro Carleen See Jenny Linhoff Marion Hafterson Susan Johnston Rebecca Bolin Michelle Eastman Alden Olivia Richardson Yaw Terry Rodriguez


Volunteer Opportunities Viking Days 2014—August 16 and 17 Volunteer Planning Meetings Overview: Monday, July 14, 1 PM Food: Monday, July 21, 1 PM Set Up: Thursday, July 31, 10:30 AM Set Up : Thursday, August 7, 10:30 AM To sign up for Viking Days, you can: • Fill out the form attached to the paper version of the Viking Bugle (you can also pick one up from the Museum) • Sign up on-line by visiting our website: volunteer.aspx •

Call or e-mail me directly!

Sign up by August 1 to get your desired shift! Unable to volunteer? Feel free to let me know that too, so I don’t bother you with a phone call in August!

Special Viking Days Opportunities Grill Masters: We’re looking for skilled and dedicated volunteers to grill up brats, dogs and salmon burgers in the Viking Grill and Valhalla Beer Garden. Food Handler Permits highly recommended. Swedish Pancake Fryers: For the early risers and skilled Swedish pancake fryers among you— we’re looking for volunteers to keep up with demand at our daily Swedish Pancake Breakfast. Great for early birds!!

RUN LIKE A VIKING 5 K If you thought that Viking Days was enough, think again! This year we’ll start the weekend off with a 5 K Fun Run, beginning at 9 AM at Golden Gardens. Registration and Hydration Volunteers will be needed on Saturday morning to hand out registration packets and water along the route.

Swedish Pancake Breakfast Apprentice Do you want to help Margaret run our kitchen on festival days? Let’s continue the volunteer tradition! Contact Michael for more info. First Aid Booth Volunteers: Volunteers with up-to-date First Aid and CPR certification are needed to staff our First Aid Booth and provide basic First Aid.

Contact Michael at, or (206) 789-5707 x12 for more info about these opportunities, or to sign up!

Docent Training Program! In the fall, a docent training program will begin, to train more volunteers to be (tour leading) docents: September 9-December 16 Every other Tuesday 10AM-noon; We are gathering a list of people who are interested and will be in touch later in the summer to confirm.

Join the Thursday Crew! Our indispensable volunteer maintenance crews are looking for new members! Help with all manner of facilities and maintenance work on Thursday mornings, or just sign up to help set up for Festivals!

Weekend/Evening Gift Shop Volunteers We are seeking volunteers willing to take Gift Shop shifts on the weekends and during evening events. If you are interested in becoming a gift shop volunteer, and have general weekend or evening availability, please let me know! And thank you!

Save the date: Knitting Conference Oct 3-5 Lots of volunteers will be needed! More info to come! We are seeking a special day-ofevent assistant to the coordinator, to help Jeremy with whatever he needs to make this event great! Perks included! Contact Michael for more information.


Summer Events July Tues


7 PM

Concert: Arctic Memoirs: A Spellemans Tour

Sat - Sun



Outreach: Ballard Seafood Fest



1 PM

Viking Days Planning Meeting: Overview



7 PM

Lecture: Inshore Craft of Norway: A Millennium of Boatbuilding Tradition 800-1800 AD



1 PM

Viking Days Planning Meeting: Food



7:10 PM

Nordic Heritage Night at Safeco Field



Outreach: Finnish American Folk Festival, Naselle, WA

August Thurs


All Day

Free First Thursday



10-11 AM

Nordic Stories: Moomin and the Birthday Button (Fin)



11AM-12:30 PM

Moomin Palooza



7 PM

Documentary: From the Front to the West Coast



9-11 AM

Fun Run: Run Like A Viking 5K



All Day

Viking Days!

September Thurs


All Day

Free First Thursday



10-11 AM

Nordic Stories: The Problem with Chickens (Ice)




Volunteer Council Meeting




Volunteer Potluck



7 PM

Book Talk: Seattle Pioneer Midwife



6-8 PM

Member Preview: The Color of Time: Ballard from Dusk to Dawn



7 PM

Concert: Novus Project

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