Alessandro Rolandi ¯ Silence / 安静 (Anjìng)
la c.
This book is published by
la centrale edizioni a collective not-for-profit name, founded in Southern Europe in 2018 no ISBN printed in Italy
cbnd f
The series
la c. is made with the support of Fondazione Lac o Le Mon vol. 17, January 2019 printed in 50 copies
Wild grass strikes no deep roots, has no beautiful flowers and leaves, yet it imbibes dew, water and the blood and flesh of the dead, although all try to rob it of life. As long as it lives it is trampled upon and mown down, until it dies and decays. But I am not worried; I am glad. I shall laugh aloud and sing. I love my wild grass, but I detest the ground which decks itself with wild grass Lu Xun
Save me. In jpg or pdf?
Rest me with Chinese colours, for I think the glass is evil Ezra Pound
Je est un autre Arthur Rimbaud
Even those from far corners of the Earth, can become couples Feng Menglong
在树与树的遗忘中 是狗的抒情进攻 在无端旅途的终点 夜转动所有的金钥匙 没有门开向你 Bei Dao 北岛
For when the panic emerges, the mind catches like the rip cord of a parachute: one goes on falling Truman Capote
Eppure resta che qualcosa è accaduto, forse un niente che è tutto Eugenio Montale
Language is a virus from outer space William Burroughs
And in these words some kind of disobedience Myself
To exist is reasonable, like thieves stealing things Yao Yuchao
Do Not Google it
夫童心者,绝假纯真,最初一念之本也。若失却童真,便失却真心;失却真心, 便失却真人 Li Zhi 李贄
Use less words David Foster Wallace
生命的泥委弃在地面上,不生乔木,只生野草,这是我的罪过。 野草,根本不深,花叶不美,然而吸取露,吸取水,吸取陈死人的血和肉,各 各夺取它的生存。当生存时,还是将遭践踏,将遭删刈,直至于死亡而朽腐。 但我坦然,欣然。我将大笑,我将歌唱。 我自爱我的野草,但我憎恶这以野草作装饰的地面. Lu Xun 魯迅
¯ Silence / 安静 (Anjìng) by Alessandro Rolandi a book that has never been written, in a language that cannot be thought of or translated, which is not about what can be seen, nor about what can be told or read, looks how it looks and doesn’t mean what is meant
vol. 17, 2019