Norman Foster Foundation Public Lecture 2017 Supported by the Rolex Institute
Norman Foster Foundation Public Lecture 2017 Supported by the Rolex Institute
Robotics | Introduction
Society is on the edge of a transformation through Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. They have the potential to change every aspect of our lives in far-reaching ways. Last June at the Norman Foster Foundation Forum “Future is Now�, we were given a glimpse of how the world of construction would be revolutionised by these developments in what could prove to be a second digital era. This important issue of Robotics related to design and building will now be explored in the first of a series of week-long events hosted at the Madrid Headquarters of the Foundation. These will bring together ten top students from around the world who share a common interest in the subject. A distinguished group of specialists and researchers in the field of robotics will engage with the students through a series of seminars and lectures culminating in a three-day workshop led by the course mentor Professor Matthias Kohler from ETH in Zurich. I would like to thank the Rolex Institute for an annual series of events which they are generously supporting.
Norman Foster President Norman Foster Foundation
Public Lecture
Matthias Kohler, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Amelie Klein, Curator, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany
Schedule Wednesday 22nd November 2018
6:00 p.m. Robotics Public Lecture Auditorium, Fundación Telefónica Lecture: The Robotic Touch, by Matthias Kohler Matthias Kohler in Conversation with Amelie Klein
Matthias Kohler Matthias Kohler is an architect with multi-disciplinary interests ranging from computational design and robotic fabrication to material innovation. In 2000, he founded the architecture practice Gramazio & Kohler in conjunction with his partner Fabio Gramazio, where numerous awardwinning designs have been realised. Current projects include the design of the Empa NEST research platform, a future living and working laboratory for sustainable building construction. Opening also the world’s first architectural robotic laboratory at ETH Zurich, Gramazio & Kohler’s research has been formative in the field of digital architecture, setting precedence and de facto creating a new research field that merges advanced architectural design and additive fabrication processes through the customised use of industrial robots. Since 2014, Matthias Kohler is also director of the new National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication.
Amelie Klein Amelie Klein has been a curator at Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany, since August 2011, where most recently she opened the international travelling exhibition Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine. Most currently, the show has moved from the MAK—Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art in Vienna to the Design Museum Gent in Belgium. Before that, Klein oversaw Making Africa—A Continent of Contemporary Design, for which she was nominated for the 2015 Art Magazine Curator Prize. Since its opening at the Vitra Design Museum, Making Africa has travelled to the Guggenheim Bilbao, CCCB Barcelona, Kunsthal Rotterdam, and most recently to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA, USA. Klein completed an MA in Design Criticism at the New York School of Visual Arts and prior to that worked as a design and creative industry editor at the Austrian daily Die Presse. She has published numerous articles in a range of design and architectural publications, including Abitare, domus online, and Metropolis.
Supported by:
Collaborating Institutions Ashesi University, Accra, Ghana National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, India Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona, Spain The Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL), London, UK Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), Stuttgart, Germany Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MA, USA Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnología, Santiago, Chile Universal Robots
Except where otherwise noted, text and photographs © Norman Foster Foundation Norman Foster Foundation Monte Esquinza 48 28010 Madrid Spain T +34 91 219 15 47
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