April News Spreader

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The News Spreader April 2015


The News Spreader QUEBEC 4-H 21,111 Lakeshore Road Macdonald College Harrison House 3-04 Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 3V9 Phone: 514-398-8738 Fax: 514-398-8652 www.quebec4-h.com PRESIDENT Sarah Enright senright14@ubishops.ca

VICE-PRESIDENT Matthew Burns matthew.burns99@hotmail.com


On the cover: 1



1– Senior Dancers gather for a photo after the 4th annual Provincial Square Dance Competition( Page 6) 2– An enthusiastic group of 4-H’ers on the bus during this year’s Innovative Ag Tour ( Page 10-11) 3– Members of the Brome 4-H club head outdoors for their annual winter activity day. (Page 3)

In this Issue Club News………………………………………..………………….…..…3 Club News………………………………………………………….……...4 Macdonald Judging competition/ Concours Tout-Quebec..……….………5 4-H’ers Dance their way to Ribbons...…………………………….………6 Leadership Summit…………………………………………………….…..7 Upcoming events and Opportunities………………………………………8 Innovative Ag Tour………………………..……………………………...10 Judging tips for Rally…………..…………………………………………12 Tractor Safety…………………………...…...……………………………13 Featured Member: Danika Neill……..…………………………………...14 Junior Junction……………………………………………………………15 Coming up next: Richmond hosts 40th edition of Rally…………….……16


AGRICULTURAL LIAISON Chelsea Daniel agliaison@quebec4-h.com

OFFICE & COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Norma Tolhurst office@quebec4-h.com


Quebec 4-H Motto: Leadership tomorrow through learning today. Canadian 4-H Motto: Learn to do by doing. I Pledge My Head to clearer thinking My Heart to greater loyalty My Hands to larger service My Health to better living For my club, my community and my country.

Quebec 4-H News Spreader

April 2015

Club News My Junior Camp Experience Travis Dolloff, Hatley 4-H On the weekend of January 23rd, Chad Dolloff and I went to Winter Junior Camp. We had lots of fun. We learnt lots of neat thing about lots of different wild animals. We also made some new friends with kids from different clubs. I got to bunk with another boy named Travis!! We played outside quite a bit and had to make our own meals. We had a great time and can't wait until summer camp!!

For a full report on Winter Junior Camp, please visit www. quebec4-h.com/junior-camp, or see the February edition of the News Spreader

Brome Winter Activity Day Kim Glover The Brome 4-H Club held it's Winter Activity Day in February which proved to be a success. Although our growing club is small - our spirit is huge! We spent our day sliding in the abundant snow fall, and playing hockey on the outdoor rink. The bitter cold was warded off by warm hearts and hot chocolate as the event was finished off with a campfire and outdoor barbeque. Fun was had by all and we even managed to coral some prospective new members!

MAC JAC 4-H Activities Ariane France, Club President

On March 11th, a group of MAC/JAC 4-H’ers had a pizza and laser tag night. It was our second outing of the year and we had a total of 9 participants. We invited non-4-H members to join us too in the efforts to recruit new folk!

What has your club been up to lately? Let us know and you might see your story in the next edition of the News Spreader! Next deadline is May 15th to be included in the June edition. April 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Club News No Time for Winter Blues Cassandra Evans, Richmond 4-H Club Reporter

In February, Richmond 4-H did a workshop meeting on judging . It was interesting to see the different stations and members of all ages participate and practice their skills. This will come in use later in the year when they host the Quebec Provincial Rally in Richmond. The members also gathered together so each committee could give a brief summary of where they are at with their plans for the Rally. These plans will now be ready for approval and forwarded to the Quebec 4-H. Richmond scrapbooking project would also like to say Thank you to the Growing Forward 2 4-H Club Fund Program for the $1000 grant. This grant will allow the members greater opportunity to create pages, which we will be able to share with our community at different events to demonstrate what our 4-H club has taken part in throughout the year. Thank you!! Also in February the 4-H Exchange group got together to work on their project for their trip. The project had to be on something historical about Moosomin , Saskatchewan . The group decided on the Fudge Snowplane invented by Robert Fudge, who was from Moosomin , Saskatchewan . The kids built the Snow plane out of cardboard and built it to fit over a snow mobile to make it easier to film the Snowplane in moveRichmond 4-H’s interpretation of the “Fudge Snowment. A great day filled with work , fun , and laughter. plane”, a project completed in preparation for their Who said winter isn’t fun! exchange this summer.

Ormstown 4-H March Activities Adele Bryson, Club Reporter

During the March Break the Ormstown 4-H Club had activities such as skating at the Huntingdon Arena on March 2. There was about 20 people, we held a pizza lunch after skating, everybody stayed and we ordered pizza from Express 57. Also, the Ormstown 4-H Club square dancers did four dances on March 5th. We had eight dancers: Hailey McDougall, Cassidy McDougall, Christina Knox, Tamara Laurin-Richard, Ella Bryson, Caleb Bryson, Jacob Bryson and Lily Ross. The club danced at the Huntingdon County Hospital, they all had an amazing time dancing and putting smiles on elderly faces. The Ormstown Club also had a day full of fun activities like tubing, skating, cross country skiing and snow shoeing at the Base de Plein Air Les Cèdres. We had about 20 kids and adults , we had a lot of fun.


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

April 2015

Club News Macdonald Judging Competition 7 4-H clubs from across the province were represented on 5 different teams at the 2015 Edition of the Macdonald Judging Competition held on the Macdonald Campus of McGill University on January 28th, 2015. Members, alongside university and alumni participants, were divided into two groups which alternated between the livestock and the horticulture and handicraft divisions. Participants judged traditional classes such as beef and dairy, alongside many unique classes such as garlic and cupcakes. An awards banquet was held in the evening to announce the winners. Placings in the 4-H division were as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sawyerville 4-H Richmond 4-H Hatley 4-H Ormstown/Howick 4-H Huntingdon/Lachute 4-H

April 2015

Members of the Richmond 4-H Club celebrate their 2nd place prize.

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Provincial News 4-H’ers Dance their Way to Ribbons by Lorelei Muller, Executive Director

On Sunday February 22, eighty spectators gathered on Macdonald Campus in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue to cheer on ten teams of dancers at the 4th annual Quebec 4-H Provincial Square Dance Competition. Collegiate club MAC JAC 4-H hosted members from Howick, Lachute, Ormstown, and Richmond. MAC JAC president Ariane France emceed the event while fellow hosts helped with setting up, registration, and a contest to guess the quantity of jellybeans in a jar. Candy was donated by Terrace Bank Farm. After the Neil McKay Band performed for the competition, they continued to entertain as judges deliberated. Spectators joined the 4-H members for some two-stepping, a Virginia Reel lead by Howick 4-H alumna, now Richmond leader, Erin Scoble, and a square dance called by 10 year old Richmond member Carl Coddington. Winners in the Senior Division: MAC JAC 4-H Judges Neva Shelton, Kyra Kalweit, and Donna Back row: Andrew Hickey, Kira Nelson, Matthew Morin, Bobby Tolhurst Paulsen had the challenge of deciding top teams in Front row: Keesha Ness, Emily Enright, Ariane France, Meghan Birch junior and senior divisions as well as best couples and callers.

The Results Juniors

Champion Team Reserve Team

Lachute Plaid Lachute Red/Green

3rd 4th

Ormstown Howick



Seniors Champion Team Reserve Team

Dancers and spectators were invited to join in a Virginia Reel as the judges deliberated on the results.

Champion Caller Reserve Caller Up and Coming Couple Best Junior Couple Best Senior Couple


MAC JAC Ormstown

3rd 4th

Howick Lachute



Jessica Rouleau, Howick 4-H Laura Bryson, Ormstown 4-H

Ormstown junior couple 3 Ormstown couple 1 Howick couple 1

Hailey McDougall & Christina Knox Ashleigh Cavers & Jenna Rember Jessica Rouleau & Kevin MacFarlane

Quebec 4-H News Spreader

For more photos from the competition, visit our website, to access the photo album. April 2015

National News Sparking Innovation through Science and Technology Leadership Summit 2015 Norma Tolhurst, Office and Communications Assistant From February 12-15, Quebec 4-H staff as well as YAC representative Andrea Soesbergen attended this annual event held for leaders in Ottawa. After a successful introductory event in 2014, 4-H Canada hosted the second annual edition of the Leadership Summit, themed this year :Science and Technology. Earlier in the week, key leaders and staff from each province were invited to join the conference before many of the other participants arrived on the 12th. During this day and a half, a hands on science training and activities session were offered. The first night of the conference, participants were invited to dress up as their favorite scientist to reflect the theme of the event. A science “magic” show was also performed, immersing everyone in the activities that would follow throughput the weekend. Friday activities included a variety of workshops that were catered to the needs and interests of volunteer leaders, staff and other 4-H Participants from across the country. Topics of interest included non-traditional 4-H programming, connecting youth to careers in agriculture, and resource sharing, to name a few. During the afternoon, staff members were involved in their respective working group meetings. Supper was held at Tucker’s Marketplace in Ottawa, and participants were invited to take part in the Winterlude activities that were happening that weekend in the capital. Saturday included more workshops, mostly informational highlighting the new brand and identity for 4-H in Canada as well as the new initiative sponsored by TransCanada : Find your 4-H Wings. Participants we’re then invited to sign up for hand on science activities that they could bring back to their respective provinces and clubs. Activities such as Lego mania, squishy circuits, wind power and robotics we’re enjoyed by all. Afternoon activities brought participants outdoors for some “Geocaching”, an activity which uses GPS signals to find hidden cashes all over the city. The conference was capped off by guest speaker Orlando Bowen who presented his inspiring story, and emphasized the importance of youth development. Thank you to all the 4-H Canada staff who made this event possible. We are looking forward to next year’s conference themed “Environment & Healthy Living” which we hope to encourage many of our volunteer leaders to take part in.

Did you know that a lot of what we learn about agriculture actually has to do with science? 4-H Canada has provided a ton of science resources to compliment your existing 4-H projects! Here is a sneak speak at one that focuses on tractors.

Want to integrate science into your 4-H Club? Contact the Quebec 4-H office to learn more about science resources.

April 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Upcoming Events….

May 29-31 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Open to members 13-15 $60 Register before May 10th!

If more than 20 registrations are received then the Programs and Regulations Committee will make selections based on factors such as: fair representation between clubs, position held at club level, and age of participants. Members who cannot be accepted this year will be placed on a waiting list.

CHAPERONES WANTED: Aged 18 and over– Contact Quebec 4-H for more details

Leadership Excellence Awards of Distinction 4-H Canada's new award, recognizing the talents and dedication of our 4-H youth members is in development. Applications will open on April 10, 2015.

Y we Farm Video Contest Create a 1 minute video highlighting Canadian Ag Industry and submit to FMC for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to the International Farm Congress in Quebec City from July 12-17. www.fmc-gac.com/content/y-we-farm Deadline: APRIL 26

Monsanto Opportunities Scholarship Must be rural high school students registering or registered in the first year in an agricultural postsecondary institution. Must complete an essay and provide 2 reference letters. www.monsanto.ca/ourcommitments/Pages/ OpportunityScholarship.aspx Deadline: MAY 30

CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship Active CJHA members, graduating high school or currently enrolled in a full-time program at a postsecondary institution. www.hereford.ca/juniors.asp Deadline: MAY 15


Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarships Up to $2,500 scholarships available. Student must submit a multimedia presentation responding to the following question: How can the agricultural industry best support young farmers looking to succeed in an ever-competitive and complex global marketplace? www.keithgilmorefoundation.com Deadline: MAY 15

Ormstown 4-H Square Dance Competition Held at the Ormstown Rec Center April 11, 2015 at 7:30 pm. Contact Janice: barrneal26@outlook.com

Vankleek Hill Square Dance Competition Held at the Vankleek civic center, May 9th. Contact Kelley:kelleyallen@xplornet.ca

Beef Sen$e Find out what it takes to run a successful beef operation from some of the top farmers. Gain an advantage by learning the importance of management and how it can lead to increased profits. Ages 18-25, fee: $147 Deadline: JULY 2

Quebec 4-H News Spreader

April 2015

...and Opportunities! École de Préparation Holstein Quebec May 16-18 in Montmagny Open to Youth13- 25 287.44$ taxes included Deadline to Register: April 24, 2015

QAHN Essay and Photo Contest

Cash prizes to be won by showcasing your local communities and characters! Deadline: APRIL 30

For more information, visit: www.holsteinquebec.com/ jeunesse

QFA Farm Food Forum April 30, 2015 “Improved margins through better livestock nutrition and health” Visit www.quebecfarmers.org

FMC and CADAP’s Excellence Award Student must submit a multimedia presentation responding to the following question: How can the agricultural industry best support young farmers looking to succeed in an evercompetitive and complex global marketplace? www.fmc-gac.com/ excellence-award

Deadline MAY 8 National Volunteer Week is April 12-18 Be sure to thank your volunteer leaders for all they do to make 4-H great!

April 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Provincial News

Innovative Ag Tour 2015 This year’s Innovative Ag Tour, brought over 30 participants from 5 different clubs to Lachute, Quebec from March 6-8, to visit the farms and agri-businesses in the surrounding area. Participants had much to see during this 3 day event, Saturday and Sunday included full days of tours, as well as a banquet Saturday night and opportunity to have a little fun bowling afterwards. Here’s a quick look at the locations that participants had the opportunity to visit:

Saturday Ferme Camporet Saturday’s first stop was Ferme Camporet which last summer switched from tie stall to free stall with robotic milkers. Owners described long work hours needed in the first weeks to help the cattle acclimate; though cows quickly adapted to robotic milkers thanks to the incentive of toffee flavoured feed, they took longer to get used to the freedom in the new barn. The efforts are proving worthwhile, an investment appreciated by young producers; “They save a lot of time with the new setup. They did a great job of planning for the future.” said Matthew Burns, Quebec 4-H Vice-President

Tranquillity Ag Participants delighted over taffy on snow provided at Tranquillity Agriculture where owner Tim Clark outlined the transformation of sap into syrup. Members awed at enormous holding tanks and asked questions about the reverse osmosis machine. Clark demonstrated the organic practice for tapping trees, quipping tongue in cheek, “Just do that 10,000 more times and you’re ready to go for the season.”

Alpaga du Nord At Alpaga du Nord, a tour guide spoke about behaviours and qualities of the animals, use of llamas and sheepdogs as guards, and work with families in Peru to produce items for the boutique. Alpaca fibre is hypoallergenic, lighter than wool, and dries quickly.

McOuat Poultry At McOuat Poultry, the importance of biosecurity was highlighted as everyone donned plastic boots while filing into the building. After walking between rows of cages holding more than 10,000 chickens, John McOuat explained the quota system, life cycle of the birds, and use of lighting to affect behaviour. He also demonstrated the egg collection system and hand packaging.


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

April 2015

Provincial News Ferme Blondin Renowned for its genetics, Ferme Blondin was a much anticipated stop for many aspiring dairy producers. Nicolas Lalande spoke of the farm’s history and participation at many shows annually. Attendees marvelled that the show cows are washed daily, noting also the overall appearance of the barns; “High genetics barns are geared towards presentation, as a good chunk of income comes from selling cows and embryos,” commented Huntingdon’s Andrea Soesbergen.

Sunday Arbres de Noel Hadley Arbres de Noel Hadley owner, Richard Hadley, detailed tasks from planting to cultivation. Hadley spoke of the difficulties presented by weather, insects, and disease, but glowed while describing his love of the outdoors and the pleasure derived through becoming part of family traditions by welcoming customers to the farm to select their Christmas tree each year.

Harpur Farm Sunday morning found the bus headed north to Harpur Farm. 4-H’ers learned about a year in the life of the red deer farm, including the challenges of working with these timid, semi-wild animals. Touring the corral and chutes system, they received an explanation of how antlers and velvet are harvested for shipment to China for use in medicinal products. Gathered for lunch before heading home, Lachute 4-H President Matthew McOuat expressed his thanks to the participants and the volunteers who helped coordinate the event. Members reflected on the weekend. “It was very diverse. It showed different aspects of agriculture and ways to make a living in your business,” said Monica Parnell, Sawyerville 4H. Lachute 4-H’er Stacey Godin expressed, “I liked how every producer cared about not only the money, but their work.” For more photos from this event, visit www.quebec4-h.com to access the albums.

April 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


2015 Provincial Rally Judging Competition Tips Judging Floral Arrangements


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

April 2015

Tractor Safety Throughout the Year Thanks to funding from CASA and FCC, Quebec 4-H will focus on tractor safety throughout 2015. Watch for regular features in the News Spreader, a clinic at Provincial Rally, and regional workshops this fall. Contact agliaison@quebec4-h.com for more information or to schedule a workshop.

Thank you to Farm Safety just for Kids for providing the Resources for this issue, as well as Serge Lussier, Macdonald Campus, for reviewing the tractor safety content for the News Spreader throughout 2015.

April 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Featured Member Danika Neill, Lachute 4-H Norma Tolhurst, Office and Communications Assistant experience, but you have to realize things won’t always go the way you want them I have been an “Otaku” (Fan of anime) to, and they aren’t always going to be easy, since I was a little kid, and it led to my but in the end the outcome will be wonderlove of animals. ful and you will grow.”

Cool Fact about Danika

ing on the inside. 4-H is my stepping stone into another world.” said Danika. Anyone who has ever had the opportunity to hear her present during a public speaking competition can attest that she is truly passionate for what she does. Although she is still in High School, Danika has big dreams for the future: “I would love to be a biotechnologist in the field of Agriculture. But anything that has Danika presenting her speech about to do with, or help agriculture would catch “Why she loves her country fair” during my eye.” the public speaking competition at Provincial Rally in 2014 At 15, Danika is currently the youngest member on the Provincial Board of DirecAfter seeing her cousin go through 4-H, tors. This commitment has her partake and Danika convinced her parents at the age of give imput at various meetings throughout 11 to let her join as well. In 5 short years, the year, and has also given her a spot on Danika has been involved in multiple pro- the Programs and Regulations Committee, jects, on her club’s executive, and now where she will be involved in making decialso on the Provincial Board of Directors, sions about 4-H programs for members “4-H has helped me more than I can representing her club. across the province. ever say. I went from a kid who was When she joined 4-H, Danika started like While her list of accomplishments is alafraid of the world and people to a many with the Dairy project, but as she ready long, Danika is still just in the prime young lady who has made 4-H her famdiscovered everything that she could do of her 4-H career, and we cannot wait to ily. I hope one day to venture forward with 4-H, her involvement in many prosee what great things she does next. into the world of farming, but I will jects has kept her interest in the organizanever forget the place where it all tion. In the past 3 years, Danika broke the Her advice for other 4-H’ers: “Whatever record, and then broke her own record at you do, never give up. 4-H is an amazing started.” -Danika Provincial Rally for the most amount of project entries, which in 2014 included Dairy, Goat, Rabbit, Life skills and Public Speaking. At the club level, Danika has also been involved in Square Dancing and Garden projects. While she may come across to many as shy in nature, her spirit for 4-H is undeniable. “Even when I don’t smile, I am smil-

Her Favorite 4-H Memory “When I chose my calf for my first Rally. It was at Mrs. Clark’s farm and I saw this baby Brown Swiss and it was an immediate connection.”


Danika (second from right) at her first Junior Camp in 2011 Quebec 4-H News Spreader

April 2015

Lets make Earthworm Dessert! Worms and dessert don’t usually belong together, but trust us you will love these tasty worm cups! Ingredients

   

Earthworms! At first glance, they seem wiggly, slimy and maybe a little scary. But they're really a very interesting and useful organism.

1 package chocolate sandwich cookies (like Oreos) 1 package chocolate instant pudding 2 cups cold milk 8 ounces whipped topping (like Cool Whip) 24 gummy worms


Earthworms use their tiny muscles to dig through soil. While most of us know that earthworms burrow in the soil, we're not so sure how that helps keep soil and plants healthy. Here are two ways:


1. Those tunnels help aerate (allow air to


move through the soil and reach plant roots) the soil. The same tunnels also help to drain water from the soil and carve paths for plants roots. 2. They eat and break down dead plant material like dried up leaves. They also leave castings (manure) behind. These castings are sources of nutrients for plants. Turning dried up leaves into rich soil helps plants get the right nutrients. Plants need nutrients like people need vitamins.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. The first order of business when making “worms in dirt” is, of course, to make the dirt. Place the chocolate sandwich cookies in a large zip-top plastic bag, and use a rolling pin to crush them into small pieces. Don’t worry about removing the cream filling before putting the cookies in the bag. Continue to crush the cookies in the bag until they are in fine crumbs. A few larger pieces are okay, too–after all, dirt comes in different sizes! Next, make the pudding. Pour the dry pudding mix into a large bowl, then add the cold milk. Whisk everything together until all of the dry pudding dissolves and it’s smooth and free of lumps. Let the pudding sit for about 5 minutes, until it thickens and is no longer liquid. Add the whipped topping and approximately half of the cookie crumbs. You don’t have to measure, just eyeball half the bag and pour it in. Gently stir everything together until the streaks of whipped topping disappear, and the cookies are well-mixed into the pudding. Divide the pudding mixture evenly between eight cups–each should hold a little over ½-cup of pudding. Tap the cups on the countertop a few times to level the pudding, then insert 3 gummy worms into the pudding and press them down a little so that they’re embedded.

10.Pour the cookie crumbs over the pudding and gummy worms so that

the entire top is covered with “dirt.” Smooth it into an even layer with your hands.

August 9-12, 2015 Camp Kinagaliwi, Spooner Pond Open to members 9-12 as of January 1st April 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Quebec 4-H

The Richmond 4-H Club Proudly Presents:



July 16-19, 2015 At the Richmond Fairgrounds.


s r o t c a r



For more information contact the Quebec 4-H Office Phone: 514-398-8738 | office@quebec4-h.com | www.quebec4-h.com/provincial-rally/

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