North American Clean Energy March/April 2024

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For this 100 th issue, we

CONTENTS Affordable Solar for Everyone Pg. Preserving Humanityʼs Past in Our Oceans Pg. Keep REAP Off the Chopping Block Pg. SEE OUR AD ON THE 2024 Pg. 87 BUYERS GUIDE ENERGY STORAGE Plus Show-in-Print Features: NABCEP 2024 Continuing Education Conference Pg. 64 RE+ Southeast 8 Online Solar Marketplace Opening new possibilities for installers 10 Affordable Solar for Everyone 12 The Advent of Plug-In Solar in North America 14 The Failing of Building Integrated Photovoltaics 16 Optimizing Workforce Resilience with Training 18 Industry Accountability Impacts Solar Adoption 20 Orange is the New Green How the Orange Button is accelerating the pace of solar installations with data standards 22 Utility Scale Island Renewables Need Recycling How Maui found success 24 Securing Your Solar Investment 26 Seven Key Criteria to Choosing a Revenue Management Company for Distributed Generation 36 Solar product spotlight: Racking & Mounting 46 Solar product spotlight: Wire Mangement 49 Solar product spotlight: Tracking Systems 53 Solar product spotlight: Solar Structures & Carports 58 Solar product spotlight: Ground Screws 60 Solar product spotlight: Metal Fabrication for Solar Structures 62 Solar product spotlight: Pile Driving 64 Show-in-Print: NABCEP 2024 Continuing Education Conference 66 Show-in-Print: RE+ Southeast 68 Wind Systems, Alarm Data & Actionable Insights 70 A Better Way to Site Projects Multispectral remote sensing for landcover classification 72 A Safe Passage Through the Winds Turbine site visits 74 Which Laws Apply? The role of vessel, contract, and worker status in determining relevant legal regimes 76 Preserving Humanity’s Past in Our Oceans 78 The Crucial Role of Electrical Insulation for Wind Turbines 80 America’s Big Wind Ambition How operators can keep workers safe offshore in 2024 83 Wind product spotlight: Tensioners & Torque Systems 85 Wind product spotlight: Bolts & Fasteners 87 2024 Energy Storage Buyers Guide 120 Keep REAP Off the Chopping Block 8 Top story 10 Solar energy 36 Solar product spotlight: Racking & Mounting 46 Solar product spotlight: Wire Management 49 Solar product spotlight: Tracking Systems 53 Solar product spotlight: Solar Structures & Carports 58 Solar product spotlight: Ground Screws 60 Solar product spotlight: Metal Fabrication for Solar Structures 62 Solar product spotlight: Pile Driving 64 Show-in-print: NABCEP 2024 Continuing Education Conference 66 Show-in-print: RE+ Southeast 68 Wind power 83 Wind product spotlight: Tensioners & Torque Systems 85 Wind product spotlight: Bolts & Fasteners 87 2024 Energy Storage Buyers Guide 120 Investing in clean energy 122 Events calendar & advertisers list
have compiled a selection of our covers throughout the years. Thank you to our readers, partners, and advertisers for being with us for the past 18 years and 100 issues. North American Clean Energy /// 4 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// North American Clean Energy (USPS 1370) is publishing bi-monthly and distributed free by Action Media Ltd. Periodicals postage paid at Effingham, IL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to North American Clean Energy at 3012 S. Banker St., Suite 1, Effingham, IL 62401. Subscription updates can be made at North American Clean Energy accepts no responsibility or liability for reported claims made by manufacturers and/or distributors of products of services; the views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of North American Clean Energy. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. Editorial, Advertising, Production, and Circulation are at 255 Newport Drive, Suite 336, Port Moody, B.C. V3H 5H1 (604) 461-6223. Subscriptions: $89 per year outside North America. Email: Visit our website for new subscriptions, renewals, or change of address. SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION Information will remain strictly confidential. PUBLISHER Ian Stuart ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Quinn Stuart EDITORS Jill Walters Meg Lugaric ART DIRECTOR Chris Van Boeyen SALES Quinn Stuart
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Mitchell CIRCULATION MANAGER Kassidi Kirk ACCOUNTING Alison Bell 255 NEWPORT DRIVE, SUITE 336 PORT MOODY, B.C. V3H 5H1 Phone: (604) 461-6223 2024 MARCH•APRIL VOLUME 18 | ISSUE 2 @nacleanenergy /north-american-clean-energy FOLLOW US ON Industry Accountability Impacts Solar Adoption 18 2024 Energy Storage Buyers Guide 100 Wind Systems, Alarm Data & Actionable Insights 68 Solar product spotlight: Solar Structures & Carports 52 65 Show-in-print: NABCEP 2024 Continuing Education Conference
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How do you know if you’re a clean energy expert? The simple answer is, you probably don’t. You may have heard the phrase, “Fake it ‘til you make it,” but I can tell you from personal experience that many people never make it past the fake it stage.

Anyone who has celebrated being on the planet for more than a couple of decades can (and probably has) tested this theory. The Dunning-Kruger Effect is named after the authors of the paper, “Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one’s own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments.”1 In 1999, professors David Dunning and Justin Kruger concluded that “the unskilled suffer a dual burden: Not only do they perform poorly, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it.”

Conversely, you may have spent years of your life improving your skills in a particular industry, but when pressed to describe your level of expertise, often reply that you still have a lot to learn. This phenomenon, explained by the paper’s authors as “asymmetric errors to differences in metacognitive skill” also explains my father’s long-held assertion that you can always judge the qualifications of a company’s C-suites by how relaxed and friendly they are when asked a question. My favorite answer is, “I don’t know.” If you are an executive or in sales and you tell me you don’t know or you’ll find out, you often come off as more relatable.


Practice doesn’t always make perfect, but that doesn’t mean you stop trying; you keep correcting course and moving forward. At North American Clean Energy, we continually strive to improve how we teach and advertise and learn from all of you in this perpetually-evolving landscape of clean energy. To that end, we proudly present our 100th issue

“I seem to be what I’m not, you see”

– The Platters

1 Meg VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 1 September/October 2007 44 Pages 7 Articles 14 Upcoming events 25 Advertisers 6 NACE team members Departments: Solar Energy Wind Energy Waste to Energy Biofuels Investing Shows-in-Print VOLUME 18 | ISSUE 2 March/April 2024 124 Pages 18 Articles 21 Upcoming events 96 Advertisers 10 NACE team members Departments: Solar Energy Solar Spotlights Wind Energy Wind Spotlights Energy Storage Buyers Guide Alternative Energy Investing in Clean Energy Shows-in-Print
6 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

See how steel made from recycled materials is decarbonizing o shore wind production.

Online Solar Marketplace

Opening new possibilities for installers

When it comes to renewable energy, everyone talks about solar, but the solar industry is behind the times when it comes to procuring equipment. E-procurement is becoming the norm for B2B purchases. Think of using Amazon for industrial parts. While other vertical industries have B2B trading marketplaces, making it easier to procure materials and cut costs, solar installers and EPC contractors are still working with individual suppliers to source solar panels, inverters, batteries, racking, and other balance of system components. Until now. E-procurement through a central trading hub is emerging as a preferred means of sourcing goods, enabling buyers to bid on components, negotiate terms, and guarantee delivery for both spot and forward purchasing.

The boom in solar installations, combined with supply-chain disruptions, have made it harder to find solar components. Solar installations worldwide increased by 64 percent from 2022 to 2023, with an estimated 413 GW of solar power added in 2023. And inventory is building. Module manufacturing capacity has reached 839 GW for modules, driving prices to an all-time low. At the same time, supplychain challenges, tariffs, and new regulations make it harder to get needed components.

Global procurement problems - how we got here

How did we get here? Supply-chain issues plagued the solar market in 2021, but between 2022 and 2023, solar manufacturing capacity increased from 358 GW to 640 GW. While 80 to 90 percent of photovoltaic manufacturing is still in China, solar manufacturing in India, Europe, and the U.S. is rising. Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S. encourages domestic manufacturing of renewable energy products like solar modules, inverters, and batteries. However, breaking the supply chain logjam will take time, especially since the majority of goods come from overseas.

Other factors affecting solar component availability include tariffs on imported crystalline photovoltaic cells (CSPV). Section 201 tariffs passed during the Trump administration have been extended through 2025, making it harder to find cheap imports. The SEIA predicts that the U.S. will continue to import up to 90 percent of solar modules despite higher prices.

The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, passed in 2021, also extended the prohibition of importing goods made using forced labor. The Act assumes

that all goods made in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, including solar components, are the product of forced labor, which has directly impacted the supply of solar modules.

Economic and regulatory problems have made it difficult to find a reliable supply of solar modules, aluminum frames, glass, inverters, and other vital solar components. As a result, solar installers are seeing increased costs and delays due to a lack of components, as well as higher labor costs, higher inventory costs, and cash flow issues.

A solar trading exchange can alleviate these issues by consolidating multiple suppliers in one place. Buyers can put out a competitive bid for components, negotiate prices, and coordinate shipping to ensure they have a reliable supply of materials.

A solar trading platform gives installers and EPC contractors access to a bigger supplier base and more competitive pricing. It also gives manufacturers and distributors access to a broader, untapped customer base. The SEIA predicts that solar installations will triple by 2028, adding 236 GWdc, so both buyers and sellers need a solar trading exchange now more than ever.

A solar B2B marketplace offers a win-win

A transparent, solar e-procurement exchange provides a competitive platform to source parts and materials, which benefits everyone. Sellers gain direct access to customers on a platform that lets them handle quotes and contracts in one central location. Buyers can find the exact components they need at the best price. And there are other advantages for installers and EPC contractors. A trading platform:

• Provides a single source for all solar parts

• Supports competitive bidding to get the best price

Time for a solar component trading platform

B2B marketplaces aren’t new. Just as consumers use online shopping, industrial buyers use online ordering for parts and materials.

McKinsey reports that 65 percent of industrial suppliers offer online purchasing. The pandemic has accelerated the move to online procurement. Personal sales calls are no longer the norm. For the first time, industrial suppliers are more likely to sell goods online instead of taking in-person orders. Following the pandemic, only 20 percent of B2B buyers want to return to in-person selling.

B2B marketplaces simplify procurement and give buyers more options. For example, Zoro is an online source for tools and parts, FashionGo provides wholesale clothing, Bay Supply sells rivets and fasteners ChemNet brokers industrial chemicals. Now, we are seeing trading platforms emerge to provide material for the solar industry.

• Provides access to multiple sources, solving inventory issues

• Makes it easy to negotiate contracts directly with suppliers

• Enables purchase transactions and speeds delivery

• Shows what parts manufacturers have on hand and what’s in production.

• Provides a source for used and new components.

An e-commerce marketplace also makes it easier for solar contractors to bid on bigger contracts and specialty jobs. The platform manages RFQs, including price, quantity, delivery terms, and the final contract. Brand comparison shopping is easy because of transparency. Using the platform for analytics also simplifies planning, budgeting, and inventory management.

The advantages of using a solar trading platform are too great to ignore. Using a centralized e-procurement platform benefits installers, contractors, EPCs, distributors, manufacturers, and electricians. Buyers get 24-hour access to an online warehouse to order what they need. Sellers can communicate directly with customers and introduce their products to new potential customers. Using B2B e-commerce to source solar components will continue to gain momentum, especially through e-procurement trading platforms.

Sunhub ///
Mitch Bihuniak is a co-founder and CEO of Sunhub, a B2B e-commerce marketplace & distribution platform for solar and renewable energy equipment and components.
2024 MARCH • APRIL /// 8

Affordable Solar for Everyone

Heat waves encircled much of the earth last year, pushing temperatures to their highest in recorded history. The water around Florida was “hot-tub hot” — topping 101° and bleaching and killing coral in waters around the peninsula. Phoenix had seen a ferocious 110 degrees or more for 27 days. In Palermo, Sicily, which has kept temperature records since 1791, the thermometer hit 117 degrees on July 24, shattering its previous high. Wildfires in Greece spurred massive, frantic evacuations. And a small town in northwest China recorded the hottest temperature in that country's history. Climate scientists from the World Weather Attribution initiative released the results of a study that determined, among other things, that “Without human induced climate change, these heat events would have been extremely rare…while maximum heat like in July 2023 would have been virtually impossible to occur in the US/Mexico region and Southern Europe if humans had not warmed the planet by burning fossil fuels.”

The stark reality is that climate change is here, at least a decade earlier than many experts had feared and predicted. That’s even as the US and other countries spend hundreds of billions to “electrify” our societies, replacing the way we currently use fossil fuels to generate electricity and power our homes, businesses, industry, and transportation with energy from renewable sources. It’s a stance advocated and advanced by Rewiring America, an organization dedicated to electrification, that asserts that US consumers must install millions more heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, induction stoves, electric vehicles, and rooftop solar systems to meet U.S. climate commitments. But that’s a big challenge in a world that has been addicted to coal, gas, and petroleum for well over a century. To make it happen, we need more ways and places to charge vehicles, more distributed energy sources such as home solar, and more efficient appliances, thermostats, and HVAC systems. Fortunately, technology companies are stepping up to identify and solve these needs.

A good place to start is at home, and more Americans are embracing and installing rooftop solar systems. When the sun shines and the panels are generating electricity, their electric meter is spinning—in reverse. When the sun goes down, many homes still have non-grid electricity, because their systems are paired with battery storage. Others are buying hybrids or all-electric vehicles, with home chargers that run at night when electricity is typically cheapest. One circumstance driving the

10 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

adoption of residential distributed energy resources (DER) is a wider recognition by the American public that climate change is already upon us, and we must pair the need for more reliable electricity with the desire to help save our planet.

In fact, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the residential segment installed just shy of 6,000 MW (DC) in 2022, growing by a “staggering” 40 percent over 2021, amounting to more than 700,000 homeowners. And energy analysts released a study in June 2023 which indicates that “the US DER market will nearly double between 2022 and 2027, to reach almost US $68 billion per year. Behind-the-meter capacity will grow 3.7 times more over this period than it did in the previous five years. EV charging infrastructure is responsible for the lion’s share of that growth, but distributed storage will see seven times the growth in the next five years that it did in the last five.”

These systems are not inexpensive. Interconnecting rooftop solar installations, integrated battery storage systems, smart appliances, and home EV chargers can require costly circuit-breaker panel upgrades and rewiring, especially in older homes.

The average age of an American home is about 40 years, with homes in the Northeast averaging over 60 years. Most of those homes were built when the demand for electric service rarely exceeded 100 Amps. Costly service panel upgrades (as much as $5,000) may be needed to support the additional energy demand of DERs. That’s a $100 billion impediment to residential electrification and the energy transition — a problem that can put these energy-saving and climate-friendly opportunities beyond the reach of low- and middle-income populations, even if they own their homes.

Fortunately, several solutions are available today. A notable one is an adapter for residential electric meters that requires no re-wiring, and supports an easy, “plug and play” connection to a rooftop solar system. This means a process that takes less than 10 minutes rather than hours, works with any home meter, and promotes a low-cost, safe, and hassle-free integration of distributed energy resources.

Home-based distributed energy resources are changing the entire grid-based power generation and delivery model. Tools

Jason Subirana is Chief Operating Officer at ConnectDER. For over a decade, ConnectDER has worked with utilities, solar installers, and electricians to develop meter socket adapters that connect homes across the nation to clean energy resources in a safe, affordable, and streamlined way.

ConnectDER ///

The Advent of Plug-In Solar in North America

The concept of Plug-In Photovoltaic (PV) systems, commonly known as “Balcony Solar,” has emerged as a game-changing and an increasingly popular deployment method of personal electricity generation in Europe (commonly installed in areas like balconies, gardens, and terraces).

Faced with the long interconnection queues for large solar projects, folks are looking for quicker, more personal solutions. Unlike rooftop installations that often involve contractors and permitting purgatory, Plug-In solar offers a rapid, affordable way to participate in the energy transition, especially for moderate income households.

Despite the lack of precise market data, the demand for Plug-In Solar in Europe is immense, particularly in Germany, a country that accommodated a quadrupling of legally interconnected Plug-In PV systems in 2023.

While the regulations surrounding Plug-In Solar vary across Europe, they generally allow for a significant amount of power to be fed into the grid through standard sockets. In Germany, the limit is typically around 600W-800W. With a dedicated circuit, however, the maximum wattage could theoretically be much higher.

“Efficiently stores excess solar energy, powers your home day or night, and offers portable energy during outages - all without backfeeding the grid.”

As electricity prices continue to rise, Americans are also seeking ways to become more energy independent and contribute to reducing fossil fuel consumption. Plug-In Solar offers a practical and efficient way to generate personal electricity, contributing positively to the energy transition while lowering electricity bills. Whether utilized by a homeowner, renter, or part of a community, Plug-In Solar presents an accessible solution to embrace renewable energy. The journey of plug-in solar in the United States, on the other hand, is a story of stagnation, marked by anemic milestones and ongoing regulatory challenges, likely spearheaded by fossil fuel interests or vertically integrated electric utility corporations.

With the Department of Energy's 2012 Sunshot Grant initiative, the United States witnessed a pivotal moment in solar innovation, including a $25M grant for “Plug and Play” solar solutions. Despite these efforts, the adoption of Plug-and-Play Solar technologies lagged in North America, hindered by a patchwork of regulations and barriers that currently impede the deployment of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).

While European countries (notably Germany) have seen a

rapid increase in legally interconnected Plug-In Solar systems quadrupling in number as of 2023, the residential solar market shrunk in California, around 70 percent during the same time period.

The market trends were underpinned by energy policies, electric codes, and safety standards that facilitated the connection of small solar generator systems to the grid as easily as a household appliance. Such innovative developments democratized solar energy deployment, making it more accessible to a broader segment of the population.

In contrast, plug in solar in the United States does not yet legally exist, and there are no related codes or standards established yet. Why?

Every state in the nation is contending with regulatory inconsistencies due in part to differing regulations set by local AHJ’s or utilities and the absence of a unified federal law, leaving the U.S. trailing behind in Plug-and-Play Solar adoption.

The good news is, amidst these challenges, the Department of Energy has revived its commitment to developing a new UL-Standard for Plug-In PV systems. This represents a significant step forward, acknowledging the untapped potential for renewable generation, particularly for disadvantaged and underserved communities, those with inadequate roofing for traditional solar panels, and renters.

Advantages of plug-in solar

Plug-In Solar solutions offer numerous advantages, especially for less affluent folks. These systems provide a feasible solution for households that cannot accommodate traditional rooftop solar installations due to structural limitations or property ownership constraints. Renters, who often have limited options for contributing to renewable energy efforts, can benefit from these portable and user-friendly systems.

12 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///


For those living in dense urban areas or buildings with inadequate roofs, smaller, plug-in solar systems offer a viable alternative to participate in the green energy transition. They can be easily installed in balconies, patios, or small outdoor spaces, requiring no extensive modifications to the existing electrical infrastructure.

These systems also empower individuals to take an active role in their energy consumption, fostering a sense of energy independence and resilience. By reducing reliance on the central grid, Plug-In Solar can alleviate energy burdens in disadvantaged communities, contributing to a more equitable energy landscape.

Meanwhile, larger and more powerful plug-in mobile carports could electrify both a home and charge an EV by means of the same 220V split phase plug used for EV charging.

Joining forces for a sustainable future

If you share our vision of a more sustainable, equitable, and solarpowered future, we encourage you to join this important endeavor. Together, we can harness the sun's power for the betterment of our communities and the planet.

As we embrace the potential of PlugIn Solar, it is crucial to address the existing challenges and pave the way for widespread adoption. This is where collaborative efforts come into play, particularly through working groups focused on advancing solar technologies.

We invite professionals and enthusiasts in the renewable energy sector to join a new working group under the Sustainable Energy Action Committee (SEAC). This group will concentrate on developing solutions to the barriers faced by Plug-In PV technologies, particularly in integrating these systems within the broader energy grid and making them accessible to all community sectors.

Your contribution to a future SEAC Plug-In PV Working Group can be pivotal in shaping a sustainable future. By uniting our expertise and perspectives, we can overcome regulatory hurdles, innovate in solar technology, and ensure that the benefits of renewable energy reach every corner of our society.

As North America continues to navigate its renewable energy journey, the promise of Plug-In Solar stands out as a beacon of hope and innovation. By addressing the regulatory and technical challenges, and fostering collaboration through initiatives like the SEAC working group, we can make solar energy more inclusive and accessible. The path forward may be complex, but with collective effort and determination, a brighter, solarpowered future is within our grasp.

Erika Ginsberg-Klemmt is VP of Operations, and Achim Ginsberg-Klemmt is VP of Engineering for GismoPower LLC. GismoPower’s solar deployment technology can help stabilize the electric grid and reduce the need to upgrade power-lines and transformer infrastructure to manage additional EV related electric loads.

GismoPower LLC ///

solar canopy offers freedom from costly construction and infrastructure upgrades required with traditional solar canopy installation.” North American Clean Energy 13 | 1.336.584.6700 @wordrockdrills PRE-DRILLING & REFUSALS HELICAL PILES GROUND SCREW INSTALLATION KEEP DRILLING. KEEP WORKING. With Word Rock Drills DRILLING MACHINES When You Need Them Booth #A1 Booth #605 Join Us In May At ...

The Failing of Building Integrated Photovoltaics


just going to say it, BIPV is dumb. Hear me out…

Solar is the most affordable form of energy that has ever existed on the planet, but only because the industry has been working towards it for the past 15 years. Governments, manufacturers, building owners, and (for the most part) utilities, are collaborating on a massive scale to implement a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Our Industry exists currently to serve the need and the want for a clean energy infrastructure. The traditional definition of BIPV, narrowly focused on replacing building components, does not align with the pressing need for immediate, impactful measures. Can we set our sights on scalable options that address our energy challenges with the urgency and efficiency they demand?

In a recent round of funding through SETO and the DOE, BIPV is defined as ”photovoltaic materials that are used to replace conventional building materials in parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights, or facades”. Shouldn’t this more accurately be called “Building Material Replacement PV” (BMRPV)? Literally, the definition of “Integrated” is “with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated.” The essence of the problem here is that this BIPV definition excludes retrofit rooftop solar.

The Architectural Solar Association has developed the concept of “Architectural Solar”, which includes retrofit solar as well as BIPV. They propose that solar should enhance the existing structure rather than exclusively replace it. However, they fail to acknowledge that retrofit solar does enhance the structure by preventing UV damage of the roof, reducing thermal loads, reducing sound from rain, and protecting the roof beneath it from wind and hail. They also miss the concept that a building could enhance and enable solar.

An asphalt shingle roof and retrofit solar is BIPV. It is not the best BIPV, but it fits the definition. Yes, there are problems with asphalt shingles, but it is the number one roofing type in the US. It’s not a good roof. In places like Florida and Texas, the lifespan of asphalt shingles is around 5-10 years. That’s a solvable problem, but we’ll discuss that later. In the meantime, let’s get solar on roofs in the most scalable way possible.

When I say BIPV is dumb, what I mean is that excluding rooftop solar from the definition of BIPV is hurting it. Retrofit rooftop solar is BIPV – and is several orders of magnitude more impactful than any other BIPV out there.

After we fix the semantic problems, we need a market of installers and sellers

First, some context and a market fallacy: US solar installers think their available market is the nation’s 82M single family homes. Acknowledging this is reduced by factors like financial accessibility, roof type, aesthetics, policy, etc., they come up with a figure in the millions comparable to what is shown below in the table, ~8M. The not-well-accounted-for factor is “motivation”. People don’t need solar like they need a new roof or a new car when the old one wears out. They already have an energy supply, and many other things on their to-do list to keep them from solar shopping.

The market for solar in 2022 was about 700k homes, which puts motivation around 10 percent. In contrast, the market for re-roofing comes with very motivated buyers. When you have a roof problem it becomes a top priority, so the obtainable market for roofing is about 3M. Circling back to BIPV, we can see that a major problem is a lack of an Installer and Sales base. Based on a study of state licensing databases, you can see that 3 percent of roofing companies were also licensed to sell or install solar or electrical. Some places in California had a market saturation of 15 percent, while places in the Midwest had 0 percent. This is the Market Problem for BIPV in general, and it’s a growth opportunity for residential solar.

The solution to the problem of not having a market of solar roofers is basic. Solar Roofers need software, licenses, training, and hiring. These are the problems we should focus on now, and then we can get to products.

The advantages of being a Solar Roofer are spectacular: lower cost of acquisition, higher revenue per customer, better for the consumer (accountability, a roof that pays, lower costs) and, most of all, the motivated

market for roofing. Many roofers are working to integrate solar into their offerings.

Once we have Solar Roofers, we need sophisticated BIPV

To date, Solar Roof products have focused on aesthetics, or mimicking roofing. Instead of being “faux”, solar roofing should seek to integrate for mutual benefit, and for Solar Roofers. Roof features should make integrating solar easier and more robust, solar features that work with existing skilled installers. Examples are shingles that are even fractions of solar panels in order to help with layout and aesthetics. And roofing materials that match solar in hail and wind performance. The idea of using solar to shed water from a roof has, so far, been more harmful than good; typical applications that do this expend more dollars on underlayment than the roofing they replace, and they hurt PV performance and system serviceability.

BIPV products should enable a Solar Roofer to sell a plain roof, a solar roof, or retrofit solar without having to stock different items, retrain their crews, or use different sales tools. They should utilize existing labor and supply chains in order to leverage cost advantages. They need to last 30+ years and be serviceable by existing talent.

The solution is to start with a product built for the transition from existing retrofit solar.

In conclusion, BIPV is dumb. Long live BIPV!

Amy Atchley is C.O.O., Brian Atchley is C.E.O., and Emil Johansen is Principal Engineer at the r&d lab co, offering clean energy R&D consulting services for engineering, design, certification and compliance, scaling, operations, logistics, and communication. Our approach is to develop creative solutions that address the fundamentals of a problem.

Amy’s Roofing & Solar ///

Total US Market [ M ] Financial Accessibility Installer / Sales Base Motivated Buyer Roof Type Policy Geography Aesthetics Fits Home / Compatible Obtainable Market [ M ] What solar installers think their market is 82.0 75% 75% 100% 100% 100% 95% 95% 100% 3% 100% 100% 10% 100% 70% 70% 50% 50% 4% 90% 90% 75% 75% 100% 75% 75% 95% 95% 100% 95% 95% 50% 50% 100% 80% 80% 75% 75% 100% 95% 95% 7.805 0.781 3.280 0.034 1.126 82.0 82.0 3.3 3.3 Actual solar market due to customer motivation Market for roof replacement Current market for Solar Roofing Market for Solar Roofing with a built up Installer Base Market Description
14 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

Substation acceptance testing & commissioning.

Substation NERC/FERC testing & reporting.

Tower/inverter pad ground grid resistance testing.

Padmount transformer acceptance testing.

Transformer oil testing laboratory with online portal.

New & used transformer sales.

Emergency transformer rental.

Energization & switching.

Collection cable testing.

Power system troubleshooting.


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Optimizing Workforce Resilience with Training

The renewable energy sector, characterized by rapid innovation and growth, necessitates a workforce that is both skilled and adaptable. One of the primary challenges in this dynamic industry is managing employee turnover while ensuring operational continuity. A key aspect of this challenge is the development and implementation of robust training programs.

In the context of renewable energy, where the technical landscape is constantly evolving, it becomes essential to equip new hires with necessary skills while mitigating the risk of 'single points of failure' within an organization. This phenomenon occurs when one or a few individuals are responsible for crucial tasks or hold unique knowledge which creates a vulnerability for the organization during turnover.

To counter this, renewable energy companies should initiate a comprehensive skill assessment and training program across the organization, focusing on the specific skills required in each role. This assessment can be conducted by evaluating employees' confidence in relevant skills and examining their ability to perform job-specific tasks. The goal is to amass a broad dataset that offers insights into skills distribution across different teams, offices, and hierarchical levels.

Once the skill landscape is mapped, it becomes clearer where the gaps are and how they can be addressed through targeted hiring or specialized training programs. This step is crucial for succession planning and ensuring that the organization's talent pool aligns with its strategic objectives.

The development of a high-functioning training program in the renewable energy sector should include:

Skill assessment and analysis

The first step to creating a high functioning training program is to assess the confidence of individuals within the organization. Self-confidence assessments or formal exams can be utilized to understand where each employee stands in terms of their technical and operational knowledge. Self-Confidence Ratings may have a lower certainty, but are much easier to develop than a formal exam which is comprehensive and accurately depicts the requirements of the role. Either of these methods can be built by reviewing job descriptions, perceived skill needs, and being reviewed by each level within the organization.

• Self-Confidence Assessment

This approach involves employees evaluating their own confidence levels for tasks pertinent to their role. While self-assessments may not always provide the most

accurate measure of actual capability, they offer valuable insights into an employee's perceived strengths and areas of uncertainty. These perceptions are important for understanding how comfortable employees feel with their current roles and responsibilities, especially in a field as dynamic as renewable energy.

• Formal Examination

In contrast to self-assessments, formal exams provide a more objective measure of an employee's technical and operational knowledge. These exams are designed to thoroughly reflect the specific requirements of roles within the renewable energy sector. Although more resource-intensive to develop and implement, they offer a comprehensive understanding of an employee’s actual proficiency.

• SME Network

Once each personnel’s skillset confidence has been identified, organizations can also create an SME Network within the company to respond to urgent need for specialty knowledge. Additionally, the team of SMEs in each skillset can be polled for insight on the creation of training resources.

• Statistical Analysis

With statistical analysis, an organization can determine an individual’s confidence score in relation to other personnel in their career path, as well as determining how individual locations confidence compares to others. These insights

Figure 1: We can see where the technician’s confidence lies when compared to the rest of the organization. Being creative with the way data is visualized allows leaders and individuals to understand the near-term needs more easily as demonstrated with the red band getting taller. From there, you can tell where to target an individual’s training needs.

provide a way to prioritize where we can backfill single points of failure and provide an intelligent approach to how training needs are prioritized.

Training Plans

Apprenticeships and Structured OJT Apprenticeships and Structured Onthe-Job Training (OJT) are critical in creating a growth trajectory for entrylevel employees, especially in specialized roles such as NETA Test Technicians. These programs offer a practical, handson approach to learning, allowing individuals to progressively acquire the skills necessary to advance through different certification levels.

Customized Training Plans

For more experienced individuals, they should have a customized training plan tailored to their specific needs and career

trajectory. By using the data gathered from the skill assessments, training coordinators can design personalized learning paths. These plans would focus on areas where the individual has lower confidence, ensuring a well-rounded skill set upon completion that aligns with the rest of the organization’s needs.

Training Resource Types

Providing training resources is just as important as the structure of the program, and can be delivered in multiple ways. These are typically created by your training department with intensive support from your SME network; that SME network can be identified from your skills assessment.

In-Person Training

Interactive sessions such as workshops, seminars, and practical demonstrations are invaluable, especially for hands-on technical skills. These sessions not only enhance practical skills but also foster team collaboration and dynamics.

On-Demand Training

On-demand training resources, such as online courses, videos, and tutorials, offer flexibility and convenience. They are ideal for continuous learning and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This approach supports self-paced learning and allows personnel to revisit materials as needed to reinforce their understanding. This is best created by dedicated training personnel that work directly with your SMEs to make content.

Just-in-Time Resources

Just-in-time training resources, like quick reference guides, FAQs, and troubleshooting manuals, are essential for immediate problem-solving and skill application in the workplace. These resources are particularly useful for addressing specific challenges as they arise, providing personnel with the information they need exactly when they need it. Overall, assessing your organization’s skills and creating a complementary training program with these methods can help break down organizational information silo’s while increasing your team’s operational resilience.

Ben Clark is an accomplished Director of Technical Development at RESA Power, specializing in Power Systems with a focus on Power Transformers, Protection & Control (P&C), Commissioning, Maintenance, and Engineering.

RESA Power


16 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///


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Industry Accountability Impacts Solar Adoption

The residential solar industry is booming, with installations in the U.S. up 30 percent over last year, as homeowners grapple with electricity rate spikes and seek ways to make their costs more affordable and predictable year after year. However, some homeowners find themselves on the receiving end of questionable solar contracts, upside-down financing, and poor service due to bad actors in the industry who value profit over integrity.

In an industry that lacks sufficient external accountability, U.S. residents are turning to their state attorneys general to take action and rectify situations that have left them in dire circumstances with their electricity and finances. The United States is currently experiencing a litigation spree, with 20 state attorneys general currently suing approximately 40 solar companies. Unfortunately, many of the bad actors in the industry are getting away with deceptive business practices because they work across state lines, and cannot be sued by the state if they’re not based there. This leaves many bad actors “off the hook” — the plethora of lawsuits, combined with confusion around “who to trust,” ultimately hurts the solar industry and solar adoption at large.

What is the nature of these solar company lawsuits? Here are examples from two states:

• Four solar companies are under fire from Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison as the result of complaints by homeowners who were allegedly sold solar after spontaneous pitches at their front doors. According to a statement from Ellison’s office, these companies have cost Minnesota homeowners anywhere from $20,000 to $55,000 each by using deceptive and fraudulent business practices. The investigation found that these solar companies misrepresented their salespeople as local utility company workers, even going so far as wearing fluorescent utility vests to represent themselves as associated energy consultants. The practice carried on despite cease-and-desist letters from several utility providers.

• Connecticut Attorney General William Tong is looking to hold a solar company accountable after 14 resident complaints of high-pressure sales tactics, financing and tax credit misrepresentation, and unpermitted work that left them with nonfunctioning solar energy systems. At the heart of the complaints are instances where this solar provider allegedly took advantage of elderly and intellectually disabled customers by pressuring them into contracts they were not able to read or fully understand. In other cases, unpermitted work left homeowners allegedly unable to connect their solar system to the electric grid, leaving them with a hefty electric bill in addition to a solar system loan.

Not every solar company is a bad actor. However, there are some common red flags homeowners can look out for to help them avoid a bad experience and select the right solar company for their solar installation needs.

1. Subcontracting vs. Accountability

Homeowners need full-service solar that offers accountability across all stages of the process, including in-house sales and support, full-time employees and project managers, local W2 union electricians, and in-house customer service. A major red flag is a solar company that subcontracts its sales, installation, and service. This is a monumental distinction between many of the bad actors in the industry and those that aren’t operating in good faith. A piecemeal and outsourced approach to solar will be problematic. When something goes wrong, accountability becomes a gray area with the company and each subcontracting entity pointing its finger at one another, and the issue never gets resolved.

2. National vs. Local

National solar brands rely on local providers to service customers; they’re just the middlemen. Ideally, you want a local solar company that serves its local customers directly. Once a homeowner’s solar panels are installed and they’re generating their own electricity, they’ll need local technicians who can provide service at a moment’s notice.

3. Vague vs. Transparent & Clear Pricing

Not having a standard pricing model is also a red flag. Often solar companies allow sales representatives to mark up prices based on the customer — a tactic that lacks integrity. Having one pricing model that applies to everyone regardless of income, with the ability to customize to cater to their individual needs, is the level of integrity a homeowner should seek. To ensure you’re working with a solar company that doesn’t mark up prices, always ask for documentation that shows their pricing model.

4. Mysterious vs. Simple & Educational

The process of solar adoption shouldn’t be a mystery to customers. Education is essential prior to making the upfront investment. All questions should be answered, every step of the process should be known, and every detail of the new solar system should be explained. The best way to go about solar is via education first. Customers should have a complete understanding of the decision they’re making, what it means for them financially, for their home, and how their service will work after installation.

5. Good Luck vs. Guarantees

Solar should always come with a guarantee of the products and services provided. A company that doesn’t offer a guarantee for a customer’s first year of energy production should be crossed off your list of potential solar partners. Choose a solar company committed to producing the level of power promised. If that threshold is not met, the company must rectify – guaranteed.

Complaints are Rising

Between January 1 and September 19, 2023, there were 5,331 complaints about solar panels reported to This is up 33 percent from all 12 months of 2022, and up 746 percent since 2018 — the first year this data was tracked by the FTC. If you are a solar customer who has been deceived, your state attorney general is your path toward resolution. Tell your story and help the state hold bad actors in the industry accountable. Similarly, if you are satisfied with your solar company’s products and services, leave them a 5-star review so that your testimonial can help lead others to the great solar companies that exist.

Until the bad actors are accurately identified and homeowners properly educated, we risk delaying progress toward renewable energy adoption due to homeowners’ lack of trust. The fulfillment of the 2050 Paris Agreement is quickly approaching. All of North America has a tremendous opportunity to help families understand and adopt practices that will help to mitigate climate change and sustain our planet for centuries to come.

Jay Gotra is CEO of Smart Green Solar, a leadership company committed to helping homeowners achieve affordable, sustainable, predictable energy with solar power.


Green Solar ///
18 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

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North American Clean Energy 19

Orange is the New Green

How the Orange Button is accelerating the pace of solar installations with data standards

The urgent need to accelerate solar installations across the United States stands at the forefront of the nation's commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement, aiming to significantly decarbonize the energy grid in the fight against climate change. As the demand for clean, sustainable energy sources intensifies, the role of solar power becomes increasingly pivotal.

Achieving the ambitious targets set forth in the agreement not only requires a substantial increase in the deployment of solar energy systems, but also necessitates a concerted effort to overcome the existing barriers to rapid expansion. Streamlining the installation process, improving regulatory frameworks, and fostering technological innovation are crucial steps towards harnessing the full potential of solar power, thereby enabling the U.S. to meet its environmental objectives and contribute effectively to the global effort to mitigate climate change impacts.

In this context, the Orange Button Initiative emerges as a beacon of innovation, streamlining the deployment of solar energy systems with unprecedented efficiency. This initiative is revolutionizing the way solar installers operate, dramatically reducing the time and costs associated with solar project deployment. By introducing a uniform data exchange standard and pivotal reference datasets, the Orange Button Initiative is a game-changer for the solar sector.

The genesis of the Orange Button Initiative

Originating from a collaborative effort initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2016, the Orange Button Initiative was born out of the urgent need for standardized solar project data. The fragmented nature of data management in the solar industry, characterized by inconsistent terms and datasets, had long been a significant barrier to efficient project implementation. Recognizing this, the initiative sought to unify the industry under a common data language, facilitating smoother transactions and interactions among stakeholders including governments, utilities, financiers, and solar companies.

Establishing data standards for the solar industry

The core of the Orange Button Initiative lies in its open-source data exchange standard, designed to simplify and organize the vast amounts of data involved in solar projects. This standard encompasses everything from common terminology to interoperable software tools, providing a solid foundation for data handling across the industry. Spearheaded by leading organizations in the solar industry, the initiative quickly gained momentum, drawing in more than 600 companies to contribute to its development.

Simplifying solar data: The essence of Orange Button

The initiative's name, "Orange Button," symbolizes the simplicity and clarity it brings to the complex world of solar data. Much like the standardized color coding used by electricians for wiring, the Orange Button standard introduces a set of 'primitives' for data elements, ensuring consistency and ease of understanding. This standardization is akin to providing a universal 'color scheme' for solar data, eliminating confusion and streamlining processes.

Key reference datasets: AHJ and Solar Product Registries

Central to the Orange Button Initiative are two pivotal reference datasets: the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) Registry and the Solar Product Registry.

Navigating permitting challenges with the AHJ Registry

The AHJ Registry is a comprehensive database designed to assist solar installers in navigating the intricate web of permitting jurisdictions across the United States. With more than 18,000 jurisdictions and varying regulations, the AHJ Registry serves as an invaluable tool for quickly identifying relevant authorities and their requirements, thereby expediting the permitting process. Last year, there were nearly 2.2 million address queries alone.

Enhancing product selection with the Solar Product Registry

Similarly, the Solar Product Registry addresses a critical challenge in the solar installation process: the selection and specification

of solar products. The inconsistency in product naming and specifications often led to inefficiencies and lost sales. The Product Registry centralizes information on more than 20,000 solar and energy storage products, standardizing data and making it easily accessible. This not only aids in product selection, but also fosters a more competitive and efficient market.

Integrating Orange Button standards into business applications

The integration of Orange Button standards into solar business applications is another cornerstone of the initiative's success offering seamless data integration and streamlined workflows. This integration has proven to be a boon for the industry, significantly cutting down permitting times from weeks to mere minutes, and facilitating the rapid completion of thousands of solar projects.

The future of the Orange Button Initiative

As the United States strides towards fulfilling its commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement, the role of initiatives like the Orange Button cannot be overstated. By standardizing solar project data and streamlining the installation process, the Orange Button Initiative not only accelerates the deployment of solar energy, but also plays a critical part in the broader effort to decarbonize the energy grid.

Looking ahead, the Orange Button Initiative is set to continue its trajectory of innovation. With ongoing developments and increasing adoption, it stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and standardization in driving the solar industry forward. By demystifying data and simplifying processes, the Orange Button Initiative is not just helping solar installers deploy more solar faster—it's paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable energy future.

Jan Rippingale is CEO of Blu Banyan Inc., which provides business management software for residential, commercial, community, and utility solar installers.

Blu Banyan Inc. ///

Figure 3: What the future of electronic permitting looks like. Figure 1: Six primitives associated with every fully defined data element
20 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
Figure 2: Houston, TX AHJs

Utility Scale Island Renewables Need Recycling How Maui found success

“It is from the discards of former civilizations that archaeologists have reconstructed most of what we know about the past.” - foreword from Rubbish! The Archaeology of Garbage (Rathje & Murphy)

What will future garbage archeologists assess about the solar industry’s peak install period? One factor of large-scale solar installations that has been overlooked in the installation momentum is the massive amounts of waste generated from packaging equipment. Solar waste challenges are exacerbated on islands. By their very nature, islands face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing waste. For example, Hawaii residents and businesses created 203,872 tons of waste in fiscal year 2022. The limited land area, coupled with the oftenisolated geographical locations, makes the traditional disposal and recycling of waste a complex task for islands. These challenges are amplified by the need for massive renewable energy implementation and the continuous inflow of materials that require massive amounts of packaging, contributing to an ever-growing pile of waste, much of which has historically ended up in landfills or incinerated.

According to the solar waste management company that managed recyclables on-site, there were about 107 hauls of cardboard, equivalent to 106 tons, resulting in approximately 424 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions saved from reusing and recycling rather than landfilling.

Shipping solar panels requires the rigidity of pallets. Typically, oversized and oddshaped wood pallets are used for shipping solar panels, which, unfortunately, are not valuable to many pallet-buying companies. So rather than reuse the oversized solar

photovoltaic and 240 MWh containerized lithium-ion battery energy storage. The packaging waste diversion initiative focused on separating and recycling all packaging materials involved in the installation, especially materials like cardboard and wood crates that come by the tons when unboxing panels, batteries, and other solar installation equipment. Dedicated solar waste management support ensures best practices are consistently followed, which means proper separation of materials resulting in zero contamination. It also provides recycling of materials, which is performed (rather than wishcycling, where hauls aren't verified, and everything ends up in a landfill). These factors proved pivotal for diverting waste from islands with already stressed landfills.

Supporting the local economy

When large-scale solar sites participate in recycling, it boosts the local economy.

soil protection for some hauls at a local plant nursery. Cardboard captures heat and maintains soil moisture, encouraging germination of any seeds present. Simultaneously, it denies light to these sprouted seeds, resulting in their death and establishing a sterile planting ground. As the germinated seeds decompose, they reintroduce organic matter to the soil, and the decomposing cardboard contributes to the soil's structure. This process simultaneously enhances the soil's quality.

In other hauls, a local cardboard recycler took the material. The solar waste management crew oversaw everything that could be recycled and sorted each material for the best possible recycling outcomes.

A more sustainable model to consider for utility-scale island solar installations

These efforts in Hawai'i illustrate a powerful model for sustainable waste management for utility-scale island solar installations, ramping up worldwide. In addition to the success of reducing landfill stress, this project took into account the reduction in CO2 equivalent emissions

Environmental Science Content Director at A.R. Marketing House. A.R. Marketing House

Securing Your Solar Investment

Energy businesses are deploying advanced digital solutions to upgrade and connect their legacy technology and infrastructure. From A.I. to automation, a new suite of complex and connected digital platforms is enabling businesses to improve safety, increase efficiency, and decarbonize faster.

A forecast of the world’s energy system up to 2050 estimates that Solar PV & Storage capacities will total 15.3 TW, a 13-fold increase from 2022. We expect total installed wind capacity to grow from 950 GW in 2022, to 6,400 GW by 2050. To meet this demand on the overall grid, annual investments through 2050 are expected to reach the US$1 trillion threshold. A trillion dollars buys a lot of digitally connected infrastructure – an investment that is needed if the industry is to reach its net-zero ambitions.

With the rapid increase of distributed energy resources, energy companies can no longer rely on the relative ease of defending single physical generation sites. We now have distributed solar generation sites, wind farms with large numbers of turbines on and offshore, and energy storage systems all interconnected as independent generating sites. This greatly expands the boundary which cyber defenders must protect.

As Swantje Westpfahl, Director of the Institute for Security & Safety GMBH, states, “Clean energy has created a much larger attack surface because we have new energy generation run by small computers – solar parks and wind farm – as well as smart meter expanding the grid into houses and cars. There is more risk that the whole system can get rocked if there’s a successful attack.”

Several defense-in-depth practices are recommended to create an effective cybersecurity posture that will reduce the likelihood and severity of attacks against distributed energy resources:

Securing remote access

As distributed energy resources are geographically separate from the primary business locations, remote connections are necessary to reduce maintenance and management costs.

Establishing encrypted Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections by using encryption standards such as AES-256 is vital to the end-to-end security of the connection.

This helps prevent a malicious actor from hijacking the communications session or intercepting the data transfer between the two locations.

Further, Jump Hosts are recommended to provide authentication of remote users as they access the operational network. Jump Hosts can be configured to grant or deny access to certain systems or network segments based on the user’s profile. They can also act as part of the network’s auditing infrastructure – they can be configured to log and audit all access attempts and report that information to a centralized security monitoring infrastructure.

Network awareness

Many organizations don’t understand the cyber-nature of the specific systems and components that enable their business function. Network mapping helps operators discover and categorize all elements that connect to the network.

This is typically conducted in a combined automated and manual fashion to discern what components are connected and their respective relationships to other interconnected devices. Network mapping can aid an organization in optimizing its network performance as well as identifying areas where security can be improved.

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Vulnerability assessments form the second part of network understanding equation. These assessments evaluate the security of the system or network by identifying weaknesses that can be exploited by malicious actors, enabling operators to identify vulnerabilities that can be present in the hardware or software configurations of interconnected devices and network components (e.g. Firewalls, routers, switches, etc.).

The severity of identified vulnerabilities can be mapped against a business process to provide an objective assessment of risk that the organization can prioritize for remediation. Implementing an event detection and alerting infrastructure will greatly reduce the time, effort, and cost required to respond to suspicious activity.

Segmenting the network

This security strategy involves dividing elements of the system or network into smaller limited enclaves that have protection measures specific to the devices within the segmented area.

These segments are often controlled by firewalls, and can limit the types of traffic between the segments at large or how individual components communicate outside of the segment.

An example would be to prohibit any network traffic to a device that only needs to send data to another segment. Additionally, segmentation can be achieved at the protocol level – only allowing necessary protocols such as MODBUS to pass through the firewall. This limits the impact of vulnerabilities on specific devices in the event they can’t be patched (defense in depth), and limits lateral traversal in the event of a successful network breach.

Controlling dataflows & access

Given the advent of high-speed cellular and WiFi access, nonhomogenous ownership and maintenance relationships have exploded in the renewable energy sector.

Operations and maintenance of many distributed generation facilities can easily be subcontracted to third-party integrators and support vendors. They want to reduce onsite costs and look to the same remote access that we previously described.

This presents a new security dynamic as vender processes and employees are outside of your control. We can reduce the risk of system exposure through vendor actions by mandating specific cybersecurity access and data protection controls within the support contract. While this may be seen as a passive approach, it can be augmented with active efforts such as limiting network segments to which each vendor has access.

Similarly, the owner/operator can implement a data mapping strategy that identifies and reduces the data to which a vendor may have access. Not only will this reduce the likelihood of data spillage but will also facilitate quicker response in the event of a third-party data breach.

Essentially, you’ll know which contractors have access to the data that has been affected.

Educate your workforce

Cybersecurity recognition is paramount in your organization, whether it is expert cyber defenders or system operators and maintainers.

Everyone plays an essential role in safeguarding systems, so it is critical that they have the right skills to understand, recognize, and respond to suspicious behavior.

This can range from identifying phishing attempts to understanding cyber threat prevention techniques to implementing initial triage actions. Knowing how to act, who to call, and when to do it can be critical in the case of a cyber incident. DNV recommends

a formal training program that includes cybersecurity concepts combined with scenario-driven simulations to reinforce how to secure your OT systems and respond during an incident. No singular cybersecurity concept will make your systems and networks completely secure. Effective cybersecurity is a constantly evolving effort that is performed by well-educated and cohesive teams. Implementing the security controls mentioned above will enhance your ability to protect your investment in distributed energy resources.

Adam DiPetrillo is a Senior Cybersecurity Consultant with DNV Energy Insights. With over 500 global cybersecurity experts, DNV provides tailored cybersecurity services such as Risk & Vulnerability Assessments, Governance Compliance Assessments, 24/7 Managed Detection & Response Services, Owner’s Engineering, Cybersecurity Training and Strategy & Program Development for clients in the Electricity, Oil & Gas, Renewables, Maritime and Manufacturing industries.

DNV Energy



North American Clean Energy 25 ©2024 Fluke Corporation. 240041-en Fluke and Solmetric: Leaders in solar test and measurement together flk-240041-en-naam-nace-solmetric-ad.indd 1 1/29/24 12:57 PM

Seven Key Criteria to Choosing a Revenue Management Company for Distributed Generation

So, you want to hire a subscription and revenue management company for your distributed generation portfolio… where to start? As an investor, developer, operator, or asset owner, you need projects that pencil. The easiest way to achieve that is through a fully-subscribed site with high-quality subscribers. But there are a lot of details along the way.

In the distributed generation (DG) industry, there are many hiccups that can get in the way of delivering a client’s revenue – late utility data, subscriber security regulations, nonpayment issues. You name it.

Following is a list of factors to consider when evaluating the platform you entrust to maximize profit for the life of your DG project.

1. People

You want to be sure you're working with a professional team that has the experience and focus required to maximize your return. We’re talking about years of experience in the industry, at reputable firms, with a history of success.

Don't just talk to the sales team – you’ll want to get a sense of the whole company. This industry changes all the time. You need a partner with deep expertise in each of the key functional areas that can be nimble to adapt as program rules and business needs change.

2. Subscriber acquisition

Filling your sites with the right mix of high-quality subscribers requires a diverse blend of acquisition channels and the scale to keep a backlog of subscribers ready to replace subscribers who churn.

You’ll need a variety of subscriber types: large enterprises, mass market residential, low-to-moderate income, small commercial, and more. The subscriber mix varies depending on the state and your revenue objectives. But one factor is constant – the need for a range of acquisition channels that can be deployed quickly at scale.

3. LMI

Low-to-moderate income (LMI) subscribers are a vital segment of community solar subscribers. With the federal Inflation Reduction Act’s LMI incentives, it's more important than ever to have a clear strategy for acquiring LMI subscribers.

You need a team that has a proven track record with this market segment, as well as the flexibility to adapt to the changing requirements quickly.

4. Flexible billing systems

Your revenue management company needs to make it as simple as possible for subscribers of all shapes and sizes to pay their bills.

For example, billing enterprise subscribers is far more complicated than it may seem. These large customers often have thousands of electric meters across many community solar sites, sometimes across different states, and often with different credit discounts. The meters may also belong to different corporate cost centers, each of which can have a unique payment method (e.g., a separate ACH account). This complexity requires clear reporting and an enterprise-grade billing platform. Be sure your provider can accommodate the needs of subscribers of all sizes.

5. Revenue optimization

Revenue optimization is how a company mobilizes all the data it collects to deliver the maximum revenue. We all know that DG assets are dynamic, with constantly changing variables. Having systems and people who are aware of those changing variables, combined with the knowledge of how to adjust appropriately, truly is the difference between profit and loss.

Utility integration

When it comes to data flows with the utility, speed and accuracy make all the difference. Some utilities provide APIs for access, but linking directly to the subscriber account is usually the best option for providing a real-time view of usage and changes. This level of access can shave months off the time it takes to receive subscriber data for optimization purposes.

Active Allocations

People’s energy usage changes over time. In DG, subscribers are allocated a share of the solar farm’s output. Is your revenue management company continuously updating subscription sizes? This is called Active Allocation. It’s the practice of monitoring subscriber energy use and deploying changes across your assets to adjust for these changes, and enables you to receive the highest financial benefit possible.

Without continuous subscription size correction, you risk subscriber underperformance, which can ultimately lead to churn and lost revenue. Your prospective revenue management partner should regularly monitor and adjust for subscriber electricity usage fluctuations, credit banks, and other factors that drive variability in site revenue.

6. Account management

The account management team is who you’ll be working with for the duration of the project. When setbacks arise and decisions need to be made, these are the folks who help navigate the details and work through solutions. You’ll want to meet them to get a feel for how they operate.

While it’s true that evaluating the team is fairly subjective, there are some concrete factors you can assess to gain more insight, including experience, response time, reporting capabilities, and the ability to provide expert regulatory insights.

7. Technology and security

The 2021 Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack demonstrates how damaging a security breach can be, both for a company and the grid. An increase in phishing, malware, and social engineering attacks leaves your data vulnerable to exposure. You’re collecting some very sensitive customer information. A security breach brings both regulatory compliance and reputational risks.

Ask to see evidence the company is following these practices:

• Are they ISO-27001 certified? This is the security gold standard that lets you sleep well at night.

• Do they conduct regular penetration tests to identify weaknesses in their defenses?

• Do they use highly-regarded payment processors to validate and manage customer payment information?

• Do their services comply with PCI and NACHA?

Hiring a revenue management company is a meaningful investment, so you’ll want to make sure the company’s platform, processes, and people are able to meet your needs. It's a sound practice to evaluate your prospective partner across these seven criteria to ensure they can acquire a diverse range of subscribers, handle the minutiae of billing them, and ultimately, maximize your profit for the 20+ year life of your project.

Nate Owen is CEO at Ampion, a company that connects people to local solar farms to help boost sustainability in communities and support local economies.

Ampion ///

26 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///


Sinclair Designs & Engineering (SDE) is a leading manufacturer of Commercial Ground Mount systems in the Midwest. SDE reinvested in their labor force, critical manufacturing infrastructure, and facility to expand the scale of production and engineering services.

SDE’s recent investment includes additional stamping and roll forming lines for key components. The new infrastructure will streamline efficiency and allow up to 3 Megawatts of ground mount racking production within 24 hours, raising annual capacity to 1GW.

“This investment recognizes that our employees bring high quality trade skills to their jobs every day and we count on them to build our future business. Our customer portfolio is growing, and we will not allow our lead times to be impacted by the high demand for our products,” – Kyle Sinclair, CEO

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Universal pitched roof mounting solution

PV mounting system expert AEROCOMPACT has developed COMPACTPITCH XM-F REPTILE, a universal solution for pitched roofs that can be used with a wide variety of roof tiles. COMPACTPITCH XM-F REPTILE replaces expensive and inflexible sealing components with an integrated solution. Since the cover plate is positioned independently of the fastener unit, it can always be installed above the rafter, and transfers the resulting forces directly into the roof structure. The labyrinth-style seal ensures that the breakthrough point, which can be selected as desired, provides a permanent seal during installation without requiring any additional effort.

Due to the high load-bearing capacity, this, in combination with the new and strong X60 rail, lowers the number roof hooks needed, which drastically reduces installation and material requirements and costs. Since the solution transfers

OSHA compliant guardrail system

Global height safety specialist, Guardian, has launched the new Trench Box G-Rail Receiver. This new OSHA compliant (OSHA 1926.502) product is a solution for keeping workers safe while working near exposed or deep trenches. Its design offers easy installation onto a variety of trench box walls and configurations, and offers multiple guardrail receptacles to fit a wide range of guardrails. Key features of the all-new Trench Box G-Rail Receiver include: patent pending low-profile design allows end-users to add guardrails to trench box corners to reduce challenging gaps and to enhance safety; precision adjustment allows user to install on trench boxes or other compatible structures with wall thicknesses ranging from ¼'' up to 8''; unique Adjustment Wheel provides quick installation without the need for tool; lightweight and portable with an integrated easy carry handle and weighing only 14lb, it is easy to position

AI solar sentiment feature

Transect has introduced an exclusive beta release of its feature, Solar Pulse. This feature is designed for assessing community solar sentiment and suitability. This AI tool is designed to empower the solar energy industry by providing unique insights into solar project momentum and community adoption. Transect's Solar Pulse, AI solar sentiment tool leverages machine learning tools to assess public sentiment towards solar energy development. By analyzing a vast array of data sources, including news articles and historical builds within that county, this tool delivers invaluable insights into the perceptions and attitudes surrounding solar energy. Utilizing sophisticated NLP techniques, the AI identifies keywords and phrases related to solar energy across a wide range of online articles. Advanced sentiment analysis algorithms then categorize sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral, based on the language used in the content.

IRA tax compliance management

Empact Technologies (Empact) has launched its new platform designed to maximize the impact of clean energy project incentives under America’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Empact combines powerful software with incentive compliance expertise into this comprehensive IRA management platform. Empact’s platform combines proprietary SaaS technology with professional services, enabling projects to meet IRS regulatory requirements for prevailing wage and apprenticeship, domestic content, and energy and lowincome community incentives. Empact enables developers to leverage the IRA clean energy program to secure project construction financing, while ensuring regulatory compliance. Empact also provides a robust data repository to protect investors from IRS recapture risk. Uniquely comprehensive, Empact’s compliance data repository includes

Going Green with Solar? Eaton and Wesco know space is always at a premium, time is limited, and cost matters. That’s why Wesco offers Eaton’s solar solutions that ease installation, save labor and lower the total investment cost. We build, connect, power and protect the world. M CM MY CMY

Helping accelerate solar farm implementation

TE Connectivity’s (TE) new insulation piercing connectors support accelerated solar farm implementation. The Solar IPC (SIPC) assemblies support customers in responding with agility to changes that arise during the solar farm rollout phase and help save time and labor during installation. Specially engineered and designed for solar use these SIPC assemblies complement TE’s existing Customizable Trunk Solution (CTS) range, further enhancing the flexibility and adaptability of these technologies to customers’ specific needs. SIPC assemblies provide protected, insulated, and high-quality sealing for fast, easyto-install, safe, and reliable cable connections. They are suitable for both utility scale and commercial solar power generation and have been tested and certified to cUL9703. They enable a greater number of strings per connection, further optimizing eBOS architecture, like the CTS itself. This expanded range offers the growing solar power generation market the tools, technologies, and expertise it needs to further expand. They are also pre-installed with SAFE TE DC protection caps which offer additional advanced protection from bad weather and harsh environments in the field.

TE Connectivity ///

Full brim safety helmet

On-the-job safety, style, and comfort

Pyramex’s Women's RVZF61 Safety Vest is a safety garment offering a custom fit and an array of practical features tailored to meet the unique needs of women in the workplace. The new Pyramex Women's RVZF61 Safety Vest offers safety features without compromising on comfort or fit. The vest is crafted from a fluorescent background woven polyester solid and mesh material with a sleek black front bottom, creating an eye-catching yet professional appearance. The vest is thoughtfully tailored exclusively for the female form with a cinch waist, allowing for adjustable sizing that ensures a comfortable and secure fit for all body types. It also includes a padded collar to keep wearers comfortable even during extended wear during long hours on the job. It sports 3'' silver reflective striping with contrasting color trim, making the wearer highly visible in various lighting conditions. The vest is also functional, it includes an expandable tablet pocket with hook and loop closure and a reach-through pocket with a zipper for easy access to essentials. For added convenience, the vest also incorporates metal grommets at the upper front collar and hip, a mic tab and eyeglass loop. The Women's RVZF61 Safety Vest complies with ANSI 107-2020, TYPE R CLASS 2 safety standards, guaranteeing the protection and visibility wearers need on the job.

Pyramex Safety


STUDSON’s SHK-1 Full-Brim ANSI Type II Safety Helmet is designed to prevent traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), featuring technologies to absorb impacts from fallrelated injuries on any jobsite. It is a full-brim safety helmet that complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z89.1 Type I and II safety standards, meaning it is designed to reduce force as a result of impacts to the front, back, sides, and the top of the head. The new SHK-1 Full-Brim safety helmet is designed in conjunction with existing safety technology from the SHK-1 helmet model, including Koroyd welded tube polymer for absorbing impact. The Koroyd material also improves heat dissipation and venting via its cellular-structure design in comparison to traditional EPS foam which helps combat heat stress. The embedded twICEme technology digitally integrates a wearer’s vital health data within the helmet. In the event of an emergency, that data is accessible via a smartphone NFC chip reader viewable through an SMS text message or the twICEme app for iOS or Android devices.


North American Clean Energy 29 V i s i t o u r b o o t h a t RE+ Discover what sets us apart from other providers at b o o t h 22091

1P multi-row configuration technology

Soltec’s SFOne solar tracker is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the U.S. market. This new tracker, featuring 1P multi-row configuration technology, is designed for 72-cell and 78-cell modules. Additionally, it incorporates Dy-Wind technology, offering advanced methodology for windresistant structure design. It also includes the Diffuse Booster system, suited for low-light conditions, providing high solar panel performance. Furthermore, it is an adaptable tracker to different terrains and environments, and thanks to its self-powered module, construction time can be reduced by 75%.

High power residential panel

PV modules for commercial and residential projects

Silfab Solar will release a premium line of TOPCon PV modules in Q1 of 2024 specifically designed and engineered for the U.S. commercial and residential markets. Silfab Commercial NTC modules will have an increased power output, higher efficiency in low light conditions, consistent performance in high temperatures, and improved shade tolerance. These panels, made exclusively in the U.S., will be available in the first half of 2024. The Silfab Commercial NTC line will include the company’s 25-year product and 30-year linear performance warranties. Silfab Prime NTC builds upon the company’s core premium residential modules with its black aesthetic. This TOPCon module will be exclusively manufactured in North America for the U.S. residential solar market. Silfab is scheduled to begin operations in mid- to late-2024 of its own cell-production line at its third U.S. facility. The new facility will have an initial annual capability of 1GW cell production and an additional 1.2GW of PV solar module assembly. Domestic production of solar cells represents a strategic effort to further manage Silfab’s supply chain and ensure premium quality of components for its panels. Under current production schedules, Silfab will incorporate these domestically produced N-type TOPCon cells into Silfab’s TOPCon PV modules that will be completely assembled at a USA facility with deliveries expected later in 2024. Silfab will launch the next generation Silfab Elite 430 BG+ in early 2024. Elite is Silfab’s most advanced and highest efficiency panel, utilizing proprietary X-Cell design and back contact integrated cell design for optimal performance and maximum durability. Currently, the module is offered as Silfab Elite SIL 410 and 420. Available in the first quarter of 2024, the Silfab SIL 430 BG+ will include additional half-cell features to increase power output and improved durability.

REC Group’s latest high-efficiency solar panel reaches 470Wp. The REC Alpha Pure-RX is the brand’s highest power residential panel ever, based on advanced heterojunction cell technology (HJT). With an increased power density of 226 W/m² or 21 W/ft2, the REC Alpha PureRX is REC’s fourth product based on its Alpha HJT technology. The Pure-RX panel is based on large G12 HJT cells in a gapless half-cut cell design for improved aesthetics and increased power of 40Wp as well as lead-free and RoHS compliant for higher sustainability. REC’s Alpha HJT products, including the new REC Alpha Pure-RX, guarantee at least 92% power output after 25 years, giving consumers and installers peace of mind. At the same time, manufacturing such solar panels for the long-term allows REC to reduce resource consumption and waste disposal for a greater protection of the environment In line with REC’s mission to combine high-efficiency innovations with sustainable manufacturing practices, REC has eliminated lead also from the new REC Alpha Pure-RX, making the panel RoHS compliant and ultimately contributing to a better environmental protection.

REC Group ///

Compact power supply

Maximize space in a control cabinet with WAGO’s new slim-style, 50mm, 240W, ECO 2 power supply with levers. Convenient marking options, LED indications, DC O.K. contacts, and adjustable output voltage make the Eco 2 suitable for many repeatable, OEM applications. The ECO 2 also comes with WAGO’s Push-In CAGE CLAMP technology with levers for a tool-free experience. This reliable power supply comes with a high efficiency rating of up to 93% and a wide operating temperature range -13°F to 158°F (-25°C to 70°C), as well as a 1-phase, 100 to 240Vac, 50/60Hz input and is equipped for 24Vdc, 10A and 240W output.

WAGO ///

Energy optimization solution for commercial and industrial sites

The SolarEdge ONE solution is a comprehensive software-based site management and energy optimization solution for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) solar applications. SolarEdge ONE is a real-time energy optimization system for businesses, maximizing energy generation and consumption, including PV, storage and local energy loads such as EV fleet charging. SolarEdge ONE creates synergies across the energy asset portfolio, making optimal PV production and consumption decisions every day. This is achieved by smart algorithms based on aggregation of external data (e.g., daily utility rates and weather forecasts) and on-site data, (e.g., historical PV production, site consumption and user preferences) and sophisticated algorithms to optimize energy production and consumption. The system is designed to maximize the use of excess PV during peak pricing periods, allowing more savings. In addition, unnecessary and costly site visits can be decreased through remote troubleshooting and real-time alerts and reporting. The energy optimization solution is designed to evolve with changing organizational needs and consumption patterns (such as additional energy assets). Business owners and asset managers can monitor the entire system and orchestrate the site PV production, EV charging, and load optimization via the SolarEdge ONE Manager, a desktop-based web application. The SolarEdge ONE Manager also provides robust operation and maintenance tools, enabling visibility down to the PV module level. The new SolarEdge Local Controller is designed to enable integration with weather sensors, energy meters, cellular modem, and other devices that can help achieve optimal system communication and performance.

SolarEdge ///

Solar supply chain infographic data map for North America

Solar quality assurance firm, Sinovoltaics has released its first North America Solar Supply Chain Map, based on the latest fourth quarter of 2023 data. An updated version of the infographic map and factory capacity data will be released every four months. The complimentary infographic and data pages reveal the existing and future PV manufacturing facilities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. In addition to showing existing North American supply chain factories in 2023, the download also includes all known announced factories that are expected to start production by 2027. At a glance, solar developers will be able to see the PV manufacturer’s brand, location, and the mapped factory’s capacity of modules, cells, wafers, ingots, polysilicon, and multigrain silicon at each location. Sinovoltaics’ infographic supply chain map will help solar developers, independent power producers (IPPs), and engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies to stay on top of the manufacturing boom and inform their procurement decisions. The map provides a visual representation of the spread of solar manufacturing facilities across North America, as well as regions where manufacturing is concentrated as well as a corresponding directory that includes the locations and up-to-date information on which components are produced at each factory. Developers can also use the map to locate manufacturers within specific regions, allowing them to source modules for their projects efficiently while reducing transportation costs and carbon emissions. Knowing the capacity of each forthcoming factory allows solar developers to assess the scalability of the supply chain for larger projects.

Sinovoltaics ///

North American Clean Energy 31

Efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solar installations

Designed with the challenges of solar panel installation in mind, DynoGrip significantly simplifies the process with reduced installation times with their design and no tools. Secure panel grips ensure each installation is safe from start to finish. With DynoGrip, expect a seamless installation process every time.

DynoRaxx ///

Solar tracker designed for the American market

Soltec’s SF7 USA solar tracker is specially designed for the American market and cuts installation processes in the field, reduces pile counts and other parts and pieces, and streamlines the design to achieve both a low cost and fast install. The SF7 solar tracker can adapt to various terrains and with mounting tolerances ranging from 20'' to 40'', this solar tracker can be customized to fit challenging spaces, and be installed on slopes of up to 17%. Soltec’s terrain adaptability combined with straightforward installation eliminates most of the need to perform cut and fill on site to install the trackers. Most components are pre-assembled, so installation has very few steps, and locating the parts and pieces needed at each step is quick and easy. The tracker features an electronic system that incorporates wireless communication designed to withstand low temperatures. Additionally, through advanced algorithms, it ensures maximum energy production in every solar installation through the TeamTrack system, which delivers up to 6.8% more yield, a function that minimizes shading losses between rows, especially on uneven terrain. Furthermore, efficiency is guaranteed through bifacial tracking, optimizing its position considering both sides of the module. The new solar tracker also incorporates Diffuse Booster technology, which maximizes production and allows for optimal energy generation, even on cloudy days, by capturing diffuse radiation. Additionally, with the Dy-WIND methodology, solar tracker response to wind is ensured, preventing damage to the plant during heavy precipitation. Related to protection against adverse weather phenomena, the tracker includes a Soltec-designed algorithm for hail defense. This algorithm, aimed at better protecting solar modules, ensures a rapid response to any this type of hazard, reinforcing the installation's resilience without compromising its efficiency.

Soltec ///

Next generation tech suite

Solar solutions provider, Nextracker’s suite of next-generation innovations builds upon technology that has been delivered to utility scale solar power plants for three or more years. The product suite combines hardware, smart software, and process innovations to deliver value to owners and EPCs. Hail Pro leverages the inherent features of Nextracker’s flagship NX Horizon smart solar tracking system, including its balanced design, integrated UPS, and independent row architecture. The new Hail Pro solution adds automatic stowing using weather service information, hail readiness services, and where desired, Hail Pro-75 for stowing at up to 75° for locations subject to extreme hail. Nextracker’s latest innovation for hilly sites doubles the capability of the popular NX Horizon XTRTM terrain following tracke. NX Horizon XTR-1.5 significantly reduces and even eliminates earthwork on extreme terrain sites, without complex joints or additional components. XTR can save many tons of steel with shorter piles and thousands of cubic yards of cut and fill; with the benefits of accelerating construction schedules, minimizing environmental impact, and reducing project risk. Minimizing disturbance also prevents long-term soil erosion and preserves habitats. Nextracker has expanded TrueCapture’s yield optimization and control software with Zonal Diffuse, a tracking function which enhances energy generation during rapidly changing irradiance conditions. This technology includes additional high spatial resolution sensing and control algorithms, adjusting trackers to variations in cloud cover across the entire power plant. Plants equipped with Zonal Diffuse can chase clouds for additional gains, without compromising tracking performance during clear sky conditions. Zonal Diffuse complements TrueCapture’s terrain-adaptive Row-to-Row tracking mode and Split Boost, a tracking optimization algorithm for half-cell modules.

Nextracker ///

32 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

Adaptable and reliable solar tracking solution

PVH unveiled AxoneDuo Infinity which offers adaptability across all dimensions, adapting to diverse configurations and meeting unique terrain requirements, even within individual projects. A key feature of AxoneDuo Infinity is its versatile string interconnectivity that offers a wide range of optimization options that reduce costs while increasing efficiency. Rows can also be independently trigger in its Unlinked mode, boosting operational effectiveness. When AxoneDuo Infinity is equipped with DBox5, its possibilities are extended. This advanced SCADA and control system employs sensors, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to monitor installations, pinpoint faults, and anticipate structural threats. Moreover, AxoneDuo Infinity's robust weather defense strategy actively positions panels to protect the plant in extreme conditions. Its reinforced structure ensures peak performance in any scenario. With its ability to maximize solar module potential and efficiently capture sunlight on any terrain, AxoneDuo Infinity drastically reduces need for significant earthwork, making it sustainable and cost-effective solution for solar power generation.

PV Hardware (PVH) ///

No-fuse, fail-safe surge protection device

Mersen has introduced the SurgeTrap Pluggable STP-50 Series Surge Protective Device (SPD). The STP-50 joins Mersen’s STP-75 Series Pluggable SPDs and ST Series Monobloc SPDs to provide engineers a wide range of SPDs to meet the diverse specifications and requirements of many industries.

Mersen’s STP-50 Series is a no-fuse, fail-safe surge protective device with a 50kA short circuit rating, suitable for most industrial control panels. Featuring Mersen’s TPMOV technology inside, there is no need for additional overcurrent protection. A reversible chassis allows cable entry from top or bottom and a remote indicator provides status to critical control circuitry. Replaceable surge modules feature mechanical coding to avoid replacement errors. Both STP-50 and STP-75 Pluggable SPDs are designed to provide safe and reliable performance in high-risk environments. Both SPDs feature a new enhanced base with a toolless DIN-rail clip for easy installation. The STP-50 Series comes with a 5-year warranty and is intended for use on a wide range of low-voltage applications inside appropriate enclosures.

Mersen ///

Cutting Grass And Slicing Budgets.

Streamlined user experience

Prysmian Group’s updated customer portal, myPrysmian streamlines the user experience and combines information previously available via SAP and HFA/ eCable. The portal introduces a host of features aimed at simplifying how customers manage their accounts, access information, and engage with Prysmian Group. myPrysmian includes the Realtime Order Tracker Program allowing customers to receive documents, including packing lists, bills of lading, or invoices. It also provides the ability to see the status of an order, including tracking information for shipments; Enhanced Stock Finder which shows Prysmian product that is on hand or coming soon while indicating where that stock is located. Customers can search by Prysmian Group part number, product description, or customer part number; and Responsive Design allowing customers to access it from desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Prysmian Group North America


Quality and longevity in solar installations

Tigo Energy, Inc.’s Green Glove program is available to all solar installers and designed to deliver a premium support experience that enriches the residential and C&I installer journey from design to commissioning. The Green Glove process starts with a comprehensive design review before installation, in which Tigo support personnel provide valuable insights and guidance. During installation, the support personnel are available on-call at regional Tigo locations to assist and address any concerns. After installation, the support team conducts thorough reviews and follow-up discussions, continually addressing outstanding questions and gathering valuable feedback to enhance the overall installation experience. Through a series of formalized support engagements, the Green Glove program drives quality across the solar value chain with a process that engages installers before, during, and after installation.

Tigo Energy, Inc.


For most utility-scale solar facilities, the rising cost of vegetation management is the top budget item. Now there’s a solution to this growing problem. The Renubot is designed by solar O&M professionals on these locations. It’s rugged, reliable and remains onsite with oversight. Let’s discuss how Renubot can solve your problem.

North American Clean Energy 33

Solar tracker optimization and control

Nextracker's TrueCapture is a solar tracker optimization and control software, boosting solar PV plant output by up to 4% annually with a combination of site-specific digital twin modeling and a suite of advanced algorithms. It's a solar tracking software with independent engineer (IE)-validated performance gains. The updated TrueCapture features a Zonal Diffuse mode that uses expanding sensing capabilities to deploy different tracking algorithms across the solar plant. By leveraging NX Horizon's independent-row architecture, algorithms for diverse lighting conditions, and different module technologies, TrueCapture offers optimization granularity for large solar projects.

Nextracker ///

Streamlining solar for metal roofs

The Patented Above-Ground Cable Management System with Integrated Grounding.

SnapNrack and S-5! announced a joint partnership to offer select metal roof attachments from both manufacturers as a single kitted solution. SnapNrack is partnering with S-5! to now offer installers a kitted solution with S-5! metal roof brackets and SnapNrack All Purpose L Foot attachments. The kitted solution simplifies the installation experience on the roof. As a result of this partnership, SnapNrack Applications Engineering can fully support installers with design and installation questions and other product resources expected with SnapNrack. The kitted solutions will include S-5!’s CorruBracket, SolarFoot, ProteaBracket, VersaBracket, and S-5-N Mini with SnapNrack’s All Purpose L Foot. By expanding the portfolio to include S-5! brackets, SnapNrack can better support small commercial installers and projects along with expanding their geographical footprint.

800-837-5707 |


Adaptable to any terrain, Terrasmart's TerraTrak 1P is a versatile tracker built to weather the test of time. Sharing 80% of its parts with TerraTrak 2P, our foundation agnostic tracker, has been proven on over 500 MWs in some of the most challenging conditions and terrain.





Racking & Mounting


Along with quality panels, it’s important to ensure a solid base and a supportive structure for a successful solar installation. The following highlights a variety of mounting and racking solutions that are available, along with their key features, to help solar designers and installers find the best option for their project.


APA Solar Racking

Product: GeoBallast

Application: Ground-mount ballast

Angle: 5° - 35°

Material: Hot dipped galvanized steel gabion basket with a PVC coating

Pre- or Post-assembly: Arrives to site 70% pre-assembled

Certifications/Approvals: APA

Drawings can be PE stamped for all 50 states and territories

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Key Features:

• Utilizes 2250lb of locally sourced quarry rock for ballast fill;

• Gabion basket arrives to the site over 70% pre-assembled;

• Can easily stage gabion baskets throughout sites and expedite installation;

• Telescoping posts allow for inthe-field adjustments to manage topography;

• Cost-competitive alternative and has a low point load ballast system.

Nucor Steel

Product: Nucor Solar Pile

Application: Ground-mount

Material: Galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: ASTM steel grade and tolerances

Key Features:

• Lightweight foundation pile;

• Ease to drive;

• Decrease steel weight of entire system;

• Decrease shipping cost;

• Few processing steps.

Metal Plus, LLC

Product: Metal Roofing Brackets & Safety


Application: Roof-mount

Angle: Adjustable

Material: Powder coated steel, anchor; aluminum extrusion with stainless steel D-ring

Pre- or Post-assembly: Some preassembly on anchor

Certifications/Approvals: Brackets; OSHA requirements with proper fall-arrest systems tie-downs and proper roof anchor, Anchor; OSHA 1910-140, ANSI/ASSE Z359.18, ISO Testing

Warranty: Up to 10-day full money back guarantee; after 10-days and up to 30-days, there is a 20% restocking fee

TerraGen Solar

Product: TGR

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: Any tilt angle from 0° to 20°

Material: Aluminum, galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembled parts

Warranty: 10-year standard warranty with extensions available upon request

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

American Made Fabricators, Inc.

Product: Solar Racking

Application: Ballasted roof and ground-mounting

Angle: Adjustable

Material: Galvanized, aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: Yes

Warranty: Yes

MARCH 18-21, 2024


Product: RockIt Smart Slide

Application: Roof-mount

Material: Aluminum

K2 Systems

Product: The South Face System

Application: Low slope commercial roofs

Angle: 5.5° - 10°

Material: 6000 Series aluminum, zinc aluminum magnesium coated structural steel

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, ASCE 7-16, SEAOC PV2

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Clearline Technologies

Product: C-Port Rooftop Pipe Supports

Application: Roof supports for solar racking and conduit

Angle: Full range

Material: Recycled rubber, galvanized strut

Warranty: 10-year warranty

hb solar international

Product: Skyrack flush mount

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: 3°, 5°, 10°, 12°, and custom angles

Material: Aluminum, stainless steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Warranty: 2-year warranty

Certifications/Approvals: UL441, Florida Product Approval, TAS 100 (A)-95, Mechanical Load

Warranty: 25-year warranty


Solar Stack

Product: SS-8 TK10

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: 10°

Material: Aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly


Miami-Dade NOA

Warranty: 25-year warranty

North American Clean Energy 37



Polar Racking

Product: CORE Fixed Tilt Ground Mount

Application: Ground-mount

Angle: 5° to 60°

Material: Galvanized steel (G90 - G235)

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and postassembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Warranty: 20-year limited warranty

Key Features:

• Designed to stand the test of time;

• Reduced civil costs, fast installation time through high degree of adjustability and few components;

• Site-specific value design engineering: customized solutions based on string size, topography, and foundation type;

• Optimized for bifacial and thin film solar panels;

• Installation services and construction support: smooth and fast construction process through assembly services and foundation installation.

OMG Solar

Product: OMG PowerGrip Universal 7 Roof Anchor

Application: Roof-mount

Material: Heavy duty cast aluminum, with additional materials for water-blocking

Warranty: Through OMG, Inc.

Not just for sunny days Specialized outdoor hardware engineered for longevity


Kinetic Solar Racking and Mounting

Product: Static Ground Mount

Application: Ground-mount

Angle: 40°

Material: Galvanized steel and aluminum rails

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 467,

CAN/CSA-C22.2, UL 2703, LTR AE-0012012

Warranty: 20-year warranty

Key Features:

• Suitable for all bifacial PV modules (PVM) and monofacial PV modules;

• Minimum (Portrait) to no shadow (Landscape) for bifacial modules;

• Engineered for a (q50) wind load of up to 1.0kPa, a snow load of 2.5Pa, and a rain load of 0.8kPa;

• Designed for ease of installation; use of datums, no drilling or cutting;

• Available for module sizes of up to 2300mm x 1160mm or equivalent area via custom order.


Product: Ballasted rainfall capturing racking

Application: Commercial roof, groundmount, utility-scale

Angle: 5°

Material: Galvalume, aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Magerack Corporation

MageFoot Rail-less Mounting Kit for Roof-mount

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 25-year product warranty

KB Racking

Product: EkonoRack 2.0

Application: Flat roof

Angle: 5° to 20°

Material: 3000 Series aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL STD 2703, ULC/ORD STD C1703

Warranty: 25-year limited warranty

RoofScreen Mfg.

Product: Silverback Solar Racking

Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount, utility-scale

Angle: Customizable

Material: Stainless steel, hot dip galvanized

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-Assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1703, UL 2703

Warranty: 20-year limited warranty



Product: Aire Flush Mount System

Application: Roof-mount

Material: Aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, Class A Fire, Florida Product Approval


Warranty: 25-year warranty

Alternate Energy Technologies (AET)

Product: DinoRac

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: 20˚ to 60˚ from horizontal

Material: AISI 6063 T6 anodized aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: Structural

Engineering Report issued by Predictive Engineering, Inc.

Warranty: 5-year finish warranty, 10-year parts warranty


Product: Butyl Bottom Deck Mount

Application: Roof-mount

Material: Stainless steel

Angle: 90°

Pre- or Post-assembly: No assembly required

Certifications/Approvals: PE Tested

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Key Features:

• Butyl-backed for Peel-and-Place installation method;

• Comes with 4 self-tapping Hex Lags pre-assembled with EPDM-backed washers;

• Skip the rafters and mount anywhere on the roof;

• No pre-drilling required;

• Can be used to mount entire system direct-to-deck, or paired with QB2.



Product: Z-Rack

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: Flush

Material: Hot dipped galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL2703 listed, wind and seismic tested to ASCE

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Key Features:

• Zero penetrations;

• Roof agnostic;

• Reduce install time;

• No fossil fuels used;

• Wind tested to 170mph.

Tamarack Solar Products

Product: Tamarack Solar FM Racking System

Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount, pole-mount

Angle: Flush

Material: Aluminum, steel, plastic

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and postassembly

Certifications/Approvals: Listed to UL 2703, US Patents Issued and Pending

Warranty: 25-year warranty

North American Clean Energy 39 DESIGN | MANUFACTURING | INSTALLATION | 844.757.7225 | Commercial & Utility Scale Solar Racking 100% Made in USA Solar Mounts LLC 300 Woolley Drive, Marshall, MI 49068 Industry best lead times In-House Sales, Engineering & Manufacturing Ground Mounts, Roof Mounts, Carports and More


Key Features:

Zilla Corporation

Product: Zilla Electrical Passthrough

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: Flush mount on comp shingle roofs, metal roofs, or siding

Material: Aluminum, galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly using 3/8" hex drive socket

Certifications/Approvals: Passed 3rd party testing for roof flashings following AC 286 evaluation standards using the methodology of UL 441

Warranty: 25-year limited product warranty

• A versatile, low-cost way to make electrical transitions simple, clean, fast, and secure;

• Sleek, low profile design installs using the method of attachment first, flashing second, and an O-Ring seal third, providing three waterproof protection layers;

• Use with combiner boxes, j-boxes, conduit bodies, and other compatible transitional components;

• Available in two sizes: 3/4" O.D. and 1-1/4" O.D. with 1" I.D. NPSM adapter;

• Made in the USA.


Schletter NA, Inc.

Product: FixGrid Pro

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: 5°, 10°, 15°

Material: Aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-Assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL/CSA certified, UL 3741 approved

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Key Features:

• Ballast optimization and reduction through improved aerodynamics;

• Flexible and time-saving planning and tool-free assembly of the heightening elements;

• Modules can be mounted portrait or landscape, and clamped either on the short or long side;

• Possible module inclination of 5°, 10°, 15°

Unirac, Inc.

Product: Unirac Gridflex 10

Application: Flat roof

Angle: 10° south facing

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, UL 3741


SunBallast USA, LLC

Product: Ballasted racking for flat roofs

Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount

Angle: 5°, 10°

OMCO Solar

Product: OMCO Choice Fixed Tilt Mounting System

Application: Ground-mount, utility scale, DG

Angle: From 5° to 45°

Material: Galvanized steel structural components

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: ISO 9001:2015 standard, UL 2703 Ed. 1, CPP wind tunneltested, NEC compliant

Warranty: 20-year limited warranty

Atlantic Clean Energy Supply (ACES)

Product: Solar Racking System

Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount, tracking system

Angle: All angles covered

Material: Galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly, post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: ETL approved, structural engineer approved

Warranty: Lifetime warranty

Agnostic Reduce Install Time No Fossil Fuels
Wind and seismic tested to ASCE CONTACT US 763.404.7580 E474752
UL2703 Listed



Product: RexRack Mounting System

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: 20° to 60° from horizontal

Material: AISI 6063 T6 anodized aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Warranty: 5-year finish warranty, 10-year parts warranty

Certifications/Approvals: Structural Engineering Report issued by Predictive Engineering, Inc.

Sustainable Energy Management Systems, LLC.

Product: Avans Series

Application: Ground-mount solar racking

Angle: 30°

Material: Aluminum, galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Warranty: 25-year warranty, extendable to 30-years

AceClamp by PMC Industries, Inc.

Product: Solar Snap by AceClamp

Application: SSMR, concrete cover board, asphalt, membrane

Angle: Varies

Material: Aircraft quality aluminum, stainless steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Warranty: 20-year warranty

Key Features:

• Snap-fit provides fast and easy installation;

• Exceptionally strong racking system;

• Adjustable height and width fits multiple applications;

• Rigorous 3rd party testing ensures quality and performance.




Product: GLIDE

Application: Utility-scale ground-mount

Angle: 5° to 35°

Material: Steel, hot dip galvanized

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, Edition 1; CPP Wind Tunnel Tested

Warranty: 20-year limited warranty

Key Features:

• Less hardware for fast installation and reduced labor hours;

• Foundations for the most challenging terrain;

• Accommodates up to 36% slope tolerance;

• Designed for landscape and portrait modules with landscape allowing for bifacial module compatibility;

• Durable, tolerating up to 170mph winds and 100psf ground snow loads.


Product: S-5-PVKIT 2.0

Application: Roof-mount, standing seam, and exposed fasten (trapezoidal and corrugated)

Angle: Flush to roof

Material: Aluminum 6061 T6

Pre- or Post-assembly: Either pre- or post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: ANSI UL 2703 listed (module mounting), ETL UL1703 (grounding/bonding)

Warranty: 25-year manufacturer’s warranty against manufacturer defect

North American Clean Energy 41
Photo from a Single-Axis Tracker project in New York State


Solar Mounts, LLC.

Product: Ballasted ground-mount

Application: Commercial and utility-scale ground-mounts

Angle: Adjustable

Material: Galvanized 100% USA steel

Certifications/Approvals: Ul 467, 2703

Grounding Clamps

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Key Features:

• Patented adjustable bolt down system 3 components with minimal hardware;

• Pre-punched tilt angles;

• Low lead times.

Clark Rubber & Plastic

Product: Custom plastic and rubber


Application: Roof, ground-mount, utility-


Angle: Any

Material: Rubber and plastic

Warranty: To specification

DCE Solar

Product: Long Span

Application: Ground-mount, commercialgrade

Angle: 15° to 35°

Material: Galvanized steel

Certifications/Approvals: Boundary layer wind tunnel testing, UL2703

Warranty: 20-year warranty


Structural Solar LLC

Product: Canopy and Ground Mount


Application: All parking areas and ground mounts

Angle: up to 45°

Material: Galvanized and aluminum


Pre- or Post-assembly: From supply only to fully installed

Certifications/Approvals: AISC

Warranty: Structures durable for 40-years

Key Features:

• Structural design;

• Manufacturing;

• Construction.

Advanced Racking & Solar

Product: Gas Canopy Flush mount

Application: Roof-mount

Angle: 0°

Material: Aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Extension legs pre-assembled

Certifications/Approvals: UL2703

Warranty: 20-year warranty


Product: RC and RCT Mounting Clamps

Application: Standing seam metal roof

Material: Aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: Tested up to 2400lb with 600lb allowable loading when properly installed

Warranty: Lifetime warranty



Application: Ground-mount, residential and commercial

Angle: 15°/20° s, 10°e/w

Material: Aluminum, stainless steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: Wind tunnel tested, UL 2703 certified, salt spray tested

Warranty: 25-year product warranty

Xiamen Mibet New Energy Co., Ltd

Product: MRac Solar Ground Mounting

System GT2

Application: Ground-mount

Angle: 0 - 60°

Material: Q235B (hot-dip galvanized), AL6005-T5 (surface anodized)

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: AS/NZS1170, TUV, MCS, UL, SGS, CE

Warranty: 10-year warranty

42 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// 860-773-4150 TM railless Fastest installing Pre-assembled components Save money - go railless! Available patented slide-pin clamp .COM by

PowerField Energy

Product: The PowerRack

Application: Ground-mount

Angle: 25°

Material: High-density polyethylene

Pre- or Post-assembly: No assembly required

Warranty: 10-year warranty


Solar Foundations USA

Product: SFUSA Ground Mount

Application: Adaptable ground screw fixed-tilt system designed for residential and commercial-scale projects

Angle: 0° to 45°

Material: Hot-dipped galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless-steel mounting hardware

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-Assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Warranty: 25- and 40-year warranties

GripRac, Inc.

Product: Grip Belt

Application: Flat roofs

Angle: 0° to 15°

Material: Aluminum 5052, with 304 stainless steel hardware

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembled

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, UL 1703

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Opsun Systems, Inc.

Product: SunRail Bifacial

Application: Mounting systems, flat roof bifacial

Angle: 10° to 30 °

Material: Aluminum rails, stainless steel bolts

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly in option

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, ASCE7-16, peer-reviewed Wind Tunnels for tall buildings

Warranty: 20-year warranty

North American Clean Energy 43


Sinclair Designs & Engineering

Product: SKY-RACK 2.0 Ground-Mount


Application: Ground-mount 2HP

Angle: 5° - 35° fixed, 15° - 60° season adjustable

Material: Galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: ISO-9001, UL-2703, AIS

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Key Features:

• Pile driven;

• Concrete footer;

• Ballast design solution;

• Quick and easy assembly;

• Cost effective.

AIMS Power

Product: Universal Ground and Pole Solar Mounts and Brackets

Application: Ground-mount, pole-mount, and carports

Angle: 20° to 45°

Material: Steel, aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and postassembly available

Certifications/Approvals: Wind, snow, structural

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Full Tilt by BCI

Product: Fixed-tilt, ground-mount racking system

Application: DG, utility-scale ground-mount

Angle: Customizable

Material: Galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Some preassembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Warranty: Yes


Sollega, Inc.

Product: Ballasted/Hybrid Flat Roof/

Groundmount FR510 Racking

Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount

Material: Ultramid Glass Reinforced

Nylon 6

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL2703

Class A Fire Rating with type 1, 2, 3, 11, 29 modules, UL3741 (NO RSD's required) PV hazard control

Warranty: 25-year limited warranty

Key Features:

• Simple, modular one piece design, pre-assembly ;

• Fully ballasted/hybrid options;

• Pre-assembly for fast installation;

• 100% US made, meets all IRA requirements;

• Meets rapid shutdown without need of MLPE's when installed with listed inverter (see manual for list).

Jurchen Technology

Product: PEG EW Racking Solution

Application: Ground-mount, utility-scale

Angle: 8° e/w, 8° s

Material: Hot dipped galvanized steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Warranty: 10-year warranty, 30+ years design life

SunWize Power & Battery

Product: SunWize 2-Module Self-Standing

Structure (240010)

Application: Skid Mount

Angle: 45° fixed tilt

Material: Aluminum with stainless steel hardware

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-Assembly

Warranty: 1-year warranty


North America

Product: PHLEGON racking systems

Application: Utility-scale

Angle: 5° to 30° tilt angle (can be customized depends on project requirement)

Material: Galvanized steel for racking components, aluminum for solar module frame

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembled torque tube, other components are post assembly on job site


UL2703:2015 and CSA LTR AE-001:2012

Warranty: 25-year structural warranty, 1-year warranty on other components

44 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

Wire Management


PV systems are installed in a variety of environments that create challenges for installers, especially when it comes to wire management. When installers take wire management seriously, they can create long lasting systems that require less maintenance over time. Proper organization, support, routing, and protection of the wiring is essential for a successful PV system. The following are some solutions that can make your wiring job much easier...


Pacific Coast Wire & Cable

Product: Basor Basorplast BPE

Application: Cable tray

Material: PVCM1 UV material, ultraviolet resistant plastic, insulating, perforated

Wire Diameter Range: Tray comes in varying sizes, accommodating wire diameter ranges

Maximum Load Weight: Application specific

Certifications: UL certified

Key Features:

• Basorplast comes with all the needed accessories;

• Corrosion resistance, longevity, reliability;

• PVC construction acts as an additional insulator;

• Lightweight PVC design is easy to install;

• 40 years in indoor and outdoor installations.

Heyco Products Corp.

Product: HEYClip SunRunner No-Flange

Cable Clips

Application: Clip

Material: 304 stainless steel

Wire Diameter Range: .20" to .33" (5.1mm to 8.4mm)

Certifications: Pending UL

Warranty: 20-year warranty

Key Features:

• Attaches to newer modules with frames that have no typical mounting “lip”;

• Heyco's SunRunner's robust "doublecompression" design securely holds a variety of cables ranging from .20" (5.1 mm) to .33" (8.4 mm) in diameter;

• Heyco SunRunner Clips are designed for PV module wire management and may be used wherever single or multiple cable management is needed;

• Smooth clip edges prevent damage to cable insulation;

• Constructed from corrosion-resistant 304 stainless steel (not for use in a marine salt water environment).

Ray Tray Solar, LLC

Product: Ray Tray V2 Wire Management


Application: Cable tray

Material: Non-metallic RPVC polymer (UV rating: F1)

Wire Diameter Range: #12 - #6 AWG

Certifications: UL 870 Certified;

Approved for use in UL 3741 certified PV systems

Warranty: 25-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship

Key Features:

• ETL Listed to UL standard 870;

• No wire pulling necessary;

• Compatible with all major UL 3741 racking systems;

• NEC 2017 and 2020 compliant;

• Durable and UV resistant.

CAB Solar

Product: Solar cable management with integrated grounding

Application: Above-ground cable management system for tracker, ballasted, or fixed-tilt projects

Material: High tensile strength, class 3 galvanized steel wire, coated with flame retardant, corrosion resistant, high dielectric grade, UV stabilized Plastisol

Certifications: ETL Safety Listed by Intertek to UL 2703, UL 2239, UL 1565

Key Features:

• Quick and easy to install, helps lower project cost;

• Safely supports and separates all types of cabling, reduces labor time, makes troubleshooting easy;

• Can provide both EGC and GEC, simplifies design, saves on engineering cost.

46 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

Affordable Wire Management

Product: Arden Messenger Cable Hangers

Application: Hanger

Material: Aluminum alloy

Wire Diameter Range: Up to to 1.33" (1000mcm) in diameter, up to 30 1000mcm wires per hanger

Maximum Load Weight: 20lb (9kg)/ branch, up to 224lb (102kg) per hanger

Certifications: UL1565, UL2239, UL2703

Warranty: 40-year+ design life warranty


Product: Nextracker Ratchet Clamp

Application: Torque tube routing

Material: PA66HIRHSUV SS304

Wire Diameter Range: 0.5" to 2" (12mm to 51mm)

Maximum Load Weight: 25lb (11.3kgs)

Certifications: UL 94 HB, ROHS

Aeros USA, Inc.

Product: Cable Entry System

Application: Manages bringing wires, cables, and conduits into enclosures

Material: Polypropylene (split frames), TPE (plates)

Wire Diameter Range: 0.078" - 2.56" (2mm - 65mm)

Certifications: ISO certified production, UL recognition, IP 66, NEMA 12, NEMA 4X, RoHS, HL3


Product: WCH Line

Application: Wire management hangers

Material: 304 stainless or galvanized steel

Wire Diameter Range: 1" (24.5mm), 1.5" (38.1mm), 2" (50.8mm) bundles

Certifications: UL1565

SOLAR PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: WIRE MANAGEMENT North American Clean Energy 47 407 Hand Bendable Solar Snake Tray® Roof Top, Ground Mount and Car Park Installations 801 Solar Mega Snake® Ground Mount, Brown Field and Roof Top Installations Snake-Loc String and Feeder Cable Hanger Messenger Wire Installations Cable Management for Solar Solar Snake Max XL™ - Utility Ground Mount, Battery Storage and EV Installations |Made in the USA Snake Tray® products are covered by one or more of the following patents:#5839702, #5953870, #6019323, #6347493, #6361000, #6449912, #6460812, #6463704, #6637165, #6637704, #6926236, #7168212, #7959019, #8622679, #8783628, #8985530, #8985530 B2, #9074707, #10225947, #10225947 B2, #10666029, #10666029 B2, #10944355 B2, #11271519 B2, #20180313469 A1, #20180317336 A1, #20190229507, #2020030461, #20200403390, #20210126445 A1, #20210194419 A1, #20210336430 A1, #20220112969, #20220221174. Foreign Patents: Australia #737813 #748160, #749488, #776643, #776644. Canada #2251732, #2319624, #2303081, #2396792. Japan #3723224. Mexico #204995, #229386, #220889. Europe #1012938, #1012937. Other Patents Pending. CALL 800-308-6788 TO DISCUSS YOUR NEXT PROJECT LET THE PHYSICS OF SOLAR SNAKE MAX XL™ HELP YOU HARNESS MORE ENERGY AND MONEY FROM THE SUN! Maintains NEC 310.15 code compliant cable separation which can yield up to 30-watt hours per meter more energy than bundled or trenched cables. No trenching or derating of cables. Accommodates cables ranging from 350 - 1250 Kcmil. clean-energy-mar-apr-2024-magazine-ad indd 1 clean-energy-mar-apr-2024-magazine-ad.indd 1 2/15/2024 5:17:41 PM PM

One Monroe Titan

Product: Solar cable management

Application: Clip, hanger

Material: Stainless steel

Wire Diameter Range: .13" - .28" (3.30mm - 7.11mm)

3490 Heyco_NA 3.5x10_Layout 1 7/31/23 12:51 PM Page 1

Gripple, Inc.

Product: CableSmart Wire Management System

Application: Hanger


Heyco® SunHangers

Popular in larger installations where a large number of conductors need to be routed Open/Close feature makes ser v or maintenance a breeze PVC coating provides additional abrasion protection

Heyco® SunStraps

Available in 8 or 12 lengths to accommodate a variety of cable bundle sizes Releasable design allows for ser vice or maintenance without needing to replace the par t like other bundling solutions

Heyco®-Tite Solar Masthead® II Liquid Tight Cordgrips

Now accommodates #6 AWG cables! T unique, skinned-over technology allows installers to use the same par t for multiple applications/cable configurations while remaining liquid tight

Heyco®-Tite Cordgrips for Enphase Q Cable

#6 AWG!

Material: Polycarbonate UV stabilized, with 5/64" G90 steel plate inserts

Wire Diameter Range: Up to 2 x 120 cm² | 18 in² bundles (36 x 150 mm² (300 MCM) cables, 16 x 400 mm² (750 MCM) cables)

Maximum Load Weight: Up to 65lb (29.5kg) per hangar

Warranty: 30+ year design life

Key Features:

• Fast to install;

• Easy access and secure;

• Designed to last;

• Double, single, and mini hangers available.

Heyco now offers 1/2˝ NPT and 3/4˝ NPT cordgrips compatible with the Enphase Q Cable Use the 1/2˝ NPT for just 1 Enphase Q Cable or the 3/4 NPT for 2 Enphase Q Cables PLUS a #8 solid Grounding cable

Heyco® HEYClip™ SunRunner® and New Short Flange* SunRunner

Double-compression design holds either 1 or 2 cables ranging from 20˝ - 30˝ (5,1


Snake Tray

Product: Solar Snake Max XL

Application: Cable tray

Material: Lexan 940, galvanized steel

Wire Diameter Range: Holds cables from 350-1250Kcmil

Maximum Load Weight: 65lb/ft supported every 30'

Certifications: UL 2239

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Key Features:

• Maintains NEC 310.15 code-compliant cable separation to harvest up to 30Wh per meter more energy;

• No trenching for safe operation and easy maintenance;

• No derating of cables;

• Mounts to any style of vertical pilings or poles;

• Messenger wire and hard rail modules available;

• Made in the USA.

Stäubli Electrical Connectors

Product: MC4-Evo 2 Branch Connectors

Application: PV connectors

Wire Diameter Range: 8 - 14 AWG

Certifications: DC 1500V according to IEC 62852, UL 6703

Key Features:

• Dual certified DC 1500V branch connector;

• Plug-and-play, no crimping or torquing necessary;

• Mating compatibility with original MC4 and MC4-Evo 2 cable connectors;

• Resistance to salt mist spray;

• MULTILAM Technology with high long-term stability which ensures consistently low performance loss throughout the entire service life of the connector.

SOLAR PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: WIRE MANAGEMENT w w w . h e y c o . c o m “Stay Connected with Heyco” Power Components Box 517 • Toms River, NJ 08754 • P: 732-286-4336 • F: 732-244-8843 For FREE samples or product literature, call toll free 1-800-526-4182, or visit heyco com HEYCO® Wire Management Solutions for Solar Installers & Integrators...
Solar Products Warranty Visit www heyco com for information about Heyco’s 20 Year Limited Warranty on our solar products
Steel Wire Cable
Aircraft grade 302/304 stainless wire w/UV protected vinyl jacket and stainless steel crimp sleeve, 4 (102 mm) to 44 (1118 mm) lengths
SunBundler® Stainless
flange depth
10 mm
as tight as our
SunRunner series
mm - 7,6 mm) each in diameter *Minimum
requirement of only
48 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

Tracking Systems

An advanced mounting system for photovoltaic panels, solar trackers maximize the sun’s energy by tracking its progress across the sky. Versatile enough to provide highly efficient solutions for both large and small projects, solar trackers can generate more electricity in the same area as their fixed-tilt counterparts. Below, we explore some of the solar tracking systems available on the market today...


Key Features:

• Made-In-USA Domestic Content steel and price stability;

• 15+ years of field experience;

• Short rows decrease torsion, eliminating dampers and other modifications while allowing close terrain following and layout density;

• Fully balanced tracker table compensates for module weight load, optimizing steel, and increase system life;

• Compatible with all manufacturers and module sizes.

Valmont Solar

Tracker Name: Convert-1P

Type of Tracker: Single-axis tracker

Drive System: AC powered linear actuator

Tracker Length: 75' - 130' (23m - 40m)

Tracker Height: 4.5' - 7' (1.4m -2.1m) typical

Pile Count: Between 5.5 - 6.5 modules per pile on average, 5 - 7 modules per tube span

Modules per Row: 72 - 84 modules typical, 108 modules max

Module Mount: Rails, bolts, ARaymond Clamps, FS S6

Slope Tolerance: 7% standard, up to 12% with additional post length

Tracking Range: 60°

Standard Configuration: 1-string, 2-string, 3-string tables

Preventative Maintenance Required: Annual torque check on hardware. No maintenance on bearings, actuators, or electronics.

Tracker Power Consumption: 1400-2000kWh/MW-yr, depending on site location and electrical equipment used

Certifications: UL2703, RWDI Wind Tunnel Testing

Executive Summary, UL 3703 Certificate of Compliance, UL Certification for the 10 Motor SKC Controller - IC 357. Global: International Association of Engineers, IEEE Women in Engineering, LEED Certification, ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 50001 Energy Management. North America: SEPA, SEIA, Society of Professional Engineers, International Association of Engineers, Society for Civil Engineering, LEED Certification


Key Features:

• Low load on modules;

• No heavy equipment or special tools needed for installation;

• No galloping effect due to the structural concept;

• As stable as a fixed tilt with the Geneva Drive;

• Low installation and maintenance costs;

• Self-powered system, wireless communication, grid-powered optional

Schletter NA, Inc.

Tracker Name: Schletter

Tracker System 1P

Type of Tracker: Vertical, single axis

Drive System: Gear with torque tubes

Tracker Length: Up to 300' (120m)

Tracker Height: 3' (.91m)

Pile Count: Up to 8 modules per pile

Modules per Row: Up to 90

Module Mount: Bolted

Slope Tolerance: 10%

Tracking Range: +/-60°

Standard Configuration: Always built to spec

Preventative Maintenance

Required: Yearly torque checks

Tracker Power Consumption: 662kWh/year

Certifications: UL, CSA 2703, CSA 3703

North American Clean Energy 49


Key Features:

• Adaptable frame can accommodate up to 20% n/s slopes, undulating typography, and up to 135 mph per ASCE7-10 (higher wind load available up to 150 mph);

• Foundation agnostic design including piles and ground screws that handle tough and frost susceptible soils;

• PeakYield technology and controls provide real-time performance monitoring to boost visibility and maximize energy production;

• Predictive analytics and machine learning reduce downtime and maximize energy output;

• Onsite weather station, integrated weather API, and automatic stow protect assets from inclement weather.

AllEarth Renewables

Type of Tracker: Dual-axis

Drive System: GPS-based tracking powered by a hydraulic power unit

Tracker Length: 20' to 25' (6.09m to 7.62m), depending on tracker model and panels used

Tracker Height: 18' to 20' (5.48m to 6.09m), depending on tracker model and panels used

Pile Count: Simply supported on a single mono-pole

Modules per Row: 20 or 24 panels total

Module Mount: Rail and clamp system

Slope Tolerance: Maximum 10% grade

Tracking Range: Yaw range 0° to 360°. Tilt range 0° horizontal to 60° off horizontal

Standard Configuration: 4 columns x 5 rows, or 4 columns x 6 rows, depending on tracker model. Panels in landscape orientation

Preventative Maintenance Required: Greasing main gear every 3 years, hydraulic fluid change every 10 years. Annual inspection recommended

Tracker Power Consumption: Approximately 50kWh per year


Tracker Name: TerraTrak

Type of Tracker: Single-axis

Drive System: Independent row design 12Vdc motorized slew drive

Tracker Length: 2P- 200' (60m), 1P- 436' (133m) maximum

Tracker Height: 2P- 8' (2.5m), 1P- 4' (1.2m) adjustable

Pile Count: 200 - 300 foundations per MW

Modules per Row: 2P- 120, 1P- 116

Module Mount: Rails (AKA purlins); 2 modules per purlin

Slope Tolerance: 2P- n/s 20%, e/w unlimited, 1P- n/s 10%, e/w unlimited

Tracking Range: 2P- +/- 60°, 1P- +/- 50°

Preventative Maintenance

Required: Biannual greasing of worm gear, periodic inspection of motors and batteries, replacement as needed

Tracker Power Consumption:

Self powered tracker

Certifications: UL 2703/3703

Controls Tested to MIL Spec 810-G

Solargik, Ltd.

Tracker Name: VersaTrak

Type of Tracker: Single-axis

Drive System: Three gear cascade; planetary, worm, chain overall reduction ratio ~13,000:1, stepper motor, proprietary controller

Tracker Length: 47.5' to 93.2' (14.5m to 28.4m)

Tracker Height: 5' (1.5m)

Pile Count: 4 to 7 poles per tracker, 300-450 poles per MW (typical)

Modules per Row: 8 to 24

Module Mount: C or I shape

Slope Tolerance: Up to 30% n/s, any slope e/w

Tracking Range: 120° (±60°)

Standard Configuration: 2 landscape

Preventative Maintenance Required: None required

Tracker Power Consumption: ~13kWh/ year/tracker

Certifications: RWDI, ANSI, NEMA, NFPA, IEC, UL, CE


Key Features:

• True terrain following accommodates up to 30% slopes;

• Adaptable table lengths for increased layout and design flexibility;

• No heavy or specialized equipment required, low component count, reduced labor requirements;

• Independent rows reducing O&M cost, high density, long rows, and minimal gaps, compatible with multiple foundation types, and simple roll-formed sections;

• Meets and exceeds rigorous automotive testing standards, and powered by Polar Racking.


Tracker Name: Horizon L:TEC 1P

Type of Tracker: Horizontal single-axis

Drive System: Decoupled drive technology, high accuracy slew gear

Tracker Length: up to 835' (260m)

Tracker Height: 8' (2.4m) standard

Pile Count: 5 posts for a typical 30 module string

Modules per Row: 240

Module Mount: Rails, nuts, and bolts or rivets, clamps upon request

Slope Tolerance: Up to 36%

Tracking Range: 55° standard, 60° on request

Standard Configuration: 28 modules/ string

Preventative Maintenance Required: Ideematec provides maintenance schedule which includes mostly visual inspections. No greasing of the motors, sprocket, or any other component

Tracker Power Consumption: Depends on site configuration

Certifications: UL 3703

Polar Racking

Tracker Name: Axsus Sol-X

Type of Tracker: Horizontal tablebased single-axis tracker

Drive System: Independently driven row 24Vdc motor

Tracker Length: 24.4m

Tracker Height: 1.5 - 1.9m

Pile Count: 3 piles per 24 modules

Modules per Row: Up to 180, 72 cell modules per controller and motor

Module Mount: UL2703 listed top clamps or nut and bolt, compatible with all module types

Slope Tolerance: +/- 10% within the table and up to 5% between tables

Tracking Range: 120°

Standard Configuration: Up to 180 individual 72-cell modules per controller and motor

Preventative Maintenance Required: None

Tracker Power Consumption: 90kWp per tracker row

Certifications: UL2703 listed top clamps, system voltage: ETL certified, conforms to UL 2703 and ULC ORD 1703 (mechanical, electrical)

Array Technologies

Tracker Name: Array OmniTrack

Type of Tracker: Horizontal single-axis

Drive System: Rotating gear drive connected by drivelines

Tracker Length: Up to 400' (122m)

Tracker Height: 54" (1.3m) standard, adjustable; 48” (1.2m) min. height above grade

Pile Count: 13-15 piles per row

Modules per Row: up to 120

Module Mount: Single fastener, high-speed mounting clamps with integrated grounding. Traditional rails for crystalline in landscape, custom racking for thin film and frameless crystalline and bifacial per manufacturer specs

Slope Tolerance: Up to 8.5° n/s standard (up to 15° optional) and up to 1° slope change in torque tube (Up to 6" pile to pile height variation)

Tracking Range: +/-52°

Standard Configuration: 1P

Preventative Maintenance Required:

None required

Tracker Power Consumption: ~310kWh per MW

Certifications: Certified to UL 3703 and IEC 62817

50 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// C M Y CM MY CY CMY K

A tracker inspired by elite race cars?

Start your motors.

Power through the laps with Valmont Solar's proven solar tracker technology, your champion in Distributed Generation. Born in the heart of Italy’s Motor Valley and proudly optimized in America, our Single-Axis Tracker powered by Convert Technology® is a testament to nearly 20 years of relentless refinement and innovation. Inspired by the design of high-performance racing engines to emphasize precision and endurance, our trackers offer unparalleled performance, while ensuring the fastest installation and lowest maintenance on the market. With Valmont Solar as your dedicated pit crew, we keep you at pole position through design, delivery, and commissioning. Let's lead the pack, together.

See for yourself at NABCEP CE Conference Booth #31.


Key Features:

• Bifacial optimized;

• Wind tunnel tested;

• PV cleaner tested;

• High adaptability;

• In-house design and manufacturing.

PV Hardware

Tracker Name: Axone Duo

Type of Tracker: Single-axis

Drive System: Slew drive dual row

Tracker Length: 262' (80m) maximum

Tracker Height: 3.9' (1.2m) adjustable

Pile Count: 19 piles per 128 modules

Modules per Row: 64

Module Mount: Rails or clamps, adjustable

Slope Tolerance: Within same tracker

14% n/s, 8% e/w

Tracking Range: 60º

Standard Configuration: 128 module tracker, 9 piles external, 10 piles internal

Preventative Maintenance Required: Minimal

Tracker Power Consumption: 24Vdc self-powered

Certifications: UL3703, IEC62817

Trina Solar

Tracker Name: TrinaTracker

Vanguard 1P

Type of Tracker: Single-row, single axis tracker

Drive System: Slewing drive

Tracker Length: 361' (110m)

Tracker Height: Adjustable

Pile Count: ~285-295 piles/MW

Modules per Row: 68 - 80 per row

Module Mount: Bolts, rivets, clamps

Slope Tolerance: n/s 20°

Tracking Range: ±60°

Standard Configuration: 1-inportrait, up to 90 modules per tracker (1500V string)

Preventative Maintenance

Required: Low

Tracker Power Consumption:

DC motor: 0.15kW

Certifications: TUV, IEC, UL


• A Florida-Tennessee R&D partnership is introducing a revolutionary solar panel installation method that enables 500MW single-axis tracker panel installations to be completed in less than 4 months, significantly reducing panel installation labor hours.

• A one-year feasibility study, using actual field data from multiple major PV installations, indicates 81% labor savings using 2 Automated Install Vehicles (AIVs) with advanced terrain adaptive LIDAR controls.

• Each leased AIV straddles a torque-tube and travels at 1mph, pausing only briefly to reload, installing over 2,650 panels per shift.

• Pallet-mounted segments, each with 50-60 panels, are integrated in small relocatable climate-controlled Segment Integration Facilities (SIFs), each sized to support 2 AIVs.


Key Features:

• Smart, limited shadowing with TeamTrack Algorithm;

• Cost-effective;

• No special parts or installation operations;

• Robust, full wireless system;

• Dy-Wind implemented.

Moser, LLC


Tracker Name: SFOne

Type of Tracker: Dual-row single-axis tracker

Drive System: Enclosed slewing drive, dc motor

Tracker Length: Up to 246' (75m)

Tracker Height: 7’9'' (2.4m) dependent on module

Pile Count: 18 piles per 120 modules

Modules per Row: 2 rows of 60 modules

Module Mount: Omega rails with rivets, bolts, or clamps

Slope Tolerance: Configurable

Tracking Range: Up to 120°

Standard Configuration: 2 rows 1x60

Preventative Maintenance Required: Visual inspection

Certifications: UL 3703, IEC 62617, EN 1090, IEC 61326-1

Tracker Name: Konza Solar Tracker

Type of Tracker: Dual-axis

Drive System: Sun following, diffuse light tracking, electric actuators with closed loop control

Tracker Height: 9' minimum pole height

Pile Count: 1 pole per tracker

Module Mount: Commercial railing systems

Slope Tolerance: Yes

• Using 2 relocatable SIFs to remain close to field ops, 3 Automated Reload Vehicles (ARVs) efficiently service the 4 AIVs, allowing seamless installation until over 10,750 panels per shift are completed.

• This scalable approach enables EPCs to tailor panel installation rates, optimizing labor savings and reducing installation schedules.

• This PROPRIETARY installation methodology is applicable to both framed and frameless solar panels.



Tracking Range: Continuous 360° hemispheric range of motion

Standard Configuration: 3x4 rectangular/square array

Preventative Maintenance

Required: Annually inspect tracker for damage and loose fasteners

Tracker Power Consumption: 18kWh/year/tracker

Certifications: PE stamp as needed


Product: T L & Y Design

Roof Inclination: 7°

Height Clearance: 14' minimum


Depth: 20/40

Space-to-Column Ratio: 22' - 26'

Configuration: T, Y, L style

Options: Cantilever up to two modules wide

EV Charging: Optional

Panel Type: All panels including First Solar

Certifications: UL 2703

52 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
– @
beyond here.
AIVs and an ARV
shown above completing ten tracker-rows within a nominal 500MW project
panels per 7-hr shift. A second ARV (not shown) would be arriving from
SIF with 2 more re-loads to continue
Q3 2024
TESTING. AIV #2 Reloading       

Solar Structures & Carports


Key Features:

• Durable and corrosion resistant design and coatings;

• From large scale economical to scaled down highly customized and architectural projects;

• Responsive professional design and construction support throughout the design build process.

Orion Carport Systems & Construction, Inc.

Product: Orion's Carport Design

Roof Inclination: 0° to 10°

Height Clearance: 9' (higher clearance is available)

Depth: Determined by structural engineer

Space-to-Column Ratio: Determined by structural engineer

Configuration: Semi-Cantilever, T-Structure, Custom Canopy

EV Charging: Optional

Panel Type: Compatible with all modules

Power Generated: Dependent on module

Certifications: DSA Approved

Solar power carports and structures take full advantage of large areas, such as parking lots, for the purpose of producing electricity while, at the same time, providing shade and a covered area for users. Gaining popularity over recent years, these solar structures are ideal for generating renewable power without sacrificing valuable real estate. The following listing offers details about some of the more popular options available on the market today...


Structural Solar LLC

Product: Solar carports, solar pavilions, solar structures for parking decks

Roof Inclination: Flat to 20°

Height Clearance: 14' typical

Depth: Up to 100'

Space-to-Column Ratio: 3:1 typical

Configuration: T configuration or long span

Options: Wide flange beam, tube steel or welded HSS trusses, painted with marine grade performance coating or HDG

EV Charging: Integrated with EV charging

Panel Type: Fully customized to accept all commercial solar modules

Power Generated: Customized to developers specifications

Certifications: PE's licensed for across North America, AISC Certified Fabrication and Erecting

Key Features:

Park ’n Shade

Product: Solar carports and solar canopies

Roof Inclination: 0° to 15°

Height Clearance: 9' typical, 30' maximum

Depth: Up to 90'

Space-to-Column Ratio: 18' to 36'

Configuration: Portrait or landscape orientation

Options: Sheet metal roofing, raised concrete pedestals

EV Charging: Can be integrated into the canopies

Panel Type: Any standard aluminum framed module

• Value-engineered steel solar canopies to maximize cost-effectiveness and speed of installation;

• In-house fabrication to optimize quality control prior to mobilization;

• Bolted connections to limit field welding and decrease installation time;

• Canopies are custom engineered to meet local building codes and built around each individual parking lot's unique layout;

• Self-performed installations to ensure a high level of quality control and customer satisfaction.

Sun and Steel Solar, LLC

Tracker Name: The Puppet Master

Type of Tracker: Horizontal single-axis

Drive System: Winch and rigging inside torque tube for all-post distributed windhold

Tracker Length: 216' (66m)

Tracker Height: 7' +/- (2m)

Pile Count: 10 pre row

Modules per Row: 120 large format

Module Mount: Sloped rails for +/-5° PV tilt

Slope Tolerance: Yes

Tracking Range: 90° if desired

Standard Configuration: 2P

Preventative Maintenance Required: Only one leveraged winch at the end of the torque tube next to the service road.

Tracker Power Consumption: Decimal dust


Key Features:

• Safe, efficient no weld construction;

• Lightweight, rust-free aluminum reduces maintenance;

• Patent pending watertight design, without gaskets or caulking required;

• Panel installation can be completed from below array;

• Modular designs adapt to any space, with single and double row options.

VCT Group, Inc.

Product: Heliostation Solar Canopies

Roof Inclination: 5° to 10º depending on model

Height Clearance: 13' to 21' (3.85m to 6.5m) depending on model

Depth: 23' to 66' (7m to 20m) depending on model

Space-to-Column Ratio: Two parking spots (20' to 22' (6.1m to 6.8m each))

Configuration: Modular, with monoslope and dual slope options (peaked or valley)

Options: Single or double row options (with additional water handling “Checkmark” panel row available.)

EV Charging: Precast concrete foundations have integrated cable channels for EV charger installation.

Panel Type: Can accommodate any currently available monofacial or bifacial panels

Power Generated: Modular designs can fit any space

Certifications: UL 2703 and CSA


North American Clean Energy 53


Polar Racking

Product: Polar Shield Solar Carports

Roof Inclination: Custom tilt angles available

Height Clearance: Flexible height clearance

Depth: Fully configurable

Space-to-Column Ratio: Optimize span from 2-4 parking spots

Configuration: Multiple foundation types and designs with mono- and dual-slopes available

Options: Water management, snow guards, powder coating, EV charging, and installation services

EV Charging: Yes

Panel Type: Fits multiple panel sizes

Power Generated: Varies based on site conditions

Key Features:

• Robust design for areas with heavy wind, snow, or rain;

• Fully configurable to the shape of the site with mono and dual slope options; single and double row, long span,, and custom options;

• Optimized to the site with custom designs for geographical loads and building codes, spans between posts, and multiple foundation options;

• Weather protected and water management solutions available including down spouts, gutters, durable galvanized steel (G90-G235), and corrosion resistant hardware;

• Full customer support from a dedicated account manager and engineering field support.


Key Features:

Key Features:

• Covers two (2) rows of parking, provides maximum vehicle clearance and maximum space coverage;

• Engineered to meet live loads up to 60psf and wind speeds to 160mph per local jurisdiction building codes;

• Maximizes solar panel production and coverage in either portrait or landscape to achieve and meet property’s project’s needs;

• All steel components are prefabricated for fast assembly and installation on-site;

• Custom engineering allows for compatibility with all solar panel sizes and manufacturers.

Brooklyn Solar Canopy Co.

Product: A-Frame Solar Canopy

Roof Inclination: 5°

Height Clearance: 7' to 12'

Depth: 12' to 40' in length, 12' to 15' in width

Configuration: Fabricated light-weight aluminum structure with bolted connections and custom extruded rails that bolt to the truss framing with no additional racking required

Options: Framing can be powder-coated matte black or white, canopies can be extended in length to maximize system size

EV Charging: Charging stations can be mounted to aluminum A-column legs

Panel Type: Any panel type

Power Generated: Varies per system design and panel type

Certifications: CSA Certified (with approved panels), ASCE / SEI 7-10 Engineering

• Pre-engineered canopies meet snow and wind loads across the US’

• Lightweight aluminum and stainless steel components for quick assembly;

• Custom extruded rails allow for any panel type;

• Mounts to rooftops or can be ground mounted with different foundation types;

• Purchase includes a plan set, installation manual, and construction assistance.

Baja Construction Co., Inc.

Product: Braced Single Post Solar

Roof Inclination: Roof tilt angle of 5° to 7°

Height Clearance: 7' to 14'

Depth: Covers two rows of parking, provides maximum vehicle clearance and maximum space coverage

Space-to-Column Ratio: 2:1 typical

Configuration: Pre-fabricated galvanized steel with bolted connections, purlins directly attached to beams. No additional racking system required

Options: Tapered or straight beams, wideflange (W beam) or structural steel [HSS] columns, trim fascia, and can be painted on-site. Additionally, the Full Cantilever T is compatible for accessories (installed by others), EV stations, and LED lights. Its columns can be acceptable for either wrapped columns or concrete bollards

EV Charging: EV charging station compatible

Panel Type: Neutral, can design engineering to any panel size

Power Generated: Based on module vendor selection, orientation (portrait or landscape), and location. Baja can accommodate proposed PV layout specifications and improved integration

Certifications: Licensed (registered) general contractor. Licensed (registered) engineers. Credentials to work in all 50 states


Solar Mounts, LLC

Product: Solar Carports

Roof Inclination: 7° standard tilt

Height Clearance: 14' standard

Depth: Up to 46', long spans available

Space-to-Column Ratio: 3:1

Configuration: Portrait

Options: L, T, Y, A frames, custom long spans available

Panel Type: Adaptable to any module industry wide

Key Features:

• 100% USA Steel;

• Manufactured in-house;

• Hot dipped galvanized steel 4 components with universal mounting brackets;

• Low manufacturing lead times;

• PE stamped drawings provided.

54 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

BLIKIR Carports

Universal Renewables

Product: Elevated Rooftop Canopies

Roof Inclination: 3° to 60°

Height Clearance: 4' to 20'

Space-to-Column Ratio: 2 modules

Configuration: Rooftop

Options: W system, flush-mount, elevated flush-mount,

Kern Solar Structures

Product: Solar CarPort

Roof Inclination: 2°, 5°, 7°

Height Clearance: 10' to 15'

Depth: 20' to 40'

Space-to-Column Ratio: 2:1, 3:1, 4:1

Configuration: Single, double, inverted cantilever

Options: Custom options available

EV Charging: Compatible with any charger

Panel Type: Any framed PV module

Power Generated: Varies

Certifications: UL 2703, UL-467 bonding


MT Solar

Product: Solar carport

Roof Inclination: Tilt angle from 0° to 90°, seasonally adjustable

Height Clearance: 8' and higher

Depth: One row, dependent on PV modules specified

Space-to-Column Ratio: Pole spacing options: 15', 17', 19.75', 22.5'

Configuration: Parking can be north / south or east / west

Options: 3 duty classes for local snow and wind loads

EV Charging: Sourced separately

Panel Type: Sold separately

Power Generated: Dependent on PV modules specified

Certifications: Stamped engineering available in 50 states

high tilt Panel Type: Various Certifications: UL 2703
Residential Solar Carport Roof Inclination:
Height Clearance:
Depth: Up to 22' deep coverage. Space-to-Column Ratio: Space between columns is 18’. 4 columns for 2 cars Configuration: Up to 6 panels in landscape orientation per column (up to 24 panels total per carport) Options: 2 car structure, variety of colors, shared columns connect multiple units, watertight surfacing using T-Gasket, solar LED safety lights, decorative mesh EV Charging: Yes, compatible with any charger Panel Type: Accepts any framed solar panel. Up to (24) 60/120 cell or (18) 72/144 cell solar panels Power Generated: 24 x 60/120 cell panels (10kW @ 410W) or 18 x 72/144 cell panels (10kW @ 550W) Certifications: ASCE/SEI 7-10, 7-16, International Building Code (IBC) 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021 North American Clean Energy 55 NATURE INSPIRED Solutions Structural Design, Manufacturing and Construction by STRUCTURAL SOLAR LLC Spotts Brothers, Inc. and PA Department of Natural Resources has the answer with bifacial solar modules and durable and attractive solar canopies from Structural Solar. How does a Solar Installation integrate naturally into the shor | 708 275-9030 Immediate Service | Capability Across North America


Key Features:

• Level III fast DC chargers with battery option can be integrated with larger carports;

• Durable, modular, easy installation;

• Engineered to withstand over 150mph winds;

• No loss of parking spots;

• Innovative foundation solution with no excavation

Green Source EPC

Product: Longspan | Beam System

Roof Inclination: 0° to 5°

Height Clearance: 9' to 14'

Depth: Up to 100'

Space-to-Column Ratio: Typically 3 to 1

Configuration: Steel, galvanized, beam

Options: Flush-mount, raised pier footing

EV Charging: Can accommodate EV charger mounting

Panel Type: Suitable for all major brand modules

Power Generated: Can accommodate any requirements

Kinetic Solar

Product: Solar Carport

Roof Inclination: 10°

Height Clearance: 7.2'

Depth: 20'

Space-to-Column Ratio: Single carport occupies 2 parking spots (min 8.8' parking spot width)

Configuration: 24 Panels, landscape

Options: Off-grid with battery, gridtied with FIT (non-roo'op), and netmetering

EV Charging: Level I or II EV chargers to charge up to 2 vehicles

Panel Type: Can accommodate any panel

Power Generated: 6.85kW system size. The installation is an off-grid setup with batteries from Canadian Energy.



Product: Surface Lot Canopy

Roof Inclination: 5° to 10°

Height Clearance: Varies per project

Depth: Varies per project

Space-to-Column Ratio: Varies per project

Configuration: Any

Options: Water management (decking, gutter, downspout), painted/epoxy coated finish, facia trim, snow/ice guard, raise column

EV Charging: Yes

Panel Type: Compatible with all commercially available module type

Power Generated: Varies per project

Certifications: UL 2703

Scarlet Solar

Product: TiltPort, solar-tracking carport

Roof Inclination: From -25° to +25°

Height Clearance: Up to 16'

Depth: 40' to 60' (covers 2 rows of parking, up to 10 cars)

Configuration: Prefabricated, Plug'n'Play, 35-60Kwp/unit

Options: Waterproof, bifacial, EV charging, snow optimized, microgrid, batteries

EV Charging: Yes

Panel Type: Panel agnostic

Power Generated: Up to 2400KWh/Kw

Certifications: Code compliant

Key Features:

• Pre-project planning with geotechnical analysis identifies installation risks up front ensuring on budget and on time completion;

• Optimized scheduling resulting in less disruptions on site;

• Custom layouts to optimize space, enhance functionality, and reduce energy costs;

• Creative design and engineering teams create modern solutions that fit any business and budget;

• Trusted experience in manufacturing and installation results in optimized projects with short lead times and less risk.

Solar Carports Direct

Product: Solar Structures

Roof Inclination: 10° slope

Height Clearance: 10'

Depth: 23'

Space-to-Column Ratio: 27'

Configuration: 3 x 12

Options: Seal between panels, color

EV Charging: Possible

Panel Type: Sunpower commercial

Power Generated: 450W

Inovateus Solar

Product: Solar Carport

Roof Inclination: 7°

Height Clearance: 14'6"

Space-to-Column Ratio: 18'

Configuration: East/West facing V-shaped

Options: Architectural options, roofing, lighting

EV Charging: Available

Panel Type: Canadian Solar including bifacial frameless

Power Generated: 15,516MWh/year

56 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// (520) 531-9224 Building Quality Steel Canopies For 35 Years We Design-Build To Our Customer’s Needs


Founded in the 1970s by Robert Hayworth, CEO of baȷa Construction, the company has evolved from its modest beginnings in carports to a frontrunner in the solar carport industry. Bob, as he’s commonly known, started his journey in the construction industry under the guidance of his father, installing carports in California.

Little did he know that this work laid the foundation for what would become a company celebrated for its innovative approach to integrating solar technology into carport designs, enhancing sustainability, and playing a significant role in the clean energy transition in North America.

The Evolution of baȷa Construction

baȷa Construction’s story began with Bob’s innate talent for carport installation, a skill he learned in a family business and refined during college. The company, initially named California Carports, soon pivoted significantly. The economic downturn in 2008 marked the start of a new chapter for baȷa, heralding its entry into the solar industry.

When a customer presented the opportunity to integrate solar panels into their carports, Bob’s response was a testament to the company’s adaptability and customer-centric philosophy: “I knew we could figure it out, so I said, ‘Yes, we can.’”

This opportunity launched baȷa into solar development and construction, starting with significant projects like the 12-megawatt installation for the Long Island Power Authority, one of the largest in the United States at that time.

Innovation & Adaptability: The Hallmarks of baȷa Construction

Although customers have many carport construction choices, baȷa Construction distinguishes itself through its integrated approach.

The company prides itself on managing all aspects of carport construction in-house, from design and engineering to supply and installation, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. Their commitment to quality is evident in their choice of materials, opting for light gauge, high tensile steel for its costeffectiveness, ease of installation, and longevity. This innovative mindset also extends to their design process, where they have mastered the art of re-engineering on the fly and adapting to market dynamics like fluctuating steel prices to offer clients the best possible solutions.

Solar Carports: A Vision for a Sustainable Future

Today, baȷa Construction is recognized nationwide for its Solar Support Systems™ explicitly designed to support solar panels on top of carports. Bob envisions a future where solar carports are not

baȷa’s mission is clear – to make every parking lot a clean, sustainable energy source

merely an add-on but a necessity, a transformative step towards a more sustainable world. He emphasizes the practicality and efficiency of solar carports, highlighting the dual benefits of harnessing solar energy while mitigating the urban heat island effect.

By transforming parking lots into power production facilities, baȷa Construction promotes renewable energy and redefines urban landscapes.

A Sustainable Mission

baȷa’s mission is clear – to make every parking lot a clean, sustainable energy source. They are committed to making solar carports accessible and easy to integrate, ensuring that sustainability is not just a choice but an obvious solution. Bob says, “With our team’s engineering expertise and construction experience, baȷa makes installing solar carports and our customers’ sustainability initiatives easier. We want to make solar power accessible and more efficient for every business owner and property developer.”

baȷa Construction’s evolution from a carport builder to a champion of solar integration reflects its unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability. As they continue to pave the way in the solar carport industry, their story remains an inspiring testament to the power of adaptability and a vision driven by the desire to create a greener, more sustainable future.

Join the Solar Revolution with baȷa Construction

Ready to sustainably impact your community and transform your parking lot into a powerproducing asset? Contact baȷa Construction today and take the first step towards a greener future.

Our Solar Support Systems™ are tailored to meet your needs, ensuring efficiency, durability, and a seamless transition to solar energy. Harness the power of the sun and pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable tomorrow.

Visit or call us at 1.800.366.9600 to learn more and get started.

Your journey towards easy, efficient, sustainable energy solutions begins with baȷa Construction.
North American Clean Energy 57

Ground Screws


Ground screws are becoming the choice in foundation methods. They eliminate the need for concrete and allow foundations to be quickly set. The following highlights a variety of available options to suit different applications and soil conditions.


American Earth Anchors, Inc.

Product: Penetrator Ground Screws

Description: PE46-Hex8 and PE46-Hex anchors can be installed or removed with a socket and impact wrench and have been tested to 14,000lb pullout and 9000lb down pressure. The Hex8 has an 8" extended head for direct mounting of a 2" schedule 40 pipe. Made in the USA.

Material: 356 aluminum heat treated T6 to military specification

Outside Diameter: 3" (7.62cm)

Thickness: 1.75" (4.45cm) shaft

Length: 54" (137cm) PE46-Hex8

Flange Size: 4" (10.16cm)

Thread Width: 3" (7.62cm)

Thread Pitch: 2.25” (5.72cm)

Threads: 17

Key Features:

• Replaces concrete footings, no digging, pouring or waiting;

• Tested up to 14,000lb, pullout, and 9000lb down pressure;

• Fast easy installation or removal With 1-3/4"(PE46-Hex8) or 2"(PE46-Hex) socket and impact wrench;

• American made aircraft quality 356 aluminum heat treated to T6 specs.


Product: Ground Screws

Description: Terrasmart's ground screw has a spiral thread design that minimizes embedment depth and increases installation efficiency resulting in significant reduced costs. The patented, forged tip allows the screw to be seamlessly and accurately installed in any soil condition.

Surface Treatment: Hot-dipped galvanized

Thickness: Wall thickness 0.145" (3.7mm)

Length: 114" (2896mm)

Flange Size: 3" (76mm) diameter

Key Features:

• Patented, forged tip allows the screw to be accurately installed;

• Suitable for challenging terrain with high risk of refusal, corrosion, or frost heave;

• Can be installed in tough soil environments including bed rock, caliche, volcanic rock, and glacial till;

• Spiral thread design minimizes embedment depth, increasing installation efficiency;

• Built tough to eliminate subsurface risks and accelerate project timelines.


WORD Rock Drills

Product: Solar Drill Attachment

Description: The Solar Drill Attachment is a rock drilling attachment designed to be used for the installation of ground screws and anchors. This machine attaches to the customers existing skid steer providing a fast, efficient, and economical solution for solar installation.

Key Features:

• A rock drill at its core, the torque capabilities of this machine is optimized for challenging soil conditions;

• Manufactured with a unique level of adaptability, this machine can be utilized in solar installations and other applications;

• Can easily be outfitted to combat refusal holes;

• Installation and drill training available for each machine.

58 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

American Ground Screw, Inc.

Product: Ground Screws and Helical Piles

Description: American Ground Screw (AGS) is a distributor of ground screw products and installation equipment for the solar and construction markets. AGS has the production capacity, service, and diversity of experience to supply residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar customers with both products that satisfy global certification standards (ICC, TUV, EN, EPD) and effective service all the way through installation.

Material: Q235B Steel

Thickness: 0.15" (3.75mm) standard

Length: 51" to 78" (1.3 to 2m) standard

Outside Diameter: 2" through 4.5" (150mm to 114mm)

Flange Size: Various

Thread width: 0.4"(10mm) standard

Thread Pitch: 1.57" (40mm) standard

Threads: Continuous weld, 24" to 35" (610mm to 880mm) standard

Key Features:

• ICC Certified;

• Extensive standard inventory and customorder options;

• Immediately loadable;

• Suitable for rocky soil or bedrock;

• Corrosion-resistant.

Ground Connection, LLC

Product: Foundation ground


Description: Customized ground screws for almost any size pole used in solar LED lighting and can be installed in minutes.

Material: ASTM A 501 galvanized steel

Thickness: Up to .39" (10mm)

Length: Up to 82.68" (2100mm)

Flange Size: Varies

Thread Pitch: Varies

Threads: Varies

The World’s Most Trusted Ground Anchors

46" and 36" Penetrators

• Field-tested for up to 14,000lbs holding and 9,000lbs downward pressure

• Installs with 2" socket and impact wrench

• Made of heat-treated aluminum

• No digging

• No forms

• No pouring

• No waiting


APA Solar Racking

Product: A-Frame Tracker Foundation

Description: The A-Frame Tracker Foundation makes installing solar tracker systems on sites with difficult soils and topography economical, while providing a ground screw or helical option. The ground screw allows trackers to be installed on sites with rock, bedrock, glacial till, or caliche soils fast and cost effectively. On sites with soft, organic or sandy soils, helicals are a solution.

Material: Hot dipped galvanized, ASTM 123

Surface Treatment: Hot dipped galvanized, ASTM 123

Outside Diameter: ~3" (~7.62cm)

Length: Up to 30" (762mm) with telescoping posts

Key Features:

• Standard I-beam section for compatible tracker connection;

• Leveling flanges keep the A-Frame plum and level;

• Helical piles for soft soils, ground screws for hard soils;

• Lightweight overall hardware;

• Shallow embedment depths allow for less chances of hitting underground obstructions.

North American Clean Energy 59
Custom brackets available for any pipe size 2" Schedule 40 pipe fits over 866-520-8511
Concrete Footings
PE36 PE46-Hex PE46-Hex8

Metal Fabrication for Solar Structures

Customized shapes and formed structures designed to mount, secure, and support solar panels are a significant component to any reliable solar power project. This is where processes such as roll forming and extrusion come into play. The following highlights some of the main companies involved in metal fabrication processes for solar components and related support structures.

Nucor Steel

Process/Technology: PowerShingle

Solar Structures - Carport and Canopies. Steel manufacturer with building design and manufacturing capabilities

Materials: Steel

Key Features:

• 30 years of metal building engineering expertise;

• Watershedding technology that requires no sub roof;

• Can work with any purlin design;

• Fully customizable structure design;

• 100% USA manufactured from steel to panels.

Matenaer Energy Products

Process/Technology: Stamping, machining, laser cutting, bending/forming, manual welding, robotic welding, coating

Materials: Low carbon steel, high carbon steel, stainless, aluminum

Sizing: 0.0149” to 1" thickness

Shapes/Structures: coil, sheet, plate, angle, castings, channel, beam

Johnson Bros Roll Forming Co.

Process/Technology: Modernized equipment and tooling designed to offer roll forming services with the latest automated technology, including: pre-notching; prepunching; cut-to-length; and post-fabricating, combined with the cut-length operations

Materials: All metals, including: ferrous and non-ferrous in either plain or pre-anodized; pre-painted; pre-laminated; pre-embossed; perforated; duplex; special alloy; pre-hard tempers; and more

Sizing: 0.005" to 0.150" thickness, and coil widths up to 20" wide before forming; maximum height of profiles 5.25" in the vertical axis

Shapes/Structures: Profiles; panel frames; reflectors; trim; support structure framing; Hat shapes; C-channels; U-channels; Zees; rings; and many other custom shapes for solar components


Process/Technology: Gatorshield is produced and coated in-line using a proprietary Flo-Coat galvanizing process. This OD/ID triple coat process provides advanced corrosion protection, strength, and a smooth bright appearance that won’t chip or flake during fabrication

Materials: Wide variety of carbon steels including low-mid carbon steel grades, structural steels, and high strength low alloy grades

Sizing: Sizes range from 0.500" to 4.00"; gauges range from 0.035" to 0.180"

Shapes/Structures: Round, square, rectangle, oval, custom shapes available upon request

Alexandria Industries

Process/Technology: Custom aluminum extrusions; precision machining; bending and stretch forming; finishing; heatsinks; plastic injection and foam molding; assembly; and welding.

Materials: Aluminum alloys in the 6000 series: 6005A, 6060, 6061, 6063, and 6082.

Machine materials: low/high carbon steels, alloy steel, stainless steels, aluminum, brass/ bronzes, gray/ductile irons, and plastics.

Injection molding materials: polypropylene; acetal; polyethylene; ABS; high density polyethylene; TPU; polyurethane; TPO; polycarbonate; TPE; nylon

Sizing: Aluminum extrusion press sizes: 3.5", 7", 10"

Shapes/Structures: Custom aluminum extruded shapes

Pre-engineered lightweight aluminum canopies, UL certified
Snow loads to 70psf, wind loads to 200mph and seismic category A-E.
Extruded rails allow for any panel type, no additional racking needed.
Purchase includes PE stamped plan set, installation manual, construction assistance and 30 year warranty. IRA 10% Domestic Content Adder EASY TO CONSTRUCT CARPORTS
SOLAR SPOTLIGHT: TRAINING North American Clean Energy 61

Pile Driving


Key Features:

• Provides stability and makes quick work installing piles of large dimensions;

• Standard models from 15' to 20' (4.6m to 6.1m) in height;

• Can also be equipped with a double extension mast;

• Available pre-drilling system for rock drilling with DTH or Auger.


Product: PD10R

Operating Weight: 15.560lb (7058kg)

Transport Height: 108" (2.7m)

Transport Width: 101" (2.6m)

Transport Length: 122" (3.1m)


Make & Model: Deutz D2.9 L4

Power: 49hp (36.5kw)

Noise Rating: 123dBa

EPA Certification: Tier 4 Final (EU family stage IIIA)

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic tank capacity: 35gal (132L)

Fuel tank capacity: 18gal (95L)

Hammer Model: High frequency hammer (950 J)

Maximum post size

Height: 240" (6.1m)

Side: 6'7" x 9'3" (17cm x 23.6cm) in rectangle opening

Solar pile driving systems are changing the future of ground-mount solar installations. What used to take days or weeks can now be completed in hours, saving time and, more importantly, money on solar field installations. Here are some of the solar pile driving systems available on the market today...

WORD Rock Drills

Product: MAZAKA MW1200 Pile Driving


Operating Weight: 9921lb

Transport Height: 7'

Transport Width: 13'

Transport Length: 7'

Column Inclination: 10° / 65°

Lateral Inclination: 10° / 10°


Make & Model: Yanmar 4TNV88C


Power: 35.5kW

Noise Rating: 108db

EPA Certification:


Hydraulic system

Hydraulic Tank Capacity: 200L

Oil Flow Rate: 80L

Oil Pressure: 180bar (2556pci)

Fuel Tank Capacity: 50L

Hammer Model: Hydraulic Hammer Weight: 551lb

Joule Rating: 1450 joule

Maximum post size

Height: 20'

Side: 10"


Product: SPD66 Pile Driver

Operating Weight: 12,780lb (5797kg)

Transport Height: 8'2" (2.5m)

Transport Width: 7'4" (2.25m)

Transport Length: 13'10" (4m)

Column Inclination: -15°/+15°

Lateral Inclination: +17°/-42°


Make & Model: DEUTZ

Power: 59hp (44.5kw)

EPA Certification: Tier 4/EU Stage V

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic Tank Capacity: 25gal (200L)

Oil Flow Rate: 35gal (130L) min

Oil Pressure: 225 bar

Fuel Tank Capacity: 25gal (200L)

Hammer Model: SBR65

Hammer Weight: 1322lb (600kg)

Blows (n/min): 375bpm - 750bpm

Maximum post size

Height: 20'75" (6.3m)


Hercules Machinery

Product: STR20

Operating Weight: ~19,500lb (~8845kg)

Column Inclination: 40°

Lateral Inclination: 15°

Engine Make & Model: Yanmar

Power (hp & kw): 74.9hp

EPA Certification: Tier 4 Final

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic Tank Capacity: 80gal (302L)

Oil Flow Rate: 30GPM

Oil Pressure: 3000 max

Fuel Tank Capacity: 30gal (113.5L)

Hammer Model: IH1250

Hammer Weight: 2000lb (907kg)

Blows (n/min): 570 - 1180bpm

Maximum post size

Side: 10" (25.4cm)

Key Features:

• Side Shift, +/- 5";

• Tilt: +10º, -45º;

• Slew: +/-15º;

• 360º rotation;

• 3 attachment options and GPS ready.

Gayk North America

Operating Weight: 11,025lb (5001kg)

Transport Height: 8'2" (2.5m)

Transport Width: 7'22" (2.2m)

Transport Length: 20'34" (6.2m)

Column Inclination: 20°

Lateral Inclination: 20°


Make & Model: Hatz 3H50TIC

Power: 564hp (42kw) 12V

Noise Rating: 117db

EPA Certification: EPA Tier IV

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic Tank Capacity: 60gal (227L) with return filter

Oil Pressure: 180bar

Fuel Tank Capacity: 150gal (568L)


Hammer Model: Epiroc IM405

Hammer Weight: 1397lb (634kg)

Blows (n/min): 530 - 1050

Maximum post size

Height: 20' (6.1m) Side: 9" x 9" (23cm x 23cm)

Rhino Tool Company

Product: Solar Pro Omni Adjustable Pile Driver Attachment

Operating Weight: 3000lb (1361kg)

Transport Height: 6'2" (188cm)

Transport Width: 3' x 10" (117cm)

Transport Length: 11'8" (356cm)

Column Inclination: 10° forward and backwards from vertical

Lateral Inclination: 2° left, 90° right


Make & Model: Based on skid steer used

Power: Based on skid steer used

Noise Rating: Based on skid steer used

EPA Certification: Based on skid steer used

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic Tank Capacity: Based on skid steer used

Oil Flow Rate: 10.5 - 22.5gpm ( 40 - 85Lpm)

Oil Pressure: 1740 - 2320psi (120 - 160bar)

Fuel Tank Capacity: Based on skid steer used


Model: Furukawa Fx55

Hammer Weight: Approx. 800lb (363kg)

Blows (n/min): Approx. 1000bpm

Maximum post size

Height: 15' (4.6m)

Side: 10" x 7.25" (25.4cm x 18.4cm)

62 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
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March 16 th -21st , 2024

Raleigh Convention Center Raleigh, NC

The advanced-level content presented at the annual NABCEP CE Conference is geared toward PV industry professionals who have experience with PV installation, solar + storage, technical sales, design, O&M, or system inspection. This event allows NABCEP Board Certified Professionals to obtain as many as 20.5 hours of continuing education units needed to recertify. PV Associates can obtain 12 continuing education units needed to renew. Noncertified renewable energy professionals seeking to advance their career can earn up to 18 hours towards becoming NABCEP Board Certified by attending the CE Conference.

SHOW IN PRINT Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Powerful solar tracking system

Valmont Solar offers smart solar solutions and distributed generation with their Convert-1P solar tracker system. Their design features include ground screws and adjustable post heights for challenging sites. Lightweight and short components that can be easily managed by hand instead of heavy machines. And assembly that’s easy to learn and scale up, as well as to troubleshoot and maintain.

Valmont Solar

Fixed-tilt, ground mount racking solution

The Ready Rack by APA Solar Racking is a fixed-tilt, ground mount racking solution featuring a 2-high portrait design with multiple concrete-free foundations. All required components are included with the system as well as approved engineering documentation. The hardware design is a simple and versatile configuration that allows contractors to install the system fast with ground screw, helical pier, or Geo Ballast foundation. The Ready Rack is customizable and adapts to virtually any module size. The Ready Rack is comprised of USA made steel and is a competitively priced ground mount racking system.

APA Solar Racking

Time saving metal mount

QuickBOLT’s newest metal mount for standing seams comes with an integrated stainless-steel L-Foot and Set Screws for stronger mounting. The Screws come pre-assembled with the L-Foot. The mount includes a Grip Plate with cross-knurling that provides extra grip. This enhances pull-out resistance and prevents the Set Screws from damaging the roof.



PV performance and safety verification

The Fluke Solar Multifunction Tester SMFT-1000 is Fluke’s latest solution for verifying performance and safety of PV systems up to 1000Vdc. It's tailored for PV professionals offering installation, commissioning, and maintenance services, elevating productivity and user experience. Designed specifically for solar experts, Fluke Solar tools cater to various functions needed for PV system tasks like installation, inspection, and maintenance. Field-tested to endure rough conditions, Fluke Solar tools are robust and durable, providing accurate measurements without compromising quality or safety, ensuring their reliability for years to come.

Fluke Corporation

Solar cable management

CAB Solar’s above-ground Cable Management with Integrated Grounding System is manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped. This reliable system uses a specially engineered grounding messenger wire strong enough to provide support functionality and evaluated to be conductive enough to serve as an Equipment Grounding Conductor (EGC) and a Grounding Electrode Conductor (GEC). In conjunction with CAB’s custom-designed multi-carrier hangers, installation of the system is quick, simple, and straightforward in all types of utility scale projects.

CAB Solar

Sustainability products distributor

Wesco partners with providers of sustainability products and solutions, including manufacturers of solar photovoltaic modules, inverters, racking, balance of systems (BOS), and energy storage. Their partnerships combined with their distribution network ensures customers have the right products when they’re needed to quickly scale to meet the demands of the marketplace.


Simple, modular, and versatile racking solution

Using counterbalance technology

Z-Rack is a universal sloped roof racking solution which allows systems to lay flush, requires no penetration for installation, and shaves install time down for projects of any scale. Z-Rack can be placed on all roof materials, shingle, metal, tile, and wood. With 100% recyclable materials, the roof racking provides a flexible and cost-effective solution. Z-Rack is approved to wind speeds of 170mph, wind and seismic tested to ASCE, and UL 2703 listed.

64 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// L3 Series LimitLess Lithium ™ : The Most Efficient, Flexible, Scalable, and Cost Effective Solution to Battery Energy Storage so l-ark. c o m
by Booth #87/96 Main Hall

Advanced lithium batteries and ESS


Modules (5.12kWh / 100Ah / 51.2V) is an easy-to-install energy storage system and easy to configure for off-grid solar, whole-home backup power, and microgrid installations.

UL1973, UL9540a, and UL9540 DC ESS certifications enable permitting throughout North America. With a 10-year warranty and energy throughput performance guarantee, AES RACKMOUNT delivers value and a strong RoI. In minutes, mount up to six battery modules with the AES RACKMOUNT Quick Stack Rack and parallel up to six battery modules with a single prewired Battery Combiner. Install AES RACKMOUNT Battery Modules outdoors with the AES RACKMOUNT Slimline Enclosure. Networking

AES RACKMOUNT with the LYNK II Gateway enables plug-and-play closed-loop communication with lowvoltage hybrid inverters and elevates charging performance. Parallel up to 36 batteries with closed-loop communications (180kWh) and an unlimited number of batteries in an open-loop configuration.

Discover Energy Systems

Whole home energy management system

The FranklinWH App, on Android and iOS, allows homeowners to monitor and control the home energy management system anytime, anywhere. Homeowners can select from various available energy-saving consumption plans for optimized power management. The app monitors the running status of the grid, solar, battery, and generator, and provides real-time views of home energy usage, grid import, solar and generator production, battery charge/discharge power, and reserve. Homeowners get notifications about the system on their smartphone anytime, anywhere.


Intelligent tracker technology

TerraTrak’s intelligent PeakYield technology offer intelligent controls and advanced software which allow users to optimize their system, resulting in less downtime and easy O&M. Machine learning algorithms can detect when a row is not tracking properly as issues can be fixed before they impact performance, saving on cost and reducing downtime. Remote access allows users to see inside the project site and view real time data without rolling a truck on-site, leading to fast and easy troubleshooting. On-site weather stations paired with weather API protect assets from inclement weather by monitoring wind and snow conditions, and automatically stowing the site when thresholds are crossed. Zone controls allow routine maintenance like mowing and washing on a portion of the site while the rest of the site continues tracking. A user-friendly dashboard provides insight into how the site is performing.


Universal lithium energy storage system

The Deka Duration DD5300 is a universal lithium energy storage system with both low and high voltage capabilities in the same battery module. The modular design allows the storage system to be tailored to meet the exact requirements. Single module low voltage 52V nominal, 5.3kWh modules can be wall mounted or stacked, with stacked clusters to 556.5kWh max. High voltage, from 208V to 1000V, from 21.3kWh to 763.2kWh. Monitoring and remote updates are just one click away on a smart phone. Stocked in the USA. Tested, validated, and branded with the DEKA name from East Penn Manufacturing Company.

MK Battery

High voltage battery system

Sol-Ark is expanding its high voltage battery portfolio to include the new L3 Series LimitLess Lithium Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), an efficient, flexible, scalable, and cost effective solution to battery energy storage. Engineered to pair with SolArk’s 30K and 60K inverters, the L3 Series BESS includes native 208V and 480V options, built-in aerosolbased fire suppression, integrated controls, grid transfer, AC and/or DC coupling. Additional key features include high amperage grid relay and controls, multi-purpose relay suitable for oversized AC-coupled solar, EV chargers, or generators. Modular outdoor and indoor solutions offer scalable energy storage from 40KWh to 11.5MWh. Outdoor battery energy storage systems are pre-assembled, self-contained, forklift-able systems.


Complete energy storage system

Rolls' S-Series 48V 100Ah LFP ESS lithium battery is a complete energy storage system providing 100Ah nominal capacity scalable up to 16 units. Featuring a fully integrated screen and controls, state-of-charge indication, external breaker access, and CAN bus and RS-485 connectivity, Rolls S48-100LFP ESS may be installed in the optional modular cabinet or a standard 19" 4U racking system, delivering >6000 cycles @ 80% DOD, all backed by a 5-year full replacement manufacturer warranty.

Rolls Battery Engineering

Powerful low-voltage three-phase inverter

The S6-GC30K-LV (30kW) inverter is suitable for three-phase commercial rooftop PV projects with a grid voltage of 208Vac. A string current of up to 20A accommodates new high-power and bi-facial PV modules. With three independent MPPTs, the inverter allows for installing PV strings in multiple orientations. The product has a wide full-power operating voltage range, facilitating early morning and late evening energy production to maximize overall daily output. Intelligent string monitoring and I-V curve scanning enhance O&M intelligence. It also includes an integrated rapid shutdown transmitter, AFCI, and optional module-level monitoring and optimization.


Solar mounting solutions

Polar Racking’s Axsus Sol-X SingleAxis Tracker conquers challenging terrains with its True Terrain-Following prowess and adjustable table lengths, ensuring a streamlined installation process. Simultaneously, the CORE fixed tilt ground mount offers robust resilience against hurricane-force winds and heavy snow loads. The Polar SHIELD Solar Carport offers versatile configurability for solar projects. Their product lines include comprehensive warranties and are supported by in-house engineering and construction expertise.

Polar Racking Inc.

High quality solar mounting systems

Schletter mounting systems make installing solar easy, safe, and efficient. Schletter offers solutions from rooftop residential and UL3741-certified commercial systems to ground mount trackers.

North American Clean Energy 65


April 17 th -18th , 2024

Georgia World Congress Center Atlanta, GA

Featuring two days of exhibition, a robust education schedule, and networking opportunities, attendees at RE+ Southeast will hear from visionary leaders on what’s next for the Southeast clean energy market to propel their business to the next level. Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies.

SHOW IN PRINT Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Turnkey access solutions

YAK ACCESS is an environmentally minded company and a North American provider of total right-ofway access and site construction companies. From upfront planning and clearing, to sitework, access roads, and final restoration services. No matter the industry or project size, YAK’s end-to-end services are delivered by experienced professionals who are familiar with every industry that requires access and civil construction services.


High performing solar technology

Now available in the USA, Meyer Burger cells and modules are made in Germany and designed in Switzerland. They consist of 120-M6 half-cut heterojunction cells, measure 70" x 41" (1767mm x 1041mm), and weigh approximately 45lb. With a power output up to 400Wp, these modules are available in black or white. Including patented SmartWire Connection Technology (SWCT), and a low-temperature coefficient, the company also offers a 25-year product, performance, and labor warranty.

Meyer Burger is an established 70-year old company which has been involved in the solar industry for 40 years.

Meyer Burger

Safe, strong, and durable wire management

CAB Solar offers S-Hooks for project sites. CAB S-Hooks are safe, strong, and durable in extreme conditions. They are manufactured from steel for superior load handling and are coated with a high dielectric grade PVC plastisol which is UV and corrosion resistant, flame retardant, and will not deteriorate or mar surfaces or cables. CAB S-Hooks are a solution for many job site safety hazards and are easy to install. They are suitable for permanent or temporary applications. CAB S-Hooks are manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped.

CAB Solar

High performance hybrid inverter

HYS-LV-USG1 hybrid inverters is Hoymiles’ latest high-performance energy storage solution to prepare homeowners for battery backup. Covering the power class from 3.8kW to 11.5kW and supporting diesel generators, they are adaptable to a wide range of scenarios. The seamless on- and off-grid switch offers an always-on energy ecosystem.

Hoymiles Power Electronics

Powerful three-phase string inverter

The S5-GC(75-100)K-US is a powerful three-phase PV string inverter, making it suitable for large commercial rooftop or ground mount PV projects. The product features 10 independent MPPTs with wide full-power operating ranges that can work efficiently with 600Vdc and 1000Vdc PV arrays. String current up to 16A accommodates new highpower and bi-facial PV modules. Easy-to-use online O&M tools make O&M intelligent and convenient. Optimized DC&AC interconnection will reduce the cost of system cables. Enclosure rated to IP66 protection grade can be installed in the harshest environmental conditions.


Enhancing the installation process

FranklinWH’s Lifting Dolly enhances the installation process by providing flexibility and safety. It allows an installer to easily and safely move the aPower to the site, and for the installation team to mount the aPower on a wall. It ensures safety through attached straps and the use a drill with a hex bit to lift the aPower into place. The pneumatic tires are suitable for various terrains to overcome complex ground conditions. As a result, the dolly prioritizes installer safety with an easy and comfortable experience.


66 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
North American Clean Energy 67

Wind Systems, Alarm Data & Actionable Insights

Wind energy remains the leading non-hydro renewable technology, and one of the fastest-growing of all power generation technologies. The key to making wind even more competitive is maximizing energy production and efficiently maintaining the assets. This requires collaboration between site technicians, performance engineering, and reliability engineering. The key component of ensuring maximum productivity is leveraging the immense amount of structured and unstructured data generated by the power plants.

Enabled by artificial intelligence (AI), a renewables-specific platform with a strong data foundation can process and analyze vast amounts of turbine data in real time for maintenance optimization, turbine monitoring and inspection, production optimization, power forecasting and scheduling, and more.

The Challenges

Most owners and operators engage with multiple original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), all of which have disparate plant control systems. They must deal with an incredible amount of asset operational data; so much data that it’s tough to encapsulate it for any of the hundreds of individuals that need access such as site technicians, site managers, engineering analysts, asset managers, executives, and others. Wind companies also face increasing obligations while handling the challenges involved with managing fleets and associated data, all of which have disparate and manual workflows and systems. It creates a challenge for scaling operations. Companies seek to reduce costs proactively while increasing revenue, without canceling each other out.

The Solution

To solve these challenges and extract the maximum value from wind projects at the lowest cost, wind farm owners and operators need a full-spectrum performance management (APM) platform with a strong data foundation, advanced AI for actionable insights, and flexibility to extend to other areas such as solar and battery storage.

The issue with the generic data platforms is that it leaves a lot to the customer to set up the data and analytics while requiring an immense amount of effort. A renewables-specific, modular platform is required to overcome these challenges efficiently. The platform should be able to establish a robust and extendible data layer with the ability to handle data ingestion from various sources such as OPC, ODBC, DNP3, MQTT, etc. It needs to provide domainconscious automated data backfill, filtering, and augmentation, and it should be a central platform for structured and unstructured data from an asset or third-party sources.

The modular, renewable AI platform integrates seamlessly with customizable dashboards for monitoring fleet, asset, and device levels and domain-specific visualization tools. It has templatized visualization and reports that enable efficient repeatability, with raw, aggregated, and calculated data available through APIs and the user interface (UI).

Once a strong data foundation has been laid, the APM platform can automate industry-standard KPIs such as contractual availability by automating the quantification of downtime and energy loss for all types of events. The ability to process raw events and logs into processed alarms with categorization (such as availability allocation, GADS, and IEC classifications) right out of the box saves customers deployment time. If there are specific contractual requirements, this platform should be able to configure multiple availability algorithms using specific curtailment loss, expected energy, and energy loss calculations.

The APM platform automates workflows with scheduled standard and userbased PDF, Word, and Excel reports, including GADS reports. Site teams can use the interactive Plan of Day tool, which includes site conditions, asset status, and notes. This improves efficiency and collaboration.

The ability to detect issues ahead of time is key to reducing maintenance costs and preventing catastrophic issues. Of particular interest to wind maintenance providers, it monitors the power curve, the main bearing, generator winding, pitch system, and more. It also has interactive features that allow user sensitivity customization, validation, and model feedback. Maintenance personnel can make informed predictions with prescriptive actions tied to model alerts. The platform allows a no-code and/or bring-your-own code-based rules to provide self-serve capabilities to customers. The ability to have email and SMS notifications from the platform any time issues are detected automates the workflow, and ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

The energy production forecast is critical as renewables become a bigger part of the energy mix. The platform has capabilities of AI-based wind forecasts or the ability to bring in third-party forecasts, and includes workflows for users to incorporate known downtimes and maintenance events. This improves

68 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

planning and trading maintenance as well as forecasts energy loss for ongoing downtime, aiding prioritization efforts.

The AI/ML platform provides a link to knowledge in a central location with component inventory tracking, major component incident tracking tickets, and the ability to store documents and notes linked to system alarms, model alerts, and notifications. Furthermore, the Generative AI assistant unlocks unstructured data like maintenance data, user manuals, industry documentation, user notes, and other documentation.

The Results

Wind owners and operators that use AI can operate their assets more reliably and efficiently. Both service providers of operations and maintenance solutions to the renewable energy industry, and major electric energy companies are already using AI for their operations.

The renewable AI tool contributes to the safety, affordability, and reliability of energy generation, delivery, and consumption. AI also contributes to increased revenue by catching underperformance or leading indicators of failures early, and implementing a fix sooner with prescriptive actions. As a result, renewable energy customers have increased annual energy production by up to five percent. Companies are also experiencing improved planning decisions with automatic quantification of energy and revenue loss, along with future production forecasts and efficient prioritization. This ensures resources are spent on the highest value add. They are also finding value in the ability to visualize future spare parts needs and advanced planning of crane callouts, helping with batch purchasing and grouped repair scheduling while avoiding unnecessary costs and improving ROI.

An AI-enabled APM platform with a strong data foundation and domaincentric data filtering and cleaning democratizes access to data for relevant stakeholders. The ability to detect issues, such as under-performance and anomalies, proactively ensures that assets are operating optimally, and is one of the keys to driving down the cost of renewable energy and ensuring the march toward green energy.

Sandeep Gupta is the VP, Technology & Strategy, Renewables at SparkCognition. He was Chief Executive Officer at Ensemble Energy from June 2017 to May 2021. Sandeep is a co-founder of the company and has led the development of the platform, strategy, and fundraising. From April 2013 to November 2017, he served as the President & CEO at Helios Engineering Inc. Sandeep received a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Maryland, an M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Rutgers University, and a B.Tech (Hons.) in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

SparkCognition ///

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A Better Way to Site Projects

Multispectral remote sensing for landcover classification

Identifying trees, grasslands, and wetlands on landscape-scale project sites has never been simple or clear-cut.

Aerial photos are subject to divergent interpretations. Field surveys incur higher costs from hours spent documenting and mapping observations, and datasets such as the National Land Cover Database can be too coarse to capture nuances in the terrain.

While landscapes change constantly, regulatory officials request information that’s up-to-date, precise, and scientifically valid.

All are reasons why multispectral remote sensing has emerged as an efficient and cost-effective method for siting infrastructure on vast land areas. The technology is perfectly suited for the early-stage land-cover classification necessary for renewable energy installations and corridor projects – whether they are rail, roadway, or electrical transmission.

Remote sensing decoded

Remote sensing technology uses sensors typically mounted to satellites, airplanes, or drones to quantify sunlight reflected off the Earth’s surface. The sensors read bands of electromagnetic radiation – wavelengths of light and energy – that can be used to classify different types of ground cover.

Each land cover type produces a distinct light reflectance signature that allows for such classification. Human-made objects, vegetation, water, snow, and bare soil all reflect light in a manner that is unique and distinguishable.

Additionally, the sensing technology can distinguish between big classes of vegetation, telling trees from grass and grass from crops. It can also be used to monitor vegetation health, making the technology proficient not only for vegetation classification, but plant management as well.

The history of multispectral remote sensing traces to the early 20th Century with the advent of aerial photography. In 1972, NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) jointly launched Landsat, a program that gathers and catalogues remote sensing data. Still going strong, the program has been making multispectral imagery freely available for more than 50 years.

In the past, however, the size and complexity of the data made analysis in the private sector prohibitively expensive, which left it to realm of the USGS and well-funded research institutions.

Customizable and repeatable

Today, thanks to advancing technology, satellite data sets with accuracy to about 10 meters can be obtained for free. In addition, sub-meter datasets can be acquired using planes, drones, and hand-held sensor units. Geospatial specialists trained with the proper software can analyze the data quickly so that landscape features are current. Conducting a land-cover analysis in-house also allows customization of parameters to fit specific project types. For example, if a developer is interested only in the location of trees on a project area spanning tens of thousands of acres, parameters can be set to show tree locations exclusive of other land cover types.

Multispectral remote sensing offers another key advantage for project siting because it follows a methodology published by the scientific community. Because the results are repeatable, defendable, and validated by a statistical accuracy assessment, the regulatory community prefers remote sensing over more subjective methodologies, such as photographic interpretation.

Remote sensing offers clear advantages to project developers who need to identify constraint areas as early as possible. Agencies trust the data because it follows scientific methodology. And it can conserve environmental resources by helping project planners avoid critical habitats.

Gunnar Malek-Madani is a project scientist at Olsson, an engineering firm made up of people who craft solutions that improve communities. His expertise in geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing serves clients in renewable energy, transportation, information technology, and land development. He holds a master’s degree in geography with an emphasis in remote sensing from the University of Nebraska. Reach Gunnar at or 719-452-9292.

Olsson ///

70 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

Reliability When It Matters Most

Cutting-Edge Blade Monitoring Technology

Edge-to-Edge Intelligence

Introducing Sensoria™ – the new 24/7/365 blade monitor that helps you maximize blade performance and reliability.

Sensoria™ remotely detects, reports, and visualizes blade damages, giving you Edge-to-Edge Intelligence on your blade integrity anytime, anywhere.






North American Clean Energy 71
Copyright © 2023 MISTRAS Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Blade Data View Site Data View Fleet Data View

A Safe Passage Through the Winds Turbine site visits

The allure of wind turbines is undeniable. For those fortunate enough to visit these engineering marvels, it’s an experience filled with awe and learning. However, the magnificence of these structures comes with inherent risks, making safety an absolute priority. The prior safety training of participants in courses like ‘Limited Access’ (a standardized course approved by The Global Wind Organization) plays a crucial role in ensuring visitor safety during these visits, both onshore and offshore.

1. Pre-visit preparations

Understanding Wind Turbine Operations

A basic understanding of how wind turbines work will enhance the visit experience. These turbines are complex assemblies involving high-speed mechanical and electrical components that transform wind kinetic energy into electrical power.

Health and Fitness Considerations

Given the physical nature of the experience, a basic health check is essential. Climbing stairs and navigating confined spaces are common during the visit. Those with heart conditions, vertigo, claustrophobia, or mobility issues should consult their doctor and the visit operator in advance.

2. The use of a Limited Access program

Emphasis on Safety Training

A Limited Access or similar safety training program equips visitors with essential skills, such as how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) effectively and behave safely during supervised visits. This program underlines the criticality of understanding safety protocols in wind turbine environments.

PPE and Safety Briefing

Upon arrival, visitors should receive a safety briefing, which is an integral to the safety program and site visit. This briefing will cover site-specific hazards, emergency procedures, and proper use of PPE.

3. On-site safety protocols

Weather and Environmental Awareness

Wind sites, especially those offshore, are subject to rapidly changing weather conditions. It should be understood that all visits are weather dependent, and may be rescheduled if site conditions pose a risk.

Inside the Turbine: A Step-by-Step Approach

Navigating a turbine requires vigilance. Visitors should be instructed on how to move safely within the turbine, and always proceed with an experienced guide who can provide directions and recognize potential hazards.

Electrical Safety Compliance

Adhering to NFPA 70E guidelines, visitors must maintain a safe distance from electrical panels and machinery, a rule strictly enforced during the visit.

4. Emergency procedures and reporting

Preparedness for Emergencies

Knowledge of emergency exits and procedures is vital. The site should make sure all visitors are well informed about these aspects, contributing to a safer environment.

Incident Reporting

Immediate reporting of any incidents or near-misses to the site supervisor is essential for maintaining a safe visit environment.

72 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// Night when you don’t Radar-Activated Obstruction Lighting Light when you need it Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems Find out more:

5. Post-visit reflections

Debrief and Feedback

A post-visit debrief allows visitors to discuss their experience, offer feedback, and reinforce learning, an integral part of continuous safety improvements for any safety-focused wind site.

Carrying the Message Forward

The knowledge gained isn’t just for the duration of the visit; it’s part of a broader commitment to safety and understanding in the field of renewable energy.


A visit to a wind turbine is a unique blend of adventure and education. The site’s requirement of prior safety training (like a Limited Access Course) for visitors is key to ensuring that they not only enjoy this experience, but do so with the highest regard for safety. It encapsulates the essence of responsible visiting – where excitement and learning go hand in hand with adherence to strict safety protocols. By following these guidelines, visitors can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of wind energy while taking responsibility to

ensure all persons (workforce or visitors) are well-equipped to navigate the complexities and potential hazards of a wind turbine environment. This careful balance of safety and exploration is crucial for fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of wind turbine generators.

Remember, a journey inside a wind turbine is more than just a visit; it's an educational adventure into the heart of sustainable energy. It serves as a vivid reminder of the power of the wind harnessed through human ingenuity, and the importance of respecting both the technology and the natural forces it utilizes.

By embracing the safety responsibilities of all who take part in learning about and exploring wind turbine generators, visitors become ambassadors of renewable energy, carrying with them not just memories of an extraordinary experience, but also an awareness of the importance of safety in harnessing wind power. As we step inside these giants of the wind, let us do so with a sense of responsibility and wonder, mindful of the delicate balance between us and nature.

Katie Bielefeld is Growth Strategist at the Renewable Training Center (RTC). RTC provides training solutions for the wind energy sector, offering a comprehensive range of courses, including GWO (Global Wind Organization) training in partnership with TSL & the Iowa Lakes Community College, First Aid/CPR, Working at Heights, and NFPA 70E.


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North American Clean Energy 73

Which Laws Apply?

The role of vessel, contract, and worker status in determining relevant legal regimes

The growth and rapid evolution of the offshore wind industry and the introduction of new, US Jones Act-compliant offshore wind vessels mean that wind operations may involve the use of Jones Act seamen, maritime employees, and other non-maritime employees. Such workers variously fall under the purview of the Jones Act, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA), and other laws that determine their rights and remedies in cases of injury or accident.


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Similarly, the classification of various offshore structures as vessels or non-vessels will determine which law applies to the contracts, indemnity obligations, and insurance agreements that govern their operations. Such classifications have significant impacts on the assessment and management of risk, and the types and scope of insurance coverage necessary to limit potential exposure.

This article will help maritime owners and operators better understand how these classifications are made, and plan accordingly.

When a vessel is not a “vessel”

In determining the laws that apply to offshore disputes, situs (the place to which a property belongs, for legal and tax purposes) and status (official classification) matter. Such distinctions, however, are not always straightforward. In its decision in Lozman v. City of Riviera Beach, for example, the US Supreme Court determined that a houseboat not involved in maritime commerce was not a vessel.

Similarly, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has, on multiple occasions, held that moored but floating work platforms — including floating production units, tension-leg platforms, and spar units — are not vessels for Jones Act or other purposes.

Conversely, other offshore floating construction and drilling units which are jacked up while in use but are regularly moved to other locations — such as lift boats, mobile offshore drilling units, feeder support vessels, and wind-turbine installation vessels — may be considered vessels engaged in maritime commerce.

Vessel status affects contract status

The status of an offshore structure or watercraft as a “vessel in navigation” will determine the laws that apply to the contracts governing its operations. In the Gulf of Mexico, in particular, disputes can be subject to several bodies of law: maritime law, federal law applied under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), and state law. State law may apply either as surrogate federal law under the OCSLA, or because the platform facility is operating within state territorial waters.

In general, when a contract contemplates the substantial use of a “vessel in navigation,” it will be considered a maritime contract and, therefore, subject to substantive maritime law, which is uniform throughout the country. However, if the contract does not contemplate a vessel playing a

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substantial role in the completion of the work, the contract will be subject to state law (many states have antiindemnity statutes that void choice of law provisions, while maritime law allows choice of law).

This distinction can make an important difference when it comes to contractual clauses for indemnity and, in turn, relevant insurance obligations. For example, general maritime law and state law can differ greatly in whether or not “knockfor-knock” indemnity is valid and enforceable and how insurance obligations may be viewed.

Vessel status also determines worker classification

Under the Jones Act, seamen who are injured in the course and scope of their employment have the right to sue their employer for personal injury. Whether a worker qualifies as a Jones Act seaman is subject to a two-part test:

• First, the worker must contribute to the function of a vessel.

• Second, the worker must have a connection to a vessel (or a fleet of vessels) that is substantial in both its nature and duration.

Under this two-part test, the captain and crew of an offshore supply or construction vessel engaged in its navigation would typically qualify as Jones Act seamen. On the other hand, an engineer or temporary service hand aboard a fixed offshore wind installation may not be considered a seaman, because he has no connection to a vessel in navigation.

In the middle ground are a host of examples that are more complicated and fact intensive, such as the status of a contract or service company worker assigned to operate equipment on a barge or work platform. In these gray-area cases, determining seaman status will require a highly fact-sensitive inquiry that draws on the totality of the circumstances and the worker’s ultimate connection to a vessel in navigation.

Bringing it all together

A Jones Act employer owes an absolute duty to provide maintenance and cure to a seaman who is injured or becomes ill in the service of the vessel, and such claims arise regardless of fault. In the case of injury, a Jones Act seaman can bring the typical tripartite causes of action against the employer: (1) maintenance and cure, (2) unseaworthiness, and (3) Jones Act negligence. The seaman may also bring general maritime law claims against third-party non-employers.

If an employee does not qualify as a Jones Act seaman, the employee could potentially fall under the Longshore

and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA). If a worker’s job is not performed on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), which invokes the LHWCA under OCSLA to qualify as an LHWCA employee, a worker must be engaged in maritime employment and be injured upon the navigable waters of the United States. For employees that meet both requirements, the LHWCA is the worker’s exclusive remedy against the employer; it provides for payment of medical, surgical, and other treatment, as well as disability benefits, including temporary or permanent disability. If a worker involved in exploration and production is injured on a platform in state waters, but not engaged in an LHWCA activity, then state compensation laws may apply.

As noted, the OCSLA extends the benefits conferred by the LHWCA to employees working on the OCS in the exploration and development of natural resources. In 2021, Congress amended the OCSLA to include under its jurisdiction installations (e.g., offshore wind farms and other renewable energy installations) that produce “non-mineral energy resources.” Some have questioned whether the amendments to the OSCLA extends LHWCA benefits to workers on wind facilities, since “employee” is narrowly defined under OSCLA to focus on workers exploring and developing natural resources from the subsoil and seabed of the OCS. Others argue that the extension of OCSLA was meant to include workers involved in the wind industry on the OCS.

If an employee does not qualify as a seaman or other maritime worker, such employee would be covered by the applicable state workers’ compensation laws. Although a non-maritime employee would be unable to pursue a cause of action against his or her employer, if the employee becomes injured while aboard a third party’s vessel, the employee could file suit for vessel negligence.

Situs and status are important concepts in the offshore industries, and the classification of offshore structures is directly related to the rights of offshore workers with respect to litigation in the case of injury, illness, or accident, as well as to a broad range of contractual indemnities, insurance coverage, and other issues. Participants in the offshore wind industry should remain mindful of vessel and employment classifications, maritime law, OCSLA and state laws when considering project development, insurance needs, indemnity obligations, and risk management.

Grady Hurley is a partner in and co-leader of the maritime litigation, arbitration, and dispute resolution team and co-chair of the Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources Industry Team for Jones Walker. Since 1979, he has focused on maritime, oilfield, and energy litigation.

Sara Kuebel is an associate in the Jones Walker Maritime Practice Group. Sara advises clients in a broad range of disputes, with a concentration in maritime litigation, including allisions and collisions and claims under General Maritime Law, the Jones Act, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. Jones Walker LLP has offices in Alabama, Arizona, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, and Texas, serving local, regional, national, and international business interests.

Jones Walker LLP ///

North American Clean Energy 75

Preserving Humanity’s Past in Our Oceans

As technological advancements occur through new developments in the offshore wind energy industry, there will be times where these large projects may impact the cultural heritage of humanity's past in our waters. Federal, State, and Tribal government agencies in the United States have regulations in place to protect archaeological cultural resources within and outside their territorial boundaries. The success of offshore projects relies on building positive community engagement and being diligent in following these regulations.

The study and conservation of humanity’s past is an undertaking that stretches back far into the human timeline. Thutmose IV (~15th-14th century B.C.E.) recorded his excavation of the Great Sphinx of Gaza, nearly completely covered by sand, on the Dream Stele. Herodotus of Halicarnassus (550-479 B.C.E) traveled the Mediterranean collecting myths and stories to create his detailed retelling of the Greco-Persian War, The Histories. This endeavor was to preserve human achievements through the annals of time. The Renaissance saw the rise of antiquarians that searched for easily obtained and excavated relics and monuments of the past. These efforts continued into the 18th century C.E., with scholars studying human culture through Anthropology and Archaeology. The study of human culture remained a primarily academic profession until the late 20th century.

In the United States, the first law passed to protect archaeological cultural resources was the Antiquities Act of 1906. This legislation provides general legal protection of archaeological and natural resources on federal lands. Sixty years later, the United States passed the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The NHPA established a national program that now requires identifying and protecting historic and archaeological resources. The role of the professional archaeologist expanded to include government and private sector experts to ensure that all measures of the act are followed.

Since its signing on October 15, 1966, amendments made to the NHPA, as well as creation of supplementary legislation, expand upon the protection of archaeological resources. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), and the Office of Renewable Energy Programs (OREP) are involved in the enforcement of the

NHPA for offshore wind energy projects. The BOEM requires that a wind energy applicant provide detailed information regarding the nature and location of historic properties that may be affected by the proposed development site, as part of the Renewable Energy on the Outer Continental Shelf (30 CFR Part 585). Depending on the scope of the project, the proposal could include a site assessment plan, construction and operations plan, general activities plan, or other submissions that are deemed necessary. Additionally, a wind energy applicant should also contact the State Historical Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) to understand their guidelines in identifying and reporting cultural resources. State governments and Native American Tribes may have additional requirements to what is required by the NHPA. Once these are met and the leases are secured, the survey of the proposed wind project may begin. The archaeological survey is most often conducted in tandem with a geological survey. The data collected is sent to an archaeological firm for review, or, if there is an archaeologist on site, reviewed in real-time.

76 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

There is no doubt that shipwrecks are the ‘rock stars’ of the maritime archaeology field. The discovery of a shipwreck brings a lot of excitement to both the surveyors and the public, but they certainly are not the only culturally significant sites that maritime archaeologists investigate during a wind energy survey. There is potential for debris fields surrounding any ships, anchors, or anchorages. Also, sites and structures that were docks, World War II radar stations, aircraft, and even spacecraft (that date over 50 years) could be culturally significant.

During a wind energy project, the potential for much older discoveries should not be overlooked. For example, there is a submerged landmass in the North Sea, referred to as Doggerland, that once connected Britain to continental Europe during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Stone and wooden artifacts have been recovered from coring activities in ancient peat layers in this location. Pre-Contact Native American artifacts have similarly been discovered not far offshore of North American coastlines and waterways.

In the United States, if culturally significant material is found that was not previously noted in a report or database, the archaeologist will document this in their final report with avoidance distance and other recommendations. This information is then used by BOEM in their review, per the requirements of the NHPA in Section 106 and in the Protection of Historic Properties (36 CFR Part 800). The BOEM will also use the information provided to make sure any projects meet obligations under the National

Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Oceans and rivers have always been a valuable resource, and contain much of our human past. They continue to provide the means of transportation, commerce, innovation, exploration, sustenance, and art. Regulations can have the connotation of delaying project timelines, but the NHPA, and similar legislation were created to protect important archaeological cultural resources. Close adherence and cooperation with governing agencies will help build positive community engagement and make wind energy projects successful for all involved.

Jason Griffin R.P.A is Maritime Archaeologist at Berger Geosciences, which provides services to the wind industry with subject matter experts to support the realm of geosciences in a responsible manner.

Berger Geosciences ///

Chest ascender and point of attachment

The Ninja MultiAscend is available and now shipping. It is engineered to provide increased efficiency in a range of applications. The dual cam design enables the MultiAscend to act as both a chest ascender as well as a full point of attachment. The dual-stage locking swing plate ensures consistent engagement with the rope, preventing unwanted detachments. In addition, the external release triggers make adjusting the Ninja MultiAscend safe and easy when used as an ascender or a progress capture device on a safety line. Compatible with rope diameters 9-13mm per EN657:2013. Compatible with rope diameters 11-13mm per EN12841:2006. Type B Max rated load: 309lb (140kg).

Harken, Inc. ///

All-in-one solution to cut, strip, and crimp single wires

Weidmuller USA has unveiled the new stripax plus tool that can cut, strip, and crimp single wires in the cross-section range from AWG 20 to 14 (0.5 to 25 mm2). Designed to save space in the toolbox, the multifunctional stripax plus is an all-inone solution. The wire-end ferrules are stored in a magazine in the tool’s handle and are automatically transported to the crimping die. Adjustments to different cross-sections are made automatically so that no manual adjustment is required.

Weidmüller Group /// / 1.800.462.4734 Large Inventory Fast Shipping Low Minimums Custom Parts MTO Technical Support Specialists in Electrical Insulation Since 1947 Pittsburgh, PA 412 462 6300 Brownsville, TX 956 554 3690 PEI Rebuild and Repair Kits for Generators & Motors Lubricants & Greases Marmon Electrical Wire & Cable 3M Wind Products Saint-Gobain Tapes Rigid & Flexible Laminates Proud Member & Supporter of:

The Crucial Role of Electrical Insulation for Wind Turbines

Wind turbines play a pivotal role in the global transition to sustainable energy sources. However, the harsh environmental conditions in which wind turbines operate, such as extreme temperatures, high humidity, and exposure to various contaminants, pose significant challenges to their durability and reliability. To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of wind turbines, electrical insulation products should be employed strategically to safeguard critical components from damage.

Wind turbine components, particularly those within the nacelle and hub, are subjected to a wide range of environmental and operational stressors. Without adequate protection, these stressors can lead to electrical failures, reduced efficiency, and even catastrophic damage to the turbine.

Electrical insulation serves as a protective barrier, preventing electrical currents from escaping and causing short circuits or other malfunctions. In addition to protecting against electrical issues, insulation materials also guard sensitive electronic components from environmental factors, enhancing the overall reliability of wind turbines.

Key Components and Applications

1. Generators and Motors - “Power Generation”:

Wind turbine generators and motors are at the core of power generation. These components often operate in high-stress environments, experiencing temperature variations and mechanical stresses. Electrical insulation products, such as epoxy resins and mica tapes, are commonly used to insulate the coils and windings, preventing electrical breakdowns and ensuring the efficient conversion of wind energy into electrical power.

2. Power Cables – “Power Network”:

Power cables connect various components within the wind turbine, transmitting electricity from the generator to the grid. Insulating materials, including cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) and ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), are employed to coat and protect these cables. These materials enhance the cables' resistance to moisture, chemicals, and abrasion, ensuring a reliable and secure electrical connection.

3. Control Systems – “Power Regulators”:

The control systems of wind turbines house intricate electronic components that regulate the turbine's operation. Electrical insulation products, such as conformal coatings and encapsulation resins, provide

78 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

a protective layer around these components, shielding them from environmental factors and preventing malfunctions caused by dust, moisture, and temperature extremes.

4. Transformers – “Power Converters”: Transformers play a crucial role in converting electrical power to the desired voltage for efficient transmission. To prevent electrical breakdown and enhance the insulation resistance, transformer components are often coated with insulating materials like oil-impregnated paper, epoxy resin, or other advanced dielectric materials.

Maintenance to Enhance Performance and Longevity

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of wind turbines, proper maintenance is crucial. Several maintenance products play a pivotal role in protecting turbines from environmental stressors and wear. Key maintenance products include lubricants and greases, wire and cable solutions, connectors and lugs, tapes, vortex generators, wind fillers, blade repair materials, and dry layup adhesive products.

1. Lubricants and Greases to Minimize Friction & Protect from Environmental Damage

Wind turbines consist of numerous moving parts, including gears, bearings, and yaw systems, which require efficient lubrication to minimize friction and wear. Specialized lubricants and greases are designed to withstand the harsh conditions within the turbine, providing effective lubrication while resisting environmental factors such as moisture and temperature extremes. Regular application of these products ensures smooth operation and extends the lifespan of crucial components.

2. Wire & Cable Solutions to Withstand Abrasions & Movement

The internal wiring of a wind turbine is exposed to constant movement and environmental stress. High-quality wire and cable solutions, featuring durable insulation materials, protect against abrasion, moisture, and temperature fluctuations. Robust cables ensure the reliable transmission of electrical power from the generator to the grid, contributing to the overall efficiency of the turbine.

3. Connectors & Lugs to Secure Components & Prevent Downtime

Proper electrical connections are vital for the efficient functioning of wind turbines. Connectors and lugs facilitate secure and reliable electrical connections between various components. These components are often exposed to harsh weather conditions, making corrosion-resistant materials essential. Regular inspection and replacement of connectors and lugs contribute to the prevention of electrical faults and downtime.

4. Tapes for Insulation, Thermal Protection, Barriers, & Bonding

Tapes serve multiple purposes in wind turbine maintenance. Examples include foil tapes for insulation, PTFE/fiberglass tapes for thermal protection, and wind protection tapes to shield sensitive areas from environmental elements. Additionally, acrylic foam tapes provide bonding solutions for various applications. These tapes enhance insulation, protect against weathering, and contribute to the overall structural integrity of the turbine.

5. Vortex Generators to Control Airflow and Improve Performance

Vortex generators are aerodynamic devices strategically placed on turbine blades to control airflow and improve performance. These small devices help delay airflow separation, reducing turbulence and enhancing the efficiency of the turbine. Regular inspection and replacement of vortex generators contribute to maintaining optimal aerodynamics and power output.

6. Wind Fillers to Fill the Gaps

Wind fillers, often made of durable and weather-resistant materials, are used to fill gaps and seams in the turbine structure. They prevent water ingress, reduce noise, and enhance the overall integrity of the turbine. Regular inspection and replacement of wind fillers contribute to minimizing the risk of structural damage and maintaining the turbine's efficiency.

7. Blade Repair Materials to Restore the Lifespan of Turbine Blades

Turbine blades are exposed to significant stress from wind, leading to wear and potential damage over time. Blade repair materials, such as composite patches and adhesives, are crucial for addressing cracks, delamination, or erosion on the surface of the blades. These materials restore structural integrity and prevent further damage, ultimately extending the lifespan of the turbine.

8. Dry Layup Adhesive Products to Prevent Corrosion

During maintenance or inactivity, wind turbines should undergo dry layup procedures to protect against corrosion. These products are applied to critical components to create a protective barrier, preventing the onset of corrosion during downtime. This application contributes to the overall reliability and longevity of the turbine.

Electrical insulation products play a critical role in safeguarding wind turbines from the challenging environmental conditions they face during operation. The proper selection and application of maintenance products are integral to the reliability and longevity of wind turbines. From preventing electrical failures, protecting sensitive components, and ensuring the integrity of power transmission, these insulation materials contribute significantly to the reliability and efficiency of wind energy systems. As technology continues to evolve, ongoing research and development in insulation materials made of Nanocomposites and Bio-Based Insulation will further enhance the resilience and sustainability of wind turbines, advancing the global transition to clean and renewable energy sources.

Heather Broman is the Director of Business Operations at Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation (PEI), a manufacturer, converter, and distributor of electrical insulation products, with locations in Pittsburgh, PA and Brownsville, TX.

Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation (PEI) ///

North American Clean Energy 79

America’s Big Wind Ambition

How operators can keep workers safe offshore

The Biden administration’s plan to increase offshore wind generation by installing 30 gigawatts of capacity by 2030, is the target central to its plans to slash carbon pollution. While the timeline for delivery is contentious among operators and within the supply chain, the target remains the driver behind massive expansion across both the Atlantic and Pacific shorelines; the Department of Energy estimates that the offshore wind industry could need up to 58,000 jobs per year from 2024-2030 if the local supply grows as planned.

To grow, protect, and sustain that workforce, organizations need to seriously consider their safety and medical provision as a critical foundation for operations.

A bespoke approach

The diversity of the U.S coastline means each potential development location will have unique safety challenges that will need to be addressed. The West Coast, for example, features much deeper waters, which means that a large percentage of any offshore wind development will have to rely on floating offshore wind due to the steep drop-off of the Outer Continental Shelf. Floating structures require a more complex and extended build phase, along with more significant onshore port infrastructure to support and sustain them.

From the minute offshore projects begin construction, facilitating on-site medical and technical support is one of the most robust ways operators can help to ensure worker safety in these remote locations. Offshore medics have the capacity to respond to even the most severe cases, and are fully equipped to tackle both emergencies and general injuries and illness that takes place offshore. Operators should refrain from commissioning on-site support that adopts a one-size fits all policy, and instead opt for medical solutions that look at the location and tailor the provision of medical assistance to the needs of the workers offshore.

General on-site support will likely cover the majority of adverse situations workers will face offshore, but taking a more bespoke approach will help to ensure that the workforce is protected from any adverse issues and help them to feel supported and secure while they work onsite.

in 2024

Prevention is key

Treating injuries and ailments when they have already taken place offshore can be incredibly costly, and many operators are already investing in preventative measures to minimise the risks of illness or injury. One way that employers can do this is to facilitate a pre-screening process to save operations from potential disruption; offshore workers with preexiting illnesses or other health factors can lead to increased risks for themselves, their teams, and have the potential to cause delays in operations due to sickness or injury.

By investing in recognized global safety and quality standards, such as the Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) medical, employers can ensure that individuals are medically fit to work offshore in


remote, austere environments. When delivered in conjunction with other tests such as the Chester Step Test, these evaluations can effectively assess the fitness of staff to work offshore.

Onsite and topside support

Since calling 911 is simply not an option out to sea, so having on-site medical support services that include medical providers, medical equipment, and supplies, along with the back-end structures to support the on-site providers, is essential. These medical facilities ideally need to be embedded into an on-site clinic to help limit the number of cases that require referral for further off-site medical care, saving time and resources, and reducing personnel downtime.

In order to respond to more severe cases, the emergency medical skills of offshore medics need to involve more than advanced wound care training – they should also have knowledge of what intervention is best for the patient while keeping recordable cases to a minimum. The remoteness of a windfarm presents its own challenges in terms of administering care to injured or ill workers who may be located on top of a turbine, and this is where organizations should consider hiring medical staff who are highly trained and experienced in being able to treat patients working at height in offshore environments.

Mental health support

Supporting the wellbeing of the workforce offshore remains a key priority as the industry continues to drive cultural change in how it champions mental health support. Organizations should implement mental health programs to ensure that all employees are educated on the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle while living and working in these challenging environments. By adopting small but simple practices of self-care, from optimal sleep and a varied and wholesome diet, to regular exercise and avoiding excessive phone use between shifts, these can all help to support worker wellbeing and reduce injuries or accidents caused by mental fatigue or exhaustion.

Beyond medical staffing

Ensuring the safety of the workforce on windfarm projects often extends beyond medical staffing. Many operators may also require safety and technical personnel to supplement the workforce, and will need to consider recruiting expert personnel including Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) advisors and medics, Wind Turbine Technicians, or even specialist Dual Role Medics who are trained in both of these roles.

As the offshore wind industry grows, it’s important for operators to

carefully assess how tailored medical support services can be put in place from the very beginning of offshore projects to keep the workforce safe in 2024. The global experience and solutions of trusted medical providers need to be utilized to bring the best medical support to the workforce in order to harness the potential of this critical clean energy source.

Chris Murff is Vice President of Global Sales, RMI, which delivers technical, medical, and security solutions to companies and governments around the world. The company has offices in the Americas, UK and Africa, and has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies in the United States. RMI works with Fortune 100 corporations and governments.

North American Clean Energy 81
RMI ///

Fit, dexterity, and A2 cut protection

Brass Knuckle SmartCut (BKCR303) offers triple-threat benefits with A2 cut protection, dexterity, and grip. Now improved with better tactile sensitivity, better fit, and the same great protection. BKCR303 starts with ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene fiber for ANSI cut resistance level A2 protection and thin, 13-gauge material for dexterity. A non-sticky polyurethane (PU) coating on the palm and fingers creates a solid-gripping glove. Polyurethane also delivers enhanced puncture protection and abrasion resistance, all without adding bulk or reducing sensitivity. The glove is designed specifically to provide enhanced flexibility and deliver the right balance of protection, performance, and comfort for medium-duty jobs. SmartCut BKCR303 is a choice for material-handling applications requiring cut resistance and dexterity. The polyurethane palm and finger coat delivers excellent grip even against oils, fats, and greases. An uncoated back and wrist improves ventilation, while a seamless and stretchable full knit wrist provides a snug fit and prevents dirt, debris, and cold from getting inside the glove. Colorcoded cuffs easily indicate glove size.

Brass Knuckle ///

App to improve port operations

Parsons Corporation joined the Port of Oakland, California, Advent eModal, Mobile Programming and key stakeholders to announce the launch of the Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS) at the Port. Parsons’ advanced traffic management software (ATMS) solution, iNET, integrates with an enhanced version of the SecūrSpace smart parking system and a new custom GoPort website and mobile application for iOS and Android, to create a fully functional operating system. This system combines innovative technologies to improve the efficiency, safety, operations, circulation, and reliability of truck and rail access. Parsons and its partners will leverage artificial intelligence with video and data analytics to predict freight wait times and develop predictive models around road blockages at train crossings. The data collected will also be used to create customized dashboards for custom border protection and port shipment tracking.

Parsons ///

Small sized crimping tool

Weidmuller USA has developed and launched the PZ 2.5 S, a small professional crimping tool for wire end ferrules. In control cabinet construction, cables of the most diverse cross-sections are fitted with wire end ferrules. On average, 90% of these connections are in a cross-section range of AWG 14 (2.5mm2) and smaller. A focus on this cross-section range makes the PZ 2.5 compact and ergonomic. The small handle width and the opening angle, as well as the weight, make the tool easy to use without incurring fatigue in the hand, wrist, or arm. The PZ 2.5 tool features a length of 160mm with a small grip width so it can easily fit in the palm of the hand. Weighing around 10oz, this compact tool is light to carry around for ergonomic advantage. The trapezoidal crimp in the crosssection range of AWG 26 to AWG 14 (0.14-2.5mm2) complies with all current standards. The practical universal die prevents incorrect insertion and ensures error-free work. The focus on small crosssections also reduces wear, leading to a doubling of the service life of the PZ 2.5.

Weidmüller Group


Reliable and fuel efficient crawler cranes

The ALL Family of Companies is adding a new package of Kobelco G-3 Series hydraulic crawler cranes to its fleet. Each unit is part of Kobelco’s redesigned, repowered cranes and the package includes the following units, in varying quantities: CK800G-3 (80-ton capacity), CK1100G-3 (110tons), and CK1600G-3 (160-tons). The new G-3 models were created using input from end users derived from real jobsite experiences. They incorporate transport, assembly, and operatorfriendly concepts. Other features include boom, carbody, and track side frame structures designed with ease of transport in mind. The new cab and design of the cranes add to the operator’s comfort and safety. The G-3 line also offers the Isuzu Tier 4-compliant engine, which is reliable, offers high fuel efficiency, and quiet operation. The G-3 Series cranes include a new cab design offering improved visibility and new features such as bluetooth and USB capabilities.

The ALL Family of Companies ///

Brand-new image capturing system

Sulzer Schmid’s 3DX AutoPilot is upgraded with a brand-new image capturing system, to ensure crystal clear wind blade rotor inspection results. Mounted on DJI’s latest Matrice M350 Enterprise drone, the new 3DX AutoPilot payload provides up to 61MP resolution images and introduces a precise adaptive focus and optimized exposure settings for each image, allowing the drone to be positioned even closer to the blade. ISO settings, aperture, and shutter speed are individually set for each image to ensure quality exposure even when zoomed in, providing sharpness, image density, dynamic range, and exposure accuracy, making it easy to identify and classify damages correctly.

Sulzer & Schmid Laboratories AG ///

82 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// ENROLL TODAY Composite Windblade Repair Training +1.775.827.6568 Strengthen Your Team With Our 5-Day Hands On Courses

Tensioners & Torque Systems

The proper alignment of a bolted joint can be achieved by using either torque or tension methods of bolting. Proper bolt loads must be realized during installation or the integrity of the joint will be compromised, leading to misalignment and, if left unchecked, the ultimate failure of the joint. In this issue, we look at some of the tensioners and torque systems available today.

ITH Engineering

Product: ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinder

Description: ITH bolt tensioning cylinders are designed for tightening large diameter bolts of all major OEM wind turbine applications including: foundation rods, tower bolts, bearing bolts, and more. High accuracy and repeatability ensures consistent even loads throughout bolted joints. Combine with the Micro-MAX pump for a lightweight and compact bolting system.

Bolt Diameter: M16 and larger Key


• Designed with OEMs for all turbine applications;

• Lightweight and compact designs;

• Patented safety features;

• High load accuracy and repeatability;

• Fast operation using one or multiple tensioners simultaneously.


Product: VT-1000

Description: The VOLTA's Lithium

Power provides the capability to torque hundreds of fastenings with no hoses or cords to limit the user’s reach.

Power System: Battery

Drive Size: 1"

Plarad - Maschinenfabrik Wagner GmbH & Co. KG

Product: Plarad DA2 power

Description: The DA2power is available in 7 sizes up to 8000Nm, 4-speed gearbox and 15 electric power settings. 5.2Ah Li-Ion high-power batteries with a permanently 75% higher power output are included. Control of fastening operations and torque lock via App grant precise torque pre-selections.

Power System: Battery

Drive Size: 3/4" to 1 1/2"

Torque: 130 to 8000Nm

RPM: Up to 71.6RPM

Weight: 11.2lb to 27.5lb (5.1kg to 12.5kg)

Noise Level: 72db

Torque: 240 to 1000 ft/lb (330 to 1350Nm)

RPM: 2 at min torque, 8 at max torque

Weight: 11.5lb (5.2kg) w/o reaction arm and battery, 14.5lb (6.6kg)w/reaction arm and battery

Noise Level: 76 - 87db

Atlas Copco

Product: SRB81 HA

Description: The SRB81 HA series is a continuous rotational tool prioritizing performance, ergonomics, and quality. Equipped with a torque transducer, high-powered motor, dual trigger system, and visual operator feedback, it enables efficient and safe bolting operations with quick data capture capabilities, ensuring a seamless blend of technology and user-friendly design.

Power System: Battery

Drive Size: 0.75" to 1.5"

Torque: 390 to 6500Nm

RPM: 2.6 to 23

Weight: 10.4lb to 22lb (4.7kg to 9.9kg)

Noise Level: 65db


Superbolt, Inc.

Product: Superbolt Load-Sensing

Tensioners and Flexnuts

Description: These solutions allow users to monitor preload anytime, anywhere. Equipped with a strain-measuring device, the LST analyzes the variation of the tensioner’s circumference in proportion to the variation in preload, offering remote monitoring, and live data readings. The LSF’s built-in sensors automatically measure and communicate preload values, allowing for seamless remote monitoring.

Key Features:

• Standard sizes ranging from M36M100;

• Load-Sensing Flexnut can be used in conjunction with any type of tightening method;

• Measures preload with an accuracy of ±5%;

• IP67 classed.

Norwolf Tool Works, Inc.

Product: X-Driver System

Description: The X-Driver system is a multi-patented, double-acting hydraulic torque wrench based on a power head that works with 3 different drives: A Drive - low profile hex ratchet, M Drive - low profile cassette, and V Drive - square drive. A slim, fast, easy, and versatile hydraulic wrench.

Power System: Hydraulic

Drive Size: Assorted

Torque: Assorted

Weight: Assorted

Noise Level: Assorted

North American Clean Energy 83



Boltight, Inc.

Product: Boltight Hydraulic Tensioners

Description: Boltight provides hydraulic tensioning solutions for the wind industry.

Boltight Electric pumps feature a remote operation pendant while the Intelligent Electric Pumps improve accuracy and traceability by capturing and storing data. Bolight hydraulic foundation tensioners are reliable, easy to use, and have both a maximum stroke indicator and an extra durable gearbox where applicable.

Key Features:

• Bespoke solutions available to help quickly create the right tool for any challenge;

• Maintain high clamping force on critical joints;

• Prevent bolts from loosening against high vibration and light loading areas;

• Reduce frequency of retorquing and inspections.

ITH Engineering

Product: Hydraulic Torque Wrench type CX

Description: ITH type CX is an ultralight wrench system that maximizes speed and versatility. The ultralight housing and TWIN swivel hose connection make handling easy. The quick-release reaction arm has an asymmetrical shape and can be flipped to shorten or lengthen its reach in addition to 360° rotation.

Power System: Hydraulic

Drive Size: 3/4" to 2 1/2"

Torque: 1475 to 29,500 ft/lb (2,000 to 40,000Nm)

Weight: 4.6lb to 75lb (2.1kg to 34kg)

Key Features:

• High-speed dual-hose operation;

• Ultralight housing;

• Quick-release reaction arms and drive inserts;

• Asymmetrical reaction arm can be flipped and rotated 360°;

• TWIN swivel hose connection.


Product: High Torque DC Angle Nutrunner

Description: AcraDyne's HT DC Angle Nutrunner is a tool for servicing blades on wind turbines. The compact tool configuration allows easy access to blade bolts. The 360° swivel gearcase allows for precise placement of the tool reaction bar against reactive surfaces.

Power System: Electric 110V or 220V

Drive Size: 1"

Torque: 240 to 3000Nm; 77 to 2200ft/lb

RPM: 15 to 38RPM

Weight: 17.9lb to 20.4lb (8.1kg to 9.3kg)

Noise Level: <66dB(a)

Stahlwille Tools, LLC

Product: Stahlwille Manoskop 730 Quick

Description: A time proof torque wrench with long term accuracy and no need to reset to zero due to the wear resistant mechanism design. This torque wrench provides quick and easy setting of required torque. No disassembly needed for calibration and adjustment with easy access of adjustment screws from outside.

Power System: Manual

Drive Size: 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4"

Torque: 5 to 480ft/lb; 4 to 650Nm

Weight: 0.7lb to 9lb (0.3kg to 4.1kg)

Noise Level: 75db when click is triggered

Key Features:

• No return-to-zero needed;

• Press and slide to set torque value, effortless and quick;

• No disassembly needed to bring the unit back in tolerance for calibration;

• Interchangeable heads, ratchet, crow-foot, box end, and more.

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Bolts & Fasteners



Product: Raptor Polymer Composite Staples and Nails

Description: RAPTOR staples are high performing composite staples suitable for users who require a metal-free, rust-free, and light-weight fastening solution. They are a solution for securing core materials in wind blade manufacturing

Application: Widely used in wind turbine blade manufacturing, RAPTOR Staples and Nails compliment any composites application utilizing RTM, VARTM, pre-preg, fiberglass mat, carbon fiber mat, or SCRIMP lay-up, and many other composites applications. It is not necessary to remove RAPTOR fasteners because they will not corrode or delaminate, and provide strong interfacial bonding

Reliable tools and components are important in any industry, but particularly in wind power, where efficient turbine and blade construction and operation are essential to safety and project success. This issue, we’re highlighting the latest in bolts and fasteners from various companies in the industry.

Nucor Steel

Product: Fasteners

Description: Nucor Fastener manufactures hex head cap screws, finished hex nuts, structural bolting assemblies, and flange bolts, with expanded product lines to include build-toprint fasteners with customized head styles, dimensions, grades, and finishes.They are able to accommodate special finishes, patches, adhesives, and other secondary processing requests

Application: Steel products for custom solar projects

Key Features:

• Made in the USA;

• Advanced tracking system documents full history of steel from raw material through shipping;

• Low cost, long lasting engineered solutions;

• Made from recycled steel;

• ISO9001:-ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q90012015, ISO/TS 16949:2016, ANSI/ISO 14001:2015 registered.


Resolux Group

Product: Kitting solutions

Description: Kits for production work cells, site specific installation needs, periodic maintenance requirements, material rework, and retrofits. One Kit part number has two or three items, or 10, 20, 30, or more for ease of ordering. APQ4WIND certification on site

Application: Fastening systems and hardware including high strength, large diameter studs, bolts and nuts in carbon, stainless and exotic metals. Bolts, screws, studs, socket head cap screws, nuts, washers, custom-machined parts, helicoils, pins, rivets, and other fasteners

Key Features:

• Kittingset Lightfixtures bolts, fasteners and nuts;

• Tower internals;

• Kittingset nacelle internals;

• Kittingset.

Copper State Bolt & Nut

Product: LMF+ Load Monitoring Fasteners

Description: The LMF+ wireless tension monitoring fastener system provides continuous tension values during and after assembly. User-defined limits offer easy in-use monitoring and alerts. Precise tension values can be viewed with wireless phone or tablet or send information to the Cloud for remote monitoring

Application: LMF+ is used where fasteners (M20-M100 dia) require accurate tension during installation and retorque, and where a text or email alert is a benefit when fasteners come loose or are over stressed. LMF+ is a strong diagnostic tool helping to resolve loose or broken bolting issues

Gala Precision Engineering, Ltd.

Product: Technical Springs and High Tensile Fasteners

Description: Gala range of products include High Tensile Fasteners such as studs, anchor bolts, cross bolts, nuts, and essential fastening elements like Gallock Wedge Lock and Grip Lock Washers. They also offer highperformance disc and strip springs, and coil and spiral springs

Application: Gala's Technical Springs and High Tensile Fasteners are supplied to various OEMs, Tier-1, and Channel Partners in renewable energy, industrial, and mobility sectors

NTC Wind Energy

Product: IronClad Bolt Caps

Description: IronClad Bolt Caps, Grout Sleeves, CorrosionX Grease, and Bolt


Application: Foundation corrosion protection

Sherex Fastening Solutions

Product: Disc-Lock and TEC Series Wedge

Locking Products

Description: Disc-Lock and TEC Series Wedge Locking Washers and Nuts are used throughout the wind turbine to secure joints from loosening due to vibration

Application: Wind turbine, tower anchor, rotor, rotor blades


ITH Engineering

Product: IHF Fasteners

Description: IHF fasteners are designed for use with ITH tensioners to achieve maintenance-free bolted joints. The optimized design eliminates the need for washers and allows high utilization of the yield point, small bolt dimensions can be used with the same tensioning force

Application: IHF fasteners are generally used in steel construction, especially on flanges. Available standard dimensions are M36 to M80

Key Features:

• DIBt approved;

• Maintenance-free;

• Substitute common bolts and nuts;

• Highest accuracy and repeatability in clamp loads;

• Flanges can be designed more compact and reduce costs.

HEICO Fastening Systems

Product: HEICO-LOCK Wedge-Lock


Description: HEICO's certified bolt fastening system works safely in dry and lubricated conditions. They can be reused consistently without loss of function or quality, and cost up to 50% less than comparable fasteners. HEICO-LOCK Wedge-Lock Washers are suitable for use with high-tensile bolts of grade 8.8, 10.9 or 12.9 and their respective nuts

Application: A wedge locking system that prevents bolted joint self-loosening for critical applications subjected to vibration and dynamic shock loads. Typical applications include wind turbines, heavy machinery (i.e. construction, processing, and agriculture), mining and quarrying, oil and gas, etc.

Key Features:

• Supplied as a pre-assembled pair that is easy to install and remove;

• Will not rust, break or vibrate loose;

• Certified system for securing bolts, working at low and high preload levels;

• Particularly suitable for dynamic loads, including when using lubricants;

• Available from M3-M76 and 1/4"-3" in steel or stainless steel with narrow or wide bearing surfaces.


Nord-Lock, Inc.

Product: Nord-Lock Wedge-Locking Washers

Description: Nord-Lock’s wedgelocking technology secures bolted joints, even when exposed to severe vibration and dynamic loads. Their products do not loosen unintentionally due to the wedge created underneath the bolt head and nut

Application: Rear main bearing, gearbox to generator coupling, rotor blade to gearbox coupling, main shaft to hub, blade bearing, front main bearing, nacelle yaw bearing, nacelle frame, tower bolting, ladder railings/platforms, foundation bolting

Key Features:

• Laser marked with the Nord-Lock brand name, control number, and a type code to ensure customers receive genuine Nord-Lock washers with full traceability down to the first assembly;

• Standard range available for bolt sizes M3 - M130;

• Available in 5 different materials; steel, stainless steel, 254 SMO, INCONEL / HASTELLOY, and C-276 INCONEL 718;

• Washers available with enlarged outer diameter (SP washers);

• Reliable bolt securing system at high and low clamp loads.

Dyson Corp.

Product: Anchor and Foundation Rods

Description: Widths 3/4'' (M20) up to 12'' (M300); lengths up to 60'; ASTM 615 Grade 75 and 90 ASTM 722 Grade 150 150 KSI all threaded bar

Application: Anchor and foundation rods for the wind energy sector with critical application large diameter fasteners and anchoring hardware according to ASTM standards. These wind anchors have a thread design for form, fit, and function, and they are pretensioned to prevent in-field failures

Applied Bolting Technology Products

Product: Squirter Direct Tension


Description: Squirter DTIs provide a bright orange visual indication that shows the torque applied has tightened the bolts

Application: Wind tower flange and structural steel bolting

Williams Form Engineering Corp.

Product: Wind Turbine Foundation


Description: Threaded steel bars and accessories for rock anchors, soil anchors, high capacity concrete anchors, micropiles, tie rods, tiebacks, strand anchors, hollow bar anchors, post tensioning systems, and concrete forming hardware systems in the construction industry

Application: Foundation anchors for wind turbines

Fator Fasteners USA, LLC

Product: Fasteners

Description: Fator Fasteners can manufacture to ASTM/ISO/DIN standards

Application: Anchor bolts, carriage bolts, flange bolts, hex bolts, hex tap bolts, lag bolts, machine bolts

86 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
DIRECTORY BUYERS GUIDE ENERGY STORAGE 2024 2024 Batteries Batteries - AGM Batteries - Li-Ion Batteries - Redox Flow Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Battery Testing, Inspection, Safety BESS Safety Civil Contractor Components Contract Manufacturing Cooling | Thermal Management Cyber Security Distributor Electric Heavy Equipment Electrical Energy Storage Electrolysers Enclosures Energy Storage Systems Energy Storage Systems - Commercial Energy Storage SystemsGrid-Connected Energy Storage Systems - Off-Grid Energy Storage Systems - Residential Engineering Consultant EPC Services EV Charging Fire Protection Hybrid Systems Installers Inverters Manufacturing Equipment Microgrids Microinverters Monitoring Performance Monitoring Power Electronics for PV Solar Systems Power Electronics for Storage Systems Safety Work Apparel Signage Software Supplier Solar Canopy Systems Switchboards Testing | Certification Thermal Runaway Suppression Transformers Transportation | Logistics Wire & Cable Wire Management Cover image provided by: Invinity Energy Systems /// North American Clean Energy 87


2ndLife Batteries

2ndLife Batteries reuses stationary storage batteries by redeploying them in renewable energy storage, making them reliable and affordable. They can be utilized in applications from residential, commercial, and industrial solar off-grid homes to hospital backup power. They allow the forestalling of manufacturing new batteries for three to five years. With a 3-year limited warranty backed by Watch Dog International Inc.’s system monitoring temperature and voltage which sends alerts and warnings by SMS. Batteries go through rigorous testing and they currently have 12V 190Ah brand-name batteries available.

Charge Solar

Charge Solar provides off-grid and grid-tied battery storage solutions throughout Canada. For over 30 years they have stocked grid-tied batteries from SolarEdge and Enphase, and off-grid batteries from Rolls (Surrette), Simpliphi, Stark, and HomeGrid. They also carry a wide range of solar panel and inverter brands.

EaglePicher Technologies

EaglePicher lithium-ion batteries provide performance, long life, and reliability, making them suitable for critical applications such as military and aerospace. Their Keeper lithiumthionyl chloride batteries offer high-energy density, wide temperature range, and long-shelf life, making them suitable for applications such as remote monitoring and medical devices.

EaglePicher’s Carefree lead acid batteries are designed for applications that require a maintenance-free power source, such as telecom, emergency lighting, and security systems.


The NSB BLUE+ Battery applies carbon technology for high cycle life and Partial State of Charge (PSOC) performance. Thin plate technology delivers long life and high power output. In addition, the NSB BLUE+ Battery is a UL1989recognized product and is flame retardant to meet UL94VO. It is built in the United States, has a two-year shelf life, and offers fast, efficient recharge. The NorthStar BLUE+ Battery features special plastic components for operation in a wide temperature range. Its product range is 40-210Ah.

MERGE Chemistry

MERGE Chemistry designs and manufactures electrolytes, additives, and stabilizers for zinc and other emerging battery technologies. They also offer a broad portfolio of raw materials for cathode development, certified battery testing standards, and analytical testing services.

Natron Energy

Natron’s BluePack sodium-ion batteries offer safe, reliable, high-power on demand for critical power applications. Suitable for data center power backup, EV fast charging, UPS, hybridized BESS, diesel generator hybridization, electric GSE/ charging, and more. They work from 48V to 480V and feature sodium-ion cells based on Prussian blue electrodes, full recharge in 15 mins or less, no settling/thermal waiting, UL9540A Champion rated nonflammable (no thermal runaway under any condition), >50,000 deep discharge cycles, wide temperature operating range -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C), max sustained power-perenergy, round-trip efficiency >97%, ethically sourced North American supply chain materials, and US manufacturing.

Positive Battery Co., LLC

Positive Battery provides auto battery replacement, new and recondition, renewable energy batteries, repairs of the batteries, (cracks, holes, posts, etc.) battery-pack repair, and custom built assemblies, including cordless power tools, blinds, cordless phones, fire and house alarm, ups batteries, custom cables, made up to 4/0, charger repair, accessories, and more


The SolarEdge Home battery provides highlyefficient energy storage by eliminating unnecessary power conversions through DC-coupled technology. Each battery provides 9.7kWh of backup capacity and multiple batteries can be stacked on a single backup system, for partial or full-home backup. The SolarEdge Home battery is compliant with UL9540A. Accessible cable management and wireless communication speed up installation and decrease commissioning times. Further, the DC-coupled design reduces significant costs in potential MPUs and main breaker derating, even when stacking.

Batteries - AGM

SunXtender Batteries

SunXtender are AGM Deep Cycle Batteries designed and manufactured by Concorde Battery Corporation. Using the same manufacturing techniques as the Concorde aerospace line, the SunXtender models are built to deliver safe and reliable power without the threat of thermal runaway. Every SunXtender battery part can be recycled and reused indefinitely, keeping landfills free of harmful electrolyte and other hazardous materials. SunXtender batteries are available for every footprint and power requirement.

Batteries - Li-Ion


Adaptiphy presents the ALTO-CAB, an advanced energy storage system designed to meet the demands of the renewable energy industry. With its agnostic battery compatibility and robust performance, even in temperatures as low as -22°F (-30°C), the ALTO-CAB offers flexible energy storage capabilities. The system requires no cables to connect the ALTO-500Wh or ALTO-250Wh batteries, making installation simple. The built-in monitoring capabilities provide easy and accurate monitoring of each battery module's health and charge status.

Backed by a warranty of 15 years, extendable to 25 years, this sustainable technology is designed for long-term durability and reliable performance.

Battle Born Batteries

Battle Born Batteries, powered by Dragonfly Energy, provides safe and efficient lithium power solutions. Battle Born’s non-toxic lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries are made to power workdays, lifestyles, and adventures across various markets, including RV, stationary, industrial, off-grid residential, trucking, marine, and more. The full product line of lithium-ion batteries are made with UL-listed cylindrical cells, equipped with an internal battery management system featuring low-temperature protection, and are designed to displace traditional lead acid.

88 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

The numbers add up...



North American Clean Energy 89
ready for commissioning
Energy storage made easy. TeraStor TM
per acre, 660 if double stacked third-party architecture study results 7.9 MWh AC CP/4, 7.7 MWh AC CP/2, >91% RTE
energy density
Unprecedented +1 (978) 669-4999
depth of

Bioenno Power

Based in Santa Ana, California, Bioenno Power offers lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries for various solar and industrial applications. The company's "BLF-" series offers a 10-year service life, 1/4 the weight of SLA batteries, and built in circuitry that balances/equalizes cells, protects against overcharging, overdischarge, overcurrent, and overvoltage.

Dürr Systems, Inc.

Lithium Power, Inc.

Discover Energy Systems

AES RACKMOUNT ESS battery modules

(5.12kWh / 100Ah / 51.2V) install rapidly and are easy to configure for off-grid solar, whole-home backup power, and microgrid projects. UL1973, UL9540a, and UL9540 certified, with a 10-year warranty and energy throughput performance. Up to six AES RACKMOUNT battery modules can be stacked with the AES RACKMOUNT Quick Stack Rack and the battery modules can be paralleled with a single prewired AES RACKMOUNT battery combiner. AES RACKMOUNT batteries can be installed outdoors with the AES RACKMOUNT Slimline Enclosure and up to 180kWh can be paralleled with closed-loop communication (per LYNK Gateway) and unlimited in open-loop.

Dürr is a global supplier of production machinery for lithium-ion battery electrodes, including tandem and simultaneous two-sided coating lines and integrated solvent recovery and refining systems. From R&D to mass production, Dürr offers easy-to-use laboratory coating machines and production lines with two-sided coating capability. For other advanced materials markets, like fuel cells, battery separators, composites, or membranes, Dürr offers customized industrial dryers designed to meet the requirements of each project. In addition, they offer a wide variety of pollution control technologies, including oxidizers and particulate control equipment.

LEOCH Battery Corporation

LEOCH 48V LFELI Series, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LIFEPO4) batteries offer exceptional cycling performance of 10,000 cycles @ 50% DOD, 3500 cycles @ 100% DOD, and can be put into parallel for 48VDC, 1600AH capacity. These batteries are equipped with a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) and optional LCD screen for hassle-free maintenance.

ESS-500-48 is a lithium-ion rechargeable NMC battery pack. Designed for telecom UPS and other mission critical applications, the back-up battery comes with built-in safety protections, gas gauge, cell and pack balancing, as well as communication. Various communication protocols are available such as CANBus, SMBus, Bluetooth, and more. Around 60 parameters of battery information can be delivered live or saved in the battery's history data log. The battery pack is designed to meet UN, UL, and IEC certification requirements.

Lithium Werks

Lithium Werks’ LFP Nanophosphate Power cell is a safe, high cycling, fast charging, and high-powered cell which is suitable for solar, wind, and other applications. Fuel cells are a similar application where high-powered battery cells are needed to stabilize and meet the power requirement of the application. They have a range of robust cylindrical cells from 3.3Vdc to packs up to 1000Vdc.

Schneider Electric

Stay powered during an outage or save money on electricity by taking advantage of time-ofuse rates with Schneider Boost battery. When installed with Schneider Pulse or Backup Controller, Boost powers a home automatically during outages. Pair it with Schneider Pulse smart electrical panel to control what to power on the fly during an outage, extending battery runtime up to 80%. With a 10kWh battery capacity, Boost is expandable to 3 batteries per inverter. Boost is a Li-ion battery using cobaltfree LFP chemistry.

U.S. Battery Manufacturing

U.S. Battery's new ESSENTIAL Li US12V

G24 deep-cycle battery is an upgrade for residential renewable energy applications. This advanced Lithium-ion battery provides 100Ah capacity and sophisticated Battery Management System. Users can easily monitor the battery's State-of-Charge through the built-in LED indicator or the U.S. Battery ESSENTIAL Li phone app. With long runtimes and fast charging, this maintenance-free battery offers simplicity and reliability. The compact and lightweight US 12V G24 battery is designed to withstand low temperatures and offers IP65 water and dust resistance for maximum durability.

Batteries - Redox Flow

Invinity Energy Systems

Invinity's VS3 is a high-throughput, non-flammable battery for grid-scale, C&I, and microgrid applications. The modular architecture means units can be combined to form systems 2MWh to over 100MWh. Unlimited cycling provides the operational freedom to maximize ROI, and their 25+ year lifespan matches solar and wind assets. Invinity has contracted or deployed over 75MWh of systems at over 70 projects around the world.

Lockheed Martin

Developed in the U.S. by Lockheed Martin, GridStar Flow is an innovative redox flow battery designed with technology to advance clean energy goals, grid resilience, energy affordability, and sustainability for utility, commercial, Department of Defense, and other federal energy applications. GridStar Flow owns more than 60 patents for innovations in flow battery technology and chemistry.

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North American Clean Energy 91


Redflow designs and manufactures compact and scalable zinc-bromine flow batteries; a long-duration energy storage solution that’s environmentally friendly, fully recyclable, and manufactured from widely available, low-toxicity materials. Scalable from tens of kilowatt-hours to hundreds of megawatt-hours, their EnergyPod holds 20 10kWh ZBM3 flow batteries, encased in a custom enclosure providing electrical protection and power conditioning. The EnergyPod enables safe, reliable energy delivery across various applications.

Stryten Energy

Stryten Energy’s Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) offer solutions for clean energy capture and usage to enhance grid stability. Stryten provides a product portfolio with multiple battery chemistries, including advanced lead, lithium, and vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB). Stryten’s VRFB is suited for microgrids, utility-scale storage, and data centers requiring medium to long-duration energy storage from 4 to 12 hours, enabling excess power generated from renewable energy sources to be stored until needed.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Adon Renewables

A high voltage battery storage system using advanced lithium ferrous phosphate (LFP) chemistry, designed to provide reliable power for commercial, industrial, and utility scale applications. Adon PowerBox comes as a DC block ranging from 532kWh in an compact outdoor cabinet up to 2.5MWh and 5MWh for the 20ft and 40ft containerized enclosure. The Adon PowerBox comes with its own EMS. It also comes as an All-In-One outdoor AC cabinet rated at 266kWh including inverter, solar port, and ATS, suitable for on- or off-grid microgrids.

Aimbridge Energy Group

Aimbridge Energy Group introduces new low-voltage Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) for C&I and residential applications. With Li-ion options to 100kWh+ per cabinet or VRLA to 45kWh+ per cabinet, these systems are a smart, easy, and safe way to readily add capacity to an Aimbridge Energy DC microgrid or other 48V power system. Advanced battery management is included at the module/ string level to make integration, scaling, and maintenance simple.

American Energy Storage Innovations (AESI)

American Energy Storage Innovations’ (AESI’s) all-in-one, energy-dense, 7.2MWh TeraStor energy storage system is factory assembled and tested, and it arrives on-site and ready for commissioning in just six hours. With a low number of install connections, the self-powered, self-cooled, and self-managed unit reduces on-site installation and O&M costs. Under the hood, TeraStor’s unique architecture reduces the number of parts and potential points of failure.


The Anker SOLIX F3800 is a suitcase design portable power station integrating AC coupling and supporting home solar power cycling. Paired with the Anker SOLIX Home Power Panel, it can provide a complete home power cycle. Delivering 6000Wac power output and 120V/240V dual voltage output, the F3800 can power multiple appliances simultaneously, including electric vehicle charging, without needing extra grounding accessories, while its capabilities can transfer output seamlessly between the grid and backup batteries, enhancing energy flexibility. The F3800 includes a 3.84kWh internal battery, expandable up to 26.88kWh with six additional batteries, offering homeowners a streamlined and expandable home power solution that can be easily installed by professional electricians in a few hours.

Atlantic Clean Energy Supply (ACES)

ACES offers price-competitive Sky-Power Series off-grid BESS systems. Their featured off-grid energy storage systems come in 2kWh, 3kWh, 5kWh, and 8kWh capacities. These systems are designed for use in RVs, SUVs, vacation houses, or urban apartments with a balcony.

Blattner Company

With more than 115 years of construction experience, Blattner has played a role in building America’s critical infrastructure, ranging from railroads and highways to dams and mines. Since 1997, Blattner has focused on renewable energy solutions and is responsible for many large solar, wind, and storage projects in the U.S. Blattner Company is the parent company of Blattner Energy and D.H. Blattner & Sons, of which all are members of the Quanta Services family of companies. Company headquarters are in Avon, Minnesota.

Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions

Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions is introducing its new, stackable SimpliPHI 6.6 battery that can be installed in under five minutes. The LFP batteries utilize integrated, self-guiding connectors that click into place, making installation fast and easy. Installers simply place each battery module one on top of the other and complete the stack with a control box. There is no wiring between batteries, no DIP switches, no pin outs, no way to reverse polarity, and no complicated inverter programming. The SimpliPHI 6.6 ESS is scalable up to 119.7kWh. One, two, or three batteries per stack can be configured up to a maximum of 18 batteries.

92 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///

All-In-One Outdoor Energy Storage Systems

Offered in a variety of sizes and features for on-grid and offgrid applications, both the SUNSYS HES L from 50 kVA / 186 kWh to 550 kVA / 1116 kWh, and our SUNSYS HES XXL, from 1 MVA / 2 MWh to 6 MVA / 26 MWh, are designed for use in the Commercial & Industrial applications, such as photovoltaics self-consumption, peak shaving, EV charging infrastructure reinforcement, backup power, genset optimization, and others The system is compliant with all North American UL standards associated with complete Energy Storage Systems and Equipment.

North American Clean Energy 93
SUNSYS HES L 50 kVA / 186 kWh to 550 kVA / 1116 kWh

Eneon ES

Eneon ES specializes in delivering bespoke solutions for diverse energy storage projects. They offer technology selection, procurement, seamless integration, system design, engineering, and long-term operations and maintenance. Eneon can integrate standalone, microgrid, AC-coupled, or DC-coupled systems, and their turnkey services, covering installation and commissioning, safety compliance, and lifecycle management, offer a complete package.They also offer training and support programs for installers, emergency responders, and owner/operators.


The EnerVenue Energy Rack is a building block for 1500Vdc and 1000Vdc energy storage systems. At the heart of the Energy Rack lies a durable, safe, and versatile battery, metalhydrogen Energy Storage Vessels. Energy Storage Vessels can cycle up to three times per day without rest and boast an expected lifetime of 30 years / 30,000 cycles, enabling business models for developers, integrators, and owners. The Energy Rack offers an easy, safe, and financially secure solution for C&I and grid-scale energy storage.

Exro Technologies, Inc.

Exro Technologies presents its Commercial and Industrial Cell Driver BESS, a North American-engineered energy storage power solution. The fully-integrated system has 90kW/192kWh power and capacity, catering to high-demand applications for enhanced reliability and efficiency. Featuring Battery Control System technology, it provides cell-level control, optimizing capacity, safety, and lifespan. Equipped with an advanced Energy Management System, this turnkey solution provides reliable BESS in commercial and industrial settings, delivering performance, sustainability, and safety.

Generac Power Systems

The PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage System features a NEMA 3R battery cabinet, a 7.6kW single-phase inverter, and intelligent load management. PWRcell’s modular design allows the system to range from 9 – 36kWh capacity on a single inverter. The PWRmanager advanced load management device extends battery duration even further by automatically managing loads to prevent inverter overload. PWRmanager provides the homeowner with user-friendly control of up to 12 loads, so they can prioritize what gets power and when. Generac has committed its efforts to ensuring that the PWRcell solution meets the needs of homeowners and installers alike with performance, reliability, and flexibility.


Leclanché's LeBlock is a safe, fully modular, and scalable energy storage solution for large installations, microgrids, and EV fast charging systems. LeBlock reduces the total cost of ownership, and environmental footprint, through simplified logistics and installation, possible reconfiguration, and easy return for recycling at the end of its life cycle. Each BatteryBlock ships with fully pre-installed and configured battery racks with up to 745kWh of lithiumion batteries, including a temperature management and standard fire protection system. Four interconnected LeBlock blocks form a standard 20ft ISO container with no packaging waste or need for additional transport containers.

LS Cable & System USA

LS Cable & Systems USA offers low voltage 300V and 600V instrumentation cables for control systems, audio, intercoms, energy management, and alarm controls; low voltage 600V control and power cables for industrial or utility power or station control circuits; medium voltage 5kV through 46kV power cables for wind and solar applications, as well as primary power and distribution circuits, in full compliance with US industry standards.

Michels Corporation

Michels supports North America’s energy needs by developing energy transition solutions in decarbonization, including solar, wind, hydrogen, carbon capture, and renewable natural gas markets. They bring decades of expertise to the installation of overhead and underground medium-voltage collection systems, overhead and underground transmission lines, substations, switchyards, interconnects, and battery storage. Their offshore wind capabilities include trenching, laying and burying inter-array export cable, dredging, placing ballast, and repairing foundations, subsea structures and cables. With their turnkey services, they connect energy from offshore generation facilities to onshore delivery systems.

Paladin Power, Inc.

Paladin Power energy storage system (ESS) is an all-in-one residential battery and hybrid inverter solution that is designed to be on or off grid, low cost, easy to install, and can power all circuits in a home plus EVs. Paladin is an NEM 3.0 solution for solar installers. Scalable inverters to 21KW and stackable batteries from 24KW to 96KW all in the same cabinet without having to add additional equipment or components. Everything, including batteries, inverters, and connections are enclosed in one system making it easy to install. Paladin ESS is SGIP approved in California including UL 1741, ETL, CEC, IEEE 1541, and UL 9540a. Paladin can be used for residential, commercial, EVs, farms, and more. Paladin Power ESS comes with a 20-year warranty and is approved with popular lenders for B2C. It gets better; Paladin has a unique logistics and delivery system that can provide for delivery of the unit to your end user customer when the contractor is ready for installation.

Peak Power

Peak Power offers a full end-to-end battery energy storage system solution. They enable industrial facilities, commercial buildings, and battery storage developers to improve profitability while pursuing broader net zero goals. Peak Power provides a variety of financial models, including no-cost options by leveraging financing partnerships. They work with utilities, local authorities, and service providers to deploy the energy storage systems. Their in-house markets and operations team control the batteries using their software. They stack competing value streams and maximize economic benefits while preserving the health of the assets.

Primoris Renewable Energy

Primoris Renewable Energy is a power generation EPC specializing in utility and commercial scale solar, power delivery, and energy storage markets. With over 1.7GWh of projects completed and under construction, they offer engineering design, pre-construction, supply chain procurement, integration, self-perform construction, power delivery, and O&M services. Their national reach and local workforce including dedicated energy storage expertise and O&M capabilities allows them to leverage their long-term relationships with all major BESS equipment suppliers to successfully design and execute greenfield, brownfield, and co-located utility scale energy storage projects.

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Building resilient energy solutions today for a brighter tomorrow. Wind | Solar | Energy Storage LEADING AMERICA TO A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE

QPO Energy

QPO energy manufactures battery modules, battery packs, and inverters with fire safety technology. Made in USA.

RESA Power

RESA Power’s NETA-certified technicians ensure that energy storage systems operate at peak performance, reliability, and safety. They offer a wide range of services, including safety and compliance, thorough commissioning and testing, reliable maintenance and condition monitoring, troubleshooting, customized system design, and engineering, seamlessly integrated energy management systems (EMS), and reliable backup power solutions. RESA Power has 40+ offices in the U.S. and Canada.

Rolls Battery Engineering

Rolls' S-Series 48V 100Ah LFP ESS lithium battery is a complete energy storage system providing 100Ah nominal capacity scalable up to 16 units. Featuring a fully integrated screen and controls, state-ofcharge indication, external breaker access, and CAN bus and RS-485 connectivity, Rolls S48-100LFP ESS may be installed in the optional modular cabinet or a standard 19'' 4U racking system, delivering >6000 cycles @ 80% DoD, all backed by a 5-year full replacement manufacturer warranty.

Shoals Technologies Group

Shoals provides electrical balance of systems (EBOS) solutions for utility-scale solar. Shoals also provides customized and semi-customized BESS solutions to EPCs, OEMs, construction firms, utilities, developers, and asset owners to fit each site’s unique needs.

Univix Power Solutions

Spark Power

With a portfolio of nearly 150MWh in completed and contracted projects across Ontario, Canada, and expansion into the US, Spark Power optimizes battery energy storage system (BESS) projects by providing OEM direct warranty, commissioning, and O&M services for most models of BESS technology. They offer end-to-end services, from custom technical and field engineering solutions to equipment procurement tailored to their client’s O&M strategies. Additionally, they provide network monitoring, implementing SCADA/data acquisition systems for optimal performance, committing to 24/7 emergency support, including site monitoring, proactive maintenance, and detailed event reporting.

The Bank is a complete energy storage device that provides power for on-demand use, including all of the capabilities of a standard generator. The Bank is a green solution that includes built-in solar charge controllers. It can also be charged from other alternative sources like wind or water turbines. Powered by a pure sine wave inverter, The Bank provides a straightforward setup with easy integration. This product is easy to install, with an electric drive that makes transport simple and easy. With surge protection and 20ms transfer times, The Bank provides reliable backup for a home.

Weidmuller USA

With Weidmuller’s industrial connectivity and digitization solutions, they offer added value from battery management to power back-up, connectivity or Ethernet communication. Newly available, battery connectors round out Weidmuller USA’s energy storage portfolio for BESS applications, allowing the connection of the battery modules in just a few simple steps. From battery storage, connectors, and power conversion to HVAC/fire control, surge protection to combiner and marshalling boxes, Weidmuller USA covers the power, data, and signaling needs for BESS.

Battery Testing, Inspection, Safety

Bender Inc.

Insulation monitoring devices detect symmetrical insulation and DC faults that often occur in control circuits and DC voltage networks such as those found in battery energy storage systems. When insulation resistance is monitored, trend curves and other predictions can be made. A permanently installed iso685 from Bender Inc. is a solution for monitoring battery energy storage systems because faults and locations are automatically detected and displayed. This significantly reduces time and effort required for maintenance work.

Chroma Systems Solutions, Inc.

Chroma 62000E Series of Programmable DC Power Supplies provide single-channel output of 1.7kW, 3.4kW, and 5kW, as well as three channel of 1.7kW output each configured in a high power density 1U chassis. The 28 models offer fixed- and autorange output with current ratings up to 22.5A and voltage ratings up to 1200V. The 62000E series provides constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) modes so that users may switch the output priority based on testing requirements. Along with its high precision measurement output, its high-speed transient response and low noise satisfies a variety of devices and test applications in both labs and automated test system integration.


TWAICE’s Battery Analytics Platform is a convergence of deep battery knowledge, artificial intelligence (AI), scalable cloud software, and real-life battery data. It creates a single source of truth for how batteries should be effectively developed and operated, simple, low-cost, and high-value. The software is leveraged to successfully eliminate risk and enable opportunities like launching new business models and revenue streams by providing predictive battery analytics, addressing key concerns throughout the entire life cycle. From energy storage systems to commercial vehicles and more, the Platform offers holistic battery modeling that’s flexible to match customers’ needs.

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BESS Safety


VIGILEX ENERGY protection solutions are passive products with a specific design that integrates the environmental and technical constraints of BESS. The DUAL-VENT is a double action product with NFPA 68 and 69 certification. The first action of the dual-vent is gas venting, the product opens sideways when gas is detected inside a container. The second action of the dual-vent is explosion evacuation, in fact this dual-vent is equipped with an explosion panel to release the overpressure.

Civil Contractor


YAK ACCESS provides site access and construction services. Located throughout the U.S., their crews, equipment, and yards align with their customers’ project locations. Their solar site development begins with clearing crews ranging from mechanized teams to hand fellers working quickly and efficiently to clear sites. They begin with earthmoving, grading, trenching, backfilling, and more for the successful development of the solar farm or battery storage site. From ground protection mats to erosion control materials, they assess the project and implement solutions to mitigate any environmental concerns. Installing piles and posts is close to the final stage of their process.




c3controls operates a complete UL508A certified panel shop while offering over 15 million+ configurations of electrical control components. Products include pilot devices, emergency stops, miniature circuit breakers (MCBs), disconnect switches, terminal blocks, and much more. MCB product lines include UL489 and UL1077 as well as UL489B MCBs which are rated 250V per pole up to 1000Vdc. Vertically integrated and based in the USA, c3controls delivers products that come with a same-day shipping guarantee and a lifetime warranty.

Churod Americas, Inc.

Churod Electronics is a manufacturer of switching components for ESS, solar inverters, EV chargers, and other green energy markets. Their CHEV/CHPV series of HVDC contactors are rated to switch up to 600A and as high as 1500Vdc for PV, ESS, or EV charging. Churod offers a broad suite of AC inverter relays from their 31A@277Vac CHFN series to their 270A@1000Vac CHAR series, all with wide contact gaps to meet global regulatory standards. The CHDC contactor series offers low to medium DC voltage switching between 200A and 500A. Latching and non-latching solutions are available. With a wide assortment of samples in stock, Churod has a ready solution to any project’s switching needs.

HELUKABEL supports manufacturers, installers, and operators of renewable energy generation and storage by offering a broad range of UL/ CSA products from power and medium-voltage infrastructure cables for connection and grid feed-in, to fiber optic and data cables for network communication. Additionally, they offer cable accessories including connectors and glands, as well as pre-assembled cables ranging from cordsets to vehicle charging. Their technical team works closely with customers to provide customized solutions for special applications that meet all environmental conditions and design standards.

KG Technologies, Inc.

KG Technologies, Inc. provides high-quality customized switching, measurement, and protection solutions for renewable energy, EV charging, and battery storage applications. Products include latching relays, HVDC contactors, current transformers, hall-effect transducers, and circuit breakers.


The Littelfuse Energy Storage Rack (ESR) fuses are designed specifically to protect battery racks from a range of fault currents to help prevent equipment damage and expensive system failures. The 1500V direct current (DC) high-speed square body fuse is fast-acting to respond quickly, safeguarding the battery module or other devices in energy storage, power conversion, DC common bus systems, and hybrid photovoltaic battery energy storage system (PV-BESS) inverters. The ESR is a Class aBat partial range fuse with short circuit protection and a low minimum breaking capacity, from 300% or three times the fuse rated current to a maximum DC fault current of 250kA.


Electrification in construction, marine, agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and other industries is a critical trend in clean energy.

Mersen D100QS and D70QS series fuses were developed in response to market need for DC fuses in these industries. D100QS and D70QS high-speed fuses are Mersen’s next evolution for the protection of high-power conversion applications for those industries shifting to DC systems. DQS series fuses are specifically designed to reduce the I2t, peak let-through current, and arc voltages during fault conditions to protect applications such as battery charging systems, electrical energy storage systems, and other DC components like relays and contactors.

Paige Renewable Energy

Paige has provided wire and cable solutions for over 65 years. Paige offers 35kV, 2kV, 600V PV, hybrid aluminum/wire cables, and more. Paige offers engineered solutions including a field-modifiable Insulation Piercing Connector, CU to AL transitions, overmolded harnesses, and string extenders and jumpers. All orders can be custom labeled and kitted with coordinated shipping and delivery, for a plug and play installation.

Schaltbau NA

Schaltbau North America, an international supplier of safety-relevant electromechanical components since 1929, develops and manufactures contactors, plugs, and switching systems with a focus on (DC) technology. These products work across industry applications, including high-voltage battery management systems for electric vehicles, charging stations, and battery test stands, etc. The DC technology is embedded in their newest production facility, enabling significant contribution to energy savings.

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SIBA Fuses

SIBA designs and manufactures advanced circuit protection fuses for a wide range of applications, such as BESS, PV, AC and DC semiconductor applications, Traction, AC and new 1000VDC UL drives, Transformers: dry, under-oil, and overhead, capacitors, filter and harmonic banks, and their line of circuit level SMD and miniature fuses. SIBA’s full line of fuses can be found in large installations from capacitor banks to BESS installations, from the battery level to the substation.

WAGO Corporation

WAGO has added a new member to its Compact Controller 100 family with the introduction of the 750-9401 Controller. This controller has a dual core processor with a mix of 18 digital and analog onboard I/O channels. With its small footprint, it also comes equipped with a RS-485 serial port, dual Ethernet ports, a USB-C port for direct configuration connection, as well as a CANopen communication port. The CANopen port makes it easier for the expansion of applications where more digital I/O may be needed or connecting to other devices such as sensors or J1939 enabled devices. This compact unit is programmed with CODESYS 3.5 software that is free of charge or can be used with Docker containers for running opensource applications.


Techspan is an independently owned distributer of CSA approved electrical and automotive products, providing these products to the Canadian market for the last 30 years. Their Fusetek line includes a wide range of solar fuses and fuse holders, as well as the IMO solar product line. They carry a substantial inventory to provide fast, reliable delivery for their customers.

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WEH designs and manufactures high-quality nozzles, breakaways, receptacles, filters, and check valves for hydrogen refueling and has become a partner to the automotive industry in this technology. Safety, ease of operation, and the well-executed design make WEH H2 products a solution for manufacturers for H2 filling stations and fuel cell vehicles worldwide.

Contract Manufacturing

PEKO Precision Products

PEKO is a contract manufacturer that provides full-service engineering, manufacturing, assembly, and integration solutions for OEMs of green energy storage systems (ESS). They offer support in the areas of engineering development, DFMA, NPI, and full-scale production in volumes of tens to thousands of units per year. With teams of mechanical engineers and certified electricians, PEKO is equipped to handle high voltage applications and comply with various electrical safety requirements, like IP-620, UL, and CE. They also have a dedicated supply chain team that works closely with key sector commodities to ensure efficient production and timely delivery.

Cooling Systems | Thermal Management

Bergstrom, Inc.

Bergstrom’s reliable and high-performance thermal management systems help keep batteries in a narrow temperature range to improve the overall performance and cycle life of a battery energy storage system. Bergstrom offers energy storage HVACs with a cooling capacity beginning at 4.5kW and above and air-cooled chillers at 8kW, 15kW, 20kW, and 40kW, covering a wide range of C&I and grid scale applications. The units feature advanced hardware drive, intelligent control algorithm, and service orientation.

Marvair and ICE; Brands of AirX Climate Solutions

Marvair and ICE air conditioners are used to cool electronic and mechanical equipment shelters used in energy storage. Due to the high internal heat load, these shelters require cooling even when outside temperatures are 60°F (15°C) and below. Marvair and ICE air conditioners have the necessary controls and components for operation during these temperatures. Marvair and ICE air conditioners are installed on the exterior of the building, no interior space is required. Two openings in the wall allow for the conditioned (supply) air to be discharged into the building and for the indoor air to return to the air conditioner.

Pfannenberg USA

Pfannenberg offers comprehensive thermal management solutions to cool electrical components including PLCs, inverters, and batteries housed in enclosure cabinets. There are three distinct cooling methods for energy charging and storage applications, passive cooling with Filterfans, active cooling with the DTS Series closed loop cooling units, and liquid cooling with chillers that are utilized in battery storage cabinets. With proper sizing and implementation, proper thermal management can ensure optimal performance and longevity while preventing heat related failures and costly downtime.

Cyber Security

Iron Spear Information Security, Ltd.

Iron Spear is a Canadian cyber security advisory and management firm specializing in building, operating, and measuring cyber security programs across a variety of industries in both IT and OT environments. They deliver robust and cost effective cyber security services to Canadian and American organizations including measuring the effectiveness of current cyber security programs, assisting with certain components of a program, or building brand new cyber security programs.



Wesco partners with providers of sustainability products and solutions, including manufacturers of solar photovoltaic modules, inverters, racking, balance of systems (BOS), and energy storage. Their partnerships combined with their distribution network ensure customers have the right products when they need them to quickly scale to meet the demands of the marketplace.

Electric Heavy Equipment

Volvo Construction Equipment

The ECR25 Electric compact excavator offers zero emissions and low noise levels, reduced energy costs, improved efficiency, and low maintenance requirements. Its batteries store enough energy to power it for up to eight hours in most common applications. A 240V Level 2 AC setup is recommended, which allows for a charge time of about six hours. An off-board fast charger can bring it to 80% power within an hour. Another perk and cost-saving opportunity is maintenance: no oil, oil filters, diesel particulate filters, or DEF. The ECR25 Electric is part of a six-model lineup of electric excavators, wheel loaders, and an asphalt compactor.

Electrical Energy Storage Eaton

Eaton’s xStorage Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is useable in peak shaving, time of use optimization, load shifting, backup power, and demand response applications. This solution is designed to pair comfortably when deploying solar power generation to meet building codes, financial incentives, carbon reduction, and resiliency goals. It offers a fully self-contained liquid cooled inverter and battery cabinets, removing the need to install in a large container for outdoor deployment. The xStorage BESS is available from 250kWh to 1MWh useable energy and backed by 275+ field service engineers.

Stäubli Electrical Connectors

Stäubli Renewable Energy provides high precision solutions and decades of experience harnessing solar energy. Stäubli connectors have connected over 650GW globally. Their original MC4 connectors and tailor-made solutions for electrical balance of systems (eBOS) applications enable PV profitability for sustainable success.

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Wagan Tech

The Lithium Cube EX18 portable power station features a long-lasting LiFePo4 battery, fast-recharging, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), pass-thru charging, can parallel with other units, and has a full-featured color display. The Lithium Cube EX18 is suitable for around the house, DIY crafters, overlanders, RV'ers, campers, off-grid living, emergency back-up, outdoor markets, kid’s sports, and so much more. With the ability to be recharged via AC (wall outlet), DC (car socket), solar, wind turbine, and water turbine, the Lithium Cube EX18 provides versatility for many applications.


Nel Hydrogen

Nel Hydrogen manufacturers Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers, which, when connected to a source of renewable energy, produce Green Hydrogen at scale. Alkaline cell stacks come in 2.3MW blocks and PEM units are available in either 10MW cell stack modules or as 1.25MW and 2.5MW containerized systems. They can be grouped together into electrolyser plants for larger production rates at the MW and GW levels. The hydrogen can then be sold to industry, burned in a turbine, or run through a fuel cell to put the stored energy onto the grid during periods of low generation or peak demand. PEM electrolysers are also used by renewable energy plants to balance the power put onto the grid.


Day Ahead Instrumentation

Day Ahead Instrumentation's low voltage protection solutions replace pole mounted reclosers at an affordable price. Standard Trip-only relays work with any shunt trip device. Trip/Close, Return to Service models are available for use with motorized breakers and are utility compliant and test switch ready with integrated 8-hour DC UPS. Powered by SEL: 751 standard, all relay models available. UL 508A listing available. Day Ahead Instrumentation provides turnkey multifunction relays and RTUs for interconnection requirements for utility scale and C&I applications. Assemblies configurable for DTT, MPLS, or SCADA interface with wired, fiber, or wireless coms.

EZ Solar

EZ Solar's mission is to make solar simple with products that are high-quality, installer-friendly, and cost-effective. They offer junction boxes for every installation including asphalt/composite shingles, tile roofs, and a universal rail-mounted box that works with any rail. EZ Solar has also launched CableLoc, a new tool-free wire management solution that is built to last the life of the asset with a stainless-steel core and round polymer jacket making it gentle on wires, all while being easy to use with its fastening and slack storage mechanisms. All EZ Solar products are backed up with a 25-year warranty.

North American Clean Energy 101 STAY AHEAD AND STORE. SOLAR ENERGY AT ANY TIME. Power your home during an outage with stored energy. Keep your appliances safe and running. Sustainable clean energy storage with solar power. Find out more:

Maysteel Industries, LLC

Maysteel designs and fabricates custom sheet metal enclosures to support renewable energy technology, including energy and battery storage, fuel cells, and electric vehicle (EV) charging. From meeting NEMA standards and UL requirements to improving product scalability, they ensure their product can withstand environmental stressors and protect internal technology.

Sentinel Control Products, Inc.

The Sentinel “CS” Family of Control Switch Safety Covers protects manual and electrically operated control switches from accidental operation, ensuring that workers can safely protect, lock, and tag a circuit breaker control system. Their covers are made from high-impact clear ABS. Allowing view of the control switch position and indicators. The CS-1 is easily added to existing rotary control switches, requires only a few minutes, no drilling required, no need to disturb the wiring. Options include a Hinged Cover, Narrow Cover, Mini Cover, and Magnetically Mounted Cover. The CS-1’s locking tab accepts multi-lock hasps or single padlocks. Their Control Switch Safety cover is compatible with all major switches manufacturers and are “UL recognized components (file 480471).


Trachte provides pre-assembled buildings to keep crucial equipment safe. Trachte buildings are available with extra security features like exterior wall ballistics protection, up to UL 752, Level-8). UL-rated bullet-resistant materials can be added to Trachte’s structural-steel framework while maintaining energy efficiency, thermal performance, and resistance to water intrusions. Trachte also offers hurricane and tornado hardening, fire-resistant construction, and EMP resistance.

Energy Storage Systems

Blue Planet Energy

BlueWave by Blue Planet Energy is a home energy storage system that is a fully modular, all-in-one unit, easily installed by a single technician in just one hour. Crafted in the USA, BlueWave offers energy storage capacities ranging from 3kWh to 48kWh, featuring non-toxic lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries. BlueWave is a turnkey solution, inclusive of inverters, addressing serviceability concerns and simplifying installation. Expandable in 3kWh increments, it provides a cost-effective option for homeowners to charge during the day, avoiding peak evening rates.

e-On Batteries, Inc.

e-On Batteries, a Fort Worth, TX area supplier with national scope, is a developer of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) based energy storage systems with a focus on product safety. The company’s UL 1973 listed and CEC approved and listed modules are engineered as scalable building blocks to enable larger systems, and its 19" rack-mounted modular systems are easily configured from 12.8kWh residential systems to 4.8MWh container-based systems and more. With over 20 million deployed calls and zero catastrophic failures, combined with cell-level BMS monitoring and control systems, expert engineering liaison and certified installers, e-On Batteries provides full value to their customers.

MK Battery

MK Battery introduces the DEKA Duration DD5300, a 52V nominal, 5.3kWh battery module utilizing Lithium Iron Phosphate technology. Tested and validated, and branded with the DEKA name from East Penn Manufacturing Co., this modular design allows for either wall mount or floor mount installation and is stackable up to eight modules high. Stocked in the U.S., the DD5300 is a universal module that has a programmable BMS, dual usage, for low voltage and high voltage applications. Low voltage (52V nominal, 5.3kWh to 212kWh). High voltage (208V to 1000V, 21.2kWh to 763kWh). Remote monitoring and firmware updates are just one click away on any smart phone, utilizing an app.

Energy Storage SystemsCommercial

Fortress Power

The Avalon High Voltage Energy Storage System is the newest innovation from Fortress Power. The system combines a hybrid inverter, high-voltage battery, and a smart energy panel. The Avalon HV ESS is an all-in-one, whole-home backup system. The system offers versatile indoor or outdoor installation options, providing flexibility in its deployment. With a scalable storage capacity of up to 176.4kWh, users can adapt the system to meet their specific energy needs. Smart load management capabilities enable control over up to 12 circuits, such as HVAC, pumps, water heaters, and more. The integrated modulelevel rapid shutdown transmitter enhances safety and regulatory compliance.


SUNSYS HES is a complete range of native outdoor battery energy storage systems designed for on-grid and off-grid applications. It supports various applications, such as photovoltaics self-consumption, peak shaving, EV charging infrastructure reinforcement, backup power, genset optimization, and others. It is available in a variety of power and energy configurations, to provide a customized system size. This range enables energy cost-savings while increasing energy sustainability in the event of a grid failure. Adapted for small to large commercial and industrial installations, SUNSYS HES meets the needs for both behind-the-meter and front-of-the-meter projects.

Energy Storage Systems - Grid-


Gruner AG

Gruner AG offers high-current relays for various applications. As a provider of high-current relays for energy management, they offer customized solutions for the specific requirements of their customers. They offer relays for multiple applications, from controlling individual loads to switching off the entire household supply and for use in Li-Ion batteries. Their relays are developed in Germany and manufactured in Serbia, Tunisia, and India. To ensure high quality, precision, and reliability, they work closely with their production facilities in cross-functional teams.

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Sargent & Lundy

For more than 130 years, Sargent & Lundy has provided broad-scope services on battery energy storage projects, including engineering, consulting, construction support, and EPC services. Their experience spans the spectrum of markets, applications, interconnection requirements, and technology types. Clients include utilities, developers, financial institutions/ lenders, constructors, and manufacturers.

TMEIC Corporation

TMEIC offers the Solar Ware Ninja, a photovoltaic inverter and energy storage system. The advanced PV inverter is modular and stackable for multiple PCS power blocks. The system is configurable into multiple solutions, including PV only, stand-alone energy storage, or as a PV+ESS independent solution. Application flexibility is built-in, with multiple ratings allowing customization for small, 2MW projects up to large-scale projects.

Trimark Associates, Inc.

Trimark delivers end-to-end solutions to challenges facing the profitability of BESS resources including regulatory compliance, DC-metering, designating idle-state, and unified PV+BESS control. They offer solutions from concept to commissioning and beyond.


Rolls offers premium deep cycle lead-acid batteries in the widest range of voltage and capacity options available for residential & commercial applications.

Sinexcel, Inc.

Sinexcel‘s modular 1500Vdc Storageonly Power Block, offers up to 2 power modules for a power range of 150kW to 430kW. Packed with a built-in aux power and DC panel, the NEMA 3R/IP54 cabinet is compatible with various batteries. It efficiently operates with 800-1500Vdc battery string, connecting to 480/550/600/690Vac grids. Suitable for C&l and utility application and complex operational conditions.

Now, the new R-Series & S-Series drop-in LiFePO4 lithium batteries, and 48V 100Ah ESS, include a suite of custom features specifically designed to meet the needs of industry professionals. Choose our deep cycle flooded lead-acid batteries, AGM & GEL VRLA models, or

LFP lithium solutions for your off-grid and backup energy storage applications

North American Clean Energy 103

Energy Storage Systems - Off-Grid


Aggreko’s 30kVA and 60kVA energy storage modules provide customers with a clean energy option for their mobile power needs. The 30kVA (65kWh) and 60kVA (120kWh) batteries are all-inone solutions that can be easily connected to an existing power system, providing immediate and cost-efficient energy storage for any number of commercial and industrial applications. Charging can be completed in as little as three hours, and the containerized nature of the batteries means they are delivered with inverters, HVAC, fire protection, and auxiliary components all in one unit.

AIMS Power

AIMS Power offers everything needed for an off-grid and backup power system. They have a large selection of DC to AC power inverters, solar, racks, generators, batteries, solar charge controllers, wire, and other accessories for a complete power system.

AIMS Power has been in business for over 20 years providing energy independence to thousands each year. They can design custom systems for back up or off-grid applications in homes, businesses, or smaller operations.


PowerPanel offers its GEN2O Thermal Storage system to HVAC design and contractor professionals for domestic hot water, space heating, and chilled water storage solutions. The 350 gallon (1350 liter) and 2250 gallon (8500 liter) capacity tanks offer cost effective thermal storage. The design allows for installation in many interior or exterior locations where other solutions cannot be placed. The Made in America GEN2O thermal storage solution qualifies for a 40% Federal Tax Incentive under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Energy Storage Systems - Residential


The Anker SOLIX X1 Home Energy Solution’s ultraslim design seamlessly integrates into any home decor, offering intuitive interactions through sleek aesthetics. The X1’s modular design optimizes energy storage by supporting up to six battery packs per system (30kWh/6kW) or up to six systems in parallel (180kWh/36kW). The X1's independent battery pack operation enhances energy yield by 3-5%. During blackouts, the X1 swiftly switches to off-grid mode in under 15ms, ensuring uninterrupted power. Operating in extreme temperatures (-4ºF to 131ºF), the X1 is reliable, making it a solution for homes seeking advanced energy storage capabilities.

Atlas ESS

Atlas ESS has new whole house RJ Tech energy system with full certifications including UL9540A, UL9540, UL1973, andUL1741. 41kWh of storage per stack, expandable. 12kW inverter, AC coupled, DC coupled, wind, generator. 20-year warranty. Financing available.


BMZ Power4Home (P4H), a new modular high-voltage residential ESS featuring “plug-and-play” installation in under 30 minutes by one person with no special equipment. P4H can be precisely sized with two to eight 64lb (29kg) LFP modules for 6.6kWh to 26.7kWh (usable) energy using one, two, or three slim 4.5'' IP55 housings. Up to four systems in parallel delivers 106.8kWh (usable) into one battery input, compatible with leading HV hybrid inverters. P4H is manufactured by BMZ USA, Inc. in Virginia Beach to qualify for IRA Domestic Content 10% ITC, UL 1973/UL 9540 certified, and German-engineered with wall-mount and floor stand configurations and optional thermal management system. BMZ offers Power4Home or custom residential, C&I, or containerized ESS.

Canadian Solar

Canadian Solar's EP Cube, a smart residential storage system, is designed for fast and easy installation, as well as time and cost savings. It offers a sleek design, stackable expandability, and PV system compatibility. Generator and EV-ready features ensure comprehensive solutions, with the lightweight product streamlining the installation process. The new EP Cube Lite provides efficient NEM3.0 grid-tied energy storage with fast commissioning.


Dyness Orion series is an all-in-one energy storage system with safe performance and flexible capacity up to 19.9kWh. Equipped with an external HM inverter, it helps users to realize power sufficiency.

Electriq Power

Electriq Power’s PowerPod 2 is an integrated residential energy storage system designed to store and manage solar power. The system offers a high power output of 7.6kW and 96.6% round-trip efficiency. The PowerPod 2 is available in three capacities to meet homeowners’ energy storage needs without oversizing their systems and to maximize utility bill savings. The PowerPod 2 features LFP battery chemistry and intelligent software that enables the system to cycle through multiple operating modes, allowing users to manage energy usage for optimized performance. The system is OpenADRcertified and ready for ADR program integration, facilitating participation in utility grid services programs.

EnergyBin, LLC

EnergyBin is an online business community for the world’s PV professionals to collaborate, buy and sell new and used solar equipment, and share market intelligence. Sellers can list residential and commercial ESS products for sale, including QCELLS, Generac, Sonnen, Tesla, LG, Panasonic, and EnerSys. Buyers can send RFQs to members to receive multiple quotes for batteries, ESS wall units, and stand-alone storage systems. Members can network with industry professionals for business opportunities. Solar companies from across the supply chain are members of EnergyBin. The B2B exchange is a subscription-based service and does not charge transaction fees.

104 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// Starting at $14,400

towers for a maximum of 60kWh of backup power. The PowerPillar offers installers a high profit margin through a streamlined direct-to-installer distribution model, simplified installation procedures, and competitive pricing, enabling partners to boost revenue and expand installation capabilities while passing on substantial savings to customers.

GreenPWR, Inc.

The SunHopper-D from GreenPWR is modernizing solar hot water systems. The SunHopper inverter includes a learning algorithm which monitors usage, weather conditions, electricity rates, and installation parameters to minimize energy cost to the homeowner while providing a reliable hot water source using backup electricity or fossil fuels. The SunHopper uses a dedicated PV array and wires to off-the-shelf electric immersion storage water heaters to make installation as simple as possible and reduces energy consumption by as much at 80%. The SunHopper also supports off-grid installations to provide a simple renewable water heating system

LG Home 8 is a residential energy storage solution, designed for easy installations with a scalable design, versatile stacking, and a 10-year limited warranty. Prioritizing advanced battery tech, safety, and straightforward installation, it provides more power and increased capacity. The all-in-one system includes the Home 8 battery, Smart Energy Box, ThinQ Smart Monitoring, and EnerVu for fleet management. With streamlined engineering, it ensures seamless integration, minimizing setup complexities and saving installers valuable time.

for 180 kWh in



Battery Modules.

North American Clean Energy 105
-13511 Crestwood Place, Richmond, BC, V6V 2E9, Canada + 1.778.776.3288 Lithium energy storage systems for residential off-grid solar, microgrid and whole home backup power. Indoors or outdoors, the AES RACKMOUNT Slimline
is economical,
Unlock the full potential of Discover Lithium batteries with
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installs fast and offers the smallest footprint for 30k kWh of low-voltage energy storage. Parallel up to six enclosures
closed-loop configuration. Slimline Enclosures come pre-assembled with a DC bus bar
battery cables
hosts up to six AES
LYNK II Communication Gateway by enabling the BMS to optimize
configurations of hybrid inverter-chargers in a closed-loop
- Schneider, Victron, Sol-Ark, SMA, Studer.

Lion Energy

The Lion Energy Storage System, the Lion Sanctuary, is a reliable, smart energy system providing the power needed during emergencies or high-demand situations when the grid is strained. This solution helps reduce costs while easily controlling how homeowners store and use energy. The Lion Sanctuary base system provides enough energy for basic needs, 13.5kWh, and can be expanded to 40.5kWh or more to cover larger needs. It is a hybrid system so it can be used it off-grid, with solar, wind, or the grid. It is a complete system with an efficient built-in 8kW with 15kW peak inverter, and a safe and long lasting lithium iron phosphate battery system.


The EVERVOLT Home Battery System is a residential solution that supports both DC and AC coupling, making it a versatile solution for new and existing solar installations. This fully integrated storage system combines a hybrid inverter, lithium-ion battery, and the new EVERVOLT SmartBox, to offer maximum 18kWh lithium-ion battery capacity. To store excess power, homeowners can stack up to four EVERVOLT storage systems to a single SmartBox to achieve up to 30kW of power and 72kWh of usable energy to provide maximum power and meet heavy demands. This system is covered by the EVERVOLT AllGuard All System Warranty which protects the system, performance. and labor for up to 12 years.

PointGuard Energy

PointGuard Home is a powerful new 5-in-One Residential Energy Storage solution engineered for flexibility and safety. A PointGuard Home stack can be designed with storage capacity ranging from 5.2kWh – 39kWh. Every PointGuard Battery includes 7 temperature sensors, Aerogel insulated padding, a pressure sensitive valve, and a built-in fire extinguisher. Each PointGuard Energy Controller manages up to 5 PointGuard batteries, along with up to 22.8kW of PV across up to 4 MPPT. The PointGuard Controller can be commissioned at the output that is right for each project, from 3.8kW up to 11.4kW, while working with a single SKU. Combine PointGuard Home with PointGuard LoadHub to connect up to 3 stacks and create a smart microgrid capable of providing backup power when the grid is down.

Qcells North America

Qcells' Q.HOME CORE is the newest generation energy storage system from Qcells, and it integrates a solar inverter (Q.VOLT) with a modular, scalable battery system (Q.SAVE) and backup interface (Q.HOME Hub). Q.HOME CORE provides a complete energy solution and inclusive 10-year product warranty on all components and customer support from one brand. A flexible, scalable design that enables a wide range of storage capacities to suit a homeowner's electricity needs; up to 200A whole home backup; standard integrated revenue grade metering; simplified installation and commissioning; compact design and sleek appeal; and NEC rapid shutdown compliant. The Q.HOME CORE pairs well with Qcells modules.


Runhood Power

Runhood Power’s new Dual ESS 3600 can, not only be used to stack and store more than 25kWh of power for home use, it is also mobile. With a trolly design, it gives customers the added value and convenience to connect and carry nearly 11kWh any place anyone needs power. Suited to home storage of solar power, emergency power back-up, camping, recreation vehicle vacations, events, and as a mobile worksite power source. Each unit stores 3600wH with a 3600 pure sine watt output and a 7200W surge. With mobile app, output and generation can be monitored in real time from any location.

SMA America

Sol-Ark offers energy storage for C&I and residential needs, seamlessly integrating with battery manufacturers like Lithium HomeGrid's Stack’d series and Fortress Power's eVault and eFlex. Sol-Ark's hybrid inverters ensure energy independence for commercial and home applications. Lithium HomeGrid's Stack’d Series suits residential and small commercial projects. Fortress Power's eVault Max 18.5kWh, a lithium iron phosphate battery, is an all-in-one solution scalable up to 370kWh, suitable for off-grid, back-up power, self-supply, and peak charge reduction. Sol-Ark's collaboration guarantees a reliable, efficient energy storage solution.

The ROYPOW residential energy storage system is an all-new solution for achieving home energy independence. It features a DC-coupling conversion efficiency rate of 98%, a power output of 10kW to 15kW, and a flexible battery expansion of up to 40kWh. These combinations are powerful and ensure the residential ESS can provide power to more home appliances in an outage or during peak time of use (TOU) hours, providing substantial savings on utility bills, while maintaining core strengths such as electrical freedom, smart controls that are APP-based, and complete safety, making energy independence and resilience readily accessible to all.

At the heart of the SMA Home Energy Solution is the new, Sunny Boy Smart Energy hybrid inverter. This system enables both immediate energy use and storage in one single device. SMA Backup Secure is back, previously Secure Power Supply. SMA’s solution provides daytime energy to a dedicated power outlet during grid outages, providing homeowners with access to power as the sun shines. With its high-speed battery charging capabilities to its easy installation and handling, this newest offering will provide a capable, flexible solution that empowers homeowners to take control of their energy.

Engineering Consultant

Clean Energy Associates

Clean Energy Associates helps buyers and long-term owners of solar and storage equipment buy the right products and ensure they are properly manufactured and installed. CEA helps their clients understand what is really happening upstream in supply chains and production facilities and downstream in project design and execution. CEA's global team has helped their diverse customer base understand industry trends and market dynamics, select the best suppliers, negotiate contracts, carefully audit production processes, test equipment in the field, and perform technical and acquisition due diligence.


Structural deliverables include stamped structural design and calculations (framing capacity)with an engineer certification letter as required by the city/AHJ. Stamped structural upgrades, if needed, stamped structural design and engineering for ballasted and ground-mounted solar systems. Wet stamped deliverables with standard UPS 2nd day air, if required. Electrical design and engineering for solar installations with or without battery energy storage systems (ESS). Electrical engineers perform NEC validation, which include equipment selection, review, and approval. Solar design stringing equipment, wires, and conduit sizing, OCPD sizing and interconnection review and approval.

Electric Power Engineers

Electric Power Engineers is a power systems and energy engineering consulting firm that specializes in from concept to commissioning to compliance for energy storage developers and owners. EPE's expert team of engineers and consultants delivers innovative and reliable solutions, and provides a commitment to modernizing the grid and advancing energy storage technologies.

Enertis Applus+

Enertis Applus+, an engineering consultant in the energy storage product lifecycle, offers advisory services for battery storage systems (BESS) from materials planning, to manufacturing, to construction/ commissioning. With 30GWh of storage experience for 175+ projects in 15 countries, Enertis Applus+ provides value-added storage services that include hands-on consulting for energy storage chemistries/ suppliers/integrators with bankability reports, advice on regulatory-related impacts optimization of energy storage dispatch based on regional revenue stream and use case, and technical contractual due diligence on integrating storage with existing operating assets (solar/wind).


Current Renewables Engineering
At Stryten Energy, we’re using real-world applications of vanadium redox flow battery technology for long-term storage of renewables such as solar and wind. It’s just one way we’re helping power the U.S. transition to a clean energy future. Learn more at


The GreenLancer platform connects solar companies and EV charging station contractors with design and engineering firms familiar with local permitting, engineering, and interconnection requirements. Services include solar permit design, solar engineering, EV charging station plan sets, engineering reviews, and PE stamps.

INS Engineering

INS Engineering serves their customers by offering a blend of their automation tool and expertise in power systems, studies, and ISO specifications. They provide interconnection, model development, and system studies, ensuring efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and precision in every solution they deliver.

Mayfield Renewables, Inc.

Established in 2007, Mayfield Renewables is an engineering consultancy delivering various services, including design engineering, specialized consulting, and educational programs to solar and energy storage companies. They focus on mid-market (C&I) solarplus-storage, and microgrid projects, and products spanning engineering, marketing, sales, and support.

Mott MacDonald

Grid-connected battery storage projects are becoming commercially viable for many applications: reducing system and peak demand, providing standby power, improving frequency response, and more. Mott MacDonald has the full range of skills required to plan, engineer, implement, and manage commercially successful battery storage projects across a wide range of applications.

NEO Virtus Engineering

NEO Virtus Engineering offers a wide range of engineering studies, including arc flash, coordination, load flow and power loss, grounding resistance, thermal (duct banks), flicker, harmonic for DER interconnection applications, and Issued For Construction (IFC) designs. NEO Virtus also offers solar analytic services including performance modeling in PVsyst and SAM, P50 and P90 statistics, capacity testing ASTM 2848-13, NREL Weather Corrected Performance Model, Sandia photovoltaic array performance model, alternate maximum circuit current modeling per NEC690.8, DC and AC voltage drop calculations, and decommissioning reports. NEO has IP in PV forecasting for day ahead/hour ahead applications.

T&M Associates

T&M Associates provides professional engineering and environmental services to their clients to develop efficient, cost-effective solutions. Their team has experience with design/bid/build and engineer/procure/construct (EPC) delivery methods for public and private sector projects, including energy storage, PV, microgrids, EV charging, and integrating energy systems into power grids. Services include preliminary assessment, financial analysis, civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering, environmental resource studies and impact assessment, land use planning, permitting, project and construction support, and financial incentive assistance.

UL Solutions

UL Solutions’ advisory services help integrate energy storage into renewable energy projects to identify and mitigate risks, improve energy yield, increase revenues, and maximize success. From hybrid power system modeling and optimization to technical due diligence, UL Solutions offers comprehensive advisory, due diligence, and owner’s engineering services. UL Solutions’ engineers support energy storage projects by identifying technology risks, reviewing warranties and performance guarantees, evaluating augmentation strategies, planning resources, and financial reviews, such as capital and operations expenditures.

EPC Services

Black & McDonald

Black & McDonald is an integrated, multitrade service provider that safely delivers high quality construction, facilities management, and technical solutions to government, institutional, and industry clients. Black & McDonald is an EPC and O&M service provider with in-house engineering, multi-trade craft labor, testing and commissioning, and operations and maintenance support on utility scale energy storage projects. The firm is also well positioned to leverage its expertise in the energy storage sector to provide turnkey energy storage capabilities to both private developers and regulated electric utilities.

Burns & McDonnell

Burns & McDonnell is a family of companies bringing together a team of more than 14,500 engineers, construction and craft professionals, architects, planners, technologists, and scientists to design and build critical infrastructure. With an integrated construction and design mindset, they offer full-service capabilities. Founded in 1898 and working from 75 offices globally, Burns & McDonnell is 100% employee-owned.

Hypower, LLC

Hypower is a utility-scale self-performing BOS/EPC solar contractor based out of Fort Lauderdale, FL. The company works nationally, currently licensed in over 30 states. Hypower has over 800MW of experience in the solar industry focused solely on ground-mount projects over 20MW.

Westwood Professional Services

Westwood assists in permitting, engineering, and surveying from early-stage development to construction. With their power experience, Westwood can design a reliable and resilient energy system to create a more stable grid. Energy storage facilities can be standalone, large-scale, paired with renewables, or part of a microgrid. They have completed large standalone and hybrid projects, including DC- and AC-coupled projects, as well as containerized and building-based systems.

108 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// $48,000 L E A R N M O R E A B O U T U S

MBA Energy & Industrial

MBA specializes in navigating Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) compliance, aligning projects with guidelines for tax benefits. Their experts ensure strict adherence, eliminating guesswork, and enabling clients to realize advantages, with timely execution and budget control. In 2023, MBA contributed to 30+ industrial structures and process facilities. Their portfolio includes gas gathering facilities, H2 and N2 facilities, RNG facilities, compressor buildings, and more. Over 90% utilized the design/build approach.

Norwich Solar

Norwich Solar is an EPC provider of large commercial and utility scale solar, and energy storage. They provide reliable turnkey solutions for both internally and externally developed projects throughout Northern New England. Their experience and community-based approach has helped them successfully complete hundreds of solar projects projects for renewable energy developers that directly benefit communities, local businesses, affordable housing providers, and nonprofits.

Solvest, Inc.

Stronghold Engineering, Inc.

Stronghold Engineering, Inc. (SEI) provides services in design build, construction, and O&M of battery, energy storage solutions. With extensive past performance working on installing STEM projects across Southern California, they are a turnkey solar and battery developer, installer, and O&M provider. Additionally, they have done extensive work on large solar array projects, solar carports, rooftop systems, ground mounted systems, landfill ballasted systems, and EV charging.

Solvest is a northern EPC provider offering diverse photovoltaic projects and resilient off-grid systems. Solvest prioritizes sustainable development across the North by fostering client relationships, supporting northern communities' access to and investment in renewable energy, and collaborating with 20+ Indigenous partners in the Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, BC, and Manitoba. The company’s PowerBox is a large off-grid system tailored for the specific needs of mines and exploration camps, providing an insulated and retrofitted sea can housing inverters, batteries, and other off-grid equipment, seamlessly integrating with on-site renewable assets.

Inc www sinexcel us NEMA3R Rated Easy to Configure Battery System Compatible Flexible Power & Capacity Utility Grid Licensed Global Certified DCDC Converter □ NEMA3R □ 500-1500Vdc
Multiple MPPT: 1/2/4
100kW-750kW per cabinet □ NEMA3R □ 480/550/600/690Vac □ 700-1500Vdc
500kW- 2MW per cabinet □ Grid-tied and off-grid 1500Vdc C&I and T&D M odular Energy Storage & M icro-grid Solutions ® Storage-only Power Block 50kW -430kW cabinet ndependently or in parallel □ Built-in Aux Power & DC panel □ 480/550/600/690Vac □ 800-1500Vdc □ Work with independent battery cabinet □ Grid-tied and off-grid Complex Operation Conditions

Tropenas Company

Offering engineering services for utility-scale solar and storage, Tropenas Company provides turnkey electrical and civil permit packages. With 4+GW of interconnection applications and designs, their multi-state local engineers will lead any portion of a solar project.

Designed blending contractor field experience with value engineering, Tropenas’ designs incorporate and clearly communicate lean solutions, enabling fast installation and long durability, improving profitability. Example offerings: stamped electrical and civil permit drawings, independent engineering, medium voltage, and substation design.

EV Charging


The Rhombus 120 is the latest EV charging innovation from BorgWarner that provides dual-channel, simultaneous charging, and a combined high-power single-channel output option for high-power vehicles. Made in the USA, the Rhombus 120 is based on two 60kW power blocks that can run individually or in parallel to deliver 120kW. This latest EVSE technology can charge two EVs simultaneously at 60kW through two dispensers or a single channel of 120kW when only using one dispenser, providing a charging solution suitable for commercial use or mixed EV fleets.


EvoCharge allows their partners to provide powerful DC fast charging stations for automotive, medium- and heavy-duty applications at their properties. The EvoCharge power stations easily expand to meet charging needs as the demand for DC fast charging increases, allowing for reduced upfront costs and the ability to increase the number of ports and power as needed. The EvoCharge Mobile DC Charger provides up to 50kW of fast charging on a moveable platform that only requires a 480Vac power supply for users who don’t want a fixed installation.


The PowerCharge Pro-Lightning Commercial Charging Station is easy to install, and is reliable and durable. With the aluminum and stainless steel housing, the Pro-Lightning will not rust. The Pro-Lightning comes fully assembled, pre-commissioned, and tested. Simply bolt it down, connect the power feeds, and turn on the power. Available in multiple configurations and power levels, a model is available for most commercial applications.


Sparkion, a Vontier company and part of its EVolve e-mobility portfolio, provides on-site energy management with its SparkCore system. This hub optimizes distributed energy resources, seamlessly integrating storage, solar, and EV charging.

SparkCore communicates with on-site renewables and storage, maximizing benefits. Sparkion focuses on EV charging infrastructure and fosters energy resilience by maximizing on-site renewables.

Fire Protection

Stat-X Fire Suppression

Stat-X's environmentally sound aerosol fire suppression technology safeguards valuable assets, minimizes operational downtime, and ensures employee safety. The Stat-X total flooding system is effective on lithium-ion battery fires through extensive third-party testing. It limits thermal runaway, suppresses fire, integrates with various detection methods, and it activates based on temperature.

Hybrid Systems

Duracell Power Center

Duracell Power Center offers a full ecosystem of solar, energy storage, and EV charging products including microinverters and AC-coupled as well as hybrid ESS solutions. Duracell Power Center’s Hybrid Storage System is a versatile home energy solution that is easy to install and loaded with features including a generator input. The sleek, compact and scalable Duracell Max Hybrid provides 15kW AC power and 25kWh of expandable battery capacity. It is a solution for new installations as well as for retrofits.

Icarus RT, Inc.

Icarus is developing Quartet, a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal plus storage system. Quartet cools PV panels to increase the power output of the panels 12-18%. At the same time, Quartet doubles the panel's total energy output by co-generating and storing hot water. Commercial and industrial facilities can use this water to meet demand during evening, nighttime, or emergency use, resulting in a lower natural gas bill. Quartet can be a solution for new and existing buildings by providing PV power, meeting their hot water demands, and reducing emissions from electricity and gas. A 100kW Quartet system will have an ROI between 3-4 years.

Installers Solar Optimum

Solar Optimum is a certified installer of solar, battery, and roofing installations for the residential and commercial markets in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Florida.


CE+T America

Stabiliti 30C3 is a 3-port bidirectional (AC/DC/DC) converter which easily interconnects to various power sources to offer high performance. Stabiliti 30C3 allows users to configure for peak shaving, energy arbitrage, and microgrid. As PV and batteries are the most expensive part of a complete system installation, Stabiliti 30C3 lowers the total system cost with its internal high frequency galvanic isolation, and almost doubles the life of batteries and PVs by protecting them from grid transients.

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CPS America

The CPS 200kW/200kVA PCS Energy Storage Inverter is a high-power, threephase inverter designed for commercial and utility-scale grid-tied energy storage systems. Optimized for demand charge reduction, load shifting, and grid support services such as frequency response and voltage support, the 200kW PCS is well equipped for the North American environment and grid. Wide operating voltages and broad temperature ranges enable this modular inverter to operate at high performance across many applications. The CPS 200kW PCS is rack-mountable up to 1MW. Rack-level management reduces mismatch losses and enables battery mixing while drastically simplifying O&M with no special training required.

Fronius USA

Fronius Primo SnapINverter provides safety, reliability, and high energy yield, even with complex roof orientation or shaded conditions. With a power range of 3.8-15.0kW, this singlephase string inverter is suitable for residential PV systems and comes standard with integrated software for optimal performance, design flexibility, and scalability. Multiple MPP trackers together with Dynamic Peak Manager, their intelligent shade management solution, maximizes yield at string level without optimizers. Fronius Primo string inverter requires few connections and quick assembly, meaning less time on the roof, fast installation, and reduced chance of failure.


Growatt's new WIT Commercial Inverter and APX Battery Solution is for any application of 71-200kWh. The inverter can parallel to 300kW with a 98% efficiency and 110% continuous overloading, a DC/AC ratio up to 2.0, has UPS back up, and remote control capabilities. The APX Battery systems are IP66 rated, capable of built in new and old pack mixing, have a soft start, and passive fuse protection. Growatt also provides support and custom solutions.


Ingeteam’s Full Skid power station comes fully equipped with storage inverters (INGECON SUN STORAGE 3Power C Series), a step-up transformer, oil deposit, auxiliary services panel, MV switchgear, and auxiliary services transformer. This Full Skid solution was designed to optimize ease of transport. It can be transported directly by truck or ship inside a 40ft open-top container. Thanks to its plug and play design, it minimizes not only logistics needs, but also installation and commissioning, as it integrates the oil deposit, so there is no need to build one on site. This Full Skid C Series power station integrates two INGECON SUN STORAGE 3Power C Series inverters. These inverters deploy IP65 protection rating and a greater thermal stability thanks to a liquid cooling system.

Power Electronics

Power Electronics manufactures solar inverters for photovoltaic plants with its two main headquarters in Valencia, Spain and Phoenix, AZ. Their new generation of Freemaq PCSM is compatible with all battery technologies and with any type of storage application and has a power rating of up to 4200kVA. The Freemaq DC/DC converter is compatible with high-capacity BESS and communicates directly with the Freesun HEM solar inverter, allowing the operation of the hybrid installation to be optimized.

North American Clean Energy 111 SOLUTIONS TO PROTECT Clean Energy Production and Infrastructure Thermal Management • Enclosure and electrical cooling • Active or passive options Liquid Cooling • Water chillers with precise temp control • Air/Water Heat Exchangers Audible & Visual Alarms • For alarm, warning & indication events • Protect people and processes FIND OUT MORE

Sineng Electric Co., Ltd.

Comprised of 200kW string PCS, Sineng’s EH-3200/4000-HA-MR-US-34.5 MV turnkey station is designed for utility-scale energy storage projects. Its rack-level battery management enhances charging and discharging capacity, while the modular design expedites on-site replacement within just 1 hour, significantly augmenting system availability. This solution allows for the mixed use of old and new batteries, reducing initial investments on the DC side, and thereby improving return on investment. Featuring intelligent detection of battery internal resistance, early warning, and the temperature control system, the solution ensures advanced safety and extends the lifetime of batteries.


Sol-Ark has designed three solutions (Lite, Essentials, and Whole Home) for NEM 3.0. Sol-Ark Lite (8K-1P) is a powerful hybrid inverter which can be cost-effective from 3kW – 10kW. It is battery agnostic, integrating with any 48V battery, and provides a no-back-up option. For homeowners that want a partial or whole-home back-up, Sol-Ark Essentials (12K-2P) and Sol-Ark Whole Home (15K-2P) are suitable. Sol-Ark Essentials, capable of powering a range of appliances, and Whole Home, a complete whole home back up, come equipped with 200A pass through built-in to the hybrid inverters that allow for clean, fast installation, and no additional gateways. Sol-Ark’s software architecture enables battery choice, allowing the best battery for the solution, today and in the future. Installers can easily prioritize cost, warranty, feature sets like battery heaters, or ease of installation.


SolisHub and S6 hybrid energy storage inverter are a whole-home backup solution. Flexible and efficient wholehome backup is easy with the new Solis Hub and S6 hybrid energy storage inverter solution which offers a wide range of applications, customizable sizing, EV and generator integration, easy installation, and comprehensive monitoring with the SolisCloud App. The SolisHub makes true whole-home backup possible, connecting multiple S6 hybrid inverters to provide up to 34.2kW of continuous power output and up to 96kWh of storage capacity. The 200A SolisHub also offers load shedding and generator auto-start capabilities.

Vroom Solar, Inc.

Vroom Solar’s solar-direct, load management technology delivers power on demand, just as a tankless water heater delivers hot water on demand. Neither requires a storage component. With Vroom Solar, solar power is used on-site, anywhere, without a battery. The Vroom Solar 3000 is a personal solar power management station with four AC outlets and a solar fuel gage. A fully integrated Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) allows a battery, generator, or even the grid to power the Vroom Solar AC outlets if solar energy is not enough to sustain loads connected (or at night). No permitting, no hardwiring, no programming, no maintenance, and made in the USA. The Vroom Rack adjustable, mobile racking system provides instant power in a trailer or shipping container with no roof-penetration required.

Yaskawa Solectria Solar

Introducing the SOLECTRIA XGI 1500-DCG models which provide solutions for ground-mounted utility-scale PV systems, with models available for service connections at 600Vac and 480Vac. Designed to work with First Solar's PV modules, these models feature an electrically grounded DC input, ensuring performance and longevity. The XGI 1500-DCG Series inverters feature SiC technology, high power, and high efficiency.

Yaskawa Solectria Solar designs all XGI 1500 utility-scale string inverters for high reliability and builds them with high quality components. The XGI 1500 inverters provide grid-support functionality and meet the latest IEEE 1547 and UL 1741 standards for safety. Engineered in Lawrence, MA, the SOLECTRIA XGI inverters are assembled and tested at Yaskawa America’s facilities in Buffalo Grove, IL. The XGI 1500 inverters are made in the USA with global components, and are compliant with the Buy American Act.

Manufacturing Equipment

Kurdex Corporation

Kurdex is a supplier of large area vacuum deposition and etch equipment for R&D, pilot, and high volume manufacturing (HVM). Products include sputtering, evaporation, PECVD, spatial ALD, ARC-CVD and plasma etch tools. Standard and custom systems configured for in-line, cluster, and R2R with full automation. Substrate sizes up to 2300MM rigid or flex, wafers, glass sheets, or roll of flexible materials. They also offer an applications lab for contract coating services, DOE, and technology development.


New Sun Road

New Sun Road's Stellar Microgrid OS remotely monitors and optimizes fleets of renewablesbased distributed power systems in real-time. Remotely monitor all systems in a single dashboard and drill down to see the smart devices in each system. Find and resolve issues fast with automated notifications, ticketing, and a graphical interface to compare systems. Remotely reboot systems. Maximizes system renewable energy usage and minimizes fuel costs in hybrid systems. Effortlessly generate periodic reports showing performance and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.


Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Hoymiles new generation microinverter

HMT-2000-4T-208-NA series is designed to accommodate the high-powered PV modules, with maximum output power up to 2000VA and maximum DC input current up to 16A. The 4-input design enables fast installation and low cost, and makes the HMT-2000-4T-208-NA series a cost-effective choice. The new Sub-1G wireless solution enables stable communication with Hoymiles gateway DTU. Smart platform S-Miles Cloud makes it possible to modulelevel monitoring and remote O&M.


NEP’s BDM800 is a two PV panel microinverter providing 800WAC and supporting two modules up to 1200WDC. Rule 21 ready and CEC listed. Residential and Commercial 208VAC applications. Shipping today via national distributors.


Dukosi Limited

Dukosi’s chip-on-cell monitoring solution measures, monitors, and stores temperature and voltage at each cell and delivers all information to the main BMS controller via contactless communication using C-SynQ. This communication protocol has been designed specifically for large (battery-size) networks in safety-critical environments. Cell-level monitoring can unlock more energy per cell, improving performance and safety, while ensuring battery longevity. Moreover, lifetime traceability at each cell can extend the useful life of the battery/cells, helping meet regulatory compliance, and creating a sustainable battery value chain.

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Electroswitch Switches & Relays

The Electroswitch ARGA Series 1000 Utility Substation battery monitor provides monitoring the following, over/under voltage alarms, +/ground faults alarms, open cell detection alarm, AC charger power loss alarm. The ARGA Series 1000 comes standard with hardwired outputs, Serial DNP 3.0/Modbus outputs, and Analog I420mA output to monitor battery strings 24/7 remotely. The Series 1000 has the option to monitor open circuit/open strap (meets TPL-0051), and corrosion detection. The new advanced nameplate interface features, accessible front panel setup menu, simplified calibration, setup, and alarm setpoints. The LED display identifying alarm conditions, plus an audible alarm.

Power Electronics for PV Solar Systems

Enteligent, Inc.

The Enteligent NMax family meets NEC 690.12 and CSA C22.1 requirements, provides PV module power optimization, and delivers real-time panel-level monitoring. With solidstate tech, Enteligent NMax RSDs + Optimization intelligently engage active power optimization only when needed, otherwise operating at 99.8% efficiency, minimizing heat generation and increasing reliability. Enteligent NMax Rapid Shutdown Transmitters bi-directionally communicate to deliver panel-level performance data that help diagnose rooftop issues and validate installation integrity from the ground. SunSpec RSD Certified and plug ’n play compatible with leading PV inverters.

Power Electronics for Storage Systems


Dynapower energy storage systems maximize PV production and profits. Using the right battery system enables a renewable energy project to extend production hours and capture additional revenues. Their new DPS-1000 DC converter offers high power capacity, reduced cost of installation, and droop control for paralleling up to 6MW. Adding energy storage through their DC-to-DC converter allows for the capture of clipped energy that exceeds the PV inverter ratings as well as energy generated in the morning and evening, when voltage on the array is below the PV inverter’s “wake-up” threshold.

Safety Work Apparel

KEEN Utility

New for Spring '24 KEEN Utility’s Kenton is a retro-inspired work shoe reinvented with lightweight protection for all-day workflow. With a wide toe and snug heel, the Kenton boasts a responsive KEEN.ReGEN cushioning that provides up to 50% energy return to help keep feet and legs feeling fresh, even during long workdays. In addition to all-day energy-returning comfort, the Kenton features low-profile protection including carbon-fiber safety toes and a slip-resistant rubber outsole to help wearers stand strong through all the movement of their workday. Available in several different color ways and collar heights for men.


on a Skid

Compact, Turnkey Solution

Intelligent, autonomous, and scalable Watt2Go (W2G) microgrid electric power solution, mounted on an 8'x20' skid, can be transported and deployed in less than a day. This product is exclusively offered by CE+T America and its strategic partners, AEG International and Direct Energy Partners.

Our stand-alone microgrid was specifically designed with everything needed to deliver and maintain safe, resilient and secure electric power to keep your business operating, communities and remote locations safe during adverse outages due to unplanned events, severe storms, and natural disasters.

CE+T America delivers innovative power conversion solutions to system integration and project development partners, enabling renewable energy sources for both on and off grid applications.

W2G Solutions

Commercial & Industrial Facilities

Mission Critical Business

Public Infrastructure Projects

Hostile or Remote Areas

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Our Partners

8'x20' W2G skid, transportable by truck, includes our modular field- proven UL1741SB Stabiliti power conversion ecosystem, localized/cloud EMS asset management (i.e., combination of conventional, new generation DER technologies and 9450A BESS), transformers, T&D equipment, protection controls, and auxiliary AC/DC power assets.

Safe, Fast Deployment

The W2G plug and play microgrid can be set up in less than a day. Black-start asset protection capability goes from complete shutdown condition to operating condition with no external source.

Cost Effective

Turnkey power systems from a single-source reduce equipment/permitting redundancy, system CAPEX, operating complexity and increases microgrid system reliability (MSR).

EVSE Infrastructure

As a modular solution the size of a parking space, W2G can be deployed quickly and be relocated via truck from one fleet facility to another if needed. Also, it is capable of being stacked to MW size with full interoperability to meet the needs of larger fleets. W2Gs can bring additional multiple fleet location savings meaning there would be one cost (legal, due diligence, insurance, etc.) for all W2G sites.

For more information, please contact us by emailing

North American Clean Energy 113
ITEM W2G90/172 W2G120/172 W2G120/215 W2G120/258 W2G150/258 W2G150/344 W2G210/430 W2G240/516 Max Sustained Power (kW) 90 120 120 120 150 150 210 240 Nominal Energy Capacity (kWh) 172 172 215 258 258 344 430 516


Tech Products, Inc.

Tech Products, Inc. is a global source for quality identification products for the renewable energy industry including, cable tags, tower (aerial) markers, and signs. Their products range from adhesive transformer labels to long-lasting substation signs following all of the latest ANSI, OSHA, and NESC standards.

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems

Celebrating 40 years of manufacturing in the USA, Vision Engraving & Routing Systems builds quality, precision machines for creating code-compliant solar labels in-house. Costing less than out-sourcing, creating solar labels in-house can save a business time and money. Vision’s rotary systems are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful fumes or require an air filtration system. Vision offers small desktop-sized machines up to 4ft x 8ft routers/engravers. Vision’s systems come with advanced software that features job preview, auto serialization, and more. Users can make PV tags, plates, labels, placards, OSHA-compliant signs, metal tags, and more.

Software Supplier ACCURE Battery Intelligence

ACCURE provides a predictive battery analytics platform for energy storage owners and operators. The platform empowers companies to reduce risk, enhance performance, and maximize the business value of their energy storage investments. ACCURE’s advanced AI algorithms simplify the complexity of battery data and deliver clarity to system management. ACCURE’s software is able to optimize the performance and safety of energy storage systems.


PowerTrack, AlsoEnergy’s flagship application that is now on Stem’s Athena platform, is the all-in-one application to meet the needs of commissioning, monitoring, optimizing, and controlling a clean energy portfolio or fleet. Backed by depth of data for high-quality analytics, the insights from PowerTrack enables intelligent decision making, leading to improved financial and energy performance.

ENACT Systems, Inc.

ENACT offers a two-sided software platform for solar and energy storage projects. ENACT ENVISION is used by developers and installers to remotely design complete solar and storage solutions, as well as finalize contracts and track execution. ENACT ENGAGE is used by end-customers to track financial savings, energy usage, and predict their future outcomes. The platform is used in 23 countries by thousands of users, with over $1.5B of projects annually.

muGrid Analytics

muGrid Analytics' Redcloud Energy Management System (EMS) closes the gap between design-phase ROI predictions and operational economic performance. Redcloud EMS is used to optimize energy generation and consumption at buildings, campuses, feeders, networks, and bases so that clients meet their energy resilience and sustainability goals at minimum life cycle cost. muGrid provides bankable techno-economic optimization of renewable energy, energy storage, and microgrids throughout the project life cycle from feasibility to operation for project developers, EPCs and ESCOs, hardware vendors, utilities, and property owners with data-driven advisory and design services throughout the project life cycle.

PcVue, Inc.

PcVue Inc. the North America affiliate of ARC Informatique, provides an advanced, highly flexible, and scalable HMI and SCADA software platform for automation solutions that are easy to configure, quick to deploy, and have a low total cost of ownership. Dedicated foremost to provide customer service and support to end users, value added resellers, OEM, or system integrators, PcVue provides a service oriented proactive collaborative approach to meeting automation and industrial control system cyber security requirements. Their software is used as the foundation for automation, monitoring, and control in energy production and distribution for EV systems.

Safer. Smaller. Smarter.

The Natron BluePack™ sodium-ion battery takes up less room, offers incredibly reliable backup power and doesn’t use rare-earth minerals. Designing Short Duration/Hybrid Battery Energy Storage Systems just got a whole lot easier.


Peaxy Battery Analytics is a modular, cloud-based solution that unifies battery lifecycle data to improve profitability across the entire battery value chain. They ingest data from available sources such as sensors and BMS’s to aggregate, tag, and thread data down to the individual asset serial number, and apply machine learning to build a predictive data landscape. AI algorithms provide insights into battery SOH/SOC, expected performance, and risk assessment.

114 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
© 2024 Natron Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. nat ron ener g y


PowerDev allows renewable energy contenders to make decisive and sustainable battery storage and green hydrogen investments. The predictive SaaS platform harnesses historical and real-time big data in ever-changing power market conditions to run multi-dimensional models for swift and continuous decision-making.

PXiSE Energy Solutions

PXiSE software manages all the renewable generation assets and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) on a network through a single platform for maximum efficiency and economic benefit. Suitable for handling complex configurations with multiple and variable distributed energy resources, PXiSE’s products help utilities, developers, and campus energy managers derive the maximum value from their BESS by enabling the BESS to serve multiple use cases, including those related to resiliency, power smoothing, and participating in energy markets through ancillary services.

Radian Generation

Radian Generation software manages the life cycle of renewable energy starting with land acquisition, all the way to profitable power production for solar, wind, and energy storage. It leverages cloud computing, expansive databases, and industry processes enabling organizations to monitor and manage business operations. It is scalable, adaptable, and secure. It has tools to address industry challenges and optimize systems by streamlining data acquisition, visually enhancing analytics, and facilitating timely accurate reporting. With Radian Digital, renewable stakeholders have access to real-time operational information from one source, so they can make data-driven decisions from anywhere.


Stem helps solar EPCs, project developers, electrical contractors, and installers with modular clean energy solutions, including modeling, procuring, and optimizing solar + storage projects. Their AI-driven enterprise software platform, Athena, enables organizations to deploy and unlock value from clean energy assets. Stem provides the software, hardware, and services needed to successfully scale behind-the-meter and utility-scale portfolios.

TGS Prediktor

PowerView is an asset management platform design for utility-scale solar PV portfolios. It is a software that enables performance monitoring with real-time data, advanced analytics that empowers an informed and data-driven decisionmaking, which will drive down costs and maximize production. Features include data ingestion, AI-driven tools for precise loss estimation, performance analytics, and forecasting. It operates according to industry-standard protocols and open information models that enable plug-andplay interoperability solutions that are repeatable across assets and portfolios.

Transect, Inc.

Transect is an online platform that provides comprehensive and reliable information about protected ecosystems, permitting requirements, and various environmental risks in minutes. Their renewable development tool enables land developers to find, assess, and select a project site based on their automated, in-depth Transect Report. Transect provides all the information found in a traditional environmental site assessment, as well as factors like transmission line and distribution data.

UL Solutions

UL Solutions HOMER software helps users rapidly design and optimize the value and performance of energy storage systems, microgrids, and distributed generation, whether standalone, grid-connected, behind- or front-of-the-meter. Products include HOMER Pro for determining the least-cost renewable energy-plus-storage microgrid; HOMER Grid for designing behind-the-meter, grid-connected systems that charge EVs, reduce costs and peak loads, and lower carbon footprints; and HOMER Front to maximize the technical and economic performance of utility-scale energy storage and hybrid systems.

North American Clean Energy 115 Don’t get caught o guard when we deliver this FAST. Delivering quality faster. 3x faster! LS Cable & System USA lead times are the best in the business. Order today and get your product months ahead of the competition. So fast you might not be ready for it.

Virtual Peaker

Virtual Peaker has crafted software solutions designed to help utilities better plan and shift load as needed, with predictable and reliable outcomes. They help their utility partners decarbonize, digitize, and decentralize, to build a smarter, more flexible grid.


Yokogawa's sensor to enterprise solution for renewable assets is elevated by a Collaboration Information (CI) Server. Transcend intermittency and enhance reliability through a standardized control and integration platform. This server facilitates the seamless sharing of real-time data, empowering an entire company with advanced analytics and KPI dashboards, irrespective of geographical boundaries. Tailored for renewable power assets, the CI Server SCADA overlay ensures optimized decision-making based on insights derived from high-quality data so managers can maximize the overall performance and profitability of their assets.

Solar Canopy Systems

VCT Group, Inc.

Heliostation Solar Canopies combine shelter and power generation. In locations where a rooftop system is not an option, they offer a diverse line of Heliostation solar canopies that can adapt to any site plan. Whether for a renewable energy retrofit, or a new facility, their modular designs maximize energy production and provide shelter from the elements. The watertight canopy can improve a facility’s parking experience by providing rain and snow management that goes beyond power generation.


EPEC Solutions

To meet the unique challenges of the solar industry, EPEC developed an LV switchboard family from the ground up. A family consisting of UL 891 switchboards 400A to 4000A, 480Vac through 800Vac. EPEC’s solar specific features include thermal engineering to eliminate nuisance tripping (standard gloss white paint, oversized bus, utilization of electronic trip MCCBs), direct connection with MV transformers (typically saving over 10k in installation cost), and 800Vac UL certification with molded case circuit breakers. 480Vac - 600Vac now available with 100% domestic content.

Testing | Certification

Dewesoft LLC

DEWESoft Power Analyzers combine the functionality of a power analyzer, scope, FFT analyzer, data/transient logger, and power quality analyzer simultaneously. Sampling all channels up to 15MHz continuously, are used for motors, inverters, batteries, chargers, power electronics, renewables, and more. All DEWESoft hardware platforms can be synchronized together and expanded as projects evolve. Video, and GPS, DEWESoft can integrate with many industrial buses (CAN, XCP, OPC UA, Serial, MODBUS, Ethernet, etc.). DEWESoft X software ties everything together and is a powerful user-friendly data acquisition software.

116 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// May 20–22, 2024 Chicago, IL

Fluke Corporation

Fluke Battery Analyzers are test tools for maintaining, troubleshooting, and performance testing individual stationary batteries and battery banks used in critical battery back-up applications in data centers, telecom networks, power distribution systems, and more. With an intuitive user interface, a compact design, and rugged construction the Fluke Battery Analyzers are designed to provide optimum performance, test results, and reliability.

Thermal Runaway Suppression

Fike Blue

Fike Blue is a third-party tested solution that suppresses cascading thermal runaway. Fike Blue is a liquid agent that completely fills a battery module, submerses the malfunctioning battery cells, and absorbs the intense exothermic heat without breaking down because of its boiling point of more than 400°C. The thermal runaway suppressant uses less liquid than the water required by sprinklers or fire fighters, resulting in less runoff into the surrounding environment. Furthermore, the agent does not fall under the family of PFAS, many of which are currently under investigation around the world.


MVA Power

MVA Power is a distributor, manufacturer, and supplier who provides quick delivery and short lead times. Focusing in electrical power and clean energy, and providing service and products ranging from transformers to wire and cable and hardware, their team of engineers specialize in the detailed design and manufacturing of transmission, distribution, substation, telecommunications, and light rail transit structures as well as the supply of medium and high voltage equipment.

Shihlin Electric USA

Shihlin Electric provides power transformers, distribution transformers, and EV chargers to the renewable energy industry.

Transportation | Logistics

Cornerstone Systems

Cornerstone Systems provides international and domestic freight, container drayage, transloading/warehousing, truck, LTL, intermodal, railcar, specialized shipments, and job site delivery. Qualifications and certifications include GSA Approved Carrier, DOD Approved Carrier, Hazmat Certified, SmartWay Certified, and member of Transportation Intermediaries Association, Transportation & Logistics Council, and the American Trucking Association. A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau.

FBD Logistics

FBD Logistics specializes in handling dangerous goods, specifically battery-based products like PPS, ESS, and solar panels. Offering a comprehensive 1-stop solution, including top-tier forwarding services, expansive warehousing with 11 locations nationwide, and after-sales services. FBD's headquarter is located in Los Angeles, CA. Holding ISO 9001, OSHA, NFPA certifications, FBD’s clients also benefit from reaching massive selling channels, including retailers, wholesalers, installers, and government agencies.

AWG specializes in wire, cable, hardware, and equipment solutions for wind, solar, EV and battery storage, and other renewable energy sectors. They offer BatteryGuard DLO cables cables used for powering battery energy storage applications. Other solutions include PowerGuard medium voltage cables, SunGuard photovoltaic wires, TowerGuard CCA, control cables, overhead aluminum T&D conductors, fiber optic cables, hardware, equipment, accessories, and more.

Wire & Cable
American Wire Group (AWG)
117 Find and assess your site in seconds! Learn More at Environmental risks Land slope In-depth soil information and more! With a click of a button, discover your site’s:

Direct Wire

Direct's DLO cable is a versatile and robust power solution, suitable for the energy storage industry, including EV charging stations, electric vehicle batteries, and various energy storage systems. This heavy-duty cable is designed for flexibility and durability in both portable and stationary settings. DLO is suited to applications in renewable energy sectors, construction sites, and challenging environments. Certified with UL RHH, RHW-2, CSA RW90 listings, and with MSHA approval, their DLO cable assures compliance and safety. Proudly manufactured in the USA, DLO is a reliable choice for connecting diesel engines, generators, and battery leads in advanced energy technologies.

Wire Management

CAB Solar

CAB Solar’s Above-Ground Cable Management with Integrated Grounding is manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped. This system uses a specially engineered grounding messenger wire strong enough to provide support functionality and evaluated to be conductive enough to serve as an Equipment Grounding Conductor (EGC) and a Grounding Electrode Conductor (GEC). The messenger wire includes #1, #2, and #3 Equivalent Options.

CAB’s Integrated Grounding System meets NEC and IEEE standards, and is ETL Safety listed by Intertek to UL 2703. CAB Solar is an above-ground cable management solution for the solar industry and provides simplicity of design, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness.

RayTray is a three-piece cap and tray wire from a non-metallic RPVC polymer. RayTray UL 3741 PV system designs and racking. arrays, is compatible with any electrical

118 2024 MARCH • APRIL /// MORE POWER. LEOCH® 48V LITHIUM BATTERIES Electric Vehicle Charging Wind Energy Services Planned maintenance, dedicated asset monitoring, and round-the-clock support. Spark Power delivers operations and maintenance, testing, analysis, support, and emergency service you demand to maintain operational e ciency and performance. Spark Power Magazine_Ad.pdf 4 2024-02-21 1:53 PM

APRIL 17-18, 2024


Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies within the industry.

North American Clean Energy 119

Keep REAP Off the Chopping Block

The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) is in danger, despite it providing key resources that support communities and the climate. Since 2008, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to rural small businesses to invest in renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements through REAP, which has been traditionally funded through the Farm Bill. In 2022, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), REAP received $2 billion for grants, providing additional funding that allowed eligible applicants to receive up to 50 percent of renewable energy project costs. Between REAP’s grant opportunities, the 30 percent federal tax credit from the IRA, and other incentives, many rural business owners will only have to pay a small fraction of the overall cost of installing solar. However, with the Farm Bill up for renewal, members of Congress are threatening to use the 2023 Farm Bill reauthorization to revoke funding for programs like REAP that deliver real, tangible economic benefits to farmers. This program, critical to our energy transition, cannot be defunded or discontinued.

REAP funds the transition to renewable energy

REAP has funded over $10 billion in projects for farmers and rural small businesses. By providing access to renewable energy to communities that may not have been able to do so without REAP grants, this funding bolsters solar equity – as it includes more people in the clean energy transition. These projects have also reduced recipients’ carbon emissions that contribute to climate pollution, while increasing their resilience to the impacts of climate change. By lowering costs, especially up-front costs, REAP ultimately accelerates our clean energy transition.

REAP helps rural communities

This funding directly impacts the communities these projects serve. Such grants are a vital funding source to continue to support rural environments, communities, and economies. Clean energy, notably, has a lower cost than traditional fossil-based energy sources, affording recipients the ability to reinvest the savings difference into other aspects of their businesses or the communities they serve.

REAP funding helped shore up the future of Green Valle Farm in North Newburgh, ME. The family-owned farm has been around since the mid 1800s, and has seen the impact of changing weather patterns and the rising costs of energy necessary to power the farm. Green Valle Farm sought a way to lessen their electric costs to ensure the farm’s economic viability for the years to come; through REAP grants, Green Valle Farm was able to do just that. They were able to access funding from REAP, making their onsite solar installation a much more attainable investment that would, ultimately, pay for itself through energy cost-saving. The benefits of solar are clear for Green Valle Farm; with a reduction of REAP funding, other farmers would not be able to do the same.

REAP helps to combat climate change

There is no question that our climate is in crisis. There is also no question that renewable energy sources produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions, and their rapid proliferation subsequently decreases the use of harmful fossil fuels that harm our Earth. With alarming temperature increases, rising sea levels, and more frequent extreme weather events, the climate crisis is inching closer to a point of no return. Rural areas are especially

vulnerable to the effects of climate change, which underscores the importance of taking direct steps to mitigating its impact on these communities.

Action is not optional, and we must have policies in place that ensure we will maintain a livable planet. REAP funding is just one step that can be taken to increase renewable energy to decarbonize our current energy infrastructure to combat climate damage – but it’s an important solution that provides equity and access to rural communities in our energy transition.

REAP grants have helped many businesses glean the benefits of renewable energy. They have made renewable energy and other energy efficiency projects more accessible and affordable to rural communities, all while providing tangible economic and environmental benefits. We cannot afford to reduce, let alone cut such funding completely. We cannot move backward when it comes to empowering solar equity. We must invest more in these communities; the Farm Bill and REAP are the paths to do so.

Fortunat Mueller, P.E. is the President and Co-founder of ReVision Energy, a missiondriven, employeeowned solar company operating in Northern New England. ReVision

// 120 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
Energy /
MAY 6-9, 2024


11-13 ACP Siting & Permitting Conference

The Broadmoor – Colorado Springs, CO;

12-13 RE+ Northern California

Santa Clara Convention Center – Santa Clara, CA;

18-21 NABCEP's CE Conference

Raleigh Convention Center – Raleigh, NC;

20-22 EV Charging Summit & Expo

The Mirage Hotel – Las Vegas, NV;


09-10 Clean Power on the Hill

TBD – Washington, DC;

10-11 Solar & Storage Live USA

Pennsylvania Convention Center – Philadelphia, PA;

17-18 RE+ Southeast

Georgia World Congress Center – Atlanta, GA;

17-19 Solar & Storage Mexico

Expo Guadalajara – Guadalajara, Mexico;


06-09 CLEANPOWER 2024 Conference & Exhibition

Minneapolis Convention Center – Minneapolis, MN;

06-09 IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition

Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim, CA;

14-15 RE+ Texas

George R. Brown Convention Center – Houston, TX;

14-16 Energy Storage Safety & Reliability Forum 2024 PNNL Campus – Richland, WA;

20-22 Midwest Solar Expo

Donald E. Stephens Convention Center - Chicago, IL;


26-27 Hydrogen Technology Expo North America

NRG Center – Houston, TX;


Double Tree by Hilton – Portland, OR;


18-19 RE+ Mid-Atlantic

Pennsylvania Convention Center – Philadelphia, PA;


09-12 RE+ 24

Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim, CA;

21-23 Electricity Transformation Canada

BMO Center – Calgary, AB;

28-30 ACP Offshore WINDPOWER Atlantic City Convention Center – Atlantic City, NJ; NOVEMBER

07-08 RE+ Midwest

TBD – Chicago, IL;

19-20 Intersolar North America and Energy Storage North America Texas Austin Marriott Downtown – Austin, TX;


Page Company Website

82 Abaris

42 ACE Clamp/PMC Industries


121 American Clean Power

59 American Earth Anchors

63 American Ground Screw

11 American Wire Group

3 APA Solar Racking

5 & 57 Baja








Bioenno Power
Blattner Energy
Brent Scarbrough & Company
Brooklyn Solar Canopy Co.
& 67 CAB Products
CE & T America
CPI Technologies LLC
Delta Steel
Detect OBC DEWESoft, LLC
Discover Energy Systems
e-On Batteries 24 Electric Power Engineers 69 Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund
& 108 Energetech Solar
EPEC Solutions, Inc.
Fluke Solar 43 Gripple 81 Heico Fasteners 61 Hercules Machinery Corporation 48 Heyco 16 INS Engineering 83 ITH Bolting Technology 44 Kinetics Solar 118 LEOCH BATTERY 115 LS Cable System 73 MBA Energy & Industrial 116 Midwest Solar Expo 71 Mistras 99 MK Battery 114 Natron Energy 84 Nord-Lock 7 Nucor Corporation 24 nVent HOFFMAN 30 Pacific Coast Wire & Cable 29 Paige Renewable Energy 56 Park'n Shade Inc. 106 PcVue Inc 111 Pfannenberg 77 Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation 41 Polar Racking 45 PV Hardware IFC PV Labels 37 QuickBOLT 49 RayTray Solar 101 RCT Power Energy Technology 119 RE+ 33 Renu Robotics Corp 15 RESA Power 74 Resolux 103 Rolls Battery 36 Schletter, NA Inc. 97 Shihlin Electric & Engineering Corp. 27 Sinclair Design & Engineering 109 Sinexcel 47 Snake Tray 93 Socomec 64 Sol-Ark 39 Solar Mounts 40 SolarPod 32 Solcast 66 Solis 10 Sollega 23 Soltec 118 Spark Power 80 Stahlwille Tools 17 Staubli 55 Structural Solar LLC 107 Stryten Energy 78 Takkion 118 Tech Products, Inc 35 TerraSmart 31 TGS 79 The Wesson Group 34 Trachte 117 Transect Inc. 51 Valmont Solar 58 VCT Group 28 Wesco 13 Word Rock Drills 21 YAK ACCESS 91 Yokogawa 38 Zilla
us your clean energy show and event listings. Email information to the editor at 122 2024 MARCH • APRIL ///
POWER MEASUREMENTS AND POWER QUALITY MEASUREMENTS Dewesoft LLC | 10730 Logan St, Whitehouse, Ohio 43571 | +1-855-DEWE-NOW (339-3669) |

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